Home Salads and appetizers Candy production technology. How to open a chocolate production and what to choose - a full-fledged workshop or a home confectionery Which industry produces sweets

Candy production technology. How to open a chocolate production and what to choose - a full-fledged workshop or a home confectionery Which industry produces sweets

Technology system production of sweets includes several operations: preparation of candy masses, molding of candy bodies, surface treatment, wrapping and packaging.

The main mass of sweets is produced in a flow-mechanized way. The flow-mechanized line includes a universal station for the preparation of candy masses, an automatic casting machine with an installation for an accelerated curing of cases, an enrobing machine, mechanized wrapping and packaging of sweets [p. 214, 18].

Preparation of candy masses.

fondant mass. Fondant mass consists of two phases - solid and liquid. The solid phase is sugar crystals evenly distributed in a saturated sugar syrup or sugar invert syrup, which is a liquid phase. In addition, lipstick contains a very small amount of air that gets into the lipstick during the churning process.

Distinguish lipstick sugar, dairy and creme brulee. Sugar fondant is prepared on the basis of sugar syrup. Milk lipstick and creme brulee are prepared on the basis of sugar milk syrup. Creme brulee lipstick differs from milk lipstick in a high milk content. Creme brulee syrup is subjected to a special heat treatment, as a result of which it acquires a brown tint. Lipstick contains 9-12% water.

The process of making fondant consists of two operations: making fondant syrup and churning fondant. The proportion of molasses in the recipe should be 5-25% by weight of sugar, and the proportion of invert syrup should be 3-12%. In the manufacture of fondant syrup, condensed milk, fruit and berry semi-finished products, candied fruits, butter, grated nuts, cocoa products can be introduced into the recipe. All types of lipstick are flavored with essences, and some varieties are injected food colorings. In the manufacture of fondant syrup in a continuous way, the recipe mixture from the mixer is fed by a dosing pump into the coil of the cooking column, from where the boiled mass enters the steam separator. The mass fraction of solids in fondant syrup should be 86-90%. When using boiling under vacuum, the syrup turns out to be lighter. Syrup fondant is produced by batch and continuous processes. Fondant syrup from the steam separator is drained through the pipe into the funnel of the machine and enters the receiving section and then for cooling and churning into the working sections. When the screw rotates, the syrup is intensively cooled and churned. The finished lipstick leaves the machine and enters the collection.

With a periodic method of preparing fondant, the syrup is cooled on metal tables to a temperature of 35-40 * C. After that, fondant is churned in a kneading machine with two Z-shaped blades. Sugar fondant should have an outlet temperature of 55-60*C, and milk fondant 70-75*C. This temperature determines the required size of sucrose crystals. The proportion of the liquid phase in the lipstick should be 30-45%.

Fondant mass can be obtained in a “cold way”. With this method, fine powdered sugar is mixed with sugar syrup, molasses, invert syrup. The entire cooking process takes place in one stage without heating. The disadvantage of cold-prepared lipstick is its ability to dry quickly.

After the introduction of flavoring and aromatic components of the recipe fondant candy mass is tempered at a temperature of 65-72*C. In this case, there is a process of partial dissolution of sugar crystals and, accordingly, a change in the ratio between liquid and solid phases [p. 220, 18].

Fruit and jelly masses. Such masses can be divided into three groups: fruit, jelly-fruit and jelly. They differ from each other in the gel-forming base and consistency. Fruit masses are prepared from fruit and berry raw materials and sugar. The gelling agent in them is pectin contained in fruit and berry raw materials. Such a mass is characterized by high viscosity and has an elastic consistency. Jelly-fruit masses are prepared from fruit and berry raw materials and sugar with the introduction of a gelling agent (agar, agaroid). These masses have an elastic consistency. Jelly masses are prepared without the introduction of fruit and berry raw materials from sugar, molasses and a gelling agent (pectin, agar, agaroid, etc.). In the recipes of many cases of fruit sweets, 50% apple and 50% apricot, plum or blackcurrant puree are introduced. Special instructions for recipes provide for the introduction of sodium lactate or other salts (citrates, phosphates, etc.) into fruit candy masses. These salts have the ability to reduce the viscosity and gelation temperature of boiled fruit and berry masses.

The process of preparing fruit candy masses consists of the following operations: preparing a fruit and berry mixture, boiling the fruit mass, introducing prescription additives. The mass fraction of solids in the boiled mass when cooking without sodium lactate should not be less than 81%, and when boiling with sodium lactate - not less than 78%.

Jelly-fruit masses are prepared in different ways: depending on which gelling agent is introduced along with fruit puree. If it is beet, apple or other pectin, then the difference in the preparation of these masses from fruit pectin lies only in the fact that at the end of cooking, when the mass fraction of solids reaches 70-72%, the amount of pectin corresponding to the recipe in the form of 5% is introduced into the mass solution. And then it is additionally boiled down to a mass fraction of solids of 75%. If agar or agaroid is used as a gelling agent, then the process is carried out in several stages. At the same time, a mass is prepared separately on the basis of fruit and berry puree and a part of sugar, and a mass is separately prepared on the basis of agar or agaroid with the remaining part of sugar and molasses. Separate boiling is carried out because agar or agaroid, when heated together with the fruit mass, which always contains acid, lose their gelling properties. Both masses are mixed in a tempering machine at a temperature of 70 * C, mixed, acid and essence are introduced and immediately sent for molding.

In the manufacture of jelly masses, sugar syrup-agar syrup is prepared, boiled down to a mass fraction of solids of 77-83% and cooled to a temperature of 80*C.

Of all the fruit-jelly masses, the corresponding candy masses are prepared. To do this, when tempering, the flavoring and aromatic components provided for in the recipe are introduced into them. The duration of tempering is 5-10 minutes at a temperature of 70-75*C [p. 223, 18].

