Home Drinks and cocktails Recipes of Soviet cakes according to GOST. Guest cake. history and recipes of the legendary Soviet cakes. First there was an egg

Recipes of Soviet cakes according to GOST. Guest cake. history and recipes of the legendary Soviet cakes. First there was an egg

Another birthday cake in a simple and available prescription- Gift. I love it since childhood: juicy biscuit, delicate butter cream and a lot of crunchy peanuts - this is an extraordinary delicacy. Previously, you could buy it in any confectionery of the former Soviet Union, but today the quality modern desserts does not inspire confidence, so we will make it at home. We will prepare the Gift Cake according to GOST, however, with a slight change: I suggest using more nuts - it will be even tastier!

At the heart of this wonderful cake- classic white biscuit, soaked sugar syrup with cognac. The filling will be Charlotte buttercream, which we will also cover the top and sides of the cake. The decoration of this dessert is more than straightforward: roasted peanuts and quite a bit of powdered sugar. Everything is simple, easy and amazingly delicious. By the way, this dessert is very similar to the legendary Fairy Tale cake, so lovers of such pastries will definitely appreciate it.




Cream Charlotte:


Cooking step by step with photos:

Because home cake Gift we will prepare for 2 days, all photos necessary ingredients I intentionally divided it into several stages. First, let's prepare the products for classic biscuit: wheat flour (highest grade), granulated sugar (if desired, you can use powdered sugar) and medium-sized chicken eggs (45-50 grams each).

Wash chicken eggs, dry thoroughly and separate into whites and yolks. Personally, I always do it this way: I carefully break each egg on the table (so the chance of damaging the yolk is minimized), and then pour everything into a cup. I carefully take out the yolk with my right hand, passing the protein through (or through - how right?) My fingers, and shift it from another dish. It is this method that allows you to get a clean yolk and the maximum amount of protein. We put all 4 yolks in a bowl in which we will cook biscuit dough. Add 80 grams of sugar (the remaining 40 grams will be needed when whipping the proteins).

Beat everything with a whisk or mixer at high speeds for about 4-5 minutes, until the mass becomes homogeneous, smooth and light. During this time, the sugar crystals should completely dissolve.

Then, in a clean, dry and fat-free (you can rub it with a slice of lemon, then wipe the bowl dry) beat 4 egg whites. At first at low speed, and when the proteins turn into a light foam, gradually increase the speed to above medium and continue to beat. At this time, add 40 grams of sugar in parts and beat the whites into a stable and tight snow-white foam. It turns out French meringue - stable protein cream, which keeps its shape perfectly and does not even think about moving. If the whites are not beaten enough, the biscuit may either not rise properly or sag a lot after baking.

For 3-4 doses, add whipped proteins to the yolk-sugar mass. Now no mixers, blenders or combines!

When all the proteins are in a bowl, sift 120 grams there wheat flour top grade. But not all at once, but in 2-3 passes, each time mixing it into the air mass with folding movements (scooping up).

Traditionally, the Gift Cake is made square, but at home you can easily make it round. I have a square Silicone molds for baking (20x20 centimeters), the bottom of which I covered with a piece of parchment paper. We do not lubricate the walls with anything so that the biscuit dough can climb over them during baking, thereby rising well. Spoon or spatula put the dough into the form and level it.

We bake a biscuit in a preheated (this is important!) oven (only the bottom heating works for me) at an average level of 15 minutes at 200 degrees, after which we lower the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 15-20 minutes. During baking, do not open the oven door so that the biscuit does not fall off. We check the readiness with a wooden torch (toothpick or skewer), which should come out of the biscuit completely dry. Let the pastry cool in the oven that has been turned off for about 15 minutes. My biscuit sank slightly (the slide sank and the surface became even) - this is normal.

We remove the baking paper - thanks to it, the biscuit does not stick to the bottom. For today, the preparation of the Gift cake has been completed: the biscuit must be kept at room temperature for at least 8 hours, and even better - 10-12. This is necessary so that when cut it does not crumble, and when soaked it does not turn into porridge.

The next day (or in the evening of the same day, if you baked a biscuit in the morning), you can continue to cook the homemade gift cake. Here are the products for impregnation: water, granulated sugar and a little cognac for flavor.

Impregnation is done as easy as shelling pears: in a small bowl, combine granulated sugar and hot boiled water. Mix everything thoroughly until sweet crystals dissolve, add cognac and let the impregnation cool to room temperature.

