Home Soups Easter cake. Recipes for the oven. How to bake Easter cake: my family recipe with detailed pictures

Easter cake. Recipes for the oven. How to bake Easter cake: my family recipe with detailed pictures


  • Chicken eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sugar - 400 g
  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Yeast - 1 pack. (11 g)
  • Sour cream 20% fat - 100 g
  • Margarine - 100 g
  • Vanillin - 1 pack.
  • Ground turmeric - 1 tsp
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Flour - 6 cups (about 1 kg)
  • Powdered sugar for glaze - 150 g
  • Lemon juice for icing - 1 tsp

Cooking time: 60 minutes + 3 hours for proofing and 50 minutes for baking

Yield: 5 pieces

A lot of Easter cake recipes are now appearing on the net. This is not surprising, because on the eve of Easter, every housewife is looking for new successful recipes. Easter baking in an effort to feed their own deliciously. On our website there is already a recipe Easter cake from cottage cheesebaked in a slow cooker. I present to you a rather tasty and simple recipe for Easter cake baked in the oven in special paper molds. Its simplicity lies in the fact that it does not need strong kneading, the dough can be slightly liquid and sticky - pastries will still keep their shape well, while remaining airy.

Why are Easter cakes baked for Easter?

The tradition of baking them for Easter dates back to the time of the apostles. Sitting down for a meal, the disciples of Christ near his free seat at the table left a piece of bread, which was further divided into small slices and distributed to the parishioners after the Easter service. Over time, this tradition has become firmly rooted in many homes. Sweet, rich yeast dough is used because during a modest life, Jesus and his disciples ate bread cakes from exclusively unleavened dough, and after the Resurrection - from yeast. Therefore, for Easter, cupcakes are prepared as sweet and rich as possible, rejoicing in the Resurrection of Christ and allowing yourself yeasty, rich in butter, eggs and sugar pastries.

Why does the Easter cake have such a shape?

Their shape of a cylinder of various heights was also not chosen by chance. According to legend, the shroud of the Savior was just like that. This is another reason why it is customary to cook them for Easter, because such cylindrical pastries symbolically mean the beginning of a new path, birth, rebirth, that is, the main message of the bright Easter holiday is the content of the victory of life over death.

Easter cake - the most delicious recipe with photos step by step with milk in the oven

So, now you will learn how to cook Easter cake, the recipe with a photo will show you all the cooking steps step by step.

Prepare all the ingredients (list at the beginning of the article). Before baking an Easter cake, the housewives go to the store in advance, buying for the preparation of this very holiday dish Easter is the best food. Wheat flour must be taken of the highest grade, butter and margarine - a higher fat content, it is better to use homemade eggs, because their bright yellow yolks, along with turmeric, will give our Easter cakes according to this recipe with a photo a beautiful yellow appetizing color. Pay special attention to the freshness of the yeast, this is especially important, since the dough is very heavy, rich, and low-quality or expired yeast will negate all your efforts.

In addition to the fact that you have to buy food, you also need to prepare mentally, because such pastries should be prepared with bright thoughts and always in a good, good mood. Of course, if you are frowning or upset, Easter cake for this very delicious recipe for our family it will still work. But after all, we want not only to feed the family, but also to enjoy the rather long cooking process ourselves, and even on the eve of the holiday, right?

First of all, let's prepare the brew. According to this recipe for Easter cake with raisins, you need the entire norm (250 ml) of warm milk (in no case hot, otherwise the yeast will boil and will not work in the dough), 1 cup of sifted wheat flour premium, 1 sachet (11 g) of dry yeast and 1 tablespoon of sugar, mix in a deep and wide container, preferably glass or enameled. Leave in a warm place for 1 hour, the yeast will start working and the dough will ferment - approach, that is, increase in size due to air bubbles, mix and the dough will grow again.

As for the type of yeast, I prefer Easter cake recipes with dry yeast, but you can also use wet, raw yeast. For this amount of ingredients, you need to take half a pack, that is, 50 g, and dissolve them first in warm milk.

While the dough for Easter cakes according to our recipe is growing, we will prepare the rich component of our cupcakes. In a separate bowl, beat 3 whole eggs and 3 yolks. Set aside 1 protein, we will use it for Easter cake fudge, cook yourself from the rest protein omelet, because the wait will be long and you need a little refreshment.

Add fat sour cream, remaining sugar, salt, vanillin, turmeric to eggs and yolks. Mix everything together with a cooking whisk. You ask - why is there salt in sweet pastries? I will answer - it works as a natural flavor enhancer.

Now combine the dough that has come up several times and the rich mass of yolks and sugar. Mix everything until smooth, the mass will be very liquid. If you are used to working with the dough with your hands, use a whisk at this stage. If the dough is usually made for you by a mixer or food processor, or even a bread machine, you can use it for Easter cake step by step recipe technique. Gradually add the sifted flour and knead the dough.

