Home Product Ratings How to cook champignons in creamy cheese sauce. Mushroom champignon sauce with cream. Mushrooms in wine sauce

How to cook champignons in creamy cheese sauce. Mushroom champignon sauce with cream. Mushrooms in wine sauce

Mushroom sauce of champignons will decorate any dish. It goes well with meat and fish. The taste of the sauce harmonizes well with pasta, potatoes, rice, buckwheat. They can be seasoned with thick soups, mashed potatoes, poured over dishes or served separately.

It can be made of different consistency, shade the aroma of mushrooms with various seasonings. All this makes mushroom soup universal. Mushroom mushroom sauce can be prepared at any time of the year. This is the easiest and most affordable option, suitable even for housewives who do not have culinary experience.

Features of the preparation of the sauce

The technology for preparing champignon mushroom sauce is not difficult, however, there are some subtleties, the knowledge of which allows you to make the aroma and taste of the sauce more saturated.

  • To prepare the sauce, you can use frozen and canned champignons, but still it turns out to be the most delicious from fresh mushrooms. At the same time, it is better to choose young champignons that are not too large. Read more:
  • When washing the mushrooms, try to keep them in the water as little as possible so that they do not have time to absorb it. After that, be sure to blot the mushrooms with a napkin.
  • When sautéing mushrooms in a small pan, spread them out in small batches. If the champignons are browned, and not stewed in own juice, they retain their flavor better in the finished sauce.
  • Onions can be fried immediately with mushrooms or in front of them. In the first case, it will be soft, like stewed, in the second case, it will acquire a golden hue.
  • Flour is often used to make a thick mushroom sauce. It is desirable to first fry it to a caramel color, and then combine it with other ingredients. In this case, it will give the sauce a pleasant shade, improve its taste.
  • If there are lumps in the sauce, it must be rubbed through a sieve or stirred with a blender.
  • In order for the finished champignon sauce not to be covered with a film, after cooking it can be covered with baking paper, after moistening it.

Mushroom sauce can be used both cold and hot instead of gravy.

Classic champignon sauce


  • champignons - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • wheat flour - 20 g;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the mushrooms, dry with napkins, cut into thin plates.
  2. Free the onion from the husk, finely chop it with a knife.
  3. Warm up vegetable oil in a frying pan or in a saucepan, add chopped onion. Fry it until it becomes soft. This usually takes no more than 3 minutes.
  4. Add mushrooms to onions. Fry them until they are browned.
  5. In a dry frying pan, fry the flour to a caramel color, pour it into a saucepan with champignons. Continue frying them for a couple of minutes along with the flour.
  6. Mix sour cream with clean boiled water, pour this mixture into a saucepan with mushrooms, beat with a whisk. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Stew mushrooms in sour cream for about 5 minutes. The sauce will thicken during this time.
  8. Transfer the sauce to a bowl. Using an immersion blender, puree the mushrooms and onions until the sauce is smooth.
  9. Transfer the creamy mushroom sauce to a gravy boat.
  10. Mushroom sauce prepared according to this recipe goes especially well with meat and potatoes. It is usually served cold with beef or pork, hot with potatoes.
  11. However, the right of the final choice remains with the hostess.

Mushroom sauce with cream


  • champignons - 150 g;
  • cream - 0.2 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • hard cheese - 0.25 kg;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • nutmeg- a pinch;
  • oregano, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the mushrooms, dry them with napkins. Cut the mushrooms into very small cubes. The less you get them, the better.
  2. Also finely chop the peeled onion.
  3. Pass the garlic clove through a press.
  4. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon, after washing the fruit well.
  5. Mix lemon juice with garlic, salt, nutmeg, pepper and oregano.
  6. Grind the cheese on a grater with small holes.
  7. Melt the butter in a frying pan. In this recipe, it is not recommended to replace it with vegetable oil or margarine, since in this case the sauce will not have a pronounced creamy taste, for which many gourmets appreciate it.
  8. Put the onion in the oil and fry it for 3 minutes.
  9. Add the mushrooms, continue to fry the onions with them for about 5 minutes.
  10. Pour in the cream, mix well and simmer until the liquid has evaporated by about a third.
  11. At the same time add lemon juice with seasonings and grated cheese, mix immediately. Continue cooking, stirring, until the sauce has a uniform consistency. Thanks to the cheese, it will be thick enough.

