Home Drinks and cocktails What is coconut oil. How and from what is coconut oil made? Coconut oil - benefits and harms Technological instructions for the production of coconut oil

What is coconut oil. How and from what is coconut oil made? Coconut oil - benefits and harms Technological instructions for the production of coconut oil

Useful oil Coconut is obtained from the copra (dried flesh of the nut) of the coconut palm. The hardened pulp of coconut in the production of oil is first separated from its shell, then the peeled copra is dried, crushed, and only after that oil is obtained from it by pressing.

The most commonly used method for coconut oil is hot pressing. Although it is also used for its production and cold pressing, which allows you to get the highest biological and nutritional value Coconut oil.

This product has a characteristic sweetish, delicate aroma and a pleasant nutty flavor. Today they produce refined and unrefined oils. Also, the oil is food and cosmetic.

To date, the world's main producers of coconut oil are India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

How to choose

It is best to choose unrefined cold-pressed oil, which is considered the most useful and high quality.

How to store

Edible coconut oil is advised to be stored at a temperature of no more than +20 degrees or in the refrigerator.

The cosmetic product can be safely stored in the bathroom, where it will thicken less. Well, if you want to use the thickened oil, then you can also store it in the refrigerator or a cool place. You can use this oil as a cream.

In cooking

Coconut oil will also not lose its beneficial properties and palatability when heated to high temperatures, it is not prone to rancidity, therefore, unlike other oils, it can be used for frying and deep-frying, and it does not become carcinogenic.

Coconut oil can be used as a substitute for butter in cooking. For more economical use, you can cook a dish on ghee or vegetable oil, and add some coconut at the end of cooking. This oil can turn ordinary and simple food into a gourmet dish.

This product is used to prepare a wide variety of hot dishes: soups, pasta, cereal side dishes, vegetable dishes, sauces and hot appetizers. It can also be added to confectionery and baked goods. With coconut oil, they acquire a pleasant aftertaste of cookies, cakes, muffins, cheesecakes, pancakes, cottage cheese casseroles and fritters. Baking with this oil retains splendor and freshness much longer.

With coconut oil, you can stew vegetables and cook any vegetable stews. Ordinary pilaf or rice cooked with this oil will be transformed and become an unusual, refined dish.

Coconut oil is great to add to breakfast cereals such as millet, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, wheat, and corn. It can also be added to milk soups, milkshakes and hot chocolate. Coconut oil can be spread on toast and bread. With coconut oil you can cook very tasty candy and sweet balls of dried fruits and nuts.

In summer, you can cook fruit and vegetable salads with coconut oil. Only vegetables should not be cold, but at room temperature, otherwise the oil may crystallize.


The calorie content of coconut oil reaches 892 kcal. It is completely absorbed without being deposited in body fat, which means it is especially useful for those who play sports and lead an active lifestyle.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Composition and presence of nutrients

The composition of coconut oil includes saturated fatty acids (almost 83%), including lauric, caproic, caprylic, oleic, capric, palmitic, myristic, stearic.

These saturated fats are not harmful to health because they are different from saturated animal fats.

Coconut oil also contains phytosterols, vitamins (K, choline, E) and minerals: calcium, zinc and iron.

Useful and medicinal properties

Lauric acid is the most powerful component in mother's milk, which is needed to strengthen the baby's immunity. It is very useful to consume 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil in the morning on an empty stomach and at bedtime. This will help strengthen the immune system, have a beneficial effect on digestion and can improve the overall well-being of adults and babies.

Lauric acid has pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial and bactericidal properties. Oleic acid will help activate lipid metabolism and maintain water balance in the skin. Caprylic acid is needed to restore and maintain the balance of bacteria in the intestines.

Coconut oil will improve the cardiovascular system, prevent the development of thrombosis, coronary disease and arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis. Vitamin E, which is part of coconut oil, will help reduce high blood viscosity and strengthen the walls of the arteries.

Also, this oil can reduce the risk of developing diseases of the digestive system: ulcers and gastritis. Coconut oil, among other things, activates the healing of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and is therefore especially useful for patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

Coconut oil has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, and antifungal effect, which strengthens the immune system. The oil can be used in the complex treatment of fungal infections, candidiasis, herpes, viral infections, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, influenza, diseases of the reproductive and urinary systems.

