Home Products Sauerkraut production as a business. Home business: Production of sauerkraut. Technology of urination of apples

Sauerkraut production as a business. Home business: Production of sauerkraut. Technology of urination of apples

Sauerkraut is prepared in sour-picking stations, workshops that are equipped with mechanized production lines for the preparation of the main and auxiliary raw materials, containers, brine preparation, packaging of products before sale, they equip rooms for fermentation and storage of sour-sauerkraut products, they mechanize loading and unloading as much as possible. eye operations. All raw materials (cabbage, carrots, etc.) and components (salt, sourdough, etc.), spices and water used in the technological process for the production of pickled products must meet the requirements of current standards and specifications.

Sauerkraut - this is chopped (chopped) fresh white cabbage with the addition of salt and carrots, as well as other components (apples, cranberries, etc.) that improve its consumer properties, and subjected to a fermentation process.

Depending on the cooking methods, sauerkraut is prepared in the following types: Shredded(narrow strips no more than 5 mm wide), Chopped(particles no larger than 12 mm in greatest dimension), Whole head, headed with a layer of shredded or chopped.

In accordance with the recipes, pickling stations produce a wide range of shredded or chopped sauerkraut, for example, shredded or chopped without components, with carrots (3-5%), with whole apples or apple slices (8%), with cumin (0 .05%), with carrots and sweet peppers (10%) and other ingredients. Provencal cabbage is in great demand: pieces of whole-headed sauerkraut (25 × 25 mm) with the addition of apples, grapes, marinade filling and vegetable oil.

When preparing cabbage for sauerkraut, the losses are, in % of the mass: stripped fresh cabbage - 8, carrots and apples - up to 16, beets - no more than 20. Weight loss for the fermentation of juicy raw materials should not exceed 12%.

Technological process preparation of sauerkraut includes the following operations: preparation and grinding of raw materials, laying the crushed components according to the recipe into barrels (doshniki, cemented containers); compaction of cabbage and the use of oppression; its fermentation and cooling

Preparation of raw materials. It has been established that not every cabbage variety is suitable for processing, even if it has valuable agrobiological characteristics and good taste properties. White cabbage for pickling should contain: sugars - at least 4.7%, water-soluble solids - at least 8.5%, vitamin C - at least 45 mg per 100 g. Heads should be uniform, preferably flat-round, medium in size, dense, well-formed, with a shallow inner stalk, leaves without coarse venation, white in color, without purple pigment. Mostly late-ripening varieties of cabbage are used.

White cabbage intended for sauerkraut is served at the cleaning site, where the upper contaminated and green leaves are removed, and the stalk is cut flush with the head at the same time. Cleaned and weighed cabbage should be processed on the same day. The green leaves are washed and used to cover the top layer of shredded cabbage in doshniks.

When preparing cabbage, mechanization is widely used. Cabbage is transported in containers with an electric forklift, fed onto a conveyor or a container dumper is used. The conveyor with a stripping table is designed to clean cabbage, feed peeled heads to a shredder and remove waste.

Cabbage is shredded on a shredding machine, which ensures uniform cutting into narrow (not wider than 5 mm) strips. When fermenting cabbage with a layer of shredded or chopped cabbage, heads can be cut into halves (pellets), the mass of which should not exceed 0.8 kg.

Carrot roots are sorted by quality on inspection conveyors or sorting tables, removing all defective and foreign impurities, washed, peeled, rinsed, inspected and crushed. For washing root crops, paddle washers, universal washers or drum washers are used. With significant contamination, the roots are pre-soaked in containers. Root crops are peeled mechanically on machines or in a steam-thermal way, and inspected and cleaned manually on an inspection roller conveyor, then rinsed in the shower. Carrots are chopped or thinly cut into strips 3-5 mm wide or slices no more than 3 mm thick and 5-40 mm in diameter on vegetable cutters.

Apples are sorted and washed. If apples cut into two or four parts are laid in cabbage, then the seed chamber must be removed. Sliced ​​apples before laying in cabbage are placed in a 2% salt solution to prevent browning.

Table salt is freed from packaging, sieved and passed through a magnetic metal trap.

Laying cabbage and components. Carrots, salt (1.7%) and other components according to the recipe are added to chopped or chopped cabbage and evenly distributed on the root cutter. The raw material is weighed. When filling the doshnik, the cabbage is leveled with a long-handled rake and compacted with rammers. The doshnik is filled with cabbage on a cone 1 m above the edges, then the cabbage is covered with clean leaves, plastic wrap or a boiled clean cloth.

When fermenting cabbage with a layer of shredded or chopped on the bottom of the doshnik or barrel, peeled heads are placed in one row, then each row is layered with chopped or chopped cabbage with a layer of 10-15 cm, leveling and compacting it, and there should be no more than 50 whole heads or halves %.

Cabbage seal. After laying the cabbage chopped and mixed with all the components in accordance with the recipe in doshniks (containers), it is compacted by screw, water-salt or vacuum (non-pressure) methods.

At screw In the method on top of the cabbage in the doshnik, they put a clean underpressure circle made of wooden boards with a thickness of at least 40 mm into the tongue, covered with paraffin on the outside, install racks and bars, and with the help of screws they press the cabbage until juice appears on top. In the future, regularly tightening the nuts of the oppression screw, they achieve the appearance of juice on top of the cabbage.

On whole cabbage, laid in a doshnik, first a circle is placed on top, and then poured with brine at a salt concentration of 40 g per 1 liter. The brine should cover the pit circle with a layer of 3-5 cm. Clean, scalded stones are placed in barrels on the pit circle.

At Water-salt In the method, after a two-hour self-compacting of the cabbage (10-15 cm below the upper level of the doshnik), a polyethylene film 150-200 microns thick, 0.8 m larger than the diameter of the doshnik or the sides of the cemented container is laid on top of the cabbage, table salt is poured onto the film in an even layer at the rate of 10-12 kg per 10-ton container and gradually, as the cabbage settles, water is poured, which tightly presses the film against the walls of the container, creating anaerobic conditions during the fermentation of cabbage and immersing the cabbage in juice.

As a water-salt oppression, specially made pillows (chambers) made of rubberized fabric and other plastic materials can be used, in size and shape corresponding to the container used for fermentation . The chamber is installed on top of the container above a layer of cabbage and filled with brine or water through tubes located in its upper part.

The advantage of the water-salt press is that it is reliable and easy to operate, requires less labor and material costs, and reduces total losses by 5-7% compared to the screw press (oppression).

Vacuum The (pressureless) method of compacting cabbage is used in doshniks and containers with polyethylene liners previously laid in them. After filling them with shredded cabbage (50 cm above the upper edge), the products are leveled so that in the middle there is a depression 20-30 cm deep, into which a plastic cap is installed, having previously attached a fitting with a check valve or a water seal to it. The fitting with a hose must be mounted in the leaf of the liner neck. The neck is welded with a welding machine with an insert or sealed with a profile lock (shutter). A vacuum pump is connected to the fitting with a hose and air is gradually (in one step) pumped out.

Vacuuming is carried out until the cabbage is completely compacted and juice appears on top. After that, a passport is attached to each doshnik, in which the number of the doshnik, the mass of cabbage with salt and components, the name of the sauerkraut and the name of the shift master are indicated.

