Home Products Esterhazy cake recipe from Seleznev. Esterhazy cake: classic recipes at home. Esterhazy cake ingredients

Esterhazy cake recipe from Seleznev. Esterhazy cake: classic recipes at home. Esterhazy cake ingredients

The Hungarian chocolate-nut cake "Esterhazy" got its name in honor of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Austrian Monarchy Pala Antal Esterhazy. He lived in the 19th century and was a great gourmet, which is probably why the confectioners named the dessert after him. If you are lucky enough to visit Hungary, be sure to try this legendary delicacy, which can only be prepared and sold by Esterhazy confectioneries and restaurants. Of course, the cake recipe is kept secret, but people somehow learned some of the subtleties of its preparation, because one day everything secret becomes clear ... Let's try to cook the classic Esterhazy cake at home. You will see for yourself how delicious it is!

"Esterhazy": nut tenderness

Crispy nut cakes, moderately sweet and melt in your mouth, are a feature of the Hungarian dessert. Yes, the composition of the Esterhazy cake does not include flour, so it can be considered dietary. To make the dough, egg whites are whipped into a stiff foam with sugar and nut crumbs, but in some recipes you can find flour and butter. For an exquisite flavor, walnut liqueur, amaretto or baileys are often added to the dough, as well as spices such as cinnamon and vanilla.

5-6 cakes are baked, which are smeared with custard or butter-custard, and the cake is covered on top chocolate icing. You can add a little cognac or liquor to the cream for aroma and richness of taste. Another feature of Esterhazy is the application of a pattern in the form of a spiral ornament to the icing - from the center to the edges of the cake. For this reason, the dessert is sometimes called "Gossamer". After that, lines are drawn with a toothpick, diverging from the center, like the sun's rays.

Cake decorate almond petals, nuts and chocolate and be sure to put it in the refrigerator for impregnation.

How to peel nuts

Walnuts and hazelnuts can be easily removed from the husk if they are soaked in boiling water for 5 minutes, however, after that it is necessary to dry the nuts in the air, otherwise the kernels will not be ground into crumbs. The husk is easily separated if you roast the nuts in a frying pan for 5 minutes or bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 150 ° C. You need to stir the nuts in the pan, but this is not necessary in the oven. After roasting, put the nuts on a towel, let them cool and rub between your palms - the skin will easily move away from the kernels!

With will have to tinker a little longer. First, it is poured with boiling water for 15 minutes, and then washed under cold water in a colander - 3 minutes, no less. After that, it is enough to lightly press the nut with your fingers so that it pops out of the peel. You can do even easier by soaking the almonds overnight - the result will be the same. All you have to do is toast the nuts in the oven at 80°C until they are crispy again, or toast them for 10 minutes at 180°C. Don't forget to stir!

Beat egg whites right!

It's best if you whip egg whites room temperature, since in this case they are more easily saturated with air. However, since it is easier to separate the whites from the yolks when cold, it is recommended to do this first, and then leave the whites at room temperature so that they warm up a little. Dishes should be well washed and dried, as the main enemies of stable protein foam are grease and excess moisture. For this reason, it is not recommended to use plastic that has a porous structure. An oil film may remain in the depths of the pores, which will interfere with obtaining stable peaks.

For the density of the protein mass, a pinch of salt is added to the proteins at the very beginning or a pinch at the very end citric acid. It is better to add sugar not immediately, but when the proteins are beaten to a thick foam.

At first, the whipping speed should be minimal, but then it should be increased to medium. As soon as the mass becomes shiny and dense, and the peaks hold their shape, turn off the mixer!

If you do not want to grind nuts, use ready-made almond flour - this will make your life much easier and make the cakes more uniform, since it is not always possible to turn nuts into dust at home.

In the classic Esterhazy cake recipes, fudge is made to decorate the top cake, but it is too complicated, so modern confectioners prefer to use melted - it's quick and tasty! If you still decide to make the icing, add a little lemon juice to it - a touch of sourness will not hurt and make the cake more refined. Likewise, instead of custard you can use nut butter.

It often happens that when removing the cakes from the baking sheet, you can break them. Don't worry - they stick together easily with cream! That is why paper circles are used for baking, and not a form from which it is almost impossible to pull out a nut cake.

There is one subtlety so that the fondant covers the cake evenly. First in apricot or peach jam a little water is added, after which the jam is whipped and a thin layer is applied to the top and sides of the cake. After drying, you can apply fondant - and it will lie evenly and beautifully!

Cooking the Esterhazy cake: a step by step recipe

We offer to cook Hungarian walnut cake at home. Of course, you will have to make an effort, but the result is worth it, because the taste of the dessert is so pleasant and unusual that you will fall in love with it at first sight!

Let's prepare the ingredients.

