Home Main dishes Ready-made technical and technological cards from the pastry chef. Coursework: Modern desserts. Technology of their preparation and processing. Semifreddo - Italian semi-ice cream with mango

Ready-made technical and technological cards from the pastry chef. Coursework: Modern desserts. Technology of their preparation and processing. Semifreddo - Italian semi-ice cream with mango

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Background information includes.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
GOU SPO Tomsk Trade and Economic College

Course work
By discipline: "Technology of catering products"
On the topic of: " Modern desserts. Technology of preparation and decoration»

3rd year student
specialties 260502
K. A. Demina
Teacher of the highest category
L. N. Gavrilina

Tomsk 2011


Dese?rt (from French desservir - "clear the table") - the final dish of the table, to get a pleasant taste sensation at the end of lunch or dinner, usually sweet delicacies.
As a rule, it is sweet (for example, cake or ice cream), but there are also unsweetened desserts made from fruits, nuts, cheeses, unsweetened confectionery. In addition, not all sweet dishes are desserts, for example, in Chinese cuisine there are sweet meat dishes that are not desserts. In China, there are also sweets with pepper and ginger instead of sugar. Native Americans, before the arrival of Europeans, made chocolate with pepper and spices instead of sugar. Even in Russian cuisine there are unsweetened desserts - for example, black caviar. Cheese is considered a classic French dessert.
As a dessert, confectionery products can be served: cakes, cookies, waffles, muffins, pies; different kinds sweets, marshmallows, whipped cream dishes; sweet fruit and berry mixtures (the so-called fruit salads); juices, soda waters, compotes, kissels; sweet milk, chocolate and fruit and berry mousses, creams, jellies; ice cream and ice cream desserts; dessert can be tea, cocoa, coffee, coffee with ice cream (cafe glace); special dessert wines - in a word, everything that can be served for the "third".

The custom of serving sweet dishes at the end of lunch or dinner appeared in the rich houses of Europe about two centuries ago. Before the invention of sugar, honey and fruits in all forms were the basis for creating desserts: fresh, dried. These days, counting all the variations of recipes for sweet dishes is very difficult. These are cakes, pastries and rolls, sweets and ice cream, jams and marmalades, chocolate and mousses, jellies and puddings. It is impossible not to mention the delicious oriental sweets: baklava, Turkish delight, halva, nougat. Arabs even believe that sweets have a magical effect on a person. In general, the countries of the East had a considerable influence on the expansion of the range of desserts in the countries of the Balkan Peninsula. For example, in Bulgaria, Croatia and Montenegro, nuts, honey, dried fruits, and raisins are often served for dessert.

Development of a range of signature dishes

Technological map No. 1

Semifreddo - Italian semi-ice cream with mango

Product name

Net weight per serving (g)
Whole milk
egg yolk

Cooking technology
Beat the yolks with sugar for 10-15 minutes.
Add vanilla to milk, bring to a boil, add yolks beaten with sugar, mix well, boil. Pass through a fine sieve, cool.
Grind the mango in a blender, add to the chilled mass, add yogurt, whipped cream, cherry pieces and mix.
Pour the mass into bowls and freeze at a temperature of -15-20? C for 2 hours.
Sauce. Melt honey in a water bath, add lemon juice, cinnamon, cloves, mix.
Serve semifreddo with mango slices and drizzle with honey sauce.

Technological map No. 2

Panna cotta with raspberry paper and strawberry sauce.

Product name
Gross weight per serving (g)
Net weight per serving (g)
panna cotta
Milk 3.2%
Cream 33%
Dark chocolate
Panna cotta yield, g
crimson paper
Fresh frozen raspberries
Powdered sugar
egg squirrels
0.5 pcs
Paper output, g
strawberry sauce
Strawberries fresh frozen
Powdered sugar
Lemon acid
Sauce yield, g
For decoration
Berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants)
Vanilla waffles
Exit of the dish

Cooking technology

Panna cotta: cut the vanilla pod, remove the seeds, dry them, and then mix with sugar. Mix milk with cream, add vanilla beans. Put on low heat and darken the mixture a little so that it acquires a vanilla smell and get rid of the sharp aftertaste that the grains can give. Soak gelatin in cold water. When it swells, add it to the warm milk mixture and mix thoroughly. Add grated chocolate and stir until smooth.
Prepare a silicone mold, put the milk-chocolate mixture on it and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
Raspberry paper: mash raspberries (drain liquid from thawed ones), mix with powdered sugar and egg whites. Rub the resulting mixture through a sieve to remove the grains. Put a refractory rubber mat in a flat dish, put the raspberry mass on it, level it. Put in the oven, preheated to 120 C, and dry the mixture until the moisture evaporates. Ready raspberry paper to cool and mix.
Strawberry sauce: puree strawberries in a blender, add powdered sugar. Strain the sauce through a fine sieve, add citric acid and mix.

