Home Bakery How to make biscuit dough for a cake. Biscuit cake. Delicate cake strawberry cake based on curd mousse

How to make biscuit dough for a cake. Biscuit cake. Delicate cake strawberry cake based on curd mousse

Biscuit in translation from Italian means "baked twice". A classic biscuit is made from flour, sugar and eggs. A delicious biscuit recipe may also contain cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, chocolate, etc. Cooking a biscuit, as a rule, does not take much time. It is for the speed of preparation and excellent results that many housewives love to cook biscuit dough. Products from it are lush and delicate. Biscuit baking can be the most diverse. There are biscuit for cake, roll, cakes, etc.

How to make a biscuit? A simple biscuit recipe, however, has some cooking features. It is well-beaten egg whites and yolks with sugar and flour that give splendor to pastries. The quality of the biscuit largely depends on the freshness of the eggs, as well as the temperature of all the ingredients included in the composition. An equally important role is played by the duration of whipping and baking mode. How to cook a biscuit will tell our recipes. Cooking a biscuit at home will not be difficult if you follow all the cooking rules. To get the most fluffy and tender biscuit, it is recommended to carefully separate the yolks from the proteins so that they do not mix. Proteins are less amenable to whipping if they get yolk or fat.

There are many biscuit recipes. The dough recipe may include grated lemon or orange zest, vanilla sugar, cocoa powder, chopped nuts, poppy seeds, raisins, and other fillers. They must first be mixed with flour. In a classic biscuit, the recipe of which consists of eggs, sugar and flour, you can add sour cream and kefir. Biscuit on sour cream and biscuit on kefir is even more delicious and lush than the classic one. The recipe for a biscuit on sour cream will not cause you any difficulties. The chocolate biscuit recipe, which includes cocoa powder, is especially popular with children who require to make a chocolate biscuit regularly. We advise you to cook a very popular biscuit with apples - charlotte. You can even try to cook a biscuit without eggs - in vegetable oil and soda solution.

Cake layers are baked from biscuit dough. The biscuit recipe for the cake can be found on our website. The combination of biscuits various creams, fresh berries, fruits and nuts allows you to get a variety of delicious confectionery. An important component for such sweet products is biscuit cream. The biscuit cream recipe may include cottage cheese or chocolate. The curd biscuit may contain curd both as a filling and as a component of the dough.

How to cook a biscuit? You can use two ways to prepare this delicacy - cold and hot. Beat proteins should only be in a completely clean, without traces of fat, dishes. If the proteins are whipped poorly, then they need to be cooled. Beat the whites until a stable foam is formed. Excessively whipped whites with small bubbles, during baking, cause the dough to shrink. The yolk should be rubbed with sugar until white and beat until foamy. Mix whites and yolks immediately, while adding flour.

Cooking the biscuit in a warm way speeds up the process. How to make a biscuit in a hot way? In a water bath at a temperature of 40-50 degrees. You can immediately beat the eggs with sugar. Such a biscuit is denser and more crumbly than a cold-cooked biscuit. It is best to beat the resulting mass in an electric mixer, but you can also manually. Ready dough you need to immediately pour into special forms and immediately begin to bake.

How to bake a biscuit? A delicate structure and a thin crust are obtained only if the biscuit is baked correctly. You need to bake a biscuit on a uniform medium heat. Do not open the oven during baking. But the finished biscuit must be left for a while in an open oven. This is done so that it does not fall off. A freshly baked biscuit is poorly cut, so after baking it is advisable to keep it for about a day.

How to bake a biscuit quickly? You can also cook a biscuit in the microwave. This method is simpler than the previous one. The dough itself is a bit dry, so impregnation for the biscuit is needed. As an impregnation, you can use chocolate, various syrups or alcohol.

Prepare a biscuit! Recipes with photos on our website will tell you how to do it right.

6-10 servings

1 hour 5 minutes

297 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Classic sponge cake recipe

Kitchenware: detachable baking dish with a diameter of 22 cm, bowls of different diameters and depths, mixer or blender, rubber spatula, fine sieve, baking paper, long wooden stick or toothpick, cling film.


Step by step cooking

  1. We take 6 chicken eggs and carefully separate the yolks from the proteins, while making sure that not a drop of yolk gets into the proteins.