At the next stage of preparation, when the dough according to the recipe for Easter cakes has already taken on more or less shape, that is, it does not spread in different directions, melted butter and margarine (they must be removed from the refrigerator in advance and simply left on the table to heat up) slowly knead into the dough. Take a little directly into your hand (if you knead with your hands) - and mix in, carefully combining the butter with the dough. At the end of the batch, it is most convenient to do it on a table or any other flat surface.

The dough is ready to wait for proofing and bake Easter cakes. Recipes with photos often show different dough consistency. Ours is quite heavy, oily and a beautiful yellow color. Leave the bowl with the dough in a warm place for at least 1.5 hours, during which time the dough will increase in volume several times and the smell and sour taste of the yeast will disappear. The better and more actively the dough rises, the more airy our Easter cakes will be as a result.

That's all, the dough has risen three times and you can bake a delicious Easter cake. The recipe with a photo showed you step by step how to prepare the dough for it. The only step left is to stir in the raisins. If your raisins are not too dry, you don't need to soak them. If the dried fruits are a little dry, fill them with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Then drain the water, dry the raisins on a towel and lightly sprinkle with flour, so the raisins better interfere with the dough.

Now the dough according to the Easter cake recipe, incredibly tasty, cooked in the oven, is completely ready. Heavy, rich and incredibly beautiful and fragrant.

Start preparing paper molds - you need to grease each mold with butter. Take a piece of softened butter directly in your hand and lubricate the entire surface from the inside with your hand. Such forms on the eve of the holiday can be bought at any supermarket, they are very convenient because the pastries in them are very well stored and do not dry for a long time, and such forms look very presentable. If you use metal or Teflon molds, I still recommend lubricating them with oil, after that, when baking, the cupcakes do not stick and jump out of the molds themselves. If you make dough and bake Easter cake right in the bread machine, you don’t need to grease the mold on purpose.

Another tip - use forms of approximately the same size. You can, of course, take both large and small molds, but it is better to put similar sizes in the oven so that they bake at the same time.

Now we form Easter cakes. The photo shows that it is necessary to fill the molds with dough no more than one third. When baking, it rises a lot and you risk getting ugly large hats, or even the dough may jump out of the mold.

The last step remains before baking - the last proofing before warm oven. The dough must stand and rise for at least 30 minutes before baking, otherwise you will hastily look for the answer to the question - why does the Easter cake crack. And this happens because the dough that has not gained air at a high temperature in the oven quickly begins to grow in volume, while the crust is already baked, and therefore cracks appear that negatively affect appearance ready-made holiday baking. If you let the dough rise, Easter cakes according to our recipes will turn out not only the most delicious, but also the most beautiful.

Bake Easter cake according to the classic recipe for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees and another 20 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees. Before baking Easter cake in the oven, be sure to heat it up. The baking time is highly dependent on the type of oven and the size of the molds, so do not rely on the recipe completely, check back periodically and check the readiness of the dish.

In the meantime, prepare the icing for the Easter cake. To do this, you need to take the protein of 1 egg and mix it with powdered sugar, gradually mixing it into the protein and whisking with a blender or whisk. At the end, add lemon juice and stir, it will make your icing whiter and more fragrant. When using raw protein, there is always the possibility of salmonellosis, so be very careful when buying eggs.

Pierce hot pasochki with a wooden skewer and if it remains dry, take the pastry out of the oven.

Spoon onto hot cupcakes with the back of a spoon. icing sugar for Easter cake. The recipe involves the use of white icing, but you can add a drop of natural (beetroot juice, turmeric) or artificial colors to it, as in the Easter cake recipe with cottage cheese (recipe link above in the introduction). Immediately sprinkle with confectionery decorations, they can be bought at the store in all colors and sizes.

When cut, it does not crumble into crumbs, while the structure of the dough is incredibly airy and porous, and the pulp has a pleasant, appetizing yellow color due to turmeric and bright yolks. Easter cake comes out slightly moist due to the large amount of muffin, and very sweet.

Why Easter cake crumbles, crumbles

If the dough crumbles, then this may mean due to the fact that:

  • prepared according to the wrong technology - the dough did not distance enough time, did not “ripen”;
  • butter or margarine used in baking is of poor quality and contains artificial impurities and additives;
  • just old, baked more than five days ago.

So, on our site there are several good recipes cooking with photos of Easter cakes. We present you another recipe for a quick kefir Easter cake.

