Home Products Raw materials for making brioche buns. Classic Brioche. Yolk for lubrication, chocolate pieces optional

Raw materials for making brioche buns. Classic Brioche. Yolk for lubrication, chocolate pieces optional

French pastries are known in almost all corners of the globe. This is not surprising, because its taste drives you crazy, makes you gain culinary experience in order to depict something similar in your kitchen at any opportunity.

Croissants, profiteroles, petit fours - these pastries are good with tea, coffee, they are served at parties as dessert dish and as an appetizer. The purpose of the buns depends on what filling you choose.

The name of baking appeared several centuries ago. To be specific, in the XV century.

However, the brioche bun itself in its modern version hit the French table much later, and they owe this to the famous confectioner, who bore the surname of the same name.

In some sources, there is other information indicating the origin of the name: for the first time, buns began to be baked in the city of Bree. There is a third explanation based on the verb "beat" or "knead".

Cooking features

Brioche buns are baked from dough with the addition of yeast. They turn out to be incredibly airy, and all because the cooks observe special recipe when kneading dough.

Baking ingredients include milk, eggs, flour, yeast and butter, which affects the humidity of the finished baking. Thanks to the splendor and soft structure, the products have won recognition all over the world.

The secret inherent in baking lies in the unusual method of kneading the dough. Rather, it is kneaded according to the traditional scheme, but when approached, it is placed immediately in a cool place.

After a day, the dough is taken out of the refrigerator and transferred to heat, where it rapidly increases in size, acquires an airy structure.

In addition, narrow dishes are selected for the test, in which it quickly rises. In modern conditions, buns are kneaded a little differently, since the classic method takes too much time.

I'll tell you about unusual shape that brioche buns have. Ready dough in the form of a ball is placed in molds with a ribbed surface and with an expanding top.

Plus, a small ball of dough is placed on the baking surface (as in the photo) and only then sent to the oven.

Other buns, originating from Nantes, also became widespread. There, brioche buns were formed from several balls, stacked close to each other and another small ball was placed on top.

especially airy and soft dough, round shape and glossy surface are the features that distinguish French buns from other types of pastries.

Recipe #1: Breakfast Buns

To bake an airy treat, you need to stock up on the following products:

two teaspoons of loose yeast; half a kilogram of fine flour; 30 ml of water; one and a half teaspoons of salt; ¾ cup milk; 2 large or 3 medium eggs; 0.125 kg unsalted butter; 5 st. spoons of sugar; a teaspoon of vanilla extract or two bags of vanilla sugar.

In order to lubricate the surface of raw products, you need one a raw egg. Lubricate the surface of the finished baking with soft butter.

Detailed cooking recipe:

  1. Pour warm water into a deep bowl.
  2. Add dry yeast and stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Cover the mixture with a napkin, leave for 7-10 minutes.
  4. In a small bowl, mix soft butter and granulated sugar. Using a mixer, bring the mass to a lush state.
  5. In a separate large bowl, mix the sifted flour with salt.
  6. Dilute vanilla extract or vanilla sugar in warm milk.
  7. Gradually add the milk mixture to the flour, turning on the mixer at a slow speed.
  8. Then send the diluted yeast.
  9. Beat in the eggs and knead the dough for a few more minutes until it becomes cool and uniform. Use a special nozzle to make the process go smoothly.
  10. In parts, literally one spoon at a time, add the butter-sugar mixture, without stopping the mixer. Each time, the mass should acquire a smooth and uniform structure before you add the next portion.
  11. When the oil runs out, continue to knead the dough with a mixer for another 3-4 minutes, then put the device aside and roll the mass into a ball shape.
  12. Lubricate the inner walls of the bowl with soft oil, transfer the dough there and cover with a napkin.
  13. At a temperature of 25-30 degrees, the dough will rise for 1 hour and 45 minutes, after which you need to mix it and form a ball again.
  14. This time, cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate. It will stay there all night.
  15. The next morning, remove the bowl and place in a warm place for one hour.
  16. Grease two 20x10 cm molds with oil.
  17. Punch down the dough and divide into 4 pieces, roll each into a ball.
  18. Put two balls into the molds and cover with a towel.
  19. Wait until the dough has risen to the very edges of the mold, forming a double-humped loaf with a seam in the center.
  20. Crack an egg with a fork and brush the surface of the pastry with a pastry brush.
  21. Send the buns to bake. At 175 degrees they will be ready in half an hour.