For cakes:

  • 9 egg whites
  • 250 g sugar
  • 250 g walnuts
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon
  • a pinch of salt

For cream:

  • 200 ml milk
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 20 g cornstarch
  • 20 g flour
  • 200 g boiled condensed milk
  • 200 g butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar

To decorate the cake:

  • 200 g white chocolate
  • 50 g dark chocolate
  • 50 g walnuts or almond flakes

Cooking steps:

  1. Fry walnuts in a pan, after which they will be easily peeled off.
  2. Grind the nuts in a blender until very fine crumbs.
  3. Whip egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form.
  4. Add sugar in small amounts while continuing to beat.
  5. When the protein mass becomes dense and holds its shape well, add cinnamon and nuts to it.
  6. Gently mix the dough, trying to keep it light and airy.
  7. On baking paper, draw a circle with a diameter of 20-25 cm.
  8. Spoon batter onto it and smooth it out. Distribute the mass so that it is enough for 4-6 cakes.
  9. Bake the cakes for 25-30 minutes at 160°C.
  10. Beat eggs with sugar for cream.
  11. Add starch and flour to the egg mixture, mix well.
  12. Heat milk with vanilla sugar.
  13. Pour some of the warm milk into the cream in a thin stream and mix.
  14. Bring the remaining milk to a boil.
  15. Pour the sweet egg mass into the milk in small portions, stirring constantly.
  16. Bring cream to a boil, remove from heat and set aside.
  17. Beat soft butter with boiled condensed milk.
  18. Gradually pour in the cooled custard, continuing to stir until smooth.
  19. Layer the meringue layers with cream, including the top cake.
  20. Coat the sides of the cake with cream.
  21. Melt White chocolate in a water bath.
  22. Fill the top of the cake with chocolate.
  23. Melt dark chocolate in a water bath.
  24. Fill dark chocolate pastry bag and draw a spiral from the middle to the edges of the top cake.
  25. With a toothpick or a knife, draw lines from the center to the edges of the cake, and between them, draw lines from the edges of the cake to its middle.
  26. Garnish the sides of the cake with nut crumbs or almond flakes.
  27. Place the cake in the refrigerator overnight.

Some sweet tooth argue that Esterhazy is best eaten on the day of preparation, as the nut cakes can get too soaked in cream and lose their crispy texture. However, it all depends on your taste, because someone, on the contrary, likes a soft cake.

Esterhazy with hazelnuts

The taste of this cake is especially delicate and noble - and all thanks to hazelnuts! You will certainly enjoy such an exquisite delicacy, and if you have already roughly understood how the dessert is prepared, it will be much easier for you ...

For test:

  • 8 eggs
  • 300 g sugar
  • 300 g chopped hazelnuts

For cream:

  • 200 ml milk
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 yolks
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1 st. l. flour
  • 300 g butter
  • 300 g condensed milk

For decoration:

  • 50 g dark chocolate
  • 2 tbsp. l. cream
  • 50 g almond flakes

Roast the hazelnuts, remove the husks from the nuts and grind them in a blender. Beat the whites, gradually adding sugar, until the mass becomes dense and fluffy. At the very end, add nuts and mix well.

On baking paper, draw a circle with a diameter of up to 25 cm and spread the dough over it. Bake the cake for half an hour at a temperature of 130 ° C, and then cool and carefully remove it from the paper. Bake as many cakes as you can and brush them with cream.

The cream is prepared like this. Mix the yolks with flour, sugar and vanilla sugar, rub well. Boil milk and pour in a thin stream into the yolks, stirring. Boil the cream for 5 minutes, cool, mix with soft butter and condensed milk. Beat the cream with a mixer until fluffy.

When the entire cake, including its sides, is smeared with cream, it remains to decorate it. Melt chocolate in a water bath and mix it with cream. Fill chocolate mass pastry bag and draw a spiral on the surface of the cake from the center to the edges. After that, draw a knife from the center of the rays - you should get a "cobweb". Garnish the sides with almond flakes. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 3 hours and invite guests for a tasting! This Esterhazy cake recipe is very simple and is suitable for inexperienced pastry chefs who are just learning how to cook.

Almond flavor

And this recipe with notes of amaretto will decorate any festive table. Making a cake is a pleasure, and it always turns out a delicious masterpiece!

Here's what you'll need:

For test:

  • 8 proteins
  • 200 g sugar
  • 200 g almond flour, for the preparation of which take 200 g almonds and a pinch of salt and cinnamon
  • zest of 1 lemon

For cream:

  • 8 yolks
  • 150 g sugar
  • 300 ml milk
  • 200 g butter
  • 1 st. l. flour
  • 60 g of any fruit liqueur

For decoration:

  • 150 g apricot jam or any fruit and berry jam
  • 200 g white chocolate
  • 50 g dark chocolate
  • 5 st. l. whipped cream
  • 2 tbsp. l. Roma
  • 120 g almond flakes

Remove the husk from the almonds using one of the methods suggested in the article, dry the nuts and grind them in a coffee grinder or blender with a pinch of salt and cinnamon. Sift the flour through a sieve so that not a single grain remains!

