Home Bakery products Cooking strawberry confit according to the classic recipe. Strawberry confit for cake What is confit in confectionery

Cooking strawberry confit according to the classic recipe. Strawberry confit for cake What is confit in confectionery

What is confit - actually this is a French term, which means a berry, fruit puree with sugar, boiled to a jelly state. By and large jelly, dense layer. I personally do for a layer of cakes and pastries. It cooks quickly and is very impressive in desserts.


cherry puree - 300 grams

sugar - 100 grams

starch - 12 grams, preferably corn

sheet gelatin - 15 grams

water 100 ml

So, first of all, we soak our gelatin in cold water, gelatin can be broken into pieces. Next, I thawed the cherries, added sugar and starch.

And pureed with a blender.

Then I sent the berry puree to a saucepan and brought it to a boil on the stove. Then I take it off the heat, squeeze out our gelatin and send it to the berry mass.

I take a blender and again I puree our confit well. We pour all our berry confit into molds, I have a plate, and I wrapped it with cling film first, cool it and hide it in the freezer. Once well frozen, it can be used for its intended purpose. For example, he went to the cake. Well, that's it, I hope it was helpful! Inspiration!

Sponge cake with cream cheese and strawberry confit
Biscuit (diameter of the baking dish 16 cm)
6 eggs
230 g flour + flour for sprinkling molds
180 gr sugar
2 tsp baking powder
vanilla extract
A pinch of salt
Butter for molding
Cheese cream for spreading cakes (ideal for leveling the cake)
600 gr. cold cream cheese
200 gr. softened butter (82%) at room temperature (take out of the refrigerator 3-4 hours before preparing the cream)
200 gr. powdered sugar
Vanilla extract optional
Syrup for impregnation
15-20 Art. spoons of strawberry syrup (I used strawberry jam syrup - if it is too thick, then you can dilute it with a little boiled water at room temperature).
For impregnation, you can use classic sugar syrup: proportion 1x1
For example 100 gr. water and 100 gr. Sahara
Mix sugar and water, bring to a boil, cool, and then soak the cakes.
Strawberry confit (prepare just before assembling the cake)
400 gr. strawberry puree from fresh or frozen berries (grind the berries with a blender and boil for a few minutes)
100 gr. Sahara
4 tsp cornstarch
10 gr. gelatin (prepare according to package directions)

White chocolate ganache (colored icing for smudges)
3 parts white chocolate and 1 part heavy cream
90 gr. white chocolate
30 gr. heavy cream
A few drops of pink dye
Biscuit preparation:
1) Separate the whites from the yolks.
2) Add half the sugar (90 grams) to the yolks and beat until bright and increase in volume.
3) Add a pinch of salt to the proteins and beat at medium speed of the mixer until fluffy. Then we introduce the remaining half of the sugar (90 grams) into the proteins in small portions and beat until stable peaks.
4) We combine the yolk mass with the protein and gently mix with a spatula with movements from the bottom up.
5) Add in portions (in 3-4 stages) the flour sifted twice - do not knead for a long time so as not to damage the air structure of the dough (it should turn out not liquid and not thick).
6) Divide the dough into two equal parts. Lightly grease the springform pans (I have two) with butter and sprinkle with flour. Bake in an oven preheated to 180C for 35-40 minutes. Readiness is checked with a wooden stick. We leave the finished biscuits for 10 minutes in the forms with the oven ajar so that they do not fall off. Next, take it out of the molds and cool on a wire rack. Completely cooled biscuits are wrapped in cling film and sent to the refrigerator for 4 hours-night. If bumps form on the surface of the biscuit during baking, put a heavy cutting board on top and its surface will become perfectly flat.
*** If you do not have the opportunity to bake a biscuit in two identical forms, use a larger detachable form (say 20-22 cm) - the cake will turn out not so high and the biscuit will need to be cut not into two parts, as in my case, but on three.
7) We cut each biscuit lengthwise into two identical parts - for this it is best to use a sharp knife with a long blade - put the left hand with the palm on top of the biscuit, and take the knife in the right hand - cut it, turning the cake counterclockwise with your left hand. In total, 4 cakes should be obtained (with one form with a diameter of 20-22 cm 3 cakes).
Cream preparation:
Beat butter with powdered sugar for 3-4 minutes until light and fluffy. Next, add cold cheese and beat for a few more minutes until smooth. If desired, you can add a few tablespoons of berry puree to the cream (boil the berries for several minutes and rub through a sieve). We put the cream in a pastry bag with a round nozzle of a large diameter and keep it in a cool place.
Preparing strawberry confit:
Grind fresh or thawed strawberries with a blender. Add sugar and starch and mix. Boil the strawberry mass for 1-2 minutes after boiling the mass.
We introduce the prepared gelatin into the strawberry mass that has cooled to 40-45 degrees and mix until the latter is completely dissolved. Pour the confit into a pastry bag.
Preparation of white chocolate ganache (cook when the cake is already fully assembled and well chilled):
Melt white chocolate and cream in a water bath.

Strawberry Confiture

Add coloring and stir until smooth. When applied to the cake, the temperature of the ganache should be 35-38C
Cake assembly:
On a cardboard substrate, equal to the diameter of the biscuit, we put the first cake, soak it with syrup, deposit the cream in a circle, completely covering the surface of the cake with a spatula, level the surface of the cream. On the cake covered with cream, around the edges in a circle, we place the cream in the form of bumpers. The resulting "capacity" with the help of a pastry bag is filled with strawberry confit. We cover with the next cake and soak again, squeeze out and level the cream, make the sides, fill the confit. With the third cake, everything is the same. We cover the top of the cake with cream and level it. We smear the empty spaces between the cakes with cream - with a confectionery spatula or spatula, we even out the excess cake. We send the cake for at least 30-1 hour minutes in the refrigerator so that all layers grab. We cover the well-chilled cake with icing, making smudges and decorate as you wish.

Strawberry Coolie Cake Recipe

strawberry coolie

Coolie is a type of fruit or berry filling in modern cakes and pastries. Coolie is prepared from pureed fruits or berries, sometimes with the addition of pieces of fruit in puree (then it is compote). Pectin (listed in the ingredients) can be purchased online or in a regular health food store. If you do not find pectin, replace it with corn starch (but only corn starch - not potato starch). It is more convenient to use sheet gelatin, but if you haven’t found one, take powdered gelatin, details about gelatin in the recipe. It is better to test the strength of your gelatin by preparing a test portion at least once - then you will know for sure whether the proportion of gelatin indicated in the recipe is enough for you, or you need to increase / decrease it.