Quick Easter cake on kefir

Cake Ingredients:

  • Kefir - 600 ml
  • flour - about 1500 kg
  • dry yeast - 1 tbsp
  • sugar - 4 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • raisins - 200 gr

Glaze Ingredients:

  • egg whites - 1 pc.
  • powdered sugar - 100 gr
  • juice of 1/2 lemon

How to cook a simple cake on kefir with yeast

  1. Mix slightly warm kefir with sugar, add dry yeast and 5 tbsp. sifted wheat flour. Mix the ingredients well and leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes.
  2. When the dough rises and is saturated with air, add salt and vegetable oil to the composition. Mix well, then add the sifted flour in small parts. Mix well.
  3. Grease a bowl with vegetable oil and place the dough in it. Put the dough for Easter cakes in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours, it should grow 2-3 times.
  4. Pour boiling water over raisins, dry on a waffle towel. Mix the raisins into the dough.
  5. Forms for Easter cakes, grease with oil, as in the photo recipe above, but already vegetable. Divide the dough into molds, filling them 1/2 full. Bake them in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
  6. For glaze, beat the chilled egg white, adding powdered sugar. Beat until stiff peaks, at the end of the beating, pour in the lemon juice and beat again.
  7. Ready meal cool and glaze. Decorate on top.

Easter cake- one of the main treats on the day of Holy Easter. It's impossible to imagine without it holiday table. Since ancient times, it was considered a good sign if the Easter cake came out well. This foreshadowed happiness and prosperity in the house. The craftswomen spared no time, no effort, no products for cooking Easter cake. On this day, it is still customary to receive dear guests, treating them with generous dishes.

Cooking Easter cake carries many secrets. Our great-grandmothers, for example, started cooking on Thursday. In the evening of this day, the dough was kneaded. It was infused all night and only in the morning the housewives started baking.

The women spent the whole next day by the stove. On the pre-holiday Saturday, Easter cakes were carried to the church for consecration. At Easter, the treat remained soft and fresh, thanks to several canons of preparation. We will consider them in this article.

A simple recipe for Easter cake in the oven

Such a cake always turns out to be lush, crumbly, with an appetizing and yellow crumb. Despite the excellent result, it is not difficult to prepare it. Try it!

Dough Ingredients:

  1. Flour - 1 kg;
  2. Warm milk - 2 cups;
  3. Dry yeast - 1 sachet;
  4. Sugar - 1 cup;
  5. Domestic eggs - 5 pieces;
  6. Butter - 150g;
  7. Vanillin - 1 sachet;
  8. Raisins - 150g.

Glaze Ingredients:

  1. Half a glass of sugar;
  2. 1 tsp lemon juice;
  3. 2 egg whites.


One of the secrets of a successful cake is the temperature of the ingredients. All of them must be at least room temperature. Therefore, it is better to get them out of the refrigerator 3-4 hours before cooking.

1. Dissolve a pack of yeast in milk. We also send 2.5 cups of sifted flour and 2 tablespoons of sugar there. Cover and leave in a warm place for half an hour.

2. Grind the yolks with sugar, add vanillin. Proteins (do not forget to leave 2 pieces for glaze) beat with a little salt.

The yellow color of the Easter cake crumb depends on the quality of the eggs. It is the yolks that determine the color of the bread. Therefore, for cooking, it is better to take homemade eggs, with a bright orange yolk.

3. As soon as the dough is infused, add the proteins, yolks and softened butter (you can replace it with margarine). Mix thoroughly. Then gradually add the remaining flour, stirring constantly.

Thus, you will be able to soft dough. You need to knead it for a long time and diligently. So the cake will be lush and crumbly. Let the dough rest covered for about an hour.

4. Without wasting time while the dough is coming up, soak the raisins in warm water, after rinsing it. Soaking will take about half an hour. After that, lay the raisins on a towel to remove excess moisture.

5. Put the dough on the table, sprinkling with flour so that it does not stick. Add raisins in small portions to it, constantly kneading. When all the raisins are evenly mixed into the dough, leave it alone for 40 minutes, covered with a wet towel.

6. Lay out the cake molds with parchment paper (if you do not have special baking dishes for cakes, you can use any refractory dish that fits visually).

7. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. While it is heating, pour the dough into the molds by one third of the total volume of the dishes.

8. It will rise in the process to the missing two parts. Cover them with a towel and let them sit for 15 minutes.

9. Bake Easter cakes until golden brown. The cooking time depends on the size of the product and the power of the oven. Therefore, it is better to rely on the eye.

As soon as the cake rises and browns, you can safely remove it from the oven.

10. Lubricate the top with glaze (whites whipped into a strong foam with sugar and lemon juice).

Spread the finished treat sideways on soft towels, constantly turning over so that the fresh bread does not wrinkle.

