Home General issues Raspberries sprinkled with sugar without cooking. How to prepare raspberries for the winter - all delicious recipes. Raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization

Raspberries sprinkled with sugar without cooking. How to prepare raspberries for the winter - all delicious recipes. Raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization

Since childhood, we know that raspberry jam is the best remedy from colds and all winter ailments. But how to keep all the vitamins in berries for the winter? The best thing is to make raspberries grated with sugar for the winter, according to my recipe without cooking and step by step photos.

For this method, raspberries are perfect, since raw berries will retain the maximum amount of vitamins, and for severe and cold winter this delicacy will be the best medicine. The raw raspberry preparation is so fragrant that in winter you will get a boost of energy and practically the rays of the sun.

Such a vitamin preparation will be able to keep you strong on a bad day, since raspberry jam is the best way to prevent many seasonal diseases. It is also worth noting that raspberries grated with sugar are eaten with pleasure by children who cannot be forced to drink pills, but here it turns out that medicine and a tasty treat are collected in one jar.

Cook for health, cook with pleasure!

Required products:

  • 500 grams of raspberries,
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar.

How to cook raspberries grated with sugar for the winter

We twist the raspberries through a meat grinder to a puree state. If the berry is homemade and you yourself picked it from the bush, then it is not necessary to wash it. If bought on the market, then you can rinse the berries with water and dry on paper napkins for reliability. The main thing in the washing process is not to crush the raspberries, but simply pour them into a sieve and rinse quickly under running water.

TO raspberry puree add all the sugar. Sugar is an excellent preservative and has been proven over the years. Our grandmothers also sprinkled fruits with sugar and kept them fresh until spring. The more sugar in the fruit, the fresher it will be. Therefore, the 1:1 ratio is the best and most universal., we can say proven.

Mix sugar with raspberries, and do not do it quickly, since the crystals should practically dissolve in raspberries. Stir for 3-5 minutes until sugar can be felt at the bottom of the dish. Why you need to knead for a long time: because sugar will not melt in the refrigerator, but on the contrary, it can crystallize even more and then the raspberries will simply crunch on your teeth. To prevent this from happening, you need to mix the fruit with sugar well.

We lay out the raspberry blank in sterilized and dry jars, fill to the top.

We twist the jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator for storage until the right moment. Even for the prevention of SARS, raspberries grated with sugar are great and will be your home doctor.

7 minutes to read

In the midst of the ripening of berries, each housewife tries to prepare them in as many quantities as possible. Raspberries are the most popular - they contain many useful substances, some of which are preserved even during conservation.

Harvesting for the winter can be done in many ways. various ways– this berry retains its beneficial features and in the form of jam, jelly, jam, jam, syrup. To preserve most of the trace elements and vitamins, you can use recipes that involve a minimum heat treatment. So, you can reduce the cooking time or do without it altogether.

ground berries

A harvest made in this way will contain almost all the vitamins and minerals that are found in fresh fruits. It is necessary to take washed raspberries and sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and crush in a bowl with a crusher. To preserve the taste of raspberries, it is better to use a wooden pusher and glass, enamel or plastic dishes.

Important! The amount of sugar in the recipe depends on the shelf life. So, if harvesting is done for the winter, the 1:1 ratio is maintained. If the mixture is stored for a year or more, the amount of sugar should be increased by 1.5-2 times.

Grind the berries to the desired consistency. So, the consistency will be more homogeneous if you grind them for at least 15 minutes.

Raspberries grated with sugar

It is best to store the berry mass in glass jars of small capacity - up to 0.75 liters. Before use, the container must be doused with boiling water.

The mass should be decomposed into jars, leaving a couple of centimeters at the neck. For better preservation of raspberries, a 1 cm layer of sugar should be poured into jars on top of it. Over time, it will turn into a strong crust that protects the workpiece from oxidation.

