Home Products Homemade peanut butter recipe without oil. Peanut butter recipe at home

Homemade peanut butter recipe without oil. Peanut butter recipe at home

Peanut butter is a delicacy that we learned about from American films. In them, caring mothers prepare sandwiches with this pasta and jam for their children for breakfast.

With a blender of sufficient power, some peanuts and 15-20 minutes of time, you can easily prepare delicious peanut butter at home according to your preferences. Why is it better than just buying it from the store? Firstly, not every store sells it, and secondly, you yourself will choose the additives and “intensity”, that is, the taste concentration of the paste. Options - from very delicate taste to "strong", bright due to well toasted nuts, from a rather thin paste consistency to very thick.

When it comes to how to use peanut butter other than on sandwiches, the possibilities are wide. Given that peanut butter is a lean product, it is replaced butter. For example, bake peanut cookies or cupcake, make pasta cream, make ice cream, and even make a delicious peanut drink. And you can also add peanut butter to all kinds of sauces, marinades, gravies, salads.

The classic peanut butter recipe includes honey. I will not deviate from tradition and cook just such a pasta.

Cooking time: 25-30 minutes.
Servings/Yield: 350 grams.


To make Peanut Butter with Honey, you will need:

  • 300 grams of raw peanuts (shelled or shelled - it doesn't matter)
  • 40-50 ml odorless vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • ¼ tsp salt (preferably sea salt)

How to make peanut butter at home

The first step is to prepare the peanuts. Put the nuts on a baking sheet and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Store-bought roasted peanuts can be used, but in this case you will not be able to choose the degree of roasting yourself.
If you bought peanuts with shells, after roasting in the oven, it will separate very easily.
Place the peeled peanuts in a blender. Send honey and salt there.

Grind nuts on high speed. At first, the mass will be crumbly.

But as the peanuts are further crushed, they will begin to release oil, the pieces will become smaller and smaller, and the mass will begin to collect in a lump.

At this point, start administering a tablespoon vegetable oil. This must be done gradually to get exactly the consistency of the paste that you like.

The finished peanut butter will be viscous and smooth.

Transfer the paste to glass jar and send to the refrigerator. There she will thicken a little more. You can store peanut butter for a very long time - about 6 months.
However, you are unlikely to refuse to enjoy this delicacy immediately after preparation!

This pasta was invented by an American dietitian. He was looking for a worthy replacement for food of animal origin, which would replace some products and make the usual diet more correct, healthy and balanced. The experiment with peanuts ended in success. Peanut butter turned out to be very appetizing and healthy. It contains unsaturated acids, protein, vitamins and fiber, copes with cholesterol in the blood. This is the same popular and satisfying dish in America as.

In our country, this dish is just beginning to gain its popularity, while Americans cannot imagine a day without such oil.

Delicate , thick texture is perfectly applied to a slice of white bread . Such a sandwich can be served with hot green tea, a cup of bitter coffee or mate.

Only a few components are needed to make a paste from grains. It can be any sweetener ( refined cane or honey), oil ( vegetable or butter), roasted peanuts and a powerful blender.

If you purchased raw nuts, put them on a mold and put them in the oven (140-150 degrees). Watch their color. After 20-30 minutes they will acquire a caramel shade.

Ingredients :

  1. cane sugar (20 grams);
  2. peanuts ( 300 grams);
  3. oil (1-2 tablespoons).

peanut butter ingredients

Cooking :

one . We spread the peeled grains in the thicket of a blender or food processor.

add peanuts to blender

2. Add sweetener. We can replace it tablespoons honey. Or, of course, regular white sugar. But since the recipe is American, we add their favorite brown (cane) sugar.

add sweetener

3 . Grind the mass until fine crumbs form. If the peanuts start to bunch up, stir them lightly and continue the process.

grind peanuts with sugar

4 . Add oil to container. In the classic version, rapeseed oil is included in the composition of peanut butter. At home, we use any refined product. The most ideal sunflower oil is deodorized, that is, ordinary oil from a transparent supermarket. It has no obvious smell and taste, since it is raw pressed or fried. sunflower oil will give a strong flavor to the paste.

5 . We turn on the bender and bring the peanut mass to homogeneity, independently adjusting the required density and density of the product. Pour the finished pasta into a container with a lid, store in a cold place.

blender ready made pasta

must be stored in the refrigerator

Many have heard or seen in American films such a product as peanut butter, which is so deliciously spread on bread and various pancakes. What else can you do with peanut butter? In addition to the fact that it can be smeared with any bakery products, also put the paste in the filling for baking, use it in various desserts and sweets, and also add it to sauces and meat dishes. We’ll tell you how to make peanut butter at home, it’s pretty easy, but you can’t do without a blender, we’ll describe the technology in more detail using recipes as an example.