Mushroom sauce with milk


  • champignons - 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • flour - 20 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the washed and dried mushrooms into small cubes.
  2. Peel and chop the onions with a knife.
  3. Melt the butter, put the onion and mushrooms in it, fry them over low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. In a separate pan, fry the flour so that it acquires a caramel hue.
  5. Pour milk in a thin stream into the pan with flour, constantly whisking it with a whisk. Boil a little until thickened.
  6. Pour the thickened milk to the mushrooms and onions, mix.
  7. Add salt, pepper and cook the sauce for another minute.
  8. If desired, the sauce can be given a uniform consistency by whipping it in a blender.
  9. The sauce can be served both cold and hot with absolutely any dish.

Mushroom sauce in broth


  • mushrooms - 0.25 kg;
  • flour - 40 g;
  • broth (meat, mushroom, vegetable) - 0.4 l;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. In a dry frying pan, fry the flour, pour in the broth to it, stirring constantly. Boil it a little, stirring constantly. Remove from fire and cool. Strain or beat with a blender so that there are no lumps.
  2. Wash the mushrooms, blot with a kitchen towel. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces.
  3. Melt the butter in a clean frying pan and fry the mushrooms in it.
  4. When the mushrooms are browned, pour the broth over them, add salt and seasonings, stir and cook the sauce for about 5–10 minutes.
  5. This is the simplest and universal recipe mushroom sauce, which can be prepared from champignons. It goes well with any dish and is delicious hot or cold.
  6. When using mushroom or vegetable broth, vegetable oil or margarine, this sauce can be a great addition to vegetarian dishes.

Mushroom sauce with eggs


  • champignons - 0.2 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 80 ml;
  • broth or milk - 125 ml;
  • vegetable oil - how much will go;
  • salt, nutmeg, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil eggs, peel. Remove the yolks, mash them with a fork. Add sour cream to the yolks and rub them with a fork.
  2. Mix the creamy yolk mass with salt and spices. Dilute with warm broth or milk.
  3. Finely chop clean and towel-dried mushrooms.
  4. Fry them for 5 minutes in hot vegetable oil.
  5. Add sauce prepared with egg yolks and sour cream. Stir.
  6. Cook for another 5 minutes.
  7. The sauce prepared according to this recipe has a delicate and slightly unusual taste. It will appeal to those who do not like onions, because this ingredient is not in its composition.

Mushroom sauce from champignons is universal. It can be served with any meal. The abundance of recipes allows you to choose the most suitable option. All of them are quite easy to prepare. In addition, the cooking process does not take much time.

Basic champignon sauce


  • fresh mushrooms - 0.3 kg (or 100 g dried);
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • wheat flour - 35 g;
  • butter or margarine - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 60 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash mushrooms and pat dry. If you use dried ones, they must first be soaked in water so that they return to their shape and volume.
  2. Fill the mushrooms with water. Put the peeled and halved onion into the pan.
  3. Put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 2 hours. Half an hour before readiness, salt and add spices to your liking.
  4. Strain ready broth. Finely chop the mushrooms or pass through a meat grinder.
  5. Finely chop the remaining onion and fry until soft in butter.
  6. Add mushrooms, fry them with onions for 5 minutes.
  7. Add sour cream, simmer for 2-3 minutes.
  8. In a dry frying pan, calcine the flour, brew it with 0.5 l mushroom broth. When introducing the broth, be sure to beat it with a whisk so that there are no lumps.
  9. Pour the mushrooms and onions with the broth, mix and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.
  10. This mushroom sauce can be served with meat dishes as a gravy or be used as a base for making other sauces.
  11. In particular, it can be mixed with herbs, grated cheese, pepper paste, tomato puree, garlic, each time adding new notes to the taste of the sauce.