Whipped masses. Whipped candy masses have a foamy structure consisting of two phases: gas (air) and liquid. Whipped masses are characterized by the presence of small, evenly distributed air bubbles separated by thin layers of sugar-syrup-agar mass. The formation of foam occurs when churning. Obtaining stable fine foam due to the presence of a foam stabilizer (agar) and a foaming agent (egg white).

Depending on the recipe and technology, whipped candy masses can be divided into two main types: light and heavy, which can be milk-whipped or fruit-whipped. Light-type whipped masses include masses for sweets such as Souffle, bird's milk; and heavy type - Nougat, Zoological.

The process of preparation of light-type whipped masses consists of the following operations: preparation of sugar-syrup-agar syrup; preparation of mass knocked down on proteins; mixing these components in a whipping machine with the introduction of fruit mass or milk syrup and other flavoring and flavoring components. Knocking down is carried out until a homogeneous finely porous structure is obtained. In the manufacture of Ptichye Moloko sweets, condensed milk mixed with butter is gradually introduced into the churned mass.

The process of preparing heavy-type whipped masses consists of three operations: preparation of sugar syrup; churning proteins with syrup; mixing with the rest of the recipe ingredients. There is no agar in the recipes for heavy whipped masses, so the syrup is prepared only from sugar and molasses. Heavy type whipped masses contain significantly less air. Mass fraction of solids in whipped masses 80-89% [p. 230, 18].

Nut masses. Candy masses containing nuts are of the highest quality. Candy masses prepared on the basis of nut kernels are divided into two groups: praline masses, which use roasted nuts; marzipan, in which the kernels are used raw.

The mass of praline is crushed roasted kernels of nuts or oil-containing seeds mixed with powdered sugar with the introduction of fat. Usually praline mass contains 30-33% fat and 50-60% sugar. Mass fraction of solids 96-99%. The fat contained in the nuts has a low melting point, so after grinding the nut mass has a semi-liquid consistency. The recipes provide for the introduction of various fats: cocoa butter, coconut oil, confectionery fat, etc. The main structure-forming agent of praline masses is fat. The process of crystallization of fat is the most important process of structure formation of praline masses. The more solid fats and, first of all, cocoa butter in the mass, the stronger it is.

The process of production of praline masses consists of the following operations: cleaning of nut kernels; heat treatment nuclei; obtaining grated nut mass; mixing prescription components; grinding (rolling) of the mass; wiring; warm-up. The two-stage introduction of prescription fat is caused by the fact that the praline mass with a full fat content is difficult to grind - rolling. The roasting temperature of the nut is 120-140 * C from 15 to 60 minutes. After roasting, the nuts are quickly cooled to a temperature of 30-40*C and crushed in melangeurs. In the manufacture of some praline masses higher grades apply roasting of nut kernels with sugar. Mixing of nut masses with powdered sugar, fat and other components of the recipe is carried out in kneading machines with heating at a temperature of 35-40*C. Then the mass is crushed in five-roll mills, while the mass from a pasty consistency turns into a loose one. Wiring and otminka carried out in kneading machines. At the same time, for wiring, the remainder of the solid vegetable fat provided for by the recipe is introduced into the mass.

Marzipan masses are divided into two groups: raw marzipan and custard marzipan. Raw marzipan is a mixture of raw crushed walnut kernels with powdered sugar. Custard marzipan is obtained by "brewing" crushed raw nut kernels with hot sugar syrup or sugar milk syrup. From the masses of custard marzipan, cases of sweets are prepared, which are then glazed with chocolate.

The process of preparing dry marzipan consists of the following operations: almond scalding; peeling almonds; drying; preparation of grated mass; mixing crushed almonds with prescription ingredients; grinding the resulting mass. For scalding almonds, water is heated to a temperature of 70-80 * C and kept for 5-10 minutes. The wet kernel is passed through an almond peeler. The core separated from the shell is dried in a dryer at 45-60*C. The grinding of the dried core is carried out in a three-roller mill. Powdered sugar is mixed in kneaders for 10-15 minutes. Usually the ratio of grated nut mass and sugar is 1:1. The resulting mixture is further crushed on roller machines. After that, the mass is placed in a tempering machine and taste and aroma components are introduced. Raw marzipan contains about 90% solids.

To prepare custard marzipan, instead of powdered sugar, sugar is introduced in the form of hot syrup. The syrup formulation may include molasses, milk, etc. Mixing is carried out for 10-15 minutes, and then the remaining components of the formulation are added. The mass of custard marzipan is much more resistant to storage than raw [p. 231, 18].

Liquor masses. This is a syrupy mass consisting of a saturated solution of sugar with the addition of milk, fruit preparations, alcoholic beverages, etc. In the candy case, the liqueur mass is in a shell (sugar crust), formed during the maturation process and consisting of sucrose crystallized from the mass itself. Depending on the introduced additives, liqueur masses are divided into three groups: wine, fruit and dairy. To obtain a wine liqueur mass, prepare sugar syrup. Water for syrup is taken in a ratio of water - sugar 1: 2. This will result in a syrup completely free of sugar crystals. Boiling is carried out to a mass fraction of solids of 76-81% at a temperature of 108-112*C. Ready syrup is filtered and quickly cooled to 85*C. Alcohol is carefully added to the cooled syrup or alcoholic drinks and other components of the recipe. Then the resulting candy mass is poured into cells molded in starch.

Fruit liqueur masses are prepared in the same way as wine ones. However, sugar syrup is boiled at a temperature of 116-120*C to a mass fraction of solids of 90%. This is done in order to reduce the duration of subsequent boiling in the presence of sour fruit and berry puree and to slow down the hydrolysis of sucrose. The proportion of puree should not exceed 30% of the finished mass. In some masses, agar syrup is introduced to increase viscosity and slow down crystallization. The finished mass is cooled to 90*C, prescription components are added and poured into starch molds.

