Home desserts What vegetables are vegetable caviar not made from? Vegetable caviar for the winter. Quick vegetable caviar for the winter with zucchini

What vegetables are vegetable caviar not made from? Vegetable caviar for the winter. Quick vegetable caviar for the winter with zucchini

Features of the production of canned food "Vegetable caviar"

Caviar is prepared from fried and chopped vegetables (eggplants, zucchini, squash), fried root vegetables and onions with the addition of tomato paste or tomato puree, granulated sugar, salt, herbs, spices.

To prepare caviar, fried eggplants, zucchini, squash, carrots, beets, white roots and onions (after draining excess oil) are hot ground on a top, resulting in a homogeneous, fairly granular mass. For grinding, two grates are installed in the top: one with holes with a diameter of 10 mm, the other with holes of 3.5 mm.

When making caviar from zucchini, fried together with the stalk, they are crushed only through a mashing machine with sieves, the holes of which have a diameter of 1.2 mm. It should be noted that the product obtained by this method in its consistency is more reminiscent of pasta than caviar. Therefore, in order to obtain better quality caviar, it is recommended to grind vegetables on a top.

When making caviar from onions, part of the onion (20% of the total amount intended for cooking caviar) is cut into circles 3-5 mm thick and fried in steam-oil ovens to 50% visible frying. The rest of the onion (80%) is blanched in boiling water as a whole for 3-5 minutes. The crushed mass of fried vegetables is mixed in accordance with the recipe (Table 49) with a pre-prepared mixture of tomato paste (mashed potatoes), salt, granulated sugar, spices and herbs. When using essential oils instead of fresh herbs, the prepared mixture of essential and vegetable oils is added to the caviar along with salt and mixed thoroughly.

Table 49

Prepared vegetables and materials

Recipe, %

"Squash Cavier"

"Eggplant caviar"

"Caviar from beets"

"Onion caviar"

with greens

with essential oils

with greens

with essential oils


Zucchini or squash fried

Fried eggplant

Roasted beets

Roasted carrots

Roasted white roots

Onion fried

blanched onion

Fresh greens

Fresh minced garlic



Salt essential oil blend

Ground black pepper

Ground allspice

Tomato puree 12%

Tomato paste 30%

Calcined vegetable oil

Acetic acid 80%

The mixing of the components included in vegetable caviar is carried out in minced meat mixing machines, or VNIIKOP-2 devices (Fig. 55) with a double-walled heating chamber are used as a mixer until the salt and sugar are completely dissolved and a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Rice. 55. Heater VNIIKOP-2: 1 - electric motor; 2 - lighting glass; 3 - loading fitting; 4 - apparatus; 5 - fitting for supplying steam; 6 - mixer; 7 - steam chamber; 8 - unloading fitting.

The device has a double-walled steam chamber and a cylindrical body with a conical lid. An anchor mixer is placed inside the apparatus, driven by an electric motor through a gearbox. The collection-heater is equipped with two fittings for supplying steam, a fitting for discharging condensate, loading fittings, a fitting for unloading the product, fittings for removing vapors (or for creating a vacuum), compressed air, a pressure vacuum gauge and a safety valve. All parts of the apparatus in contact with the product are made of stainless steel. The working volume of the apparatus, or the volume of the product, at which the heating surface is completely covered by it, is 750-1000 liters. Steam pressure up to 0.4 MPa is supplied to a double-walled heating chamber having a heating surface of 3.7 m 2 .

Caviar from zucchini and squash is also produced in a combined way. First, zucchini or squash, cut into circles or into pieces 25 mm thick, are fried in vegetable oil to 25% visible roast. At the same time, zucchini absorb up to 1.5% fat. Then the fried zucchini (squash) is crushed and boiled in vacuum apparatus with stirrers at a residual pressure of 12-19 kPa (620-670 mm Hg) to a solids content of 9% (according to a refractometer). Before feeding the crushed squash mass for boiling into a vacuum apparatus, vegetable oil is loaded, heated to a temperature of 135 ° C, in an amount of 6.8% to the crushed squash mass.

After boiling the squash mass, fried and chopped carrots, white roots, onions, as well as tomato paste, granulated sugar and salt are fed into the vacuum apparatus. Everything is thoroughly mixed, heated to 95 ° C, then chopped herbs of spicy plants and spices are added.

