Home Drinks and cocktails Air snickers recipe. Culinary recipes and photo recipes. Preparing ingredients for dessert

Air snickers recipe. Culinary recipes and photo recipes. Preparing ingredients for dessert

Cooking Cake Air Snickers - recipe with photo step by step:

First prepare the dough. The easiest way to do this is with a food processor. If you don’t have it, then cook the dough by hand, just try to act as quickly as possible, because if the butter starts to melt during kneading, the finished cakes will turn out to be tough, not crumbly. So, install a metal knife nozzle in the bowl and pour the sifted flour, powdered sugar and baking powder into it. Turn on the processor for 7-10 seconds to mix the ingredients well.

Add cold pieces to the dry mixture. butter.

Turn on the combine and chop the butter with flour for 40-60 seconds to a state of fine crumbs.

Add three egg yolks and stir quickly as well.

If the crumbs are dry enough to not hold together yet, then add sour cream or ice water. But keep in mind, since flour is everywhere different in quality and yolks can also differ significantly in size, you may need more or less sour cream (water), so add it in small portions (1 tsp each), constantly checking the consistency of the dough.

At the end, you should get a wet crumb that easily gathers into a lump.

Remove the resulting crumb from the bowl and collect with your hands into a single lump. Give the resulting kolobok of dough a square shape and lay it on a sheet of parchment.

Roll out the dough into a rectangular layer about 4 mm thick and 27x36 cm in size. In this form, send the dough to the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

In the meantime, take care of the proteins. Pour three egg whites into a clean and dry bowl. And beat them with a mixer until you get a light and fluffy foam.

Without turning off the mixer, add fine granulated sugar in small portions and beat the whites until a stable, dense and shiny mass.

Remove the rolled out dough from the refrigerator and place on a baking sheet. Spread the beaten egg whites in an even layer on top of the dough.

Put the baking sheet in the oven and bake the Air Snickers cake cake first at 170 C for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 110 C and dry the cake for another 30 minutes, during this time the meringue should be completely dry, so focus not only on time, but also on the state of the meringue. Remove the finished cake from the oven and transfer to a work board or wire rack to cool completely.

Prepare cream for the cake. Beat soft butter with a mixer for 2 minutes until it becomes fluffy. Add to it boiled condensed milk.

And beat the cream until smooth. Cream is ready!

Also, to assemble the Air Snickers, you will need chopped peanuts. To quickly and easily grind it, put it in a tight bag and walk on top with a rolling pin. Very small pieces do not need to be achieved.

Also make chocolate frosting. Break dark (or milk) chocolate into small pieces (so the chocolate melts faster), pour cream into it and add a piece of butter.

Microwave this mixture for 20-25 seconds (microwave power 600W). Take it out and mix vigorously until completely smooth. If suddenly the chocolate has not completely melted, then heat the icing for another 5-7 seconds and mix well.

Now everything is ready to assemble the Air Snickers cake. Trim the cooled cake (during baking, the meringue may slightly “blur” around the edges), transfer the trimmings to a container and chop slightly with your hands, you can sprinkle the edges of the cake with the resulting crumb.

Divide the cake into three equal parts, as shown in the photo.

On the dish, apply a thin layer of cream (it will help to “stick” the cake to the dish) and lay out the first cake.

Apply a layer of cream on top.

Sprinkle half of the crushed peanuts on top of the cream.

Use a spatula or spatula to press the nuts into the cream.

Lay out the second cake.

Also grease it with cream, sprinkle with the remaining crushed peanuts and press it into the cream.

And finally lay out the last cake.

Spread the edges of the cake with the rest of the cream and sprinkle with crumbs.

1 tbsp Transfer the frosting to a piping bag (optional) and cover the rest on top of the cake. By the way, if by the time of application the icing is very frozen, heat it for 5-7 seconds in the microwave. In general, the Air Snickers cake is already ready and, if desired, you can no longer decorate it.

But if you are making a cake for holiday table, then we advise you to spend a few more minutes and make it more "smart". To do this, put a small amount of whole peanuts and marshmallows on the glaze that has not yet hardened.

And on top, cover everything with a lattice of deferred glaze.

That's all. Cake Air Snickers is ready!

Let it soak in the refrigerator for several hours and garnish with fresh mint leaves just before serving.

This is what the cake looks like:

Surely, in your family there will be a sweet tooth, ready for a delicious sweet cake and clean the house, do homework quickly, and screw the shelf in the bathroom. How can you pamper your family so that it turns out tasty, satisfying, inexpensive in terms of ingredients, and it doesn’t take much time? We suggest you bake the Air Snickers cake, the recipe of which meets all the parameters stated above.

This is a surprisingly light, tender and quick cake to prepare. It has a pleasant nutty taste, the layer of meringue melts in your mouth. "Air Snickers" will bring true pleasure to gourmets with a sweet tooth.

