Home Vegetables Homemade Adyghe cheese made from milk and kefir. How to make Adyghe cheese at home

Homemade Adyghe cheese made from milk and kefir. How to make Adyghe cheese at home

Note:in total, about 400 g of homemade Adyghe cheese can be made from this amount of ingredients (depending on the fat content and quality of milk, it can be more or less) and about 2.2 liters of whey.

How to cook Adyghe cheese at home - a recipe with a photo:

Pour the milk into a saucepan with a volume of 3-5 liters and send it to the fire. We bring the milk almost to a boil, or rather to a temperature of 95 C (it is not necessary to use a thermometer, you can also navigate “by eye”). By the way, if you are using homemade market cow's milk, and not from a package, then you need to bring it to a boil.

Pour whey into hot milk. Be sure to mix the milk.

As soon as the milk curdles, cheese clots begin to form, the saucepan can be removed from the heat. Do not heat the mixture longer, as then the cheese may turn out to be slightly rubbery. We give our cheese a rest for about 5 minutes, during which time the cheese flakes will settle to the bottom of the pan, and the whey will remain on top.

For now, let's prepare a form in which we will form our Adyghe cheese at home. If you approach this issue thoroughly, then, of course, you can buy special baskets for homemade cheese, but this is not at all necessary. In addition to purchased forms, you can safely use an ordinary sieve, which must be lined with 2-4 layers of gauze. But in order for the finished cheese to have a neat shape, it is possible to adapt Plastic container, in which you need to make many holes for decanting excess serum, as seen in the photo.

We place our container for the formation of Adyghe cheese in a deep container, and under its bottom we put an ordinary cookie cutter (this is done so that the container with the cheese is on a slight elevation and, thus, the whey will drain into the container). After 5 minutes, using a slotted spoon, carefully catch the cheese clots and put them in a prepared container.

We tamp the cheese with a spoon.

We put a saucer on top of the cheese or, for example, a lid from the container cut to the desired diameter (if there is nothing suitable, then we immediately put the load), and then we install some kind of load. In this form, we send our cheese to the cold for 4-5 hours or more.

After all the excess whey of the glass, carefully remove our homemade Adyghe cheese from the mold.

Now it needs to be salted. To do this, pour 500 ml of whey into a suitable container and add 1 tbsp to it. salt (we select the amount of salt to taste). Stir to dissolve the salt.

We dip our head of cheese into the saline solution, close the container with a lid or film and send it to the refrigerator for at least a few hours (but better for longer) for salting.

This is how quickly and easily you can cook Adyghe cheese at home!

We store it in brine for about 3-5 days.

Adyghe cheese belongs to the category soft cheeses that do not require maturation. It is made from milk and dairy products. In factory conditions, a special sourdough is used, but it requires 1.5-2 g per 100 liters of milk. Adyghe cheese is not produced in such quantities at home, and it is extremely difficult to measure the amount of sourdough for 5 liters of milk, so the product is prepared at home using a slightly different technology. Instead of sourdough, milk whey is added, dairy products, less often - vinegar or lemon juice. Taste and fat homemade cheese It may also differ from the factory one, since it is very difficult to choose the exact ratio of products to obtain a product that meets GOST on your own. It is not necessary to drive yourself into the narrow framework of state standards, it is only important to adhere to a number of technological subtleties.

Cooking features

Factory-made Adyghe cheese contains 42% fat and 2% salt, has a moisture content of 60%. It is difficult to achieve exactly the same indicators at home, and this is not necessary. The product will be tasty, even if it is a little less fat or salty, a little softer than the traditional one. It is important that it has a consistency typical for Adyghe cheese and the most similar taste. To achieve this, you need to know a few things.