Advice! If the mixture is stored in a high humidity environment, the sugar may dissolve. When making jams for up to 30 days, you can not pour an additional layer of sugar.

Banks can be covered with a layer of polyethylene or parchment, fixing it on the neck with an elastic band or rope. This recipe helps to do without cooking, but ready mix can only be stored in the refrigerator.

dried raspberries

Many recipes involve either heat treatment of raspberries or cold storage. You can save the maximum useful properties of the berry by saving it simply in the pantry. Dried raspberries can be stored for more than one winter. From 10 kg of fresh raspberries, you can get up to 1.2 kg of dried raspberries.

dried raspberries

  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 400 ml distilled water
  • 400 ml lemon juice

Advice! For drying, it is better to choose ripe, fresh berries. Crushed is best used for jam.

Recipes for a drying cabinet provide for pre-treatment of berries. A kilogram of berries must be put in a bowl and poured with a solution of lemon juice and distilled water for 5-7 minutes. This treatment will help get rid of bacteria that are on the surface of the berries. Raspberries should be removed from the bowl with a slotted spoon and spread out in a thin layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment or cotton cloth. After half an hour, they can be sent to the drying cabinet.

Dried raspberries for 12 hours at t 60°C. Drying time may vary depending on the size of the berries. It is better to check them every 2 hours for the degree of readiness and gently stir with a slotted spoon. The fact that the raspberries have dried up will be indicated by their leathery structure. Dry raspberries are non-sticky and non-staining.

If there is no drying cabinet, you can also prepare berries for the winter outdoors. In countries with a hot climate, it can be dried in the open air; in the middle lane, a greenhouse or greenhouse with an air temperature of 30-40 ° C is suitable for this purpose.

Dried raspberries on average 2-3 days. It should be stirred periodically and dried berries should be selected. At night, it is advisable to clean the blanks indoors to avoid dampness.

Dried raspberries should be stored in a tightly closed container - a jar, plastic bag or box in a cool, dry place. It is desirable that the containers are half filled.

Important! You can store such a blank for no more than two years.

You can pick up recipes for making compote or tea, in which fresh berries are replaced with dried ones. Get a vitamin drink in the middle of winter.

quick jam

Raspberry jam

  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar

2/5 raspberries must be decomposed into sterilized jars. The rest of the berries must be mixed with sugar and heated for 10 minutes until the sugar dissolves. The mixture must be stirred regularly. Hot filling must be poured into jars with berries, leaving 1.5-2 cm to the neck. Banks must be rolled up, turned upside down and kept in this position until completely cooled.

frozen berries

You can do without cooking if you store the berries in the freezer. The recipes for making such a blank are very simple, even children can handle them.

frozen raspberries

So, to get a sweet mixture, you need to mix 1 kg of washed raspberries with a glass of sugar. Store in the freezer in plastic bags.

Advice! It is most convenient to pack the berries in bags in small portions. So, if necessary, it will not be necessary to defrost the entire piece.

raspberry juice

An excellent cold remedy for harvesting for the winter is raspberry juice.


  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 200 ml water

Pure berries should be mashed with a crush and put into a saucepan with hot water. The mixture must be gradually heated, not allowing it to boil.

The heated mixture is removed from the heat and infused under the lid for 15 minutes. After that, it is necessary to strain the juice, bring to a boil, pour into pasteurized jars and roll up.

Raspberry marmalade

Can be cooked in just 30 minutes healthy treat that kids will love too.

  • 0.5 kg. berries
  • 1 l. cold water
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 st. l. pectin

For 10 minutes, raspberries are poured cold water. After that, it is necessary to carefully sort out the berries, removing bad berries - they can ruin the workpiece. Next, the berries must be washed and left to drain in a colander.

Raspberry marmalade

Depending on appearance ready meal marmalade recipes vary. So, a pitted dish will be more beautiful and uniform. To do this, the berries should be rubbed through a sieve. If you plan to save more useful properties of raspberries, better bones leave and crush the berries with a pestle.