The most advanced sauerkraut technology is used on mechanized lines in EU-200 containers with polyethylene liners.

Cabbage fermentation. After compaction, shredded cabbage is fermented for 7-10 days at a temperature of 18-24 °C until 0.7% lactic acid is accumulated. In the process of fermentation, the temperature and content of lactic acid are regularly determined, for which periodically samples of cabbage along with juice are taken from each doshnik at least at two points at a depth of 75-100 and 150-175 cm. Samples are combined into an average and analyzed. To take brine samples during cabbage fermentation, a rigid hose, perforated at the bottom, should be lowered near the wall of the doshnik.

Lactic acid accumulates more vigorously at elevated temperatures. The accumulation of lactic acid up to 0.7%, that is, to the minimum (normalized by the standard) value for sauerkraut, occurs at 21 ° C on the 5th day, at 11.5 ° C - between 10-15 days, at 5 .8 °С - between 15-20 days, and at 2.5 °С - only on the 30th day of fermentation. It should be noted that the maximum content of lactic acid by the end of fermentation accumulates at the highest and lowest temperatures. At medium temperatures, the smallest amount of lactic acid is observed towards the end of fermentation due to the abundant development of microorganisms that consume lactic acid. Sauerkraut with a lactic acid content of 0.7-1.0% and the presence of unused sugars in it received the highest rating during the tasting.

Lactic acid accumulates most actively in the upper layer of cabbage juice both at high and low fermentation temperatures compared to juice taken from the thickness of cabbage.

fermentation stages. In the process of fermentation, three stages are distinguished, characterized by the development of a diverse microflora.

initial stage It is characterized by abundant foaming. During this period, at pH 6.2, aerobic microorganisms begin to develop rapidly: yeast, rod-shaped bacteria, in particular bacteria of the intestinal group, gas and acid formers, various cocci, typical epiphytes ( Ervinia Herbicola). The development of such a mixed microflora, releasing various products exchange and using residual amounts of oxygen in fermented cabbage, significantly affects the taste and smell of the finished product. At this time, small amounts of formic, acetic, succinic, propionic, lactic, butyric acids, ethyl alcohol are formed, carbon dioxide is released, and methane is released in negligible amounts. This stage lasts 1-2 days. Aerobic microorganisms at the same time absorb oxygen and create conditions for the development of anaerobes.

Main stage It begins with the development of heterofermentative lactic acid coccoid bacteria, which become dominant by the end of 2-3 days. The vital activity of this species determines the smell of benign cabbage. These bacteria have not only a high growth rate, but also rapid cell death. They lead, as it were, the initial phase of the main stage of cabbage fermentation, during which the total acidity of the product rises to 0.7-1.0% (in terms of lactic acid), and the development of putrefactive bacteria becomes impossible. In addition to milk, they also form acetic acid, ethyl alcohol, ethers, carbon dioxide, mannitol (its presence gives the cabbage a bitter taste).

After 4-6 days of fermentation, the coccal form is replaced by homo-fermentative lactic acid bacterium. They provide the main fermentation process, since when fermenting carbohydrates, bacteria form only lactic acid. No other organic acids were found among the metabolites of this species. The most favorable temperatures for their development are 18-21 °C. These bacteria are resistant to salt, only at its 12% concentration they are inhibited. In the main stage of fermentation, their number reaches many millions of cells per 1 cm3 of brine. The content of lactic acid during this period reaches 1.5-2.0%, the bitter taste is eliminated. The stage ends after about 3 weeks, when the bacteria begins to inhibit the accumulated lactic acid. During this period, active vital activity of yeast is observed, accumulating up to 1% alcohol, which, when combined with acids, gives esters.

final stage Fermentation is completed by the end of the fifth week. After the accumulation of 1.5–2.0% lactic acid, sugars and mannitol still remain, and heterofermentative lactic acid rod-shaped bacteria, which are relatively weakly sensitive to the acidity of the medium and salt content, begin to predominate among microorganisms. At this stage, pentosans are fermented, the concentration of lactic acid reaches 2.0-2.5%, the pH drops to 3.4-3.8, the ratio of acetic and lactic acids is 1:4. Along with lactic acid, sauerkraut contain 0.25% ethyl alcohol, mannitol, dextran and other products. Fermentation ends when all carbohydrates are consumed. On the surface of the cabbage during this period, yeast develops in the form of a film. The concentration of alcohol decreases due to the fact that this compound is used by other microorganisms as a source of carbohydrate, and, in addition, it reacts with organic acids, forming esters, which give a pleasant aroma to cabbage.

Under production conditions, fermentation is not carried out to the final stage, since the best taste properties of sauerkraut are noted at a lactic acid content of 0.7-1.3%, which meets the requirements of the standard for the first grade.

Cooling and storage. You can stop the fermentation process when sauerkraut has the best taste properties by lowering the temperature to 0 ° C (first method). To do this, barrels with sauerkraut (in the presence of 0.7% lactic acid) are transported from the fermentation department to the storage department, to cold stores. When pickling cabbage in doshniks or cemented containers, the finished product is transferred to clean, prepared barrels, a capping bottom is inserted and brine is poured through the tongue hole, the tongue hole is closed and the barrels are transported to refrigerators.

The second method of cooling and storing fermented products is that they are rapidly cooled using artificial cold. In this case, refrigerant with a temperature of

8-10 °C (calcium chloride solution), which is cooled from the compressor station. Within 2-5 days, the cabbage is cooled to -1-2 ° C, then it is stored without significant changes for up to 8 months.

Evaluate the quality of sauerkraut In accordance with the current state standard. According to organoleptic indicators, sauerkraut should be appearance uniformly chopped into narrow strips not wider than 5 mm or chopped into particles of various shapes not more than 12 mm in the largest dimension, without large particles of stumps and pieces of leaves or in the form of whole heads or halves.

Vegetable and fruit components, spices should be evenly distributed in sauerkraut. Carrots, beets and other vegetables are chopped or cut into strips 3-5 mm wide or slices no more than 3 mm thick, fresh apples with whole fruits, halves or 1/4 of the fruit.

The consistency of cabbage is juicy, dense, crispy (first grade) and juicy, moderately dense and moderately crispy (second grade). The smell is fragrant, characteristic of sauerkraut. In cabbage with seasonings and spices, the aroma of added spices is clearly felt. The juice has the flavor of cabbage. The taste is sour-salty, pleasant, without bitterness (first grade). For the second grade, a more pronounced sour-salty taste. The taste of juice is sharper than the taste of cabbage without juice. The color is light straw with a yellowish tint, and for the second grade it is light yellow with a greenish tint. Seasoned and spiced cabbage can have shades depending on the color of the added seasonings and spices.

The mass fraction of cabbage (after free flow of juice) in relation to the total mass with juice should be 88-90% in slaw cabbage, the mass fraction of chlorides should be within 1.2-2.0%, acidity (in terms of lactic acid) 0 .7-1.3% for the first grade and 0.7-1.8% for the second.

After the fermentation process is completed, sauerkraut from doshniks is repacked into barrels with a capacity of not more than 120 liters or into collapsible containers (containers) EC-200 with liners, and if a mechanized line is available, they are packed into glass containers with a capacity of 1.0-3 dm3.

Store sauerkraut in barrels at a temperature of -1-4 ° C and a relative humidity of 85-95% for 8 months, and packaged in glass jars under the same conditions - 0.5 months.