  2. Add a pinch of salt to the bowl with the proteins and beat the resulting mixture with a mixer at medium speed.

  3. When the proteins are whipped into a rather lush mass, add 90-100 g of sugar to them and continue to beat.

  4. We beat the workpiece until we obtain the so-called stable peaks.

  5. Pour 90-100 g of the remaining sugar into a bowl with yolks and beat the resulting mixture until light and increase in volume by 1.5-2 times.

  6. Add the protein mass to the whipped yolks and with gentle movements of the rubber spatula mix the resulting mixture from the bottom up.

  7. In a separate bowl, mix 250 g of flour and 10-12 g of baking powder, then sift the flour mixture through a fine sieve twice.

  8. In small portions, in three or four stages, add the sifted flour to the bowl with the egg mass. Thus, the probability of the formation of lumps in the already ready dough will be reduced to a minimum.

  9. While kneading the dough, add 5 g of vanilla and bring the dough to the consistency of thick mayonnaise. Remember that the dough should be too thick or liquid.

  10. Line a springform pan with parchment paper.

  11. We spread the dough in the prepared form and slightly level the surface of the biscuit.

  12. We send the dough to the oven preheated to 180 degrees, for about 35 minutes. After this time, we check the biscuit for readiness with a long wooden stick.

  13. We leave the finished biscuit in the oven with the door ajar for ten minutes, so that it cools slightly and does not settle. Next, we take the cake out of the mold and carefully remove the paper, and then allow the biscuit to cool completely.

  14. We wrap the cooled pastry in cling film and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours, during which time it will become more tender and moist, it will be easy to work with it further.

Video recipe for a simple biscuit for a cake

  • To determine if you're getting consistent peaks, turn the bowl of protein over and if it doesn't fall out, you've reached the right consistency.
  • Do not knead the dough for a long time so as not to damage its air structure - as soon as all the ingredients are combined, stop kneading.
  • The baking dish can be greased with butter or sunflower oil and then dust generously with flour.
  • The biscuit can be baked once, and then cut into several cakes, you can also divide the dough into several equal parts and bake each cake separately - the choice is yours!
  • To determine the readiness of the biscuit, stick a wooden stick into the product. If it comes out dry and clean, without traces of dough, then the pastry is ready.
  • If a bump forms on the surface of the biscuit during baking, place a cutting board on the finished product and leave it for half an hour. After that, the surface of the biscuit will become perfectly flat.

chocolate sponge cake recipe

Cooking time: 70-80 minutes.
Calories (100 g): 281 kcal.
Servings: from 8 to 12.
Kitchenware: detachable baking dish with a diameter of 24 cm, a small saucepan with a thick bottom, a tablespoon, a measuring cup, bowls of different depths and diameters, a sieve, a mixer or a blender, a long wooden spatula, baking paper.


Step by step cooking

  1. We put 30 g of cocoa powder, 200 g of sugar in a saucepan.

  2. Then pour in 100 ml of water and 135-140 ml of sunflower oil.

  3. We send the pan to the stove and, stirring constantly, bring the mass to a boil. The result should be a homogeneous chocolate mass.

  4. We set aside chocolate mass aside and let cool slightly.

  5. In another bowl, mix 200 g of flour, 4 g of baking powder, 3-5 g of soda, 2 pinches of salt, and then sift the resulting mixture through a sieve.

  6. In a separate bowl, beat 5 eggs thoroughly.

  7. After that, add 50 g of sugar there and continue to beat the mass. The egg substance should increase in volume by 2-3 times, brighten, become airy and light.

  8. Without turning off the mixer, gradually add the chocolate mixture to the egg mass and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.

  9. Pour the flour mixture there in small portions and knead the dough with a wooden spatula.

  10. At the final stage, we work the dough with a mixer for 2-3 minutes until smooth.

  11. Cover the bottom of a springform pan with parchment paper and pour the prepared dough into it.

  12. We bake a biscuit in an oven preheated to 170-180 degrees, approximately 45-50 minutes.

  13. We take out the finished baking from the oven and let it cool completely, and only after that we remove the biscuit from the mold.

Video recipe for chocolate sponge cake in the oven

The video below shows the entire cooking process in detail. chocolate biscuit according to the recipe described above.