How to make your own peanut butter?

For homemade pasta it is better to take raw peanuts and cook it yourself. As a sweetener, it is better to use honey, of course, or, in extreme cases, powdered sugar, because. sugar does not dissolve well and as a result the oil will turn out with grains, and not smooth and homogeneous.


  • raw peanuts - 340 g;
  • - 30 ml;
  • refined oil - 15 ml;
  • salt - 5 g.


We wash the peanuts well and blanch in boiling water for just a couple of minutes, and then rinse with ice water. Such processing with a temperature difference will greatly facilitate the process of peeling and grinding. After washing, lay out on a baking sheet with parchment and put in the oven for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. After the nuts have cooled, pour them into a bowl and cover with another suitable in diameter and shake very actively, while the husk is well separated from the kernels. Then it will be enough just to sift through a large sieve. We put the peanuts in a blender and start grinding, first it will turn out crumbs, then flour, then the mass will begin to gather into a lump and only after 15-20 minutes the nuts will begin to give off oil and a homogeneous paste will turn out. This process is not fast, so the blender should be allowed to cool from time to time, and the mass should be mixed and cleaned from the walls.

We add oil, preferably not fragrant or peanut, honey of not pronounced taste and fine salt. Mix again and put in a jar for storage.

How to make chocolate peanut butter at home?

This recipe is for making unshelled but roasted peanut butter. At the same time, the skins will give the final product not only a beautiful brown color, but also saturate it with fiber, which helps protein foods to be better absorbed.


  • - 30 ml;
  • honey - 40 ml;
  • peanuts - 300 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • cocoa - 10 g.


My peanuts and fry in a pan or in the oven until golden brown, but it is worth remembering that it has a large heat capacity, so you need to stop cooking it when it just started to turn golden, then it will reach itself. Pour the nuts into the blender and grind for 15-20 minutes, depending on the power of the blender, not forgetting to stir and let the device rest. To facilitate the grinding process, you can add oil and salt first and tilt the blender bowl in different directions during the process. At the end, add cocoa and honey and, if the paste is too dense, you can dilute it with a little more oil.


Hello everyone! Vika Leping is with you, and today there will be a very cool recipe - peanut butter at home from one ingredient (the second one is optional). Yes Yes! Let's make nut butter from peanuts and that's it! And yes, I’ll say right away that nut pastes can be made from any of your favorite nuts using the same technology: almonds, cashews, Walnut, - anything, show your imagination!

Nut or seed paste is often called urbech. It's fashionable now 🙂 Sunflower seeds, linseed, hemp, and chia seeds are also used. Such a thick mass is saturated with a huge amount of nutrients, therefore it is considered a very valuable source of benefits for our body. But do not forget that urbechi, like our peanut butter, the calorie content of which is as much as 567 kcal per 100 g (like the whole peanut), should always be consumed in doses.

After all, urbechi and pastas are often called oils for a reason - they contain a lot of, albeit useful, but fats. You always need to know the measure, as with other products. By the way, in Ukrainian, as well as in English, we have two words for oil: in fact, oil (butter) and oliya (oil). Oil is everything solid oils, and oliya - liquid. Therefore, we usually call this product peanut butter, and American peanut butter is called peanut butter.

Peanut is a peanut, and literally translates as a peanut, because pea is green pea. And if I go headlong into my linguistic chains of thoughts, then I will take the liberty of asserting that they call it that because peanuts are not a nut at all, but a variety of legumes. Here is such a cognitive and instructive digression. Don't swear, I'm just a philologist and sometimes linguistic insights come to me 😀 But still, let's talk about peanut butter.

I have already said a little about the benefits of urbech, but still, how useful is sugar-free peanut butter? In addition to fat, peanuts also contain a lot of protein, which means amino acids, there are vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, PP, linoleic and folic acids and many other microelements necessary for our body. Iron, copper, potassium, manganese, magnesium - all in rich concentration. Therefore, eat with pleasure if you do not have a peanut allergy, and think about what benefits you bring to the body.

So, to business! Homemade, natural peanut butter, recipe with photo step by step!