Technological map No. 3

Chocolate rolls

Product name
Gross weight per serving (g)
Net weight per serving (g)
cocoa powder
orange pulp
milk chocolate
Cottage cheese
Vanilla sugar

Cooking technology

1. Prepare pancake dough from egg, milk, flour, sugar and cocoa powder.
2. From the dough, fry in a well-heated pan thin pancakes. Fry each pancake on both sides and brush with butter.
3. Prepare the filling. Process orange, banana, kiwi and strawberries. Cut the oranges into slices, and cut the strawberries, kiwi and banana into thin slices.
4. Put the pancake on the work surface, grease it well with the curd - creamy mass, pre-rub the curd through a sieve and beat with cream, put the filling on top.
5. Roll the pancake into a roll, press lightly on all sides. Remove the prepared roll in the refrigerator for 1.5 - 2 hours (or in the freezer for 20 - 30 minutes). Then at the roll, carefully trim the uneven edges and cut into small portioned pieces. Arrange on serving plates. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and decorate the rolls.

Technological map No. 4

grape jelly

Cooking technology
Remove the grapes from the brush, sort out, rinse thoroughly. Cut each berry in half and remove the seeds.
Prepare gelatin and divide into 2 parts.
Grape juice pour into saucepan, bring to a boil. Remove from heat, add prepared and dissolved gelatin.
Arrange the berries in glasses, filling them halfway. Set at a 45 degree angle.
Pour juice with gelatin into glasses, standing at an angle, so that it just covers the berries. The second half of the glass should remain free. Refrigerate until cold.
When the jelly hardens, add yogurt to the remaining grape juice with gelatin, mix thoroughly.
Fill glass with juice and yogurt mixture and chill.
Beautifully designed, poured into the glass evenly, at an angle of 45 degrees.

Technological map No. 5

Apricot dessert with caramel.

Cooking technology
Process dried apricots, boil with the addition of orange juice.
Add evaporated cognac, sugar.
Using a blender, grind until smooth, combine with yogurt.
Prepare gelatin and dissolve in a water bath.
Gently, whisking lightly, fold in the gelatin into the puree.
Cool the cream, beat with the addition of powdered sugar.
Boil into caramel: sugar + water 1: 1.
Decorate the dish: put dessert in a bowl, decorate with cream and caramel on top.

Technological map No. 6

La marcella

Name of raw materials
Gross weight per serving (g)
Net weight per serving (g)
Baking powder
cocoa powder
Instant coffee
Cottage cheese
Cream 33%

Cooking technology

Sift flour, mix with baking powder, cocoa powder, coffee, vanilla and salt.
beat the egg with sugar for 20-30 minutes, add cottage cheese, melted margarine, water, brandy, mix. Knead with flour for 15-30 seconds.
Bake in silicone molds at a temperature of 200? C for 20-25 minutes. Cool down.

Serve with whipped cream.

Technological map No. 7

Dessert "Crispy"

Cooking technology
Bring orange juice with sugar to a boil, boil for 2 minutes. Freeze at -20?C.
Punch the frozen mass in a blender, add whipped protein and freeze again.
Process fruits according to SanPin, cut into thin slices, put on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake at a temperature of 100? C for 1-1.5 hours.
Serve scoops of sherbet on a dessert plate with fruit chips around.

Technological map No. 8

Dessert "Bavarese al vino moscato"

Cooking technology
Warm milk in a water bath. Soak gelatin for 1.5-2 hours, heat until dissolved.
Beat the yolks with sugar for 10 minutes, add milk, wine, prepared gelatin and beat until thick and cool at a temperature of 8-10?
Whip the cream until a stable pattern appears, add powdered sugar and chilled mass. Pour Bavarese into molds and cool at 4-8°C for 4 hours.
Garnish with melted chocolate icing when serving.

Technological map No. 9

Trifle with oranges and limnocello

Cooking technology
Squeeze juice from an orange, add limoncello to it; Coarsely crumble cookies, mix everything.
Beat mascarpone with sugar for 10-15 minutes, add lemon zest and juice, and continue beating for another 10 minutes.
Cut orange into segments.
The dessert is assembled in layers in a glass or bowl: mascarpone, cookies, orange.

Technological map No. 10

Coffee granite with macaroons

Cooking technology
Mix softened butter with flour, sugar, whipped protein and almond flakes.
On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, lay out the dough, giving the shape of boats. Bake at 200?C for 6 minutes.
Brew strong espresso, add sugar and beat until it dissolves completely. Freeze (T=-20?C, 2 hours).
Drink the frozen mixture with a blender and freeze again.
Whip the cream until a stable pattern appears, add coffee and continue beating until a homogeneous mass is formed.
Put cookies in a bowl or bowl, granite on it, sprinkle cocoa on top.

Characteristics of the raw materials necessary for the preparation of signature dishes