Remove hot buns and place on a cooling rack. But first lubricate golden brown butter to make it softer and more tender. Now you have brioche buns, which are enough to feast on yourself and treat your friends.

Recipe number 2: Brioche buns

Delicious French pastries require patience during their preparation. One recipe takes two days to prepare, the other a few hours. In our case, the products are tender and soft, they just melt in your mouth.

Besides the fact that they can be consumed with tea or coffee, they are also useful for making a sweet cake. But first things first, remember the list of ingredients:

¼ pack of pressed yeast; half a kilogram of flour; 7 eggs (one of which will go to lubricate the surface before baking); 0.250 kg butter; 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar; teaspoon of salt and one and a half teaspoons of vanilla sugar.

You will prepare a cake from: 0.2 kg of buns; 0.6 l of milk; 0.250 kg of granulated sugar; four yolks; two eggs; 50 g of candied oranges; 100 g of raisins and the same amount of canned or thawed cherries.

How to make buns:

  1. Place the butter in the freezer for a few minutes.
  2. When it cools down, cut into small cubes.
  3. Sift flour into a deep bowl, add salt, regular sugar and vanilla sugar, crumble the yeast.
  4. Grind the mixture with your hands and enter 6 eggs, beaten in a separate cup.
  5. Pour in the chopped butter.
  6. Knead the dough with a mixer, wearing a special nozzle in the form of hooks.
  7. The process should continue for several minutes until the mass becomes absolutely smooth and homogeneous.
  8. Transfer it to a bowl greased with oil, and put it on the countertop for 6 hours.
  9. After the allotted time, the dough for buns needs to be kneaded and set aside again, but this time already in the refrigerator and for the whole night.
  10. The next morning, shape into round buns. To do this, pinch off a piece of dough the size of a small egg and roll into a ball.
  11. Spread the blanks on a baking sheet, leave for 30-40 minutes.
  12. When the blanks “grow up”, make a small cut in the center with scissors (see photo), brush with egg and send to the oven, heating it to 190 degrees.
  13. After a quarter of an hour, remove the pastries and cool in the air.

Cake recipe:

  1. Cut the finished buns into slices and put in a detachable form (which should be lined with parchment paper), alternating with cherries, raisins, candied fruits.
  2. Pour custard, which is prepared as follows: In a metal bowl, beat the yolks and eggs with granulated sugar. You need to work with a mixer or a whisk until the mixture acquires a white color and a uniform consistency. Pour hot milk into the fluffy mass. Beat the mixture constantly so that the egg whites do not curl and flake.
  3. Pour the custard into the mold gradually, waiting until it is absorbed into all the ingredients.
  4. Then place the cake pan on a baking sheet half filled with warm water.
  5. Send the design to the oven, heated to 150 degrees. After 1 hour, the cake can be removed from the oven and when it has cooled, remove from the mold and cut into pieces.

Once again, I draw your attention to the fact that the detachable form must be covered with a film or baking paper, otherwise the cream will leak out.

There are forms good quality that do not require any preparatory work. If this is what you have at your disposal, then there is nothing to worry about.

The cake just melts in your mouth, you won't regret making it in the near future.

My video recipe

A rosy bun with a dough round - you could see it and even try it, but not know it by name. Meet brioche - the morning star of Parisian pastry shops, a classic of culinary art. Thanks to its shape, this bun has become a recognizable symbol of French cuisine. Taste advantages have turned it into an object of tender love for baking lovers. The recipe for French buns is known far beyond the boundaries of Parisian cafes and allows you to cook real brioches at home.