  • - peanuts or any others - 500 gr (any quantity is possible)
  • - 2-3 tablespoons or dried fruits / dark chocolate / salt - to taste

Cooking method

So how do you make peanut butter? To get started, I bring to your attention a video recipe for peanut butter with my YouTube channel . Everything is shown here very clearly, so be sure to check it out. And subscribe to the channel, there are a lot of other interesting things, recipes, videos about food, cooking, travel and health!

Video recipe: homemade peanut butter

Step by step recipe with photo

Nut paste is usually made from roasted nuts. But you can also make it from raw ones, it’s just that, to be honest, it will not be so tasty and a little bitter. But it will undoubtedly benefit more. I will bake peanuts in the oven. You can buy already roasted peanuts. It is desirable that it be sold already peeled. I found a peeled raw one, so I'll cook it myself.

Preheat the oven in advance to 180 degrees. Spread the nuts on a baking sheet in an even layer. I recommend using parchment paper. Put the tray in the oven for 15-25 minutes. Every 5 minutes, open the oven and quickly stir the peanuts, then close again. The production of peanut butter is a simple matter, but you should not yawn during preparation either.

I give such a wide spread in time because everyone’s ovens are completely different, nuts can be cooked for someone in 15, for someone in 25 minutes! Look at them and smell them, they should brown a little and smell very fragrant for the whole house. Don't get burned! Peanut butter does not need a burnt source! We take out the finished nuts along with the baking sheet and let them cool for about 10 minutes. If your peanuts are in the skin, you will need to spend another 5 minutes to peel it with your hands, but this is quite simple.

But in order to make peanut butter, it is not necessary to have a stationary blender. If you have a quality submersible, use its chopper - everything will work out with it, but it will take more time. And it will be necessary to give him a break so that he does not burn out with you. If you follow all the instructions, everything will be fine, so read carefully.

Pour the peeled peanuts into the bowl of a blender or chopper. If you fried it yourself, it now smells sweet for the whole apartment! The same goes for homemade peanut butter. And if you have already bought roasted nuts, throw them into a hot pan for a couple of minutes to renew the aroma, you will not regret it!

Let's start grinding the peanuts. I turn on my blender for 30 seconds at high speed and get the result as in the photo. It's called crunchy peanut butter, crunchy is crunchy in English. Due to the fact that some nuts are not completely ground, it remains a little "crispy". In quotation marks, because there is no crunch as such. I do not like this kind, but it also has a place to be, of course.

If you use a grinder, grind the peanuts with impulsive pressing for 10 minutes to this state. First you get a crumb, then the mass will begin to set. Pay attention to the word impulsive! It is very important! Otherwise, you risk losing your blender. Most likely, at this stage, you will sometimes need to mix the mass with a spoon in order to push the unground pieces closer to the knife. Production nut butter it may take a long time, but it's normal 🙂 But the taste is awesome and there is nothing superfluous in the composition!

If you want to achieve uniformity, continue to grind the peanut butter. If your blender gets too hot, set it aside for 15 minutes and then continue. The same impulsive movements until complete uniformity. I turned on my blender another 3 times for 30 seconds, helping the paste to be pushed towards the knives with a pusher until it became liquid. But it became liquid already in the second 30 seconds, I just wanted to achieve downright perfect smoothness.

If your nut crumb still doesn't want to release oil and become viscous and homogeneous, you can add commercial liquid peanut butter, just a little. But this is an extreme case! It's better to grind longer. You can also add honey right away if you want to sweeten our peanut butter a little. Because in itself it is not sweet, of course. I added honey at the end and ground again. There are about 3 tablespoons here.

Immediately after the addition of honey, the peanut butter became much firmer. Also, at the end, you can put your favorite dried fruits, chop finely dark chocolate or even add salt, because many people like the salted version. But my favorite is with honey.

We shift the finished yummy into jars. Everything! Now you know how to make peanut butter at home! It can be stored for 6 months even in the refrigerator. The only thing is that it can delaminate, that is, the solid part is separated from the liquid oil, but this is absolutely normal, just mix it before eating.

And if you're wondering what to eat peanut butter with, I recommend you spread it on whole grain bread or toast, and top it with a banana and some other favorite fruit or berry, like a peach, like mine. I also really like to put strawberries. Just do not forget that the calorie content of peanut butter is quite high, control yourself! 😀

I'll quickly summarize.