Next, we proceed to the preparation of Charlotte cream. We'll need butter(fat content of at least 72%, and 82% is even better), granulated sugar, milk (any fat content), one egg medium size, vanilla sugar and cognac.

Prepare the syrup, which is then added to the oil. Put a raw chicken egg in a small saucepan with a thick bottom or a stewpan, add 125 grams of granulated sugar and 80 milliliters of milk.

We put the dishes on a slow fire and, with constant (!) Stirring, cook the syrup for about 2-3 minutes after boiling. Do not leave the stove even for a minute, as the eggs may curdle and the syrup will burn to the bottom of the pan. The result is a completely homogeneous, smooth, delicate custard that resembles liquid condensed milk in consistency.

Put a piece of cling film on top (back to back so that a crust does not form) and cool to room temperature. It is cold now, so it is advisable to take the cream to the balcony, where it will cool down in just 5-7 minutes.

The final stage preparation - cooking butter cream Charlotte for cake Gift. Put soft butter (150 grams) in a suitable dish. It must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance and left on the table for 3-4 hours. Add a tablespoon of vanilla sugar.

Beat everything with a mixer at high speed for at least 5 minutes, until the oil becomes airy and turns white. You will have to whip cold butter for about 20 minutes, so do not forget to let it warm up.

It's time to collect a homemade gift cake. Cut the biscuit lengthwise into 2 equal cakes. This can be done with a bread knife (with notches), a simple thread or a special fishing line.

We choose a flat dish on which we will serve the cake. We put the bottom soaked cake.

Many of us remember how delicious desserts were as children. The Soviet cake was a particularly fabulous delicacy. And this is not surprising, because all confectionery prepared from natural products and had a limited shelf life, unlike modern products. In our article, we want to recall the recipes for Soviet cakes, perhaps someone will decide to cook delicious dessert comes from childhood at home.

A bit of history...

Historically, it so happened that in Russian cuisine there were practically no cakes. But desserts meant mousses, jellies, puddings, baked apples and croutons, pancakes and canned fruit pies. There are no recipes for cakes in old cookbooks, except for desserts made from cookies and cottage cheese. The Soviet cake entered the diet of our citizens in the fifties of the last century.

An elegant dessert very quickly fell in love with people. And already in the second half of the fifties, the Soviet cake became the main attribute of any holiday table. The most famous desserts were: "Cornucopia", "Napoleon", "Fairy Tale", "Kiev" and many others.

Cakes in those days were approved by the Ministry of Food Industry, only natural ingredients were used for their preparation. What were the delicious butter roses that adorned the finished confectionery worth! The Soviet cake was something special, not a trivial dessert. Unlike modern products, all cakes were incredibly tasty and satisfying. According to experts, during the Soviet era, 142 recipes were approved, according to which all the workshops of a huge country worked.

Cake "Kiev": the history of appearance

Remembering the legendary cakes, you should immediately pay attention to the beloved by many "Kiev". In 1956, Nadezhda Chernogor and Konstantin Petrenko (employees of the famous Karl Marx confectionery factory in Kiev) created a real masterpiece, which later became known as Kievsky. The dessert consisted of fluffy nut cakes, which used up to five varieties of nuts. For cooking, fermented proteins were taken. In the mid-sixties, the USSR Ministry of Food Industry approved the cake recipe. Initially, it was based on the use of cashew nuts, however, such a nut was quite expensive, so later it was replaced with hazelnuts, and subsequently with peanuts.

For the preparation of the "Kiev" cake, egg cream was used (better known as Charlotte cream). But in the 70s it was replaced with butter and butter. This cream was richer and heavier. "Kiev" Soviet cake became a legend of its time. He was so loved by everyone and popular that all the travelers brought home from Kiev this particular dessert.

Ingredients for "Kiev" cake

As we already mentioned, Soviet-era cake recipes were based on the use of natural products. Of course, in our time, preparing a dessert will cost a lot, but still we want to bring classic version prescription. So, for the preparation of cakes we need:

  1. Egg whites - 200 g (this is about the whites of six eggs).
  2. Vanilla sugar pack.
  3. Cashew - 55 g.
  4. Sugar - 235 g.
  5. Flour - 55 g.

