Home Meat How to cook boiled condensed milk in a jar. How and how much to cook condensed milk in a jar at home. Cooking time for condensed milk in a jar

How to cook boiled condensed milk in a jar. How and how much to cook condensed milk in a jar at home. Cooking time for condensed milk in a jar

Now in the supermarket you can find almost everything, including ready-made condensed milk. And unfortunately, the purchased condensed milk tastes far from the same as the one cooked at home. No wonder, because homemade is always better! You can verify this again by preparing condensed milk at home. Our website will tell you how to cook condensed milk yourself today. Simple, but at the same time the best homemade condensed milk recipes for you!

How to cook condensed milk - a traditional recipe

The first and easiest condensed milk recipe requires a minimum of ingredients. However, condensed milk prepared according to this recipe will have a nice creamy color, become quite thick when cooled, and taste so yummy! So, if you still don’t know how to cook condensed milk and this is your first attempt, this recipe is perfect.


  • fresh milk - 1 liter (high percentage of fat content);
  • sugar - 500 gr.;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp


For cooking, it is better to take a pan with a thick bottom. Pour milk into it, pour sugar and stir until sugar is completely dissolved. Bring the milk to a boil over medium heat.

Stir the milk occasionally until it has lost two-thirds of its original volume and is a nice creamy color. As it becomes creamy and loses volume, the milk will become slightly thick, indicating that it is ready.

In the last minutes of cooking condensed milk, add vanilla sugar, when it dissolves, wait another 15 seconds and turn off the stove. Our condensed milk is ready!

Freshly boiled condensed milk will not be too thick and stringy, but this will change as it cools.

How to cook condensed milk - the second recipe

From the first recipe for making condensed milk at home, the second one differs not only in the presence of one more ingredient, but also in the method of cooking. In this case, condensed milk is boiled in a "bath", that is, water is poured into a large pot, and a smaller pot is placed in it, in which condensed milk is boiled.


  • fresh milk - 250 ml;
  • dry milk - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.


We select two pots (smaller and large) so that one fits into the other and there is still space for pouring water between them. Pour some water into a large saucepan and put it on the stove.

In a smaller saucepan, combine warm fresh milk, milk powder, sugar and vanilla sugar.

We place a smaller pan in a large one, fill the space between the pans with water (not to the very top, so that the water does not run away during boiling).

When the water boils, reduce the heat a little and cook, stirring the milk from time to time for about an hour. When the milk thickens, the condensed milk is ready. We have half a liter of delicious condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk - a recipe with butter

The recipe for condensed milk with butter differs from all previous ones not only in a new ingredient, but also in a completely different cooking method. To cook condensed milk according to this recipe, you need a minimum of time, but in addition to cooking, you still need to leave it in the refrigerator for a long time. More details below.


  • milk - 375 g;
  • powdered sugar - 0.5 kg .;
  • butter - 40 g.


Pour milk into a saucepan, add butter and powdered sugar. Stir, put on the stove and bring to a boil.

After boiling, reduce the heat to medium and cook for another 10 minutes, while stirring constantly.

When these 10 minutes are up, turn off the stove, and pour the condensed milk into a jar.

We wait until the jar cools down, after which we put it in the refrigerator overnight to thicken. In the morning we open the refrigerator, your condensed milk is ready!

How to cook chocolate condensed milk - a recipe with cocoa

At home, you can cook not only ordinary condensed milk, but also chocolate. At the same time, the preparation will almost not differ from the usual recipe, we just need to add cocoa at a certain stage. So, let's find out how to cook chocolate condensed milk.


  • fresh milk - 1 l. (high percentage of fat content);
  • sugar - 0.5 kg;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tbsp. l. (good quality)


Pour the sugar into a heavy bottomed saucepan and pour in the milk. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved and the milk boils. Continue to cook over low heat until thickened. In the meantime, stir constantly.

When our condensed milk finally thickens and becomes creamy, you need to add cocoa powder through a sieve and mix thoroughly until smooth.

We give our chocolate condensed milk a few more minutes to boil and turn off the stove. Let the condensed milk cool down.