Provencal cabbage preparation technology . Provencal cabbage is a product made from chopped sauerkraut with the addition of berries, fruits, marinade filling, vegetable oil, sugar and other seasonings,

Whole sauerkraut after washing it and removing the stalk is cut into 2.5 × 2.5 cm plates, pickled grapes, cherries and plums are sorted out, spoiled stalks and ridges are removed. Soaked apples are freed from the seed chamber, cut into slices into 4-8 parts. The marinade filling is filtered. All components prepared in this way are placed in layers in a bath, poured with a mixture of mustard with vegetable oil, marinade filling and sprinkled with sugar, mixed with a wooden paddle and transferred to prepared barrels with a capacity of 50 kg. Provencal cabbage is a perishable product that can be stored for a short time (2-3 days), and in the refrigerator - up to 10 days.

Sauerkraut defects. Violation of technological instructions, sanitary rules and the lack of sanitary and technical control during the production and storage of sauerkraut lead to its deterioration.

Darkening(blackening) of sauerkraut occurs with the access of oxygen or improper distribution of salt during fermentation. In the first case, aerobic microorganisms begin to develop, in particular yeasts that form a gray coating, or fungi that cause the cabbage to darken due to dark-colored conidia and spores. In the second case, an excess of salt in certain areas of the cabbage can suppress the development of lactic acid bacteria and promote the development of a fungus that secretes brown or black melanins.

Redness - Pink coloring of cabbage causes yeast birth Rodotorulla, forming carotenoids - substances that give the product a pink or coral, red color. The development of yeast of this genus is facilitated by a high salt concentration and the presence of oxygen.

Flabbiness(softening) - a defect that is determined by a lack of salt and a high fermentation temperature, which disrupts the sequence of development of lactic acid bacteria, as well as the access of oxygen, which promotes the development of aerobic bacteria and fungi that secrete cellulose-degrading and pectolytic enzymes.

slime Cabbage is observed if certain groups of microorganisms convert sucrose into the polysaccharide dextrin.

Appearance of a specific bitter taste Occurs when lactic acid fermentation is delayed. Due to greatly elevated or low temperatures, butyric acid bacteria can develop in cabbage, giving the cabbage a sharp rancid taste, a sharp unpleasant odor. Along with this, gaseous products are formed. This defect develops with gross violations of technology. Sometimes psychrophilic bacteria, which can thrive at temperatures below 5°C, also give cabbage a bitter taste.

3. Production technology of pickled cucumbers and tomatoes

Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes are salted in jellied and dry barrels with polyethylene liners with a capacity of 50, 100 and 200 liters in EU-200 containers with liners with a capacity of 293 dm3. It is allowed to pickle cucumbers in cemented vats or doshniks with dividing shields. Red tomatoes are allowed to be salted according to the technological instructions only in glass containers or barrels with a capacity of not more than 50 liters. Cucumbers of a certain size and tomatoes of a certain degree of maturity are placed in each container.

Pickled cucumbers, depending on the size, are produced in the following assortment: Pikuli(no more than 5 cm in length); Gherkins I (5.1-7.0 cm) and

II (7.1-9.0 cm) groups; greens are small (9.0-11.0 cm), medium (11.1-12.0 cm) and large (12.1-14.0 cm). Cucumbers longer than 14 cm, as well as yellowed, perer, with leathery seeds, withered, wrinkled, are not allowed for pickling. Greenhouse cucumbers of all varieties and salad varieties from open ground are also not salted.

Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes produce Ordinary(required and optional raw materials are used), Acute(the same, but with increased pepper content by 2-4 times), Garlic(with double the amount of garlic), Spicy(with the addition of spices - pepper, cloves, lemon balm, etc.), with sweet pepper.

Technological requirements for varieties of cucumbers and tomatoes. For product development premium small pickled cucumbers with a length of 30-50 mm and gherkins with a length of 51-90 mm are suitable (with a ratio of length to diameter of not more than 2.8), for the production of products of the first grade - green cucumbers with a length

91-120 mm (with a ratio of length to diameter of at least 2.5). Cucumbers should be fleshy, have a small seed chamber and not form voids when salted. The crispy dense texture of the pulp is largely due to the ratio of the diameter of the seed chamber and the fruit, which should be no more than 0.6. It is desirable that the seed chamber occupies no more than 20% of the fruit volume. The color of cucumbers should be uniform green or dark green, non-yellowing, the skin is thin and not rough, so as not to delay diffusion. Cucumbers for canning should be of the correct cylindrical shape with a diameter of not more than 5.5 cm.

Green cucumbers should contain at least 4-5% water-soluble solids (according to a refractometer), at least 2.5% sugar, at least 12 mg per 100 g of vitamin C, 4% pectin in dry mass, including at least 2.1% protopectin. Cucumber should be without bitterness. The above requirements are met by the varieties Competitor, Bush, Malysh, Rodnichok, Phoenix.

Tomatoes for pickling use different degrees of maturity: red, pink, brown, milky, green. However, high quality products are obtained from the processing of pink and red fruits. The surface of the fruit should be smooth, without cracks and pronounced ribbing. Water-soluble solids in the juice are at least 5.5%, of which 3.2% are sugars. They provide a harmonious combination with acid (acids 0.4%), giving a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Sugar acid index should be 6-8, pH 4.2-4.4, vitamin C content not less than 25 mg per 100 g, β-carotene 4.5. For canning, small-fruited varieties of elongated or rounded tomatoes are needed, the height of the elongated fruits is 35-70 mm, the diameter is 25-40, and the diameter of the rounded fruits is 30-50 mm. The fruits should be fleshy, with a dense texture, without voids and coarse vascular fibers, with a small amount of seeds (no more than 1% of the fruit weight). Such fruits are less deformed during salting, provide better taste properties.

Technology of pickling cucumbers and tomatoes in barrels. This process includes the following operations: preparation of raw materials and spices, packing cucumbers or tomatoes and spices in containers, preparing brine, pouring raw materials with brine, fermenting cucumbers or tomatoes, storing pickles or tomatoes.

Preparation of raw materials and spices. Cucumbers and tomatoes are washed, sorted by quality, degree of maturity, calibrated by size. Wash the main raw materials (cucumbers or tomatoes) immediately before salting. It is forbidden to store washed cucumbers or tomatoes.

Cucumbers and tomatoes are washed and prepared before pickling on a flow-mechanized line, which includes a tub for pickling cucumbers or tomatoes, a washing machine and an inspection conveyor for sorting, a machine for sizing vegetables and a conveyor for moving cucumbers or tomatoes in a container. In the absence of such lines, cucumbers and tomatoes are washed in a universal washer equipped with a shower device or manually. Water consumption 1 ton of raw materials 1 m3 In case of significant contamination, cucumbers and tomatoes are soaked for 30-40 minutes before washing in baths with clean running cold water, and then washed again in washing machines.

Inspection, sorting by quality and degree of maturity, sizing of cucumbers and tomatoes is carried out on an inspection roller conveyor or calibrator. When sorting, fruits affected by diseases and damaged by agricultural pests, with mechanical damage, rotten and with deviations from the requirements of the current standard are rejected.