Short recipe: homemade peanut butter

  1. If you bought unroasted peanuts, turn on the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Spread the peanuts on a baking sheet in an even layer and put in a heated oven for 15-25 minutes until golden brown, stirring the nuts every 5 minutes.
  3. We take out the finished peanuts, cool for 10 minutes and peel them with our hands.
  4. We put peanuts or any other nuts (both cashews and almond paste) into the bowl of a stationary blender or chopper if the blender is submersible.
  5. Remember that the nut butter blender must be powerful enough. If it is not professional, we grind the peanuts for 15-20 minutes until completely homogeneous with impulsive pressing, periodically stirring the peanut crumbs and gruel, only after 10 minutes it will begin to release oil and seize.
  6. If the blender is professional, grind for several minutes until completely homogeneous, helping to push the peanut mass to the knife with a pusher.
  7. At the end, add honey or chopped dried fruits, or chopped dark chocolate, or salt, if desired, and grind or mix again.
  8. Congratulations, now you know how to make peanut butter at home!

The recipe for peanut butter at home has come to an end. I honestly did it for the first time. And again, to be honest, it was the most delicious and homogeneous, smooth pasta I have ever tried! I will never buy peanut butter again, I will cook it myself! In addition, I brought a jar with me to the Crimea, to try my mother, she also rated it for five. And not because I'm her daughter 😀 My Sergey took another jar to the office, where she was also appreciated perfectly!

In general, if you have always wanted to cook such deliciousness, cook, do not be shy, you will get the best peanut butter without oil, without sugar, without preservatives, without flavor enhancers and other nasty things that marketers shove into our favorite products. Of course, you can buy it, but ... Just look at the composition of Nutella - this is obscurantism! Oh by the way, who loves Nutella? Do you want to learn how to cook it and write to you how? If yes, write in the comments. Just came up with it 😀

And last time I told you! Further more! In order not to miss the news, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a collection of full-fledged recipes of 20 dishes that are prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eat fast and tasty - it's real!

I was with you ! Tell your friends that yours and mine are peanut butter, recommend if you like it, like it, leave comments, rate it, write and show photos of what you have done, and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more more talented than you can imagine and of course enjoy your food! I love you, be happy!

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Peanut butter is rightfully considered a favorite treat for children and adults. The product is not only tasty, but also useful. On the basis of peanut butter, cakes, pastries and other desserts are prepared, it is used as an independent snack for tea. Experienced housewives by trial and error deduced own recipes cooking. Let's consider each of them in order.

Peanut butter: a classic of the genre

  • honey - 35 gr.
  • sunflower oil - 145 ml.
  • crushed salt (not iodized!) - 6 gr.
  • peanuts - 575 gr.

From the ingredients obtained, you will receive about 680-700 gr. final product.

  1. To start cooking, you need to purchase high-quality peanuts. If possible, buy a cleaned and dried composition without salt, otherwise you will spoil the taste of the finished treat.
  2. You can buy unshelled raw peanuts, but then it will take extra time to peel them. On the other hand, the husk is easily removed during heat treatment. It dries up and falls off, you only need a little effort.
  3. After purchasing the raw materials, proceed to its preparation. Fry the peanuts in a pan until golden brown. If possible, use the oven for this purpose. Preheat the appliance to 190 degrees, prepare a baking sheet. Put the nuts on it in one row, put in the oven for 5-8 minutes.
  4. The duration of roasting affects the quality of the final product - the color and astringency of the paste. If you want a soft, slightly sweet mixture, soak the peanuts for 5 minutes. For those who love sweetly sweet composition, it is recommended to fry raw materials for 8 minutes.
  5. Refrigerate the finished product room temperature, then grind in a blender or meat grinder to the state of cereals. If you prefer to use a food processor, split the nuts in half first.
  6. In cases where raw peanuts are used, the husk must be removed before grinding, otherwise it will contribute to bitterness. You can also grind nuts in a coffee grinder, most importantly, do not allow the device to overheat.
  7. After grinding, the peanuts need to be passed through a kitchen sieve 5 more times. After rubbing, add honey, vegetable oil (necessarily refined) and salt to ground peanuts. If desired, you can replace sunflower oil with olive, almond or sesame oil without smell.
  8. Pour in the oil slowly so that the peanut grits absorb the composition gradually. First, pour in a tablespoon, mix, then another, mix again. The consistency of the paste depends on the amount of oil added. The more it is, the thicker the product will turn out.
  9. Mix the composition with a fork, move the mass into a hermetically sealed container. Send to refrigerator long-term storage. The shelf life is 2 months, but it is recommended to use the composition in a shorter time.