Walnut oil is able to activate and accelerate metabolic processes, preventing the development of obesity, restore normal glucose levels in diabetes. In addition, this product prevents the development of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, fatty degeneration of the liver. The oil also has a beneficial effect on the state of the thyroid gland.

Coconut oil also has an antioxidant effect, preventing premature aging, can reduce the risk of developing cancer and Alzheimer's disease. At the same time, it also has a calming, anti-stress and relaxing effect.

Coconut oil prevents the development of caries and osteoporosis, reduces the risk of joint diseases. This product is able to increase the efficiency of the absorption of magnesium and calcium, which are necessary for the formation of tooth enamel and bone tissue.

It is good for women to use coconut oil during breastfeeding. This oil has a rather high content of lauric acid, which is a component of breast milk.

When used externally, coconut oil accelerates the healing of various skin lesions and treats many dermatological diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema.

Use in cosmetology

Coconut oil is excellent for daily care of flaky, dry, irritated, rough, inflamed, aging or mature skin of the body and face. The oil can be used for constant care of sensitive skin around the eyes, as well as for the skin of the décolleté and bust area. It is not recommended to use coconut oil for oily or problematic skin care, as it can provoke the appearance of comedones on the skin.

The melting point of coconut oil is about +25 degrees. If the product has thickened, then this only confirms its naturalness. To melt coconut oil, you need to place the container with this product in a glass with hot water or heat its oil in a water bath.

The oil is also a universal remedy and is suitable for the scalp, décolleté, neck, face, feet and hands.

Coconut oil can also be used as a nourishing and regenerating agent for damaged, thin, split, brittle or dyed hair.

In addition, this herbal product can be used for massage, make-up removal and skin cleansing.

It is advised to use coconut oil as a mouthwash, after-shower cream or lip balm.

Coconut oil will also protect against the harmful effects of frost and wind on the skin, so it can be applied to the face before going outside in winter.

Coconut oil can also be used to care for the nail cuticle and skin of the hands, as a soothing and softening agent for the skin after a pedicure, manicure, shaving, epilation.

Coconut oil is also used as a sunscreen "before" and "after" tanning, as well as for gentle care for sensitive skin of children, as this product is hypoallergenic and has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect.

Cosmetic properties of coconut oil:

  • Tones the skin, giving it firmness and elasticity, helps to smooth out wrinkles.
  • It is quickly absorbed, while leaving no shine and sticky feeling, nourishing and softening the skin.
  • Prevents the appearance of acne and pimples.
  • Helps to retain moisture in the skin and restore its protective functions, prevents peeling and drying, helps to restore the acid-base balance.
  • Accelerates the process of skin regeneration.
  • Prevents the appearance of age spots and skin aging.
  • Restores the lipid-protein balance of the skin, disturbed due to the frequent use of low-quality soaps, gels and shampoos.
  • Soothes inflamed or irritated skin.
  • Protects against excessive UV exposure.
  • It can soften rough skin on the legs.

Coconut oil is also considered an excellent restorative treatment for thinning, damaged, dull, brittle, split ends or over-colored hair. With the constant use of coconut oil, the hair becomes shiny, strong, soft, manageable and silky.

The oil creates a good protective film that prevents protein from being washed out of the hair structure, moisturizes and nourishes the skin well, activates hair growth and prevents hair loss. This botanical product also helps to repair structure and protect against split ends, soothing skin irritation and helping to fight dandruff with its anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties.

Coconut oil will protect hair from the bad effects of frequent dyeing and washing, from mechanical damage when combing, from overdrying and frequent curling. Also, the oil protects the hair from exposure to sunlight, sea wind and salt water, so it is advised to apply it to the hair before taking sea or sunbaths.

Coconut oil is evenly and easily distributed over the entire length of the hair, quickly absorbed by the skin and leaving no greasy shine on the hair.

This product is also used as a mask before washing. So, the oil is applied from roots to ends with massage movements. During washing, it is washed off with shampoo. In addition, you can apply a little oil to already clean hair: lubricate the tips and roots.