  • Now you not only know how to cook condensed milk, but also know how to cook it according to various recipes, even chocolate ones. But I want to give a few more tips that will help you successfully cook condensed milk. Therefore, it is better to remember these tips.
  • For boiling condensed milk, it is better to use a pot with a thick bottom and high walls, so you do not have to constantly stand over it, afraid that it will “run away”.
  • After the condensed milk has been cooked, it must be allowed to cool. So it will become thicker and more viscous.
  • Ideally, use only fresh homemade milk, and if store-bought, then with a high fat content and a good manufacturer.

Description of how to cook condensed milk in a jar

There is practically no person who would not like to eat condensed milk, especially boiled milk that has such an attractive caramel flavor. In addition, do not forget about the signature dish of many - waffle cakes and nuts, which cannot be imagined without boiled condensed milk. Before you start cooking condensed milk, you need to pay attention to its composition and manufacturer, the problem is that recently manufacturers offer the buyer not condensed milk, but its likeness containing soy, palm oil and other ingredients, in which case it is marked with the sign “TU ", present - prefers" GOST. This is very important for cooking, since it is not recommended to cook a jar with the participation of additional products, and not real condensed milk, it will be a waste of time and money. In itself, boiling condensed milk is quite simple - just take a saucepan, put a jar without a label in it, fill it with water, so that it covers the milk with the top. During cooking, you must carefully monitor the water level, because. if you forget about the saucepan and the water boils away, a can of condensed milk will explode. After the condensed milk is cooked, cool, open, and then use it for its intended purpose.

How long does it take to cook condensed milk in a jar

The time of boiling condensed milk in jars depends solely on what consistency is required from it. If semi-liquid, with a slight caramel smell - about two hours (from 1.5 to 2 hours), for a classic waffle cake - 3 hours. If the condensed milk is cooked in order to obtain a viscous and dark nougat - from 6 to 8 hours. The main thing is to make sure that the jar does not “bare” during cooking and periodically add hot (boiled) water.


Boiled condensed milk enjoys well-deserved popularity. This delicacy is delicious on its own and is suitable for filling in cakes and pastries.

You can find a ready-made product on store shelves, but it is often made with the addition of vegetable fats. Therefore, many people still brew condensed milk at home. It's easy, a little attention and patience - and you get a fragrant sweetness with a beautiful caramel tint.

Delicious boiled condensed milk is obtained from a high-quality source product. Do not give preference to cheap goods. It is very likely that it contains additives that, when cooked, will not allow it to thicken.

To get a fragrant viscous mass, you need to carefully approach the choice of milk with sugar:

  • buy a product with a GOST sign;
  • check the expiration date;
  • do not take damaged and crumpled cans.

But even high-quality condensed milk from different companies differs in taste. After trying different varieties, choose the one that you like best.

How long does it take to cook condensed milk

The proverb saying that there are no comrades for the taste and color fully applies to boiled condensed milk. Many cook it to the state of a dark, hardish mass. There are also lovers of a soft texture of a light shade. This option is well suited for adding to cakes and other desserts. And everything depends on only one parameter - cooking time.

  • Condensed milk should be boiled for at least 1.5 hours. At this stage, a soft sweetness of light beige color is obtained. It is easy to mix and whip and is therefore often used to make cream.
  • After 2-2.5 hours, the product becomes brown and of medium density. Such a mass is convenient to use as a filling for everyone's favorite "nuts" cookies. Or you can just lick it off a spoon with hot tea.
  • If the heating continues for more than 3 hours, the milk boils down and turns into a dense dark clot. At the same time, it acquires a thick chocolate color and a slight smell of burnt sugar.

How to cook condensed milk at home

You need to remove the label from the jar bought in the store and wash the jar itself, if possible, cleaning off the glue remaining on it.

Explore the composition

For homemade dumplings, you need to take condensed milk containing only milk fat. Actually, it should be 100% milk and sugar.

The addition of palm or other vegetable oil changes its properties and spoils the taste. In addition, this means that starch and other thickening components have been added to the milk.

Top up water promptly

The cooking process lasts several hours, so the water from the pan inevitably boils away, and it has to be topped up.