History of appearance

The first brioche was made and eaten by the Norman Vikings who settled in Northern France. The cows of the region produced lots of milk with high cream content. Butter was produced in large quantities, was considered a by-product of milk production, and was consumed mainly by the locals. Brioches, the dough of which was made on the basis of this oil, were originally the bread of the Norman peasants.

The name of baking has been known since the 15th century. According to one source, it comes from the city of Saint-Brieuc in northern France. According to other sources, the term is derived from a verb denoting the process of making brioche bun dough.

The French brioche recipe was first recorded in 1742. In Paris, they appeared in the 16th century and became a symbol of social status. Normandy butter was expensive and accessible to few, but the love of brioches knew no social boundaries. There were brioches for the rich, in which flour and oil were equal, and for the poor, where the ratio was 4:1.

The French bun has taken its rightful place in history and culture. Manet immortalized her in still lifes. historical phrase "Let them eat cake!" in the original it sounds like “Let them eat brioche!”. Authorship is attributed to Queen Marie Antoinette of Austria, and an appeal is made to impoverished peasants who could not afford to buy bread. The peasants did not obey, the matter ended with the French Revolution and the execution of the queen. Brioshes have played a fatal role in French history.

These days, buns bring only positive emotions. Thousands of tourists and Parisians alike dine in brioche pastry shops every day. The recipe for buns remains a subject of French national pride, they are inspired by both the masters of the elite Le Cordon - Bleu school and amateur cooks like blogger Yulia Minyaeva.

Characteristics and varieties

Brioche is commonly referred to as butter bread. yeast dough. The buns have a thin crispy crust and an airy fibrous crumb with a creamy buttery taste. The French themselves refer them to the category of pastries, which are traditionally served for breakfast or as a snack.

French brioches come in a variety of sizes and shapes. The famous bun with a ruddy head of dough is the Parisian brioche “with a head” (brioche à tête). Brioche Nantes - large loaf, consisting of small buns. The Alsatian variety has the shape of a round cake with the addition of fruit. St. Tropez option - cream cake, invented in the 1950s and dedicated to Brigitte Bardot. Candied fruits, nuts, pieces of chocolate are added to the dough for brioche, finished products are sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon. Brioche is the basis of open and closed pies, cakes, rolls with various fillings.

Secrets of taste

Regardless of the regional variations of brioche, the basic dough recipe has two mandatory points:

classic brioche recipe

The baking time is 20 minutes. For cooking approx. 10 buns will need the following ingredients:

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare the butter: cut into small pieces and leave at room temperature. The butter should soften slightly, but remain cold.
  2. Sift the flour into the bowl where the dough will be kneaded. Add 40 g sugar, 0.5 teaspoon salt and 5 g yeast. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Break eggs (3 pieces) into a separate bowl, add 50 ml of cold water and shake vigorously with a whisk or fork until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  4. Pour the eggs beaten with water into the bowl with flour and start kneading. The goal is to get elastic dough with a smooth texture.
  5. It's time for the butter! Without stopping kneading the dough, add butter to it piece by piece. The beaten butter will make the dough sticky. Continue kneading until the dough is silky and no longer sticky.
  6. Shape the dough into a ball, place in a bowl and cover with cling film. Leave for about 1.5 hours at room temperature. The dough will rise by about half.
  7. Turn the risen dough onto a floured surface and knead thoroughly.
  8. Prepare the dough for placing in a cool place. In the classic recipe, it is recommended to fold the dough like this: roll the dough into a square about 1 cm thick, mentally dividing it into 3 parts. Fold the sides and smaller sides of the three rectangles towards the center as well.
  9. Place the folded dough, seam side down, in a floured bowl, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 8-12 hours. During this time, the dough will rise twice, acquire density and become pliable.
  10. Put the chilled dough into heat and leave at room temperature for an hour.
  11. To create Parisian head brioche, divide the dough into 10 equally sized balls, form each into a "pin" of 2 unequal balls. Make a hole in the larger one and stick the smaller ball into it. Thanks to this technology, French confectioners manage to create brioches with an even “head” on top of the “body” of the bun.
  12. Place brioche in baking dish. The dough piece should take up no more than half of the mold. You can also bake on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. The blanks, being at a small distance from each other, will grow in breadth during the cooking process, and you will get a traditional loaf consisting of several buns. It won't affect the taste!
  13. Leave the blanks for 1.5 hours at room temperature so that the dough grows.
  14. Before baking, brush the surface of the brioche with egg yolk (or an egg beaten with a pinch of salt) using a pastry brush.
  15. Preheat the oven. Bake the muffin at 190°C for about 20 minutes. As they cook, the buns develop a golden brown crust.
  16. After baking, remove the brioches from the molds and let cool.

