Home Salads and appetizers How to cook compote from apples for the winter. Apple compote for the winter. Simple recipes at home

How to cook compote from apples for the winter. Apple compote for the winter. Simple recipes at home

For the first time the word "compote" began to be used in France, however, they knew how to brew this wonderful drink even in Russia. It was then called "splash". True, this term refers more to dried fruit compote. Apple compote is a very simple recipe, the main ingredient of which is, of course, fresh summer apples. You can make a drink from apples alone - such compote is given even to infants. To diversify the taste, you can add any other fruits and berries to apples: pears, apricots, peaches, cherries, strawberries, oranges, lemons, etc. Apple compote with rosehip broth, rhubarb, cranberries or sea buckthorn turns out to be very tasty and healthy. Often you can find compotes from apples with the addition of dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins and dried pears. As a sweetener, you can use granulated sugar (it is sometimes replaced with fructose) or honey. From seasonings add cinnamon, cloves, anise, vanilla, ginger, lemon balm, mint, cardamom, nutmeg and other spices.

The technique of cooking apple compote is not difficult. Prepared fruits can be thrown into already boiling water or pour them with cold water and bring to a boil. The cooking time in all recipes is different: and some apples are boiled for only a few minutes (this helps to preserve vitamins and useful material), in other recipes (more often in multicomponent ones), apples are cooked longer - about 20 minutes or more. The finished drink is left to cool and infuse. The compote can be strained before serving. The drink is best served chilled, especially in hot summer weather. Homemade apple compote is rich in pectin and much healthier than store-bought juices. Too sweet apple compote is sometimes diluted with boiled water and served with sponge cake, cookies, strudel, etc. When serving, fruits can be put in separate vases or directly into the glass itself.

Apple compote - preparing food and dishes

From the dishes you will need a large saucepan, a knife, a cutting board and clean ironed gauze (if the compote needs to be filtered). The drink is served chilled in ordinary glasses or wine glasses, which can be decorated with a slice of any fruit.

Preparation of products is as follows: select the most best apples(not overripe, but not hard), wash them thoroughly and cut into medium-sized slices. Too small slices can boil soft and turn into porridge. Some pre-peel apples and cut out the core. Some recipes skip this step. All other ingredients are also washed and cut. If dried fruits are used, too dried ones can be pre-steamed for 10 minutes in boiling water. Prepare in advance the right amount of sugar (or fructose) and honey. You also need to decide in advance on the composition of seasonings and also prepare them.

Apple compote recipes:

Recipe 1: Apple compote

Summer is the most suitable time of the year to make up for the lack of vitamins in the body. Try to make a delicious apple compote and treat your friends and loved ones to them. A drink made from fresh apples is perfect for those who are on a diet.

Required Ingredients:

  • About 700 g of fresh apples;
  • One and a half liters of water;
  • Sugar - half a cup or more (to taste).

Cooking method:

We wash the apples, cut in half and cut out the cores. Cut each half into 4 wedges. Pour apples with cold water and put on the stove. Pour half of the sugar into the pan. After boiling, reduce the heat and add the remaining sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and remove the pan from the heat. If fruits are boiled for too long, all vitamins and nutrients will be destroyed. Leave the compote to infuse for 20 minutes. Serve the drink chilled.

Recipe 2: Apple and Rhubarb Compote

Great drink for a hot summer day. This compote is made from fresh apples, cloves and rhubarb. Compote should be served chilled.

Required Ingredients:

  • 3 fresh apples;
  • 400 g rhubarb stalks;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • Cloves - to taste;
  • A liter (or a little more) of water.

Cooking method:

We wash the apples and cut into large slices. Wash the rhubarb stalks and cut into pieces. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and add cloves. We put the stove on fire. Put apples and rhubarb into boiled water. Cook compote of apples and rhubarb for 25 minutes over low heat. The finished drink is served chilled.

Recipe 3: Compote of apples with oranges

Very simple and delicious lung recipe summer drink. Such a compote is prepared from apples, oranges and plums. Sugar, honey or fructose can be used as a sweetener.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples;
  • Plums;
  • Oranges (you can take any proportion of fruits);
  • Sweetener - sugar, fructose or honey (to taste).