Mushroom mushroom sauce for meat


  • fresh champignons - 0.2 kg;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • wheat flour - 45 g;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • sour cream - 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash mushrooms, dry and cut into thin slices.
  2. Onion, freeing from the husk, cut into small pieces.
  3. Melt the butter and put in the mushrooms and onions. Fry them until excess moisture evaporates from the pan.
  4. In a separate pan, calcine the flour until a nutty smell appears and pour it into the pan where the mushrooms and onions are fried. Fry for a minute.
  5. Add salt and pepper to sour cream, pour mushrooms into it. Simmer them for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Grind the mushrooms with a blender, if desired, and bring the sauce to a boil again.
  7. The sauce prepared according to this recipe is tender, fragrant, pleasant to the taste. It will gently shade the taste of meat.

Creamy mushroom sauce for chicken


  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • champignons - 0.3 kg;
  • flour - 30 g;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • cream - 0.3 l;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and cut the onion into small pieces.
  2. Cut the washed and dried champignons into medium-sized cubes.
  3. Saute mushrooms and onions butter within 20 minutes, transfer to a blender bowl.
  4. In a separate pan, fry the flour until creamy.
  5. Mix it with mushrooms and onions.
  6. Add salt, pepper, sour cream and 150 ml of cream. Whisk everything together to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  7. Place in saucepan with remaining cream. Put on a slow fire and bring to a boil.
  8. If you want to get more thick sauce, the amount of cream in the recipe can be reduced by one and a half times.

Spicy tomato sauce


  • 1 tomato
  • 1 onion
  • 6-7 champignons,
  • 10 g butter,
  • 6-7 olives,
  • 3 art. l. soy sauce,
  • 1 green onion.


  1. Wash the tomato and chop finely. Remove the husk from the onion and also finely chop. By the way, instead of fresh tomato you can use ready-made grated tomatoes, whole peeled tomatoes, tomato juice or tomato paste(previously slightly diluted with water).
  2. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, scrape the cap and legs, finely chop. You can use royal mushrooms. However, although they have a more pronounced mushroom flavor, they are denser and the sauce will not turn out so tender.
  3. To make the sauce have a delicate, creamy flavor, it is best to fry vegetables with mushrooms in melted butter. Make a low heat and transfer the tomato, onion and mushrooms to the pan. Pass over low heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring.
  4. Add to skillet soy sauce with classic taste. There is no need to add salt to the sauce, as the sauce itself is salty. Cut the olives into halves and also send to the pan. Stir and simmer for another 5-7 minutes.
  5. When the mushrooms and onions are soft, transfer all the ingredients to a large cup or glass, grind with a blender until smooth.
  6. Wash green onions and finely chop. Pour the sauce into a gravy boat and sprinkle over before serving. green onions. You can serve the sauce like this or pour over it ready meal like a steak or chop.

Mushroom champignon sauce with cream


  • CREAM 10% 200 ml
  • BUTTER 50 g
  • ONION 1 piece
  • HARD CHEESE 1 tablespoon
  • Nutmeg to taste
  • GARLIC 1 head
  • LEMON JUICE 1 tablespoon
  • SALT to taste


  1. Good butter is the key to a delicious cream sauce, so we choose butter for champignon mushroom sauce with a pronounced creamy taste.
  2. Dip the onion in the butter and immediately season it with salt and pepper. Pass until transparent. Melt the butter in a frying pan, and at the same time cut the onion into small cubes.
  3. We wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth and cut into slices. You can cut it very finely so that the sauce is more uniform, but I like it better when the mushrooms in the sauce are large enough.
  4. Add a little more salt and pepper to taste, garlic and a pinch of grated nutmeg. It is always desirable to add nutmeg to creamy sauces, it helps to better manifest the taste of cream.
  5. If you are preparing this sauce, be guided by your taste. It is not necessary to add all of these ingredients if you do not like them, garlic, for example, or herbs, or lemon juice.
  6. Either way, the sauce is delicious!

Mushroom sauce

This sauce is considered the most delicious of all mushroom sauces. And it's not in vain. It has a surprisingly delicate salty-sour taste and a bright mushroom aroma. It is served with any dishes - boiled or fried meat, cutlets. It will make banal pasta or cereals indescribably delicious. It can even be simply spread on Rye bread and eaten as a sandwich.


