Home Vegetables Vareniki with cabbage calories. Vareniki with sauerkraut. Energy and nutritional value of dumplings with sauerkraut

Vareniki with cabbage calories. Vareniki with sauerkraut. Energy and nutritional value of dumplings with sauerkraut


Dish with interesting name"Bigus" is nothing but fragrant stewed cabbage with meat.

The dish is unique in that it is prepared simply, but it turns out so tasty and satisfying that once you try it, you want to cook it again and again.

Bigus from fresh cabbage - general principles of preparation

Cooking begins with choosing the main ingredients. Usually take already mature white cabbage, but young varieties can also be used. To give bigus interesting sour notes, it is permissible to use a mix of fresh and sauerkraut.

Any meat is used: beef, chicken, pork, as well as smoked meats, sausages or any other semi-finished products. There are also lovers of bigus from fresh cabbage with fish. There are no restrictions - it all depends on taste preferences and the products available at home. In addition, you can not use meat ingredients at all by preparing a vegetarian version of the dish or bigus with mushrooms.

Additionally, you can put carrots, onions, tomatoes in bigus. For a special bright taste - cranberries and lingonberries, an apple.

The process itself is simple:

The meat is cut, fried in oil until blush, then stewed until half cooked.

Fresh cabbage is chopped and stewed in another container until half cooked.

All components of the dish are combined and brought to readiness over the slowest fire.

Of the spices, the most accessible and well-known components are usually used: cumin, laurel, pepper. Good bigus with herbs, add this ingredient either at the end of the stew or already ready meal.

1. Bigus from fresh cabbage with apples and lingonberry jam


Half a kilogram of pork meat;

Five hundred grams of two types of cabbage (sauerkraut and white cabbage);

Sausage (three hundred grams);


Fresh carrot;

Tomatoes in their own juice;

Natural lingonberry jam;

Soy sauce;

Half a liter of water;

Red Apple;

One hundred grams of fat;

Chopped garlic;

Bay leaf.

Cooking methods:

1. Grind the fat into small cubes, melt in a frying pan.

2. Combine diced pork meat with lard. Fry both ingredients.

3. Add an onion with fresh carrots to the fried meat. Fry all ingredients together.

4. Squeeze the sauerkraut from the brine. To eliminate the acid, it is recommended to rinse the cabbage with warm water and squeeze again.

5. Add sauerkraut to pork.

6. Put natural lingonberry jam.

7. Mix all ingredients. Fry.

8. Pour in the sauce along with plain water.

9. Simmer for about thirty minutes.

10. Chop fresh cabbage, put in a pan.

11. Add tomato mixture. Simmer, adding water if necessary.

12. Carefully cut the apple into thin slices. Add to the rest of the ingredients.

13. Simmer for half an hour.

14. Add salt, sugar.

15. At the very end of cooking, add sausages, chopped garlic, bay leaves and cumin.

2. Old Polish fresh cabbage bigus



Four hundred grams of white and sauerkraut;

One hundred and fifty grams of champignons and prunes;

100 milliliters of dry white wine;

One hundred grams of ham and boiled sausage;

Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Fry the onion until glassy.

2. Add chopped cabbage (both sauerkraut and fresh). Fry until half cooked. If using very sour sauerkraut, add sugar.

3. Add sliced ​​​​mushrooms, prunes.

4. Pour in dry white wine.

5. Ten minutes before the end of the stew, put the ham and sausage.

6. Season with spices.

7. Simmer for about 20 more minutes until fully cooked.

3. Bigus from fresh cabbage with rice and minced meat


Half a kilogram of fresh white cabbage;


200 grams of rice;

200 grams of minced meat;

Salt and seasoning to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Fry the onion, cut into thin quarter rings.

2. Grate the carrots.

3. Separately fry the minced meat, salt.

4. Combine onions, grated carrots, chopped meat, shredded cabbage.

5. Simmer for about twenty minutes over low heat.

6. Rinse the rice and boil until cooked, drain the water, pour the cereal itself to the fried ingredients.

7. Stir, add seasonings and salt to taste.

8. Cover with a lid, simmer for a few minutes over low heat.

4. Bigus from fresh cabbage in a slow cooker


400 grams of beef pulp;

600 grams of white cabbage;

large onion;

One medium sized carrot;

One hundred grams tomato paste;

One hundred milliliters of water;

One bell pepper;

Five pieces of prunes;

A teaspoon of salt and spices;

Tablespoon vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the beef and chop finely.