Cooking method:

Cooking compote from apples with oranges is very simple. We wash the apples, cut in half and remove the cores. Then we cut each of the halves into 3-4 slices. Wash oranges and cut into several slices. There is no need to remove the skin first. Wash the plums, cut in half and remove the pits. We put the prepared fruit in a saucepan and fill it with water. We put the pan on the stove, bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat and cook the compote for a few minutes. At the end, add sugar (fructose) or honey and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Leave the compote of apples and oranges to cool. Serve chilled.

Recipe 4: Apple compote with cranberries

Delicious apple compote recipe. This also includes cranberries, which give the drink a slight sourness, and prunes. The drink retains all the vitamins and nutrients of the ingredients and improves digestion.

Required Ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of fresh apples;
  • Half a glass of cranberries;
  • One and a half liters of water;
  • A glass of sugar (can be replaced with honey);
  • 100 g prunes.

Cooking method:

We sort the cranberries, wash them and squeeze the juice out of them. We also wash prunes. If dried fruits are too dry, they can be steamed for 10 minutes in boiling water. Pour cranberry pulp with water and bring to a boil. Boil the berries a little. We filter the broth. Add a glass of sugar and prunes, boil for about 15 minutes. My apples, cut out the cores, cut the apples into slices. We spread the apples in the broth. Cook apple compote for 10-15 minutes until tender. Pour cranberry juice into the compote, mix and leave to cool. Compote of apples, prunes and cranberries is ready!

Recipe 5: Apple Compote with Strawberries

In the summer you always want something cold, tasty and light. Apple and strawberry compote is the perfect solution. The drink also includes lemon, which gives the compote a pleasant refreshing note.

Required Ingredients:

  • 300 g strawberries;
  • 2 apples;
  • 0.5-1 lemon;
  • Half a glass of sugar (to taste, those who like it sour can take a smaller amount);
  • One and a half to two liters of water.

Cooking method:

Wash the apples and cut into small pieces. We will not peel off the peel and cut out the core - we will leave it as it is. We sort the strawberries, remove the tails and rinse thoroughly in water from dirt. Cut strawberries into slices. Wash the lemon and cut into thin rings. Put all the fruits in a saucepan and add sugar. Fill everything with boiling water and put on the stove. Bring the compote to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for about 20-25 minutes. Ready compote of apples and strawberries, remove from heat and leave to cool. The drink can be filtered. Serve chilled.

At first glance, making apple compote may seem very simple process and indeed it is. However, there are several subtleties that will help to cook not just tasty, but very tasty drink:

- apple compote is best cooked from sweet and sour varieties. Such a compote will turn out to be the tastiest;

- for compote, it is best to choose ripe and strong fruits, but not green or overripe. Soft apples will turn into porridge, and unripe ones have not yet gained enough taste and aroma;

- ready-made apple compote can be served with a slice of lemon, a slice of orange or tangerine;

- the taste of apple compote with the addition of spices will be even richer and brighter if you leave the drink to infuse all night;

- for children, you can make compote from apples with pulp, if you drive the contents with a blender. Vitamins in this case will pass into the liquid;

- it is better to boil apples that are too hard for about 20 minutes, however, you should always focus on their readiness and softness;

- for the preparation of compote from apples, it is best to use high-quality water: filtered or spring;

- instead of regular white sugar, you can choose brown or cane sugar - the taste of the drink will turn out different every time. If honey is used instead of sugar, it is not recommended to add it to boiling water - it is better to dilute it in hot, but slightly cooled compote;

- spices should be added only at the end of cooking, as in the process of boiling they can lose their taste and aroma;

- the less you boil the compote, the more useful it will turn out. If you bring it to a low boil, and then turn off the fire and leave the drink to infuse, vitamins and other beneficial substances will be preserved almost completely;

- Vitamins will also be preserved if you put chopped fruits in strongly boiling water with the addition of citric acid.