Attention! Classic Recipes involve the use of large amounts of sugar. But, in order to get natural marmalade enough and 100 grams.

Berries must be placed in a saucepan and put on medium heat. Add sugar and bring the mixture to a boil. After boiling, pectin is added to the pan. Marmalade verification time - no more than 5 minutes.

The hot mixture is placed in pre-pasteurized jars. They should be closed with lids, turned over, wrapped in a thick warm cloth until completely cooled.

Raspberry jelly without cooking

You can get healing jelly if you use recipes for making berries that do not involve heat treatment. It cannot be stored all winter, but in autumn such jelly will become a reliable support for immunity.

raspberry jelly

  • fresh berries
  • liquid honey
  • Apple juice

Ingredients should be selected in a ratio of 4:1:1.

First you need to chop the berries in a blender or with a pestle and send to the pan. To raspberries you need to add warmed honey and Apple juice. The mixture must be heated over low heat until the honey is completely dissolved or in the microwave. Do not bring to a boil.

Attention! When preparing products, honey should be slightly warm. Boiling honey is impossible - when heated, it loses its beneficial properties.

The finished jelly should be transferred to jars, cool and store in the refrigerator.


Using simple recipes, you can prepare for the winter in 10 minutes fragrant jam which no child will refuse. It can be used as a filling for muffins, a layer for a cake, an addition to pancakes or pancakes.

  • 3 cups berries
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 st. l. pectin
  • 0.5 cup
  • 200 g sugar

Washed and dried raspberries must be rubbed through a sieve. There you need to squeeze lemon juice- it will help "tie" the bones.

The resulting puree must be transferred to a saucepan and add pectin to it and bring to a boil over medium heat. The mixture must be stirred regularly. Next, add sugar and again let the mixture boil for 1 minute.

Ready jam must be poured into a clean container and left to cool.

Advice! With help easy way you can determine the readiness of the jam. So, you need to drop them on a plate and look behind the drop - it should not roll or spread. A drop of finished jam should slowly slide off.

Thus, raspberries can be prepared for the winter in any form - in the form of jam, jelly, juice, or while maintaining the integrity of the berries. The resulting dishes will not only be delicious, they will become an inexhaustible source of vitamins.

Raspberry blanks (video)

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Pureed raspberries with sugar for the winter- useful and simple blank a must have in your closet.

Raspberries mashed with sugar for the winter: recipe

You will need:

Raspberry - 1 kg
- granulated sugar

Put the harvested crop on the table and carefully sort it out. You must throw away all the leaves, twigs, insects. Get rid of spoiled fruits. Sprinkle the selected fruits, cover with sugar, push with a pusher. The amount of sugar can be varied. The longer you plan to store the rolls, the more sugar you need to add. The grinding time of the berries also depends on what consistency of the workpiece you want to get. If you like particles of berries in jam, then 10 minutes will be enough for grinding. Pour sugar into a bowl, pour the contents. Choose dishes made of glass, plastic or enamel. All other metals are oxidized. Wash the jars thoroughly, pour over with boiling water, distribute among the jars, seal tightly.

Delicious pureed raspberries with sugar for the winter


Fresh raspberries - 1 kg
- powdered sugar - 3.2 tablespoons
- sugar sand - 1.5 kg

Carefully sort through fresh raspberries, discard all bugs and debris. Put the berries in a deep bowl, put sugar on top. Mix the mixture well, grind in a blender bowl. The amount of granulated sugar added depends on the desired shelf life of the future treat. Leave the raspberry base to infuse for 20 minutes so that all sugar crystals dissolve. Prepare jars: wash them, sterilize, dry them dry. Spread the jam, sprinkle with powdered sugar, screw with boiled lids.

Rate and taste qualities.