Cottage cheese cake for Easter 2019 - the most delicious recipe

An abundance of ingredients Easter table justified, including by the fact that this holiday is the first day after Lent. As you know, during this period, believers are forbidden to eat all products of animal origin.

Therefore, Easter is a real feast of the belly for those who fast. Another winning option for making Easter cake is cottage cheese dough.

Required Ingredients:

  1. Margarine - 50g;
  2. Fat cottage cheese - 250g;
  3. Flour - 2 cups;
  4. Eggs - 3pcs;
  5. Yeast - 1 sachet;
  6. Milk - half a glass;
  7. Vanillin - 1 sachet;
  8. Sugar - half a glass;
  9. Salt - 1 tsp;
  10. Raisins - half a glass;
  11. Candied fruits - 1 cup.


1. For dough, heat milk, add a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, a bag of yeast, a tablespoon of flour to it and mix thoroughly. Remove the dishes in a warm place for half an hour. The readiness of the dough for further actions is determined by the presence of friendly bubbles on the surface.

2. Break the eggs into the mixer bowl (or into a deep bowl). Don't forget to leave one egg white for making the frosting.

3. Add sugar and beat thoroughly for about 5 minutes until fluffy. Add salt, vanillin and grated cottage cheese to the foam. Mix well.

4. Pour the dough into the resulting mass. After thorough mixing, add flour and add candied fruits with raisins.

5. Divide the dough into baking dishes into half the volume of the container. Cover with a towel and leave to rise for 1.5 hours. As soon as the dough has risen almost to the top - you can bake.

6. The temperature of the oven should be medium. Easter cakes should be baked until a ruddy color is formed.

Its readiness can be determined by placing a toothpick in it. If it comes out dry, the cake is ready! Lubricate the tops of the cake with icing and sprinkle with colored crumbs (to taste). For the icing, beat the egg white with sugar until fluffy.

Video on how to make Easter cakes - a recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

And now I want to show you one video on cooking delicious Easter cakes, as the famous blogger Yulia Vysotskaya cooks. Happy viewing!

How to cook Easter cakes in a slow cooker?

The slow cooker has long been the best friend of many housewives. It facilitates the daily work of women. New models provide options such as "Baking". If your model supports this function, then you can cook Easter cake in a slow cooker.

To do this, you can use your favorite dough recipe, or use ours.


  1. Milk - 2 cups;
  2. Sugar - 130g;
  3. Eggs - 4pcs;
  4. Flour - 500-600g;
  5. Yeast - 1 sachet;
  6. Butter - 100g;
  7. Salt - a pinch;
  8. Lemon - 1pc;
  9. Raisins 100g


1. Add a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, yeast and a glass of flour to warm milk.

2. Mix everything to a holistic state and leave in a warm place for half an hour.

You can place it in a preheated to a low temperature, turned off the oven.

3. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Beat the first with sugar, and the second with salt. Add them to the present dough. To stir thoroughly.

4. Softened butter and sifted flour are also sent here. Determine the amount of flour by eye. The dough should be sticky, of medium consistency - not thick, but not liquid. We remove the mass under a wet towel for an hour.

5. Meanwhile, soak the raisins for 20 minutes and then pat dry with a dry towel. Grate the lemon zest on a fine grater. Add raisins and zest to the infused dough, distributing them evenly in the mass.

6. Lubricate the bottom and walls of the multicooker bowl with butter. Move the dough there and let it rest for 15 minutes, covering with a film.

7. Then turn on the keep warm mode for 10 minutes. After that, change it to "Baking". Cooking time - 1 hour 30 minutes.

8. Brush the top with icing and decorate to taste.

Easter cake recipe for Easter 2019 with cottage cheese in a bread machine

If you have such a miracle of technology as a bread machine, then cooking Easter cake will not be difficult. All the ingredients are placed in the bowl, the desired mode is set and the unit itself will give you a ready-made cake. You just have to decorate it and serve it to the table.

It should be remembered that the proportions of products cannot be changed. Everything must correspond to the recipe data, otherwise the cake may not meet expectations.


  1. Milk -110g;
  2. 2 eggs;
  3. 50g. softened butter;
  4. 130g fat cottage cheese(at least 18%);
  5. 100g sugar;
  6. Half a teaspoon of salt;
  7. Half a kilo of flour;
  8. Packet of dry yeast.


1. Place the above products in the bread machine (break the eggs, rub the cottage cheese, sift the flour).

Ingredients should be warm, room temperature or more.

2. Set the device to normal mode, medium size. When the bread machine finishes its work, take out the cake and grease with glaze (egg white whipped with sugar). It is not recommended to cut the product before it has completely cooled!

Easter cake is a symbol of hospitality and skill of every housewife on this great holiday. Its preparation requires skill, time and patience. Using the recipes and tips that we reviewed in this article, you will certainly achieve the perfect cakes. Try it! Share your results in the comments!