Biscuit recipe for a cake in a slow cooker

Cooking time: 75-85 minutes.
Calories (100 g): 269 ​​kcal.
Servings: from 5 to 8.
Kitchenware: a fine sieve, a measuring cup, several containers of various depths and diameters, a long spoon, a slow cooker of any model, baking paper, a skewer.


Step by step cooking

  1. Sift 250 g of flour into a deep bowl, and in another bowl mix 240 g of granulated sugar and 5 g of vanillin.

  2. Break 8 chicken eggs into a large dry bowl and pour the sugar mixture into the same place.

  3. Beat the ingredients well with a mixer until the volume increases by 2-2.5 times.

  4. In small portions, add the sifted flour to the bowl with the egg mixture and carefully knead the dough with a long spoon until the lumps disappear completely.

  5. We cover the bottom of the device bowl with baking paper and carefully pour in the cooked dough.

  6. We close the lid of the multicooker and set the program "Baking". We do other things for an hour, while in no case do we open the lid and do not look into the bowl.

  7. After an hour, leave the biscuit in the “Heating” mode for ten minutes. Open the lid of the device and check the readiness of the product with a skewer.

  8. Without removing the bowl, let the biscuit brew for about five minutes with the lid closed. We remove the finished biscuit from the bowl and let it cool to room temperature.

Video recipe for a biscuit for a cake in a slow cooker

The biscuit prepared according to the above recipe turns out to be very lush, after baking it reaches 10 cm in height. If you don't believe me, watch the video below and see for yourself.

Biscuit Cake Recipes

  • Now that you already know how to cook fluffy biscuit, familiarize yourself with the preparation of the filling and the assembly process. This recipe will appeal to beginners in cooking or very busy hostesses.
  • Unforgettably tasty and unusually appetizing. This dessert will always decorate any family table and will never disappoint guests.
  • kids will love it very much. Extraordinarily attractive appearance and fruity aroma delight even the most fastidious and demanding tasters.


  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 6 pcs. + 2 yolks.
  • Baking powder - 1.5 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 400 grams.
  • Condensed milk - 1 can.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack.

For delicious tea

Even the simplest biscuit cake can be called a masterpiece confectionery art. Soft biscuit, delicate sweet cream and all kinds of mouth-watering additives in the form of berries, nuts, fruits, chocolate - together form a magical symphony of flavors that will delight all the sweet tooth in the world.

Many recipes with photos offer to prepare simple biscuit cakes in a variety of variations and designs.

Many people associate the classic biscuit cake with a festive tea party, rarely when solemn events or friendly gatherings do without it. Meanwhile, once upon a time, biscuit was the food of English sailors. They took it on long voyages, because the product did not deteriorate for a long time and did not become moldy, which was extremely important in the conditions of constant dampness on the ship.

On one of these trips, a courtier of Queen Elizabeth tried the biscuit, and soon the rough sailor's food turned into an exquisite cake worthy of aristocrats. The simple and delicious biscuit cake quickly became popular outside of England and soon became one of the most beloved desserts around the world.

Today, everyone can cook a simple biscuit cake at home. The most difficult thing is to bake a biscuit cake for a cake correctly, this technology cannot be called simple, because not everyone can perfectly separate the egg whites from the yolks, beat them well with sugar, do not overdo it with flour, and then make sure that during the baking process the dough does not opal.

But today there are many simple recipes that allow you to cook delicious biscuit cakes without these difficulties.

In particular, a very simple and delicious biscuit cake can be made based on dough for classic charlotte, the cake at the same time turns out to be high and lush. Sometimes starch is added to the dough for splendor, which also facilitates the cooking process.

But baking cakes is only half the battle, you still need to think about the filling! delicious cream for a biscuit cake, too, can be simple and affordable for an ordinary cook. For example, you can make a simple cake with condensed milk, add nuts or dried fruits to it.

Also very easy to prepare. sour cream for a biscuit cake, in which, in addition to sugar, you can add vanilla, cinnamon or combine it with fruit jam. And of course, you should definitely make a simple chocolate biscuit cake at least once, it can be with or without cream, additionally smeared with liquid chocolate or poured with dark icing.