Spices are cooked at the same time. Parsley, celery, dill, tarragon and other spices are sorted by removing yellow, lethargic and damaged leaves, then they are washed twice, followed by rinsing in the shower at a water pressure of 0.2-0.3 MPa. In the absence of machines, spices are washed in portions (3-4 kg each, layer height 10-15 cm) on metal sieves until the contaminants are completely removed. Pure spices are crushed by machine (particle length no more than 8 cm) or cut with a knife by hand.

The roots of horseradish, parsley, parsnip are sorted by quality, washed, inspected, peeled on machines, manually cleaned, removing the remnants of the skin, the thin part of the root crops and damaged areas. Peeled root crops are washed a second time, inspected, rinsed in the shower, chopped on a root cutter into straws or circles no thicker than 3 mm. Garlic is subjected to quality inspection, thoroughly washed, rinsed in the shower and chopped on a vegetable cutter or other brands of machines.

Dried spices (leaves, hot pepper, black pepper, bay leaf) are inspected, twigs, impurities are removed and washed thoroughly.

Stacking cucumbers or tomatoes and spices in barrels. Prepared raw materials and spices are placed in pre-prepared barrels using production lines. To do this, a third of the mass of spices according to the recipe is placed at the bottom of the barrel (for cucumbers: dill 3% by weight of raw materials, horseradish root 0.5%, garlic a0.3%, fresh chilli pepper 0.1%, tarragon 0.5%, parsley and celery leaves 0.5%, blackcurrant leaves 1%; for tomatoes, the spice rate is 2 times less). Then the barrel is filled up to half the volume with cucumbers of the same size or tomatoes of the same degree of maturity, shaken slightly for a denser packing. After compacting the vegetables, the second third of the mass of spices is placed and the barrel is filled with cucumbers or tomatoes to the top, then the last third of the spices are laid in such a way that the corking bottom presses firmly on their top layer.

When using polyethylene liners, their upper part is bent to the outside, straightened, the capping bottom is inserted and the hoops are upset. The barrels filled with vegetables are weighed to determine the net weight of cucumbers or tomatoes (the weight of the barrel, spices and polyethylene liner is subtracted from the gross weight), marked and filled with brine.

In order to avoid rupture of the polyethylene liner, the barrels should not be rolled in a horizontal position, they are only moved along the chime or on pallets using an electric forklift or cargo carts. In case of rupture of the polyethylene liner, the products are transferred to another barrel with a whole liner.

After filling the drums, the upper edge of the polyethylene liner can be pulled through the tongue-and-groove hole of the closure bottom of the drum.

Brine preparation. A solution of table salt (brine) for pouring cucumbers and tomatoes is prepared a day before its use. To do this, salt is dissolved in clean drinking water. Brine is prepared at a specially equipped brine station. Salt is fed into the tanks from above, and from below, under pressure, water, which, passing through a layer of salt, is saturated and, in the form of a concentrated solution, enters through a pipe into other brine enameled tanks installed on a hill. Then, adding drinking water, the concentrated brine is adjusted to the desired concentration. In the absence of enameled tanks for the preparation of brine, wooden vats with mechanical agitators are used. The concentration of brine for pickling depends on the size of the cucumbers and the degree of maturity of the tomatoes: for pickles and gherkins 6%, for small greens 7%, for medium and large greens 8%; for tomatoes: red, milk ripeness and green 7%, pink, brown and small in size 6%.

The brine is poured through a tongue hole or into a polyethylene liner using a hose with a tap or a clamp until the barrel is completely filled. After pouring the brine, the tongue-and-groove hole is slightly closed with plugs. Barrels filled with cucumbers or tomatoes with spices are placed on the fermentation site.

Fermentation of cucumbers and tomatoes. The process of fermentation of cucumbers and tomatoes is characterized by the same stages as for sauerkraut. In the main stage, the main role belongs to homofermentative lactic acid rod-shaped bacteria. Fermentation is completed in 3-6 weeks.

The fermentation process of tomatoes is more extended in time due to the fact that they contain solanine, a glycoside that has antibiotic properties and inhibits the development of lactic acid bacteria in the first period.

Under production conditions, fermentation is carried out in two stages: the first - Active, second - Slow. Pre-fermentation of cucumbers and tomatoes is carried out on a fermentation site at a temperature of 20-26 ° C until 0.3-0.4% lactic acid is accumulated in the brine. The duration of the preliminary fermentation of cucumbers and tomatoes in barrels is set depending on the method of their further storage: during storage

in refrigerated warehouses - 36-48 hours, and in non-refrigerated - no more than 24 hours. If necessary, the barrels are topped up with brine, if it flows out, the hoops are upset, the leaks are caulked. If the brine does not stop flowing, then the products are immediately transferred to a serviceable barrel with a whole liner.

In the process of fermentation, the content of lactic acid increases unevenly: at first quickly, and then at a fading rate. The mass fraction of sugars in cucumbers is reduced due to increased osmosis into the brine and due to their consumption by lactic acid bacteria. there is also a gradual decrease in sugars both in cucumbers and in brine. In the future, there is a gradual decrease in the sugar content both in cucumbers and in brine. If in fresh cucumbers vitamin C contained 12.5 mg per 100 g, then in the process of fermentation after 40 days it remained 3.7. The greatest drop is observed in the first two days of fermentation, when lactic acid is just beginning to accumulate in cucumbers.

The final fermentation of cucumbers and tomatoes occurs in the initial period of their storage in refrigerated chambers at a temperature of 0-2 ° C and ends after 40-60 days, and in non-refrigerated ones - after 15-30 days from the day of salting. The size of the cucumbers determines the intensity of this process.

Requirements To the quality of pickles. By quality, pickles are divided into the first and second grades. Cucumbers of the first grade must correspond to the botanical appearance, have a dense texture, correct form, not have wrinkles and damage, be completely saturated with brine, have a crispy texture, a characteristic salty-sour taste, have no foreign taste and smell, have a greenish-olive color with different shades, length and diameter, respectively, not more than 11 and 5.5 cm The brine should be cloudy, with a pleasant aroma. For the second grade it is allowed to use cucumbers with size deviations not exceeding 5% by weight.

According to physical and chemical indicators, pickles must meet the following requirements: the mass fraction of salt in brine for the first grade is 2.5-3.5%, for the second - 2.5-4.5%; the mass fraction of acids in terms of lactic acid is 0.6-1.4%, the mass fraction of cucumbers from the total mass of cucumbers with brine is at least 55%.

According to microbiological indicators, the finished product should not have visible signs of microbiological deterioration (mold, decay).

The shelf life of pickles from the date of production at a temperature of -1 to 4 ° C and a relative humidity of 85-95% is not more than 9 months.

Defects in pickled cucumbers. The reason for the spoilage of pickles at pickling stations may be a lack of lactic acid, its splitting fungi and yeast. There may be inhibition of lactic acid bacteria by insecticides remaining on or inside fruits, by disinfectants that have been used to treat containers.

Sometimes the cause of spoilage of cucumbers during pickling can be an increased concentration of salt. This produces cucumbers with a folded surface, shriveled due to the high osmotic pressure of the brine.

Softening cucumbers. The most common cause of spoilage is the enzymatic breakdown of pectin and cellulose compounds in cucumbers.