  • 200 g fresh champignons
  • 1.5 cups of any broth or water
  • 2 tsp lemon juice
  • 20 g butter
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour
  • 0.5 tsp salt


  1. Put the pan on a large fire and pour flour into it. Fry with constant stirring until light brown and strong aroma, then pour the toasted flour onto a saucer.
  2. Mushrooms are very finely chopped or grated on a medium grater. Melt a small piece of butter in a frying pan, put the mushrooms. Simmer for 3~5 min. Mushrooms should lose volume, become soft, but NOT fried.
  3. Pour in lemon juice, add flour and mix well. Pour in the broth. Salt to taste. Cook at a low boil for 2~7 minutes.
  4. When the sauce has reduced to the desired thickness, remove the pan from the heat.
  5. To obtain a paste-like homogeneous sauce, the finished sauce can be rubbed through a sieve or whipped in a blender. Cool the sauce to room temperature before serving.


  • Fresh champignons - 100 Grams
  • Onion - 60 Grams
  • Butter - 50 Grams
  • Salt - 1 Pinch
  • Cream - 300 milliliters
  • Flour - 1 Art. a spoon
  • Sunflower oil - 4 Art. spoons
  • Pepper, spices - — To taste


  1. Wash the mushrooms and cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until golden brown.
  4. Add chopped mushrooms to the pan and fry, covered, until all the moisture has evaporated.
  5. Fry the flour in another pan. The toasted flour will give your sauce a nice creamy color. Then add butter to the flour. Stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps in the sauce.
  6. Pour cream into flour. Mix thoroughly and cook over low heat without boiling.
  7. Add the sautéed mushrooms to the sauce and simmer for another 3 minutes. If you want a thinner sauce, thin it with milk.
  8. Pour the finished sauce into a gravy boat, garnish with fresh herbs and serve warm.

Mushroom mushroom sauce for chicken

Creamy champignon mushroom sauce is a great addition to many dishes, which makes them not just delicious, but amazingly tasty. Served with pasta, fish, meat, potato cutlets. Preparing quickly and very simply.


  • 150 g fresh champignons
  • 200 ml cream 10% fat
  • 50 g butter
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 st. l. grated hard cheese
  • 1 pinch grated nutmeg
  • 1 garlic clove or dry garlic at the tip of a teaspoon
  • 1 st. l. lemon juice
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • a pinch of thyme, oregano (optional)


  1. Good butter is the key to a delicious creamy sauce. Therefore, we choose oil for champignon mushroom sauce with a pronounced creamy taste.
  2. Melt the butter in a frying pan, and at the same time cut the onion into small cubes.
  3. Dip the onion in the butter and immediately season it with salt and pepper. Pass until transparent.
  4. We wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth and cut into slices. You can cut it very finely so that the sauce is more uniform, but I like it better when the mushrooms in the sauce are large enough. Read more:
  5. Fry the mushrooms with onions, stirring until they are slightly browned. After that, pour in the cream.
  6. Add a little more salt and pepper to taste, garlic and a pinch of grated nutmeg. It is always desirable to add nutmeg to creamy sauces, it helps to better manifest the taste of cream
  7. At the same stage, you can add a pinch of dry Italian herbs to the mushroom sauce if you like their taste.
  8. Stir the contents of the pan and keep it on low heat for 15-20 minutes, allowing the sauce to evaporate a little and thicken.
  9. On a fine grater we rub a little cheese, literally 1 tbsp. l., and add it to the sauce.
  10. Stir quickly to melt the cheese, add another 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice and turn off the stove.
  11. Mushroom sauce from champignons with cream turns out to be tender, very fragrant, with an amazing creamy taste, and any dish with it becomes much more appetizing.
  12. If you are preparing this sauce, be guided by your taste. It is not necessary to add all of these ingredients if you do not like them, garlic, for example, or herbs, or lemon juice. Either way, the sauce is delicious!

Pasta with champignons cream sauce- dish Italian cuisine, which can be easily and quickly made in your kitchen. Fragrant mushroom gravy, prepared according to special recipes, turns out to be amazingly tasty, satisfying, healthy and goes well with any pasta. A wonderful treat will delight all households and will be very popular with guests who come to a dinner party.

Pasta in a creamy mushroom sauce is prepared from ordinary and affordable products.

To make the appetizer especially appetizing and tender, it is recommended to use fresh champignons, olive oil, cream of medium fat content, a lot of fragrant spices and herbs.