Pureed raspberries with sugar for the winter: recipes with photos

You will need:

Granulated sugar - half a kilogram
- fresh raspberries - 1 kg

Sort the berries carefully, discard the leaves and debris. Divide into plastic containers. Sprinkle each layer gently and evenly with granulated sugar. Cover the containers with lids, put them in the freezer or refrigerator. The blank can be used as a filling for pies or eaten with sweet tea.

Do and .

Pureed raspberries with sugar for the winter quickly


Dry gelatin - 7 g
- sugar - one and a half kilograms
- fresh fruits - about 1 kg
- filtered water - ? glasses

Sort the berries carefully, rinse them in cool filtered water. Throw away leaves and trash. Get rid of all spoiled berries. Transfer the raspberries to a saucepan, sprinkle with granulated sugar. Remove the dish for 4 hours in the refrigerator. During this time, the fruits will release juice, and the sugar will dissolve slightly. Take a wooden spoon, grind the fruits well with the addition of granulated sugar. You can use a blender or meat grinder.

Pour a little cool water into a ladle, add dry gelatin, leave it for 20 minutes to swell. Heat the liquid over low heat (but do not bring to a boil). Carefully pour the mixture into the raspberry jam, stir. Rinse the containers, pour over with boiling water, wipe dry with a kitchen towel. Arrange the delicacy in jars, cover tightly with plastic lids, transfer to the refrigerator, leave until solidified.

Pureed raspberries with sugar for the winter in jars

You will need:

Fresh raspberries - 2 kg
- granulated sugar - 2 kg

Sort the berries, wash them, dry them, put them in a small bowl. Thoroughly knead with a crush, strain through cheesecloth, laid several times. Pour the sugar, stir so that the crystals are completely dissolved. Let stand 10 hours (temperature should be at room temperature). Put the delicacy in dry containers, cork, put in the refrigerator for storage.

Do and .

Pureed raspberries with sugar for the winter in a hurry

You will need:

Sugar - 2 kg
- raspberry fruits - 1 kg

Wash the berries under running water, transfer to a colander to remove excess liquid. However, raspberries can not be washed. This is the case if you harvested on your site. Prepare sugar. It will need 2 times more than berries. Mix both ingredients in a common bowl. You can grind the fruits in a blender, but it is still better to use a wooden pusher. Grind until the sugar crystals dissolve. Treat jars with lids. If you just store the blanks in the refrigerator, then you can simply pour boiling water over the container.

Pour the jam into jars. Top with a full spoonful of granulated sugar. Arrange in a container, transfer to storage in the basement, or simply refrigerate. The blank can be used for making pies and pies. It is also an excellent remedy for colds.

How about you?

Another option for raspberry treats:

Fresh raspberries - 1.1 kg
- sugar - 1.1 kg

Frozen fruits can also be used to make raw jam, but it is better to take fresh ones. The preparation will turn out not only tastier, but also more aromatic. Prepare the raspberries: sort them well, set aside low-quality berries. Wash them, dry them on a clean towel. Rinse the raspberries carefully so that they are not damaged and retain their attractive appearance. The best option is to put the berries in a colander and lower them into another container with cool water. Repeat the procedure three times.

Grind the washed berries with a meat grinder, blender or pestle in a mortar. The result should be a homogeneous mass, reminiscent of berry puree. In a container with grated berries, add sugar or powdered sugar. Leave the saucepan in a warm place for a couple of hours. This time is enough for the sugar crystals to melt. Divide the workpiece into prepared jars.

whole raspberries

This cooking option is even easier than all the previous ones. Prepare the fruits traditional way. Lay them in layers in steamed jars. Spread sugar between layers. Keep the proportions as even as possible. Infuse the contents for 20 minutes. This is for pasteurization. Leave the raspberries in a warm place for several hours. Place in refrigerator. Berries will give their juice even without grinding. Therefore, you can save time.

Raspberry syrup

You can prepare the syrup in just a couple of hours. In addition to berries, you need to take sugar. It must be added 5 times less than the fruit. Grind the berries in any way possible. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for several hours so that a sufficient amount of juice comes out. Take a piece of gauze. Put in a bowl, spread the mixture on top. Gently squeeze the juice into the container. You can boil it further if you wish. The rest of the compote can be used to prepare other blanks.