Serve French buns with butter, honey, jam or solo as a pastry with tea and coffee.

The famous brioche dough. Brioches and savarins

French cuisine has always been an example of perfection in the art of cooking, and the French consider famous chefs to be a kind of poets. The French are connoisseurs and lovers of gourmet cuisine, they are picky and thorough in the selection of the range and quality of food products.
In its traditional form french cuisine- the cuisine is rich and diverse, which is due to the wide range of products used and different ways their preparation.
Based on the French tradition, the great French culinary specialist Antoine Karem believed that economy is the enemy of good cuisine.

The rich French brioche dough was invented at the beginning of the 19th century by the French confectioners the Julien brothers and gained immense popularity all over the world.
The dough, as well as the bun of the same name, are named after the famous French confectioner Brioche.

brioche dough


1 kg flour
6 - 7 eggs,
15 g salt
50 g sugar
300 g milk
250 g butter,
20 - 30 g of yeast,
zest of 1 lemon or lemon essence


Dissolve yeast in warm milk with a pinch of salt and sugar and mix with three tablespoons of flour. Pour the kneaded yeast into a small saucepan or bowl, lightly sprinkle with flour and leave the resulting rare dough for 15-20 minutes in a warm place for fermentation. Form the sifted flour in the form of a wreath, beat in the eggs, add salt, sugar, lemon zest, chopped on a fine grater, or lemon essence, pour in the yeast, mix well, combine with flour and, gradually adding slightly warmed milk and butter, knead soft dough. Place the kneaded dough in a saucepan or other dish, cover with a clean cloth and put in a warm place for fermentation.

Put the dough that has risen well into a mold (fill the mold halfway with dough), lightly greased with melted butter and sprinkled with flour, put in a warm place and let it fully proof so that the dough fits well in the mold.

Bake in an oven moderately heated to 170-180 C. The baking time depends on the size of the mold - the larger the mold, the longer the baking time, and vice versa.

Benye "Mignon"


1 kg brioche dough
50 g powdered sugar,
600 g raspberry syrup.


From ready dough form into balls the size of a teaspoon Walnut, immerse them one by one in a very hot fryer and fry until golden brown. After that, remove the finished balls with a slotted spoon, put them on a sieve to drain the oil and then sprinkle with powdered sugar. Serve hot with chocolate sauce, raspberry or cherry syrup.

Brioche with rum


1 kg brioche dough

500 g of water
100 g of rum or cognac,
20 g flour
500 g sugar for syrup.


Place the finished dough in a pre-floured form. Allow to proof completely, then bake in the oven. Remove the brioche from the mold, let it cool and soak sugar syrup with rum. Serve hot. When serving, place small pieces of sugar around the brioche, pour over them with hot rum and light them. The lit brioche has a very spectacular and beautiful appearance.

Brioche with chocolate


1 kg brioche dough
20 g butter for greasing the mold
20 g flour
500 g of water
500 g sugar for syrup
100 g cognac,
500 g chocolate sauce.


Prepare brioche as described in the previous recipe. Soak the finished chilled brioche with sugar syrup flavored with a small dose of rum or cognac. When serving hot, warm the syrup and put the brioche in a warm place. Serve the chocolate sauce in a gravy boat with the brioche.

To prepare chocolate sauce, either dissolve chocolate with a small amount of milk or cream in a water bath, or dissolve chocolate in a sufficiently large amount of hot milk or cream, and then heat to a boil over a fire and thicken with starch, previously mixed with a small amount of water. The sauce can be flavored with a few drops of cognac or rum.