We offer you to prepare an Easter cake on yolks with raisins with your own hands for the bright holiday of Easter. Believe me, homemade Easter cakes made from the freshest products, with all the warmth and love, are much tastier than store-bought ones! They will not lie on the store shelf for weeks, but will be prepared on the eve of the holiday, therefore long time stay soft and fluffy!

Yes, the manufacturing process will not be quick, but if you still have the opportunity, try to surprise your relatives at least once. We are sure you will want to make these delicious egg yolk Easter cakes again! In addition, there is nothing incomprehensible here: the kneading of the dough, although long, is not difficult at all. And for your convenience, we have prepared for you detailed recipe Easter cake with raisins, accompanied step by step photos.


For test:

  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • egg yolks - 8 pcs. into the dough (+1 yolk for greasing Easter cakes);
  • dry yeast - 20 g;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • vanilla sugar - 20 g;
  • flour - about 800-1000 g;
  • vegetable oil (refined) - 50 ml.

For filling:

  • raisins - about 200 g;
  • cognac (optional) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

For fondant:

  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 100-150 g.

For decor:

  • confectionery toppings or any waffle decorations.

Easter cake recipe with raisins on yolks recipe with photo

How to knead the dough for Easter cakes with dry yeast

  1. First of all, we mix the dough. We measure out 200 g of flour, sift through a fine sieve and mix with dry yeast. Immediately heat the entire portion of milk a little (the liquid should be warm, but not hot), add a tablespoon of sugar, mix. We introduce a mixture of flour and yeast to warm milk, carefully stir until all flour lumps disappear.
  2. We clean the prepared dough in heat for 30-50 minutes - during this time the mass should “grow up” significantly. You can put the bowl in another container with heated water, put it on the radiator or just wrap it in a blanket - choose any convenient way.
  3. In the meantime, let's prepare the raisins. We wash it thoroughly, recline it in a colander and place it in a convenient dish. For flavoring, pour cognac over dried berries, mix and leave to wait in the wings (you can skip the step with alcohol if you wish).
  4. Egg yolks (8 pieces) are separated from proteins, we fall asleep with simple and vanilla sugar, add a teaspoon of salt without a slide. Grind with an immersion blender until smooth (for lack of a blender, you can vigorously grind the mass with a large spoon). As for proteins, we will not need them in this recipe (with the exception of 1 pc. for fudge), but they can be left for cooking other dishes, for example, meringue, Kyiv cake, large omelet, etc. Proteins also tolerate freezing well, so you can simply pour them into a plastic container with a lid and place them in the freezer until they come in handy.
  5. In a large saucepan or other container suitable for kneading dough, put the risen dough and yolks pounded with sugar, stir.
  6. Pour exactly 500 g of flour, diligently knead the thickened mass with a spoon.
  7. Add butter, which must be very softened. To do this, you need to get it out of the refrigerator in advance or warm it up a little in the microwave (but do not melt it). We mix the mass.
  8. We measure the right portion vegetable oil with a neutral aroma, pour into a convenient dish. Sprinkle the work surface with flour and lay out the still watery dough. We start kneading by hand, periodically wetting our palms with oil. Thanks to vegetable oil, ready-made Easter cakes will turn out more crumbly and tasty, and will also retain their freshness longer. In addition, the oil will simplify the kneading process, as the dough will be less sticky to your hands.
  9. It takes a long time to knead the dough for Easter cakes - you can take rest breaks, but in any case, you need to spend at least 30 minutes on kneading. Sprinkle flour in small portions as needed (you may need more or less flour than indicated in the recipe - this greatly depends on its quality). By consistency, the dough for Easter cakes on yolks should turn out to be quite soft, but not liquid (it should not be tight and very dense!). It will not be very convenient to work, since the dough is quite sticky, but if possible it is better not to fill it with excess flour: the more you add it, the more dense the finished cakes will turn out.
  10. Add a tablespoon of flour to the flavored raisins so that the berries are evenly distributed over the dough. Mix and send additives to the flour mass. Continue kneading for another 5 minutes.
  11. We return the dough to the container, previously washed, wiped dry and lightly smeared with vegetable oil.
  12. We put it in a warm place for 2-3 hours - during this time the dough should rise strongly. We crush the lush mass with our palms, releasing carbon dioxide, and then again remove the container into heat for 2-3 hours (until the volume increases again).
  13. Knead the “rested” dough again with your hands, and then distribute it into shapes. Disposable paper molds do not need oil lubrication, but ordinary reusable containers must be oiled and “powdered” with flour, or lined with parchment paper. We fill the forms with dough no more than half.