By the way, despite the fact that we add pectin and gelatin to the coolies, and these are thickening ingredients, the coolies in the finished dessert should not turn out to be a dense jelly - rather, it is a thick fruit / berry cream.

Prepare the ingredients.

Soak sheet gelatin (6-8 g) in a bowl of cold (!) Water.

Advice. If using powdered rather than sheet gelatin: soak it in a small amount of liquid (proportion 1:6) and leave for 45-60 minutes to swell. Heat the swollen gelatin over low heat until dissolved, avoiding boiling.

Defrost strawberries and puree with a blender. Mix pectin (12 g) with sugar (50-60 g).

Place a portion of the strawberry puree (100 g) in a small saucepan and heat to 40°C.

Pour the sugar mixed with pectin in a thin stream, stirring continuously (in the photo, all the sugar with pectin is added to the peach puree only for clarity - it is better to add sugar with constant stirring, then the mixture will turn out to be homogeneous, without lumps).

Bring the puree to a boil, stirring constantly with a silicone spatula, and remove from heat.

Put the squeezed sheet gelatin (or a solution of powdered gelatin) and mix well.

Add the remaining strawberry puree (150 g) and mix well again, until smooth.

Advice. When heated, fruit and berry purees lose their flavor, so it is better to heat a part of the puree, and then add the remaining puree to it, at room temperature - then the taste, benefits and aroma are preserved to the maximum.

Place a cake ring wrapped in cling film or a portioned silicone mold (depending on the recipe) on a flat, flat surface (for example, a cutting board). Pour the strawberry puree into a 5 mm thick ring.

Tip 1. You can check the thickness of the layer with a toothpick. If the puree is poured in a thicker layer, scoop out the excess with a spoon.

Tip 2: The thickness of each layer is important in mousse cakes. They should not be too high - this is done not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for the sake of taste. When several textures and tastes are combined in one cake, everything must be balanced so that when tasting the cake, some separate layer does not take on the dominant role. So don't try to pour all of the mousse or coolie into the mold when assembling the cake - if there is any leftover, it's best to assemble a couple of cakes that you can taste before the cake is ready.

Remove the ring (or silicone mold) with strawberry coulis (together with a cutting board) in the freezer and freeze well. Remove the frozen strawberry coulis disk from the cling film (if cooked in a cake ring) or remove from the silicone mold and use according to the recipe.

Good appetite!

Strawberry coulis recipe with photo for cake, how to cook

Coolie in the original sense was a strained sauce. The word “coolie” in French means “to filter”.

Initially, coolie sauce was prepared from baked vegetables, meat, crayfish or fruits. Nowadays, coolie is known as a sweet sauce made from fruits or berries, with or without heat treatment.

Such a sweet sauce is served with ice cream, creamy desserts. Recently, tortopeka cooks have begun to call "cooli" a thin and tasty layer in the cake, made from pureed berry puree and specially thickened.

Strawberry is a very delicate berry, with small, almost imperceptible seeds, therefore, when preparing strawberry coolies, there is no need to rub the berry puree through a sieve.

It will be very soft and silky.

To prepare strawberry coulis, we need strawberries, sugar, gelatin, water, corn starch.

Wash strawberries (250 g), remove sepals. Place strawberries, along with sugar, in a blender bowl and grind until smooth. As a sweet sauce for ice cream, cream desserts, strawberry coulis is ready.

How to peel strawberries

If we need to cook coolies as a layer for a cake, then we need to place the strawberry mass in a thick-walled saucepan, add cornstarch (12 g), mix well and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly.

Boil for 1 minute until the mass thickens.

Remove from heat and add swollen gelatin. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Cool to room temperature.

Lay out the form of the required diameter (I have a form diameter of 18 cm) with cling film. Pour our mass into the mold and send it to the refrigerator until completely solidified. Strawberry coolie, as a layer for the cake, is ready.

Strawberry coulis for cakes and desserts: a step by step recipe. Women's online magazine Delafe.ru

Coolies for strawberry cake: recipe with photo

If you need to decorate any dessert or pastry, we recommend using coolies. The unusual name refers to mashed berries or fruits, which freezes perfectly in the refrigerator and retains its shape. Also, coolies can be prepared from vegetables and served as a sauce for the main course. Today we will tell and show how to cook coolies from berries for cake and other desserts.

Strawberry coolie: step by step recipe with photo

Our recipe is very simple and it will take you only a few minutes to prepare this sauce. You can use it for any dessert. If you are going to decorate a cake with it, add gelatin.

Red Velvet Cake with Cranberry Confit

If not, you can not add it - it all depends on what you need it for.

You will also like our recipe for Strawberry Mousse with Cream


  • 250 grams of strawberries
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 tsp heaping sugar
  • 5 grams of gelatin
  • 50 ml water

How to make strawberry coulis:

Rinse the strawberries several times, leave them in water for 10-15 minutes to remove all dirt from their surface. Dry it on paper towels.

Dilute the indicated amount of gelatin in 50 ml of hot water. Leave for 3-4 minutes and mix thoroughly until the gelatin becomes clear.

Grind the strawberries in a blender until puree, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and a spoonful of sugar to it. Let the mixture heat up over low heat and when it becomes hot, remove it.

Add gelatin mixture and mix thoroughly. Let cool, use as directed. If you want to use the coolie as a layer on the cake, pour it into a baking dish and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Before pouring, do not forget to tighten the inner surface of the container with cling film, so you can easily get it out and use it.

Women's online magazine Delafe.ru

strawberry coolie

Want to make a gourmet French dessert in a couple of minutes? Easy! Strawberry coolies will help you turn even ordinary ice cream into a work of culinary art. Coolie itself is nothing more than a thick berry or fruit puree, which is served as a dessert. It is prepared very simply, but how exactly, let's find out.

Ingredients for making strawberry coulis:

  1. Fresh strawberries 250 grams
  2. Sugar sand 50 grams
  3. Lemon juice to taste (optional)

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


Blender, fine sieve, spatula, stewpan, kitchen knife, cutting board, gravy boat or suitable glass, deep plate.