Ready-made caviar in hot form (at a temperature of 70-80 ° C) is packaged in jars using an automatic filler for thick masses, dosing the product by volume. Sterilization of eggs of all types is carried out according to the modes indicated in table. 45.

Ready caviar is pumped through pipelines for packaging. In the production of caviar, as well as in the manufacture of minced meat, vegetable mixtures, it must be borne in mind that chopped vegetables are a good environment for the development of microorganisms. A large number of bacteria are introduced into caviar and minced vegetables along with greens (1 g of greens crushed on a top contains hundreds of thousands, and sometimes millions of microorganisms), with salt and spices. A huge number of microorganisms accumulate in caviar, minced meat and vegetable mixtures with any delays in the course of the technological process.

Therefore, the production of vegetable caviar, minced meat and vegetable mixtures must be carried out quickly, without delay and in proper sanitary conditions. The speed and continuity of work in the production of vegetable caviar and vegetable mixtures is also dictated by the need to prevent their cooling, since due to the thick consistency of these products, their heating during the sterilization process is extremely slow.

In Bulgaria, in the production of canned food "Kyopoolu" (baked eggplant caviar), the process of roasting eggplants is replaced by processing them with hot air in an oven on grills or in special devices until fully cooked.

The recipe for "Kyopoolu" is as follows (in%): baked chopped eggplant - 70; baked chopped sweet pepper - 8; fresh tomatoes - 4.5; tomato paste (dry matter 38%) - 1; parsley - 0.2; refined sunflower oil - 15 and common salt - 1.3.

Tomato paste can be replaced with an appropriate amount of fresh tomatoes. To improve the taste, parsnip root is added in a purified and crushed form (0.3%).

For the manufacture of the mixture, usually double-walled boilers with agitators are used. The order of loading the components is as follows: first, vegetable oil is poured and heated to 140-150 ° C, then tomato paste and chopped fresh tomatoes are loaded, which contributes to better dissolution of the carotene and lycopene contained in the oil. Lastly, all other components are added, everything is mixed well until a homogeneous mass is obtained, brought to a boil and sent for packaging.

The finished product is a homogeneous mass of granular structure of the color of coffee with milk with a slightly reddish tint from the added tomatoes and tomato paste. The product has a characteristic taste for baked eggplants. Black blotches are not allowed - traces of burnt skin. The fat content in the finished product should be 15% (± 1%), salt - 1-1.5%. The disadvantage of the manufacturing technology of this product is the high labor intensity. With the mechanization of the baking process, as well as the peeling of eggplants and peppers, the production of these preserves will be less complicated, and it could be organized in our factories.

In the summer, every good housewife tries to make more tasty supplies for the winter. Therefore, the preparation of vegetable caviar in many kitchens is already in full swing. This incredibly tasty dish has a strong position in the family menu, and not without reason.

Spicy classic

Eggplant is a favorite summer vegetable, the aroma of which you so want to take with you into the winter. How to cook eggplant vegetable caviar? We cut into cubes 2 kg of fruit with a peel - it is she who gives the dish wonderful spicy notes. We pour them 5 tbsp. l. salt, pour 3 liters of water, leave for 30 minutes. At the end, you need to squeeze the eggplant well. In the meantime, finely chop 1 kg of onion. We clear the seeds of 1 kg of sweet pepper and 2 hot peppers, cut everything into slices. We grate 1 kg of carrots, chop 1.5 kg of tomatoes. Fry eggplant in a pan with vegetable oil and place in a large saucepan. In the same pan, fry onions, carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes in turn. We combine them in a saucepan, put hot pepper, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and boil eggplant vegetable caviar to the desired density. It remains to cork it in sterilized jars. Such caviar is good both as an appetizer and as a sauce for hot dishes.