Small brioches (buns) with cream


600 g brioche dough

50 g flour
100 g chocolate
500 g cream
150 g sugar
500 g sugar for syrup
100 g of cognac.


Divide the finished dough into pieces with a tablespoon, put them in special corrugated molds (baskets) greased with oil and dusted with flour, put in a warm place and let them proof completely. Fill molds only half way. Bake in a medium oven, then remove and let cool.

Cook sugar syrup in a ratio of 1: 1, flavor it with rum or cognac and soak ready-made small buns with it. Whip the cream separately and mix it with powdered sugar and broken chocolate dissolved in a water bath with 3-4 tbsp. spoons of water. Cut the buns in half horizontally with a knife and, using a pastry bag, fill the slit with whipped cream and chocolate. Decorate with a rose of cream, put the finished product on a dish and serve cold.

Small brioches with chestnut cream

NOTE. Cream of chestnuts can be successfully replaced with custard on eggs (see the cream recipe below), and it will be even tastier. Or you can make a cream from butter softened at room temperature and condensed milk, mixing them approximately in a ratio of 1: 1 (to taste). You can use any other cream you want.


600 g brioche dough
30 g butter for greasing molds
50 g flour
500 g sugar for syrup
500 g water for syrup
100 g cognac for syrup,
150 g powdered sugar for cream,
300 g chestnut puree for cream.


Prepare brioche as described in the previous recipe. To make chestnut cream, grind the butter until white, then add the puree of peeled, boiled with milk and sugar and passed through a sieve chestnuts. Stir the mixture well and decorate each brioche with roses made from it using a pastry bag. Serve cold.

Custard on eggs (basic)

Ingredients for 360 g of cream:

Cream 20% (or milk) - 1 cup.
Sugar - 4 tablespoons.
Starch - 1 teaspoon.
Eggs - 3 pieces (instead of eggs, you can take twice the amount of egg yolks).


Put in enamel pan sugar, starch, pour eggs and stir for 1-2 minutes. Add cream, put on the stove and, stirring with a wooden spatula (or stainless steel spoon), heat until thickened, but no more! As soon as it thickens, immediately remove from heat. Do not boil - otherwise the cream will be cut off! Remove from the stove and put the cream to cool. Aromatize the cream.

Cream flavoring

If desired, the cream can be flavored in one of the ways

Add 1-2 grams of vanilla sugar or a tablespoon of vanilla liqueur to the finished cream,
- add a tablespoon of cognac or liquor to the finished cream,
- when cooking, replace half of the cream with pineapple, or orange or tangerine juice,
- when cooking, use 3/4 cup of cream; after cooling, add half of the lemon grated on a fine grater (along with the zest),
- at the beginning of cooking, add 2 tablespoons of roasted finely chopped almonds or nuts, or peanuts,
- at the beginning of cooking, add another 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder or a 50-gram bar of chocolate (and do not add sugar).

Small brioches "Wells of love"


600 g brioche dough
30 g butter for greasing molds
200 g butter for cream,
150 g powdered sugar,
300 g chestnut puree,
500 g sugar for syrup
500 g of water
100 g cognac,
100 g cherry jelly.


Prepare brioche as described in previous recipes. On each brioche, make a border of chestnut cream, and cover the middle with a layer of jelly or jam from cherries, cherries, strawberries, etc.

NOTE. Cream of chestnuts can be successfully replaced with custard on eggs (see cream recipe above). And see note to "Little Chestnut Cream Brioshes"

Small brioches "Chantilly"


600 g brioche dough
30 g butter for greasing molds
50 g flour
500 g sugar for syrup
500 g of water
100 g of rum
300 g cream
1 packet of vanilla powder
100 g of powdered sugar.


Brioches cooked in baskets (forms) and soaked in syrup, garnish with whipped cream with sugar and vanilla. Serve cold.


The product is named after the legendary French culinary expert Brillat-Savarin, author of numerous cookery books.


600 g brioche dough
20 g flour
500 g sugar for syrup
500 g of water
100 g of cognac.