Preparing strawberry coulis:

First, rinse the strawberries thoroughly, removing even small debris. To do this, place the berries in a saucepan or colander and rinse several times under running water. Then cover the saucepan with your hand and, holding the berries carefully, shake it a couple of times to get rid of excess liquid. After washing, cut off the tails of the berries.
Pour the prepared strawberries into a blender and grind them to a puree. The consistency needs to be as uniform as possible.
Pour the finished strawberry puree into a saucepan and, stirring it, strain it into a deep plate. At the end, press a little on the remaining puree in the sieve to squeeze out the last juices. Mix the crushed and strained strawberries with sugar until smooth and taste a little. For a slightly brighter and more interesting taste, you can add lemon juice, but if you decide that it is superfluous, then it is better not to add it.

Pour the finished strawberry coulis into a gravy boat or a suitable cup and refrigerate for 15-20 minutes.

Serve chilled strawberry coulis over any dessert. In the summer, of course, ice cream is the most relevant, so use the berry coolie as a syrup and enjoy the wonderful taste.

Bon Appetit!

- Exactly the same coolie can be prepared from other sweet berries, for example, from strawberries or raspberries.

– Strawberry coulis goes very well as an accompaniment to cheesecake or diet cheesecake.

– Homemade ice cream goes just as well with strawberry coulis, especially on hot summer days.

– If you are preparing a coolie for adults, then dilute it with cognac or liqueur, which will taste the same as the main ingredient of the dessert, in this case strawberries.

Recipe for berry (strawberry) confit at home with a photo step by step

Hello everyone. Today I will share with you a proven recipe for toppings for mousse and biscuit cakes, which keeps its shape well and does not flow. This is especially true on the eve of the summer holidays, when the shape of any cake can deteriorate from the heat.

Confit is a French word that I heard for the first time relatively recently and became terribly interested. Strawberry confit, by the way, is the most common option, but, as you understand, the filling can be from absolutely any berries and fruits. I, as usual, will tell the very essence of cooking, and then everything depends only on your imagination.

So, confit is a fruit and berry puree boiled down with sugar, with the addition of a gelling agent - gelatin. As a result of this process, we get an incredibly strong structure that will not disturb the assembly of the cake. And, most importantly, it will look very nice on the cut. If you are tired of watching fruits or berries literally fall out under the weight of cakes, then this recipe is for you.

How to make berry (strawberry) confit at home recipe with photo step by step.


  1. 170 gr. berries (I have frozen strawberries)
  2. 40−50 gr. sugar (depending on the acidity of the berries you choose)
  3. 25 gr. water + 30 gr. for soaking gelatin
  4. 5 gr. gelatin


First, a few words about gelatin. It is best to use either leaf or instant Dr. Oetker. At one time I experimented and bought other companies, but I did not find the best option. The result depends on the quality of gelatin, if gelatin is cheap, then, firstly, it will affect the structure of the confit, and, secondly, its taste, because gelatin is a component of animal origin. If you do not want to feel extraneous flavors in the cake, then I advise you not to save on gelatin. Here, this good, checked up.

Sheet gelatin is the easiest to work with, it can be soaked in cold water without measuring grams, as it will absorb exactly the amount of liquid that it needs. The most common version of this gelatin is this. You can buy it in pastry shops.

We work with ordinary gelatin according to the instructions that are printed on the package. There is only one rule - gelatin cannot be overheated. At temperatures above 60-70 degrees, it loses its properties.

Also, during the cooking process, we need a ring into which we will pour the resulting confit. I use either a split ring for baking biscuits, or a split mold, or rather its sides, having removed the base. But, my ring is extremely inconvenient for making confit, it is not even and the filling constantly leaks. I think that it is extremely necessary for assembling even cakes, it is also convenient to bake biscuits in it, but not very liquid dough, quite liquid - it flows out, no matter how you strengthen the foil from below. You can buy on Ozone or on Aliexpress. Here is my ring.

The best option is one-piece rings of small diameter (the most popular for me are 14,16,18 cm.). Hopefully I'll be able to get them in soon.

It is better to defrost the berry first. You can speed up the process by using the microwave. The resulting juice is not drained, we will cook with it. Although, with a small berry such as raspberries, lingonberries can be dispensed with without defrosting. In the process of boiling, such berries will quickly defrost and so on.

We put the berries with juice in a saucepan, add sugar and water.

Punch with an immersion blender. In the case of raspberries, this point can be missed, the raspberries will disperse during the boiling process.

Place over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring.

At this time, prepare the gelatin. Soak the powder in water in a ratio of 1:6, that is, for 5 g of gelatin we need about 30 g of water. If you do not have instant, then I advise you to start the entire cooking process from this point, so that the gelatin has time to swell. In my case, I dissolve gelatin in warm water (not higher than 60º), stirring constantly so that it is completely dispersed,

As soon as the berries boil, remove them from the heat and cool to about 60º.

We introduce our swollen gelatin into the berry mixture, mix thoroughly.

Pour into the prepared ring. The bottom of the ring must be tightened with a film and be sure to put it on something solid, I put it on a cake base. Since when transferred in the refrigerator, all the berries will simply remain on the floor under their own weight if there is no support. To make it easier to attach the film, I advise you to slightly moisten the edges of the ring with water.

We put the resulting structure in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

After this time, the confit can be immediately put into the cake, or taken out of the ring, wrapped in foil and left in the freezer until required.

It’s more convenient for me personally to get it out of the ring by squeezing through the free edge, but try it, maybe it will be more convenient for you to get it from the other edge. Another very important point - you need to carefully release the confit from the film, in order to do this faster, I moisten it a little with water, so the film comes off faster.

I do not pre-defrost confit, I put it in a cake immediately from the freezer. The layer is quite thin, in 2-3 hours it will definitely completely thaw and will arrive on your table in its normal form, this time is just enough to decorate and stabilize the cake.

Another important point, the diameter of the confit layer should be at least 2 cm smaller than the diameter of the cakes, or even 4 cm. for it to stick there.

Here is how aesthetically our confit looks on the cut.

This is a red velvet cake, the recipe is on the blog, available at the link - Red velvet. Cream cheese cake. Also in the layer used homemade caramel. All links are clickable, there you will find detailed photos of the cooking process.