Milk-liquor masses are prepared in two stages. Pre-milk sugar syrup, and then it is mixed with prescription components. The syrup is boiled down to 77-83% of the mass fraction of solids. At the end of boiling, a small amount of molasses is introduced and, if provided for by the recipe, butter. The finished syrup is filtered, cooled to 90 * C and the components provided for in the recipe are added. Milk liqueur candy mass is immediately sent for molding by casting into starch molds.

Trays with liqueur mass cast into starch molds are sprinkled with starch on top and placed in drying chambers with a temperature of 50-60*C. The exposure time of the shell of the candy body is 6-7 hours. The thickness of the crust is 0.5-1mm. Inside there is a saturated sugar-alcohol, sugar-fruit or sugar-milk syrup. The mass fraction of solids formed inside the sugar crust of a saturated solution is 70-75%. mass fraction of solids of the crust itself 94-96% [p. 233, 18].

Cream masses. They are an oily mass based on sugar and fat with the introduction of chocolate, grated nuts, milk and other flavoring and aromatic components, obtained by mixing with the introduction of air during processing on whipping machines. When churning, small air bubbles are evenly distributed throughout the mass. This makes the mass lighter and gives it delicate taste. A typical representative of creamy candy masses is the Truffles candy mass.

The mass is prepared as follows. Thoroughly rolled chocolate mass is mixed at a temperature of 40-45*C with cocoa butter and butter or coconut oil for 1-1.5 hours. 10-15 minutes before the end, the essence is introduced and the mass is filtered through a filter with cells with a diameter of 2 mm. The resulting mass is tempered at 28-30*C and churned in churning machines. The mass fraction of solids of this mass is 89.5%. The main property of cream masses is their viscoplastic consistency, which will allow them to give and maintain a different shape.

Milk masses. Milk candy masses are a partially or completely crystallized mass consisting of sugar, milk and molasses, to which butter, grated nuts, fruit and berry semi-finished products, etc. can be added. Some milk masses, such as "Korovka" and "Creamy Toffee", may have an amorphous structure. All milk candy masses are made by boiling milk sugar syrup. First from sugar, molasses, milk and butter in special mixers with heating, the prescription mixture is prepared and boiled at a temperature of 110-115 * C. Mass fraction of solids 89-90%. The boiled mass passes through the steam separator and without cooling enters the casting. If you want to get such masses of light colors, they are boiled under vacuum at low temperatures [p. 236, 18].

Grilling masses. The recipes provide for three types of roasted candy masses: hard roasting (Grilyazh sweets in chocolate), soft roasting (Kievskiy Grillage sweets) and fruit roasting (Serenada sweets).

Solid roasting is a solid amorphous mass of sugar, including crushed, roasted kernels of nuts, almonds. It is obtained by melting sugar, followed by the introduction of walnut kernels into the melt. The mass fraction of solids of this mass is 97.7-99.3%. The proportion of nuts is over 30%.

Soft roasting is obtained by preliminary preparation of sugar-honey syrup, followed by the introduction of fried crushed kernels. The mass fraction of solids of this mass is 95.5-96.5%. The share of the walnut kernel is about 30%. This type of roasting can be prepared by replacing honey with molasses.

Fruit roasting is a hard boiled fruit and sugar mass with roasted crushed walnut kernels. Mass fraction of solids 88-92%. Share of nuts for different varieties ranges from 18 to 40%. The finished candy mass is sent for molding at a temperature: for hard roasting 125-130*C, for soft roasting 105-110*C, for fruit roasting 90-95*C.

Molding of candy masses.

Shaping is understood as the division of plastic or liquid candy masses into separate portions of a certain volume, giving each portion a certain, desired configuration. There are five ways to mold sweets: casting; smearing; rolling; extrusion; jigging.

Casting. Casting is the most common molding method. The casting is mainly molded masses with low viscosity (good fluidity). Molding by this method makes it possible to obtain products of various shapes, including those consisting of several different layers of candy masses. Casting is carried out mainly in molds made from starch, less often from granulated sugar. By casting in starch molds, cases of fondant, milky fondant, fruit and jelly, liqueur, whipped and other candy masses are produced. The candy mass is cast into cells specially stamped in starch, having the desired shape. In starch, the mass acquires the appropriate shape and hardens or becomes covered with a sufficiently strong crust. Starch as a forming material must absorb moisture well from the cast mass. For casting various candy masses technological instructions regulate a certain temperature. The optimum temperature for casting, C: fondant (sugar and milk) 65-72, fondant with nuts 70-75, fruit fondant 80-85, fruit 96-106, jelly 70-75, milk 100-110, liqueur 90- 95. Each type of candy mass requires a different curing regime: fondant mass 32-40 min at 4-10*C, fruit mass 40-50 min at 4-10*C, milk mass 60-90 min at 25-28*C (at the beginning of curing) and 8-10 * C (at the end of the exposure).

Smudge. Many types of candy masses are molded using the smearing method followed by cutting: fondant, fruit, nut, whipped and even cream. In this way it is possible to obtain multi-layer candy shells, which are rarely made of more than three layers, may include various masses belonging to the same or different species.

The spread molding process consists of several separate operations: preparation of the candy mass; smudge; curing; cutting. The preparation of the candy mass consists in tempering it before molding. Fondant masses are smeared at a temperature of 60-65 * C, fruit - 80-85, whipped type "Bird's milk" - 55-60, cream - 28-30 * C.

On the smear conveyor, one-layer and multi-layer candy bodies and non-glazed candies can be obtained from shapeless plastic candy masses. Initially, a sheet is produced on a conveyor, which is then cut in two directions, usually at right angles. As a result, separate cases are obtained correct form. The second and, if necessary, subsequent layers are smeared onto the chilled previous layer. The duration of the exposure depends on the type of mass, its properties and temperature conditions.

The surface of the layer of fondant and some other masses is sprinkled with powdered sugar or a mixture of powdered sugar and cocoa powder and served for cutting. Layers of whipped masses after aging are coated with a thin layer on top chocolate icing temperature 28-30*C.