Required components:

  • spaghetti - 0.35 kg;
  • champignons - 0.45 kg;
  • cream (15%) - 500 ml;
  • salt, ground pepper, Italian herbs (dry) - to your taste;
  • "Parmesan" - 70 grams;
  • bulb;
  • oil - 85 ml;
  • two cloves of garlic.


  1. First you need to boil spaghetti, following the recommendations on the package. It is desirable that they turn out soft on top and hard inside, as the pasta will acquire the necessary elasticity from further exposure to the sauce.
  2. Drain the finished pasta in a colander, add 30 ml of oil and place back in the pan.
  3. Free the onion from the husk and cut into squares. Mince the garlic.
  4. Wash the mushrooms and cut into slices.
  5. In a frying pan with oil, fry the onion until transparent, then put the mushrooms to it and simmer until the resulting liquid disappears completely.
  6. On a grater with large holes, grate the cheese and send it to the mushrooms.
  7. After that, pour the cream, salt, throw spices, Italian herbs and garlic. Bring the gravy to a boil.
  8. Put pasta in a pan, simmer for two minutes and turn off the heat.

Serve pasta with champignons in a creamy sauce immediately after cooking. Spaghetti and sauce should be stored separately, and mixed and heated only before use.

With shrimp

An exquisite and beautiful treat that seafood lovers will appreciate. Due to the presence of shrimp, the dish has a rich taste and an unobtrusive “fishy” aroma, in perfect harmony with the rest of the ingredients.

Required components:

  • tagliatelli pasta - 500 grams;
  • large onion;
  • mushrooms - 0.25 kg;
  • cream (low-fat) - 120 ml;
  • shrimp - 220 grams;


  1. Heat water in a saucepan, put pasta in it and boil them.
  2. Remove the skin from the onion, chop it into half rings, place in a pan and fry for vegetable oil until light brown.
  3. Cut mushrooms into thin slices. Then combine them with onions and simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Fill the contents of the pan with warm cream and cook for another eight minutes.
  5. Place shrimp in boiling water and cook for five minutes. Then transfer them to the sauce, salt, add your favorite seasonings and turn off the oven after three minutes.

Arrange the finished pasta on plates, then pour hot sauce with seafood and mushrooms. For a gourmet appetizer, it is advisable to offer a vegetable salad.

With chicken fillet

A wonderful option for a family dinner is a delicious and nutritious pasta with chicken and mushrooms. For this dish you need to use chicken breast and long, thin pasta.

Required components:

  • chicken fillet - 0.3 kg;
  • four medium champignons;
  • cream - 0.33 liters;
  • pasta - up to 300 grams;
  • onions - up to 100 grams;
  • sea ​​salt - 6 grams;
  • herbs - to your taste.


  1. Boil macaroni until half cooked.
  2. Peel the mushrooms, rinse with water and cut into slices. Chop the onion into cubes. Then fry the food in a saucepan in oil for five minutes.
  3. Cut the chicken into long sticks, combine with mushroom roast and simmer until golden brown.
  4. Pour warmed cream into a saucepan, add herbs and salt. Simmer, stirring occasionally, seven minutes.

Combine hot sauce with pasta and let the dish brew a little in a sealed container. Before serving, it is recommended to sprinkle the pasta with chicken and mushrooms with chopped herbs.

Italian pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauce

For the preparation of Italian treats, such types of pasta as cappellini, manicotti, ravioli, farfalle, tagliatelle are ideal.

A unique "forest" flavor of the sauce will help to give porcini mushrooms, oyster mushrooms or champignons.

Required components:

  • mushrooms (fresh or frozen) - 0.4 kg;
  • liquid sour cream (15%) - 450 ml;
  • hard cheese (parmesan) - 95 grams;
  • paste - 0.3 kg;
  • two bulbs;
  • butter - 35 grams;
  • spices, herbs and salt - as needed.


  1. Peel mushrooms and onions and cut into cubes.
  2. Melt the butter in a frying pan, put the onion in it and fry lightly. After, add the mushrooms and cook them for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Dilute sour cream with boiled water (100 ml), then pour into a frying pan and simmer for another six minutes.
  4. Turn the cheese into thin chips and pour half of the serving into hot sauce. It remains to salt the dish, season with spices and put out the fire in three minutes.
  5. Boil the pasta, then place it in a colander to drain all the liquid.