Parcel from childhood

The taste of vegetables is familiar to almost everyone since childhood. It still remains a welcome dish on our tables today. If you take young zucchini, you can leave the peel on - the caviar will turn out to be quite tender with it. But mature ones will have to be peeled not only from the peel, but also from the seeds. Cut 2 kg of zucchini into circles 1 cm thick, lightly brown in oil and put in a separate container. Grind 2 medium onion heads, pass them in vegetable oil. We chop a bunch of dill and parsley, also fry them in oil. Grind 6-7 cloves of garlic with 1 tbsp. l. coarse salt. We pass all the vegetables through a meat grinder, add 10 ml of 9% vinegar, garlic mixture, ¼ tsp. black pepper and stir. We lay out the resulting mass in liter glass jars, sterilize for 90 minutes and roll up. With such a colorful pasta, excellent sandwiches are provided to you.

With Caucasian flavor

Zucchini caviar for the winter has an interesting taste. Cut into small cubes 4 onions. Grate 2 large carrots. Saute vegetables in vegetable oil until they are properly browned. At the same time, we clean 1 kg of zucchini from seeds and peel, cut into cubes 1 cm thick. Lightly salt them and leave for 15 minutes. After carefully squeeze out all the liquid and put the zucchini in a pan with vegetables. Simmer this mixture without a lid for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. Next, add 3-4 cloves of garlic, passed through the press, ½ tsp. suneli hops, a pinch of red and black pepper, paprika and salt. Then pour a bunch of chopped dill and parsley. At the very end, enter 1 tbsp. l. grape vinegar, pour the caviar into jars, sterilize and roll up. This recipe for vegetable caviar for the winter will conquer everyone completely if you add a handful of ground walnuts to it.

fiery heart

In many recipes for vegetable caviar for the winter, tomatoes act as an auxiliary ingredient. Although the main role they are quite capable of. We clean and rub on a coarse grater 2 large carrots and 200 g of celery root. Finely chop 4 onions and 6-8 cloves of garlic. Saute vegetable platter in olive oil until golden brown. Cut into cubes 1.5 kg of juicy ripe tomatoes, pour into a pan with vegetables and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Add ½ bunch of chopped basil and celery, 3 tbsp. l. tomato paste, 1 tsp. sugar, salt and pepper to taste. Stirring frequently, continue to simmer the vegetable mixture until it thickens. If desired, you can beat it with a blender to make the consistency smoother and more tender. After that, the paste can be poured into jars and preserved. This delicious vegetable caviar will become a harmonious sauce for meat, poultry and fish dishes.

forest treasures

Do you want to surprise home gourmets with something unusual? The recipe for mushrooms will help you with this. We will need 2 kg of your favorite mushrooms. It can be either one variety or assorted mushrooms, saffron mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, etc. We carefully sort them out, wash them several times and cook for 30 minutes in salted water. Do not forget to remove the cloudy foam after boiling. At the end, we recline the mushrooms in a colander and let cool. Cut 3-4 onions into half rings, sauté them in oil until transparent. We pass boiled mushrooms with fried onions through a meat grinder. Finely chop a bunch of cilantro, parsley and dill. We combine greens with mushrooms and onions, pour in 550 ml of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. 6% vinegar and mix. We lay out the caviar from mushrooms in jars, sterilize for 40 minutes and close the lids. Remember, it is better to take nylon caps for mushrooms, since metal can cause the development of botulism bacteria.

Spices from the branded online store "Eat at Home"

Have you already decided what winter preparations you will make this year? A rich collection of recipes for cooking vegetable caviar from "Eat at Home!" will help you make the right choice. A

Of course, if you have to buy all the vegetables in the market or in the store for such vegetable caviar, then it is best to limit yourself to a trial version of it - buy and cook it as an appetizer for testing, like autumn vegetable caviar. But if your summer cottage rewarded you for your labors with a rich harvest of tomatoes, zucchini, bell peppers - the basis of this wonderful vegetable caviar, then this recipe will answer the question: what to do with this abyss of zucchini and peppers, which, however, will immediately replace another sore point: where to get glass containers for the conservation of this vegetable grace for the future.

But all winter on your table is an excellent snack in the form of very tasty instant vegetable caviar. In addition, such an appetizer will fit well into any menu, into any religious fasts and weight loss diets, it will remind you of summer, diversify the table.