The layers are cut in two mutually perpendicular directions into separate bodies of predominantly rectangular shape. This operation is carried out on machines of two types: with disc knives or with strings. With both methods, the formation is alternately cut, first into strips, and then into separate products. The knives are placed so that for one mechanism they are located at a distance equal to the width of the candy, and for the other - at a distance equal to its length. The resulting cases are sent for glazing, and unglazed candies for wrapping and packaging.

Rolling. This method is more progressive than smearing. The formation of a candy layer occurs when the mass passes between the rolls, the thickness of the layer depends on the gap between the rolls. By the method of rolling, cases are formed from custard nut masses, fondant mass, roasting masses. In multilayer candy bodies, each layer is formed on a separate roll mechanism.

The formation of wafer-based candy masses is carried out on a machine with three work rolls, of which one is corrugated and two are smooth. The corrugated roll forces the mass into the space between two smooth rolls. Before entering the cooling chamber, the layer with wafers passes under the pressure roll, after which the layer is cut on machines with string cutting.

Pressing out. The basis of the method is the extrusion of the candy mass through the holes of the matrices into bundles of the corresponding profile (round, oval, rectangular, etc.). This method is used to form plastic masses, which include mainly fat-containing (nut masses) and some fondant masses.

The praline mass is prepared for molding by kneading for 30 minutes at a temperature of 2-8*C higher than the melting point of the mixture of fats included in its composition. In this case, the complete destruction of the structure occurs and the mass acquires a liquid-like consistency. Then such a mass is cooled to the optimum molding temperature (see Table 1.2).

Table 1.2

Optimal kneading and molding temperatures

Depending on the design of the forming machine, the candy mass is pressed out through 6, 18, and 22 holes of the forming matrix. The extrusion of the mass during molding is carried out by a screw supercharger, into which the mass comes from the hopper. From the forming mechanism, the mass comes out in the form of endless ribbons or bundles, which are cooled on a conveyor in cabinets. The bundles acquire considerable strength, the fat contained in the mass crystallizes. The cooling time is 7-8 minutes.

Jigging. When molding by jigging, piece products of complex configuration are obtained from candy masses by extrusion through profiling nozzles onto a receiving conveyor or sheets. In this way, mainly cream and whipped masses are formed. When depositing, the products are dome-shaped, therefore, when using this method, subsequent cutting is not required. Molded products can be given a different configuration by changing the shaped nozzles [p. 258, 18].

Candy surface treatment.

Surface treatment of sweets consists in their glazing. The icing makes the candy more attractive. appearance and greater stability in storage, improves taste. Glazing is carried out various types glaze:

a) couverture - natural chocolate icing. It consists of powdered sugar, cocoa mass, cocoa butter, vanilla essence; in some varieties it is allowed to introduce confectionery fat up to 3-5%, soy phosphatide concentrate - 4%;

b) chocolate icing is a semi-finished product, which is a finely ground mass consisting of cocoa bean processing products, as well as fat equivalents of cocoa butter with or without the addition of various flavoring and aromatic additives;

c) fatty glaze is a semi-finished product, which is a fat mass made on the basis of confectionery fat, powdered sugar and other flavoring and aromatic substances;

d) fondant glaze - is a fondant mass with the addition of wine, essences; rarely used;

e) caramel glaze - molten caramel mass, which is used to glaze walnut kernels.

In addition, the surface of glazed and unglazed sweets can be sprinkled with sugar, cocoa powder, nut or waffle crumbs, chocolate chips, and also finished with nuts, fruits.

The process of glazing candy cases can be carried out in different ways: ordinary single glazing; double glazing; coating first with chocolate icing on the bottom, and then on the entire body. Wafer-based cases are glazed twice. In accordance with the recipes, the amount of icing on sweets with strong structures should be 22-25%, weaker structures (liqueur, whipped) - 30-45%, with wafer-based bodies - 30-40%. The process of glazing with chocolate icing must be preceded by an important tempering process. Glazed sweets pass through the refrigerator at a temperature of 6-10 * C for 5-6 minutes. During this time, the cocoa butter completely crystallizes and the glaze hardens. In some designs of enrobing machines, a device is provided for applying various patterns to sweets.

Glazing of cases with fatty glaze is carried out on the same machines, on which cases of sweets are covered with chocolate icing. Fat glaze does not require tempering. It is heated to a temperature of 37-40*C.

Fondant glaze is most often glazed by hand. To do this, sugar or milk fondant is heated to a temperature of 50-55 * C and flavoring and aromatic components are introduced. Prepared candy cases are covered with heated fondant and placed on metal sheets. After aging in the workshop for 3-4 hours, they are transferred to packing and packaging. Fondant icing dries quickly (white spots form), so fondant glazing is most often used only for sweets included in sets that have a short shelf life [p. 260, 18].

Candy production: the main stages + what equipment you need to purchase + the choice of raw materials + what you need to register an LLC or an individual entrepreneur + renting a room for a factory + searching for full-time employees + where to sell products + when the sweet business pays off.

Even in the midst of the financial crisis, the production of sweets is in demand.

This business idea is quite universal: you can even do it at home by purchasing only raw materials and a variety of candy molds. The only disadvantage of this format is that you cannot cook a lot of goods for sale on your own, without the help of special equipment.

In this article, we will tell you how to start your own sweet business in Russia by organizing a mini-factory if you expect to receive significant income from your activities.

Organizational issues for opening a “candy” business ...

First of all, you should think about legalizing your business, that is, visit the Tax Service.

If you are going to trade in small lots, then it is enough to pay taxes according to the simplified system. Registration will take approximately one week. Don't forget to pay the state fee of 800₽! As a result, you will receive documents on registration of individual entrepreneurs, an extract from the USRIP.

If you are ambitious and intend to provide the whole country with chocolates, then it is better to become a legal entity. Suppliers and retail chains are better in contact with LLC, more boldly enter into contracts.

Read more about the formation of LLC on the website of the Tax: https://www.nalog.ru/rn77/yul/interest/reg_yl

To obtain LLC status, you will need the following package of documents:

Up to this point, you must decide on the legal address. It can even become a private house or apartment, but it is still better to buy or rent non-residential premises.