1. Mascarpone? Not (Italian Mascarpone) - Italian cream cheese. Comes from the region of Lombardy. It is believed that it was first made in the area between the towns of Lodi and Abbiategrasso southwest of Milan in the late 16th and early 17th centuries.
In the production of mascarpone, cream with a fat content of 25% is heated in a water bath to 75-90 ° C and tartaric acid is added with stirring ( traditional way), lemon juice or white vinegar to begin the process of coagulation (coagulation) of milk protein. After a short heating to complete the coagulation, the product is cooled and subjected to self-pressing in linen bags suspended in a cool place to remove serum. Due to the non-use of lactic acid cultures (sourdough) and enzymes for coagulation, the name "cheese" can be applied to it with a high degree of conventionality.
Mascarpone contains about 75% fat in the dry residue, has a creamy texture, so it is ideal for desserts.
2. Limonche?llo (Italian: Limoncello) is a popular Italian lemon liqueur. Mostly produced in southern Italy, in particular, on the Amalfi coast, on the islands of Capri, Ischia, Sicily, Sardinia.
The liqueur is produced by infusing lemon peels (rather than distillation), so limoncello contains a large amount of vitamin C. The infusion period is usually 3-5 days. The drink also contains alcohol, water and sugar. The final stage of production is the emulsification of the drink in special machines.
In Italy, limoncello is the most popular local drink after Campari. Liqueur is used in its pure form, as a digestif and as a table drink or dessert, and as a component of cocktails. Limoncello is drunk chilled from small tall glasses, which are previously kept in the freezer so that the walls are covered with a thin layer of ice. Sometimes ice is added to the liquor itself. Restaurants often prepare their own liquor with a unique taste. In Russia, limoncello is still extremely rare.
3. Champagne - sparkling wine produced in the Champagne region of France from established grape varieties by the method of secondary fermentation of wine in a bottle. The name of the drink comes from the name of the province of Champagne in France.
Although the term "champagne" is often used by sparkling wine producers in many countries and localities (for example, in California, Canada and Russia), it is correct to use it only in relation to wine produced in the Champagne region. Under the auspices of the "Interprofessional Committee of Champagne Wines" (French: Comite Interprofessionel du Vin de Champagne), a comprehensive set of rules and regulations has been developed for all wines from this region. These rules are designed to ensure the production of a high quality product. The rules indicate the most suitable places for growing grapes, the most suitable grape varieties - champagne is made from a single variety or a mixture that includes no more than three grape varieties: chardonnay (fr. chardonnay), pinot noir (fr. pinot noir) and pinot meunier (fr. . pinot meunier). It also defines a fairly long list of requirements that determine the main aspects of growing grapes. Among these rules: pruning of the vine, the harvest of the vineyard, the degree of pressing of the grapes. Only if the wine meets all these requirements, the name "Champagne" can be affixed to the bottle. The rules developed by the committee of champagne wines are submitted for approval to the French "National Institute for Appellations of Origin" (INAO).
4. Peach. Peach pulp contains organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric, quinic), mineral salts of iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, zinc, magnesium and selenium. Peach contains B vitamins, vitamin C, K, E, PP, carotene, as well as essential oils and pectins.
Peach pits contain amygdalin and bitter almond oil.
5. Raspberries also contain organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric salicylic, etc.) pectin, nitrogenous and coloring substances, fiber, vitamin C (especially a lot of it in leaves - 20-30 times more than in fruits), vitamins A, B2, PP, beta-sitosterol, which has anti-sclerotic properties, essential oil. Raspberries also contain coumarins (from 0.8 to 4 mg / percent), which normalize blood clotting and reduce the level of prothrombin, and anthocyanins, which have capillary-strengthening and anti-sclerotic properties. Most of all, coumarins and anthocyanins are found in the leaves and branches of dark-colored, blackberry-like raspberry varieties. Of the useful elements of raspberries, it should also be noted a significant amount of potassium salts (up to 220 mg percent in fresh, much more in dry), compounds of iron, copper, folic acid.
6. Orange. First of all, it is worth noting that there is no such fruit that would contain such an amount of vitamins, micro and macro elements. In this matter, he is the undisputed leader.
An orange contains (100 g): carbohydrates - 10.3 g, fiber (dietary fiber) - 1.4 g, organic acids - 1.3 g, fats - 0.2 g, proteins - 0.9 g, ash - 0.5 g, pectin - 0.6 g
7. Pear. Water: 83.71 g Inorganic matter: 0.33 g Dietary fiber: 3.1 g Energy value: 58 kcal Monosaccharides: 9.80 g Carbohydrates: 15.46 g Proteins: 0.38 g Fats: 0.12 g Trace elements Potassium: 119 mg Phosphorus: 11 mg Calcium: 9 mg Magnesium: 7 mg Sodium: 1 mg Iron: 170 µg Copper: 82 µg Zinc: 100 µg Vitamins Vitamin C: 4.2 mg Vitamin B1: 12 µg Vitamin B2: 25 µg Vitamin B3: 157 µg Vitamin B5: 48 µg Vitamin B6: 28 µg Vitamin B9: 0 µg Vitamin B12: 0 µg Vitamin A: 23 UI Retinol: 0 µg Vitamin E: 0.12 µg Vitamin K: 4.5 µg Fatty acids Saturated: 6 mg Monounsaturated: 26 mg Polyunsaturated: 29 mg Cholesterol: 0 m
8. Mint. Mint contains up to 25 mg% vitamin C, carotene, 13.8 mg% rutin, 3-12% tannins, acetic and valeric acids, but attracts people, of course, a kind of essential oil with a set of biologically active components.
9. Honey. The nutritional value honey is very significant. We know that food is a basic human need. It is necessary for the body to live, develop and grow. Numerous data show that in our country honey has been known since ancient times as an excellent food product and a remedy.
Science has established that more than half of all the energy produced in the human body is formed due to sugary substances introduced with food - carbohydrates. Honey is a high-calorie product. One kilogram of honey provides 3150 calories, while one kilogram of medium fat beef - 1330, one kilogram of eggs (20 large eggs) - 1590, one liter of whole milk - 620 calories.
10. Persimmon is a multi-stemmed or single-stemmed tree that grows up to 12-15 meters in height. Persimmon fruits can be classified into two categories: astringent in taste (however, this feature is eliminated when the persimmon is fully ripe) and non-astringent. In shape, persimmon fruits can be round, acorn-shaped, and also angular. Color can vary from light yellow to dark orange. By weight and size, the fruits of a particular variety may also differ - from 100 g or less to half a kilogram. The fruit is completely edible except for the seeds and the calyx of the leaves.
Nutritional and medicinal value: persimmon fruits have a high nutritional value mainly due to their content (up to 25%) of glucose and sucrose. It also contains vitamin C, provitamin A, malic and citric acid, a lot of iron, calcium, copper, manganese and potassium. For colds and coughs, it is useful to gargle with the juice of one ripe persimmon mixed with 3.5 tbsp. spoons of warm water. Persimmon has tonic properties. It improves appetite, increases efficiency, and calms the nervous system.
11. Dairy cream cream - a liquid product based on vegetable fats and milk powder. Contains 26% fat and no sugar. Due to the presence of dairy components, the cream has a rich creamy taste.
Whipped with added sugar are used as a cream for cakes and pastries. As a substitute for milk cream, they are used in cooking for the preparation of sauces, gravy. In the confectionery industry, it is used as a whipping cream. A distinctive feature from other creams is that it is not sweet at all!
12. Pistachios. The nut is hidden under a smooth, steamy shell and is an oval kernel, sweetish in taste. Walnut can be of different colors - from yellowish green to cream. Pistachios are very tasty and acquire a special aroma after roasting with salt.
Pistachios are used as food coloring and in various dishes, both savory and confectionery such as nougat or ice cream.
This nut contains a lot of protein, vitamin E and minerals. Vegetable fat has a stimulating effect on the body's defense mechanisms, thereby strengthening the immune system. Proteins satisfy the body's need for essential amino acids. Vitamin E normalizes muscle activity, neutralizes products of oxygen metabolism harmful to the body, and reduces the likelihood of cancer.