Cucumbers with internal voids (puffers). Swelling of cucumbers and the formation of voids are caused by yeast, representatives of enterobacteria and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria. This defect manifests itself when using overripe and long-term stored cucumbers with dense shells that prevent the release of gases. You can prevent it by piercing cucumbers before pickling. Another reason is increased gas formation at high fermentation and storage temperatures.

Formation of a film on the surface of the brine. The film appears under aerobic conditions in different time after the main stage of fermentation. It consists mainly of membranous yeasts. Membrane microorganisms use lactic acid and sugar coming into the brine from cucumbers. The development of the film is suppressed by anaerobic conditions, low temperatures, the addition of mustard oil, cinnamon, and garlic. Effective use of sorbic acid. If the film is not removed, then the cucumbers may have an unpleasant odor and taste.

Assessment of the quality of salted tomatoes. By quality, salted tomatoes are divided into two varieties. Tomatoes of the first class must be uniform in degree of maturity, size, whole, of various shapes, but not ugly, without stalks. Allowed in red, pink, slight wrinkling and slight greening near the stalk, not more than 5% of fruits with slight corky spotting. In brown tomatoes there can be no more than 8% of fruits of the milky degree of maturity. Red and pink fruits have a soft, but non-spreading texture, while brown and milky fruits are dense, completely saturated with brine. The taste and smell of fruits are characteristic of salted tomatoes, sour-salty, with the aroma of spices, without foreign taste and smell, and the color should be close to the color fresh tomatoes appropriate degree of maturity. The size of the fruits according to the largest transverse diameter is not less than 4 cm. 5% of fruits smaller than the established size are allowed. The content of table salt in red and pink fruits is 2.0-3.5%, and the titratable acidity for red and pink tomatoes is 0.8-1.2%, for brown and dairy - 0.7-1.0%. The brine may be slightly cloudy, pleasant aroma, salty-sour taste, somewhat pungent than that of the fruit.

Tomatoes of the second grade may have bubbles under the skin, be squeezed, but retain the shape of the fruit. 10% of fruits with slight corky spotting and 10% with slight cracks are allowed. The fruits may be completely green and the brine cloudy. Salt content 2-4%, titratable acidity 0.8-1.5%. The pulp of green tomatoes, which belong to the second grade, should be dense, but not coarse, completely saturated with brine. The taste of tomato fruits should be sour-salty, but more pronounced. Aroma - characteristic of salted tomatoes with a sense of the smell of spices used in salting. Foreign odors are not allowed.

4. Technology of salting root crops and other vegetables

Salting carrots. For pickling, varieties of carrots are selected with a smooth surface of the root crop, without branching and cracks, conical and cylindrical in shape, orange or red, and delicate texture. The pulp of the root crop should have a pleasant aroma and sweet taste, not have a taste of bitterness, contain at least 13-14% solids, 7-8% sugars, β-carotene at least 20 mg per 100 g.

In case of severe contamination, the root crops are pre-soaked for

30-40 min. After a thorough washing, they are sorted and inspected. Carrots are peeled in root peelers and rinsed in the shower. Large carrots are cut into cubes (5 × 5 mm) or sticks 8-10 mm long, and medium and small ones are salted whole.

In order to suppress the development of extraneous microflora, root crops are recommended to be treated with sodium hypochlorite ryotkop with an active chlorine content of about 100 mg 1 per 1 liter before salting, keeping them in solution for 30 minutes, after which they are thoroughly washed with tap water.

Carrots prepared in this way are placed in a container and poured with brine of 5% concentration, and chopped - 6%.

Fermentation of carrots is carried out at a temperature of 18-26 ° C for 10-14 days, starting from the fifth day, the titratable acidity and pH of the solution are checked daily. Losses during fermentation are 7%. When a titratable acidity of 0.7-0.8% or pH 3.8 is reached, the barrels are topped up with brine, if necessary, tightly sealed with stoppers and sent to a refrigerated room. The optimum storage temperature for salted carrots is -1+4°C.

Salting beets. Use beetroot uniform, round-oval or round shape, with a smooth surface, giving the least waste during cleaning. The pulp of root crops should be juicy, tender, dense, without coarse fibers, uniform intense dark red color, without a pronounced specific aftertaste and contain dry matter of at least 17-18%, sugar 10%, protein 2%, pectin substances at least 0, 8%, vitamin C at least 30 mg and betanin 100 mg per 100 g.

Beet roots are washed before salting, sorted by quality, peeled, cut off thin tails. After that, cleanly prepared beets are tightly placed in barrels to the top stop. 2-3% brine is poured through the tongue hole.

Beets are fermented at an air temperature of 20-26 ° C for 8-9 days until 0.5-0.6% lactic acid is accumulated in the brine. Weight loss of beets during fermentation 9%.

Beets are salted with spices. To do this, take celery 0 5%, garlic 0.4%, hot pepper(pods) 0.4%. Celery leaves are washed, cut into pieces no longer than 8 cm. Hot capsicum is poured with 5-6 times the amount of water room temperature, stand for 5-10 minutes, and then the water is drained, the pepper is inspected, the stalk is removed along with the testis, rinsed and cut into pieces 2-3 cm long. The spices are evenly distributed when laying the beets in barrels. Beets are fermented in 3% brine for 12-15 days at a temperature of 18-24 °C. During fermentation, it is necessary to observe the accumulation of lactic acid, the amount of which in the finished product must be at least 0.7%. After fermentation, the barrels with beets are topped up with brine, corked and transported to storage. The optimum storage temperature is -1+4 °C.

Salting sweet pepper. It is carried out as a whole, peeled and stuffed. For salting, pepper is used in a technical or biological degree of maturity. When salting pepper as a whole, its fruits are calibrated by size and sorted according to the degree of maturity, rejecting poor-quality fruits. Washed clean fruits are placed in a container, sprinkled with spices and poured with 5% concentration brine, and then kept on a fermentation site at a temperature of 20-22 ° C for no more than a day. Before laying the barrels in cooled chambers for final fermentation at a temperature of -1 to +2 ° C, they are topped up with brine, since the pepper absorbs 10% of the brine.

When salting the peeled pepper, the fruits are washed, the seed chamber with the stalk is removed and one fruit is placed in another, 10-15 pieces each, and in this form they are tightly placed in a container, sprinkled with spices, poured with 4% brine. Fermented at a temperature of 22-26 ° C for 48 hours and after the brine is added and the barrels are sealed, they are sent to a refrigerated room. Store under the same conditions as unpeeled peppers. Peeled salted pepper is used as a semi-finished product for the preparation of culinary products

When salting stuffed peppers, its fruits are prepared in the same way as when salting peeled peppers, but they are filled before being placed in a container minced vegetable, which is made from chopped and fried carrots (44%), onions (7%), parsley root (5%) and fresh chopped parsley (1.8%) garlic (0.2%) and salt (2%). Fried vegetables are mixed, cooled to a temperature of 35 ° C and used to prepare minced meat.

Garlic is soaked in water for 30-40 minutes, the scales, the neck of the bottom and the skin are removed, crushed into small pieces. Roasted root vegetables and onions, parsley, garlic and salt are mixed and the peppers are filled with minced meat.

Stuffed peppers are placed tightly in barrels, poured with 7% brine and fermented at a temperature of 20-24 ° C for 2-3 days, after which the products are sent to refrigerated storages.