For cream:

  1. Butter - 255 g.
  2. Sugar - 225 g.
  3. Egg.
  4. Milk - 150 g.
  5. Cocoa powder - 10 g.
  6. Packet of vanilla sugar.
  7. Cognac - 2 tbsp. l.

And for decoration, you can take a few candied fruits.

Dessert preparation should start with the starter of egg whites. They must be left in a warm place for a day. The next day, beat the prepared proteins into a thick foam, not forgetting to add 50 grams of sugar and vanilla. All ingredients should turn into a very dense mass. Next, mix the flour with chopped cashew nuts (they can be replaced with cheaper hazelnuts or peanuts), add 185 grams of granulated sugar. Gradually add whipped proteins to the resulting mixture and gently mix the ingredients. The mass must be divided into two parts and laid out in two forms populated with oiled parchment. Cakes are baked at 150 degrees for two hours. They need to be cooked at the same time, but if the size of the oven does not allow this, then the dough must be prepared separately for each cake. In the process of cooking, in no case should you open the oven, the finished product should acquire a creamy shade. Cakes should be left in parchment for a day so that they cool completely and become more durable.

Charlotte cream is made from milk, sugar and egg syrup. Then let it cool down. Then - in a cold form - add pre-whipped butter into them. In this case, the mass must be mixed all the time. Already in a practical ready-made cream, add vanilla sugar and cognac, and beat again.

Now it remains only to collect the cake. We put the cake on parchment and grease it with cream, cover it with a second cake on top and apply another layer of cream. Chocolate mass grease the sides of the dessert. If you have crumbs left over from the cakes, then they can be sprinkled on the side surface. Decorate the top of the cake with cream and candied fruits.

"Bird's milk": history

Considering classic cakes Soviet times, it is certainly worth mentioning "Bird's milk". In 1978, a whole group of confectioners, headed by the head of the workshop of the famous Moscow restaurant "Prague" V. M. Guralnik, created a recipe for this amazing cake. The dessert recipe quickly spread to other pastry shops and restaurants, but it was the most delicious in Prague. Since the beginning of the 1980s, a line of buyers had been lining up daily along the Arbat to buy a cake. After all, he was worth it. A thin airy biscuit with soufflé and chocolate has become incredibly popular. If at the beginning the workshop prepared only 60 cakes a day, then soon production increased to 500. The recipe itself quickly spread throughout the country through Mosrestorantrest.

If some Soviet-era cakes are not so difficult to cook at home, then reproduce " bird's milk"It's not easy at all. Making a sustainable soufflé is no easy task.

Ingredients for Bird's Milk Cake

The most important secret of making a cake is the use of agar-agar, which cannot be replaced by anything. It is very important to know that agar-agar is different. It dissolves perfectly when boiled, but at 120 degrees it sharply loses its gelling properties. It is very difficult to work with him, so only a real pastry chef can cook such a cake.

For the cake you will need the following products:

  1. Flour - 145 g.
  2. Sugar 100 g
  3. Butter - 105 g.
  4. Two eggs.

For the soufflé:

  1. Two egg whites.
  2. Sugar - 460 g.
  3. A pack of butter.
  4. Agar-agar - 2 tsp (4 grams).
  5. Vanillin.
  6. Condensed milk - 100 g.

For decoration:

  1. Chocolate - 75 g.
  2. Butter - 55 g.

Bird's milk recipe

First, let's prepare the cakes. Beat sugar with butter and add eggs one at a time, while do not stop beating the mass. Then add flour and knead the dough. The resulting mass is smeared on parchment in the form of two circles. We bake cakes for ten minutes at a temperature of 230 degrees. If they turn out a little too big, then you should cut them and put on the shape while they are still hot. The cakes should cool in parchment and only after that the paper can be removed.

Next, you can proceed to the preparation of the soufflé. Pour 150 grams of water into the pan and put agar-agar in it, leave it to swell for a couple of hours. Remove the oil from the refrigerator one hour before the preparation of the syrup. By the appointed time, it should be at room temperature. Egg whites, on the contrary, need to be cooled, so they are first sent to the refrigerator.

We take a detachable form and put parchment on its bottom, and on it - the cake itself.

We put a pan with swollen agar-agar on a small fire, without ceasing to interfere, bring the mass to a boil, and cook for about a minute until completely dissolved. Pour sugar into the solution and bring to a boil again, not forgetting to stir. At the moment when the sugar is completely dissolved and seething begins, the fire should be turned off, since the syrup is ready. Now it must cool down.