  14. Leave the blanks warm for about 2-3 hours (before rising). To obtain a ruddy tint, grease the surface of future Easter cakes with raw egg yolk, shaken with one tablespoon of drinking water. We send the forms to a hot oven.
  15. We bake our Easter cakes on yolks with raisins at 180 degrees from 20 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size. Smaller cookies need to be taken out earlier, as they will bake much faster than large ones. To make sure it's ready, dip a wooden skewer into the center of the cake. If the stick stays dry, the cake is ready!

    How to make fondant for Easter cake with raisins

  16. Now the whole laborious process is over, it remains only to prepare the fudge. To do this, beat the chilled egg white with a mixer until white foam. Do not forget that the container intended for whipping must be perfectly clean and dry, as even a drop of water or the smallest specks can disrupt the process!
  17. Gradually add sugar, without stopping the mixer. As a result, the mass should increase significantly, turn white and thicken. To make sure it's ready, you can put a small amount of fondant on the whisk. The mass of the correct consistency will hang down with an "icicle", while it will hold tight and not drain.
  18. Apply a thin layer of fondant to the surface of completely cooled cakes. For decor, sprinkle pastries with colored sprinkles or decorate with waffle decorations in the form of flowers or various figures. We store products in a tightly tied bag or closed containers.
  19. Easter cake on yolks with raisins is completely ready!

Christ is risen! And happy drinking!

For test:

  • 1 kg of flour;
  • 1.5 cups of milk;
  • 6 pcs. chicken eggs;
  • 200 gr. butter;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 50 gr. yeast;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 50 gr. raisins;
  • 50 gr. candied fruit;
  • 50 gr. almond nuts;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of vanillin.

For glaze:

  • 2 proteins from chicken eggs;
  • 1 glass of powdered sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice.

Cooking step by step:

  • 1 We take the yeast, grind it and gradually dissolve it in milk. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar and a glass of flour there. It is important here to avoid flour lumps, so add flour gradually and carefully. Despite the fact that flour today is sold quite good quality, I would still recommend not to be lazy and sift it through a sieve. It would be a shame if some random garbage spoils the whole impression of the festive Easter cake. We cover the dish with the dough with a towel and put it in a warm place so that it fits properly.
  • 2 In the meantime, while the future dough swells in a warm place, let's deal with butter and eggs. Take the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. We remove the proteins in the refrigerator, and mix the yolks with the remaining sugar.
    Melt butter over low heat and leave to cool.
  • 3 Next! We are looking after the steam. When it comes up twice, you need to carefully mix in the sweet yolks and melted and slightly cooled butter. By the way, do not forget to leave one yolk for lubrication of the cake before baking. Naturally, I forgot, and I had to break another egg, take the yolk and rub it again with sugar.
  • 4 Stir in the prepared vanillin and salt.
    Now is the time to think about chilled proteins. Take them out of the fridge and beat with a mixer until foamy.
  • 5 Whipped proteins together with flour slowly and carefully add to the dough and knead the dough with a mixer. On the mixer, use screw nozzles, special for dough. Beat until a lot of small bubbles appear in the dough of the future Easter cake. The density of the dough should not be very tight. This means that if everything goes according to plan, we have a chance to get an airy delicious cake.
  • 6 Cover the dough again with a towel and let it rise in a warm place.
  • 7 While the dough rises and swells, we are engaged in the filling. We wash the raisins in water, dry them and roll them in flour, clean the almonds and grind together with candied fruit in a blender.
  • 8 When the dough has increased by 2-3 times, you can carefully add the filling to it. Sprinkle the table with flour, spread the dough on top, add raisins, nuts and candied fruit and knead the dough with your hands for several minutes, adding flour as needed.
    After the raisins and other additives are evenly distributed over the dough, we send the future Easter cake to “pout” again in a warm place.
  • 9 Next, prepare the baking dish. I use two large aluminum cupcake pans. They need to be lubricated with any kind of oil and sprinkled with flour or breadcrumbs. Do not forget to put circles of special baking paper on the bottom of the forms, otherwise the Easter cake will be difficult to get out of this very form.
  • 10 Put the dough into the molds and let it rise again a little (20-30 minutes). Spread yolk on top and send to a preheated oven. Bake at 180° for about an hour. If you are baking a small Easter cake in the oven, then reduce the baking time by 10-20 minutes.
  • 11 By the way, there, in the oven, the cake will also increase in size, so we fill the form with dough about halfway.
  • 12 To check how ready the cake is, look into the oven and pierce it gently with a wooden stick. If the stick is in the dough, leave to bake further. If dry, take out the finished cake from the oven.

  • 13 We leave the finished baking to cool directly in the mold, and only then take it out. Hot Easter cake, like other products from yeast dough, in no case should you cut or press it, it will immediately settle! Wrap it in a soft towel and put it in a warm place overnight.