After receiving the documents (certificate of registration, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities), you must order a seal and open a bank account.

Any business that is related to food must be approved by authorities such as the SES and Rospotrebnadzor:


    Specialists will check your candy production technology. If everything is in order, then the supervision will issue a quality certificate.

    SES and fire inspection.

    They check the premises and equipment for compliance with standards. The building where the production takes place and the equipment is located must have a fire system, an alarm system, ventilation, an evacuation plan, fire extinguishers, etc.

Be sure to make sure that your production workers have a medical book and pass a medical examination on time.

At this stage, you need to spend approximately 20,000 rubles. This amount includes equipping the premises with the necessary fire-fighting equipment, tax payments and other expenses when obtaining permits from government authorities.

Plant space rental

The plant will need a room of at least 60 m2, because the equipment is large and takes up a lot of space. In addition, employees need space for locker rooms and for lunch breaks.

If you plan to only produce chocolates and sell through intermediaries, then you can look for premises outside the city. If you want to produce and sell in the same building, then you have to look for a territory near which there is a large traffic of people.

Rental of premises for the production of sweets - from 80,000 rubles.

Common technology for the production of sweets

A novice businessman who decides to please people with the preparation of sweets must know what technology they are used to produce:

Stage 1.Cooking confectionery mass. It consists of sugar, agar, water, molasses, milk, butter, nutritional supplements(colors and flavors).

Depending on what kind of candy you are making, the ratio of ingredients, mixing temperature of the composition, consistency, etc. will change.

Stage 2.Here we start forming the candy. To do this, you need to pour the mass into sifted, and, most importantly, dried corn starch. It helps form the body of the candy and removes excess moisture from the surface.

It is important to maintain the correct temperature when pouring. For each type of candy, it has its own:
fudge - 70 ° C;
jelly based on agar - 75 ° C;
milk and fruit filling - 100 ° C;
on pectin - 95 ° C;
on caraginan – 80 °C;
sweets with liqueur filling - 95 ° C.

Stage 3.Glazing candy. This process is not so important, because you can do without it. But you should know that they use it not only to create special palatability. First of all, icing is used to keep sweets fresh longer and not harden.

Chocolate usually acts as it, but when it is used, under the influence of time, a white coating may form on the candy. It is harmless, but slightly spoils the appearance of the product.

If you use confectionery glaze, then plaque will not form, because it does not have fat subsidence.

Stage 4.Candy production technology is completed at the drying stage. The formed sweets are sent to a special chilled chamber so that the icing or chocolate hardens and the body becomes structured.

Production chocolates described above is a certain standard, but not strict rules. After all, you can make caramel and lollipops for sale, and then the recipe will be completely different.

It is necessary to store finished products at a temperature within + 5-18 ° C, air humidity in the room - 75%.

Necessary equipment for the production of sweets

In the table below, you will see a rough list of what kind of equipment for the production of chocolates from chocolate you may need. We offered for consideration a ready and completed line.

If you are an experienced entrepreneur and want to purchase equipment separately, you will need a cooker, a refrigeration unit, a chamber for drying and forming sweets. But it is worth noting that such a step is not always a guarantee of savings, but more often even vice versa.

1. Basic equipment.

NameQtyPrice, rub.)
Total: 8 018 000 rubles
Complete line for the production of sweets, which includes:
ball mill;
tempering machine;
container for kindling;
conche machine;
refrigeration unit;
packing line.
1 8 000 000
Packing tape
5 rolls18 000

2. Furniture for staff.

NameQtyPrice, rub.)
Total: 81 100 rubles
Office table
3 6 000
3 2 400
A laptop
3 60 000
Changing room for workers
1 8 000
Uniform for workshop employees (headdress and gown)
10 4 000
Telephone landline
2 700

Purchase of raw materials for the production of sweets

Each type of sweets is made according to its own recipe, so it is impossible to say what kind of raw materials you need.

Below we present only the most necessary ingredients for the preparation of sweets, which are used in most cases:

You can add peanuts, nougat, marmalade to sweets. Then you will have to purchase this raw material additionally, but in a small amount compared to the main ingredients.

The purchase of raw materials must be coordinated with the production technologist.

Search for employees for the production of chocolates

For a small workshop, at least 4 workers will be needed, who will work in shifts. It is good if people have experience in this field. If you have not found qualified personnel, then you will have to allocate an amount from the budget for short-term training courses for employees.

In addition, you will need an accountant on a permanent basis, a technologist who will monitor production, as well as a sales and advertising manager.

Sales of products

The best advertisement is the quality of your chocolates. If the product tastes good, people will quickly spread the word about it. But to launch word of mouth, you need to find points of contact with your first customers.

The main task of the founder or managers is to find partners who will sell the plant's products in stores. To do this, you need to personally meet with the owners of outlets, discuss all the terms of the transaction, etc.

You can sell chocolates without intermediaries. To do this, purchase counters, get permission from the SES, the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor. It is better to hire a salesperson, because if you also deal with sales yourself, there will be no time for administrative work.

But spending money on advertising is not worth it, unless you order the development of your factory logo and candy labels to specialists. It will cost about 5,000 rubles. It is also worth creating a website, but at the initial stages of promotion this is not necessary.

Handmade sweets as a business idea.

How to open your own production? Sweet business.

Candy production - let's talk about profitability ...

As you can see, opening even a small factory for the production of chocolates will cost a tidy sum - from 9,000,000 rubles.

Specifically, this amount includes:

Now let's talk about the cost of production. 1 without additives will cost the plant 500 rubles. This amount takes into account not only the payment for raw materials, but also other related items of expenditure (taxes, utilities, etc.)

And how much does a bar of chocolate cost 40-60 grams? Approximately 100 rubles. From a kilogram of chocolate we will get about 25 bars of sweets, i.e. more than 2000 rubles of income.