Add vanillin and condensed milk to the softened butter, beat the ingredients with a mixer until fluffy.

In a separate bowl, beat egg whites (chilled) until stiff. Then add citric acid and whisk again. The resulting mass should hold well on the whisk. Whisking constantly, slowly pour the syrup into the egg whites. We should get a very thick and dense foam. Next, at the lowest speed, beat the condensed milk with butter and proteins. Here is our soufflé and it's ready. Put only half of the mass into the prepared form, put the second cake on top and again apply another layer of soufflé. We level the surface of the cake and send it to the refrigerator for three hours.

Classic Soviet cakes "Bird's milk" were decorated with dark chocolate on top. Therefore, we will not deviate from the recipe. Chocolate must be melted with butter (preferably in a water bath), when it cools down a bit, apply it on the surface of the cake. Dessert is ready.

History of "Napoleon"

The Soviet Napoleon cake is still incredibly popular. This has a very long history. There are many legends about its origin. Which one is true is hard to say. It is believed that the history of the cake began in 1912, on the day of the centenary of the victory over the army of Napoleon Bonaparte. The day of celebration was timed to coincide with competitions between confectioners who prepared all kinds of desserts.

Everyone wanted to surprise Emperor Nicholas II. The cake prepared on the basis of custard. The confectioner divided it into triangular pieces and garnished with cream. Such cakes were incredibly similar to Napoleon's cocked hat. According to legend, later the dessert was called "Napoleon". Over time, the dessert recipe spread throughout Russia and became incredibly popular.

Products for "Napoleon"

To make a Soviet-era Napoleon cake, we need the following ingredients:

  1. Flour - 455 g.
  2. Butter - 420 g.
  3. Salt - 4 g.
  4. One egg.
  5. Sugar - 100 g.
  6. Water 160 g.
  7. One gram of citric acid.
  8. One yolk.
  9. Milk - 70 g.
  10. Packet of vanilla sugar.
  11. Tablespoon of cognac.
  12. Tablespoon of powdered sugar.

The classic buttercream cake recipe includes four steps:

  1. Making and rolling dough.
  2. Cake baking.
  3. Cream Charlotte preparation.
  4. Dessert collection.

In order to simplify the preparation of the cake, you can purchase ready-made puff pastry in the shop. However, the taste of such a dessert will be significantly different. The Napoleon cake recipe (Soviet times) still implies self-cooking test. In this case ready dessert turns out incredibly delicious. To simplify the task, the dough and cream can be prepared on different days.

To prepare the dough, mix 400 grams of flour and salt. Add citric acid to the water, mix and pour the solution into the flour, add the egg and knead the dough. When finished, it should not stick to your hands, but at the same time it should be soft and plastic. Then we send the dough to the refrigerator for half an hour.

In the meantime, cut the butter into pieces in a separate bowl, add a little flour (20 grams), and beat until smooth. You can put a cling film on the table and shift the oil mass onto it, giving it a square shape no more than two centimeters high. Next, close and remove the oil in the refrigerator for thirty minutes. The mass should not spread.

Now you can start the process of rolling out the dough. To do this, sprinkle the table with flour and form an envelope in the center. We put oil in it (which we previously put in the refrigerator) and close it with dough. Next, with a chilled rolling pin, we evenly roll out the mass into a layer, the thickness of which should be no more than one centimeter. We fold the resulting cake in half, cover with a film and send it back to the refrigerator. After half an hour, we repeat the process of forming puff pastry again, after which we turn its edges to the middle and send it to cool. The ritual must be repeated four more times. Ready dough can be placed in the refrigerator for several days until the moment when you decide to bake the cakes.

The most difficult stage has been passed, now we need to move on to the baking process. Take a baking sheet and cover it with paper, and preheat the oven to 220 degrees. We roll out the dough into separate layers, up to five millimeters thick. We bake each cake for about half an hour. The cake must be cool.

Now you can proceed to the preparation of Charlotte cream. Remove the butter and milk from the refrigerator in advance so that they can warm up to room temperature. Beat 70 grams of milk with egg yolk and strain the mixture through cheesecloth. Then add one hundred grams of sugar and vanilla, put the pan on a small fire and cook, stirring constantly. The mass must be brought to a boil, after a couple of minutes the syrup will acquire the consistency of condensed milk. After that, turn off the fire, and pour the contents into another dish, allowing to cool.