Features of methods and modes of technological processing of raw materials

Cleaning. The goal is to remove inedible or damaged parts of the product. Produced by hand or by machines. For manual cleaning, knives, scrapers, etc. are used.
Grinding. Mechanical division of the product into parts for the purpose of better technological use. Grinding is of two types: crushing and cutting.
Washing. Removal of contaminants from the product. Produced with water. Products can be washed mechanically (in washing machines), as well as manually (using bathtubs and running water). Thermal culinary processing of products has an important sanitary and hygienic purpose. Food products, both animal and vegetable, are almost always contaminated with microorganisms. During heat treatment, the temperature inside them is usually 800C and higher. This temperature has a detrimental effect on most molds and non-spore-forming bacteria, and also causes the transition of spore-forming bacteria into an inactive form. During heat treatment, complex structural-mechanical and physico-chemical changes occur in the products, which determine their culinary readiness. In practice, the culinary readiness of products is judged by organoleptic indicators (consistency, taste, smell, color) and the corresponding temperature. An important hygienic requirement for all types of heat treatment is the maximum preservation of the nutritional value of products, which is ensured by compliance with the necessary heat treatment regime. Exceeding the established temperatures or duration of heat treatment of products adversely affects their nutritional value.
Heat treatment of products is carried out either in one way (for example, only cooking), or in several ways in various combinations. During heat treatment, the products are given certain technological properties, as well as organoleptic qualities (for example, potatoes are fried before stewing). Below are the most widely used food processing methods in practice.

Baking. The product is laid out on a baking sheet, placed in an oven with a temperature of 150-270? The product is heated by heated dishes, air and heat radiation from the hot cabinet walls.
Boiling in a water bath. The technological process of cooking some dishes should be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 60-90 ° C, while maintaining it for the entire period of cooking. For this purpose, a water bath with a heating medium thermostat is used. Slabware is also used: for this, liquid (water) is poured into one of the vessels, it is heated to the required temperature and a vessel with the product is placed in it.
Cooking. During the cooking process, products are heated in a liquid medium (water, milk, etc.) or in a steam atmosphere. The ratio of product and liquid must be at least 1:1. There are two cooking modes. In the first mode, the liquid is heated to a boil, after which the heating is reduced and further heat treatment of the product is carried out at a low boil (temperature about 95-98 ° C), maintaining this mode for the entire time required to bring the product to readiness.
In the second mode, the liquid is heated to a boil, then the access of heat is stopped and the product is brought to readiness due to the accumulated heat.
Cooling - used for cooking, creams, jellies and other types of desserts.
Freezing - used for making ice cream and stroganina, as well as for long-term storage of products.
Whipping - mechanical culinary treatment, which consists in intensive mixing of one or more products in order to obtain a loose, fluffy or foamy mass.

Experimental development of signature dishes

Dessert "Spicy pears"

combi steamer
Water bath
Cream 27%



"__" ___________20__


  • 1.1 This technical and technological map applies to the processed dish "Strudel" produced in the restaurant ""
  • 2.1 For the preparation of the Strudel dish, the following raw materials are used:

Apples……………………………………………….. GOST R 54697-201

Cinnamon…………………………………………………GOST 29049-91

Sugar………………………………………………….. GOST R 53396-2009

Vegetable oil…………………………………..GOST R 52465-2005

Walnut……………………………………………….GOST 16833-71

Raisins……………………………………………………GOST 6882-88

Flour……………………………….GOST R 52189-2003

Phyllo dough………………………………………… TU 9110-001-92475805-12

2.2 Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of this dish comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and quality assurance.