  • The protein, folding, takes the form of threads only when the milk is not brought to a boil, but heated only to 95 degrees. If you want to get a cheese that has exactly the same structure as Adyghe, you will have to control the temperature of the milk. It will be very difficult to do this without a special thermometer.
  • To prevent milk from boiling, sour milk product it should be introduced as chilled as possible. It is advisable to pour kefir and other liquid products along the walls of the pan, the cottage cheese is laid in the center.
  • Dairy products are introduced into hot milk in portions. Only after the first portion is curtailed, the next one is introduced.
  • The fatter the milk and dairy products used to make cheese, the fatter it will turn out.
  • The technology of making Adyghe cheese involves its compaction under its own weight, without the use of a press. The more cheese, the better and faster it compacts. If you make a very small amount of the product, it will not be able to compact under its own weight to the desired consistency.
  • It is advisable to purchase farm products for making homemade cheese. In store-bought milk and cottage cheese, ingredients can be added to prevent their souring, vegetable raw materials. Such additives can interfere with the curdling of products; it is impossible to make cheese from them.

Adyghe cheese home production must be stored in the refrigerator, its shelf life is 3-4 days. Therefore, too much cheese should not be made. On average, it takes 6.5-7 liters of milk and fermented milk products to prepare 1 kg of cheese.

The classic recipe for homemade Adyghe cheese

  • goat milk - 2.5 l;
  • cow's milk - 2.5 l;
  • whey from kefir or sour cow's milk - 4 l;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare your serum. To do this, sour milk, kefir or yogurt must be heated over low heat or better in a water bath until the protein curdles. Then the product is thrown into a sieve or colander covered with gauze, placed over a bowl or pan, into which the whey flows. As a result, together with whey it is possible to prepare cottage cheese- it is not needed for the preparation of Adyghe cheese according to this recipe, but you definitely should not throw it away.
  • Let the serum stand for room temperature so that it slightly sours.
  • Mix both types of milk, pour into a saucepan with a capacity of at least 10 liters.
  • Put on the stove, setting the minimum intensity of the flame. To prevent the milk from burning, you can splash a little boiled water on the bottom of the pan before filling it with milk.
  • Remove the whey from the refrigerator.
  • Heat the milk until it is about to boil (or up to 95 degrees if you can control the temperature with a thermometer).
  • Pour in a glass of whey. Cook, stirring, until stringy clumps begin to separate from the whey. Gather them into a ball.
  • Continue to pour the whey in small portions into boiling milk until it runs out. Gather the clots into a ball.
  • Above a clean container (bucket or pan), place a sieve or sieve covered with gauze folded in 4 layers. Dump the contents of the pot in which you cooked the cheese onto it. Wait for the serum to drain.
  • Tie the ends of the gauze, hang for 2 hours so that the remaining whey drains and the cheese thickens under its own weight.
  • Transfer the cheese to a sieve, sprinkling it on all sides with salt.
  • Leave for 22-24 hours at room temperature, then refrigerate and use as directed.

From the indicated amount of ingredients, you will get about 1 kg of Adyghe cheese. You need to eat it in 3 days, otherwise it may deteriorate.

Adyghe cheese from curdled milk with powdered milk

  • milk with a fat content of 3.2% - 3 l;
  • curdled milk - 1.5 l;
  • milk powder (fat content 25%) - 0.75 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the milk to about 40 degrees, dilute the dry milk concentrate in it.
  • Pour 1.5 liters of the resulting milk, put it in the refrigerator. Keep the buttermilk in the refrigerator for now.
  • Heat the rest of the milk until it starts to boil. Pour a glass of cold milk into it to cool the product and prevent it from boiling.
  • Add a glass of curdled milk. Cook, stirring, until it curdles.
  • Wait until the milk begins to boil again, pour cold milk and yogurt into it again.
  • Boil the cheese in this way until the yogurt runs out.
  • Drain the contents of the pan into a colander lined with gauze, let the whey drain.
  • When the cheese is compacted, salt it on all sides, put it in a container, put it in the refrigerator.

It is necessary to use homemade cheese prepared according to the above recipe within 3 days.