In the confit itself, gelatin is not felt, it turns out to be incredibly homogeneous in structure and tasty. Try it yourself, it's not hard at all.

By the way, confit can be placed not only in the cake, but also on the cake. Cheesecakes look very impressive.

Good appetite.

strawberry confit

Recently, modern mousse cakes and pastries are gaining popularity. An integral part of mousse desserts is a fruit and berry layer with a thickener in the form of starch, pectin or gelatin. By following this strawberry confit recipe exactly, you will have the perfect topping for your mousse cake.

  • 250 gr strawberries
  • 60 g sugar (or to taste)
  • 12 g cornstarch or pectin
  • 7 g sheet gelatin (or 10 g powdered)
  • 1 tsp lemon juice

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Very soon, February 14, Valentine's Day, when it is customary to pamper your soulmate with something, however, you can do this any day you want. Natalya Karpova - pastry chef, mother of two girls, food photographer - offers to cook a very delicate cake that can decorate any holiday. It is based on a crispy crumbly crumble, a bright strawberry confit, a layer of baked cheesecake with strawberries, and all this is wrapped in a light airy mousse.

The indicated amount of ingredients is calculated for a cake with a diameter of 18 cm. All filling (confit, cheesecake and crumble) is prepared in rings with a diameter of 16 cm.

  • 30 gr pistachio flour (crushed pistachios)
  • 20 gr almond flour (crushed almonds)
  • 50 gr wheat flour
  • 50 gr brown sugar
  • 50 gr butter (cold)
  • 150 gr strawberry puree
  • 50 gr sugar
  • 2 g pectin NH
  • 2 gr agar-agar
  • 25 gr eggs (~1/2 eggs)
  • 50 gr sugar
  • 50 gr cream 33%
  • 250 gr cream cheese
  • 50 gr strawberry puree
  • zest of 1 lime
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 200 gr milk
  • 45 gr egg yolk (~3 pieces)
  • 75 gr sugar
  • 7 gr cornstarch
  • 8.5 g gelatin
  • 40 gr butter
  • 200 gr cream 33%

  1. Sift the pistachio flour, almond flour, wheat flour into a mixing bowl, add brown sugar and diced butter.
  2. Stir with a paddle attachment until the ingredients are combined, that is, until the dough comes together. Wrap the resulting dough in cling film and put in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
  3. Then take a confectionery ring and place it on a silicone mat immediately on a baking sheet.
  4. Grate the frozen dough on a coarse grater into a ring. Slightly crush with your hands. Try to work quickly so the dough doesn't melt or stick together. If the room is hot, the dough can be rubbed in parts, periodically removing the ring with the “shavings” of the dough into the freezer. Before baking, freeze the preparation of the future crumble right in the ring.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven at 165 C for about 15 minutes until golden brown.
  6. Leave in ring until use.

Strawberry Confit:

  1. Tighten the ring with a diameter of 16 cm with cling film and place it on any hard surface such as a cutting board.
  2. Prepare strawberry puree by taking it ready, or pierce fresh or thawed strawberries with a blender and rub it through a sieve from the pits.
  3. Place the puree in a saucepan with a thick bottom, heat, stirring constantly, to 40 C.
  4. "Rain" pour sugar mixed with pectin and agar. Continuing to stir, bring to a boil, boil for 1 minute. Cool slightly and pour the confit into the prepared ring. Put in the refrigerator until completely solidified. The ring can then be removed.

Cheesecake with strawberries:

  1. Prepare a confectionery ring by wrapping it with two layers of foil. Set on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 160 C.
  2. In a bowl, mix the egg with sugar. Stir, add cream, and then cream cheese at room temperature. You do not need to beat, just mix until combined. Add strawberry puree and mix again.
  3. Pour the mixture into the ring. Bake for 30 minutes. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Place in refrigerator until use.

Vanilla Lime Mousse:

  1. Soak gelatin in plenty of cold water.
  2. Grate lime zest into a saucepan.

    Confit strawberry

    Cut the vanilla pod in half lengthwise with a sharp knife, scrape out the seeds, and place with the pod in a saucepan. Pour milk, bring it to a boil, cover and leave to infuse for 1 hour.

  3. Put egg yolks in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add sugar mixed with starch, mix. Strain the milk from the pod and zest and bring to a boil again. Pour it into the yolks. Put the saucepan on the fire, bring the mixture to a boil, heat for 1 minute, stirring constantly. Add squeezed gelatin. Mix. Cover with cling film "vkontakt" and cool to 35 C. Add softened butter.
  4. Whip cream to soft peaks. Connect them to the total mass.

Cake assembly:

  1. For this cake, it is most convenient to collect the filling in one ring with a diameter of 16 cm: put a confit disc (it is very elastic) on the crumble in the ring (it is very elastic), and a layer of cheesecake on top. Cover with cling film and freeze.
  2. Prepare a cake ring with a diameter of 18 cm. Wrap it with cling film, lay the acetate film along the sides. Pour all the mousse at once into the bottom of the mold and lay the frozen filling with the cheesecake layer down.
  3. Send the cake for at least 8 hours in the freezer.
  4. Cover the cake with glaze (the recipe is in the basic section)
  5. Decorate.

Key Ingredients: Strawberries, Cream Cheese

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strawberry confit

Ovkuse.ru29.05Recipes and hobbies
Strawberry confit is prepared mainly for biscuit and mousse cakes. But it's also great as a standalone dessert. When chilled, it is a rich strawberry jelly, and when frozen, the confit resembles popsicles, only more delicious. Confit - a dense fruity layer between the cakes, complementing the cream. It is prepared in an elementary way: strawberry puree is mixed with sugar, starch, gelatin or pectin. Strawberry confit does not spread, retains its shape, so it is better for cakes and pastries than jam. If you are preparing strawberry confit as a separate dessert, pour it into molds to set. If for a cake, then in one form. It is desirable that the diameter of the strawberry confit be smaller than the diameter of the cakes, as the thawed mass may go beyond the cakes. The edge that remains unfilled can be protected with cream. And the thickness of the confit layer for the cake should ideally be 5-7 mm so that the cakes do not move out. You can make strawberry confit for future use and store in the freezer. It is especially convenient to do this if you bought strawberries that have begun to deteriorate. Instead of waiting for it to mold, boil strawberry confit. Since I had never cooked confit before, I looked for the recipe on the Internet. I was confused by the fact that gelatin is added to the mass, and then the confit is sent to the freezer. But frost is fatal to jelly. I don’t see the point in adding gelatin, but I made it according to the recipe. Gelatin is useful, so let it be.