Recipe for vegetable caviar from five vegetables

For such caviar, zucchini, sweet bell peppers, ripe tomatoes, eggplant and onions are needed. All types of vegetables are pre-washed in water and let it drain. Zucchini, if young, you can not remove the skin, and if they are aged, then remove the skin and cut out the core. After that, we cut the zucchini into cubes, put them in a cold frying pan with a thick bottom or in a wok and simmer without salt and oil under a lid over low heat until cooked, occasionally glancing and stirring. If time limits, then you can stop there. Chilled zucchini can wait until tomorrow in the refrigerator.

But during this time you need to prepare peppers and eggplant. Remove seeds from peppers and cut into cubes. If you have enough strength and patience, then pour over boiling water and remove the skin, for which I still do not have enough patience. Put the diced peppers in a cold frying pan, add a little vegetable oil, a little salt and simmer over medium heat until tender, stirring occasionally.

Peel the eggplant, cut into cubes, place chopped in a container, lightly salt and mash with your hands. After that, put the peeled eggplants cut into cubes in a colander, place a suitable load on top of the eggplant mass on a saucer and wait until they expire with brown juice, with which the harmful bitterness will go away. As soon as this happens, put the eggplants on a thick-walled pan heated with vegetable oil and over low heat, stirring occasionally, simmer until tender.

In parallel, peel the onion, chop it large enough, salt and put in boiling oil in a frying pan, reduce the heat and sauté until tender. If there is a leek on the farm, then stew it together with onions. This will greatly improve the taste of your vegetable caviar.

So, the main vegetables are ready. It remains to put them in a large metal thick-walled container (I use an eight-liter copper basin for jam) for joint stewing for half an hour over low heat, stirring occasionally so that they do not burn.

During this time, I boil the ripe red tomatoes cut into pieces in a saucepan until cooked and grind them right hot in a metal mesh colander with a ladle so that the tomato seeds and peel do not get into it. It is better if you pre-boil your tomato juice to the state of ketchup, or add tomato paste. After half an hour of stewing the main vegetables, tomato dressing is added and our vegetable caviar is stewed with it for another 10 minutes.

The hottest moment comes, by which half-liter or liter glass jars and hard or screw lids have already been washed and steamed over the kettle. It remains only with extreme caution and rather quickly spread the prepared vegetable caviar directly from the heat with the heat with a suitable spoon into the prepared sterile dish. First, it is better to spread the whole mass into jars, cover with lids and a towel so that the previous jars do not cool down, and when everything is laid out, slowly roll them up with a screw lid or a canning can key. When all the jars with vegetable caviar are corked, place them under a fur coat, turning them over on the lids, for even cooling. After cooling, store homemade canned vegetables simply at normal room temperature, preferably no more than one year.

Ingredients for vegetable caviar:

  • fresh zucchini - 1 kilogram;
  • fresh sweet peppers peeled - 1 kilogram;
  • fresh peeled eggplants - 0.5 kilograms;
  • ripe tomatoes - 1 kilogram;
  • onion - 0.5 kilograms;
  • vegetable oil - 100 grams;
  • salt - to taste.

Vegetable caviar is a convenient preparation. You can process the surplus crop, get a delicious snack and not worry about adding to dinner in the winter. There are many recipes for cooking caviar from vegetables, the most interesting options are collected here.

Vegetable caviar for the winter - general principles of cooking

Vegetables for caviar are usually fried or baked, then stewed. But there are recipes for boiled blanks. They are among the simplest options. All ingredients are crushed, combined at once or in a certain sequence, then boiled on the stove.

What is caviar made of:

Pumpkins, zucchini;


Fresh tomatoes, grated;



Spices and garlic are added for taste. All recipes contain vegetable oil. Fresh tomatoes can be substituted for pasta or tomato sauces, but not industrial ketchups.

For grinding boiled or raw vegetables, use a meat grinder, blender. You can leave the workpiece with pieces or lightly knead them with a pestle. After grinding, the mass must be boiled, add spices, vinegar. Caviar is laid out only in sterile jars. Some recipes require additional sterilization.

Vegetable caviar for the winter with pumpkin

A recipe for bright and fragrant vegetable caviar for the winter, the basis of which is pumpkin. The ingredients indicate the weight of the peeled pulp without seeds.