Seedless jam

Place the fruits processed in advance on a sieve, press down well with a pusher. The pulp will drain into the container. All the bones will remain on the surface of the sieve. Unfortunately, this is a rather lengthy process, but the result will certainly please you. Pour sugar into the resulting mass. For 1 kg of raspberry content, take 1.5 kg of sugar. Stir vigorously until the sugar crystals melt. Divide the mixture into jars. Later, the container must be pasteurized.

It turns out very tasty and such a dessert:

For seaming, it is better to use half-liter jars that need to be sterilized in advance. You can process them different ways. Choose the most convenient for you. Cover the containers with clean paper or nylon lids treated with boiling water. To prepare, prepare:

- raspberry berries - 1.1 kg
- sugar - 1.6 kg

Free fruits from debris. Put the berries in a clean bowl, sprinkle with sugar. Grind the contents to a puree. Take a blender or crush for this. Distribute the mashed berries in containers, close the lids.

Berries in their own juice

Go through the fruits: wash them, dry them. Place the prepared raw materials in a deep bowl in layers. Sprinkle each of them with sugar. For 1 kg of raw materials, take about 0.2 kg of sugar. Place the container with the contents in a warm place and for a couple of hours. The sugar will dissolve, and the fruits will release juice. Lay out the raw materials in the prepared container. About 2 cm should not reach the edges. Put all the cans in a wide saucepan, cover with lids. Pour cold water, sterilize for 15 minutes. after the start of the boiling process.

Raspberry compote

Sort the fruits. Wash them if desired and put them in sterilized jars. Fill jars only 1/3 full. It is optimal to use two-liter containers. Berries pour hot water. Fill each jar to the top. Leave the product on for 20 minutes. Drain the water from the cans into a separate pan, put on the stove. Introduce granulated sugar into boiled water. Carefully pour into jars so that the compote does not overflow. Close containers with compote tightly. Turn upside down, wrap with a warm blanket.

delicious jam

Water - half a liter
- sugar - 1 kg

Heat water over low heat, add granulated sugar and mix thoroughly so that the sweet crystals dissolve. As a result, you will get a liquid and transparent syrup. Pour 1 kg of fruits into the sweet liquid, boil the mass, reduce the heat, continue cooking for another 5 minutes. You do not need to stir the contents. It is enough just to tilt the pan in different directions.

Remove the saucepan from the stove, let stand for about 5 minutes. Cool after removing from the burner. Remove the formed film. The fruits should float on the surface, and the liquid should acquire a thick consistency. Divide into jars, roll up lids.

All preparations are very healthy, so you can eat them in winter to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Raspberries are delicious fragrant berry and the first remedy for colds. Properly prepared, it retains vitamins and beneficial properties. Raspberries with sugar for the winter, prepared without cooking, jam fast food“five-minute”, grated or frozen whole in plastic containers in the freezer, as well as fresh raspberries, grated with a lot of sugar, is better ways preparations of berries, allowing to preserve the useful substances contained in them. The product prepared in this way is stored mainly in a cool place under nylon or metal lids, as well as in a freezer.

Raspberries grated with sugar for the winter without cooking

Raspberries grated with sugar for the winter without boiling, prepared according to this recipe, can be stored without a refrigerator, as they contain a lot of sugar. But the best way for storage without risk - a cellar or a refrigerator. This is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to harvest raspberries grated with sugar, without cooking, for the winter. The raspberry-sugar mixture is fragrant, tasty and does not lose vitamins as a result of the lack of heat treatment.

Ingredients for making raspberries grated with sugar for the winter without cooking

  • 1 kg. raspberries
  • 2 kg. Sahara

Step-by-step preparation of raspberries grated with sugar for the winter without cooking

  1. Raspberries can be washed and then allowed to drain. If the berries are clean, collected with your own hands, it is enough to sort them out.