In the cold season, when vitamins are so lacking, you really want to treat yourself to something tasty and fruity. Supermarket counters are simply flooded with various juices, fruit drinks and other drinks, but there is nothing better than compote rolled up with one's own hands. Today we have prepared some delicious recipes compote for the winter from apples for 3 liter jar. The advantages of self-rolled compote are obvious. Firstly, such a drink will not contain preservatives. Of the main ingredients, only fruits, sugar, water and sometimes various natural spices like mint or cloves. Secondly, you yourself create the future taste, you can make the drink sweeter, add sourness or subtle notes of other fruits or berries. Thirdly, compote apples are always useful, they can be eaten with a drink, or can be used as a filling for various pastries.

Helpful Hints

Secret delicious drink lies in many things that you should pay attention to before starting rolling. The taste of compote largely depends on how attentive the hostess was and followed the written advice.

The choice of fruits is a fundamental factor. To get the most delicious compote from apples for the winter, you should choose apples of sweet and sour varieties. The ripeness should be perfect, unripe fruit will have a flat taste and aroma, overripe fruit will fall apart and lose shape during rolling.

The size of apples can be any, but it is worth giving preference to medium fruits, without external defects. It is also worth paying attention that apples of different varieties should not be mixed with each other and rolled into separate jars.

Fruits must be thoroughly washed, the inner part removed and divided into slices of the same size. The skin should be peeled if it is very rough, varieties with thin skins do not need this procedure.

Smaller apples can be put in a jar and rolled whole.

Sliced ​​apples are placed in slightly brackish or acidic water. It should be cold, this will save the apples from browning, but do not keep them for more than 30 minutes, otherwise all the nutrients will pass into the water.

Before laying out in jars, apples are poured over with boiling water, for this, pour them for 5-6 minutes. Water after this procedure is used to create syrup.

Banks should be with a whole neck, and carefully processed before rolling.

The lids before rolling should be sterilized along with the jars for a couple. If you are sterilizing them in the oven, then the lids need to be sterilized separately.



The easiest way to make apple compote for the winter in a 3-liter jar is to take


Apples 1/3 jar;

200 grams of sugar.

These ingredients are enough for exactly one compote, that is, a 3-liter jar, if there are more jars, then multiply the ingredients by the number of jars.


To begin with, all bottles must be thoroughly washed with detergent, then rinsed thoroughly and, after drying, proceed to sterilization. Cans are sterilized for a couple or in the oven, at a temperature of about 100 degrees.

The second stage is the preparation of apples. Before starting the separation of fruits, it is necessary to prepare acidic water at the rate of 1 liter cold water 3 grams of citric acid. Now we cut the apples into identical slices, cut out the core and put everything in water.

When there are enough apples to fill all the jars, you can start packaging. We prepare boiling water at the rate of 2.7 liters / jar. When the water boils, we rearrange the apples from acidic water into a sterilized jar and immediately pour boiling water over it. We do this procedure for each bank. Important! Apples do not last more than 5 minutes in boiling water, so if you have not finished pouring water, and the first jars stand long enough, then it is better to drain the water from them in advance.

Banks filled with boiling water stand from 5 to 7 minutes, then the water is drained into a common dish. The boiling water with which we blanched the apples will now turn into syrup, for this we put 200 grams of sugar on each jar. After our syrup boils, it can be poured and the compote can be closed with lids.

Compote after rolling should be wrapped in warm clothes and left to cool.



3 liters of water;

1/3 can of apples;

400 grams of sugar.


The difference of this compote is that only real sweet tooth can drink it directly from the jar, the rest will only need to dilute the drink with plain water in proportions of 1:1 and enjoy the sweet apple compote. This choice is for hostesses constrained in space, not every apartment has a place for several dozen bottles rolled up. This apple compote recipe for a 3-liter jar, for the winter, will allow you to get from 5 liters of a delicious drink from one jar.

To begin with, we disinfect the jars and set aside to dry, covering them with lids. Then, we put water on gas and after boiling we put sugar. Mix thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved. Add peeled apples to the resulting syrup and cook for up to 3 minutes.