Next time I will post a Strawberry Kiss Cake recipe that used strawberry confit.

  • strawberries, 500 grams
  • sugar, 3 tbsp.
  • starch, 2.5 tsp
  • gelatin, 1 tbsp. l.


Duck leg "Confit", the recipe of which you will like, is not only one of the most popular dishes of French cuisine, but also the best way to prepare the meat of this exquisite bird.

Duck "Confit"


  • duck hams - 4 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 600 g;
  • duck fat - 400 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • shallots - 400 g:
  • garlic - 50 g;
  • thyme - 10 g;
  • rosemary - 5 g;
  • salt, pepper to taste.


“Confit” is a French word and a culinary term meaning that a dish is made by frying in oil. Duck "Confit" is a unique recipe, because instead of oil, it uses the fat of the bird itself.

Cooking "Confit" takes several hours, and the recipe itself requires the utmost attention and concentration.

The first step is to marinate the duck meat. Grind thyme, rosemary, salt and pepper in a mortar, add a teaspoon of butter to them and rub the hams thoroughly with the resulting paste. If desired, you can add basil, bay leaf, garlic, thyme, or any other herb or seasoning. The duck should be marinated for 24-36 hours in a cool and dark place. Do not pour out the juice released during pickling.

Chop the duck fat as finely as possible and place it in a cauldron or pan with high sides. There should be as much fat as possible, so drown it until it turns into a homogeneous mass, resembling butter in consistency.

Put the marinated duck in a small heat-resistant form, cover it on all sides with shallots and garlic and pour over the dish with melted fat. Cracklings should first be obtained, and the largest ones should be set aside for further decoration. Place the form with poultry and vegetables in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 2 hours. If you come across a large duck, or you are cooking for a large number of people, you will have to bake the dish for 2.5-3 hours. From time to time check the readiness of the meat and pour it with fat.

Duck "Confit" is considered an exquisite and sophisticated dish, so the usual side dish is not suitable for it. To prepare a side dish appropriate for this dish, boil the potatoes until fully cooked. Mash it with the remaining butter, add a pinch of grated nutmeg and crushed cardamom seeds.

Remove the cooked duck from the pan it was cooked in and place on a paper towel to soak up the excess fat.

To serve, line a serving of mashed potatoes with a round metal dish on the edge of a plate and sprinkle with nutmeg. Serve the finished duck leg "Confit" in portions, on a pillow of leek and garlic, with which the bird was cooked. Garnish the dish with cracklings and fresh salad greens, such as arugula.

Red semi-sweet table wine is ideal for duck.

Honey duck "Confit"

The second option for preparing this delicacy, with the exception of the use of honey glaze, is no different from the first.


  • honey - 75 ml;
  • cinnamon - 10 g;
  • saffron - 2 g;
  • ground pepper - 5 g.


In a small saucepan, combine honey with two tablespoons of water, bring the mixture to a boil and add spices to it. Stir the whole mixture until smooth, and continue to keep it on fire until the honey thickens and darkens slightly, then turn off the heat.

Cook the duck according to the instructions in the recipe above, and start coating the skin of the bird with the icing while it's still simmering before placing it on the paper towel.

Strawberry confit for the cake: we cook correctly and tasty

Mix the rest of the glaze with water and serve as a sauce. If this is not the first time you have been cooking Confit duck, be sure to try this option.

On the occasion of the celebration, you can also please your loved ones with a classic duck with apples, or a more unusual option - with oranges.

Confectioner's Dictionary. Mousse cake fillings

The most popular toppings in mousse cakes. Professional terms that every confectioner needs!

Coolie is of French origin and, therefore, the emphasis on the last syllable is a berry or fruit sauce, which is often poured over ready-made desserts. But, keeping in mind one of the options for filling for a mousse cake, this is a homogeneous puree thickened with pectin or gelatin. It has a very rich taste of the product from which it is made.

Confit- has nothing to do with duck confit - this is the same berry or fruit puree with a gelling component. It differs from coolies rather in consistency - confit is more like jam, while coolies are jelly

compote- These are fruits cut into cubes, boiled in syrup, with the addition of a gelling component.

Strawberry confit for cake recipe

An interesting filling both in terms of texture and bright berry-fruity taste - it contains rich fruit juice and pieces of the fruit itself. The main difference from compote from coolies is the presence of pieces of fruit or berries in it.

Cremu or cream- the same "cremeux" in different pronunciation variations - it feels like a cross between sauce, cream and mousse. Most often it is made from yolks, cream, sugar, milk and the necessary accent of taste - fruit or berry puree, chocolate or nut paste. The taste of cremeux in a dessert is not as rich as that of a coolie or confit, but it can be an important component for the shades of the dessert's flavor palette.

Kurd or curd- traditional English dessert custard. The classic lemon curd is the most common, but you can use other sour fruits or berries. The composition also includes eggs, butter and sugar.

Praline- Caramelized nuts. Caramelized nut paste is used as a layer in the mousse cake.

Nugatin- a kind of caramel, in which nuts or seeds are added. It is prepared from small seeds or crushed nuts, with the addition of butter or cream. Unlike praline, it is softer.

ganache- This is chocolate with the addition of some liquid, such as cream.

Crumble- by definition, this is shortcrust pastry. If you plan to use it as a layer of mousse cake, then so that it does not soften under the mousse, it is worth adding chocolate or praline to it. Or vice versa, add some crumble crumble to the crispy layer.


Sometimes you read a description of a cake from some confectioner and your eyes pop out of your forehead from these incomprehensible words, lemon curd, strawberry coolie, dacquoise, Gioconda biscuit, blueberry confit, cream and the like. What does all this mean and what is it eaten with? And suddenly all this is incredibly difficult to cook and is available only to eminent confectioners? Let's figure it out.

Traditional English dessert custard. It is used as a filling for cakes, pies, rolls and pancakes, or served in rolls as an independent dessert. The most common Kurd is lemon, but it can be made from any sour berries and fruits. For its preparation, as a rule, fruits, berries, sugar, butter and eggs are used.