Unrefined coconut oil should be avoided on the scalp due to its comedogenicity. True, everything is individual and it cannot be said with certainty that a remedy called comedogenic will be equally harmful to different people. Therefore, you need to check the effect of the product on yourself.

Dangerous properties of coconut oil

You can not use coconut oil with individual intolerance. It is also worth remembering that a high fat content can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract and exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis and

Among the inhabitants of Thailand, Indonesia, India and other countries of Southeast Asia, coconut oil has been deservedly popular since ancient times because of its healing properties known to Cleopatra and used in traditional Indian medicine.

Methods for obtaining coconut oil and its types

There is no doubt that the oil called coconut oil is obtained from the fruits of the coconut palm. To do this, take the copra (white flesh) located under the hard shell of the coconut. It is dried in the sun, crushed and pressed to obtain oil. Pressing can be hot, and then the oil yield from 1 kg of raw material is at least 300 g. With cold pressing, the oil is much less (only 10% of the possible volume), but its value is much higher, as well as the cost.

Coconut oil melts, becoming transparent, yellowish at 25-27 degrees Celsius, and at a lower temperature it solidifies, turning into an oily granular mass. Due to the peculiarities of the chemical composition, it does not oxidize for a long time and retains all its properties.

Coconut oil is produced unrefined (unrefined, with a pleasant sweetish aroma) and refined (refined under high pressure). The latter is distinguished by its transparency and lack of odor.

What is coconut oil made of?

The nutritional value:

  • Calories: 899 kcal
  • Fat: 99.9 gr
  • Water: 0.1 gr
  • Saturated fatty acids: 90 gr
  • Unsaturated fatty acids: 1.8 g


  • Calcium: 2 mg
  • Phosphorus: 2 mg


  • Vitamin E (TE): 0.7 mg

The most significant component of coconut oil are saturated fatty acids. It is they who determine its useful properties.

As a result chemical analysis Coconut oil contains the following substances:

What are the health benefits of coconut oil?

Coconut oil thanks to its unique properties has found wide application in medicine, everyday life, veterinary medicine, cooking, soap making, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. It is included in the formulation of many traditional medicines.

Regular use of coconut oil is indicated in the complex therapy of the following diseases:

  • infectious diseases of the skin, organs of the respiratory and genitourinary systems, liver, having a viral, fungal or bacterial origin;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels: ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, etc.;
  • pathology of the endocrine glands (, pancreas);
  • diseases of the digestive system: Crohn's disease, and gastroduodenitis, ulcerative colitis;
  • diabetes mellitus type II;
  • diseases of the osteoarticular apparatus: osteoarthritis, arthritis, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, etc.;
  • urinary and cholelithiasis, fatty degeneration of the liver;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • constant stress and chronic fatigue;
  • pathology nervous system(Alzheimer's disease, convulsive conditions);
  • oncological diseases.

How can coconut oil harm the human body?

100 grams of coconut oil is almost 900 kcal! Agree that a lot. This should be taken into account first of all by those who closely monitor their weight. You should not exceed the recommended daily intake of coconut oil (up to 2 tablespoons) for oral intake, otherwise the calories will turn into extra pounds.

Coconut oil or copra oil is made from the pulp of mature coconuts, the fruit of the coconut palm. There are many areas of its application in medicine, industry and cooking. Due to its high saturated fat content, the oil oxidizes very slowly and can retain quality for up to two years. Because of these fats, coconut oil is discouraged by many health organizations from being eaten in large quantities.

The quality of coconut oil largely depends on how it is produced. Cold pressing is one of the most popular methods for obtaining quality oils. In general, there are two main methods for extracting oil from a nut. In addition to cold pressing copra, that is, coconut pulp, oil is also made by boiling it from coconut raw materials.

The second method of production, called wet, is less popular, since heat treatment and the chemicals used contribute to the destruction of many useful substances in coconut oil. And the oil thus obtained is a lower class product.

Both mechanized machines and manual presses are used to squeeze the coconut pulp. The wringing machine is a machine with electronic or manual control and a diesel engine. Dried coconut pulp is used as raw material for pressing. Most of the world's coconut oil is made this way.