Savarin is a large ring-shaped brioche baked in a special "savarin" shape. The size of the form is selected depending on the amount of dough prepared.
Soak the baked brioche gradually with sugar syrup flavored with rum or cognac, and the brioche should be cold, and the syrup should be warm, but not hot or boiling.
When serving cold, put the brioche in a cold place.
Brioche Savarin served with various types garnish, hot or cold.
In the middle of the savarin, you can put various boiled fruits, cream, jelly, etc.

Savarin with pineapple


600 g brioche dough
20 g butter for greasing molds
20 g flour
500 g sugar for syrup
500 g water for syrup
100 g cognac for syrup,
300 g 35-40% whipping cream
80 g powdered sugar for whipping with cream,
1 packet of vanilla whipping powder with cream
500 g pineapples, thinly sliced


Fill the middle of the baked and syrup-soaked brioche with whipped cream with powdered sugar and vanilla, and garnish the outside with pineapple slices. Place on a dish. Lay the side of the dish with pineapple pounds filled with the same whipped cream. Savarin served cold.

NOTE. For whipping, you can use cream of lower fat content, if you add gelatin pre-soaked in water to them (drain all excess water so as not to dilute the cream too much) and heat until dissolved. Beat, putting the bowl with cream in cold water.

Parisian brioche.

Parisian brioches ("brioche a tete" - brioche "with a head") are baked with a small ball on top. Fluffy on the inside and golden on the outside, brioches are served with tea.

Products (for 12 servings)

Warm milk (40-45 degrees) - 1/3 cup
Sugar - ¼ cup
Dry yeast - 7 g
Eggs room temperature- 5 pieces.
Flour - 4 cups
Salt - 1 tsp
Unsalted butter (good quality, high fat), room temperature - 220 g (plus for lubrication).


Pour the milk into a large bowl. Add a pinch of sugar and yeast. Leave for 10 minutes.

Beat 4 eggs into milk with yeast. Separately mix sugar, flour and salt. Add the egg mixture and butter, beating with a mixer on low speed until smooth. Increase the speed to medium and beat the dough until smooth and even (about 8 minutes).

Knead the dough completely, "collect" it and put it in a greased form. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours (dough should double in size). Punch down the dough and leave for another 1 hour.

Grease the brioche molds well. Lay them out on a baking sheet. Divide the dough into 12 parts, approximately 80-85 g each. Form 12 balls.

Roll the dough into a ball with the edge of your hand and, shaping it into a shape resembling the shape of a skittles, make the “head” of the brioche (it should be approximately 1/3 of the “body”). Lifting the brioche by the “head”, place it in a mold. Lightly press the dough with your fingers around the small ball, making a groove, gently press it inward. Make 12 rolls, cover the pastry tins with a kitchen towel and leave in a warm place for an hour.

Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Whisk the egg. Brush the surface of the buns with the egg. Bake brioches until deep golden brown, 25-30 minutes. Cool in molds for 10 minutes. Brioshes are very good when served fresh, straight from the oven. But you can store these buns in a closed bag (after completely cooling them beforehand) for up to 3 days.

I offer lovers of yeast baking a recipe delicious buns Brioche.
Sometimes you want to enjoy just such pastries, on which you can spread something, for example, your favorite jam or jam (for me - so better oil, and jam on top).

I have been using the recipe for a long time, here is what the author (Burda) wrote about it: “An integral part of a real breakfast in French is creamy croissants. But no less worthy place on the French table is occupied by brioches - rich, soft and airy buns. Also, bread for tea is baked from brioche dough; in this dough, you can bake pates, sausages, fish and meat. Ordinary brioches without filling are very tasty with butter, as well as jam and preserves. But buns go well with ham and cheese. You can also remove the crumb from the brioches and fill them with seafood, pâté or fried mushrooms».