  • 4.2 The dough is rolled out into a large square, then the apples are peeled, cut into cubes, combined with raisins and poured with boiling water for 10-15 minutes. The water is drained. Sour cream and cinnamon are added to the resulting mixture. Lay out on dough. Bake at a temperature of 200 C for 10 minutes.
  • 5.1 Dish "Strudel" is served with ice cream, sprinkled with topping and sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • 5.2 Supply temperature 60-65°C

Appearance - served on a round platter with a scoop of ice cream topped and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Taste and smell - apple.

The consistency is soft.


DIRECTOR _______________

"__" ___________20__


  • 1.1 This technical and technological map applies to the prepared dish "Panacotta" produced in the restaurant ""
  • 2.1 For the preparation of the dish "Panacotta" use the following raw materials:

Dairy cream ………………………………….. GOST R 54697-2011

Gelatin………………………………………………….GOST 31452-2012

Milk…………………………………………GOST 29049-91

Vanillin………………………….. GOST R 53396-2009

Sugar………………………………..GOST R 52465-2005

Powdered sugar………………………………….GOST 16833-71

Physalis……………………………………………………GOST 6882-88

Topping……………………………….GOST R 52189-2003

Or products of foreign companies that have certificates and quality certificates of the Russian Federation.



  • 4.1 The preparation of raw materials for the production of a dish is carried out in compliance with sanitary standards and rules for a public catering enterprise “SP 2.3.6. 1079-01".
  • 4.2 Take 350 milliliters of cream, add vanillin and sugar to them, put on fire and heat, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. In parallel, mix the rest of the cream (50 milliliters) with milk and prepared gelatin. Add this mixture to the heated cream, mix and continue to heat on the stove, stirring constantly, bring the liquid to a boil, but do not boil. Then leave to cool for 15 minutes liquid at room temperature. Then beat with a mixer at high power.
  • 5.1 Dish "Panacotta" is served with physalis, sprinkled with topping and sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • 5.3 Shelf life - 2 hours.
  • 6.1 Organoleptic characteristics.

Appearance - the form is appropriate, decorated with physalis, sprinkled with topping and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Color - corresponding to the given products.

The consistency is jelly.



DIRECTOR ________________

"__" ___________20__


  • 1.1 This technical and technological map applies to the developed dish "Cheesecake with cherries" produced in the restaurant ""
  • 2.1 To prepare the dish "Cheesecake with cherries" use the following raw materials:

Sour cream………………………………………………….GOST 31452-2012

Starch………………………………………………….GOST R 53876-2010

Cottage cheese………………………………………………… GOST 31453-2013

Vanillin………………………………………………..GOST R 53396-2009

Sugar…………………………………………………..GOST R 52465-2005

Dairy cream ………………………………….. GOST R 54697-2011

Processed cheese……………………………………… GOST 31690-2013

Cherry cm………………………………….GOST R 53956-2010

Cookies……………………………………………….. ..GOST 24901-89

Butter ……………………… ... GOST R 52969-2008

Or products of foreign companies that have certificates and quality certificates of the Russian Federation.

2.2 Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of this dish comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and have certificates of conformity and quality assurance.



  • 4.1 The preparation of raw materials for the production of a dish is carried out in compliance with sanitary standards and rules for a public catering enterprise “SP 2.3.6. 1079-01".
  • 4.2 Grind cookies to a crumb state, mix with butter, sugar, mix thoroughly. Put the resulting mixture into a mold, tamp it all over the mold (and edges). Refrigerate 20-30 minutes. Beat melted cheese, sugar, flour, add vanillin, sour cream, continue beating for 5-7 minutes. The resulting cream is laid out in a prepared cookie form. Bake at temperatures of 290-300 ° C for 10 minutes, reduce to 100 ° C and bake for 50 minutes. Cool down. When serving, spread the cherry filling on the cheesecake (bring water to a boil, add cherries, sugar, starch to it, bring to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes until thick, cool.).
  • 5.1 Dish "Cheesecake with cherries" decorated with cherries, sprinkled with powdered sugar.
  • 5.2 Supply temperature 12-15°C
  • 5.3 Shelf life - 2 hours.
  • 6.1 Organoleptic characteristics.

Appearance - the form is appropriate, decorated with cherries, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Color - corresponding to the given products.

Taste and smell - creamy and milky.

Consistency - soft, dense.


When we hear the word "dessert", we imagine something very appetizing and sweet. In fact, dessert is a broader concept, derived from the ancient French desservir(clear the table). Dessert can be anything served after the main course: cheese, fruits, berries, nuts, juices. True, it is not clear whether chewing gum is considered a dessert. Traditionally, desserts include cakes, pies, pastries, cookies, sweets, ice cream, marshmallow, jam, chocolate, liqueurs and many sweets of Eastern and European national cuisines.

The custom of ending the meal with dessert did not appear in Europe until the 19th century, along with the rise of sugar production. Before that, sweets were the privilege of the rich and appeared on the table of commoners only on holidays. Hence the custom to pay great attention to the decoration of desserts, because holiday dish should look impressive.