A kilogram of pumpkin;

2 onion heads;

2 carrots;

2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;

3 cloves of garlic;

100 ml of oil;

50 ml of vinegar 9%;


1. To cook caviar, you will need a cauldron or a large frying pan. But you can take a pan in which you can fry. Pour oil, put on fire.

2. Cut the onion into cubes, no need to grind. Throw into a saucepan and fry a little.

3. Cut the carrot into slices or strips, add to the onion and cook together until golden brown.

4. During this time, you need to chop the pumpkin into cubes. Add to fried vegetables.

5. Immediately pour 0.5 cups of boiling water, cover. Stew caviar for about half an hour on low heat, we achieve softness of vegetables.

6. Remove the caviar from the fire. Grind in any way.

7. Add pasta, salt, squeeze garlic cloves. Any spices can be added to vegetable caviar.

8. Turn on the stove again, cook at a low boil for about ten minutes.

9. Add vinegar, stir. Let's boil for a minute and you can pour the workpiece into jars, spin it for the winter.

Vegetable caviar for the winter with eggplant

The recipe for fragrant caviar, the basis of which is eggplant. So that the unpleasant bitterness does not spoil the taste of the workpiece, we must soak the vegetables in salt water for about half an hour before cooking.


Eggplant 1.2 kg;

Half a kilo of tomatoes;

0.3 kg of onion;

0.3 kg of carrots;

2 tbsp. l. vinegar;

2 spoons of sugar;

Garlic small head;

A glass of oil.


1. Divide the butter in half. Pour one part into a large frying pan, the second into a saucepan or cauldron.

2. We chop the onion in half rings, throw it into the pan.

3. After two minutes, add grated carrots to the onion, fry together.

4. Eggplants are cut into bars, soaked and squeezed. We lay in the heated oil of the second vessel. Fry over high heat, mix well several times from the bottom.

5. Cut the bell pepper into cubes, lay it on the fried eggplants, now the fire can be reduced.

6. We shift the vegetables from the pan, that is, carrots and onions.

7. Add grated tomatoes. Stir, stew caviar until all vegetables are soft.

8. Now the mass needs to be crushed. To do this, remove the future caviar from the fire, cool, interrupt with an immersion blender or twist.

9. Put it on the stove again, put sugar and vinegar in the caviar, chopped head of garlic (less as possible). Taste for salt immediately, adding if necessary.

10. Stew everything together for a quarter of an hour, pour into jars.

Vegetable caviar for the winter "Baked" with zucchini and eggplant

The recipe for a versatile vegetable caviar that can be used as a snack or sauce, you just need to adjust the amount of spices and spiciness to your taste.


900 g zucchini;

1 kg sweet pepper;

700 g eggplant;

300 g carrots;

400 g of onion;

400 g of tomatoes;

2 tablespoons of vinegar;

100 ml of oil.


1. Cut the eggplant in half, sprinkle thickly with salt, leave for half an hour, rinse and squeeze.

2. Put eggplant halves, whole pepper pods on a baking sheet, send to the oven and bake for about 20 minutes at medium temperature. As soon as the vegetables are lightly browned, you can take them out.

3. Cut the onion into small cubes, send it to fry in a large saucepan.

4. We twist the peeled carrots and zucchini, add to the onion, and begin to simmer.

5. We free the roasting pepper from the seeds, cut the eggplant into convenient pieces and twist it too.

6. Add these vegetables to the bulk, simmer together for ten minutes.

7. During this time, rub the tomatoes, removing all the peel. And also add to the caviar.

8. Cook the workpiece for another 15 minutes.

9. At the end, pour in 2 tablespoons of table vinegar, salt to taste, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, hot pepper if desired.

10. We lay out the vegetable caviar in sterile jars, roll it up.

Vegetable caviar for the winter with mushrooms

A delicious appetizer of vegetables and mushrooms. Such caviar will definitely not stagnate in the basement. You can take any mushrooms, but the most delicious is obtained with forest dwellers. Prescription with sterilization.


1 kg of mushrooms;

600 g of tomatoes;

300 g carrots;

500 g of onion;

150 g of oil;

300 g of pepper;

2 spoons of sugar;

1.5 tablespoons of salt;

1 tsp vinegar.