We take out the apples from the syrup with a slotted spoon and carefully transfer them to jars. Bring the remaining syrup to a boil again and pour into jars. Roll up the lids.


For those who find the apple compote recipe for the winter simple, we offer this drink option. To the most delicious apples, we will add such a popular berry as currant, it is not for nothing that it sprouts literally in every private yard and in almost any country house, and the price for this berry is quite affordable on the market.


400 grams of currants;

700 grams of apples;

300 grams of sugar;

Purified water.


There will be one difference from other recipes - you will have to spend time sorting currants. It will be necessary to leave only the berries themselves and get rid of the dried inflorescence and part of the leg. The next steps are universal.

We sterilize the dishes for rolling;

We clean the apples and equally share between all the containers;

Pour boiling water for a couple of minutes;

We boil the water drained from the cans again, after adding sugar to it;

Pour the resulting syrup into jars for the last time;

We twist the lids with a machine;

We put all the bottles upside down, cover with rags and leave for a day.

Currants in compote will give the drink a bright, red color, and almost every resident of our country knows about the flavor combinations of apple and currant.


Perhaps this recipe may seem a little unusual, but the resulting winter apple compote for a 3 liter jar of mint is beyond praise. It is sweet, fragrant, and refreshing; such a drink will give strength and vivacity. Just add a few sprigs of mint. For a 3-liter jar, 3 medium-sized sprigs of mint will suffice. It is preferable to choose sweet and sour apples, about 500 - 800 grams, you need 300 grams of sugar. The rolling technology is absolutely identical to the previous methods. Pay attention to the water, it must be good, otherwise your compote will turn out less tasty.


White filling is a variety of apples, which is rightfully considered one of the most delicious. Such apples do not linger in anyone's home, and an abandoned vase of juicy fruits can suddenly become empty. Unfortunately, in winter it is impossible to get a single fruit of this variety, so we offer a recipe for white apple compote for the winter in a 3 liter jar.


10 pieces of apples (but not more than 1/3 jar);

250 - 300 grams of sugar;

Purified water


We will try to roll up these apples whole in order to preserve the taste as much as possible. To do this, we select ripe fruits, without external defects, the size should be medium, that is, the apple should be slightly larger than the neck of the jar. The fruits themselves should be thoroughly washed without damaging the skin.

If you are unable to find fruit without defects or a suitable size, then it is worth cutting the apples into slices, removing the core and rotten areas. It is worth remembering that this variety does not like long contact with air, it quickly turns black and becomes unattractive in appearance, so we put all the cut slices into acidic water.

We roll the apples in the following order:

We sterilize jars;

We boil water;

Separate fruits into jars;

Pouring fruits with boiling water;

Drain the water and prepare syrup from it;

Pour the syrup into jars;

Roll up the lids.


Each hostess faced the problem of “losing” bottles during sterilization, this is not surprising, because often damaged cans are eliminated in this way. However, sterilization is also a very long process, so to save time, we present a recipe for apple compote without sterilization.


1 kilogram of apples;

Purified water;

250 grams of sugar


We prepare jars, for this it is enough to wash them thoroughly and dry them naturally or with paper towels.

We clean the apples, cut them into equal slices and immediately place them in brackish water so that they do not turn black.

We pack our apples in jars and fill each with clean water to the very neck. Then we pour all the water from the cans into one container, bring to a boil, add sugar and keep on fire for another 5 minutes.

Fill our jars with syrup and cover with lids, let stand for about 3-5 minutes.

Again, pour our syrup into one pan, add about 200 ml of water and 50 grams of sugar and bring to a boil again.

Again, fill our jars with boiling syrup and let it brew for a couple more minutes, then pour everything back into the pan.

We boil the syrup for the last time, fill the jars to the very neck, roll up the lids and put them in warm clothes for 24 hours.