  1. Pour the berries into a bowl, add sugar and grind with a wooden spoon. You can also grind raspberries in a blender.

  1. The berries should turn into a puree, and the sugar should completely dissolve. It does not matter if a small amount of grains remains, after a while they will dissolve themselves.

  1. Fill sterilized jars with grated raspberries, close with sterilized lids. Such raspberries are well preserved in the refrigerator, cellar or just in the pantry.

Raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking in plastic containers

Raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking in plastic containers are prepared simply and do not take much time. The benefits of it are much greater than the traditional raspberry jam. store plastic containers with raspberries in sugar, prepared for the winter without boiling, in a cool place.

Ingredients for making raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 0.5 kg sugar

The sequence of cooking raspberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

  1. We sort out the berries, clean them from leaves, stalks and bugs.
  2. We lay them out in layers in plastic containers, pour sugar on each layer.
  3. We close the containers with lids, send them to the refrigerator or freezer.

Quick-to-cook raspberries with sugar for the winter

The recipe for making raspberries with sugar for the winter is therefore called “five minutes”, which is prepared very quickly. In appearance, the “five-minute” jam turns out to be very beautiful, the berries retain not only vitamins, but also their shape. Quick-to-cook raspberries with sugar for the winter "five-minute" has an amazing aroma and taste.

Ingredients for a quick raspberry recipe with sugar for the winter

  • 1 kg of berries
  • 0.5 kg sugar

A step-by-step recipe for quick raspberries with sugar for the winter

  1. Raspberries for the "five minutes" are not washed, but carefully sorted out to remove leaves, twigs and bugs.
  2. We spread a layer of berries in a saucepan, sprinkle the berries with sugar.
  3. Repeat these steps until you run out of components.
  4. We leave for a while so that the raspberries start up the juice.
  5. We put on a small fire, stirring gently so that the berries are kept whole.
  6. After boiling, remove the foam and after 5 minutes finish cooking.
  7. Pour the “five-minute” jam into prepared sterilized jars, roll up with boiled lids. We put them upside down, cover with a blanket.

Fresh raspberries with sugar for the winter in the freezer

Frozen fresh raspberries with sugar for the winter in the freezer for 12 months retain their beneficial properties. Fragrant berries, sprinkled with sugar or grated, can be used as an independent delicacy, a filling for baking, for making desserts and other dishes. And the time for harvesting fresh raspberries with sugar in the freezer for the winter will be spent much less than for any other methods of its preparation. Berries are recommended to be frozen fresh, that is, immediately after harvest.

Ingredients for making fresh raspberries with sugar for the winter in the freezer

  • Raspberry - 3 l
  • Sugar - 1 cup

The sequence of cooking fresh raspberries with sugar for the winter in the freezer

  1. We prepare raspberries, remove all unnecessary. Do not wash clean berries, if you are not sure of their purity, give the berries a cold shower and let the water drain.
  2. Preparing storage containers. Plastic containers for 1-2 cups of berries are suitable for this.
  3. We freeze the berries in portions, one or two glasses of raspberries are enough for one.
  4. Raspberries can be frozen whole or grated. For the second option, turn the raspberries into puree using a blender.
  5. We put the product in containers and put it in the freezer.

Raspberries for harvesting are harvested on fine sunny days. For whole freezing or “five-minute” jam, ripe, but still elastic berries are better suited, for raspberries grated with sugar - soft and overripe. It is not recommended to wash the berries, it is better to just carefully review them and select all that is superfluous. If you still decide to wash them, do it with very cold water. Rinse the berries in the shower and let the water drain. In the freezer, raspberries can be stored both in plastic cups and containers, and in plastic water bottles, as well as in plastic bags. Recipes without cooking are by far the most relevant. The advantages of such preparation are obvious. Firstly, raspberries with sugar for the winter, harvested without heat treatment, retain vitamins, and secondly, such methods do not require much time, they are easy and simple to prepare.