Beat the egg whites, gradually adding the sugar, and finally add the lemon zest. Mix the protein mass with half the flour, mix gently and add the remaining almond flour.

Make templates on baking parchment, attaching a plate of the desired size to them. Divide the dough into five parts and spread them according to the templates, and then bake the cakes for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C - until golden brown.

While the cakes are cooling, prepare the cream traditional recipe. Mix the yolks, sugar and flour, and then pour the freshly boiled milk into them, stirring constantly. Bring the mass to a boil, cool, mix with soft butter and pour in the liquor.

Spread the cakes with cream, and cover the top cake apricot jam. For the white glaze, melt the white chocolate in a water bath, add the whipped cream and rum, and then mix everything well.

Fill the top cake with white icing and, while it hardens, melt the dark chocolate, fill it with a pastry syringe or bag, and then draw a spiral from the middle of the cake to the edges. Draw lines with a toothpick from the middle of the cake in the form of sunbursts. This unique pattern made Esterhazy such a recognizable dessert.

Sprinkle the edges of the cake with toasted almond petals and put it in the cold for 20 hours. You want to try this confectionery miracle only in the company of friends and very close people, so as not to miss a single precious moment of pleasure...

Look for Esterhazy cake recipes on Yulia Vysotskaya's website. Many readers post their findings and discoveries, generously sharing their experience and knowledge. Join our sweet tooth club and try to create in the kitchen with which life becomes even sweeter!

Dessert connoisseurs with history and unusual recipes hit the right place, because today we will bake amazing cake Esterhazy. It cannot be said that famous dessert easy to make at home, but what is amazingly delicious, that's for sure. Crispy cakes, delicate muslin cream with praline, a cobweb pattern on the surface, distinguish the delicacy among the brethren.

I love dishes with history, and I never miss the opportunity to tell about their origin. Belgium, Austria, Switzerland declared their rights to the championship. It is absolutely authentically known that the cake got its name thanks to the Hungarian diplomat of the eminent princely family Pala Antal Esterházy. In the middle of the 19th century, a noble aristocrat served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary. At the same time, the prince lived not only in his own country. On business, he lived for a long time in other European countries.

There are two versions: allegedly the dessert was invented by the prince himself, who loves culinary experiments. I baked it and gave it to my son on his birthday. The other version is more plausible. According to her, the cake was invented by the personal culinary specialist of the prince, wanting to surprise the noble guests. History has not preserved the name of the cook who wrote the recipe.

Esterhazy cake - a classic step by step recipe

It is clear that it is difficult for us to cook a real Esterhazy at home. The one devised by the princely chef used hazelnut pralines. The cream contains cognac or cherry water. The sides of the original are always decorated with almond petals. But this does not mean that ours will be worse, although, undoubtedly, it will require considerable attention. I hope that my step-by-step story will help even beginners in confectionery to cope.

Composition of ingredients for cakes:

  • Proteins - 6 pcs.
  • Nuts (hazelnuts, you can add almonds) - 150 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Sugar sand - 150 gr.
  • Milk - 250 ml.
  • Yolks - 3 pcs.
  • Corn starch - 15 gr.
  • Sugar - 30 gr.
  • Oil - 200 gr.
  • Boiled condensed milk - 120 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 4 gr.

For glaze:

  • Cream 33-35% fat - 25 ml.
  • Apricot jam - 2-3 tablespoons.
  • Dark chocolate - 15 gr.
  • White chocolate - 70 gr.
  • A handful of nuts for sprinkling sides.

How to cook step by step

First of all, prepare the nuts. In a dry frying pan, warm them up by putting them on gas or placing them in the oven. Cool slightly, peel if possible, from the husk.

Grind in any way possible into crumbs. A coffee grinder, a combine is suitable for this, but make sure that you get exactly the crumb, and not the paste.

Prepare 4 sheets of parchment paper. Pay attention to the quality of the paper, the cakes should not stick. On the reverse side, draw on them with a pencil 2 circles with a diameter of 20 centimeters.

Now attention. Divide eggs into whites and yolks. Pour the whites into a large bowl. Place three squirrels in a small one, the remaining three will not be useful to us, use them in other dishes.

Squirrels a little salt, beat until a little foam and whiteness.

Start slowly adding sweetness. Without stopping the process, beat until stable peaks. If the sugar has run out and the whites have not yet whipped, increase the speed of the mixer and achieve the desired strength. Look at the photo, if the bowl is turned upside down, the mass will not fall out.

Pour the nut crumbs into a bowl. Gently, with movements from the bottom up, stir the mass.