Apple compote for the winter in a 3-liter jar without sterilization is ready. If you follow the recipe, then you can not be afraid of exploded lids or a sour drink.

apple compote prepared by the most in a simple way, will be a tasty and healthy ending to any lunch, both in summer and in winter. Fruits of sweet and sour varieties are most suitable for harvesting, especially Antonovka, its unique recognizable aroma is glorified by the classics. The presented recipe without sterilization allows you to save most of the vitamins.

The main requirement when cooking is to carefully peel the apples so that the rotten parts do not fall into the jar. So that the apples do not darken, chopped slices are placed in lightly salted water. An excellent flavoring for a drink is lemon zest.


You will need a 3 liter container:

  • 1 kg apples
  • 1.5 st. granulated sugar
  • 2 pinches of citric acid
  • 2.5-2.6 liters of hot water


1. Wash the collected apples in water and cut them. Be sure to remove the core with seeds and rinse the apple halves, then cut them into pieces and pour into a jar, filling it 8-10 cm from the bottom.

2. Boil in large saucepan water and pour boiling water into a jar, after substituting a knife or wooden spatula under it so that the jar does not burst from the temperature difference. Cover it with a tin lid or saucer and let the air come out of the cut for about 10 minutes.

3. Then drain the hot liquid from the jar back into the pot using the perforated drain lid. Bring the water to a boil again. Just pour granulated sugar into the jars and add quite a bit of citric acid so as not to interrupt the apple flavor, but only enhance it. Pour boiling water into the jar again up to the shoulders. Scald the lid with boiling water and cover the jar with it.

4. Seal with a conservation key and very carefully turn the jar over the sink, checking the strength of the seaming and using an oven mitt or towel. Let the apple compote cool for the winter and take it to the cellar, basement or pantry.

The variety of juices and sweet drinks in stores is great, but so far nothing has been invented better than ordinary homemade compote. Making a blank in the form of apple compote for the winter, we are at least sure that there are no preservatives and flavorings in our compote, only organic products. Even the simplest apple compote for the winter is much healthier than any expensive drink from the store.

Apples allow you to cook any assorted compote according to your own taste, since apples go well with other fruits and berries. Compote of cherries and apples for the winter, compote of plums and apples for the winter, compote of apples and currants for the winter have proven themselves remarkably. A classic combination is considered to be a combination of apples and pears. Compote of apples and pears for the winter is valuable for its bright taste and fruity aroma, it quenches thirst well. And the amount of sugar in such compotes is determined depending on the degree of acidity of the fruit: sour apples, or the berries and fruits present in it, the more sugar you need to provide.

Apple compote for the winter is prepared both with sterilization and without sterilization or pasteurization. In the second case, the jars must be sterilized, dried before packing the fruit, and after capping, turn upside down and wrap in a blanket. It is also recommended to slightly increase the amount of sugar, which plays the role of a preservative.

It is advisable to cut large apples into slices, but if you have smaller apples, make compote from whole apples for the winter. Such a compote is more appetizing, looks better, although the taste of slicing fruit does not fundamentally change. Be sure to cook this simple, delicious and useful compote from apples. The recipe for the winter is on our website, use it.

A number of our tips will help you better understand how to make apple compote for the winter:

Compote needs large apples without visible damage;

It is advisable to sort the apples into varieties so that each jar contains apples of the same variety;

Apples are thoroughly washed, the skin is removed from them, the core is removed, the fruit is cut into slices;

Place peeled and chopped apples in cold, slightly salted water. But do not keep them in water for more than half an hour, as useful substances pass from apples into water;

After that, do not drain the water, it can be used to make syrup;

If you are preparing combined assorted compotes, remember that compotes with stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots) cannot be stored for more than a year, and you can get poisoned. For long-term storage make fruit compote without pits;

Compote apples can simply be eaten as a dessert, or can be used as a filling for pies or apple pie.

How to cook apple compote for the winter

For compote, it is not so important to choose whole apples without flaws, as, say, for pickled or soaked ones, because here they can be cut off. But in compote, the ripeness of the fruit is important, it should be the same. That is, if you put unripe fruits in a jar along with overripe ones, it will not turn out very well. Overripe apples, after standing in boiling water, begin to crack and lose all their beauty, while unripe apples in compote will be hard and sour.