250 g flour (or a little more - the dough should be elastic and not stick to your hands)
40 g sugar
2 eggs
50 g melted butter
a pinch of salt
7 g dry yeast


Mix the yeast with 2 tbsp warm water and a pinch of sugar (let the yeast froth).
Sift flour, sugar and salt into a bowl.
Make a well in the center of the flour pile with your fingers.
Pour in the eggs, butter and broth.
Stir vigorously until the mixture is soft and smooth.
Knead the dough until elastic.
Put it in a greased container and put it in a warm place for 1 hour (I never timed it, I waited for the dough to increase ~ 2 times).
Then knead the dough for another 2 minutes.
Divide into ~ 9 parts and separate ¾ from each.

Roll the large portions into balls and place in molds.

From smaller parts of the dough also roll into balls, but with a sharp tip.
Make a hole in a large ball

Put the small balls on the big ones with the tip in the recess.

Place molds on a baking sheet.
Cover the molds with oiled cling film and leave in a warm place for 20 minutes (I leave longer to increase).

I bake at t 200 - 220C for about 20 minutes (the recipe indicated a cooking time of 10 minutes).

Ready-made brioches can be frozen: put the cooled brioches in a plastic bag and place in the freezer. Store up to two months.
Help yourself!

In fact, real brioche dough, after increasing by 2 times, must be punched down and left in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) warm water
  • 2 teaspoons of dry yeast;
  • 4 cups (500 g) flour
  • 3/4 cup (175 ml) warm milk
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (or 2 sachets of vanilla sugar);
  • 125 g unsalted softened butter;
  • a quarter cup plus 3 tablespoons of sugar (about 100 g);
  • 1 egg for greasing the dough;
  • softened butter for greasing hot brioches.

Pour 2 teaspoons of yeast into a cup, add 2 tablespoons of warm water. Stir and leave for 5-10 minutes.

In a small bowl, mix softened butter and sugar.

Blend until the mixture is smooth and pale yellow. Set aside for now.

Pour flour and salt into the mixer bowl.

Heat milk until warm. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract (or vanilla sugar) to warm milk.

Start kneading the dough at a slow speed, gradually add the milk mixture to the flour.

Add diluted yeast to mixer bowl.

Add 2 eggs and continue stirring for a few more minutes.

The dough should be pretty tough. Therefore, use the "paddle" attachment (or another, if you are used to acting differently).

Add the butter and sugar mixture, 2 tablespoons at a time. Continue stirring the dough after each addition.

After the oil has been added to the dough, let the mixer run for another 3-5 minutes to create a smooth, uniform dough.

Lubricate the bowl with butter.

Place the dough in the prepared bowl.

Cover the dough with a towel and let rise at room temperature for 1 hour 45 minutes.

After this time, when the dough has risen, knead the dough well and form it into a smooth ball. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.

The next day, take the dough out of the refrigerator and let it sit in a bowl at room temperature for 1 hour.

Meanwhile, butter two small bread pans (mine are about 20x10cm). Set them aside for now.

The dough, which has already reached room temperature, lightly knead on the board.

Divide the dough into 4 equal portions...

…and shape each into a ball about 8-10cm wide.

Place the balls of dough into the baking pans - 2 in each.

Cover the molds with a paper towel and let the dough rise to the edges of the mold. The dough will rise and expand, filling the mold and creating a "two-humped" loaf with a seam in the middle.

To taste Paris, it is not at all necessary to pack your bags and anxiously wait from the embassy for a response to a visa request. If a trip to France is postponed, then hand-baked French brioche buns will help you mentally transport yourself to the “city of love” and feel its charm.

This buttery, yeast-heavy muffin takes some skill and time, but it tastes so good that it will reward you for your efforts.

French brioche does not tolerate fuss, or how it all began

The historical roots of the famous sweet bun go back to the sixteenth century. The Normans were the first to learn how to make such pastries on the basis of brewer's yeast and a shock portion of butter. The cooks of the Middle Ages, who cooked for their noblemen, combined 6 small donuts together into one and sent the raw semi-finished product to the oven.

Medieval buns were cooked for several days, keeping for a long time sponge dough in the cold. A modern-day pastry called brioche is a small bun with a ribbed bottom similar to those found on muffins. This form of brioche is the most recognizable and even has a separate name - paris.