Coolie (from the French “coulis”)- This is a sauce that can be berry or fruit, and there are also coolies based on meat broths, vegetable broths. In fact, these are the necessary products (raw or boiled) passed through a sieve, i.e. puree with juice / broth / broth. One or common variation of berry coolies is strawberry.

Dacquoise (from French dacquoise)- a cake traditional for the South-West of France, it is a walnut meringue cake layered with whipped cream or butter cream. Many confectioners under the word daquoise mean the cakes themselves.

Confit (from French confit) - according to Wikipedia, a method of cooking in French cuisine: slow simmering of foods (most often poultry or meat), completely immersed in fat, at a low temperature (less than 100 degrees). And in the confectionery sense, confit is boiled fruits or berries, confiture or jam.

Compote- This is a type of fruit or berry filling. Fruits or berries are used pureed and / or cut into pieces with the addition of sugar and a gelling agent (gelatin, pectin). The main difference from compote from coolies is the presence of pieces of fruit or berries in it.

Read also chocolate biscuit recipe

Creme- This is a type of filling in a mousse cake, which consists of boiled yolks with sugar, fruit or berry puree and butter. It can be independent or an additional layer to the confit.

Biscuit Gioconda- almond fluffy biscuit containing a minimum of flour. Named after the famous Mona Lisa, known in France as the Mona Lisa. This biscuit is the basis for the famous Opera cake.

streusel- a characteristic crumb, which is sprinkled on pastries. The standard set of ingredients for streusel is butter, sugar and flour, mixed in a ratio of 1:1:2.

Tempering(chocolate or caramel) - crystallization or tempering is necessary so that chocolate products (chocolate decorations, chocolates, chocolate coatings) are shiny, crispy, hard and easily removed from molds filled with chocolate. Tempering (crystallization) consists in bringing cocoa butter crystals into the most stable form. This is the process of stabilizing the crystals of cocoa butter molecules by heating the chocolate, then rapidly lowering the temperature, then reheating it according to specific temperatures for each type of chocolate.

Praline- caramelized nuts. Mousse cake often uses praline paste, that is, caramelized nuts ground into a paste.

Crumble is the crunchy layer in a mousse cake, which can be made, for example, from a mixture of Belgian waffle crumble, chocolate, pralines and/or ground nuts.

Velours- chocolate velvet cake coating, which in the classic version consists of a mixture of melted white chocolate and cocoa butter in a 1: 1 ratio.

Saber(from French Sablé) is a classic chopped French shortcrust pastry made from butter and flour crumbs, sugar, an egg and a small amount of salt. Also, nut flour can be added to it.

Nugatin- a kind of caramel in which nuts or seeds are mixed. It is prepared from small seeds or crushed nuts, with the addition of butter or heavy cream. Unlike praline, it is softer.

Confit de canard is a classic French dish. In fact, confit is one of the oldest ways to preserve meat and poultry. With the help of fat, such products are stored for months, but this is not its main advantage. The confit recipe is truly delicious and versatile. It is customary to call the real "brand" of French cuisine precisely the duck confit, which has become a delicacy and has received the recognition of thousands of people around the globe. Today we will figure out how to cook delicious restaurant food step by step at home.

Recipe for duck confit

The duck confit recipe consists of fairly simple ingredients:

  • Fat duck - 2 kg, only duck legs can be used;
  • Duck fat - 1 kg, obtained during the cooking process;
  • Vegetable oil (needed with a lack of fat);
  • Allspice - 1 tsp;
  • Shallots - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt (coarse grinding) - 3 tablespoons;
  • Garlic - 2-4 cloves;
  • Thyme - 1 bunch;
  • Rosemary - 1 bunch.

The preparation of the dish includes many stages and the preparation itself is quite laborious. But our photos will help you do everything right, and as a result, the exquisite confit duck will become a favorite of your household.

Cooking instructions:

Stage 1 - duck preparation

Since the classic duck confit is cooked in fat, chicken thighs and legs are best for it, but there are no strict restrictions. You can take the whole duck and start cooking.

  1. First of all, butcher the duck, cut off excess fat, leave the skin intact if possible.
  2. After handling, rinse the bird and pat dry with a disposable paper towel.

Stage 2 - marinating the duck

  1. Now rub the duck well with spices, after mixing salt, pepper, rosemary and thyme.
  2. Put the processed bird into molds, cover them with lids (you can use cling film), refrigerate. There the duck must stay at least 12 hours.

Stage 3 - preparation of fat

Before cooking a whole bird, the fat must be prepared. If there is no pre-purchased melted one, then it will need to be heated by yourself. All the fat trimmed from the bird is suitable here, nothing if it is with the skin together. Cook over low heat, draining excess fat from time to time. Do not touch the pieces of fat themselves, in any case do not interfere or turn over - you will get fried cracklings. The burning process will take quite a long time, but the excess fat can be frozen and reused later. It is very useful and suitable for the recipe of many dishes.

If you are going to cook confit only from duck legs, then you can skip this step, for cooking you will need only sunflower oil.

Stage 4 - cooking duck confit

  1. After marinating, rinse the remaining spices from the bird and place them tightly in prepared baking dishes (it is best to use ceramics).
  2. Add the rest of the recipe ingredients: inside, between the parts of the duck, put the garlic cloves, slices of shallots, sprigs of thyme and rosemary, sprinkle with peppercorns.
  3. Next, pour all this with fat (if it turned out to be not enough, add vegetable oil), covering all the ingredients completely with fat, and tightly cover with a lid. If you are making duck leg confit, then forget about the fat and completely fill the contents of the mold with oil.
  4. We put in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 2-4 hours (depending on the number of birds and the thickness of the walls of the molds).
  5. After baking, remove all spices, garlic and onions, leave the dish for a couple of minutes on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

You can do all this in a frying pan, "on a gentle rut." Cook for several hours without letting the fat (or oil) boil.

Cooked duck confit acquires a golden crust, perfectly departs from the bone. The bird should be stored in the refrigerator, you can decompose it into jars, after filling them with warm duck fat.

Stage 5 - submission

  • The confit leg, then before serving it should be fried over medium heat on both sides.
  • If the bird has been in the refrigerator for a long time, you can bake it with fat, vegetables, fruits or even berries (often apples are used) before serving.
  • Duck leg confit is very tasty and goes well with mashed potatoes, pearl barley, mushrooms, stewed cabbage and other side dishes. Classic dish served on a bed of garlic and shallots seasoned with spices and fresh herbs (arugula, lettuce, parsley, etc.).
  • Cold confit is perfect for sandwiches - just take the meat apart and spread like a pate on bread. Ready!