2. Bow and Bell pepper cut into thin strips.

3. Coarsely grate the carrots.

4. Place beef in oiled multicooker bowl. Salt.

5. Add chopped vegetables, salt, seasonings.

6. Chop cabbage, salt, remember with your hands, put in a slow cooker.

7. Add spice mixture, chopped prunes and mushrooms.

8. Dilute tomato paste with water. Pour the resulting mixture into the rest of the ingredients.

9. Close the multicooker lid. Set the "Extinguishing" mode. Cook for one hour. Then cook in the "Frying" mode for about ten minutes.

5. Bigus from fresh cabbage with mushrooms


A couple of tablespoons of tomato paste;

50 grams of wheat flour;

One onion;

250 grams of white cabbage;

300 grams of fresh champignons;

Root celery;

Bay leaf;

Black pepper;

Cooking methods:

1. Rinse the champignons, cut them thinly.

2. Finely chop the cabbage.

3. Stew mushrooms in water for five minutes.

4. Grind the celery root.

5. Add cabbage and celery to mushrooms.

6. Separately, fry the chopped onion with a little flour and tomato paste.

7. Transfer the onion to the rest of the ingredients. Simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.

8. Five minutes before readiness, add salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf.

6. Bigus from fresh cabbage with potatoes


600-800 grams of beef meat;

Two hundred grams of pork fat;

Six large potatoes;

One large bow;

Carrots of medium size;

500 grams of fresh cabbage;

A pair of bay leaves;


Salt with sugar, a mixture of spices.

Cooking method:

1. Stew diced meat with chopped lard.

2. Add the onion to the meat. Stir fry.

3. Put the pre-grated carrots. Let it simmer for a little less than one hour. Try to stir regularly.

4. Add shredded cabbage to the pot. Simmer until volume is reduced by half.

5. Add spices, sugar, salt.

6. Put in the diced potatoes.

7. Add a glass of water.

8. Simmer until the potatoes are ready.

9. Serve hot.

7. Bigus from fresh cabbage with chicken


Chicken meat;


fresh cabbage;

Bay leaf;

Tomato mixture (water with pasta).

Cooking method:

1. Divide the chicken meat into pieces. Fry over low heat, pouring in a little oil, until half cooked. Salt and pepper, remove temporarily to a plate.

2. Fry sauerkraut in meat fat for five minutes.

3. Add coarsely chopped onion and fresh cabbage.

4. Fry everything together for 5-6 minutes until the vegetables are lightly browned.

5. Pour vegetable mix a glass of water. Simmer for about ten more minutes.

6. Add chicken. Simmer for 30 minutes.

7. Pour in the tomato mixture.

8. Five minutes before the end of cooking, put chopped greens, black peppercorns, bay leaf.

9. Stir the ingredients. Remove from fire.

10. Infuse bigus under a closed lid for several minutes.

8. Bigus from fresh cabbage with sausage


Five or six sausages;

Half a kilo of cabbage;

Onion and carrot - one each;

20-25 g of tomato paste;

Dried dill;

Cooking method:

1. Grate carrots, chop onions. Fry both ingredients in butter until softened.

2. Boil the sausages, drain the water, cut the sausages themselves into circles.

3. Chop the cabbage into strips, put onions and carrots, add salt, spices to taste.

4. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 40 minutes. If necessary, add some boiled water.

5. A couple of minutes before readiness, put the tomato paste, previously boiled sausages. Stir.

6. Put bay leaves in the already prepared dish, pour dill.

7. Serve after at least half an hour of infusion.

Bigus from fresh cabbage is delicious hot, but it is even tastier after it has been in the refrigerator for a day. Cold bigus is an excellent snack for strong drinks.

Do not use too much water, the consistency of a properly cooked bigus should be thick.

Smoked meats added to dishes will add a special taste and aroma to bigus.

Bigus can be harvested for the future. It is stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container or frozen.

Cabbage and any kind of meat goes well with various vegetables, mushrooms, prunes, wine, tomatoes, so you can safely add these ingredients to the dish.

It is best to cook bigus from fresh cabbage in a cauldron or deep cast iron pan You can also use a multicooker.

Today I decided to cook bigus with you old recipe Polish cuisine. In it, cabbage, meat and smoked meats are fried separately, and then they are all stewed together in a cauldron for a long time, soaking through with the aromas and tastes of each other. The only deviation from the classics that my recipe will allow is the use of fresh cabbage (as you know, according to the canons of Polish cuisine, bigus is made from two types of cabbage - fresh and sauerkraut). It turns out a slightly different taste, but in general, bigus from fresh cabbage retains all its qualities, just as satisfying and fragrant.