Adyghe cheese from milk and sour cream

  • milk (maximum fat content) - 6 l;
  • sour cream with a fat content of 25% - 2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Pour 2 liters of milk, dilute sour cream with it. Put the mixture in the refrigerator.
  • Warm up the rest of the milk.
  • When the milk begins to boil, add a glass of cold mixture of milk and sour cream to it.
  • When the products indicated in the recipe are completely used up, discard the contents of the pan on a sieve covered with gauze.
  • Wait for the whey to drain and the cheese to thicken.
  • Salt it, put it in a bag or container, store it in the refrigerator.

Cheese made according to the above recipe will not go bad for 4 days.

Cooking Adyghe cheese at home is a task that is feasible even for a novice cook. It is advisable to do this only if your family loves this fermented milk product so much that they can eat 1-1.5 kg of it in just 3 days.

Rarely does anyone not prefer a piece of cheese for breakfast, because cheese is not only hearty, tasty, healthy, but also an easily digestible product. And if this cheese is also made with your own hands, in a good mood, all your household members will feel love and care. There is no doubt that everyone will appreciate such a dish, because efforts must be made to prepare it. And do not be afraid of difficulties, making Adyghe cheese at home from milk with your own hands with a step-by-step recipe that we present to you is not at all difficult.

Adyghe cheese at home: a detailed recipe

The main thing is to prepare everything in advance necessary products which we list below.

Adyghe cheese is less caloric than semi-hard and durum varieties, only 264 kcal.

100 grams of homemade Adyghe cheese contains:

  • Proteins - 19.8 mg;
  • Fats - 19.8 mg;
  • Carbohydrates - 1.5 mg.

Vitamins A, B1, B2, E, PP, C and macro- and microelements essential for the body, such as iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, copper, sodium, selenium, sulfur, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, as well as saturated fatty acids .


  • Fatty milk (not canned) - 5 liters;
  • Cream 20% - 0.5 liters;
  • Lemon (large) - 1 piece;
  • Sea salt - 1/2 tablespoon.

How to make Adyghe cheese at home

At the very beginning, we draw your attention to the fact that milk for making Adyghe cheese must be live, with a short shelf life, and not canned. As a rule, such milk is sold in soft plastic bags with a shelf life of no more than 7 days.

Pour milk and cream into a saucepan and set to heat. When steam comes from milk and cream, and they are ready to boil (foam will begin to form), add salt with constant stirring and squeeze the juice of 1/2 part of the lemon into the milk mixture. You will see how, with light stirring, the milk begins to curdle into an airy curd that floats to the surface. It is not necessary to stir the mass until smooth.

When the milk-lemon mixture begins to boil, with gentle stirring, squeeze the second part of the lemon into it and remove from the burner.

You can see how the milk mixture has become a transparent whey, and the curd has floated to the surface.

We cover the colander with double - triple (it all depends on the quality of the material) with pre-washed gauze, put it in a container (any bowl the size of a colander will do) and carefully, with a slotted spoon, begin to remove the curd from the surface of the whey, laying it on gauze bedding.

When all the curd is transferred, we take out the colander from the bowl, carefully, not completely, pour the whey from the pan (where the curd was prepared from the milk mass) into the bowl in which the colander stood.

From the bottom of the pan, collect the rest of the cottage cheese and also transfer it to cheesecloth in a colander.

We lift the gauze with cottage cheese from a colander, gently wring it out and leave it to drain from the remaining whey in a suspended state for two to three hours. Occasionally we approach the gauze bag with cottage cheese and squeeze it slightly, allowing the whey to drain. The more often we squeeze the cottage cheese, the stronger the resulting Adyghe cheese will be.

Then, when the whey no longer stands out from the curd, carefully transfer it from gauze to the prepared mold (it can be an ordinary plastic container), press the curd with a lid of a smaller container and put a press on the lid (a regular two-liter bottle of water will perfectly fulfill the mission of the load) . We leave the cheese under pressure for 6 - 8 hours. If a little whey has formed on the surface, carefully remove it with a spoon.