Confit leg with honey

Duck leg confit with honey gets rave reviews from tasters around the world. So why don't you try this delicacy? The cooking scheme itself remains the same, but before serving, the duck will need to be poured with honey glaze. For her you will need:

  • 70 ml. honey;
  • 10 gr. cinnamon;
  • 2 gr. saffron
  • 5 gr. ground pepper.

How to cook honey leg confit:

  1. To prepare honey glaze in a saucepan, mix honey and 2 tbsp. l. water, add spices and bring the mixture to a boil.
  2. Then we reduce the fire and cook until the honey darkens slightly (it will also become denser), after which we turn off the fire.
  3. Hot glaze should be poured over the duck immediately before serving, and its remains should be used as a sauce, mixed with water to taste beforehand.

One way or another, the confit leg is an exquisite French delicacy that adorns any table. We advise you to try!

Video: Duck confit from Chef Ilya Lazerson

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Descriptions of European desserts are rich in incomprehensible words. The meaning of some can still be guessed, while others remain an empty phrase. Today I decided to focus on some concepts so that the descriptions of desserts no longer seem like a rambling jumble of words. For readers, this post will become a translator in the world of gourmet desserts, and for novice confectioners, a dictionary in which I will try to detail the essence of each term in a simple and understandable language.

Let's start with coolies - the accent is on And, because the word is from French, and their last syllable is stressed. The Culinary Dictionary defines it as a sauce made from raw or prepared fruit. Usually coolies are poured over ready-made desserts. But within the framework of desserts, it is a homogeneous, more often one-component puree. Coolies are the filling in the mousse dessert, reflecting its character and zest. A must-have recipe will always include fruit, some sugar, jelly, or pectin. All this is boiled and frozen in order to enter into the composition of the dessert. Confit (emphasis on I) is originally related to meat. Surely you have heard of duck confit? This is a way of cooking meat in its own fat. But this has nothing to do with desserts. It is the same as coolie - fruit puree, boiled and with the addition of gelatin (or pectin). The difference is that confit is more like jam in consistency, and coolie is more like jelly. Although, often it all depends on the recipe. It is also used as the main filling for the recipe.

Cremeux (or creme - it's all about spelling and pronunciation from French cremeux) is a cream filling, something between sauce and mousse. Most often, the cream includes components of an English cream (creme anglaise - creme anglaise), namely yolks, cream, sugar, milk, and add the necessary accents - chocolate, fruit ingredients, nut pastes. Crémout is also the filling in a mousse dessert, but may well be the main part of a verrine (dessert served in a clear glass). The consistency of cream is denser than confit and coolies. And the taste is not pronounced, but it is subtly felt in the general palette of the dessert.

Compote (or compote) - it can be a full-fledged dessert (fruits in syrup) or a component of a mousse dessert. If we are preparing a full-fledged dessert, then this is a set of fruits stewed in sugar syrup and spices. Something similar to our compote, only we have a drink. If we are preparing the filling for dessert, then diced fruits are boiled in sugar-glucose syrup, gelling components are added and frozen. Compote has, in my opinion, the richest taste - there is fruit juice, and pieces of fruit, and sweetness, and sourness. In addition, compotes have almost unlimited combinations.

Coolies, confits and compotes can also serve as original decor for cakes and pastries, or can be part of biscuit cakes.

Now you will not only easily decipher the composition of the dessert, but you will also be able to show off your knowledge in the company of friends, as my brother does 😉


Black currant cream

Blackcurrant cream - a universal berry layer for your cakes! Combine and invent your own desserts! Step by step recipe with photos!

Hey! I share with you a step-by-step recipe for blackcurrant cream. Of course, those who are related to the confectionery business, of course, such terms as cream, compote, confit, coolie, etc., are no longer embarrassed today, but unusual foreign words can scare the newcomers a little. So I'll take a short walk now. So to speak, in Russian, in a simple way) ConfI in the confectionery field is a fruit or berry puree with sugar and gelatin (essentially - jelly, only opaque). Cooley - berry or fruit sauce (just puree with sugar). Compote - the same confI, only with the addition of fractions (pieces of fruit or berries). And cream is a cross between cream and mousse, made on the basis of anglaise cream (when the yolks with sugar are brewed with hot milk or cream) with the addition of fruit or berry puree, again, well, and gelatin as a stabilizer. Confi and compote were previously used as layers of European mousse desserts, but today they are quite common in biscuit cakes. You can also see coolies in the descriptions of homemade (and not only homemade) confectioners’ cakes, although you can’t add it to the cake in its pure form: there is no stabilizer, the sauce will simply flow out, and with the addition of starch, pectin or gelatin, it’s like it’s not quite coolie) Well, to be precise, picky and tedious) That is, initially coolie was used only when serving desserts, as sauces. Now - "everything is mixed up in the Oblonskys' house." Cremeux is often also one of the components of mousse cakes.

But the option that I will show you, in fact, is something between a cream and a Kurd. I chose it for its versatility!) Due to the fact that the composition contains butter, not cream, the product is quite stable on its own, and a small amount of gelatin additionally strengthens it. Yes, it turns out the same Kurd, only with gelatin. It can be poured into a ring, frozen, and then used in a mousse cake, and it will behave perfectly there, the layer turns out to be even and beautiful, I tried it. And you can cool it a little and put it on a biscuit cake as a cream - but not the main one! You will get a wonderful stable layer with a delicious berry flavor, a refreshing accent! Everything is perfectly kept inside, the cut, again, is even, and it does not take so long to do, especially if there is ready-made mashed potatoes. Such a cream (kurd) will be very cool to play with chocolate.

So, now we will quickly figure it out with you!

First, let's make blackcurrant puree. I don’t make it for storage, but for use here and now, so I don’t add sugar or water, I don’t do any heat treatment in advance.

I take a bag of frozen currants. This is 300 g. I grind well with a submersible blender.

I pass through a sieve. It is convenient to use a sieve with medium cells: it will be difficult with small ones and there will be a lot of cake, and through large cake it will crawl through and get into the puree. You can wipe it with a whisk, for many it is more convenient. I love the spoon: a habit!