Hand-pressed coconut oil has the best flavor and aroma. It is more expensive, because its production is costly, less productive, but at the same time more environmentally friendly and of high quality.

With the wet method, the raw material is the whole coconut from which the emulsion is obtained by long boiling, or with the help of chemicals in combination with electrolysis, mechanical action and a centrifuge. But despite the widespread development of technology, this method of producing coconut oil is less popular than pressing, due to the high cost and lower production rate.

The effectiveness and quality of the oil obtained from it depends on the correct collection and degree of maturity of the coconut. Copra made from unripe nuts is more difficult to work with and produces less oil. About 170 kg of copra is made from a thousand mature coconuts weighing 1450 kg, which yields about 70 liters of oil.

To increase the shelf life of coconut oil, it is purified from some free fatty acids. In addition, moisture is evaporated, bringing its content in coconut oil to 0.2%, and salt or citric acid as preservatives. To increase the melting point of coconut oil from 24 to 40 degrees Celsius, it is subjected to hydrogenation. As a result, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids become more saturated, and some of them turn into trans fats.

Tell your friends about it.

Today, the topic of healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) is of interest to many people and is gaining more and more popularity. For some, this is a tribute to fashion (after all, today many stars and popular bloggers talk about this), someone pursues ethical motives, and for someone, all life is a healthy lifestyle. But whatever motivates you, it's important to have common sense and get to the bottom of the issue.

People assume that a healthy lifestyle is a rejection of bad habits, proper nutrition, daily sports and hashtags on social networks like #healthy lifestyle, #pp, #sports, #detox, #vegetarianism, #eco, etc. it is an urge to rethink and change in life). But that is not all. Yes, of course, after giving up bad habits, as well as products containing animal protein, chemical pigments, flavors, stabilizers, flavor enhancers and other additives, your overall health will improve markedly.

However, in addition to what we immerse inside ourselves, we should not forget about what we put on ourselves, directly on the body. These are the so-called personal hygiene products: soap, cream, shower gel, shampoo, toothpaste, etc. Our skin and mucous membranes are designed in such a way that, despite their protective functions, they are able to absorb what we put on them. Of course, if the skin absorbed everything that comes into contact with it, it would be very difficult for us to live, because then a lot of substances harmful to health (and sometimes to life!) would enter the bloodstream. To avoid this, nature provided the protective functions of the skin. The main such protection is the epidermal barrier. It consists of dead cells of the epidermis (the top layer of the skin), which are held together by a fatty layer. To overcome such a barrier, substances in contact with the skin must be fat-soluble and microscopic in size. Water and water-soluble substances cannot overcome such a barrier. Additional protection (including against harmful bacteria) is the acidic pH of the skin, since they (bacteria) are characterized by a more alkaline environment. But any defense can be weakened. So it is with the skin: with improper or illiterate care, we not only do not help, but can also harm ourselves.

There is an opinion that only what you are ready to eat should be applied to the body (but remember: without fanaticism!). Someone will suggest that this is absurd and there are no such products in nature at all. But it is worth working a little deeper into the material, and you will quickly figure out that there are such universal products and there are not so few of them. One of them is coconut oil. It truly belongs to multifaceted and exceptional products with excellent composition and the widest range of applications.

coconut oil production- enough difficult process. First of all, you need to wait until the coconut ripens to the desired state. This happens when the liquid inside the nut (coconut water) begins to emulsify ( coconut milk) and thicken, i.e., pulp is formed. It is the pulp of coconut (it is called "copra") that is used to extract oil, but first it must be separated from the shell, dried and crushed. Next, crushed copra is pressed and oil is obtained. It has a firm texture, white color, delicate sweet aroma and pleasant nutty taste.

Several types of coconut oil

To make coconut oil, hot or cold pressing is used. The method of hot pressing is more common, although when cold, the oil is of higher quality and has greater nutritional and biological value. Like other oils, coconut oil is available in refined form (it does not have the typical smell and taste of coconut, it is used for skin and hair care) and unrefined (it has a characteristic coconut aroma). It is preferable to use (especially if you use for food) unrefined cold-pressed oil, as it will be endowed with maximum benefits and quality.

