Home A fish Homemade sour cream ice cream recipe. Homemade sour cream ice cream with berries. Ice cream cream - brulee - a quick recipe for the lazy

Homemade sour cream ice cream recipe. Homemade sour cream ice cream with berries. Ice cream cream - brulee - a quick recipe for the lazy

Dessert “ice cream”, beloved by children and adults, is a cream frozen in a special way. The mixture is simultaneously frozen and thoroughly beaten, mixed, obtaining a puree from small ice particles. Today we will write about how to make ice cream from sour cream and condensed milk, but first we will plunge into history.

A little about ice cream

Craftsmen and housewives make creamy ice cream, sherbet based on fruit juice, fruit ice, and certain types of desserts, for example,. Today in stores you can find any type of ice cream with a variety of additives: condensed milk, berries, fruits, chocolate, cookies, etc. It is very difficult to choose a favorite from such a variety, because it is impossible to try all types of this delicacy - the masters constantly come up with something new and original, surprising customers. In addition to the classic chocolate and fruit additives, some establishments also use very unusual ones, for example, chili peppers, meat or cabbage. In 1996, the Heladeria Coromoto cafe in Merida offered 860 varieties of ice cream, for which it was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Today, ice cream is available to any product, but in order for us to enjoy cold tenderness today, freezers must first have been invented that could produce up to 15 kg of product in an hour, which after that awaits shock freezing at a temperature of -27 to -34 degrees Celsius. Before this achievement of technology, ice cream was not available to a wide range of consumers, only kings and wealthy citizens could afford such a luxury.

Equipment for making ice cream at home

The easiest way to make ice cream at home is to use an electric ice cream maker with a built-in cooling unit. So you will receive delicious dessert without expending any effort. You can also use a manual ice cream maker. In this case, the mass is laid out in a smaller bowl, which is placed in a larger one filled with crushed ice. Then you need to turn the handle for 20 minutes until the mass thickens, and - voila! But buying an ice cream maker may seem like a rash act, because finding a place for this unit is not always possible, especially if homemade ice cream is rarely prepared.

Making ice cream at home without special equipment and inaccessible or unknown ingredients is a simple task. On the Internet you can find many recipes of varying complexity, offering to prepare a dessert either in cold ways.

Step-by-step recipe for sour cream and condensed milk ice cream

One of the most simple options cold dessert - ice cream from sour cream and condensed milk. It does not require boiling a mixture of milk and eggs. You will be very delicious treat, which will be prepared in accordance with your preferences and bold ideas.
We will need the following ingredients:

  • sour cream 25% - 500 ml;
  • condensed milk - 380 g (1 can);
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g (1 sachet) or 1 g of vanillin.

Sour cream and condensed milk should be natural, of high quality, it is better not to buy products with a long shelf life, they thicken poorly when whipped, and without this you will not get ice cream, but just sweet mousse. It is important to choose sour cream and condensed milk without vegetable fats. But pay attention to the fat content: the fatter the ingredients, the softer the dessert will turn out, although the calorie content is directly proportional to the fat content of the products. Also, sour cream should not be sour. Instead of sour cream, you can use cream with a fat content of at least 33%, since store-bought sour cream is fermented cream. We pre-cool all the ingredients in the refrigerator to make the process easier.

So preparation:

  1. First you need to shift the sour cream into a deep plate or bowl, then pour in the vanilla sugar. Beat with a mixer, gradually pouring in the condensed milk.
  2. Beat until the mass begins to thicken and bubbles appear. It is more convenient to set aside the whisk and use a blender or mixer, especially if you use cream instead of sour cream, as in this case you will need much more time to get the desired result.
  3. At this stage, you can safely experiment. Add chocolate, coffee, nuts, pieces of fruit and berries. If you add your favorite juice, you get a special kind of ice cream - sherbet. To make the dessert taste more interesting, take a little liquor. Peaches, pears go well with vanilla flavor, and berries will play in combination with chocolate.
  4. Transfer the mass to a mold or plastic container and place in the freezer. You can freeze in any dish; stores sell special molds for ice cream and other desserts, thanks to which the dish looks more professional.
  5. Next comes the most important part: stir the ice cream every hour with a wooden spatula. If you just leave it to freeze, you will get pieces of ice. Of course, there are lovers and fruit ice on a stick, but our goal is completely different. So, after about an hour, stir the mixture, repeat for five hours.
  6. Homemade ice cream from sour cream and condensed milk is ready!

To beautifully decorate the dessert, it is useful to have a special spoon for forming ice cream balls. Also, if you have an electric waffle maker, prepare waffle cones to nicely place scoops of freshly made ice cream in them, but they will look great in ordinary waffle irons.

The second chance has come to show the creative part of yourself by decorating the dessert to taste. You can pour over chocolate syrup and put a sprig of mint, or sprinkle ice cream with confectionery sprinkles and chocolate chips, or cinnamon. Place slices of your favorite fruits, berries or nuts on top of a hill of whipped cream. Crumble cookies over jam or berry syrup. In general, create for your pleasure! The resulting dessert is very tender and tasty, no matter how you decorate it.

Since ice cream is a rather high-calorie product, many women deny themselves the pleasure of eating this treat. You can cook delicious ice cream, the calorie content of which will not be very high, and the taste will be incredibly light.

You can treat yourself to this delicacy at any time, the main thing is that you have a jar of sour cream on hand - preferably from a store, sugar and, if desired, some fresh fruit. Do not take homemade sour cream, as it will be very oily and will easily turn into butter when whipped.

Put fresh sour cream in a convenient bowl - you can use Plastic container in which you will prepare ice cream.

One tablespoon of sugar is best ground in a coffee grinder and made into powdered sugar. If there is ready-made, use the powder immediately. With a whisk or a blender, beat the sour cream together with the powder - if you have a blender, use it.