Candy production will pay off in 2-3 years with the right approach. If the business becomes successful, then you can receive a net income of 200-400,000 rubles per month.

Summing up, I want to focus on the pros and cons of candy production in Russia:

Business can be started at home. If there is demand, then you can open a small confectionery shop.If you want to create a factory, even a small one, you will need a large initial investment.
There is always a demand.High competition in the market with popular confectionery factories in the country.
There are many ready-made prescription, you can also come up with new technologies for the production of sweets.You need to change the assortment often to surprise customers.
High business profitability.Rospotrebnadzor and SES will be frequent guests at the production site.

Consider all the nuances and carefully study the market before starting a business.

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Candy is confectionery obtained from the mass, which is made on the basis of sugar, with various additives. They differ in shape, taste, aroma and processing method.

Technological stages

The production of sweets is divided into several stages.

  1. The very first is the preparation of a mass of sugar, molasses, agar, water, butter, milk and flavorings. Depending on the type, its composition and the temperature at which the ingredients are mixed and acquire the desired consistency are determined.
  2. The next step is the formation of candy. The most common method of casting the mass into starch. It allows you to make many types of sweets. When pouring, fondant needs 70 degrees; dairy and fruit filling- one hundred; jelly on agar - 75, on pectin - 95, on caraginan - 80. Production of sweets with liqueur filling is possible at 95 degrees. For the formation, sifted and dried corn starch is used. In addition to forming the body of sweets, it is also involved in removing excess moisture from the surface by absorbing it.
  3. The third stage is glazing. Candy production may or may not include this process. Glaze is needed so that the product stays fresh longer, not hard and not dried out. Chocolate can also act as it. Confectionery glaze is not covered with a whitish coating, since it does not have fat subsidence. And real chocolate is not immune from this. Although such a plaque is harmless, the appearance can be spoiled.
  4. Drying completes the production of sweets. It is carried out in special chambers with the possibility of cooling for the speedy structuring of the body and hardening of the glaze or chocolate. Then it remains only to pack delicious products wrapped or boxed.

Candy making ingredients

This type of sweets consists mostly of sugar. Sweets may also contain molasses, berries and fruits, honey, nuts, sunflower, sesame. In addition, cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, dairy products, wine, coffee and vanilla. Components such as fats of animal origin, less often vegetable, and eggs are also part of the candy mass, which is very different.

  • For example, a syrup made from sugar is used for fudge. Sweets are prepared by boiling it with molasses.
  • If you add milk, you get milk fudge, and if baked milk, then creme brulee.
  • Milk fillings differ from fudge by the high content of this product. Fruit mass is obtained by boiling fruits and berries with the addition of flavors and flavors.
  • Jelly fillings consist of sugar, molasses, gelatin or agar. Fruit and berry raw materials are often added.
  • Pralines and nut fillings consist of roasted nuts, sugar and fats. Whipped mass is similar to gelatinous foam and is made from sugar syrup, egg whites, agar and flavorings.
  • Roasting filling includes fruit mass or sugar and crushed nuts. Marzipan sweets are made by grinding almonds with molasses and powdered sugar.
  • Cream fillings consist of mixed and whipped chocolate, fondant masses and pralines with fats. Liquor additives are prepared from sugar, alcohol solution and flavorings.


The candy mass is cast into starch on a special candy casting machine. Piston pumps feed the mixture through a heating funnel. Equipment for the production of sweets from fondant, fruit, jelly and milk mass is equipped with a gear pump. With the help of it, the mass is pumped into the funnels of the casting machine.

Liqueur and whipped mixture is loaded manually. Special equipment for the production of sweets stamps cells of various shapes and sizes. It is used to ensure that the structure of the products in the trays does not collapse.

For storage of products, a warehouse with a temperature regime of 20 degrees and humidity up to 75% is used.

Technology for making caramel

The process consists in the preparation of the mass, its cooling, dosing, rolling and molding, separating the layer into sweets, and feeding it into packaging. Initially, the moisture content of sugar-treacle caramel syrup is about 15%. In the process of boiling, it decreases tenfold.

Then the resulting mass is molded and cooled to 45 degrees, wrapped in a wrapper, packed in packs and packed in boxes. The technology for the production of caramel sweets involves the presence of a digester with a stirrer, an intermediate tank, a temperature table, forming rollers, a conveyor-type cooling machine, a vibrating tray and packing tables. Such a line has a capacity of 150 kg of caramel per hour and costs approximately 1.3 million rubles.

Technology for making truffles

A similar amount will be required for the purchase of equipment for the production of truffle sweets. They are made from cocoa, toffee essence, coconut oil. The process of creating truffles consists of the following operations: preparation of the candy mass, tempering (the production of chocolates is indispensable), shaping the body, cooling, sprinkling with cocoa powder, finishing and packaging.

The production line is made up of a digester, tempering machine, churning, depositing, cooling conveyor equipment, glazing machines, steam generator, conveyor belt for feeding products to stacking. It has a capacity of 150 kg per hour and costs from one to one and a half million rubles. Equipment pays off, as a rule, in 6-8 months.

Dragee preparation technology

The cheapest line for making small round sweets in sugar shell. Dragee is a body with an outer coating rolled onto it. This is done in a special rotating boiler, set at an angle. First, the base is prepared, which is then coated and glossy.

Finished products are packaged and packaged. This is the simplest and cheapest production, including a micromill, a digester, a dragee drum, a sugar sifter, and a packaging machine. Such a line costs 200 thousand rubles and produces 100 kg of products per hour. For its installation, a room of 30 m 2 is required, and only three people can serve it.

One of the main brands of the Saratov region is the Saratovskaya confectionery factory, the abbreviated name is KONSAR JSC. She is better known as "Confashion". Today we’ll talk a little about the factory, but at the same time we’ll see how sweets are made.

The factory has existed for many years - it has been leading its history since 1930, when in the form of an artel named after. Rosa Luxembourg was located in the city center (on the corner of Radishcheva and Kutyakova streets). Now the factory has a different address, and its assortment is wider.