It is best to cook Adyghe cheese in the evening and leave it under pressure in a cool place all night. In the morning, without much effort, the cheese is transferred to a plate by tipping the form upside down.

Your hearty, tasty and healthy Adyghe cheese, made by yourself at home, is ready.

Since the quality of milk is different for each producer, the weight of the produced Adyghe cheese may vary.

Have a good meal, friends!

Larisa Yaroshevich's recipe

Adyghe cheese is a welcome guest on both the festive and everyday tables. In view of the original taste, low fat content and benefits, every housewife dreams of preparing such a treat. The process looks complicated at first glance, but do not be intimidated. Today we will look at step-by-step recipes for making Adyghe cheese at home.

The benefits of Adyghe cheese

The original fermented milk product has a fat content of 40%. It accumulates a lot of mineral compounds and vitamins that a person needs for a full life.

Cheese is famous for its high content of calcium, phosphorus and protein. That is why it is so in demand in the field of dietetics and proper nutrition.

Raw materials are not deprived of amino acids, most of them cannot be produced by the body offline, therefore, they must be supplied with food.

Due to the low calorie content and high nutritional value, cheese is introduced into the menu of those who lose weight. It is suitable even for the most strict diets, despite the fat content.

Due to the accumulation of proteins, the Adyghe product is introduced into the diet of athletes who need to gain muscle mass and “dry out”. Cheese is also an integral part of the diet of nursing mothers, children, pregnant women, the elderly and other categories of people.

According to traditional technology, cheese is produced on the basis of goat, sheep or cow milk. In the manufacturing process, the raw material is heated to a temperature not exceeding 100 degrees. To add flavor at the final stage, salt and other spices are added as desired.

A high-quality fermented milk composition should not be too fatty. Different manufacturers prepare Adyghe cheese in different ways. It can be 14% fat or 40%. In terms of taste, the raw material is moderately salty, spicy with a slight milky sheen.

Adyghe cheese according to the original recipe

  • whole cow's milk - 5.3 liters.
  • whole goat milk - 4.4 liters.
  • natural sourdough (whey) - 3.8 l.
  • salt - in fact
  1. Make sure in advance that a stainless steel or enameled pan is at hand. It is important that the refractory container exceeds the amount of dairy products by 2 or more times in volume.
  2. Fold the gauze fabric in 4-5 layers, strain cow's milk through it. Now prepare the same filter for the goat composition. After filtering, pour the ingredients into a cooking pot.
  3. Set the power of the stove to the minimum mark, wait an hour. Follow the process carefully. Each time the milk begins to boil, introduce whey in small portions.
  4. Stir the ingredients without interruption so that the mass thickens evenly. You will see that threads will soon begin to appear in the mixture, which are separated from the general contents.
  5. Stir and collect them into one ball to get a milk clot. When the ball appears, turn off the burner and remove the pan with the contents from it.
  6. Prepare a clean and dry pan, put a colander on it, line it with cheesecloth. Pour the entire milk mixture with clots into a colander filter, wait for the whey to drain.
  7. Wait for the moment when the cheese becomes dense due to its own weight, and all the whey drains into the lower container. Then fold the edges of the gauze to make a bag. Hang it up for 2 hours.
  8. Next, free the product from gauze, put it in a colander and sprinkle with ground salt on all sides. Let the product ripen for about 20-22 hours, then transfer to a container and refrigerate. Expiration date - 4 days.

Adyghe cheese from whole milk and cottage cheese

  • fatty cottage cheese - 2 kg.
  • milk - 4.5 liters.
  1. When preparing cheese, you must use only home-made products. Take cottage cheese of maximum fat content and grind it thoroughly through a fine sieve. The composition must be combined with 2 liters. milk.
  2. As a result, you should get a homogeneous mass without lumps. Heat the rest of the milk enamel saucepan parts. Take about 300 ml. composition and achieve a temperature of 90 degrees.
  3. Thus, you need to warm up the entire animal product. After pasteurizing the composition, start pouring the prepared curd mixture into it. Manipulation should also be carried out in portions, away from the walls of the container.
  4. The mass of cottage cheese must be cooled. Curled protein must be caught with a slotted spoon and sent to a colander lined with gauze.
  5. Continue the harvesting process. After that, take the cheese in a bag, wring it out a little and hang it until the liquid drains completely. Give it a shape and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