1. Put the mushrooms to boil. It is enough for them to boil for 20 minutes. Drain all the broth, cool.

2. Fry chopped onions in oil, add grated carrots, simmer together.

3. Next, enter the pepper, cook until soft.

4. Chop the tomatoes, pour over the vegetables, boil for ten minutes. Remove from fire.

5. Grind the mushrooms together with the fried vegetables to the state of caviar.

6. Put on the stove, salt, season with sugar. Cook on low heat for half an hour, add vinegar and stir.

7. Spread the caviar in jars of 0.5 liters.

8. Put in a pan for sterilization, that is, there must be a cloth at the bottom. Cover the top with lids, but do not roll up.

9. Pour boiling water into a saucepan. The water level should reach the banks "shoulder-deep".

10. Turn on the fire, after boiling the water, boil the mushroom caviar with vegetables for 10 minutes.

11. Remove from the pan, roll up.

Vegetable caviar for the winter from pepper and carrots

A variant of a very tender vegetable caviar made from bell peppers with carrots. If desired, you can cook a snack in a spicy version, you get a wonderful adjika.


2 kg of pepper;

500 g carrots;

250 g of onion;

3 cloves of garlic;

1 glass of tomato juice;

150 ml of oil;

1 tsp vinegar.


1. Chop the onion into cubes, send to fry. Use a large skillet.

2. Add grated carrots to the onion, fry together for another five minutes. Remove vegetable mixture from heat, let it cool for now.

3. Cut the pepper into pieces, freeing the pods from the seeds. Peel the garlic.

4. Twist the vegetable sauté, bell pepper and garlic cloves together through a meat grinder.

5. Add tomato juice. You can use tomato paste, dilute 2-3 tablespoons with 150 ml of water.

6. Mix everything together, add a tablespoon of salt, put on the stove. Simmer for 35 minutes.

7. Add vinegar, stir and after five minutes you can pour the caviar into jars.

Vegetable caviar for the winter with apples

Recipe for caviar from apples, zucchini and other vegetables. You can cook it in slices or in a twisted version. In any case, it turns out very tasty and unusual.


2 zucchini;

4-5 apples;

2 carrots;

3 tomatoes;

2 onions;

0.5 cups of oil;

1 tsp vinegar.


1. Cut the onion and rub the carrot, put it in hot oil, fry for about five minutes.

2. Add diced zucchini, fry until juice is released.

3. Peel the apples, cut them into cubes too.

4. As soon as the zucchini stops frying and a lot of juice appears, add apples.

5. Cover, simmer for a quarter of an hour.

6. Add grated tomatoes, simmer for another 15 minutes.

8. Let the workpiece boil well so that the spices dissolve, pour the caviar into jars.

Quick vegetable caviar for the winter with zucchini

A variant of a very quick and simple caviar made from boiled vegetables. If you have an electric meat grinder, then cooking will take even less time.


3 kg of zucchini;

1 kg of carrots;

2 spoons of sugar;

1 kg of onion;

20 ml of vinegar;

200 ml of oil;

200 g of tomato paste;

1.5 tablespoons of salt.


1. If the zucchini is large, then we clean and remove the seeds. You should get 3 kg of pure product. The rest of the vegetables are also cleaned, cut into pieces.

2. We twist everything together. We shift into a saucepan with vegetable oil, simmer on the stove for an hour.

3. Add spices and tomato paste. Cooking another 30 minutes.

4. Add table vinegar, stir.

5. Boil for a couple more minutes, pour the mass into sterile dishes, twist the jars with sealed lids.

6. Keep simple caviar upside down until it cools, put it away for storage.

For caviar, it is desirable to use unrefined oil. If you do not like the pronounced aroma of sunflower, then you can use mustard, olive or any other product of your choice.

When sautéing, it is very important not to burn the vegetables. Otherwise, the workpiece will have a burnt aftertaste. Don't forget to stir the vegetables while frying.

Vinegar is added to caviar to preserve and improve taste. If the acid is insufficient and the workpiece is fresh, then you can always add more. Instead of vinegar, you can also add lemon juice, diluted acid.

The most common types of canned snacks are vegetable caviar: squash, eggplant, beet, onion.

Zucchini should be mature and have a uniform pale green color. Fruit length 15-20 cm, diameter 4-7 cm. Overripe zucchini usually have an enlarged size and yellow color. The most suitable for the production of caviar are varieties Gribovsky 37, Odessa 52, Greek.