Sweet fruits and honey were the first popular desserts. A lot of sweet dishes have appeared on the basis of natural sweeteners, which were later replaced by sugar. Those sweets that we have today are far from original dishes taste, nutritional value and vitamin content. Most of today's desserts are rich sources of glucose. They successfully fight hunger, give strength, stimulate the brain and improve mood. However, you should not treat yourself to sweets every day, especially if your lifestyle cannot be called active.

Ice cream.
Only the desire of people for a miracle can explain the appearance of ice cream about 4,000 years ago in hot Mesopotamia, where noble people had "ice houses" to store ice. Ice was delivered to the table of the Egyptian pharaohs along the Nile. It is known that in the 5th c. BC. in Athens they sold snow balls with honey and berries. For Nero, they collected snow from the tops of the mountains and prepared fruit ice with honey and nuts. In the 4th c. BC. the Persians were able to build structures where ice collected in winter or brought from mountain peaks was stored all summer. It was in Persia that the prototype of modern ice cream appeared - a dish of frozen rose water, saffron, fruit and thin strips of dough resembling vermicelli.

The ice cream maker was invented in China long before the advent of refrigerators. The ingredients were placed in a large container with a mixture of ice and saltpeter. In France, instead of saltpeter, they began to use salt. The principle of operation of the first "ice creamers" is simple - since salt water freezes at a temperature below zero, mixing a large amount of ice with salt helps to cool the sweet mixture to zero temperature, which is quite enough for ice cream. The first ice cream recipe was published in an English cookbook in 1718. In the middle of the 19th century. ice cream in England became available to everyone, as a large amount of ice was transported from Norway. In Russia, the favorite dish in the heat was planed milk frozen in the cellar.

Thanks to ice cream, the drink cream soda (short for ice cream soda) appeared. Ice cream was the only thing permitted on Sundays in 19th-century Puritan America, when alcoholic and soft drinks were banned. The conical ice cream waffle cone appeared in America in 1904. According to legend, the ice cream seller ran out of cardboard plates at the fair. A Syrian waffle vendor who worked nearby and was suffering from a lack of customers offered to cooperate and sell ice cream in rolled waffles.

In the 1950s, it was discovered that it was possible to double the amount of air in ice cream and thus reduce the amount of milk in each serving. Around the same time, industrial and affordable home refrigerators appeared, making ice cream a cheap treat. Today, the United States is considered the leader in eating ice cream, where each person has 23 liters of ice cream per year.

Cold desserts are not limited to milk ice cream. In the East, cold drinks are popular: sweet sherbet (made from low-fat milk, juice and sweet fruits) and sorbet (fruit puree without dairy products). V Italian cuisine there is a dessert made from low-fat milk and eggs (gelato) and a sweet cream made from full-fat milk and yolks. A Malaysian dish called ice kasang is made with syrup, ice, red beans and condensed milk.

The discovery of chocolate and other South American products is credited to Columbus, although in fact cocoa beans and the recipe for chocolate originated in Spain thanks to Cortes. The Maya and Aztecs cultivated cocoa trees as early as the 15th century. BC. and drank bitter chocolate with pepper, believing that God himself gave them his favorite plant that gives strength. Seeing the first European - Cortes - the Aztecs considered him God himself and treated him to chocolate. Cortes did not like bitter chocolate, and the Aztec leader Montezuma realized that this was not a god at all and expelled Cortes from the city. Soon the Aztec empire was captured by the Spaniards, and their divine drink came to Spain, where it was sweetened with sugar.

A drink made from cocoa beans has almost retained its ancient name - xocolatl (bitter liquid), and the scientific name of cocoa beans - Theobroma Cacao - means "cocoa is the food of God." As is the case with many exotic spices and foods, chocolate was first used for medicinal purposes. It has been found to be a powerful aphrodisiac and remedy for melancholy. Due to its rich composition, chocolate can be used as an energy source. White chocolate very high in calories, but does not contain cocoa beans and therefore does not have useful properties bitter chocolate. According to the WHO, in large quantities, chocolate can cause a life-threatening addiction.

The name of this ancient dessert is translated from German as "March bread". Basically, marzipan is a mixture of grated almonds and powdered sugar. Other nuts are not suitable for this dessert. The oils contained in almonds allow complex shapes to be formed from the sweet nut mass without the use of gluing additives. Marzipan figurines can be painted and glazed.

Marzipan is traditionally considered an aristocratic sweet and a sign of good taste. There are several museums in Europe dedicated to this dessert. Marzipan is not just tasty figures, but also a source of vitamin E, which is useful for nervous system and skin. Daily rate Vitamin E is found in just 20 almonds.

According to legend, the Italians invented marzipan in the 10th century, when there was a crop failure for all cereals, and they had to replace flour with almonds, which, oddly enough, gave a good harvest. The French claim that they invented marzipan, while the Sicilians insist that they first learned about marzipan from the Saracens. In Spain, marzipan was made back in the 8th century, adding pine nuts, lemon zest and fruits to it. In Holland, marzipan is made with egg white, lemon juice and liquor. In Germany, marzipan is associated with Christmas. German confectioners know about 200 marzipan recipes.

Oriental sweets .