So what is there in coconut oil that other oils don't? Why is it unique?

Composition and properties of coconut oil

The first thing to touch on is the composition. Since this is an oil, its main component is fat, namely unsaturated fatty acids (lauric (44–52%), myristic (13–19%), palmitic (7.5–10.5%), capric (4 .5–10%), caprylic (6.0–9.7%), oleic (5–8%), stearic (1.0–3.0%), caproic (0.2–2.0%) , linoleic (1.5–2.8%), hexadecene (up to 1.3%)), which do not show an unhealthy effect on the human body in the same way as it happens when consuming saturated fatty acids of animal origin. Also, the structure of coconut oil is made up of phytosterols, vitamins (C, E, K and choline), minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, iron) and hyaluronic acid (it is a natural moisturizer). Such a luxurious chemical composition determines the wide range of effects of oil.

Lauric acid (the mass fraction of which is up to 50% of the total content of substances in the oil) plays a very important role in the development of immunity in babies, as it is an analogue of one of the components of breast milk. With the use of 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, immunity is strengthened, digestive functions and overall well-being are increased. Lauric acid also has pronounced antiseptic, antimicrobial and bactericidal properties.

Oleic acid is involved in stabilizing the water balance in the skin and improving lipid metabolism.

Caprylic acid is needed to restore and maintain the bacterial balance in the intestines.

Benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil has a solid number of beneficial properties. It is freely digestible, does not contain cholesterol, nourishes the body with many necessary substances, has a softening, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the skin and hair, and in addition to the entire body, restoring and rejuvenating it. Actually, that's why it is so popular with cosmetologists and nutritionists.

With regular use of coconut oil inside, the activity of the cardiovascular system improves (vascular flexibility is restored, which, in turn, significantly reduces the risk of a heart attack), metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are improved (the oil has wound healing properties, this has a positive effect on treatment of ulcers), immunity increases, cells of the brain and nervous system are regenerated.

With the external use of coconut oil, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin and hair. The oil is perfectly absorbed into the skin of any type, moisturizing, softening, restoring and improving skin elasticity and turgor. Perfectly smoothes small wrinkles on the face and protects against adverse solar radiation. When applied to the hair, it activates their growth, cracks down on dandruff, makes the hair soft, smooth and silky. You can also use coconut oil for oral care, it strengthens the gums and teeth.

How to use coconut oil

As noted above, coconut oil is used both for food purposes and in cosmetology and body care.

If you decide to use coconut oil for food, then choose oil that was obtained by cold pressing and unrefined. It is it that will retain all the benefits to the maximum extent. But such oil has a small weak link - this is its price, which is high due to complex production. There is another type of unrefined coconut oil that is also suitable for food purposes, this is oil produced by hot pressing. It also contains a large number (though less than cold-pressed) of nutrients and active ingredients, but is much cheaper in price, which is associated with production (hot-pressed method makes it possible to get more oil). All unrefined oil is suitable for use not only in food, but also as cosmetics for hair (it is better not to apply unrefined oil directly on the skin of the body and head because of its pronounced comedogenic * properties). What can not be said about refined coconut oil: it is not recommended to use it for food, as it is purified chemically (acids, alkali and water are added to heated unrefined oil). But for cosmetic purposes, it is used quite actively.

The use of coconut oil in food

At room temperature Coconut oil has a solid texture. To change the state to liquid, it is necessary to melt it. If you intend to use the oil to dress the salad, you can warm it up in a water bath. However, if your salad is cold, the oil will re-solidify. So keep this in mind when preparing meals.

Coconut oil can be used for frying as it has a high combustion temperature and releases less free radicals. It will give a new unusual taste to familiar dishes.

It is also indispensable in cooking (for example, sweets, cocktails and) and baking (perfectly replaces margarine and butter).

Coconut oil: application in cosmetology

In skin and hair care, coconut oil is an excellent find. It revives the youth and beauty of the skin, and also saturates and makes hair strong, restoring their strength and density. When using the oil as a cream for the eyelids and face, mimic wrinkles are noticeably tightened. In the form of a body lotion, it perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin. Can also be used as a cuticle moisturizer, as hair masks and split ends treatments, as a scrub (mixed with natural abrasive ingredients such as salt, sugar or natural clay), as a massage oil (great for stretch marks and cellulite), as a lip hygienist and make-up remover.