Salted eggplant. Fermented salted eggplants are produced in the following types: salted whole, salted stuffed and salted pickled. In the production of salted fermented eggplants, they are sorted, selecting fruits with seeds in the milk stage of maturity, without damage and diseases. The fruits are washed, the stalk is cut off with the adjacent part of the fruit no more than 10 mm and rinsed in the shower.

Eggplants are blanched in a boiling 10% sodium chloride solution for 3-6 minutes, depending on the size of the fruit. Hot eggplants are placed on the inclined surfaces of the tables and oppression is placed on top of the fruits.

20-30 min. Bell pepper they are washed, rinsed, inspected, the stalk is removed along with the testis, and then chopped into strips 8-10 mm wide on a cutting machine or manually. Garlic is thoroughly washed, rinsed, inspected, peeled and peeled, and then chopped on a vegetable cutter. Parsley and celery greens are washed, rinsed, controlled and chopped into pieces 2-8 cm long.

Prepared eggplants are placed in a container. When filling the container, spices are distributed evenly throughout the mass. Recipe for 1 ton of finished product, kg: fresh eggplant 1060; fresh sweet pepper 50; fresh chilli pepper 1.5 (dried 0.3); parsley 5; celery 12; garlic 1.7; table salt 40-60.

After filling the barrels with eggplants and spices, the capping bottom is inserted and the hoops are upset. Barrels with eggplants are poured with 6-7% brine and fermented in a room with a temperature of 20-26 ° C for 48-56 hours until 0.7-0.8% lactic acid accumulates in the brine. After that, the products are sent for storage in refrigerated rooms.

Salted eggplants are also prepared, stuffed with a mixture of browned and fresh vegetables and spices. Eggplant is prepared in the same way as in the production of salted eggplant. At the same time prepare minced vegetables.

On cooled blanched and stubbed eggplants, an incision is made along the fruit on one side with a depth of no more than 2/3 of its transverse diameter. After that, the eggplants are filled with prepared minced meat, tied with blanched celery stalks. Celery leaves, garlic, black and allspice are placed at the bottom of the barrels, and then tightly stuffed eggplant fruits in rows. As the container is filled, the eggplants are layered with the same spices. Eggplants placed in barrels are poured with 4-5% brine and fermented at a temperature of 20-24 ° C for 3-5 days, then they are sent for storage in refrigerated rooms.

Salting watermelons. For salting watermelons, mid-season varieties are used, the optimal size of which ranges from 12 to 25 cm in diameter, weighing 2-2.5 kg. Fruits of watermelons are green, overripe, with mechanical and other damages are rejected.

Before salting, watermelons are calibrated into small - 12-15 cm, medium - 16-20 and large - 21-25 cm. The fruits are thoroughly washed and carefully placed in prepared barrels with or without polyethylene liners. Fruits tightly packed in barrels are poured with 5% brine (sometimes cinnamon 0.2% and cloves 0.08% are added) and fermented for 3-5 days at a temperature of 12-15 ° C until the accumulation of lactic acid is 0.1- 0.2% After that, the barrels are topped up with brine and finally sealed, clogging the tongue hole.

High quality is ensured if watermelons are salted in watermelon juice or crushed watermelon mass mixed with salt. In this case, crushed watermelon mass mixed with 2-3% salt is poured onto the bottom of the barrel, and watermelons are laid row by row, pouring them with chopped watermelon mass (800 kg of watermelon mass or juice is required for 1 ton of watermelons). From above, all the fruits are poured with a watermelon mass, a capping bottom is inserted and the fruits are fermented for 5-6 days at a temperature of 12-15 ° C. During this time, 0.7% lactic acid accumulates. Losses during the fermentation of watermelons 6.3%.

After the fermentation is completed, the barrels are topped up with brine, and even better with salted watermelon mass, and the tongue hole is clogged. Barrels with salted watermelons are transported for storage. If the storage temperature is maintained at a level of 1-4 ° C, then the fruits are perfectly preserved for 8 months, and at a temperature of 10-12 ° C - only 3 months. During storage, barrels with fruits are placed in 2-3 rows in stacks, laying wooden slats or boards between the rows.

In appearance, salted watermelons should be whole, without stalks, retaining their original color, with soft whole pulp that does not fall apart when cut, with a smell characteristic of watermelon. The taste of the fruits should be sweet and sour, with a mass fraction of chlorides of 3.4% and titratable acidity (in terms of lactic acid) of 1-2%. The mass fraction of brine in a barrel is 45-55% of the mass of watermelon fruits, depending on their size.

5. Technology of urinating apples

For processing, apples are harvested in technical ripeness. Fruits should be of medium size, weighing up to 140 g, round, flat-round or round-cylindrical, with a smooth surface, without ribbing. The pulp of the fruit should be uniformly white, light yellow or slightly greenish, not darkening in the air, with a fine-grained dense structure. The skin should have a light color without a blush, be thin and tender, not lagging behind the pulp after fermentation.

The seed chamber of the fruit should be small, the taste of the fruit intended for processing should be harmonious, with a pronounced aroma. The ratio of sugar to acid in apples is 15-25. The technological instruction recommends varieties for soaking, the fruits of which contain dry substances of at least 14%, sugars of at least 11%, and titratable acidity is (in terms of malic acid) 0.7-1.0%.

At sour stations, ordinary apples are produced, when only salt, sugar and malt are used with the main raw materials (or they are replaced with rye flour). The taste and aroma of soaked apples improves dramatically if 50% of sugar is replaced with honey according to recipes. The taste and aroma will be even better if all the sugar is replaced with honey. Sometimes cooked pickled apples with celery and tarragon or with one celery. In some cases, to prevent the development of mold when urinating apples and to give a sharp taste, mustard powder is used in an amount of 0.1-0.2%.

Apples not lower than the second grade are delivered to the processing point in boxes with a capacity of not more than 30 kg or containers not more than 250 kg. Bulk transportation of fruits is prohibited. Apples intended for urination are kept in warehouses at a temperature of 10-12 ° C for 20-25 days after being removed from the trees. Then they are transported to the workshop, where they are sorted within the variety according to the degree of maturity and quality on sorting tables. Apples non-standard, rotten, damaged by pests, unripe and overripe and with other defects are rejected. Mixing varieties is not allowed.

Wash apples and spices in washing machines with running water, then under the shower. After a thorough washing, the spices are cut into pieces no longer than 8 cm long, the straw (fresh and clean) is scalded with boiling water.

The bottom of the prepared barrels is lined with straw (preferably rye) with a layer

1-2 cm and dense rows lay apples, uniform in size. Spices are divided into three parts and placed on the bottom of the barrel, in the middle and on top. The top row of apples is covered with straw with a layer of 2-3 cm. It is forbidden to pour apples into a barrel and shake it. Then the barrel is corked, weighed and transported for fermentation, where it is poured through the tongue hole with a solution, which is prepared at the rate of 800 liters per 1 ton of apples. First, boil malt with water, taking them in a ratio of 1:10, for 10-15 minutes. The resulting wort, sugar (honey) and salt are diluted in drinking water according to the recipe. Malt can be replaced with rye flour at the rate of 1.5 kg of flour per 1 kg of malt. Flour is stirred in a small amount cold water and brew hot water in a ratio of 1:4 (1 part flour to 4 parts boiling water). divorced rye flour(ambassador) together with sugar and salt are diluted with water.