Beat until the powder is completely dissolved.

For additional flavor, you can use vanilla sugar or lemon - grate the zest of a fresh lemon and add to the already whipped sour cream. Chill the ice cream in the freezer for about two hours.

To make the ice cream tender and light, stir the finished ice cream with a whisk every 30 minutes. So you avoid crystallization of ice cream and it will be tender and soft. Put the finished ice cream with a spoon into a convenient dish and serve it to the table. If you're adding fresh fruit, don't forget to cut it into small pieces.

Fruit can be added to already mixed ice cream before freezing. Now you know how to make sour cream ice cream in just a few hours. Serve ice cream with grated chocolate or drizzled with fruit syrup. Kids love waffle ice cream so make them ice cream sandwiches.

We cut the finished waffles into a rectangle, put them on one part of the ice cream maker and cover with the second part on top.

Treat yourself and loved ones with this delicious and healthy ice cream. You may also be interested in another ice cream-based dessert, namely, milkshake"", while this drink can be prepared regardless of the season.

As you know, ice cream can be prepared on the basis of various ingredients. Some of them are based on sour cream. Milk product it is better to take thicker, and sugar can be replaced with powdered sugar.

An interesting way to prepare everyone's favorite treat. Sour cream ice cream classic recipe it turns out very tasty and nutritious. If desired, you can add fruit syrup or filler to it - so it will be even tastier!

Servings: 4

A very simple homemade sour cream ice cream recipe step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 2 hours. Contains only 196 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 16 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 h
  • Amount of calories: 196 kilocalories
  • Servings: 4 servings
  • Occasion: For kids
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Desserts, Ice cream

Ingredients for four servings

  • Sour cream - 100 grams
  • Sugar - 2 Art. spoons
  • Waffle cup or cakes - 6 Pieces
  • Fruit filling - To taste (Optional)

Step by step cooking

  1. Sour cream for such ice cream is better to take medium density. So, put sour cream in a container and start whipping it.
  2. In the middle we introduce sugar or powder and continue to whisk vigorously. This process is best handled by a mixer.
  3. We send our whipped mass to the refrigerator for half an hour. After this time, we take the waffle cake and coat it with ice cream. Cover with cake top and repeat the procedure 3 more times.
  4. If desired, fruit filling can be added to ice cream or poured over already prepared ice cream before serving. You can also take waffle cups of any shape.

"Inventing" a dessert for a summer lunch becomes a real challenge in the heat. A powerful blender and the presented recipe for homemade ice cream with a delicate caramel flavor from sour cream and condensed milk will help you successfully solve it.

Lemon smell and vanilla note will give a feeling of freshness, which will come in handy on a hot day.

The quality of sour cream should not inspire any doubts - a stale product can curl up at the most crucial moment. The high-fat ingredients make it easy to achieve a smooth creamy texture of the delicacy for which we love it so much.


  • sour cream 350 g
  • condensed milk 150 g
  • lemon zest 1 tsp


1. Pour boiling water over the lemon, dry with a towel. Remove the zest with a grater. To do this, lay parchment paper on a fine grater, then rub the lemon. Thanks to the parchment, the loss of zest will be minimal. Scrape the zest off the parchment with a knife and onto a plate.

2. Add sour cream and condensed milk to a separate container. Punch the mixture with a blender or mixer for 5-7 minutes until smooth.

3. Add lemon zest and beat well again.

This recipe can be used as a base for making any ice cream: strawberry, banana or chocolate. It is at this stage that it will be necessary to add softened fruit, cocoa powder or chilled melted chocolate and mix thoroughly.

Taste the prepared mixture, if it is not sweet enough, add a little more condensed milk or honey.

4. Pour the ice cream blank into a separate mold or ice cream cups. Then transfer to the freezer until completely frozen.

With berries, it is actually very easy to cook at home. For such ice cream, we need store-bought sour cream with any percentage of fat content of your choice. homemade sour cream it’s better not to take it, otherwise it will either turn out to be too fatty ice cream, or there is a risk of knocking butter out of sour cream. We take any berries for ice cream - strawberries, currants, pitted cherries, raspberries. If you don't like lots of seeds in raspberry ice cream, raspberry puree it would be better to pass it through a sieve beforehand. I took irgu for ice cream, it turned out very tasty. Irga at the beginning of the season is juicy, sweet and does not knit at all. If you don't have ice cream molds, you can freeze in small disposable plastic cups. Spill ready mix in cups, freeze slightly, stick in ice cream sticks and freeze completely.


  • – 1 glass (15%)
  • - 2 glasses
  • - ½ cup
  • - 1 tbsp
  • Drinking water - 1/3 cup

Quantity: 12 servings

Homemade sour cream ice cream - a recipe how to cook

1. To make sour cream ice cream, we need to prepare sour cream, sugar, lemon juice (optional, but desirable), berries and about half a glass of water.

2. We wash the berries, let the water drain. If we use cherries, or sweet cherries, you need to remove the bones. Pour into blender bowl.

3. Add sugar, focus on your taste. If the berries are sour, then we take a little more sugar, if sweet, then less.

4. Add a glass of sour cream. I took sour cream with 15% fat, you can use 10% fat, or 20%.

5. Close the lid of the blender and puree-whisk the mixture until smooth.

6. Pour into the berry-sour cream mass lemon juice and water. Water can be added from 1/3 cup to half a cup.

7. Close the blender lid and beat the mass again.

8. The ice cream mix is ​​ready. Pour it into ice cream molds or cups.

9. Makes 12 servings. Some of the ice cream can be frozen in the container.

10. Put the molds in the freezer for several hours.

To remove the ice cream from the molds, dip each mold for a few seconds in hot water.

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