An additional benefit of using coconut oil for cosmetic purposes is its ability to be easily absorbed by the skin without being greasy or sticky.

However, when using it, you need to know some subtleties:

  • For the skin of the body and head, take refined coconut oil, as it does not lead to clogging of pores and formation of comedones*.
  • Unrefined oil can be applied as a mask, directly to the hair (avoiding contact with the scalp).
  • You can use the oil alone or in combination with other ingredients. For example, a cleansing face mask: 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil, 2 tsp. honey, 1/2 tsp. lemon. Combine all ingredients and apply to clean skin. Wash off with warm water after 15-20 minutes.
  • When mixing with other substances, melt the oil in a water bath so that it mixes better.
  • If you want to achieve a greater moisturizing effect, then you can apply the oil on damp skin (after washing or showering, lightly blot the body / face with a towel).
  • To give smoothness and shine to the hair, distribute a drop of oil on the palms of your hands and apply evenly to clean, damp hair (special attention can be paid to the ends of the hair). However, if your hair is prone to oiliness, then this method will not work. Since you, on the contrary, will get the effect of dirty hair.

Coconut oil is also good for oral care. Systematic rinsing of the mouth with oil for 10-15 minutes can significantly whiten the teeth and strengthen the gums. And if you mix it with soda and essential oils, you get an excellent toothpaste.

Harm of coconut oil

With all the unique and positive properties of coconut oil outlined above, it must be said that there are also harms from its use. So, it is not recommended to use and apply coconut oil with individual intolerance and allergic reactions. You can check the susceptibility of the body by applying a little oil to the inner surface of the wrist and observing for 2 hours. If itching, swelling and redness do not occur, then the oil is suitable for you, and you can use it.

Do not abuse coconut oil in food. Remember that no matter how magnificent it is, it is difficult for the body to absorb it in large quantities, this gives an excessive load on all organs. Practice moderation and don't go to extremes.

There is also evidence that people suffering from chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis should use coconut oil with caution, as these diseases may worsen.

* Comedones (novolat. acne comedonica) - a type of cyst that forms when the mouth of the hair follicle is blocked by horny masses (desquamated epithelium mixed with thick fat) with hyperkeratosis. Comedones are either closed (whiteheads) or open (blackheads). Closed comedones are whitish papules 1–2 mm in diameter, best seen when the skin is stretched. When squeezing such a comedon, its contents are hardly released. Closed comedones often become inflamed with the formation of pustules and nodules - pimples. In the case of open comedones, the mouths of the hair follicles are dilated and clogged with horny masses like a cork (with hyperkeratosis). The black color of cork is due to melanin, a product of the oxidation of tyrosine. When squeezed from open comedones, the contents are easily released; they rarely flare up. (Wikipedia).

Coconut oil contains beneficial lauric acid, vitamins E and K, and has antimicrobial, antifungal and moisturizing properties. A real treasure trove of beauty and health! But let's talk about everything in order.

Beauty and care

1. Cuticle care. With coconut oil, you can get rid of dry and flaky cuticles by simply rubbing it into the skin around the nail beds. In addition, during this you will also moisturize the skin of the hands.

2. Moisturizing hair. Coconut oil is a natural alternative to pre-made hair conditioners. The fatty acids that it contains soften the strands and do not contain additional chemicals that are part of conditioners. Quick Recipe hair masks: mix coconut oil with honey, apply to hair, leave on for 40 minutes and wash off with your regular shampoo. You can also prevent split ends by applying a little coconut oil to your hair before every shampoo.

3. Styling. If your hair is prone to frizz in humid weather, apply just a little bit of coconut oil to problem areas. It will create a protective film that does not allow moisture to pass through.

4. Care for dull skin. Coconut oil will also restore color and shine to your skin. Just mix some oil with baking soda(baking soda is a great natural scrub) and apply to the skin of the face with soft circular motions and massage a little. After that, wash off the mask with warm water.