Put the pasta on plates, soak them Italian sauce and sprinkle with the remaining cheese. It is recommended to decorate the dish with sprigs of cilantro or basil.

Cooking with ham

To feed unexpected guests, you can make pasta with ham and mushrooms in white sauce. Cooking will not take much time, and the result will pleasantly surprise you with a rich aroma and spicy taste.

Required components:

  • forest mushrooms (or champignons) - 180 grams;
  • cream - 0.45 liters;
  • pasta - half a kilo;
  • ham - 220 grams;
  • bulb;
  • three cloves of garlic;
  • suitable seasonings - to your taste.


  1. Prepare the mushrooms - sort, peel, wash and chop into thin slices.
  2. Remove the peel from the onion and cut the fruit into strips. Chop the garlic into small cubes.
  3. Place the pasta in a pot of boiling water and boil.
  4. Fry garlic in oil with onions until translucent, then combine with mushrooms and simmer for three minutes.
  5. Cut the ham into rectangles, mix them with the mushroom roast and pour in the cream.
  6. Bring the creamy pasta sauce to a boil, then add salt, fragrant seasonings and after two minutes remove the dish from the heat.

Put the cooked pasta in a deep bowl, pour hot gravy and put on the table. It is advisable to use an appetizer in combination with pickled cucumbers or sauerkraut.

With squid

Appetizing, tender pasta with squid and champignons in a creamy milk sauce is the perfect solution for delicious dinner. The treat turns out to be light, healthy and will especially appeal to people who prefer a healthy diet.

Required components:

  • spaghetti - 0.25 kg;
  • a can of canned squid;
  • milk - an incomplete glass;
  • three champignons;
  • two cloves of garlic:
  • green onions and dill - 80 grams;
  • sour cream (20%) - 30 grams.


  1. Throw spaghetti into boiling water and cook for about four minutes. Then place them in a colander, rinse under the tap and season with olive oil.
  2. Lightly fry the chopped garlic, dill and chopped green onions in a saucepan.
  3. Wash the mushrooms and cut into slices, put in a saucepan and simmer for fifteen minutes.
  4. Open a jar of squid, cut them into long strips, then add to the mushroom mixture and cook for five minutes.
  5. Put sour cream into fried foods and pour in milk. Mix the resulting composition and sweat a little.
  6. Mix pasta with mushroom sauce, season with spices, add salt and cook for another six minutes.

Cover the finished pasta with champignons and squid and leave for a quarter of an hour to make it even more fragrant. Serve a snack at beautiful plates sprinkled with cheese chips.

Recipe with bacon

Pasta cooked with bacon and mushrooms is a gourmet treat suitable for a daily menu and a festive table.

For such a dish, it is important to choose high-quality pasta and be sure to add herbs and hot spices.

Required components:

  • pasta - a third of a kilo;
  • bacon - 130 grams;
  • four egg yolks;
  • champignons - 0.2 kg;
  • low-fat cream - 80 ml;
  • two bulbs;
  • cheese - 120 grams;
  • black and white peppers - 6 grams;
  • five sprigs of cilantro.


  1. Cut the bacon into strips of the same size.
  2. Fry the meat in a pan with heated fat until a brown crust appears.
  3. Chop the onion and mushrooms into cubes, then place in another bowl and simmer until the moisture evaporates.
  4. Finely chop the garlic and cilantro, add to the bacon, mix and remove from the stove after a minute.
  5. Combine meat with onion-mushroom mass, pour cream (35 grams), salt and pepper.
  6. Beat the yolks with salt, then mix with grated cheese, pour into a pan and heat a little.
  7. When the cheese has melted, add the egg mixture to the creamy pasta sauce and stir.
  8. Boil pasta, then generously pour them with cooked gravy.

Fettuccine with champignons in a creamy sauce

His appearance fettuccine pasta resembles wide and long noodles. Such pasta goes well with creamy mushroom gravy, thanks to which the dish acquires a truly exquisite taste.