Simple recipes for biscuit cakes are easy to practice at home, and everyone without exception will be satisfied with the result. Of course, the cooking technology will be somewhat different from the classic one, but this does not mean at all that the dessert cannot compete with a restaurant cake.

Be sure to use one of the recipes with a photo and cook a delicious and simple biscuit yourself, it will definitely turn out delicious!


A very tasty and simple cake is obtained according to the following recipe. For baking cakes, you should prepare a round form with a diameter of 24 cm (preferably collapsible). In this case, a high biscuit cake is obtained, which is easy to cut into 2 or 3 more. If the shape is larger, then it is worth increasing the number of ingredients. Any cream can be made, but in this case we offer a recipe with condensed milk.

To make a simple biscuit at home, you first need to prepare the dough.

  1. To do this, break the eggs into a deep bowl, unlike the classic biscuit, you do not need to separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Add sugar (or powdered sugar) to the eggs, then beat with a mixer until the mixture becomes lighter and thicker.
  3. The duration of whipping is about 2 minutes, while you should start with a low speed of the mixer, gradually increasing the speed every 30 seconds.
  4. The mass is ready when distinct marks from the mixer remain on its surface.
  5. Gradually sift the flour mixed with the baking powder into the egg mixture, gently mixing with a spoon.
  6. At the end, pour in the lemon juice and mix again. instead of baking powder and lemon juice you can use soda with vinegar, but you need to mix them directly in the dough, and not quench them in a spoon so that carbon dioxide does not escape into the air.
  7. Line the bottom of a baking dish with parchment, brushing the entire surface with a little oil.
  8. Batter carefully pour into a mold and put in a preheated oven to 180 °.

The baking time depends on the height of the cake and the power oven, but on average it takes from 45 minutes to 1 hour. During baking, do not open the oven door wide or turn the heat down sharply, otherwise the cake will fall off. The finished cake should be evenly browned, it should be pierced in the middle with a toothpick, if there are no traces of dough left on it, you can remove it from the oven.

The cake taken out of the oven should stand for 10-15 minutes. in shape, after which you should carefully remove it, if necessary, carefully trimming the edges with a knife. Let the biscuit cool down room temperature for a couple of hours, then carefully cut it with a long sharp knife lengthwise into three thin cakes.

The cream for such a biscuit cake is prepared according to a very simple recipe.

  1. Butter must be softened at room temperature, add vanilla sugar to it, mix well.
  2. Separately, mix the egg yolks with a small amount of boiled cold water(approx. 50 ml).
  3. Add condensed milk there, mix and put on a slow fire, with constant stirring, bring the mixture to a thickening, then cool.
  4. Add the cooled mass in portions to the butter, whisking until an airy cream is obtained.

With the resulting cream, generously smear all the cakes and the finished cake on all sides, then let it brew in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours. If desired, it can be decorated with chocolate pieces, berries, nuts, fruit slices, etc.

For such a biscuit cake, a simpler cream with butter and condensed milk is also suitable, just mix and beat these ingredients well without adding yolks and without heating.


Among the recipes with photos, you can find other options for a simple homemade biscuit cake. In particular, you can prepare the dough as follows:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat the latter with powdered sugar into a strong foam.
  2. Beat the yolks with sugar with a whisk and mix with a spoonful of protein mass, gently mixing.
  3. Sift flour into the egg mass (for 4 eggs - 1 tablespoon of flour), add vanillin and mix gently with a spoon, moving from bottom to top.
  4. Bake a biscuit in a collapsible form for about 25 minutes at 200 °.
  5. Cut the cooled cake lengthwise and coat all parts with the selected cream.

This biscuit cake is very simple, but it can be made more sophisticated if you think about the filling.

It is also possible based on this simple recipe make chocolate biscuit cake. To do this, you need to add cocoa to the flour, as well as make chocolate cream or glaze.

A very simple, but insanely delicious biscuit cake can be made according to the recipe with strawberries and bananas. To do this, you need to bake a biscuit (classic or chocolate), prepare sour cream or butter cream. Cut the fruit into thin slices and lay them on the cakes, smearing with cream on top.

Even the simplest sponge cake recipe can be used as the basis for creating a real masterpiece. All you need to do is choose the right cream and other components of the filling. The dough also does not stand aside; at the cooking stage, you can add lemon zest, ground nuts, and ready-made cakes impregnate with rum, liquor, cognac, etc.