  • fat sour cream - 2.6 kg.
  • homemade milk - 7.6 liters.
  1. To make cheese, you need to use chilled ingredients. Take 2.5 liters. milk and combine with sour cream in a separate container. Achieve uniformity from the composition. Next, proceed to the pasteurization of the remaining milk.
  2. The temperature of the liquid should be closer to boiling. Keep in mind that milk should never boil. After complete pasteurization of the product, start introducing the sour cream mixture. During the process of making cheese, do not forget to stir the ingredients.
  3. Catch the curdled protein and send it to cool. Next, collect all the curd mass in a container with holes. For a certain time, all excess moisture should drain.
  4. After compacting the cheese under its own weight, you need to salt it a little. Turn over the finished mass and transfer to a food container. Remove the product to a cool place to infuse.
  1. To cook the cheese correctly, it is recommended to use a cooking thermometer. In this way, you can prevent milk from boiling during heat treatment.
  2. Keep in mind that if the milk boils, the cheese will not turn out, the product will be irretrievably damaged. Proper proportions are important when making cheese. For 1 kg. Adyghe product accounts for about 6.5 liters. animal milk.
  3. In the production of cheese, it is allowed to use any fermented milk products. The main requirement is that they are completely natural. If you have a smokehouse in your house, you can make smoked cheese.
  4. First you need to prepare a head of cheese in any of the above ways. Next, the product is placed in a domestic installation for 4 hours. It is necessary to simmer the composition in the cold smoking mode at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees.
  5. Before smoking, the head of cheese must be lubricated without fail butter. As a result, you will receive a finished product of a completely new taste. The composition of the cheese can also include various herbs, spices and spices.

It is easy to cook Adyghe cheese at home, if you follow step by step instructions. The most popular product is considered to be brewed according to original recipe. As a result, the cheese is milky, low-calorie and pleasant to the taste. But you can also consider options that are more to your liking. Store the product in an airtight container on the middle shelf of the refrigerator.

Video: a step-by-step recipe for making Adyghe cheese

Enterprises producing dairy products prepare cheeses of various brands and varieties. In a large assortment there are always so-called homemade cheeses. The recipe of Adyghe cheese is used according to all cooking standards. During production, manufacturers take into account all the subtleties and nuances. But the product purchased at the point of sale is not able to convey all the richness of the taste of hand-cooked dairy treats. Good housewives prefer proper, healthy nutrition, they make Adyghe cheese at home.

Only on your own can you prepare a high-quality dairy product that preserves all the vitamins and minerals present in milk.

Homemade cheese from Adygea has national Caucasian roots and ancient origins. The recipe for cheese making is passed down from generation to generation, it consists of individual highlights and traditions. In the Caucasus, the dairy product is very popular and irreplaceable. Sophisticated gourmets, tasting many varieties of cheeses, prefer cheese from Adygea. The unique special taste is able to conquer even the most fastidious lover. The dairy product has enough competitors, the external data of the dairy product do not differ from such creations as: mozzarella, ricotta, feta, cheese. Only technological features endow Adyghe cheese with incomparable taste data. The raw materials used during preparation are pasteurized at high temperatures, which is unacceptable in the manufacture of similar cheeses. Thanks to a special production technology, Adyghe cheese, cooked at home, has gained its own individuality and popularity.

How to cook Adyghe cheese at home

It is not difficult to cook Adyghe cheese on your own at home. Of course, modern kitchen facilities are not able to create a characteristic atmosphere and flavor of the national Circassian cuisine, but a hand-made culinary product will give pleasure to those who wish to eat healthy food.