Cut the butter into pieces and start beating until it becomes fluffy. Then add syrup (room temperature) and continue to beat. As a result, we should get a lush cream. Cognac can be added to it to give it a taste. Buttercream Charlotte is ready.

Now you can proceed to the assembly of the cake. We spread the cake on a tray and evenly coat it with cream. Top with a new cake and lightly press it with your hand, apply a creamy mass. We do the same with all layers. On top of the cake, as a rule, decorate with crumbs from the scraps of cakes and powdered sugar. So our Napoleon cake is ready. The recipe for a (classic) Soviet delicacy, as you can see, is not so simple, since it takes a lot of time to prepare real puff pastry. But the result exceeds all expectations.

Instead of an afterword

Among the Soviet cakes, “Prague”, “Gift”, “Leningradsky”, “Charodeyka” and many others were incredibly popular ... Unfortunately, it is impossible to describe all the cakes of the Soviet era within the framework of the article. We hope that the above recipes will interest the housewives and replenish their culinary piggy banks.

All four recipes from Irina chadeyka - chief specialist in confectionery GOSTs in the culinary segment LJ :)

Cake "Gift". Surely everyone who remembers those cakes that were sold in stores during the Soviet era knows this cake. It seems unpretentious - soaked biscuit and butter cream, all sprinkled with nuts - what could be more banal? And meanwhile, very many people loved him, here in it, as they say, neither subtract nor add - a very harmonious recipe. And it's very easy to do.

Irina has the exact recipe with step-by-step photos, photo from the same place. I will quote her words: “Yes, and please note that nothing needs to be replaced in this cake. He is perfect."

Cake "Prague". It is also done very simply, but it turns out delicious, a classic in its purest form. The cream is very successful, I took it into service for cakes, which I sometimes compose myself. Cake recipe .

Cake "Kiev". It turns out exactly the same, real "Kiev", just such a cake was made by the best Kiev confectionery factory named after Karl Marx. For some reason, many people think that "Kiev" is some kind of very complex cake, the preparation of which is available only to super-confectioners. This is not true at all. There is nothing complicated in its preparation, believe me. And try :) Recipe.

Cake "Flight". Will you be surprised if I say that it is also delicious and not difficult to prepare? :) This recipe (as well as "Kiev") can be taken into account in case the squirrels are left from something. Because there are 5 proteins in the cakes, and only 1 yolk in the cream. That's a reason to use 4 proteins that are left over from something * . Recipe .

* Do you know an ingenious way to preserve the egg whites left over from cooking something that only needed the yolks? Many people throw them away if they can't cook something right away. But this is wrong. Squirrels need to be frozen. Once defrosted, they whip up as well as fresh (and sometimes better) and are great for baking meringues and the like. I freeze in plastic cups. It is convenient if you sign on the glass how many proteins are there, so that it is easier to navigate later. But if you are too lazy to sign or have forgotten, then it’s not a problem either. One protein weighs approximately 30 grams, you can weigh a glass and understand how many proteins are there :)

P.S. Many people think that GOST cakes are something very complicated. In fact, it's just the opposite. Because GOSTs were developed for mass production, recipes should not have been very laborious to prepare, containing many small and complex operations, expensive and hard-to-find products. GOST - it should be inexpensive, fast, tasty, simple and stable. Any homemade cake will most often be much more difficult. Therefore, feel free to try baking GOST cakes, everything will definitely work out.

P.P.S. Lately I've been baking all my biscuits in a slow cooker., they turn out great, I like it even more than in the oven. Therefore, "Gift" and "Prague" can easily be baked in a slow cooker. I have a Philips 3039 multicooker, I bake in it in the "Baking" mode (45 minutes), after 45 minutes the multicooker turns off automatically, I check the dough with a splinter, if it's dry, it's ready, if I see that I need to bake more, I turn on the "Baking" mode again and already I turn it off after 10-15 minutes.

GOST - this means quality - the composition of the finished product contains only natural ingredients. State standard - it sounds proud!

Sometime in the last twentieth century in a country called the Soviet Union, almost all food products on their packaging had this badge - GOST. And who did not reach this honorary title, he wrote on the packaging TU - that is, compliance with technical conditions.

Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with this TR, especially in confectionery industry. With all the variety of types of cakes and the range of prices for them, only a real optimist can be sure of the quality of the finished confectionery products. Well, if you are only present during the manufacture of the cake in the confectionery, checking the packaging of all the ingredients involved in the cake, then yes. Maybe there will be one hundred percent of GOST. But who will let you into the confectionery shop?

Well, you can go the other way by organizing a mini-confectionery in your kitchen in which you will bake cake "Gift", of course, according to GOST. This is the same cake from childhood, in which nothing extra needs to be added, so as not to distort his majesty - quality.

As for the composition, it is the most common - biscuit, impregnation for cakes and cream. Crushed peanuts are used as decoration. And from such the most ordinary products, a magnificent “Gift” cake is obtained.

The biscuit is baked both in the oven and in the slow cooker. If you choose the option of baking a cake in the oven, you can use a square shape. But in a slow cooker there will be no such choice, the bowl in it is always round. And the baked biscuit needs to be set aside for 8-12 hours, so it’s better to bake it in advance.

The finished cake will need to be cut in half and immediately soaked in syrup, and therefore it will be more convenient to first prepare the syrup and cool it, and immediately soak the baked cakes with it.

But the cream, which is called Charlotte, can be prepared while baking a biscuit. When preparing it, you also need to take into account some features, which will be described below.

For a biscuit on the "Gift" cake you will need:

120 g flour
4 eggs
120 g sugar
1 tsp baking powder

How to cook a biscuit for the "Gift" cake according to GOST

The dough can be prepared with food processor or mixer. To do this, place the eggs and sugar in a deep container or bowl of a food processor and beat well:

Mix flour with baking powder, add to the first mass, mix. The dough is ready:

Lubricate the bowl with oil, lay out the dough and set the Baking for 1 hour.

This is what the finished biscuit looks like in a slow cooker:

Remove the finished biscuit from the bowl, cover with a towel and leave to cool for 8 hours or more. It won't dry out under a towel.

How to make cream for the gift cake

(Cream Charlotte)

Let me remind you that the cream for this cake is called Charlotte, it is cooked on the stove in a saucepan, but not in an enamel one.

Place an egg in a saucepan, beat it lightly and add 125 g of sugar. Mix these two ingredients together. Add hot milk (80 g), it can be heated in the microwave. Mix:

Now put the saucepan on the fire, bring its contents to a boil, reduce the heat and, with constant stirring, cook the cream for about five minutes.

Remove the saucepan from the heat, close the lid and leave to cool. In winter, the saucepan can be put on the balcony, and the lid on the saucepan will allow the cream to cool evenly.

When the syrup has cooled, you need to beat 150 g of soft butter (the highest quality butter) with vanilla (on the tip of a knife), beat better with a mixer, the butter should be airy. And at the moment of airiness of the oil, gradually pour a teaspoon of cognac into it. And after that, combine the cooled cream and whipped butter, and the oil must be added gradually, this will guarantee that the cream will be whole, and will not fall apart into lumps-grains.

So, the biscuit is ready, the cream is ready. You also need to make syrup.

For syrup, heat 110 g of water in a saucepan, add 100 g of sugar, dissolve sugar in hot water. Remove the saucepan from the heat, sweet water can be poured into another container to quickly cool the syrup. And when it cools down, then add a tablespoon of cognac and rum to it. No rum? Then two tablespoons of cognac.

How to decorate a gift cake

The biscuit should be cut into two parts, each part should be soaked with syrup, trying to do it evenly.

On the bottom cake, apply a part of the cream in a thick layer, leaving a smaller part of Charlotte for smearing the sides and top.

Put the second part of the biscuit on the cream, apply the remaining cream on the sides of the cake and on its surface.
And lastly, decorate the surface of the cake from the sides and top with crushed roasted peanuts.

Leave "Gift" for impregnation for several hours and only then it will be possible to start drinking tea.

Yes, the process of making a cake in accordance with GOST takes time from the hostess, but the result exceeds all our expectations, and we again find ourselves in our happy and carefree childhood through taste buds. Long live "Gift" according to GOST!

Hello fellow comrades!

How do you feel?

For a very long time, I promised to tell you about one of my favorite childhood cakes - Gift Cake - from the most delicate biscuit, Charlotte's inimitable buttercream and rich peanut sprinkles. And we will prepare it according to GOST USSR. Hurrah, comrades! Long live State Standard!