Well, what could be easier than baking a simple biscuit? Probably, many of you will not agree with me, because only experienced hostess. And in part you will be right. There are many nuances and subtleties in the preparation of classic pastries, which will be discussed in this article.

I baked my first "biscuit" at age 12, and what I got out of the oven looked more like an omelette than the cake layer I imagined. In those days there was no Internet, cooking shows and magazines with colorful step by step recipes. There was only my mother's notebook with a list of ingredients and a short description of the process. And then no one really knew how to cook it, neither my mother's friends, nor my friends, and even more so my grandmother, who is my friend only with yeast dough.

A recipe verified to the gram and understandable proportions

But in twenty years, I did learn how to bake a real biscuit, thanks to a series of experiments and personal experience. And it is this recipe that I always give to my friends and relatives, and I will also pass it on to my still little daughter.

Friends, there will be a lot of text further, so please be patient, and I promise you that your first biscuit will be lush, airy, and incredibly tasty. As you can see in the photo, the cake can be cut into three parts.

List of ingredients

  • 5 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 pinch of salt


  • vegetable oil for greasing the mold
  • baking dish with a diameter of 28-26 cm.
  • glass 250 ml.

Cooking instructions

Prepare two comfortable and deep bowls in which it will be convenient to beat with a mixer. Check that there are no drops of water in the bowl in which we will beat the whites, the bowl should not only be dry, but also fat-free. Even a fraction of a drop of fat will spoil the biscuit. Therefore, make sure in advance that the protein bowl is dry and fat-free.

Now the most exciting part of the process: we need to separate the whites from the yolks. Carefully separate the proteins from the yolks, and make sure that even a small drop of yolk does not get into the proteins. As I wrote earlier, fat from the yolk, even in small quantities, will interfere with whipping proteins. If you are not experienced in separating the yolks from the whites, it is best to do this over a separate plate. If you spoil one protein, then the total protein mass will not suffer.

Now add half the sugar to the yolks.

Beat the yolks with sugar with a mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved, and set aside.

Cold proteins are the key to successful baking

One of the most important rules for making a biscuit is that the proteins must be cold, otherwise they simply will not whip. If you did not have time to cool the eggs in advance, then put the bowl with the separated proteins in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, where they will quickly cool. Add a pinch of salt to the chilled proteins.

Beat the whites with salt with a mixer at high speed in a lush foam. At this stage, it already becomes clear whether a biscuit will turn out or not. If the squirrels are whipped into a beautiful foamy hat, then everything is fine, we can move on. Gradually add the remaining sugar to the whipped proteins, and continue to beat the proteins until the sugar is completely dissolved.

No sudden movements!

Gradually introduce into the protein part into the yolks whipped with sugar. This must be done very carefully so that the biscuit mass does not sit down, at the lowest speed of the mixer, but it is better to stir clockwise with a spoon to be sure.

We do the same with flour, which must be sifted in advance. Add the flour to the biscuit dough one tablespoon at a time, and mix gently at the lowest speed of the mixer, or with a spoon.

"French shirt"

Next, let's prepare the mold for the biscuit. We don't need surprises, so even a uniform with non-stick coating lubricate vegetable oil with a brush, or with your hands, and sprinkle with flour. Excess flour must be shaken off. By the way, I just recently found out that this way of processing the form before baking is called “French shirt”.

Pour the biscuit dough into a mold, and send it to bake in a preheated oven.

How to bake in the oven

If you are cooking for the first time, then you will probably ask me at what temperature to bake a biscuit in the oven? Answer: in the case of biscuit dough extremes are not needed, the golden mean is 170-180 degrees. Bake - 30-40 minutes. Grid position in the middle. Do not forget that you cannot open the oven for the first 25 minutes, otherwise the biscuit will not rise.

We check the readiness of baking with a wooden toothpick or skewer. If the toothpick is dry and the biscuit is browned on top, then the pastry is ready. Do not immediately remove the form from the oven, because it may fall. Turn off the oven, open the door halfway, and leave the oven to cool.

Remove from oven, unmould and transfer to a plate. After cooling, the finished biscuit falls a little, and the surface wrinkles, but still remains fluffy and airy.