You need to choose fruits of the same variety and the same size, if the apples are large, then they are usually cut into 8 parts, small ones, such as paradise or ranetki, can be cooked whole, but then the fruits must be selected carefully, without spoiled ones. You can make fruit mixes, sour apples give a wonderful taste with a sweet pear or any berries.

Apple compotes can be cooked different ways. Some separately boil syrup separately and pour apples, someone puts sugar immediately in jars, then as you like. You can make concentrated, more saturated compotes, then they must then be diluted with water to taste. There are recipes with and without sterilization. But in order for the compote to stand for a long time, it is necessary to sterilize the jars well, keep them over steam, pour boiling water over them, I have been sterilizing them in the microwave lately.

Apple compote, recipe for the winter

Fresh apple compote

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

Sweet and sour apples

Sugar 300 grams

Water 1.5 liters.

Preparation: We select good, whole, medium-sized apples without bruising, wash them and put them in a sterilized jar. We put a full jar, tighter. Pour boiling water over, cover with a lid and let stand for 15 minutes. Then we drain the water back into the pan and pour the sugar into it. We cook the syrup and pour the apples faster, immediately roll up and wrap the jars with a blanket until they cool completely.

Compote of whole apples with mint

Mint 2 leaves

Sugar 250 grams

Citric acid several crystals

Water about 1.5 liters.

Preparation: Put apples to the top in a sterile jar, put mint leaves on top. Pour boiling water, cover with a lid and a thick towel so that the apples warm up well. We leave them for 20 minutes.

Drain the water into the pan and add a little more, as the apples absorb it, add sugar and cook the syrup. Before pouring apples with ready-made syrup, you need to pour into a jar citric acid. Pour the syrup "with the top" so that there is no air left in the jar. Roll up immediately and leave to cool under a warm fur coat.

Compote of apples and lemon

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

Freshly picked apples

Sugar 200 grams

Water 1.5 liters

Lemon 3 slices.

Preparation: Cut the apples into slices, you can into 6 or 8 parts, cut the lemon into slices. We boil the syrup and throw apples and lemon there. Boil the apples for 3 minutes, covering the pan with a lid. Next, put the apples in a sterilized jar and pour the syrup around the edge. We roll up the jars and put them upside down under a warm towel for a couple of days.

Compote of apples and blueberries



For 3 liters of water 200 grams of sugar.

Preparation: We sterilize the jars, wash the apples and berries thoroughly. Apples can be cut into several pieces, if desired.

Pour water into a saucepan and pour sugar, boil the syrup. When it boils, put apples, cover and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Arrange the apples in jars, filling 1/3, immediately add a handful of berries and pour over the syrup. Roll up immediately and leave to cool under cover for a day.

Compote of apples and pears


Per liter of water 200-300 grams of sugar

Apples 1kg

Pears 300 gr

Preparation: Fruits are well washed with water, if large, then cut into pieces. It is advisable to cut the pears only in half, because thin slices will quickly fall apart in the compote. We lay out the prepared fruits in jars and pour boiling water over them. We immediately cover the jars with sterile lids and leave to brew for 10-15 minutes. Then we drain the water and cook the syrup. Pour the fruit with hot syrup and roll up the jars. In an inverted form, we send it to heat for a day.

Compote of apples and cherries for the winter with sterilization


200 grams of sugar for a three-liter jar.

Preparation: We wash apples and cherries, remove the tails and put them in jars to the top, pour sugar and pour boiling water. Cover with lids and put in a pot of boiling water. Sterilize for 40 minutes. Then roll up the jars and let them cool completely.

Compote of apples and cherries without sterilization


Apples 1 kg

Cherry 300 grams

Water 3 liters

Sugar 4 tablespoons.

cooking; We put a pot of water on the fire and while it boils, cut the apples into slices. Put them in boiling water. Immediately add the cherry, the bones can be removed or left, at your discretion. You need to cook the compote over low heat for 15 minutes, at the end add sugar and stir. Pour the finished compote into sterile jars and roll up the lids.

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