  • 14 The next day, when the Easter cake has completely cooled down, cut it in half and grease it along the cut with icing from proteins whipped with powdered sugar and lemon juice. With the remaining icing, coat the cake on the sides and top.
    You can also sprinkle it with grated chocolate, colored caramel powder or berries. And serve to the table, not forgetting to congratulate relatives on bright holiday Easter.

Bon appetit!

Kulich is an obligatory attribute of the festive table for Easter. Muffin differs not only in its elegant appearance, but also in its amazing taste.

Of course, if it is prepared according to a proven recipe. Now you can find ideas for bread machines, multicookers, but the most delicious muffin is obtained in the oven. Bake?

Easter cake in the oven - general principles of cooking

Yeast. AT classic recipes Easter cakes have always used pressed live yeast. But if you can’t get them, then you can take a dry concentrate, reducing the amount by 3-3.5 times. You can follow the instructions on the package, usually there is a recalculation for flour.

Flour. Always used white flour top grade. Be sure to sift, keep warm.

Liquid. Milk, water, sour cream, kefir, it all depends on the recipe. Since the dough is yeast, all ingredients are heated to 40 degrees. Sour cream can simply be kept warm.

Fats. Easter cakes are cooked in butter. But more and more often you can find recipes with vegetable oil and even margarine.

Glaze. You can cook according to any of the recipes. Classic - whipped egg whites with sugar. For 2 pcs. 1 cup powder, 1 tablespoon lemon juice. You can sprinkle Easter cakes with confectionery sprinkles or colored sugar.

Easter cake in the oven: a recipe for sour cream

A simple but very delicious cake in the oven, sour cream dough recipe, raw pressed yeast is also used, but you can take 17-20 g of dry yeast.


250 g of sour cream from 20% fat and above;

300 ml whole milk;

60 grams of yeast;

200 grams of sugar;

120 grams of raisins;

120 grams of butter;

900-1000 grams of flour;

1 tsp salt;



1. Rinse the raisins, you can take other dried fruits, leave on a napkin to dry.

2. Warm up whole milk, add to it two spoons with a mound of sugar and all the yeast. Dissolve, add 4-5 tablespoons of flour to make a chatterbox. Remove in heat for 25-30 minutes.

3. Melt and cool the butter, you can mix immediately with sour cream. Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and beat with a whisk or just shake with a fork.

4. Add sour cream, butter, eggs to the yeast and milk mash, stir. Add flour, add vanilla, raisins or other dried fruits, knead soft, but not liquid dough.

5. Cover, put in a warm place, hold until a good rise.

6. Divide all the dough into pieces, roll into balls, put into prepared molds. It is not necessary that the dough exceeds half the volume.

7. Let the Easter cakes rise. As soon as the edge of the dough and form is equal, carefully place in the oven. We bake until cooked at 180 degrees.

8. Take out, cool, decorate with fudge and colored dragees.

Easter cake in the oven: a recipe with cottage cheese and candied fruit

A variant of cottage cheese cake in the oven, the recipe is simple, but the pastries are unusually tasty and fragrant. Vegetable oil can be completely replaced with butter. These ingredients will make 2 large Easter cakes or several small ones.


150 grams of cottage cheese;

100 ml whole fat milk;

2.5 cups flour;

50 grams of vegetable oil;

5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;

Vanilla, salt;

70 g candied fruits;

1.5 tsp ripper;

One egg.


1. Grind the egg with sugar and with a pinch of salt until white and light foam.

2. Separately wipe the cottage cheese, add to the egg, stir and pour in the milk and butter.

3. Mix flour and baking powder, add vanilla and candied fruits to them immediately. Or use raisins. Knead the curd dough.

4. In general, the mass does not need to stand, but it is better to leave for 30 minutes so that the flour swells. We mix again, sculpt a ball or several pieces, lay it out in molds.

5. Bake immediately. Since the dough is on a ripper, it does not need to be approached. We cook at 170 degrees from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the size of the Easter cakes.

6. We take out, decorate with icing.

A simple cake in the oven: a recipe for milk

Milk for such a cake should be used whole with a fat content of at least 3.2%. Yeast dough, knead it at least 4 hours before cooking.


500 ml of milk;

1 pack of butter;

250 grams of granulated sugar;

50 grams of raw yeast;

1 packet of vanillin;

1 tsp fine salt;

2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;

130 grams of raisins.


1. Combine milk with all yeast, add half a glass of sugar, mix thoroughly and leave to activate for fifteen minutes.

2. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat together with the remaining sugar until light foam, add fine salt, stir.