Why is the factory one of the main brands in the region? So after all, its products are sold in most regions of Russia (more than 60 regions of the country), as well as abroad (exports are made to 12 countries of the former USSR, except for the Baltic countries, as well as to China and the USA). And in 2015, the factory became the best exporter in the region. But, despite this, the factory is more of a regional manufacturer.

Photo taken from Denis djhooligantk

Let's look at the production of the main product of the factory - sweets. Confectioners call this type of production sugary. So, Konsar produces all the significant sugary confectionery products: chocolates, caramel, toffee and chewing sweets. And also sort Gift Baskets. Products are constantly updated.

Information stand for employees

The factory produces 18.5 thousand tons of sugar products per year on 14 production lines. By the way, the equipment at the factory is both domestic and foreign (Italian, German and Swiss). Equipment of different years, there is also an old one already. But it does its job well and there is no need to change it. In addition, all equipment undergoes periodic maintenance.

Although it should be said that the factory is constantly working to improve the quality of the assortment and the diversity of the assortment. Therefore, new equipment is also bought - to open new lines. So, recently a line of sweets "One Shot" was opened with the most modern equipment of Italian origin. The peculiarity of this line is that the formation of the filling and the body is carried out simultaneously.

And now let's get acquainted with the process of production of sweets. We will start the tour from workshop No. 6 (there are 7 workshops in the factory, in which 40 lines for the production and packaging of confectionery products operate). This is a workshop for the production of the most expensive products - assorted sweets, which are also used for gift sets (see header photo). By the way, the factory produces about 1.5 million of these sets per year. For such sweets, by the way, real cocoa butter is used.

The start of the line - a machine with empty forms for sweets laid in it

The workshop has 2 production lines (both German) - Knobel And Yubitek .
Yubitek is a line for the production of sweets with assorted fillings. It produces chocolate sweets with a variety of fillings. Moreover, the forms of sweets are very diverse. Examples of sweets of this line are sweets and sets of sweets "Confession de Luxe", "Overture", "Miracle Nut", "Cherry in Chocolate".
And on the line Knobel make jig sweets - sweets based on marzipan, truffle and praline.

As mentioned above, sweets have different shapes: a basket, a bottle, a hemisphere, etc. It depends on the terms of reference received by the line. Each form has its own dose of chocolate icing. Glaze, by the way, is also different. The factory uses bitter, milk and white chocolate for glaze.

This is how the press looks like to give the future candy various shapes. Now the simplest forms are being made - hemispherical.

The process of creating a candy is as follows: first, the machine forms a candy body (just the photo above), then a cooling tunnel comes into the body (10-14 degrees of heat), then the filling is poured into the body. The filling and glaze are prepared ahead of time - in another workshop.

The top photo is a machine for shaping (on the right you can see the finished product - the line is a conveyor belt). The lower right photo is the candy body after cooling.

There are 2 filling machines installed on the line (photo below) - in order to quickly switch from one to another when the raw material runs out. It also allows you to make sweets with two fillings at the same time.

And now the body of the candy is filled with filling.

And this is what marriage looks like. Such sweets are not for sale - they are processed for subsequent production (for example, they are used to stuff waffles).

After filling with the filling, the bottom of the candy is made. To do this, the sweets are heated a little (to melt the top a little), and then they are poured with chocolate and leveled.

End view

And at the very end of the line, the candies are “shaken out” from the mold and fall onto pallets for further sorting.
Part of the product goes to the packaging line, part - to warehouses.
Let's look at the packaging line first. Here, first, the sweets enter the wrapping machine. There are several such machines, each with its own wrapping.

General view of the machine

Candy wrapping process

Finished sweets at the exit of the machine

Then already wrapped sweets get to packing and packaging.

Here we see a weight package of truffles.

Video of this line and candy packaging

Kingdom of various sweets

The sweets are numbered here: each type is in a special tray under its own number.

And already according to these numbers, the process of assembling the set is underway.

This is where various gift sets are formed: seasonal, festive and themed. Here they are - in the form of assorted

Or like this

Residents of the region can purchase the products of the factory both in federal chain stores and in their own branded outlets (for example, in the well-known Chudesnitsa stores). The factory also created an online store, which distinguishes the factory from others. This store is little known to Saratov residents, and in vain - all ordered products will be delivered to your home for free. True, it has its own limitations (for example, the minimum order value is 700 rubles), but a bonus system is provided.

By the way, the work clothes of employees are strictly monitored here: white coats strictly over all clothes and mandatory hats.

But not only sweets are made at the factory. The flour production of confectionery products is also presented here, which we will talk about next time.


Ivan Anisimov

The Pobeda confectionery factory in Russia has two production facilities, and both of them are located in the Moscow region, in the Yegoryevsky district. Various confectionery products are made here, from chocolate bars and sweets to marmalade. All factories are full-cycle production. That is, chocolate for the manufacture of chocolate bars and sweets at the factory is made independently and according to own recipes. This year, the company opened a branch in Latvia - this is how it plans to arrange supplies to the European market. The Village went to Yegorievsk to see what and how sweets are made of.

Raw material preparation

From the outside, the building does not hint at the fact that chocolate rivers flow through the pipes, and mountains of sweets and marmalade ride along the conveyors. Factory as a factory. But as soon as we went inside, we immediately felt the smell of chocolate. It became clear - we are exactly on the spot. As usual, we put on disposable gowns, slippers, shoe covers and washed our hands and went to production.

Everything starts with a warehouse and ends with it - raw materials are stored separately, there is a room for finished products. The raw materials are packed in boxes and large bags, on some we see the inscriptions "Made in Ivory Coast", "Made in Malaysia" or "Made in the Netherlands". To make chocolate, among other things, you need cocoa butter and cocoa liquor, and for candy fillings - vegetable fat (it uses a fraction palm oil). The equivalent of cocoa butter is sometimes added to the fillings - this is a mixture of palm oil with other exotic oils.