  • fine salt - 12 gr.
  • peanuts - 465 gr.
  • peanut butter - 35 ml.
  • granulated cane sugar - 35 gr.
  1. You can use like olive oil not the first extraction, and vegetable, peanut, rapeseed. Sugar is used as a sweetener, but it can be replaced with honey. If you don't add sweetener, the paste will have a nutty aftertaste.
  2. As mentioned earlier, it is better to use shelled nuts, which will not have to be expended in the future. Wash raw peanuts, lay them out on a towel until completely dry.
  3. Turn on the oven, preheat to 180 degrees, at this time take a baking sheet. Brush it with a little oil to make a thin layer. Arrange the nuts in one row, send to the preheated oven for 6 minutes.
  4. After the expiration date, leave the nuts to cool to room temperature, then chop them in a convenient way. You can use both a coffee grinder and a blender, combine, meat grinder. If you prefer the latter option, it is recommended to pass the resulting cereal through a sieve in the future.
  5. Now mix the mass with salt, granulated sugar / honey, peanut butter. Now send the ingredients to a blender or rub with a fork, whichever is more convenient. If the paste is too thick, dilute it with drinking water.
  6. You can cook a homogeneous pasta or make a composition with pieces, it all depends on personal preference. Add chocolate to the mixture, if desired. nutmeg, cocoa or cinnamon. After cooking, transfer the entire mixture to a microwave container, send to the refrigerator.

Peanut butter with syrup

  • drinking water - 90 ml.
  • beet sugar - 130 gr.
  • nuts - 550 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml.
  • crushed salt - 12 gr.
  1. Fry the nuts until golden brown, remove the husk, cool the raw material. Start making sugar syrup. Pick up enamel pan, mix sand and filtered water in it. Put the mass on a slow fire, simmer and at the same time stir the composition with a spatula.
  2. After the crystals have melted, turn off the burner and cool the mixture to room temperature. At this time, pour peanuts into the blender bowl, grind it to the state of cereals. Pour in vegetable oil, fine salt, sugar syrup. Process the mass again with a blender.
  3. Use vegetable oil to adjust the consistency of the paste. When you bring the mass to a homogeneous consistency, move it to a glass jar and cork. Keep the product refrigerated for up to 1 month.

  • butter - 45 gr.
  • peanuts - 550 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 55 gr.
  • beet sugar - 90 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml.
  1. Peanuts need to be roasted, so rinse and dry them beforehand. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, take out a baking sheet, spread the nuts on it in one row. After that, grind the peanuts in a meat grinder, scrolling it several times. Then rub the paste through a sieve.
  2. Put the butter in a deep bowl, melt it in the microwave or on steam bath. Add cocoa powder and granulated sugar. Cool the mixture to room temperature, add the pureed peanuts.
  3. Mix all the ingredients again, pour in the sunflower oil in a thin stream. At the same time bring the mass to a homogeneous consistency with a fork or blender. Pour the finished pasta into a container, cork, store in the refrigerator for no longer than one month.

Peanut butter with cinnamon

  • honey - 35 gr.
  • salt - 10 gr.
  • peanuts - 500 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml.
  • cinnamon - 5 gr.
  1. Wash the nuts and lay them out on a towel to dry. After that, turn on the oven, set the temperature to 180 degrees, heat the appliance for 15 minutes.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the peanuts in one row. Send the nuts to roast, wait 7 minutes. Then take it out and cool to room temperature. Grind to powder using a blender or food processor.
  3. When the peanuts turn into small crumbs, pour vegetable oil into it, add cinnamon, salt and honey (preferably liquid). Pass the mixture through the blender again, adjust the consistency with oil.
  4. When the paste is ready, pour it into a container, close the lid. Use as an independent snack for tea, cook cakes, grease cake layers. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1.5 months.

Peanut Butter with Coconut

  • raw peanuts - 525 gr.
  • butter - 40 gr.
  • salt - 12 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 85 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 120 gr.
  • coconut flakes - 60 gr.
  1. Wash and dry the peanuts, preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Lay the nuts on a baking sheet one by one, roast for 6 minutes. After that, cool the raw material, send it to a combine or blender, grind it into small crumbs.
  2. Add coconut flakes, salt, sugar, melted butter in a water bath. Again send the mixture for grinding, bring to uniformity.
  3. Pour in vegetable oil one tablespoon at a time and mix immediately. Bring the paste to the desired consistency, then transfer to a glass jar, store in the refrigerator. Expiration date - 2 months.

The final taste and texture of peanut butter depends on a number of factors. This includes the degree of roasting of nuts, added sweeteners, and the presence of additional ingredients. Consider recipes based on honey, coconut flakes, cinnamon, cocoa, sugar syrup.

Video: how to make peanut butter

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