Well, that's all my friends, I hope I didn't confuse you too much. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in preparing a classic biscuit. The main thing is to follow all the above recommendations, and you will certainly succeed.

What oven to bake biscuits in? Both electric and gas ovens are suitable for baking. In an electric baking oven, turn on the top and bottom heating without convection. Grid position in the middle. For a gas oven, we turn on only the bottom heat, the position of the grate is also in the middle and without convection.

Which oven to put the biscuit in? For guaranteed results - perfect biscuit, the form with the dough must be placed in a preheated oven. But more than once I put the form with the dough in a cold oven, and the biscuit rose perfectly. Therefore, if you are at a crossroads to put a biscuit in a hot or cold oven, it is better to choose a hot one.

Why won't the cake rise in the oven?

Oven seal broken. This feature is typical for old Soviet ovens. Over time, the rubber seals dry out, and extraneous air enters the oven during the baking of the biscuit. If you have a modern gas or electric oven, then there is nothing to worry about.

Do not open the oven with a biscuit for the first 25 minutes. The biscuit settles in the oven if you open the oven door earlier. Set yourself an alarm, or watch through the glass as the dough rises in the form and the top browns.

Added too much flour. Flour in the dough should not be added by eye, but according to the recipe. There is a very simple proportion for a biscuit: 1 tablespoon of flour goes to 1 egg. In my recipe, this proportion is maintained: 5 tablespoons of flour are placed in a glass of 250 grams. This proportion will come in handy if you want, for example, to bake a biscuit for 7 or 9 eggs. The same proportion applies to the sugar in the recipe.

The flour was not sifted. If you are baking a biscuit for the first time, then you should not ignore this stage. Be sure to sift the flour to enrich the dough with oxygen, because classic pastry prepared without soda and baking powder, so oxygen is most welcome here.

Use of domestic eggs. The yolks in homemade eggs are always higher in fat than in store-bought eggs, so for the best result, I always bake with store-bought eggs.

Recipe for a classic biscuit cake

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sponge cake considered to be the most popular in the baking section. It is worth noting that culinary masterpiece he definitely won’t, but his taste will be on top, and given that he is not difficult to prepare, then he can be forgiven for everything.

Moreover, you can buy ready-made biscuit cakes, this will save a lot of time and simplify the cooking process.

If you want to do everything yourself, then you should know how to make a delicious sponge cake for the cake at home. Do not panic, because this is a fairly simple process, it takes little time.

Cooking a classic biscuit for a cake

The biscuit turns out to be very magnificent, it will give your cake a special tenderness.


  • egg 6 pcs.
  • sugar 190 g.
  • flour 240 g.
  • baking powder 2 tsp
  • vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. First we separate the yolks from the proteins.

2. Lightly salt the squirrels, then beat with a whisk at low speeds.

3. As a result, there should be a mass as in the photo.

4. We take half the volume of sugar, fall asleep and beat further.

5. Continue the process until the foam begins to pull along with the whisk.

6. Now we do the same with the yolks: add the sugar that remains and beat. The mixture should lighten and increase in volume.

7. Should be approximately as shown in the photo.

8. We move the mass with yolks into a bowl, then add the proteins in small portions and mix immediately.

9. Now you need to sift the flour, then add the baking powder. Sift again, but already in the egg mass. We do it slowly.

11. Add refined oil to the baking dish, lightly sprinkle with flour. You can use baking paper instead.

12. Put the dough into the mold as a whole. If you have enough time and energy, then you can immediately divide it into cakes and bake them separately. We will cook in one go, divide into layers when ready.

13. We heat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees and send the biscuit for 35 minutes. With a wooden stick, you can check the readiness: it should be dry.

14. Turn off the oven, open and leave the biscuit there for a while. Now you can carefully remove it and place it in the refrigerator for a short time, be sure to cover it with cling film.

15. Take a large and sharp knife and divide our dessert into cakes. They must be very fluffy.

Video recipe:

Bon Appetit!!!

Cooking chocolate biscuit


  • egg 6 pcs.
  • flour 6 tbsp
  • vanilla.
  • cocoa 3 tbsp
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • sugar 6 tbsp
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

Cooking process:

1. We will start preparing the biscuit in the same way as in the previous recipe. First of all, we need to separate the whites from the yolks and beat well separately.