Required components:

  • champignons - 0.4 kg;
  • pasta - 420 grams;
  • onion - 110 grams;
  • fat cream - 0.28 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt, Italian herbs - as needed.


  1. Boil the pasta according to package instructions.
  2. Crush the garlic under pressure, finely chop the onion.
  3. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add onion and garlic to it and fry until golden brown.
  4. Chop the mushrooms into slices and also send to the pan. Cook mushrooms until moisture evaporates, then season with herbs and spices.
  5. Add cream to the mushrooms and simmer for another ten minutes. Then turn off the oven.

Place the fettuccine on plates, pour over them with creamy sauce and invite everyone to try it. The dish goes well with baked poultry or fried fish.

In a slow cooker

For busy housewives fast way cook pasta in a creamy mushroom sauce using a slow cooker.

The appetizer turns out to be juicy, fragrant and its taste is in no way inferior to that cooked on the stove.

Required components:

  • mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • butter fat - 70 grams;
  • long pasta - 330 grams;
  • small head of garlic;
  • water - 900 ml;
  • a small piece of Parmesan;
  • ground pepper, spices, salt - 5 grams each;
  • cream - 230 ml.


  1. Pour water into the bowl of the appliance and set the “Multi-cook” function for 25 minutes.
  2. When the water boils, salt it and add the pasta. Boil products until the sound notification of the end of the process, then rinse them.
  3. Now load chopped garlic and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bmushrooms into the slow cooker. Cook food in the "Frying" mode for five minutes.
  4. After that, add cream, grated cheese, spices to the bowl and simmer until the sauce thickens.
  5. Then put cooked pasta in the gravy, stir and after 1 - 2 minutes turn off the kitchen device.

Cool the treat a little and serve it to the table. It is recommended to combine it with fresh and canned vegetables.

How to make with cheese

To please family and friends at a family banquet, you can cook a wonderful dish - spaghetti in a creamy sauce with wine, mushrooms and cheese.

In this case, it is better to use white wines. A red drink or strong alcohol undesirable.

Required components:

  • spaghetti - 0.3 kg;
  • three large champignons;
  • cream (10%) - a third of a liter;
  • onion - head;
  • wine (white semi-sweet) - 70 ml;
  • Provencal herbs - 20 grams;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • cheese (any) - 85 grams.


  1. Mushrooms cut into slices and fry in vegetable oil for ten minutes.
  2. Then add the diced onion and cook for another 3 minutes.
  3. Pour the wine into the pan and boil to evaporate the alcohol.
  4. Chop the garlic into squares, mix it with cream, add salt and send to the mushrooms.
  5. When the gravy begins to boil, add the chopped cheese and mix thoroughly.
  6. After that throw Provencal herbs, boil the finished composition for one minute and set aside.
  7. Boil the pasta, then pour it with the sauce, cover and leave for about 7 - 8 minutes.

Arrange hot pasta with mushrooms and cheese on portioned plates and cover with chopped basil. Bon Appetit!

Anyone who has cooked champignons at least once can understand what aroma they exude during cooking and how tasty the dish turns out with their participation. These mushrooms are very useful for the cardiovascular system, their use improves skin condition and strengthens muscles. But back to gastronomic features. Mushrooms can be used in soups, sauces, side dishes, etc. In combination with cream, mushrooms reveal their taste better, resulting in a rather tasty and fragrant dish. There are many ways to prepare this product, today we will reveal one recipe in several versions.

To begin with, we will tell you how champignons with cream in a pot are prepared. For cooking, we need the following ingredients:

  • fat cream - about 250 ml;
  • champignons (can be small) - 500 g;
  • cheese - about 100 g;
  • butter, pepper and salt to taste.

Mushrooms must first be washed well and cleaned of existing damage. Next, they need to be fried in a small amount of butter until all the liquid has evaporated. Grate one part of the cheese on a fine grater, mix it with cream, salt and spices. Put champignons in layers in pots and pour cream mixed with cheese and spices there. Top with the second piece of grated cheese. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the dish for about 15 minutes.