Homemade Adyghe cheese made from milk has a delicate dense texture, sour-milk slightly spicy and slightly salty aftertaste. The product consists of some layering on the surface and in the finished state it seems fresh and airy for a long time.

The preparation of Adyghe cheese goes through pasteurization milk. The milk whey also present in the composition makes the product at a high nutritional value dietary. Cheese is very useful, contains trace elements, fatty acids necessary for humans.

Creation from milk is widely used in recipes. It is used as an independent dish, added to vegetable salads and all sorts of cold snacks. The product goes well with fruit dishes, herbs, flour products.

Sandwiches with a fresh Caucasian invention are extraordinarily tasty. Cheese is also good with wines, flour pastries. It lends itself roasting, after which they open from completely different sides of the product.

It is natural to make Adyghe cheese in home urban conditions some features should be taken into account . Cooking real Adyghe cheese has many ways and subtleties. Everyone can learn how to cook Adyghe cheese with their own hands and enjoy the taste of a hand-made product, since it is not so difficult to make it yourself.

Cheese is made from milk, to which various fermented milk products are added to promote rapid curdling. Having learned a clear, correct recipe, not too complicated cooking steps and all the necessary components, you can confidently get down to business.


The recipe for making Adyghe cheese can be varied. A self-cooked product is much tastier and healthier than a commercially produced one. Cooking Adyghe cheese at home makes it possible to use the highest quality ingredients, resulting in fresh, tasty products.

How to make Adyghe cheese at home is of interest to many housewives. It is very important to understand which are the most important components that determine the composition and initial taste data. culinary product. To prepare Adyghe cheese at home, you will need:

  • Fresh whole milk cow or goat. You should know that you can cook a Caucasian dish not from any dairy raw material. For cooking, only village milk from the market or pasteurized milk from the store with a high percentage of fat content is used. It is possible to make Adyghe cheese at home only from natural ingredients. Such a product is much more tender, and the output finished products happens more.
  • Some cooking recipes require the presence of sour cream in the composition. This raw material is better to use store-bought, made on sourdough. It is impossible to make real Adyghe cheese from village separated sour cream.
  • It is possible to cook Adyghe cheese at home only with the presence of sourdough, this function is performed by whey, kefir, liquid yogurt, eggs.
  • If you want to get a denser product, prepare ingredients such as nine percent vinegar, lemon juice, whey for the process. These substances are introduced into milk during boiling. To obtain a soft tender texture, the components are added to the cooled milk.
  • To cheese Adyghe houses had a presentation, the composition of the batch is mixed with baking soda. The substance gives the structure of the cheese porosity, contributes to the formation of small holes.
  • The cooked product can be supplemented with flavoring additives. In this capacity, salt, a variety of aromatic herbs, spices and spices to taste are used.

Cheese from whole milk and kefir

Every housewife would like to know how to cook Adyghe cheese at home. Only the manufacture of a dairy product by hand makes it possible to fully experience the unique range of quality and taste. Cheese making for many novice cooks is not a very common and affordable process.

To cook a dairy product, you can use the most simple, completely uncomplicated way. The recipe for preparing kefir milk from the main ingredients is distinguished by its particular simplicity. Cheese Adyghe recipe cooking, which is the most accessible at home, is distinguished by low-calorie naturalness of the product.

The volume of the original product is determined by the number of ingredients. Applying the traditional delicious recipe cooking a Caucasian dish, you will need the following components:

  • Adyghe cheese is prepared at home from homemade cow's milk in the amount of three liters.
  • Sourdough is made from kefir or curdled milk. The required volume is 1 liter.
  • To form the main taste, use coarse salt 20 gr.
  • When homemade Adyghe cheese is being prepared, the recipe proposed as a basis can be supplemented with all kinds of food additives. To regulate taste data and color, capers, garlic, and spices are added to the composition.

It is also impossible to cook Adyghe cheese at home without some tools. To prepare a dairy product, you will need a large saucepan, bowl, sieve or colander, impromptu oppression, a large piece of gauze.