The choice of meat and smoked meats is yours. I took a good piece of pork and Krakow sausage. You can use beef, fatty and lean meat in a ratio of 1 to 1, as well as any smoked sausage, sausages, etc. The only wish - try to take quality products, natural smoked, which will not lose their taste and shape during prolonged stewing.


  • white cabbage 500 g
  • salt 0.5-1 tsp
  • lard or vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • pork 500 g
  • sausage "Krakowska"
    or smoked meats 300 g
  • bay leaf 1 pc.
  • mixture ground peppers 2 chips
  • tomato paste 1 tbsp. l.
  • water 1.5-2 tbsp.

How to cook bigus from fresh cabbage

  1. At the first stage, I fry the cabbage until soft. It is imperative to do this. Since we have bigus from fresh cabbage, and not from sauerkraut, you should not lay it raw, otherwise it will not be as tasty and will remain tough, no matter how much you stew it in a cauldron with meat. So, I chop the cabbage, lightly salt and crush it with my hands. Then I warm up the lard in a deep frying pan (you can melt the lard instead or just pour in vegetable oil), lay the cabbage and fry it over medium heat, stirring, without a lid. After about 20 minutes, the cabbage will become soft.

  2. Now I add an onion, diced into a pan, as well as carrots, chopped on a coarse grater. Stir and continue to cook without a lid for another 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. During this time, the carrots should become very soft, and the cabbage should acquire a slightly pinkish color.

  3. At this stage, the cabbage can be poured into a cauldron, into a saucepan or into a saucepan with a thick bottom. And it's time to start roasting meat. I used pork with layers of fat, which traditionally goes to bigus. The meat was cut into pieces about 3x3 cm in size (not very large, since the pork will not be stewed for very long). And fried in a dry hot frying pan until golden brown. If you have lean pork or beef, you can heat a little lard or vegetable oil in a pan before frying.

  4. I fried the pork for about 5 minutes on each side, over high heat, without a lid. As a result, the meat acquired a beautiful golden brown, under which all meat juices are sealed - this is a guarantee that the pork will not be dry, it will turn out soft and juicy. No need to add salt when frying!

  5. I pour the fried pork into a saucepan with cabbage. And in the same pan, where there is a little fat left from the meat, I fry the Krakow sausage - I cut it into a cube of about 0.5 centimeters. I fry the sausage until golden brown, literally 1 minute, without a lid, over high heat.

  6. And I pour the fried smoked meats into a cauldron with other ingredients. I'm flooding hot water- approximately 1.5 cups, since cabbage will give a lot of juice when stewing.

  7. Now I bring it to a boil and take a sample. I add bay leaf, salt and pepper to taste. (Now you understand why you need to salt at the very end? Because it's hard to guess the amount of salt until the smoked meats are added.)

  8. As soon as it boils, I reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the stewpan with a lid and stew over low heat for 40-50 minutes until the meat is fully cooked. I stir from time to time with a spatula. At the end, I add a spoonful of good tomato paste and again mix everything well, stew for another 5 minutes under the lid.
  9. Bigus from fresh cabbage can be served at the table. It is equally delicious both hot and cold. Bon Appetit!

Calorie dumplings - a diet on dumplings

Every person dreams of a beautiful stretched body. The basis of creating an ideal figure and maintaining normal weight is proper nutrition. In pursuit of harmony, people limit themselves in many products and go on various diets, without thinking about the possible consequences. A monotonous low-calorie food can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and a deficiency of vitamins and useful microelements can lead to weakened immunity, deterioration of the skin, nails and hair. An excellent alternative to most diets is the dumplings diet. It is especially effective in the warm season, when the season of various fruits and berries comes.

How to cook dough for dumplings?

Vareniki is a traditional Slavic dish. It is prepared quite simply familiar products that are in every home. The main secret delicious dumplings in a properly prepared dough. If it is well mixed and all proportions are correctly observed, dumplings will not boil soft and turn out very tender and juicy.

Each housewife has her own recipe for making dough for dumplings. Many prefer to cook it according to classic recipe and take water as a basis, some knead the dough with milk, kefir or add sour cream. Of course, the more products containing fat are used for kneading the dough, the greater the calorie content of the dumplings will be as a result. For those who want to lose weight, it is advisable to prepare the dough according to the traditional pattern. To do this, you need water, eggs, salt and flour. For 3 cups of flour you need to take 0.5 liters cold water and half a teaspoon of salt. In order for the dough to have high adhesive properties, it is recommended to add 1 egg to it. The dough should be of medium thickness. If necessary, water or flour can be mixed into it until the desired consistency is obtained. If you cook the dough according to this recipe, then the dumplings diet will be the most effective. Those who are accustomed to making dough with the addition of dairy products can replace the water with low-fat 1% kefir. .