Spread the nut mass on the baking paper, dividing it into 8 layers (remember we drew 8 circles?).

Spread the entire mixture at once. Then carefully smear each part in the shape of the drawn circle.

Bake the cakes at 170 ° C. Set the timer for 20-25 minutes. You will see that the cakes have become light brown, get it. Do not rush to separate the cakes from the paper. Turn the sheet over, and only then very delicately remove the paper. At first, the cakes will be a little soft, but after a couple of minutes, after cooling, they will become crispy and brittle. Then proceed with them very carefully so as not to break. Stack the finished blanks in a pile. If a cake breaks, do not worry, when assembling the cake, fold it in parts.

We make cream. Put the milk in a saucepan to warm up. In parallel, put the yolks, vanilla in a bowl, add the starch and sugar intended for the cream. Grind the mass with a whisk.

Pour in the warmed milk. Stir, be sure to strain. Return back to the stove.

Boil, constantly stirring the contents. When you see that the cream has thickened, cook for another 10-15 seconds. Remove from the burner, pour into a bowl, cover with cling film and refrigerate. The cream, by the way, can be cooked in advance.

Remove the butter at the very beginning of the preparation of the cake so that it has time to soften. Whisk it in a separate bowl. Also, separately, beat the boiled condensed milk. Combine in one bowl, again work with a mixer.

Without stopping the process, add the cooled custard milk cream in a spoonful. The finished cream will be very airy.

We collect the cake. So that the finished Esterhazy is easily separated, coat the plate with cream. Glue the first cake on it. Lay out 70-75 gr. cream. Spread it over the surface.

Assemble the entire structure. Cream the sides. Any jam rubbed through a sieve will go to the top. I have apricot. Lubricate, and send for half an hour to the refrigerator shelf.

We make frosting. Pour cream over white chocolate chunks. Warm up and stir the mass in a water bath at an accelerated rate. If the mixture comes out thick, drizzle in some cream. Don't overheat the chocolate.

While the icing is cooling, place the pieces of dark chocolate in a plastic bag, dip in hot water so that it is completely melted.

Pour the cake with white icing, smooth.

If you have a pastry bag, draw a pattern with it. Otherwise, use a thick plastic bag.

Take a long toothpick, draw 4 lines from the center to the edges of the cake. And then 4 more from the edge to the center, you get a pattern, as in the photo. After each line, the toothpick must be wiped.

Sprinkle the sides of Esterhazy with nuts. Put it in the cold for at least an hour. Then put on some tea and get ready to enjoy.

Attention! Estehazy cake is desirable to eat on the first day. Otherwise, the cakes will soften and the dessert will lose its charm.

Esterhazy cake - homemade recipe from Grandma Emma

Our chefs have come up with their own homemade versions of the cake, adapting it to modern realities. Many are looking for recipes from Seleznev, Vysotskaya and grandmother Emma. Keep the grandmother's option.

Needed for cakes:

  • Proteins - 8 pcs.
  • Lemon (zest).
  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Cinnamon - a small spoon.
  • Nut flour (almonds, hazelnuts) - 150 gr.
  • Wheat flour - 40 gr.

For cream, take:

  • Sugar - 150 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 gr.
  • Cherry liqueur - 15 ml.
  • Flour - 30 gr.
  • Salt - a pinch.
  • Yolks - 8 pcs.
  • Milk - 300 ml.
  • Oil - 300 gr.

For decoration:

  • Apricot jam, jam - 150 gr.
  • Mastic - 150 gr.
  • Water - 40 ml.
  • Rum - 25 ml.
  • Almonds - 150 gr.

How to bake:

  1. Roast or toast nuts for cooking. Clean, grind into crumbs.
  2. Make cream. Beat the yolks into a saucepan, pour in the milk, add sweetness, flour and salt. Put on the burner. Slowly warming up and stirring constantly, wait for the sugar to dissolve. Continue brewing the cream until it thickens.
  3. At the same time, beat softened butter with vanilla sugar and liqueur in a bowl. Cherry liqueur, if not available, replace with another, there will be no big mistake.
  4. From the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe, bake 6 cakes with a diameter of 24 cm. For the dough, combine nut and wheat flour, add cinnamon and stir.
  5. Separately, whisk lightly salted proteins with sugar into a strong foam. Enter the zest from one lemon and dry flour mixture with cinnamon. Mix the dough well. See the first recipe for baking technology. The baking temperature is approximately 200 ° C, depending on the power of the oven.
  6. Form a cake by smearing the cakes with cream and folding them into a pile. Coat the sides of the dessert.
  7. Decorate the top of the Esterhazy cake with marmalade mixed with a little water and rum.
  8. Warm up the mastic in the microwave. Slowly add water while heating. Divide the mass into 3 parts. Add dark mastic to one part.
  9. Connect the other two - this is white mastic.
  10. Brush the top of the cake with white fondant. On top, draw a cobweb pattern from the dark.
  11. Decorate the edges with nuts and set aside for 3-4 hours to soak.
  • In addition to nuts, it is permissible to add cinnamon to the protein mass. This will give the cream a flavor and a special zest.
  • Egg whites whip better if you take them out of the fridge ahead of time.
  • If you can not quickly bake the cakes, set aside part of the dough, place in the refrigerator, covered with cling film. Then the proteins will not settle.
  • When painting the top of the cake with patterns, after each stroke, clean the toothpick, then you get a clear and clean drawing.