The puree is ready, we need 200 g. Soak 5 g of sheet gelatin (I have a professional Ewald, its strength corresponds to 200 blooms) in very cold water. You can take powder, from those sold in ordinary stores, I prefer Dr. Oetker. I take the same amount, pour cold water 1:5.

Put in a saucepan 3 yolks and 1 egg category 1 (total 105 g of egg mass). Pour in 60 g of sugar.

Add 200 g of puree.

Mix everything well.

Place over medium heat and simmer until slightly thickened, or 85 degrees if you have a food thermometer.

Let it cool slightly (!) (you can pour it into a clean deep bowl, because the saucepan remains hot for a long time, or put the saucepan a little in a cold water bath). And add well-squeezed gelatin.

We mix. Cool down to 40 degrees.

And add 65 g of butter.

We mix. The oil will melt for a long time and with some difficulty.

After it is worth breaking through the mass with a blender - for greater smoothness.

Ready! Pour into a ring and put in the freezer for several hours if we want to make a frozen layer. Or we put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours if we want to use our creamy curd as a filling for a biscuit cake.

And ... it's very tasty! For those who love refreshing, slightly tart, with character, blackcurrant! I’m just one of those, so I was ready to eat this cream right with a spoon from a jar, biting with coffee)

Do not store this cream (kurd) in the refrigerator for a long time: it contains eggs, even if they have been heat-treated. But you can freeze at least for a month, just pack carefully. But in general, it’s better to freeze only mashed potatoes, because the Kurd itself is easy to make and does not take much time.

Bon appetit and fun adventures in the kitchen!

Do you want to say thank you? Best thanks - repost! Share with friends!


Confectionery terms and concepts that should be in the arsenal of a professional

Sometimes you read a description of a cake from some confectioner and your eyes pop out of your forehead from these incomprehensible words, lemon curd, strawberry coolie, dacquoise, Gioconda biscuit, blueberry confit, cream and the like. What does all this mean and what is it eaten with? And suddenly all this is incredibly difficult to cook and is available only to eminent confectioners? Let's figure it out.

Curd or curd is a traditional English dessert custard. It is used as a filling for cakes, pies, rolls and pancakes, or served in rolls as an independent dessert. The most common Kurd is lemon, but it can be made from any sour berries and fruits. For its preparation, as a rule, fruits, berries, sugar, butter and eggs are used.

Coolie (from the French "coulis") is a sauce that can be berry or fruit, and there are also coolies based on meat broths, vegetable broths. In fact, these are the necessary products (raw or boiled) passed through a sieve, i.e. puree with juice / broth / broth. One or common variation of berry coolies is strawberry.

Dacquoise (from the French dacquoise) is a cake traditional for the South-West of France, it is a walnut meringue cake layered with whipped cream or butter cream. Many confectioners under the word daquoise mean the cakes themselves.

Confit (from French confit) - according to Wikipedia, a method of cooking in French cuisine: slow simmering of foods (most often poultry or meat), completely immersed in fat, at a low temperature (less than 100 degrees). And in the confectionery sense, confit is boiled fruits or berries, confiture or jam.

Compote is a type of fruit or berry filling. Fruits or berries are used pureed and / or cut into pieces with the addition of sugar and a gelling agent (gelatin, pectin). The main difference from compote from coolies is the presence of pieces of fruit or berries in it.

Creme is a type of filling in a mousse cake, which consists of boiled yolks with sugar, fruit or berry puree and butter. It can be independent or an additional layer to the confit.

Gioconda biscuit is an almond fluffy biscuit containing a minimum of flour. Named after the famous Mona Lisa, known in France as the Mona Lisa. This biscuit is the basis for the famous Opera cake.

Streusel is a characteristic crumb that is sprinkled on pastries. The standard set of ingredients for streusel is butter, sugar and flour, mixed in a ratio of 1:1:2.

Tempering (chocolate or caramel) - crystallization or tempering is necessary in order for chocolate products (chocolate decorations, chocolates, chocolate coatings) to be shiny, crispy, hard and easy to remove from molds filled with chocolate. Tempering (crystallization) consists in bringing cocoa butter crystals into the most stable form. This is the process of stabilizing the crystals of cocoa butter molecules by heating the chocolate, then rapidly lowering the temperature, then reheating it according to specific temperatures for each type of chocolate.

Pralines are caramelized nuts. Mousse cake often uses praline paste, that is, caramelized nuts ground into a paste.

Crumble is a crispy layer in a mousse cake that can be made with, for example, a mixture of Belgian waffle crumble, chocolate, praline and/or ground nuts.

Velor is a chocolate velvet cake coating, which in the classic version consists of a mixture of melted white chocolate and cocoa butter in a 1: 1 ratio.

Sablé (from French Sablé) is a classic chopped French shortcrust pastry made from butter and flour crumbs, sugar, an egg and a small amount of salt. Also, nut flour can be added to it.

Nugatin is a kind of caramel in which nuts or seeds are mixed. It is prepared from small seeds or crushed nuts, with the addition of butter or heavy cream. Unlike praline, it is softer.

Namelaka is a special kind of koem and the technique of making it. Translated from Japanese "ultra-cream". It has a very soft, almost mousse texture.

Glasage is an alternative name for mirror glaze. Brilliant coating for confectionery, which is made on the basis of chocolate with the addition of gelatin.

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chocolate cream

Chocolate cream is the most delicate chocolate cream with an amazing texture. This chocolate cream is a bit similar to the well-known ganache in texture and taste, but still it is much softer, not so sugary-greasy. They can be used to layer cakes, fill cakes, and they also keep their shape perfectly, so they can also decorate cupcakes.

Well, let's try?

We will need: cream 35-38%, milk, dark chocolate, yolks - 60 grams, sugar.

Milk with cream, bring to a boil.

Rub the yolks with sugar.

Pour the milk mixture into the yolks, stirring vigorously.

Return to the fire, boil until lightly thickened (80 ° C), stirring all the time, like an Angles cream.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath.

Combine with an immersion blender with the egg mass, just mix until smooth, not suitable! Since then it can exfoliate (this is called emulsification)! Do not lift the blender above the mass to avoid air bubbles.

Cover with cling film and refrigerate, if too hard, beat. In my photo, the cream is liquidish, but after the refrigerator it keeps its shape perfectly)).

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