The favorite delicacy with which good housewives pamper their household in winter is, of course, jam. Made from berries and fruits that have been absorbing sunlight all summer, it is uplifting and invigorating, especially when eaten with hot tea and with family.

Fragrant blanks

Summer, holidays, countryside... Those who were lucky enough to spend time with their grandmother in their childhood definitely keep the best memories of these wonderful days in their memory. And, of course, it is unlikely that one will be able to forget the smell that fills almost every village house at the time of ripening berries and fruits - the smell of jam. And what a delicious raspberry jam smells wonderful!

The industriousness of our mothers and grandmothers in general can be envied, because how much strength and patience you need to put in to fill the shelves with pickles, marinades, compotes and everything that is usually stocked up for the winter.

Modern young housewives, who are trying to keep up with more experienced ones, have a hard time, because homemade preparations take a lot of time and effort, plus experience and proven recipes are also very important. In order not to fall face down in the mud, you can use more easy ways Surprise your loved ones with homemade treats. The first step may be to make raspberry jam according to a simplified recipe.

Note to young housewives

It is not necessary to spend the last days of summer fussing around the stove to make a couple of jars of jam. Try cooking that requires cooking and you will love this method. You will need ripe fruits or berries, sugar and 15 minutes of time.

Such raw jam is much healthier, because it does not undergo any heat treatment, which means that all vitamins and nutrients are fully preserved. The taste of raw jam is not as rich and delicate as that of cooked, but it most closely resembles the taste of fresh fruits.

Storage conditions for raw jam are also different. You need to store it in the refrigerator or in a very cold basement, and for more long-term storage you can even freeze.

Why Raspberry

Raspberry jam without cooking, the recipe of which will be given below, is very tasty and healthy. It is recommended to start experiments on making raw jam with this berry. Raspberries contain a huge list of substances useful for the body:

  • vitamin C - strengthens the immune system, strengthens bones and teeth, promotes wound healing;
  • vitamin B - normalizes the nervous system;
  • vitamin A - improves vision, is responsible for skin health, growth and skeleton formation;
  • vitamin PP - normalizes the work of the stomach, improves blood circulation, fights cancer cells;
  • as well as glucose, magnesium, iron, essential oils and many others.

Raspberry jam helps with colds due to its antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. And raspberries improve appetite.

Children especially love raspberry jam, but babies should be fed this delicacy in moderation, because it contains a large amount of sugar. If your baby is allergic, then pay your attention to yellow and black raspberries (yes, this also exists).

Raspberry jam without cooking. Recipe

Today you can buy pectin of various trademarks, but it is very important to follow the instructions on the package. Under the influence of high temperatures, pectin loses its properties, so it is added at the end of cooking. If you want to make raspberry jam thicker without cooking, the recipe must be supplemented with special pectin, a product with which you can store in the refrigerator or freeze.

The main advice that all hostesses give is that pectin should be stirred very well, otherwise jelly lumps will form in the jam.

Important: a clean jar and the correct lid

One of the reasons why jam or any other preparations will not be stored is unsterilized dishes. Many methods have been invented for steaming, in a pot of boiling water, in a microwave, in a double boiler, some even manage to sterilize dishes with alcohol.

We recommend using the most convenient and proven method - in the oven. It is necessary to wash the jars and put them wet in a cold oven upside down. Then turn on the gas and set the temperature to about 160-170 degrees. Sterilization in this way takes about 10 minutes, but immediately remove the jars from the hot oven do not do it. You just need to turn off the gas, open the door and let the glass container cool.

How to close raspberry jam

As for the lids, it is most convenient to boil them in a pot of water for 10 minutes, but this should be done immediately before use. Jam prepared in the traditional way is best rolled up, but five-minute raspberry jam and raw jam are best closed with a plastic lid or metal screw cap.

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