Esterhazy recipe from Alexander Seleznev

All the steps for making an Esterhazy cake are shown in detail by a well-known culinary specialist, whose advice is worth listening to. Watch and repeat his actions. May you always be delicious!

Every housewife has a few favorite recipes that have become a kind of " calling card". Do you want to diversify your sweet table and learn something fundamentally new? Learn how to make the Esterhazy cake, very popular in European restaurants.

The history of the classic Esterhazy cake

The right to own this Esterhazy cake recipe national cuisine contested by the Hungarians, Belgians and Swiss. This is because it was named after a famous person - Prince Pala Antal Esterházy (1776–1866), diplomat, Minister of Foreign Affairs, member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. This man, a Hungarian by nationality and origin, lived and worked either in Belgium or in Switzerland.

A distinctive feature of the Esterhazy cake is the pattern on the surface

As you travel through European cities, the guides will tell you several different stories behind the origin of the cake recipe. Someone claims that it was invented by the personal chef of the Esterhazy family specifically for official receptions and named after his benefactor. Others say that Pal Antal himself was a big fan of cooking and experimenting with products, and created this cake for his son's birthday.

A distinctive feature of the design of the Esterhazy cake is the pattern on the glaze. It resembles the ornament of an Arab scarf, the so-called arafatka. Traditionally, the cake is made from several layers and gentle cream, to which cognac is sometimes added. One of the main ingredients is nuts, mostly almonds, but walnuts or hazelnuts are allowed. And, of course, chocolate - without it it is impossible to imagine European desserts.


The traditional recipe includes cake dough, cream and cake decoration. For cakes you will need:

  • egg whites;
  • almond nuts (can be replaced with walnuts or hazelnuts);
  • sugar.

For cream:

  • egg yolks;
  • sugar;
  • milk;
  • starch;
  • butter;
  • condensed milk.

Cream options for Esterhazy cake can be different. For example, you can use not boiled condensed milk, and praline - caramel made from nuts and sugar. True, in this case you will have to tinker: preparing pralines is not very simple.

The main ingredient of the cake is nuts

To decorate the cake you will need:

  • White chocolate;
  • black chocolate;
  • cream;
  • almond flakes (or other chopped nuts).

The number of ingredients and their proportional ratio depend on the size of the cake and the number of cakes.

Making dessert at home (with photo)

This step-by-step recipe is designed for a cake weighing about 1200 grams and with a diameter of 18 cm. It can be jokingly called “everything for 200” - this is how much a gram of each ingredient should be. So, you will need:

  • egg white - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • roasted hazelnuts - 200 g;
  • custard - 200 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 200 g;
  • butter - 200 g.

Note! To get 200 g of protein, you need 5-7 chicken eggs. The weight directly depends on the category of the egg. For example, C0 is exactly 5 proteins.

First of all, prepare the cream. It should be cold by the time you make the cakes. Take products:

  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 8 g vanilla sugar;
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of flour.

This amount of sugar is enough to grind egg yolks, so that the custard will turn out unsweetened. Don't worry: the main sweetness is in cakes, boiled condensed milk and pralines.

  1. Boil milk. Rub the yolks thoroughly with flour and sugar. Add some milk, stir. Combine the mixture with the rest of the milk on the stove, gradually adding flour and vanilla sugar. Constantly stirring the mass with a whisk, bring it to readiness for 1 minute. Cool down.
  2. While the cream is cooling, prepare the cakes. Beat egg whites with a mixer or in a blender at maximum speed. Gradually add sugar and continue beating until a stable strong foam is formed.

    Prepare the dough for the cakes from egg whites, sugar and nuts

  3. Grind nuts in a meat grinder or blender. Add them to the whipped proteins, mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. Take parchment paper for baking. Draw circles with a diameter of 18 cm on it, for example, using a plate. There should be 8 of them.

    Prepare parchment, draw circles on it for cakes

  5. Put the protein mass in the center of each circle and evenly distribute to the borders. Send to the oven preheated to 160 degrees.

    Spread the dough gently along the borders of the circles.

  6. Ready-made cakes, if you did everything right, will be light and dry, they will easily move away from the paper. If they are not ready, then you can return them to the oven for a few minutes or leave them for a while to dry. But in no case do not stack the cakes on top of each other until they are completely cool - they are very fragile.