The first step in preparing the components is melting, as they are all solid. All this happens in ovens: an employee unpacks a cardboard box containing a large rectangular briquette of beige grated cocoa, vegetable fat or cocoa butter (ovens for the last two components are called “fat melters”), and throws it into the oven. The temperature there is about 85 degrees for grated cocoa and 65-70 degrees for cocoa butter and vegetable fats (the temperature is not universal, everything is individual for different equipment and raw materials). It is important that there are three separate fire chambers: for confectionery fat, for grated cocoa and for cocoa butter. Their streams do not mix unless it is necessary for the recipe. Then the components, which are already in a liquid state, enter the tank through the pipes, where they are weighed. Dry ingredients such as cocoa powder, sugar and various sugar substitutes (stevia, fructose, lactose), powdered milk(whole, fat-free), dry cream or whey are poured into metal tanks, then they are automatically dosed using a vacuum.

Confectionery factory "Victory"


Egoryevsk, Moscow region


STAFF: 1,558 people in the company (more than 700 of them -
at the factory)

PLANT AREA: 35,000 sq. m


Preparation of chocolate mass

After the components are prepared, they all enter the recipe station through pipes. Here they are weighed again and, according to the recipe, they go to the chocolate mass preparation shop. Here, in a container with a capacity of one and a half tons, all the ingredients are found and mixed with cocoa butter and sugar. But the mass is not yet ready: it is tough, and the sugar crunches in it. It is necessary to grind sugar crystals into powder. This happens in a special container, where there is a pair of metal shafts that grind the mass to 90 microns. Then it is passed through five-roll mills, which look like huge rotating rolling pins, directed vertically. The mass is passed between the shafts and gradually reaches the last one, from which it is removed with a metal knife.

In the form of shavings, it enters the conche machine, where it is kneaded for 10-12 hours. The conching process is responsible for the formation of flavor in the chocolate mass. By kneading, heating, opening or closing metal shutters, you can change the taste. For example, if this milk chocolate, then when it is heated to 80 degrees and the metal shutters are closed, all the cocoa flavor remains inside, and the sugar caramelizes, so you can get a caramel-flavored mass at the exit. If the factory wants to soften the taste of dark chocolate, then metal curtains are opened on the conche machine to release the acids from the grated cocoa.

The filling for chocolates is prepared in a similar way - all the ingredients are ground in five-roll mills and kneaded in conche machines. Only cocoa butter with soft vegetable fat is taken as the basis. In wafer sweets, the filling differs from chocolate candies in texture, components and manufacturing principles. It is prepared in a ball mill - a container in which metal balls not only grind the ingredients, but also beat them a little.

Production of chocolates and chocolate

Chocolate mass with a temperature of 28 to 31 degrees is fed to an automatic installation, through which it goes to molds for chocolate bars. The molds are preheated so that the chocolate does not freeze immediately when it hits them. After the form is filled, it first passes through the vibration zone: the conveyor shakes it so that, firstly, excess air bubbles come out of the chocolate, and secondly, the chocolate is distributed evenly along the given edge.

Further, the molds go to the refrigeration tunnel, where the chocolate spends from 20 to 40 minutes at a temperature of 10–15 degrees. After the cooled forms are automatically turned over using a special drum, and the tiles can be easily removed from them. This happens because chocolate at low temperatures shrinks by a millimeter and becomes smaller than the shape. People on this line are kept to a minimum: one employee monitors the flow of mass to the plant, the other monitors the weight of the product. Metal detectors are installed everywhere: chocolate must be safe, without foreign inclusions.

The tiles go to the packaging machine: here everything happens automatically. Then the product is manually packed into boxes, workers check the dates, the integrity and correctness of the packaging. Those products that do not fit the test fly into the container with a marriage. True, such a marriage is not thrown away, but processed and put back into production. Chocolate with additives like nuts and raisins is not made here, all this is made at the site in Klemenovo.

The candy mass is also first heated. The installation is simultaneously supplied and chocolate mass, and stuffing. In order not to mix them, the masses are diluted through their channels, which go to the nozzles - holes. Inside such a nozzle there is another one: the filling is fed through the inner hole, and the chocolate mass is fed through the outer hole, with a slight delay. Then the sweets also pass through the vibration zone and enter the refrigeration tunnel. If there should be a nut in the candy, then a special nut spreader adds it: needle fingers dip the nut into the filling. Near the exit from the tunnel (at the factory it is called “candy evacuation”), a knock is periodically heard: when the molds are turned over, they are knocked on so that nothing remains inside. Then - automatic packaging and packaging: some sweets are put into bags, others - into boxes.

Ready dough through a distribution pipe it is fed into a storage tank, to which a comb is connected, distributing the dough over the plate. The volume of one serving of dough is calculated so that when closing this frying pan with flaps in a small cell, the dough is distributed over the entire surface. closed frying pan enters the oven, and the sheet is baked for three minutes. After all the sheets fall into a special chamber: the oven can bake waffles unevenly, and in this cabinet the moisture content of all sheets is balanced.

Next, the filling is spread on the waffles. It is pre-whipped in a mixer to a certain density, cooled and fed under pressure to the rollers. Their principle of operation is the same as that of a roll-on deodorant: as soon as a sheet approaches, the roller passes over it, transferring the filling to the wafer. Then another wafer sheet is applied on top, automatically pressed, and then the workpiece enters the cooling cabinet. After the product, which looks like a cake, is served for slicing: knives first cut it in length, and then in width. Special rollers and guides separate the sweets from each other. Then all the wafers are poured with chocolate, pass through the vibration zone and are again sent to the refrigeration tunnel, from where they go directly to the packaging and packaging shop.

By the way, factory employees can try everything that is produced here. True, not in the workshop, but they can take a handful of sweets and chocolates with them for lunch. All finished products are sent to the warehouse, and from there to stores in Russia, the CIS countries, Germany and even the USA.

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