5. Antibacterial face mask. Another recipe for a quick homemade face mask with moisturizing and antibacterial properties is coconut oil and honey. Mix these two ingredients together and apply on clean face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

6. Moisturizing lips. Mixing coconut oil with brown sugar makes a great lip scrub, and just applying coconut oil makes a natural alternative to lip balm.

7. Body care. Mix coconut oil with salt or brown sugar, add a few drops of essential oil, and you have a body scrub. You can also add coconut oil to the water while taking a bath to moisturize the skin.

8. Lip gloss. If you have a favorite lipstick that has already run out, you can take the rest of it out of the applicator, mix it with coconut oil, and you will have a lip gloss.

9. Makeup removal. Coconut oil can be used to remove make-up or make-up by simply applying it to the skin, leaving it for 5 minutes and then wiping with a damp cloth. You can also remove waterproof mascara from your eyelashes.

10. Instead of shaving cream. Coconut oil can also be a great replacement for shaving cream, as it improves razor glide and hydrates the skin. Especially good for people with sensitive skin.

11. Fight acne. To reduce inflammation and irritation of the skin, apply a thin layer of coconut oil after normal cleansing. It has bactericidal properties and will create a protective layer.

12. Prevent wrinkles. Coconut oil will be a good alternative to expensive anti-aging creams and serums, minimizing the appearance of wrinkles. Just apply a little oil to the skin around the eyes and gently massage.

13. Scalp care. Massaging your scalp with coconut oil will help get rid of dandruff and prevent it from reappearing.

14. Sunburn. If you are sunburned, apply some coconut oil to the reddened areas of the skin, it will reduce irritation, moisturize the skin and minimize exfoliation.

15. Eczema. Since coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties, it can help reduce the itching and irritation of eczema-affected skin.

16. Home spa treatments. Mix coconut oil with a few drops of your favorite essential oil and you have a great home spa massage oil.

17. Foot skin care. Coconut oil will soften the skin of your feet like an expensive cream, and also act as a deodorant and antiseptic. For even better foot odor, add a few drops of tea tree oil to coconut oil.

18. Eyelash care. With coconut oil, you can strengthen your eyelashes by simply applying a little oil to them before going to bed.

19. Wax removal. If you're using wax for epilation, you'll want to use coconut oil to remove residue from your skin or other surfaces. Apply a little oil to sticky areas and carefully remove the wax residue with a damp washcloth.



20. Giving shine to leather products. Just wipe the surface of leather items with coconut oil and you will restore them to their original shine.

21. Deletion chewing gum. Coconut oil can help remove chewing gum residue or stains from any surface, including carpets and even hair.

22. Cleaning the bathroom. Instead of harsh chemicals for cleaning the bathroom, you can use regular coconut oil, which will also remove dirt and disinfect the surface.

23. Care of wooden appliances and furniture. Coconut oil will be an excellent care product for all wood products, including kitchen utensils (cutting boards, spoons, spatulas) and furniture. Effective disinfection and protection against drying out.

24. Cleaning of metal objects. Coconut oil will add a shine to tarnished metal objects and will also help remove rust from their surface.

25. Grease for hinges. With coconut oil, you can get rid of squeaky hinges by simply lubricating them.

26. Care of the guitar. Coconut oil can be used to lubricate guitar strings.

27. Opening a stuck zipper. If you can't open your jacket or bag, apply some coconut oil to the zipper and the problem will be solved.

28. Kindling a fire. Instead of chemical kindling, you can use cotton balls soaked in coconut oil.


29. Prevention of hairballs. To prevent your cat from pulling out hairballs, grease the pads of his paws with coconut oil.

30. Hair care. In addition to taking care of your own hair with coconut oil, you can also do the same for your pets. Your cat or dog's coat will be healthy and shiny.

31. Nutrition. Including coconut oil in your pet's diet will help prevent arthritis, avoid ligament problems, and manage weight. Be sure to check with your veterinarian before changing your pet's diet.

32. Relieve itching. If you notice that your dog is constantly scratching in a certain area, apply some coconut oil to it to relieve irritation and itching. Of course, after consulting with a veterinarian.