    Finished cake layers

  7. Now beat the butter, add praline or boiled condensed milk (they should be at room temperature) and custard, beat until smooth.
  8. Assemble the cake, layer each cake with a small amount of cream. Don't forget to coat the sides too. Put the finished cake in the refrigerator, and after an hour, when the cream hardens, decorate with icing.

    Assemble the cake, spreading cream on each cake

Julia Vysotskaya, a famous TV presenter specializing in cooking, advises baking several cakes at once. If you have a big electric oven, you can cook 4 cakes at a time: two on the top rack and two on the bottom rack. Swap them after 13 minutes.

Another tip from Julia: use pralines to create a cake. Take the time, it's worth it. Take 100 g of sugar and 100 g of roasted ground hazelnuts, pour everything into a bowl and heat, stirring thoroughly, until all the sugar has melted and caramelized. Pour the mixture onto the paper (be careful, the mixture is very hot), smooth, cool. When the mass has completely hardened, break it into pieces and grind it into a paste with a blender or coffee grinder.

Esterhazy video recipe

The traditional pattern on the Esterhazy cake is a kind of cobweb on a light background. It is drawn with black chocolate on white. How to do it right? Melt 100 g of white chocolate, mix with 2 tablespoons of cream of any fat content and apply on the surface of the cake. Now melt 50 g of dark chocolate and 1 tablespoon of cream.

Put the mixture in a pastry bag, apply it in a spiral on the surface of the cake, starting from the center. Using a toothpick, draw lines from the center to the edge. Thus, you will "divide" the cake into 4 parts, then even in half each quarter. Draw a few more lines to divide each resulting piece in two more.

Apply the traditional pattern on the Esterhazy cake carefully, take your time. Use a pastry bag and a toothpick

Esterhazy cake should be eaten on the same day it was made. Before serving, be sure to keep the dessert in the refrigerator: heat is contraindicated for it. The cakes are quickly soaked with melted cream and become soft, and this should not be allowed.

You can bake an Esterhazy cake in almost any size. Let's say you need a dessert with a diameter of 28 cm. To do this, draw the appropriate circles on the parchment. It is advisable to put something dense under the paper so that such a wide sheet of dough can be easily carried to the oven. If you use the same amount of products as indicated in the recipe, you will end up with fewer cakes. You can slightly increase the proportions to make the cake bigger and taller.

Spread the dough for cakes on parchment in a thin layer. First, place the sheet on the wire rack with the pastry side up. When the cake is baked, turn it upside down with parchment.

Features of the preparation of esterhazy cakes

There is still debate: what came first - Esterhazy cake or cake? Making homemade cakes is different from making a cake.

For a cake, you will need 5 to 8 cakes. Only 1 cake is involved in the cake, so this option is considered less expensive, especially in terms of cooking time.

Esterhazy cakes are easier to prepare than a cake

The cake is baked on a sheet of parchment, greased with butter, and occupies the entire baking sheet. That is, you do not need to draw circles and respect the boundaries, the dough is distributed evenly over the surface. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees, then remove, cool and remove the parchment. Cut the finished cake into several identical even strips. They will need to be folded with each other, smearing with cream.

Drawing a traditional pattern on a cake is also easier than on a cake: just draw a few stripes with dark chocolate and “cross” them across with a toothpick.

Esterhazy cake recipe step by step

Try making a classic brownie if you think the cake is too complicated.

For the crust:

  • hazelnuts - 75 g;
  • almonds - 40 g;
  • egg whites - 5 pcs;
  • powdered sugar - 35 g;
  • sugar - 100 g.

For cream:

  • milk - 250 ml;
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • rum, cognac or cherry tincture- 2 tablespoons;
  • apricot jam - 50 g.

For glaze:

  • white chocolate - 70 g;
  • dark chocolate - 50 g;
  • butter - 1 teaspoon.
  1. Grind the nuts, mix them with powdered sugar. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks while adding sugar. In several stages, combine chopped nuts and proteins, mix with a spatula.

    Prepare the pastry dough

  2. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet, grease it with butter. Spread the dough over the surface. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  3. Take out the baking sheet and place it on another flat surface. finished cake and remove the parchment from it. Do this carefully so as not to break the cake. Leave to cool down for a while.

    Baked cake crust

  4. Prepare cream. Mix milk, starch, yolks and sugar. Bring to a homogeneous consistency and put on medium heat. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and cook until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat and continue stirring for a couple more minutes. Pour the cream into a shallow dish, let cool.

    Cream for cakes Esterhazy

  5. Cut the cake into 6 equal strips. Warm the apricot jam a little and spread it thickly on one of the strips. Leave for 15 minutes.