At the fermentation site, barrels with apples are kept for 3-5 days at a temperature of 12-15 ° C until 0.3-0.4% lactic acid accumulates in the filling. At the same time, the presence of filling liquid in the barrels is controlled. After fermentation, the barrels are inspected, topped up, the tongue hole is clogged and transported to refrigerated warehouses with a temperature of -1 + 4 ° C.

Soft wood barrels are installed in 2-3 tiers, hardwood barrels - in 3-4 tiers, leaving 0.7 m passages between the stacks.

Soaked apples are ready for use after 60 days, and if uncooled warehouses with a temperature of 10-12 ° C are used to complete the fermentation and diffusion process, they can be sold after 30 days.

Soaked apples are divided by quality into the first and second commercial grades. Apples of the first class must correspond to the given pomological variety, be whole, without damage. The pulp of the fruit is dense, juicy, with a pleasant tartaric taste and a characteristic smell characteristic of pickled apples. The color of apples is white with a cream or greenish tinge. The size of the fruits in diameter is 40-60 mm, depending on their shape. The brine should contain 0.5-1% sodium chloride, 0.6-1.1% acids, 0.6-1.2% alcohol.

A business that even women of advanced years can do. The idea for a small business is quite simple, and the products are in demand all year round. One of the few types of business in which the sale of finished products is guaranteed. Sauerkraut in our country has been popular for a long time. It's not only tasty dish, but a storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances.

At the same time, it is quite suitable even for people who control their weight, as it is non-caloric. In winter, sauerkraut can be found on the table of almost every inhabitant of our country. But not everyone has the time and desire to cook cabbage.

This is especially true for residents of large cities, who find it easier to buy the required amount of sauerkraut for the table at the market or store, and not engage in pickling it. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to start sauerkraut for sale, why not try this type of money making.

Since the process of sauerkraut falls on the autumn period, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. It will be determined in advance where and in what quantity it will be purchased fresh cabbage. Then you need to draw up all the documents: register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur and, of course, draw up documents confirming the quality of your products. Then choose a room where you will be engaged in production and purchase everything that is required for sauerkraut.

In this business, special attention must be paid to the container in which the kaputa fermentation process will take place. It is desirable that these were wooden tubs. You can also ferment cabbage in polyethylene containers if they are intended for food products. But in wooden tubs, cabbage will turn out tastier.

Before laying cabbage, wooden tubs must be thoroughly washed and soaked in water so that the tree is well saturated with water and does not take in the juice from salting. After everything else and steam. In poorly soaked tubs, cabbage can turn out to be rather dry. It is also necessary to purchase polyethylene food buckets for transporting cabbage for sale and food containers for small packaging for sale.

Seasonings that are planned to be used in the process of fermenting cabbage must be of high quality, table salt for pickling is not iodized. Iodized salt is not used in any type of canning and pickling of vegetables. During the preliminary work, it is necessary to look for places to sell your products: offer for sale in shops, cafes and canteens.

In order to acquire a large clientele for the future development of your business, it is not bad to enter the market with your products. It is best to pickle cabbage different recipes because consumers have different tastes. Someone loves classic sauerkraut, someone with various additives: cranberries, lingonberries, apples or red beets. The number of customers and, of course, your income for the season will depend on how tasty the first batch of sauerkraut will be cooked.

Over time, you can expand your production and harvest not only cabbage, but also pickle cucumbers, as well as cook pickled apples. With the purchase price for fresh cabbage from farmers 5 rubles per kg and the cost of a kilogram of sauerkraut from 50 rubles to 160 rubles, you can calculate whether it is worth doing this type of business. Moreover, to receive income from this business idea, you can combine it with your main job and consider it as an additional type of income.

You won't believe how much unsold fresh cabbage is fed to livestock in peasant farms, where formic acid from www.urzol.ru/hcooh.shtml is also required to ferment colostrum when feeding calves. Let's help farmers by buying cabbage from them right on the spot, until it has risen in price (beneficial to you) or simply rotted in piles due to improper organization of the sale (beneficial to farmers). Everyone benefits from the processing of agricultural products.

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Often people want to have the usual additional income that does not require large financial investments.

This article will focus on the production and sale of homemade sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut is a traditional Russian delicacy that everyone loves, regardless of age and gender. Such cabbage will find a place on any table, and will be especially relevant in winter period when vitamins, vegetables and fruits are deficient in most people.

Selling homemade sauerkraut can give you a nice addition to your basic income, which is especially true for older people with low pensions.

You can buy cabbage from farmers or wholesalers.

Now let's calculate how much 1 kilogram of sauerkraut will cost us

To get 10 kg of sauerkraut, you need:

1. 11 kg of cabbage (1 kg - waste) x 5-50 = 60-50 rubles

2. 0.4 kg of carrots x 10-00 = 4-00 rubles.

3. 0.2 kg of coarse salt x 2-50 \u003d 0-50 rubles.

TOTAL: 65-00 rubles, or 1 kg of the product costs 6-50 rubles.

In markets and bazaars - a similar product at low prices for packaging diverges in quantities equal to 100-200 kg per week.

If you provide customers with a wide range of four to five varieties of cabbage (for example, regular, with cranberries, with apples or with spices), the goods will be sold out instantly.

The market margin can be 30-50 percent. Accordingly, if you wish, you can earn about 15-20 thousand per month selling sauerkraut without special costs and labor, and this is a decent income for a person who wants to work at home.

Shredders for cabbage

Make your own cabbage shredder

For shredding, you need a board, preferably from a dense wood species, which is leveled with a planer and cut into two approximately identical parts at an angle of 60 °. On one of the sawn halves on the “oblique” end over the entire thickness of the board, we chamfer at an angle of 30 ° and select a platform for the knife on the upper edge of the board (along the edge of the “oblique” end) (hereinafter we will call this part of the board a knife board). Then we cut out two side planks measuring 30 x 60 x 600 mm, make up both halves of the board with "oblique" ends to each other, leaving a gap of 5 ... 8 mm between the ends, and connect the halves by nailing the planks on the sides. In this case, the knife board is installed 2 ... 3 mm higher than the other half of the board. Further, in the slats (above the junction of the "oblique" ends of the boards), rectangular cutouts are made to the depth of the plane of the knife board and inserts for the cutouts are prepared (Fig.).

The knife is made from a conventional hacksaw blade, which is sharpened on one side. After that, the ends of the knife are pressed against the knife board with inserts and long screws with nuts. Now you have to form folds in the side strips and inserts with a zenzubel. Perform this operation by installing the inserts, but removing the knife. The depth of the fold is made such that its "bottom" does not reach the surface of the knife board by 2 ... 3 mm. On the ledges in the side slats I install a square carriage, into which a head of cabbage is placed. When the carriage moves, the head of cabbage is crushed. When “working”, the shredder is installed above the tub or above the tank. For 1 hour with its help it is easy to chop up to 40 kg of cabbage.

You can buy a shredder for cabbage: prices in stores are from 300 - 500 rubles.

Cabbage shredding machines: approximate cost 30,000 - 50,000 rubles.

And if you make a shredder, install it in the basement or garage, hire additional people, then your income will increase significantly. You can order the machine in any workshop where there is a welding machine and it will cost you about $ 200.