To do this, be sure to use hot water. If you take a cold one, then a sharp temperature contrast may occur, and the jar will burst. To save yourself the trouble of adding water, it is better to immediately take a pot of a sufficiently large volume.

Do not open hot jar

You can’t open an iron can immediately after cooking, no matter how much you want to see the result as soon as possible. As soon as a hole appears in the lid, the hot contents will splash out with force. Boiling sticky mass can seriously burn the skin, not to mention the fact that you have to do the cleaning.

How to cook condensed milk at home

Usually condensed milk is sold in cans. In this container, we are used to cooking it since Soviet times. In fact, there are various ways to cook this deliciousness. All of them are suitable for self-use at home in the kitchen.

in a tin can

Condensed milk is boiled without opening a tin can. It is simply placed on its side in a saucepan, poured with cold water and boiled over low heat. To reduce the evaporation of water, you can loosely cover the pan with a lid.

Fat content of milk

Milk, which contains more fat, needs to be cooked longer. Therefore, it is better to check what value is indicated on the label. The average ratio is:

  • with a fat content of 8-8.5%, the approximate cooking time is 1.5-2 hours;
  • with a fat content of more than 8.5%, you need to focus on the time of 2-2.5 hours.

Amount of water

The size of the pot matters a lot. Above the jar must be a layer of water of at least a centimeter. If the water boils away, the jar will simply explode and decorate the entire room from floor to ceiling with sticky stains. Therefore, the more water that fits in the pan, the better. It is not necessary to pour to the very brim, otherwise, when boiling, the water will splash onto the stove.


The cooking process itself is not difficult. First, the dishes are placed on a strong fire so that the water heats up faster. The stove is then placed on the minimum heat setting to maintain a gentle simmer.

The main thing is not to forget about the ongoing culinary action and regularly check the water level, adding it as needed.


To cool, the jar is simply left to lie in the water in which it was boiled. When it cools to room temperature, you can take it out and open it.

In a glass jar

Some manufacturers produce condensed milk in glass containers. You can also make a dumpling out of it.

This method is also suitable for those who believe that metal cans are unhealthy and spoil the taste of the product.

The advantage is that through the transparent glass you can observe the process.

  • Pour condensed milk from an iron can, or immediately take one that is packed in glass at the factory.
  • We put a rug at the bottom of the pan, put a jar on it, loosely cover it with a lid.
  • Pour water up to a level just above the level of milk.
  • Boil over low heat for 3-4 hours, not forgetting to add evaporating water.

It is not necessary to stir the milk during preparation. To cool the jar is left in the same water without removing it.

No bank at all

You can also cook condensed milk directly in an aluminum saucepan. But it is better to take a cast-iron pan with thick walls. It will provide more uniform heating. Condensed milk is poured into the dishes and brought to a boil over medium heat. .

It is important to constantly stir the contents of the pan with a spoon or wooden spatula. It is necessary to be distracted for a while, and the milk will burn to the bottom.

Reduce the heat to minimum and continue to boil until the desired density and color. The mass is regularly stirred so that a hard crust does not form on the walls.

On a water bath

There is a way to avoid constantly standing at the stove and stirring. If you place a grate or colander on top of a pot of water, you can organize cooking in a water bath.

The boiling water will evaporate and heat the bowl of condensed milk on the grate. You can not be afraid that the delicacy will burn. But you still need to monitor the water level and add it to the dishes.

We use kitchen appliances

Many housewives are already accustomed to preparing all dishes using household appliances. Boiled condensed milk is no exception here. A modest saucepan can be replaced with a modern unit.


A jar is placed in a multicooker bowl in a horizontal position and filled with water just below the maximum level. The device is started in the "Boiling" mode and wait until the water boils. Then, in the “Extinguishing” mode, condensed milk is boiled for two to three hours.

At the end, the lid is opened and the condensed milk is allowed to cool. After that, it is ready for use.

The video will tell you how to cook condensed milk in a slow cooker in 13 minutes.


In no case should you put a tin can in the microwave. Condensed milk should be transferred to a ceramic pot or just a glass bowl.