NameWhat to takeCooking scheme
Champignons with green beans and creamTo get started, take a pound of mushrooms, 250 ml of cream (as fat as possible), garlic - a few cloves, you also need 200 g of green beans, about 100 g of cheese and salt to tasteTo remove excess moisture from the mushrooms, cut them into small pieces and put them on a baking sheet, then send them to the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 C. After the mushrooms have dried there, add to them green beans(if it is frozen, thaw first). Pour cream on top, grate cheese, add chopped garlic and lightly salt. Bake at 200C for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown on cheese.
Creamy version of cooking champignons with herbsTo make the dish fragrant and tasty, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:
half a kilo of mushrooms;
25 g sunflower oil;
garlic - about 1 - 2 cloves;
100 ml cream;
1 or 2 onions;
a bunch of fresh herbs (dill, parsley, green onion).
First you need to thoroughly wash the mushrooms, and then cut them into small pieces. Peel the onion and cut into thin half rings. Soak the greens in water for at least 10 minutes, and then put it on paper towels, dry and chop finely. Basil can also be used as a fragrant addition. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan, add mushrooms there, and as soon as they begin to get rid of the liquid, immediately add onion there and mix well. As it cooks, chop the garlic, mix it with cream and, if desired, with spices. As soon as the champignons are ready, put them in a baking dish, pour cream on top and garnish with finely chopped greens. Preheat the oven to 200 C, put a baking sheet for 10 minutes. You can serve the dish on fresh leaf lettuce

What side dish is ideal for champignons in a creamy sauce

Mushrooms with cream is a very tasty dish, but it is best served as a side dish. To this end, the ideal combination with creamy mushrooms products will be:

  • mashed potatoes;
  • buckwheat or rice;
  • red or green beans;
  • stewed eggplant;
  • chicken, pork, turkey;
  • steamed vegetables, etc.

Whatever the choice, they will perfectly satisfy your hunger due to their high protein content. For those who want to lose weight, this dish is low in calories, but it is still recommended to observe the measure.

To make the dish really tasty and fragrant, we advise you to pay attention to these recommendations:

  1. You need to carefully choose mushrooms for cooking in the oven. Preference should be given to elastic fresh champignons without dark spots.
  2. It is better to cut the mushrooms immediately before the heat treatment itself, otherwise they will darken.
  3. You can enhance the taste of the cooked dish by adding such products: garlic, paprika, nutmeg, sour cream, onion, black pepper, cream, thyme, sour cream.
  4. Cooking time in the oven depends on the size of the mushrooms (if you are going to stew fresh). As a rule, it takes from 15 to 25 minutes. Pre-fried mushrooms are cooked in the oven for a short time.
  5. To prepare champignons stewed in cream, small mushrooms can be used as a side dish. In the case of stuffing the heads, buy large champignons in the store.
  6. You can store the finished mushroom dish in the refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.
  7. Watch the cream carefully while cooking. They should slowly languish, but in no case boil.
  8. Pay special attention to spices. Their choice and quantity should complement and help reveal the taste. creamy mushrooms rather than overlap it.
  9. Well, we should not forget that when serving a dish, you must make sure that those present do not have individual hypersensitivity to champignons or other components. Also, mushrooms are not recommended for children under 7 years of age.

We prepare mushrooms and onions: wash, clean. We cut the mushrooms into slices, and the onion into half rings.

Pass the onion in the pan first, and when it becomes transparent, put the mushrooms to it and fry until golden brown. Salt and add pepper and other spices to taste. Let the mushrooms absorb the aroma of herbs. Add finely chopped herbs and garlic to the pan. We mix.

Add cream. You can choose cream of any fat content. If you do not have cream and want to replace it with sour cream, make sure that it does not curdle. In addition, if you stew mushrooms in sour cream, the dish will have a slight sour aftertaste that sour cream will give. Therefore, we advise you to take cream for this recipe.

Simmer the mushrooms under the lid over low heat for no more than 15 minutes. Stir occasionally, watching as the cream sauce boils down and thickens.

We serve the finished dish, decorating with herbs. Mushrooms stewed in cream with garlic will look very good with boiled pasta, potatoes, rice. Add fresh vegetables - and an ordinary dinner will turn into a festive one! Bon Appetit!

See also video recipes

1. How to cook stewed champignons in cream:

2. Mushrooms in a creamy sauce - easy and fast:

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