You will not surprise a modern person with sweets, but in ancient times, when sugar was a rarity, oriental sweets were equal in price to gold. The Arabs attributed magical powers to sweets. With your sweetness oriental dishes mainly due to honey and juices of sweet fruits that do not grow in the middle lane. Candied fruits, spices and caramel - business card oriental desserts.

Turkish Delight (in translation - light pieces) was made from fruits, rose water, honey, crushed almonds and starch. Its history spans several millennia.

Marmalade is a late European variety of Turkish Delight where there is less sweetness and more fruit. The name of marmalade comes from the Portuguese word "quince", as the first marmalade in Europe was brewed from quince juice. In England, orange jam is called marmalade.

Zephyr is an ancient oriental delicacy made from sugar and egg white. The French called this recipe meringue, and the dish with the addition of fruit puree began to be called marshmallow.

Baklava is made from puff pastry, which is rolled into the thinnest layers, smeared with nut-honey mass, baked and soaked in syrup.

Halva appeared in the 5th century. BC. on the territory of Iran. The original halva was made from sugar, nuts and soap root. Such halva was airy and melting in the mouth. A variety of halva is koskhalva made from egg whites, molasses, poppy seeds, raisins or nuts.

Nuga was considered the delight of the padishahs. She was made from sugar syrup with egg whites, candied fruits and nuts and flavored with vanilla and lemon zest.

Sherbet - cold dessert. It can be liquid and thick, like ice cream. Sherbet is made from the juices of various fruits, so it not only cools, but also saturates the body with vitamins and minerals needed in the heat.


Pasta is very similar to oriental sweetness(Turkish delight), but is considered a Russian national delicacy. Pastila has been known since the 14th century. It is possible that the method of its preparation was borrowed from the East, but the main ingredient of the marshmallow was Russian Antonov apples or sour wild apples. The most famous Russian marshmallow was Belyavskaya, the recipe for which was invented by the merchant Prokhorov, who loved baked apples. Later, recipes for marshmallows from raspberries, lingonberries, mountain ash, currants appeared, but these berries contain little pectin and do not form such a dense mass as apples. Berry marshmallow was more often used as an addition to apple marshmallow in the preparation of puff pastilles.

In the 15th century, protein was added to marshmallow to give it a white color. Pastila with protein was more resilient and firm. The secret of the Kolomna white marshmallow was kept secret until in the 19th century the French, who knew about the properties of protein, surpassed the Kolomna confectioners by adding not just proteins, but whipped proteins to the apple-fruit puree. The result was an even more elastic mass, called the French marshmallow.

At first, marshmallows were made from honey, and only from the 19th century did sugar begin to be used. Due to the crystallization of sugar, the marshmallow became strong and retained its shape. Sugar apple marshmallow won recognition all over the world. It was produced in dozens of varieties and exported to Europe. In Paris, London and other European capitals there were shops selling Russian sweets. Pastila was no longer cooked at home when Russian stoves disappeared. Marshmallow requires decreasing heat for 2 days, which is now possible only in factory conditions. Unfortunately, it is also unprofitable for factories to produce marshmallows due to the large time costs.

Tiramisu is the most famous Italian dessert. Its name translates as "pull me up", which reflects the high spirits during and after being treated to this dessert. For the first time, tiramisu was prepared for the Duke of Tuscany. Then this airy sweetness was called "Duke's soup". The modern name for the dessert was given by the Venetian courtesans, who noted its ability to cheer up.

Real tiramisu can only be tasted on the Apennine Peninsula, because only there they make delicate creamy mascarpone cheese - the main ingredient of tiramisu. Other elements of true tiramisu are savoiardi biscuits and Marsala wine. A simplified version of the Italian dessert is called tiramisu in Russian. Italian ingredients can be replaced with sour cream, biscuit and cognac or liquor. It does not need to be baked, it is enough to cool it in the refrigerator.

Birthday cake.

The first known cake for special occasions is considered to be the wedding cake. Even the ancient Romans ended the wedding ceremony by breaking a thin wheat cake cooked with wine over the bride's head, which symbolized good luck and a quick addition to the family. The same ancient tradition exists among the Brahmins and many European nations.

In medieval England, guests brought homemade cakes to a wedding, built a tower out of them (very similar to modern multi-tiered wedding cakes), and the newlyweds kissed on top of this tower. By the way, the custom of getting married a wedding cake figurines of the newlyweds comes from this kiss. This cute custom was gradually forgotten when one confectioner came up with the idea of ​​​​filling all the pies brought by the guests with icing, forming a single cake.

In France, a wedding cake was made from small round cakes stuffed with cream and doused with caramel. Hardening, the caramel kept the shape of even a very large structure. Each guest was served a few balls, breaking them off from the pie. Another kind of French birthday cake- a layered cake made of thinning layers. Such a cake was the highlight of the program and was served at the end of the holiday.

In Japan, newlyweds who do not have the funds for an expensive wedding cake used a dummy. It could even be "cut" by inserting a knife into the slots. In India, sometimes they use a "blank cake", which is covered with icing. Guests are treated to pieces of glaze and fruit. In Russia, weddings did not take place without a round loaf, symbolizing the sun. The cutting of the wedding cake by the newlyweds had a sacred meaning among many peoples. Today, the wedding cake plays only the role of table decoration or serves as a couple's self-expression.