The total cooking time will be 10-15 minutes if you turn on the microwave at full power. But every couple of minutes you need to open the door and mix the mass. This method is much faster than traditional cooking, although the taste will be slightly different.

pressure cooker

Using a pressure cooker will slightly reduce the cooking time. But you don’t have to track the boiling of water, and there is no danger that the bank will explode.

You just need to put the jar in a pressure cooker, fill it with water and boil for 15 minutes. After that, turn off and leave to stand with the lid tightly closed. In about 3 hours, the contents will cool down, and the condensed milk will reach the desired condition.

Although cooking condensed milk is a simple matter, some sweet lovers are afraid to spoil something. A few helpful tips will help you gain confidence.

What to do so that the bank does not explode

Everything will be fine if:

  • make sure that the jar does not stick out of the water;
  • do not add cold water to boiling water;
  • do not cook condensed milk in a damaged jar.

How to cook a lot of condensed milk at once

If you have a large enough pot, you can cook several cans in it at once. The main thing is that there is more water. It is recommended to put a silicone mat on the bottom. Then the banks will roll less and hit each other.

No wonder everyone loves boiled condensed milk. You can buy condensed milk with sugar at any store, and it’s very easy to make an original, unique delicacy from it. Appetizing smell and beautiful color turn a simple dish into a real culinary masterpiece. It decorates any sweet table and is part of various desserts.

Quick answer: it depends on the cooking method.

Condensed milk is an incredibly tasty delicacy familiar to each of us since childhood. But it becomes even more delicious when it is boiled! It is the taste of childhood that literally every one of us remembers! How to do it? Yes, very easy! But let's not get ahead of ourselves...

Some historical facts

Perhaps it’s worth starting with this - many of our compatriots believe that condensed milk was invented in Russia. In fact, this opinion is erroneous - for the first time the product was patented in the USA in the middle of the 19th century. It was created by Gail Borden, who for a long time of his life tried to come up with various ways to increase the shelf life of food. He even tried to thicken tea and juices, but nothing good came of it. And then one day he took up condensing milk, as a result of which such a wonderful product was born. Just a few years after the creation of condensed milk, Borden opened a plant for its production. Subsequently, he created several more similar enterprises, and shortly before his death, a city in the state of Texas was named after him.

In our country, the delicacy appeared several decades later. And since its recipe was known, the first Russian factory for the production of condensed milk was opened at the end of the 19th century. It is difficult to say in what containers it was poured in those years, however, in Soviet times, the product was packaged in tin cans, on which a blue-white label was pasted. The design of the latter has become so successful that even today it is simply impossible to imagine condensed milk with a different label.

Choosing condensed milk

If you decide to cook condensed milk at home, then you need to choose the right one. Why? There is a high probability that you will not buy a natural product created according to the required standards, but a certain consistency that will resemble condensed milk only in its appearance.

  • First of all, pay attention to the label - it must have the GOST icon on it. If it is missing and a short word “TU” is written instead, you can continue your search. The fact is that products made according to specifications may contain various additives.
  • Secondly, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date.
  • Thirdly, the jar must have an even shape without wrinkling, because otherwise bacteria can get inside.

It is also worth noting that even seemingly ideal packaging may contain an incomprehensible liquid, only remotely resembling condensed milk. Therefore, the most optimal option for choosing a product is by trial and error.

Ways to cook condensed milk

So, you decide on the choice of condensed milk. Now we have to prepare it. There are several different methods, and we will start with perhaps the most popular.