This miracle of pastry craftsmanship impresses with its simplicity and distinctness of taste. I like it because there are not a lot of different flavors mixed here, which eventually form a blurry flavor mess.

In the foreground, peanuts are very clearly visible here. There is a lot of him here. Everything else is just to support the pants, so to speak. Biscuit and cream just tactfully emphasize the unique taste of peanuts.

I know that not everyone's childhood was brightened up by this wonderful dessert. And there's not much to be nostalgic about. But if you belong to this category of people with a difficult childhood :-), then you are even more supposed to try this cake. He just can't get past your life. I assure you that they will completely new sensations for your taste buds.

This is the only peanut cake in my life that deserves a special place on a pedestal. Especially when you consider that peanuts are one of the cheapest nuts.

Yes, and in general The cost of this cake is very low. so everyone can afford it.

Damn… I’m writing an article… it’s 2 o’clock in the morning… and I really wanted a gift… even get up and go do it…

So, let's quickly write you a recipe and go to bed before the night raids to the refrigerator begin ...

Grocery list:

For the biscuit:

  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • sugar - 150 gr.
  • flour - 150 gr.
  • vanilla sugar - 10 gr.

For cream:

  • sugar - 180 gr.
  • milk - 120 ml
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • butter, softened - 200 gr.
  • vanilla extract - 1 tsp

For syrup:

  • sugar - 100 gr.
  • water - 110 ml
  • cognac - 25 gr.
  • rum essence - a few drops (optional)

For topping the cake:

  • roasted peanuts - 150 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp

Cooking method:


  1. We heat the oven to 170ºС. We cover the bottom of a square shape approximately 22x22 cm in size with baking paper.
  2. Beat the eggs with a mixer for about 1 minute and add sugar and vanilla sugar in a thin stream, continuing to beat until a thick, fluffy white mass is formed (5-10 minutes)
  3. Sift the flour into a bowl with beaten eggs and gently mix with a slotted spoon or silicone spatula, lifting the dough from the bottom up.
  4. We shift the dough into the prepared form and bake in a preheated oven for 50 minutes - 1 hour. We check the readiness of the biscuit on a dry skewer.
  5. We take out the finished biscuit from the oven, leave it in the form for 5 minutes, after which we turn the biscuit onto a wire rack and leave it to brew overnight.


  1. In a saucepan, mix sugar with water and bring to a boil, add cognac, a few drops of rum essence and remove from heat.
  2. Let the syrup cool completely before soaking the biscuit with it.


  1. In a small saucepan, mix 100 gr. milk and sugar and bring to a boil.
  2. In a separate bowl, lightly beat the egg and mix thoroughly with the remaining sugar (80 gr.)
  3. As soon as the milk boils, we introduce a third of the milk into the egg, constantly stirring with a whisk.
  4. Pour the egg-milk mixture back into the saucepan and return to low heat.
  5. With constant stirring with a spoon, wait until the mixture thickens slightly.
  6. Then remove from heat, pour into a bowl and leave to cool completely.

    The cooled syrup should have the consistency of condensed milk.

  7. Beat soft butter with a mixer until the air mass is white (5-10 minutes)
  8. Continuing to beat at medium speed, add milk and sugar syrup one spoon at a time.

    We introduce the next portion of the syrup only after the previous portion has completely combined with the oil.

  9. At the end, add vanilla extract and beat the cream for another 1 minute.

Cake assembly:

  1. We cut the infused biscuit lengthwise into three equal cakes.
  2. We spread the first cake on a dish, soak it with syrup, distribute 1/3 of the cream, cover with the second cake and repeat the procedure.
  3. Soak the third cake from the side of the pulp and turn the crust up. Coat the top and sides of the cake with the remaining cream.
  4. Roasted peanuts are lightly crushed into large pieces and sprinkle the top and sides of the cake, pressing the peanuts with your hands so that it “sticks” to the cake.
  5. Sift the powdered sugar on top and leave the cake to soak and stabilize for a couple of hours.

That's all. The cake is just amazing! And, as you can see, it is very easy to prepare. I promise you that you will not regret for a second that you prepared it.

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And, of course, share your impressions and photos of the cake.

Thank you all for your input and reminders :)

See you.

Good luck, love and patience.

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