If you don’t have the desire or ability to make an electric cabbage shredder yourself, then now you can easily buy a cabbage shredder. True, it will cost you about 50,000 rubles, but it will last more than one year, and you will beat off this money in two weeks, a maximum of a month.

That's all I wanted to tell you in this article. I wish you good luck and successful home business!!!

Attachments: from 120 000 rubles

Payback: from 3 months

Garden lovers and owners of household plots may well build a business in the production of sauerkraut, because it is much more profitable to sell this vegetable in canned form. And the shelf life is longer.

business concept

The production of sauerkraut is a relatively simple process that does not require a lot of ingredients. The main thing is to choose high-quality vegetables of the right varieties. In addition to growing cabbage, the main raw material, as well as carrots in your own garden, you can consider renting an entire field, which will already provide an industrial scale.

The obvious advantages of such a business are low cost, which allows you to increase profits, year-round demand for the product from the consumer, as well as the ability to expand the range, including various additives in the recipe.

It is important to remember that the issue of organizing sales, in particular the definition of distribution channels, must be thought out and resolved in advance, at the stage of business planning. As options, such methods as market trade, sale at fairs, sale via the Internet (it is possible to create your own online store or an agreement with existing ones), selling the product in bulk, accessing chain stores, using small vegetable stalls can be considered. And this is not a complete list of possible ways to solve this problem.

What is required for implementation?

The very first step in the process of implementing an entrepreneurial idea is planning, that is, drawing up a business plan. To do this, you will need to analyze the market in the direction of interest, identify demand and supply, study competitors, suppliers of raw materials, and also identify equipment that provides the highest performance. It is mandatory to include in the plan the projected amounts of expenses and incomes, information on sources of financing, prospects for development and expansion of the business.

You should immediately decide where the raw materials for production will be purchased. Using home grown kale is probably the most cost effective option. However, this means combining two types of business - growing vegetables and processing them, which may not always be possible for a budding entrepreneur. Therefore, in the case of focusing on the business of processing raw materials, you need to look for a supplier with favorable prices.

You need space to work. Of course, it is possible to start production at home in the kitchen, but in this case it is unlikely that it will be possible to reach serious production volumes. Subsequently, you will need a suitable area for organizing a small workshop. Sufficient area for placement is from 20 to 30 square meters. To ensure compliance with SES standards, water and sewerage must be carried out in the premises.

Do not forget about the need for official business registration. It is possible to organize an individual entrepreneur or LLC. However, in most cases, for this kind of activity, the status of an individual entrepreneur is chosen. The registration procedure is quite simple. To do this, a standard set of documents with a receipt of payment of the state fee is provided to the tax office.

The equipment necessary for work will include: tables, containers for fermenting cabbage (enamelled vessels or wooden barrels), knives or an electric vegetable cutter. Using an electric vegetable cutter will significantly increase productivity.

In the process, the question of packaging the finished product necessarily arises. It can be packaged in plastic bags or plastic containers (this option is very common), labeled. If the entrepreneur intends to independently organize the process, then a specialized packaging line will be needed. It doesn't have to be new. It is possible to purchase used equipment in good condition, which will significantly save.

One or two employees per shift will be enough to work. Issues such as marketing, general management of the process, and even delivery of products at the initial stage can be handled by the entrepreneur himself.

Step by step start instructions

The stages of starting a sauerkraut business project will include the following:

  1. Drawing up a business plan.
  2. IP registration.
  3. Finding and renting premises that comply with SES standards, carrying out repairs (if necessary).
  4. Search for suppliers of raw materials.
  5. Selection and purchase of the necessary equipment.
  6. Recruitment.
  7. Purchase of raw materials.

Financial calculations

Starting an activity is possible with a very budget with the subsequent expansion of the business. A minimum of equipment will allow to produce a certain volume of products even without the help of hired assistants.

Start-up capital

As an example, consider what investments will be required to open a small workshop. The main items of expenditure include:

  • premises (rent) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • minimum repair and bringing into compliance with the standards - 30 thousand rubles;
  • electric vegetable cutter - 40 thousand rubles;
  • containers for ripening (barrels) - 30 thousand rubles.

Total: 120 thousand rubles.

The indicated amount of investments is minimal and will not provide the equipment necessary for the production of sauerkraut in tons, but it will completely allow you to start operations and present the product to consumers in order to gradually increase turnover.

Monthly expenses

This type of production can function all year round and, accordingly, fixed costs will arise monthly, which the entrepreneur must take into account when planning the budget.

Such expenses will include:

  • rent for the premises;
  • communal payments;
  • staff wages.

How much can you earn?

The production of sauerkraut is a very flexible type of business. That is, depending on the effort, time and money invested, you can earn from several thousand to hundreds of thousands of rubles per month. As a guide, you can rely on the following figures: ten tons of the product produced will bring income in the amount of 250 thousand rubles.

Payback periods

The payback of a business project varies similarly to income, but on average, investments can pay off in three months.

Business Features

Business features include:

  • an urgent need to address sales issues, on which the stability of sales will depend;
  • high competition;
  • the importance of the conditions for the purchase of raw materials, since favorable purchase prices will directly affect the profit of the enterprise.


A business based on the production and sale of sauerkraut can bring a stable and fairly high income and does not require any special knowledge. It allows you to increase volumes gradually, starting with a small workshop and expanding production over time. With the right approach to promotion and work on finding distribution channels, an entrepreneur can expect success already at the initial stage of activity.

Sauerkraut is not only a favorite dish and a great source of vitamins, but also a great idea for a small business. At the heart of this low-cost and profitable business is original recipe and quality raw materials.

This business idea is most relevant, in our opinion, for residents of the private sector, when they have their own utility rooms at their disposal for organizing production, storing raw materials and finished products.

Chop "cabbage" all year round!

There are a sufficient number of recipes that allow you to cook cabbage snacks and earn good money from it almost all year round. It’s worth clarifying right away that by this business we mean the production of sauerkraut in large quantities with established distribution channels. Otherwise, it will not be a business, but work for the sake of work.

The most difficult thing in this business, as in many other areas, will not be the solution of organizational issues, not the search for suppliers, and not even production subtleties, but the establishment of distribution channels.

Equipment for sauerkraut

Today on the market there are completely ready-to-work industrial sauerkraut lines that allow to produce natural product high quality according to the requirements of GOST with high taste and consumer properties.

Sauerkraut, as a rule, is carried out in PVC containers with shrink liners with a capacity of about 17 kg and the use of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria.

High qualification of service personnel is not required, since all main production processes are mechanized and automated. Such lines allow the production of several product formulations and packaging in disposable containers for subsequent sale. The productivity of such a line is 2-4 tons of finished product per day.

The production line includes: a stalk cutter, a cabbage shredder, a carrot slicer, a salt sprinkling machine, an elevator for feeding the product into a barrel, a barrel tipper.

To whom to sell the produced sauerkraut?

There are several options here: to sell ready-made sauerkraut through small shops, to establish contacts with retail chains - supermarkets and hypermarkets, to wholesale products to a vegetable warehouse.

In the first option, it will be very difficult to sell a large number of products, and the costs associated with delivery will hit your pocket hard. The option with a vegetable warehouse is more suitable in this sense, but the price here will not be as high as we would like.

Optimal output - agreement with retail chains, but in order to break into the counter of a chain store, you need to produce truly competitive products.

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