Eggplants are suitable with shiny purple skin, without green streaks. Large darkened seeds indicate that the fruits are overripe.

According to the shape of the fruit, eggplants are classified as cylindrical, spherical, pear-shaped. For the production of caviar, eggplants with a length of at least 10 cm and a thickness of at least 5 cm are used. The best varieties are Canning 10, Cylindrical, Pear-shaped, Donskoy.

Onions for the preparation of minced meat are used in acute and semi-sharp varieties with large onions (100-200 g). The most acceptable varieties are Odessa 6, Arzamas, Strigunovsky, Bessonovsky, Rostovsky, Spassky.

Desirable varieties of carrots: Nantes, Incomparable, Parisian carotele, Chantane, Mirzon red.

White roots (a mixture of parsnip roots, parsley, celery and dill) are rich in essential oils and are introduced as spices.

Vegetable oil used in the production of caviar (sunflower, refined cotton) must be at least grade I.

As auxiliary raw materials, granulated sugar, 12% tomato puree or 30% tomato paste, ground black pepper, ground allspice, acetic acid are used.

The batches of raw materials arriving at the plants are labeled with the commercial grade and the date of receipt, which is necessary to comply with the sequence of processing of raw materials.

Deadlines for the storage of raw materials: zucchini and eggplant - 36 hours, carrots - 48, white roots - 4, onions - 72. In refrigerated warehouses and refrigerators at a temperature of 0 ° C and relative humidity (90-98 ° C) storage of vegetables (for mass receipt) 20 days. Root crops are cleaned by mechanical, chemical or steam-thermal methods.

Zucchini is cut into slices 15-20 mm thick, eggplant - 40-50 mm; beets, carrots and roots are cut in the form of noodles with a face size of 5-7 mm, small root crops (up to 60 mm long) are not cut at all. The onion is cut into circles 3-5 mm thick, the greens are chopped in a top.

Root crops are fried in vegetable oil, which increases their calorie content, gives a specific taste and aroma.

Vegetable oil (before frying) is calcined until foaming stops, while moisture is removed from the oil.

As a result of roasting, vegetables acquire a pleasant taste and smell, and their calorie content increases. Evaporation of moisture, coagulation of proteins and removal of air from the intercellular passages causes the compaction of the product. The duration of frying vegetables ranges from 5 to 20 minutes and depends on the type and size of vegetables, the amount of moisture removed. The readiness and quality of the product is judged by appearance and taste, by the percentage of frying and absorbed oil.

The main raw materials are pre-dosed, mixed and fried in steam-oil ovens at a temperature of 130-140°C. Roasting raw materials at lower temperatures not only lengthens the duration of this process, but also worsens the quality of the finished product.

The quality of the oil is determined by organoleptic characteristics and acid number, which should not exceed 4.5.

Cooking caviar

Immediately after frying, the vegetables are crushed on mashers, the mass is mixed with a pre-prepared mixture of tomatoes, salt, sugar, spices. A mixture of essential oils is added to add fragrance.

The recipe for caviar is shown in table 11.

Instead of a mixture of essential oils, chopped parsley, celery, dill (1% for beetroot caviar and 0.3% for squash and eggplant) can be added to caviar. The recommended composition of white roots is as follows: parsnips - 5%, parsley and celery - 25% each.

Packaging and sterilization. Caviar is packaged in lacquered glass or tin cans with a capacity of not more than 0.65 liters. The temperature of the caviar must be at least 70°C. Filled and hermetically sealed jars are sent for sterilization.

Then they are cooled, sorted, washed and dried. The quality assessment of finished products is carried out in accordance with GOST 2654-72 "Canned food. Vegetable caviar". From physical and chemical indicators determine the content of dry matter. They should be at least: in caviar from zucchini - 21%, from eggplant - 24, from beets - 27%. The fat content in caviar of all kinds is not less than 9%, table salt - 1.2-1.6%. Total acidity (in terms of malic acid) is not more than 0.5.

Waste and loss rates are different at individual stages of production. Waste during cleaning, washing and cutting, depending on the type of processing, ranges from 5 to 30%.

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