How to cook Adyghe cheese at home will be prompted by a completely simple, understandable process technology. In a very accessible form, he will inform you how Adyghe cheese is prepared at home in a video, according to which you can accurately recreate a culinary work. Also, as a recommendation basis, you can take the recipe proposed for making Adyghe cheese with a photo.

Cook cheese from whole milk and kefir in this way:

  1. Prepared dairy products can be used directly from the refrigerator, as their temperature during preparation does not matter.
  2. Kefir or yogurt is placed in a saucepan, which is placed on a stove with a small flame. According to the degree of heating of kefir, the whey departs from the curd. It is poured into the next container and left for two days in a warm room for souring.
  3. The remaining curd mass can be eaten or used to prepare culinary dishes.
  4. After two days, whole cow's milk is boiled over medium heat. The temperature of milk is determined by the degree of heating. It should not boil, just enough to form a thin film on the surface.
  5. In a saucepan with milk not brought to a hundred-degree boil, a pre-fermented liter of whey is introduced and dissolved, the fire is reduced. Within seven minutes, with continuous stirring with a wooden spatula, the milk protein slowly separates, forming into cottage cheese flakes. The cheese blank floats to the surface. The pot is removed from the stove.
  6. Cheese makers without a long cooking experience should be aware that milk and whey that have stood on fire make the cheese tough.
  7. Serum is no longer needed, it is filtered and removed. It is not worth pouring out the used milk liquid; many flour products can be prepared from it.
  8. Gauze lay out a sieve. The curd mass is discarded, the composition is carefully filtered, squeezed well. A deep bowl is placed under the sieve into which the whey flows.
  9. Greens, salt and spices are added to the formed cheese mass to taste. The future delicacy is well mixed, placed in cheesecloth, tied and left in a suspended position until all the liquid that remains after squeezing has drained.
  10. The resulting workpiece is laid out in a special form, pressed with an impromptu press, left in the refrigerator. During the pressing period, the accumulated moisture is periodically drained.
  11. The next day, a healthy product of excellent taste and quality is obtained.

Thus, they prepare Adyghe cheese, the recipe for cooking at home is completely accessible. The ultimate simplicity of the cooking process in kefir with milk is within the power of even a novice and inexperienced cheese maker.

Cheese from cottage cheese

How to cook Adyghe cheese at home is of interest to many adherents of a healthy lifestyle. Some experienced cheese makers are not too prone to experimentation and traditionally brew Adyghe cheese with a recipe that they are well aware of. The most popular homemade Adyghe cheese made from cottage cheese, distinguished by its unsurpassed taste.

The recipe for cottage cheese homemade Adyghe cheese is also quite simple. It is interesting in its composition, components. A culinary specialist without cheese-making experience will cope with the cooking process, since making Adyghe cheese at home is quite an exciting experience. To implement the recipe, you will need the following products:

  • The main ingredient in making cheese is milk. It will take one liter.
  • Chicken eggs in the amount of three pieces, better with a rich high-calorie yolk.
  • Curd Adyghe cheese is prepared from cottage cheese, one kilogram of which is purchased in advance. The fat content of the product should also have a high percentage.
  • Butter comes from the store, its amount is 120 gr.
  • It will take 20 gr. iodized salt, 12 gr. soda.

When making Adyghe cheese at home, the recipe must be followed in a certain sequence. To do this, cheese makers are guided by the following actions:

  1. Fresh whole milk is used for preparation, which is placed in a large saucepan and brought to the boiling stage.
  2. All cottage cheese is dipped into boiling milk, the fire is reduced. The mass is boiled until it boils again, stirring occasionally with a large wooden spoon.
  3. The boiled composition is filtered through a sieve with gauze, left for a while. After the main part of the whey drains, the curd mass is laid out in a deep bowl.
  4. A clot of cheese is mixed with chicken eggs, butter, soda, salt.
  5. The composition is thoroughly mixed, brought to a state of homogeneous mass.
  6. You can add spices to the cheese preparation if you wish. It will also increase taste qualities carefully chopped greens: parsley, cilantro, dill, basil.
  7. The mixed composition is placed in a saucepan and heated for 10 minutes over low heat.
  8. The walls of a clean dry container are lubricated with oil residues. The warm curd mass is transferred.
  9. The cooled product is placed in a cold place for several hours.
  10. The finished cheese product is taken out from the cold. For tasting, cut into portions, served at the table during the scheduled tea party.