  • We pick up a jar of s, tear off the label from it and put it in a saucepan (it is necessary to put it, not put it). Now pour such an amount of water that it would completely cover the jar. After that, the pan must be put on gas, brought to a boil and reduced. In this position, the dumpling should be cooked for about 2-2.5 hours. In addition, do not forget to keep an eye on it - the water can boil away and it needs to be added periodically. The main problem with this method is that the jar can explode in the truest sense of the word and cover the entire kitchen. Whatever happens to you, you can put something heavy on the lid, although it is still dangerous to do this - in the event of an explosion, the same object can be hit in the face or in another part of the body.
  • Therefore, we suggest you use a much longer, but safer way to cook yummy. To do this, open a jar of condensed milk, take a suitable glass container with thick walls and transfer the product into it. Then put the container in a water bath (an ordinary pot of water will do) and cook for about 4-5 hours. There are several advantages at once: firstly, you are protected from an explosion, and secondly, you can independently control the state of milk.
  • However, this is not all existing methods. This one will be relevant for those housewives who have a pressure cooker in the kitchen. We take a jar, tear off the etiquette and put it in a pressure cooker. Pour enough water and put on fire, gas to maximum. As soon as the water boils, we count about 15 minutes, after which we remove the pressure cooker from the heat. Gently cool the just-made varenka, after which we proceed to the meal.
  • And this is for those housewives who are used to using a microwave. We shift the condensed milk into a special bowl that is suitable for use in microwave ovens. We close it and put it in the oven for about 15-20 minutes on medium mode. The most delicious treat is ready!

How to make condensed milk at home?

You can make your own condensed milk at home. To do this, you need to take one liter of milk (preferably homemade) and one glass of sugar (about 200 grams). We take a stainless steel saucepan, mix our ingredients, put on gas and stir continuously until the sugar is completely dissolved. After the milk is brought to a boil, it must be boiled for about 2-2.5 hours over low heat. In the process, it is undesirable to cover the pan with a lid. That's all.

All housewives are well aware that the best quality sweets are those that are made with their own hands at home. Therefore, the question: how much to cook condensed milk in a jar is always very relevant; the store-bought analogue of the boiled product, alas, loses in many respects to home-made products.

That is why cooking delicacies at home is the best cooking option that allows you to make the treat the right one in terms of texture, color and taste.

How to cook condensed milk in a tin: recipe "Classic"

Cooking condensed milk is quite simple if you know the basic secrets of cooking and the features of the product itself. When deciding on the cooking time, remember that the fat content of milk will be decisive.

If condensed milk has a fat content of 8%, then it takes 1.5-2 hours to cook it in an iron can, if the percentage of fat content in milk is higher, then the time should be increased to 2-2.5 hours.

Classic rules for cooking condensed milk in a jar:

  1. Pour water into the pan, put the container on the fire.
  2. We lower the jar into water, but so that the liquid completely covers it.
  3. Bring water to a boil over medium to high heat. As soon as the water boils, we reduce the flame, almost to a minimum, and continue to cook the condensed milk further. The water in the pot should not boil too much.
  4. During the cooking process, make sure that the water does not completely evaporate, otherwise the jar with the sweet contents will “explode”. As the liquid evaporates, it is necessary to gradually add a new portion of water to the pan.

Immediately after preparation, we do not take out a jar of condensed milk from hot water. It is necessary that the milk cools down right in the pan. Don't put it in cold water. On average, it can take from 1 to 2 hours to cool, but it is this method that will save the jar from damage.

During the cooking process, only hot water should be added to the pan. Sudden changes in temperature can cause the jar to burst.
Therefore, in parallel with the container for boiling condensed milk, put a container with clean water on the stove, heating which you will gradually add to the pan where a can of condensed milk is boiled.

In order to correctly answer the question: how long does it take to boil condensed milk, you must first answer yourself - what kind of condensed milk do you want to get and for what purpose do you plan to use it.

If you like a sweetness that is not too thick, or if you want to use it as the basis for making chocolate sausages, cakes, pastries, etc., then you need to prepare semi-liquid milk.

  • To do this, boil condensed milk in an iron can for no more than 1 hour over moderate heat.
  • Planning to get a moderately thick consistency, with a pleasant milky tinge, it will be necessary to boil condensed milk for about 2-3 hours.
  • To obtain a very thick mass, the color of fresh coffee with milk, the brewing time will have to be increased to 4 hours.

Not always condensed delicacy is sold in cans, sometimes you can find it on store shelves in glass containers.

How to cook condensed milk in this case, and is it worth it to cook in glassware? Of course, it is worth it, moreover, this cooking option has more advantages than cooking boiled meat in an iron can.

Metal containers during the boiling process form oxides that are unsafe for human health.