3. Melt butter and cool.

4. Combine milk with eggs, mix, pour in the cooled butter, stir again.

5. Add vanillin (you can use vanilla sugar), add flour with raisins, which must be washed and dried in advance.

6. Knead the dough. At the end, pour in a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Rinse the mass until smooth, put in a large basin or in a saucepan. Cover with a towel.

7. Stand the dough until it rises well, then knead with your hands, let it rise again.

8. Arrange in molds, leave for another 35-40 minutes until the Easter cakes rise.

9. Bake in the oven until done. The optimum temperature for sweet dough 180-1790 degrees.

Chocolate cake in the oven: a recipe with orange zest

A variant of an amazing chocolate cake in the oven. Recipe with orange peel, but if desired, this ingredient can be excluded or replaced with vanilla, saffron.


40 grams of raw yeast;

0.25 liters of whole milk;

0.5 standard pack of oil;

A slightly incomplete glass of sugar;

About 5 cups flour;

6 spoons of cocoa;

1 tsp with a mountain of crushed zest;

A large handful of raisins or candied fruits.

Icing for Easter cakes: 150 g chocolate, 60 g butter, 2 tablespoons fat sour cream.


1. Beat eggs and granulated sugar, add two pinches of salt, warm whole milk and yeast. Thoroughly dissolve everything, you can let stand for ten minutes.

2. Introduce butter, previously melted and cooled to body temperature.

3. Mix four cups of flour with cocoa, chopped zest and immediately add raisins.

4. Knead the dough from two mixtures. Adding in the process plain flour without cocoa.

5. Thoroughly knead until smooth, send to a warm place for 3-3.5 hours. During this time, you need to knead the risen mass at least once.

6. Decompose chocolate dough into molds, leave to rise for about an hour.

7. Bake chocolate cakes in the oven at an average temperature of about 180-190 degrees.

8. Cool the muffin well. Then cover with glaze.

9. To prepare the glaze, you need to melt the chocolate with butter and sour cream in a water bath. You can cover only cold baking, otherwise the chocolate will flow.

Poppy cake in the oven (recipe for another milk test)

Poppy cake is unusual, but amazingly tasty and festive! Together with poppy seeds, you can add a little nuts, seeds.


2 cups whole milk;

50 grams of yeast;

A kilogram of sifted flour;

200 g of sugar;

7 spoons of poppy;

Salt, vanilla;

150 g butter.


1. We heat the milk in a bowl, add granulated sugar with yeast to it. We breed.

2. Beat eggs separately, add to milk.

3. Melt the butter, add to the future dough for Easter cakes. We mix everything well and put salt for taste, an incomplete teaspoon is enough.

4. We combine poppy with half a kilogram of flour, put vanilla to them, fall asleep in the dough.

5. Stir and add more flour as needed. Knead until elastic, put the dough for Easter cakes in heat, wait for a complete rise.

6. We crush, let's rise again.

7. Divide poppy seed dough into pieces, rounded and sent to molds. We place it on a baking sheet, we are waiting for a new rise.

8. We bake fragrant Easter cakes in a conventional oven at 180 degrees. Lubricate with protein or any other glaze.

Sweet cake in the oven: an old recipe on dough

An old recipe for Easter cake in the oven, the dough is being prepared sponge method. There will be a lot of Easter cakes, you can reduce the number of products.


700 g flour;

100 g of sugar;

1 liter of milk;

100 grams of yeast.

3 cups of sugar;

500 g sour cream;

300 g raisins;

Vanilla, salt;

250 grams of margarine / butter.


1. Heat milk for dough, add sugar and raw yeast, mix everything well, add flour. It will take about 600-700 grams. You should get a mass, a little thicker than dough for pancakes.

2. Cover, leave for half an hour.

3. Beat the eggs and the rest of the sugar. The sand will not completely dissolve, but you need to dilute it as much as possible. Add 0.5 tablespoons of salt, stir.

4. We introduce sour cream from the egg, then melted butter, mix.

5. Combine the dough with the rest of the ingredients, stir until smooth.

6. We introduce vanillin, washed raisins and more flour until a homogeneous, soft dough is obtained.

7. We send it to heat, do not forget to cover it. We stand until the mass rises well for about two and a half hours.

9. We bake in the oven, the temperature for Easter cakes is 180 degrees. We decorate the finished muffin.

The smaller the cake, the higher the temperature in the oven should be. And vice versa. Large muffins are baked for a long time, so the temperature must be reduced.

It is not necessary to put the forms with the dough close to each other. They should stand freely on the baking sheet so that the Easter cakes are evenly baked on all sides.

It is not necessary to bake Easter cakes only with vanilla. There are a lot of interesting spices that will change the taste of holiday baking. The most common are cinnamon, saffron, cloves, ginger, lemon and orange peel.

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