33. Additive to tea or coffee. Try adding a few drops of coconut oil to your morning drink instead of sugar or honey. Butter is a good sweetener.

34. Homemade nut butter. Place the shelled nuts and coconut oil in a blender and in a few minutes you will have natural nut butter ready.

35. Cooking fried foods. Coconut oil can replace sunflower oil, which we usually use for frying foods. Coconut oil has a high smoke point, so it produces far fewer free radicals during frying.

36. Salad dressings. To diversify your salad menu, try replacing olive oil to coconut.

37. Butter for toast. Another way to spice up your menu the next time you make toast is to simply swap out your regular oil for coconut oil. You can sprinkle cinnamon on top.

38. Smoothie addition. With coconut oil, you can also make yourself an "energy" smoothie by adding a teaspoon of coconut oil to the dish. You are provided with a boost of energy.

39. Baking. Coconut oil can be used in baked goods including pies, cookies or bakery products, the recipes of which include a large amount of vegetable fats.

40. Making popcorn. Love sweet popcorn? In this case, cook it in coconut oil instead of sunflower.

41. Lubrication of dishes. Use coconut oil to grease your cookware before baking to prevent food from sticking to the walls.


42. Oral hygiene. Coconut oil whitens teeth, improves skin, detoxifies and kills germs, which is why it is used in the practice of Ayurveda, including for oral hygiene. The recipe is simple: every day, keep two tablespoons of oil in your mouth for 10 minutes, like a regular mouthwash.

43. Prevention of irritation. Coconut oil not only helps to avoid irritation and diaper rash, but also relieves already manifested symptoms (redness, itching, etc.). Mix coconut oil with calendula and a soothing cream and apply the mixture on the affected area of ​​the skin. Oil can also be added to baby cream if the baby suffers from diaper rash.

44. Treatment of cough. To get rid of a sore throat and cough, take some pure coconut oil or add it to tea.

45. Relaxation and stress relief. Coconut oil works great as an aromatherapy. You can also take some oil on your fingertips and massage your scalp and temples to relieve stress and relax.

46. ​​Fighting lice. One more possible variant use of coconut oil. The recipe is this: rinse your hair with a solution apple cider vinegar and let them dry. After that, apply coconut oil to your hair, put on a protective cap and leave for 24 hours. After that, comb your hair and wash it.

47. Treatment of herpes. Coconut oil has an antiviral effect, so it will help stop the development of herpes if applied to the skin at the moment when you only feel discomfort, tingling or burning.

48. Care of minor wounds. Coconut oil can also prevent dirt and bacteria from getting into small cuts and scrapes on the body by simply applying a little oil to them. Get a good barrier.

49. Treatment of bites. Coconut oil will reduce itching from mosquito bites.

50. Treatment of yeast infections. Coconut oil is sometimes used as an adjuvant in the treatment of yeast infections, applied topically.

51. Regulation of cholesterol levels. Due to the content of lauric acid, coconut oil is able to increase the level of "good" cholesterol, taking care of our heart and blood vessels.

52. Benefits for the stomach. Regular consumption of coconut oil is good for the stomach and often helps fight serious diseases (ulcers, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome). Of course, before using coconut oil as a medicine, you should consult your doctor.

53. Reducing airway congestion. To ease breathing during a cold, mix coconut oil with tea tree oil and rosemary oil and apply the mixture under your nose and on your chest.

54. Repel insects. Coconut oil not only reduces itching after insect bites, but can also be used as a repellent. To do this, mix coconut oil with essential oil such as mint, rosemary or tea tree.

55. Moisturizing the breast skin of nursing mothers. To prevent dry skin and cracked nipples, lubricate them with coconut oil.

56. Acceleration of metabolism. Coconut oil improves metabolism due to the presence of saturated fats in its composition, which are easily absorbed and used by the liver for energy, and also stimulate the burning of own fat.

57. Hygiene of the auricles. With the help of coconut oil, you can easily remove wax from the ears by dipping a cotton swab into the oil for a second and gently cleaning the ear canal.

58. Benefits for bones. Coconut oil improves the absorption of calcium and magnesium by the body, which our bones need so much.

Do you use coconut oil in everyday life? Share your observations and recipes in the comments.

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