Another symbol of the holiday is a gingerbread baked from dough with the addition of spices (hence the name), jam, honey, nuts and raisins. Gingerbread appeared during the Neolithic, when our ancestors learned how to bake bread and experimented with various flavors. The most ancient gingerbread is honey. Cakes baked with honey were known to the Egyptians and Greeks. The Germans improved ancient recipe and still baking honey gingerbread for Christmas.

In Russia, the first gingerbread was also honey. The first mention of "honey bread" dates back to the 9th century. The first Russian gingerbread about half consisted of honey. They were baked from rye flour with the addition of berries, fragrant herbs and roots. They acquired their modern name in the 13th century, when spices from India became available. Traditionally, black pepper, orange (bitter orange), mint, anise, ginger, cloves and nutmeg were added to the gingerbread. Each locality had its own recipes for gingerbread. Tula gingerbread has always been the most famous.

The most ancient way of making gingerbread was hand molding. Later, cut-out gingerbread baked in molds appeared, and printed ones, on which a pattern was applied using a board. In Pomorye, roe deer are made - richly decorated and painted gingerbread in a bizarre shape.

Technical and technological maps (TTK) are developed for new and branded dishes and culinary products - those that are developed and sold only at this enterprise. The term of the TTC is determined by the enterprise itself.

TTK includes sections:

  • 1. Name of the product and scope of the TTC. Indicate the exact name of the dish, which cannot be changed without approval; provide a specific list of enterprises (branches) that are given the right to produce and sell this dish.
  • 2. List of raw materials for making a dish (product).
  • 3. Requirements for the quality of raw materials. Be sure to make a record that raw materials, food products, semi-finished products for a given dish (product) comply with regulatory documents (GOSTs, OSTs, TUs) and have certificates and quality certificates.

Norms for laying raw materials in gross and net weight, norms for the output of semi-finished products and finished products.

  • 4. Description technological process. They give a detailed description of this process, the mode of cold and heat treatment, ensuring the safety of the dish (product), give the used nutritional supplements, dyes, etc.
  • 5. Requirements for execution, submission, sale and storage. The design features, the rules for serving the dish, the order of sale, storage should be reflected (in accordance with GOST R 503105-08.
  • 6. Indicators of quality and safety. Indicate the organoleptic characteristics of the dish (taste, smell, color, texture), physico-chemical and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the dish.
  • 7. Indicators nutritional composition and energy value. Provide data on the nutritional and energy value of the dish (according to the tables " Chemical composition foodstuffs approved by the Ministry of Health), which are important for the organization of nutrition of certain consumer groups (dietary, therapeutic and prophylactic, children food and etc.).

Each technical and technological map receives a serial number and is stored in the company's file cabinet. The TTK is signed by the responsible developer.


Director __________

"__" ____________ 2013




This technical and technological document applies to Children's cottage cheese ice cream with bananas.


food raw materials, food products, used for the preparation of Children's ice cream from cottage cheese with bananas, must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate, etc.).



  • 1. We load products into a blender: cottage cheese, chopped bananas, 1/2 cream, vanilla sugar, powdered sugar. Mix everything well in a blender until smooth. If the consistency of the mass is very thick, then add more cream and mix well again. The consistency should be like very thick sour cream.
  • 2. Put the ice cream in a container and send it to the freezer.

After about 3 hours we get soft ice cream, and after 5 hours it is already possible to serve full-fledged ice cream.


Children's cottage cheese ice cream with bananas is sold immediately after preparation. Permissible shelf life of ice cream before sale is no more than 10 minutes at a serving temperature of 14°C. According to company standard. The shelf life of ice cream according to SanPiN is 12 hours at a temperature of (-4; - 2) °C.


Appearance - ice cream is laid out in bowls, you can sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Color - cream.

Taste and smell - a pleasant smell of banana and vanilla, the taste is sweet, without foreign flavors and odors.

  • 6.2. Microbiological indicators of ice cream must comply with the requirements of SanPiN

Ice cream from cottage cheese with bananas for the exit - 150 g

Head of production ________ ______ Full name

Responsible for registration of TTK ______ _______ Full name


Director __________

"__" ____________ 2013




This technical and technological applies to the dish Donuts curd.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for the preparation of cottage cheese donuts must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate, etc.).



Preparation of raw materials for the production of dishes is carried out in accordance with the collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for public catering establishments.

Flour, egg yolks, mashed with sugar, beaten egg whites, salt, citric acid are dissolved in water, everything is mixed, the resulting mass is divided into pieces weighing 79 g, molded into balls and fried in fat at t = 160, in within 10-15 minutes. Ready-made donuts are sprinkled with powder on vacation.


Ready-made donuts are used as a dessert, served with hot non-alcoholic ones. According to SanPiN, the shelf life of the dish Curd Donuts is 8 hours at a storage temperature of +2°С to +6°С.

  • 6.1. Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance - product correct form, no kinks, dents or torn parts

Color - golden, uniform

Consistency - porous, not stuck together, without traces of non-mixing and foreign inclusions

Taste, smell - pleasant, without foreign impurities, when yeast is added to the recipe - with a light, pleasant aroma of fermentation.

  • 6.2. Microbiological indicators "Curd donuts" must meet the requirements. SanPiN, index

Curd donuts -150g.

Responsible for the design of the TTK in the diner ______________

Head diner production _________________

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