In addition, under the influence of hot temperatures, the tin coating of the can is destroyed and harmful substances are released from it, directly into the condensed milk.

That is why it is preferable to cook your favorite delicacy not in a tin can, but in glassware, or without a can at all - in some kind of enameled pan or bowl.

How and how much to cook condensed milk in a glass jar

  1. In an empty saucepan we put a glass container with condensed milk.
  2. Cover the container loosely with a lid. It is desirable that the lid be larger in diameter than the diameter of the glassware itself. If you close the container tightly, then during the cooking process it may burst.
  3. Pour so much cold water into the pan so that it reaches the level of condensed milk in the jar.
  4. We put the pan on the fire, wait until the water boils.
  5. As soon as boiling bubbles appear on the water, the flame is reduced to a minimum.
  6. In this mode, cook the product for 3.5 hours. It is not necessary to stir the condensed milk during the cooking process.

Keep an eye on the liquid in the pan and do not forget to add hot water to it approximately every 20-30 minutes. When the delicacy is ready, leave it to cool in the pan.

According to the above principle, it is convenient to cook draft condensed milk. But what if the draft product was sold to you not in a glass jar, but, for example, in a plastic bottle.

Is it possible to cook condensed milk in such a container?

It is possible, but it is highly discouraged to do so. There is a rather high risk that the plastic will melt during cooking, and harmful substances will begin to be released from it, which can be hazardous to health.

That is why it is better to boil purchased draft condensed milk in glassware, or even cook it without a jar, for example, in a microwave.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to make condensed milk is to cook milk in the microwave. It takes 15-30 minutes, no more, everything will depend on how thick the product you want to achieve. After all, the longer you cook, the thicker it turns out.

How to make boiled condensed milk from simple condensed milk

  1. To prepare the dish, first of all, you need to pour the milk into a bowl or into any other dish that is suitable for cooking in the microwave.

    In no case do not use metal containers, they are not suitable for this.

  2. After you pour the condensed milk into a bowl, cover it with a lid (not tightly) and put it inside the microwave for 15-20 minutes.

    Cook on medium power and do not forget to stir the product from time to time. It is important that the dessert is cooked evenly, and nothing burns in the process.

All the time you can monitor the result of cooking and determine by color whether the condensed milk is cooked or not. By controlling the result, you yourself will decide how long to cook condensed milk - 10-15 minutes or about half an hour.

You can quickly cook condensed milk at home using a modern pressure cooker. This will take 10 minutes of time, a can of condensed milk that meets all GOST standards, and the pressure cooker itself.

Cooking steps

  1. We put the jar in a pressure cooker, fill it with water so that the container with sweetness “drowns” in water.
  2. Bring the liquid to a boil and boil the milk for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Immediately after cooking, do not open the lid of the pressure cooker, wait until the jar has completely cooled in the water.

Carefully monitor the temperature of the water in the pot while cooking. The liquid must not be allowed to overheat too much, this can cause the condensed milk to coagulate or the can to deform.

Alternative ways to cook condensed milk at home

How to boil milk in a water bath

A less popular, but quite effective, method of preparing boiled condensed milk is a water bath. This method is not so popular due to the fact that it will take at least 5 hours to cook according to it. This is long and rather tedious, given that you have to keep an eye on the water in the pan all the time so that it does not completely evaporate.

But if you still decide to use steam cooking, then you will need to pour the condensed milk into an enameled pan, and then place it in a container of boiling water.

A pot of water should boil over medium heat, at this pace the condensed milk will cook for 5-7 hours. The exact time depends on the speed of preparation of the product.

Condensed milk cooked in a slow cooker

You can also cook sweetness in a slow cooker or in a slow cooker-pressure cooker. The cooking technology in a multi-unit is very similar to classic cooking in a conventional saucepan.

For more information about cooking condensed milk in a slow cooker, read the articles on the site.

As you can see, getting a finished boiled product at home is very simple. Now you know how and how much to cook condensed milk in a jar and without it. The simple cooking recipes we have given will allow you to cook the favorite dessert of adults and children with high quality.

Cook with pleasure and enjoy every spoonful of homemade treats.

Bon Appetit!

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