Finishing the process, beginners already know exactly how to make Adyghe cheese at home. Convinced of the simplicity of cheese making, they are engaged in cooking useful product. Adyghe curd cheese is regularly boiled, the recipe for which is quite simple.

Fried Adyghe cheese

Few people know how to cook Adyghe cheese, but it has long been known that the dairy product is quite tasty and healthy. Due to the low calorie content, the record content of proteins, calcium, it is recommended to use it during diets and just for a healthy diet. Even the fried Adyghe cheese recipe with a photo of which can be found in culinary guides does not cause surprise and bewilderment.

Freshly prepared Adyghe cheese is very tasty, the recipe is exactly reproduced by the hands of hardworking housewives. A hearty healthy dairy product is consumed freshly prepared and some experiments are carried out with it.

There are gourmets who believe that the taste of the Caucasian national dish too fresh. With a fresh cheese product available, they start experimenting. Pieces of delicacy are trying to fry, fried, fried, fried Adyghe cheese, a recipe with a photo of which can be seen on the page. For the cooking process you will need:

  • Ready fresh cheese.
  • Chicken eggs in the amount of 1-2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Breadcrumbs 50 gr.
  • Small salt.
  • Sesame seeds.
  • Provencal herbs.
  • Dry curry mix
  • Vegetable oil.

The recipe for making fried cheese mass is completely accessible to every lover. The roasting process is carried out as follows:

  1. The cheese is cut with a sharp knife into flat small strips.
  2. Eggs are beaten thoroughly, salt, spices, chopped herbs are added to them.
  3. Some lovers prefer spicy dishes. To increase the sharpness and taste, red hot pepper is added to the composition.
  4. Breading is mixed with sesame seeds.
  5. Flour is placed in a deep saucer.
  6. Strips of cheese are first rolled in flour. Then dipped in beaten eggs and breadcrumbs.
  7. Pieces are fried in a hot skillet vegetable oil. Fry each side until golden brown.
  8. After the roasting process, the cheese is laid out on laid out paper towels. These actions will help the dish get rid of excess fat.
  9. When submitting to culinary masterpiece you can add chopped tomatoes, green olives.

After reviewing the information on how to cook Adyghe cheese at home, you should know exactly how to make Adyghe cheese suitable for storage. Product home cooking not able to be stored for a long time even in a very cold place. Not all manufacturers know how to extend the shelf life of a perishable dairy invention:

  1. After making Adyghe cheese at home, the cooled product is immediately packed in a waterproof bag. The ideal storage would be a bag with a tight, airtight seal. A piece of refined sugar is placed in a bag of cheese, which will absorb excess moisture. A bag of cheese is stored in a refrigerator on the coldest shelf.
  2. Ready Adyghe cheese is sprinkled with coarse salt, placed in a sealed bag and stored in a very cold place.
  3. For more long-term storage hermetically sealed cheese is placed in the freezer. frozen on long time the product does not lose its taste and useful properties.
  4. All cheeses quickly absorb foreign odors present in the refrigerator. The product is not kept open. To preserve the taste, the cheese is placed in a tight package.

Properly organized storage of a freshly prepared Caucasian dish is a guarantee of a high quality product.


Each type of cheese is unique. In a huge assortment of tastes, Caucasian a traditional dish- Adyghe cheese. At home to milk dish treat especially. Legends are made about cheese, it is revered, appreciated and respected. Spreading across other territories and regions, the milk product finds admirers and admirers of unusual taste. Making Adyghe cheese at home is quite simply the main point in the production of high quality raw materials from which you should cook your favorite food product.

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