    Cut the cake into several strips

  6. Melt the butter and white chocolate in a water bath. Stir constantly. Apply the resulting mass to a strip of jam, smooth.

    Cover one of the strips with a layer of jam and white chocolate icing

  7. Melt the dark chocolate. Important condition: Spread the chocolate strips over the white frosting before it sets.

    Paint with dark chocolate

  8. For cream, beat butter for 2 minutes. Add to it gradually, in several visits, the finished custard. At the end, add cognac, rum or tincture. Apply the finished cream on the cake strips, stacking them on top of each other. Lay a strip of chocolate icing on top.
  9. Brush sides with cream and sprinkle with almonds. Put the blank for cakes for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, then cut into several pieces and serve.

The Esterhazy cake is one of the most popular cakes for special occasions. The price of an Esterhazy cake in pastry shops confirms the peculiarity of this dessert. Today you will learn the Esterhazy cake recipe and how to cook it at home with photos and videos.

The Esterhazy cake is easily recognizable thanks to the decoration of the cake with a chocolate cobweb, it turns out that this pattern is applied very simply, it is enough to see how it is done once.

In Hungary, Austria and Sweden, the Esterhazy cake is considered the most delicious, and the recipe is the property of their own people. It's all about the fabulously wealthy Hungarian: Prince Pala Antal Esterházy, who lived in both Austria and Sweden. The guides tell different stories, apparently who liked which one more, that the Esterhazy cake was named by the chef in honor of his master, cooked for the birthday of Prince Esterhazy's son. Since then, the Esterhazy cake recipe has become desirable for all confectioners of the three countries. The Esterhazy cake recipe was a discovery, a revolution in cooking, because at least three hundred years have passed since the accomplishment of this confectionery miracle, and the Esterhazy cake recipe has not sunk into oblivion.

By the way, not only the cake is named after Esterhazy, but also other dishes: goulash, as well as roast, which is prepared with vegetable puree.

What a delicious piece of Esterhazy cake in the photo!

Interesting cake story, isn't it?

To How to make Esterhazy cake at home?

The Esterhazy cake recipe is not complicated, now there are several cooking options, but the basic points remain the same. The Esterhazy cake consists of five protein layers with nut crumbs smeared with butter and custard with the addition of cognac. In the classic Esterhazy cake recipe, crushed almonds are added to the protein mass for making the cake, but now, sometimes, in recipes it is replaced with hazelnuts or walnuts. Cake surface Esterhazy, according to original recipe, poured with sugar icing, on which liquid chocolate draw a mesh on it unmistakably the Esterhazy cake is recognizable, now the icing has been replaced with melted white chocolate with the addition of milk or cream, so that it becomes quite liquid and spreads easily over the surface of the cake. In order to prepare a high-quality Esterhazy cake at home, keep in mind that the indicated baking time for protein cakes in the cake recipe may need to be adjusted taking into account the characteristics of your oven.

If you still want to buy an Esterhazy cake, then you will have to shell out a tidy sum for a cake, average price about 300 UAH. per kg of cake.

Classic Esterhazy Cake Recipe


Egg white - 6 pcs.
Sugar - 200 g
Almonds - 200 g
Egg yolk - 6 pcs.
Cognac - 3 tablespoons
Butter (room temperature) - 250 g
Milk - 200 g
Sugar - 100 g
Vanilla sugar - sachet
almond petals
Chocolate - 50 g
White chocolate - 200 g


1. Grind almonds in a blender into flour. Beat the pre-chilled proteins with a pinch of salt into a strong foam, then carefully add sugar in a thin stream, continuing to beat with a mixer. Then carefully mix the protein mass with almonds, stirring with a spoon until homogeneity.
2. Lubricate the detachable form with a thick layer of butter and sprinkle tightly wheat flour. If this is not done, the cakes can stick strongly and break. Then put in the form of almonds - protein dough and level out.
3. I posted 3 tbsp. spoons for 1 cake. We bake each cake at a temperature of 160 - 180 degrees until light brown. It's about 15 - 20 minutes.
As a result, you will get about 4 cakes. While the cakes are baking, you can prepare the cream. To do this, grind the yolks with sugar, 3 tbsp. l. milk and vanilla. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, heat and add the yolk mixture to it. Stirring constantly, bring it to a boil and immediately turn off the heat.
4. Then you need to cool the mixture in a cold place. After the mixture has cooled, add butter at room temperature and beat the cream with a mixer. At the very end, add cognac and mix.
5. Lubricate 3 cakes with this cream (leaving 2 tablespoons for the sides of the cake), and pour the last one with white chocolate melted in a water bath. Then melt the dark chocolate in a water bath and use a pastry bag or simple package with a cut off corner, we apply a spiral pattern, starting from the center. Then we take a knife and draw it from the center perpendicular to the dark chocolate pattern. Then between these divorces we draw a knife in the other direction, from the middle of the cake to the edge. You will get a drawing that looks like a cobweb.
6. Lubricate the sides of the cake with the remaining cream and sprinkle with almond petals. You can buy almond petals store or do it yourself. To do this, soak the almonds in hot water for 20 minutes, then peel and finely plan with a sharp knife. I needed about 40 g of almonds to decorate the cake. We send the cake to a cold place for impregnation for 8-9 hours, preferably at night.