2. Add sugar in equal amounts to the whites and yolks, beat them again.

3. Mix the whites with the yolks, beat the mixture with a mixer.

4. Sift the flour and add to the total mass.

5. When a small part of the flour remains, add 2 tbsp to it. cocoa and then sift.

6. Take a wooden spatula and mix the whole mass until smooth.

7. The result should be a dark brown dough, the volume of which will become smaller.

8. Melt in any convenient way 1 tbsp. butter and mix with a little dough. After that, add to the total mass, then mix thoroughly.

9. Do not add oil to the total mass, in which case it will take much longer to mix the dough. Thanks to the oil, we should get a creamy biscuit.

10. We move the dough into the mold and put it in the oven. Set the temperature to 180 degrees. The biscuit will cook for about half an hour, after 20 minutes check the readiness with a wooden stick.

11. The prepared biscuit should cool at room temperature.

You are probably wondering what will happen if you cook a biscuit without baking powder? In fact, the taste is almost the same, only the height of the biscuit and its porosity will change. Decide for yourself which dough suits you best. It all depends on the specific situation.

This is what a biscuit looks like with baking powder.

It has not been used here.

If you need lush cakes, then by itself you need to add baking powder.

It is not required for a dense test.

Delicate cake strawberry cake based on curd mousse

The first thing to do classic biscuit, the recipe of which we told you at the beginning of the article.

Cut off a thin layer from the top.

We place it in a mold and fill it with sweet syrup. To prepare syrup, mix 100 ml. water and 50 g sugar.

Cake Ingredients:

  • strawberry yogurt 1 tbsp.
  • cottage cheese 200 g
  • gelatin.
  • powdered sugar 1p.
  • strawberry jelly 1p.
  • fresh strawberries 0.3 kg.

1. Mix yogurt with cottage cheese, add powdered sugar. Using a mixer, mix the mass until smooth.

2. Pour gelatin with water and wait until it swells.

3.Now you need to heat it up strongly, do not bring it to a boil. After we mix the curd mass with it and mix thoroughly with a mixer.

4. Pour the mixture on top of the biscuit and put in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

5. My strawberries and cut them into thin plates.

6. Fill the strawberry jelly layer. How to dilute it, you can read on the package.

7. Put a new layer of strawberries on top and pour jelly again.

8. Send to the refrigerator. As soon as the mass hardens, you can take a sample from the cake!

Bon Appetit everyone!

Cake with condensed milk at home

This good dessert, both on a weekday and at any feast.


  • egg 3 pcs.
  • sugar 150 g.
  • flour 150 g.
  • butter 250 g. For cream.
  • boiled condensed milk 0.5 cans.
  • chocolate 1 bar.
  • peanut.
  • jam.

1. Break all the eggs, beat with a mixer at low speed. Add sugar and start stirring faster. After 5 minutes, a light foam should form.

2. Slowly add flour and mix thoroughly.

3. Fill the form with dough and put in the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees.

4. Our biscuit is ready. Let it cool for a while, then divide it into 2 cakes.

5. Each cake must be soaked with jam. We breed a few tablespoons. jam in a small amount of water and smear the biscuit.

7. Evenly coat one cake chocolate cream, glue both cakes together, coat the upper part again with cream.

8. Roast the peanuts a little and chop them with a knife.

9. Rub chocolate and mix with peanuts.

10. We decorate the top of the cake with chocolate-nut powder.

Our cake with condensed milk is ready! Let it stand in the refrigerator for a while so that the cream thickens. Divide the cake into pieces and serve. Bon Appetit!

Homemade biscuit cake

1. Again we return to the beginning of the article and make a classic biscuit. We cut it into 2 cakes.

2.Now you need to make a buttercream, which will require butter and condensed milk. We mix both components with a mixer, add vanillin.

3. Soak the bottom one cake with jam. Anyone will do, take your pick.

4. We smear a layer of cream on top.

5. We put the second cake on top, we also coat its top.

6. Now we cover all parts of the biscuit with cream, sprinkle with crushed sweet breadcrumbs.

7. With the help of biscuit cookies, we decorate the cake.

8. Sprinkle the top with grated chocolate and our dessert is ready.

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