The more oil is put into the dough, the richer the baking becomes, that is, more satisfying and tastier. Sometimes its amount is equal to the mass of flour in baking. Naturally, such a muffin and a diet (for the sake of a figure) are incompatible.

But if you really want to taste pastries with French charm, we suggest baking cheese buns from choux pastry. Their recipe is easy to find on our portal "Your Cook".

Now let's try one of the most best recipes home baking of the world-famous French brioche bun.

Yes, yes, the very one that the wife of the famous impressionist artist Edouard Manet loved to regale the guests with. It is these pastries that are served for breakfast to the guests of expensive Parisian hotels with a cup invigorating coffee. Try it too!

French brioche bun: a classic recipe from Paris


  • — 700 g + -
  • — 60 ml + -
  • - 250 g + -
  • - 1.5 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 80 g + -
  • 6 pcs. + 2 chicken yolks + -
  • - 1 tbsp. l. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. l. + -

Step by Step Classic Yeast French Brioche Buns

Parisien is the most recognizable brioche bun. It gives out a specific form. At the base, it is an ordinary small bun, which is crowned with a “head” of dough.

Learning how to cook such pastries is very simple if you carefully read the recommendations and do not experiment with the ratio of basic products.

First you need to knead the right dough

  • Sift the flour into the mixing bowl (for self made- in a deep bowl).
  • Add salt, granulated sugar, yeast powder and mix the whole powder well.
  • In another container with a high rim, shake only the eggs removed from the refrigerator. Then add water to them and mix everything again until smooth.
  • We introduce the liquid talker gradually, without ceasing to mix the dough components. It will take 5-7 minutes for the products to mix well.
  • Now the butter - it should be ice cold! We put the briquette in a plastic bag and break it with a wooden rolling pin until soft.

Next, you need to separate small pieces of soft plasticine, but still very cold butter, and add to the dough, kneading well. At this stage, it is best to turn on the dough mixer at minimum speed.

  • We cover the finished test mass (it will turn out to be somewhat watery and will stick to your hands - this is normal), cover with cling film and leave in conditions warm apartment 1 hour for growth.
  • During this time, the dough will become 1.5-2 times larger and it will acquire the desired elasticity. We spread it on a countertop powdered with flour and roll it out to a thickness of up to 5 cm.
  • Next, we wrap the edges on four sides to the middle, shaking off excess flour, crush, put in a container with the seam down, cover and send this time to the refrigerator.

Cooling time - at least 8 hours. You can keep it there for more, but then every 8 hours it is advisable to knead it.

Getting Started with DIY French Brioche

  • All the dough, having rolled a thick sausage out of it, is divided into 25 equal parts.
  • Give each one the shape of a ball. We spread them on a sheet sprinkled with flour and send them back to the refrigerator. This time for half an hour.
  • Next, each of the balls with the help of the edge of the palm, gently rolling, give the shape of skittles. One side of the "skittles" should be smaller and the other side should be larger. So we work with each ball.
  • Now we take each of the “skittles” and make a neat hole in its thickened part with our thumbs. We pass the refined part of the “skittles” into it from under the bottom. As a result, we get the desired shape: a bun with a “head” of dough.
  • We spread the raw brioches in molds for portioned muffins (greased with vegetable oil).

An important point: the forms in the end should be filled no more than half, so that the dough has room to grow.

  • Having filled them all, we cover them with a towel on top and leave them in the conditions of the room (but closer to the oven, which should already be heating up) for about an hour.

We bake delicious brioches in the oven until cooked

  • Before sending to the oven, coat the buns on top with yolk. You can also sprinkle them with sugar with large crystals.
  • The baking time for buns at 190 ° C is about 15 minutes. The indicator of readiness is a uniform brownish ruddy.

You can serve ready-made hearty pastries immediately, or even better - letting it cool for a few minutes. We proposed classic version baking a French brioche bun in the oven, but based on it you can come up with your own own recipes, for example, by increasing the amount of butter and adding raisins or candied fruits to the dough.

Chocolate topping will make the famous Parisian muffin even more satisfying. In the morning, it is quite possible to afford to enjoy one or two donuts - the charge of the received energy will be enough for the whole day!

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