To check the calories in the dumpling dough, it is necessary to weigh all the ingredients during the cooking process and calculate their energy value. Information on the number of calories in a particular product can be viewed on the package or use the calorie table. The dough prepared with water contains about 210 kcal per 100g.

What filling to choose?

Nowadays, there are many fillings for dumplings. Potatoes, cabbage, cottage cheese, meat and all kinds of fruits and berries are considered traditional. But this list of delicious and appetizing toppings does not end. Vareniki are cooked with liver, buckwheat, beans, dried fruits, rice and poppy seeds. Each housewife can experiment with her favorite products and come up with a new one. original stuffing. For those who are on a diet, it is not advisable to abuse foods with high energy value. For example, dumplings with sweet cottage cheese, beloved by many, are a very high-calorie dish. If you fill them with traditional additives - sugar, sour cream or butter, they can no longer be called a dietary dish. Finding out how many kcal in dumplings with cottage cheese is quite simple, for this you need to weigh all the ingredients before cooking and look at the energy value of each product in the table. If store-bought cottage cheese, its calorie content will be indicated on the package, but in home-made cottage cheese there are about 155 kcal per 100 g, much depends on its fat content. Of course, for a diet, such a filling is too heavy. In spite of high calorie content and the fat content of cottage cheese is very useful not only for children, but also for adults. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, B and PP vitamins, so it is highly undesirable to completely exclude it from the diet. So that the figure does not suffer, and the body receives the necessary trace elements and vitamins, it should be used for filling skim cheese and forget about such tasty additives as fatty sour cream, sugar, butter, favorite marmalade or jam.

The lowest calorie dumplings

But any low-calorie dumplings can be safely included in your diet for everyone who is losing weight. Their category includes dumplings with potatoes, sauerkraut, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and cherries. Perhaps the most beloved for many are dumplings with potatoes. They are excellent palatability, they are very easy and quick to prepare and they are also low in calories. Perhaps, this is one of the few dishes, enjoying which, you do not have to constantly think about how many calories are in dumplings and scold yourself for every extra piece you eat. 100g of dumplings with potatoes contains only 255kcal. Therefore, you can indulge in pleasure and enjoy a full portion of this dish even while on a diet. Mushrooms will help to give a special taste to ordinary dumplings with potatoes. For the filling, you can take porcini mushrooms, chanterelles or champignons. Adding a small amount of mushrooms to the filling will have practically no effect on the energy value. You can calculate how many calories in dumplings with mushrooms and potatoes by finding out the calorie content of the mushrooms you have chosen and summing it up with the indicators of other ingredients.

Cabbage is another great filling for dumplings. It is very healthy and not as high in calories as potatoes. Sauerkraut is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. It strengthens the immune system and breaks down fats. Cabbage contains a lot of fiber and due to this it improves digestion and prevents diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You can find out how many calories in dumplings with cabbage in any calorie table or calculate it yourself. In 100g of unseasoned dumplings with cabbage, there are only about 246kcal per 100g.

How to calculate the exact calorie content of dumplings?

It is quite difficult to accurately calculate the calories in dumplings. Their the energy value directly depends on the ingredients used and the method of preparation. Often, such calculations are approximate, so the information in the tables is not always accurate. You can calculate the calorie content of the dish yourself. To do this, in the process of kneading dough and preparing dumplings, it is necessary to weigh all the products and calculate the energy value of each of them, and then enter the data into the table. At the end of cooking, it is necessary to sum up the total calorie content of all products and their weight. Adding all the indicators, you should divide the total calorie value by weight, so you get the energy value of cooked dumplings. Do not forget that calories boiled dumplings will differ due to the addition of water and the digestion of a small amount of flour. In order to find out the calorie content of ready-made dumplings, you need to divide the total number of calories of all ingredients by the weight of cooked dumplings.

Vareniki is a delicious and varied dish. coming up with various fillings, you will enjoy something new and exquisite every time. Many refuse dumplings, considering this product to be too high in calories. But if you ask yourself a question - how to count the calories of dumplings, you can calculate that their energy value is not so high. The main thing is not to abuse fatty foods, refuse additives and choose low-calorie fruits and vegetables for the filling.

Vareniki with sauerkraut- not quite traditional, but undoubtedly useful due to the properties of sauerkraut and its low calorie content. And a successful, from the point of view of nutrition, combination of products will not harm your health and figure.