Cake "Esterhazy"
I must say right away that I know that I forgot to finish the classic pattern-drawing of the Esterhazy cake ... I came to my senses when everything, i.e. chocolate and icing, already frozen! In addition to movements from the center to the edges, it was necessary to make them in the opposite direction - from the edge to the center.
Before trying to bake this cake, I looked through many recipes in magazines and on the Internet (in the "culinary workshop", on the website of the confectioner Alexander Seleznev, in live magazines, etc.) I realized that there is no single recipe, and the true one is completely classified , and there are still disputes about the origin of this cake ... I settled on the composition that I saw at A. Seleznev.

I used to think that only almonds are used for the Esterhazy cake, but it turned out that almost any nuts and even assorted ones are suitable. I have exactly assorted: hazelnuts are added to meringue cakes, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds and apricot pits are added to walnut caramel.

The recipe I send Lily toFM "I'm waiting for guests - season 2"!

First of all, it is recommended to prepare a custard, which will be an ingredient in the main cream. To do this, put a saucepan with milk, half sugar and a vanilla pod (or vanilla sugar) on the stove, bring to a boil and remove. Rub the yolks with the rest of the sugar, flour and starch.
Pour a third of the milk into the yolk mass, mix and return the resulting mixture to the milk while stirring.
Then you need to continue to cook the cream while stirring until thickened.
Leave the resulting cream to cool. If you don't like decorated cakes sugar icing, then you can set aside a little of this cream and cover the surface of the cake with it instead of icing.
For the hazelnut caramel, toss the nuts with the sugar and fry in a skillet until the sugar melts into caramel. My process went wrong, I was afraid that it would burn, so I didn’t melt all the sugar, but sent it to solidify on a flat dish, or on another suitable surface.
To grind the cooled nuts in sugar, I advise you to use a deep saucepan and a submersible blender attachment. Cover the top with a towel to keep the crumbs from scattering.
The walnut caramel crumb is ready. It is necessary to divide it into two halves: one will go to the main cream, the second - to sprinkle the cake. The part that will go into the cream must still be crushed so that it becomes more pasty.
Stir the custard into the walnut caramel spread, then add the softened butter and beat well for at least five minutes. Place the resulting base cream in the refrigerator.
For meringue cakes, which it is desirable to get six pieces, prepare the protein-nut mass in 2 or 3 runs, i.e. depending on how many cakes will be baked at a time.
First, beat the whites until fluffy, then add sugar to them in portions and continue beating for about 10 minutes. The mass will turn out thick and when whipping, resistance should be felt. Gently fold the chopped nuts into the protein mass. Here they are less than 200 grams ...
Using a pastry bag or simply with a spoon, apply the protein-nut mass of the desired shape (round or other) to the baking paper. Flatten with light movements to a thin crust and bake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees for about 30 minutes.
After baking, turn the cakes over with the baking paper so that it is on top and remove it.
Some Esterhazy cake recipes have a layer of them apricot jam or jam, some don't have it... Next time, if I bake this cake again, I'll skip the jam. In the meantime, I quickly cooked jam from nectarines with sugar and crushed it with a blender.
For the glaze, mix the liquid and powdered sugar. Traditionally used as a liquid lemon juice, and water, milk or alcohol are possible. Take an incomplete tablespoon of liquid and add powdered sugar in portions until it thickens to the desired consistency.
Chocolate for decoration can simply be immediately melted in a polyethylene food bag, from which the tip is then cut off.
When all the preparatory steps are completed, proceed to assemble the cake.
Spread each protein cake with a portion of the main cream.
Spread the top layer with additional jam.
Apply frosting to jam. I repeat that next time I will skip the jam, and instead of the glaze, I will apply a portion of light-colored custard! When the icing begins to set, apply chocolate strips on its surface, for example, in a circle or parallel to each other.
Then, with a knife or a thin stick, make movements from the center to the edges, which I did, and in the opposite direction - from the edges to the center, which I forgot about ...
Sprinkle the sides of the cake with hazelnut caramel crumbs. There are options when sprinkled with almond petals. In my opinion, the taste of almond petals will be lost in such a sweet cake, i.e. they will go more with the option that is without jam and without glaze and completely on almonds.
A variation of the Esterhazy cake is ready. Before serving, it must be cooled and stored in the refrigerator.
I send the recipe to FM

Happy tea!

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