Sauerkraut improves skin condition, lowers cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism and intestinal function, and improves its microflora. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, A, K, U, P, B vitamins, nicotinic, folic and lactic acids.

From time immemorial, sauerkraut has been one of the main dishes on the table in Russia, which is why Russian women have always been famous for their beauty and fresh, radiant skin.

For the test

1 egg - 53 g,

1 tsp salt - 6 g,

1 st. hot water - 250 ml,

1 st. l. with a slide of bran - 16 g,

about 4 st. flour - 555 g,

1 st. a spoonful of flour for rolling out dough - 24 g.

For filling

sauerkraut (washed and slightly squeezed) - 500 g,

1 - 2 onions - 158 g,

2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil - 20 g.

Yield: 842 g of boiled dumplings.

Energy and nutritional value of dumplings with sauerkraut

How to cook dumplings with sauerkraut

For the filling, rinse the sauerkraut under running water, squeeze it lightly, without much zeal and fanaticism. Pass through a meat grinder.

Peel an onion or two (it tastes even better if you sauté more onions), chop finely.

Fry the onion in a pan with hot sunflower oil until slightly golden.

Add chopped cabbage to the fried onions and simmer it under a lid over low heat. Stir occasionally. When all the liquid has evaporated, the cabbage will be ready.

You can start cooking dumplings.

Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut out round cakes. Or first roll the dough into a tourniquet, cut it across into slices, roll each thinly.

Put a teaspoon of the filling on the cake, fold the dumpling in half in the form of a crescent and pinch the edges.

Put dumplings into boiling salted water. Once they float, cook for 2-3 minutes.

hearty and low-calorie dumplings with sauerkraut- healthy and tasty - serve with sour cream, butter or vegetable oil.

You can cook them like dumplings - as you like.

Bon Appetit!

Vareniki is a traditional Slavic dish. Since ancient times, they have supplemented holiday tables of our ancestors and were a symbol of hospitality and friendliness of the owners to visitors.

To date, the dish has various cooking options, depending on the filling and type of dough. Cabbage dumplings remain among the most popular among people.


The dish has a number useful properties. But it is worth noting that it will be useful to eat dumplings only if home cooking or if the product good quality. It is better to refuse cheap semi-finished products altogether.

  • The presence of vitamins and minerals in the composition to maintain the full functioning of the body.
  • It is a source of potassium, phosphorus, iron, as well as valuable proteins.
  • Steamed dumplings retain the maximum of useful properties during cooking.
  • They are quickly absorbed by the body, which prevents problems with the digestive system.
  • Fast saturation even with a few dumplings, which can save you from overeating.
  • The dough is rich in amino acids, which help keep the body in good shape.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the presence of a large number useful qualities, it is worth mentioning the harm that the body can get when eating dumplings with cabbage.

  • The composition of the dish includes dough made from flour, which increases the calorie content of the product, which can negatively affect the figure.
  • The frequent choice of low-quality semi-finished products causes a malfunction in the digestive system. As a result - stomach pains, nausea, liver problems, visible cellulite, etc.
  • Cabbage stuffing can be cooked different ways. Often it is boiled and then fried, due to which the filling of dumplings becomes greasy and reduces its useful characteristics.
  • Overeating can negatively affect a person's overall well-being. It is always worth remembering about the individual norms of the body.

The nutritional value

For people who care about their figure and health in general, it is important to know how many calories are in one serving.

100 g accounts for:

  • Calories: 84 kcal
  • Proteins: 4 g
  • Fat: 2.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 10 g

The indicators can sometimes differ from those indicated, as a rule, due to the filling. If cabbage is lightly fried before sculpting products, then the indicators will increase several times. The same effect is observed when cabbage is supplemented with various additives.

Is it possible to use for those who are on a diet and in what quantity

Vareniki with cabbage is considered to be dietary product, but only if they are boiled and steamed. The calorie content of the dish in such cases can even be below 100 kcal, which contributes to the rapid absorption of food. Food does not weigh down the stomach.

Of course, you shouldn’t abuse the norms and you don’t need to overeat dumplings. But pampering yourself with a serving or two a week will only benefit the body.

How to reduce calories

If you want to make a dish with a minimum number of calories, you can use the tips:

  1. Boil or steam. Frying is contraindicated, otherwise diet dish turn into unhealthy food.
  2. Use fermented or raw cabbage, lightly seasoned with sunflower or olive oil. Adding frying or sauces is not recommended.
  3. When serving, dumplings can be garnished with herbs or small cubes of vegetables (tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, etc.).
  4. In the process of preparing the dough, you need to add fresh eggs, and not substitute supplements that are not famous for their benefits.

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