Dough Ingredients

So, we are preparing the Air Snickers, the ingredients for it are simple and inexpensive, which is good news. We note right away that a lot of eggs will be required to make this cake. Specifically, for the test, six pieces will be needed. Only the yolks will go into the basis for the dough, into the cakes.

You will also need:

  • flour - three glasses (200-250 grams per glass);
  • vanillin - one sachet;
  • baking powder - one teaspoon;
  • mayonnaise (can be replaced with fat sour cream) - one tablespoon;
  • margarine (can be replaced with butter) - 250 grams.


Meringue is prepared as usual, by mixing egg whites and granulated sugar. This cake will require eight proteins and two glasses of sugar.

cream ingredients

As you know, if you do not layer the cake layers with some kind of creamy base, then it will turn out to be dry and inconspicuous in taste. Therefore, for the Air Snickers cake, we will use 500 grams of high-quality condensed milk and three hundred grams of butter. You can use regular condensed milk or boiled milk. As you like more.

Chocolate glaze

What's a cake without delicious chocolate icing? "Air Snickers" was no exception. For chocolate icing, you will need five tablespoons of low-fat sour cream and a bar of chocolate weighing one hundred grams. Connoisseurs advise using high-quality dark chocolate, the cocoa content should be at least 72%.

On top of the chocolate icing, we will sprinkle the cake with crushed nuts. For sprinkling, you can take walnuts, peanuts or any other nuts that you love at home. The total mass of nuts should be at least 1.5 cups. The standard glass often used in the recipe is 200 grams.

Dough preparation

The first thing you should start preparing any cake with is, of course, the dough. To prepare the dough, you should take a capacious dish in which it will be convenient to mix the right ingredients and then knead the resulting mass.

So, how to cook "Air Snickers"? We start with the dough for cakes - this is the basis. Pour sugar into a prepared bowl or pan and break six yolks from chicken eggs. Mixed yolks with sugar should have a whitish tint, then they are beaten correctly and long enough. The whites remaining after separating the yolks can be placed in the refrigerator for a while. So later they will be better and faster whipped during meringue preparation.

Margarine or butter should be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it melts a little when room temperature. If you do not have time for this, then you can use a water bath or microwave oven. But natural defrosting of oil is more convenient and correct.

Add softened margarine, mayonnaise to the whipped protein mass. Mix well. After that, add flour mixed with baking powder to the dishes. Connoisseurs advise leaving one glass of flour in reserve. It is useful if the dough is too liquid or for kneading the mass on a cutting surface. If you did not find baking powder, then you can always replace it with regular baking soda. Only it must first be extinguished with vinegar or lemon juice.

After all the ingredients have been added, the dough can be kneaded on a cutting surface. This is where the glass of flour we left in advance comes in handy. Sprinkle the table with a little flour, lay out the dough and start kneading. When the base acquires the desired thick consistency, it should be divided into two or three parts (depending on the size of the cakes you will bake). Wrap each piece in plastic wrap and refrigerate for half an hour.

Preparation of protein mass

While the dough is basking and comes in the refrigerator, you can start preparing the meringue. Cake "Air Snickers", the recipe of which we offer, is impossible without a protein base. In some recipes, there are simply cakes smeared with cream and sprinkled with crushed nuts. But such a cake can no longer be called "Air Snickers". Do not be lazy in the preparation of cakes. By removing one ingredient, you will not get the result you expected. Don't cut out the lyrics from a cooking song.

So, we will cook meringue from proteins that we languish in the refrigerator and are waiting in the wings. We add granulated sugar to them and beat with a mixer. In order for the proteins to be more elastic and beat easier and faster, experts advise using a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice. But if there were no lemons in the kitchen, then you can do without them.

Cream preparation

The cream for this cake is also prepared using a mixer. Put the melted butter into the dishes and gradually add the condensed milk. The cream should be thick. If you take ordinary condensed milk, then the cream will turn out to be watery. To avoid this, you can take boiled condensed milk or add a little cocoa powder to the usual one. With it, the cream will acquire a pleasant brown tint and will be a little thicker.

Preparation of chocolate glaze

Chocolate icing in the Air Snickers cake is another important detail. In a separate bowl, you need to break a bar of chocolate. A small pot of water is placed on the stove, a bowl of chocolate is placed on top. Try not to pour too much water, it will take a long time to boil and the chocolate will take longer to melt.

When the chocolate becomes liquid, you can add sour cream to it. It is not recommended to use a mixer for mixing. We do not need thick cream, but a liquid "gravy" is required, which will flow around the cake from all sides. Use a silicone spatula to mix the glaze ingredients.


Spread parchment (baking paper) on a baking sheet or grease vegetable oil without smell. We take out the prepared dough balls from the refrigerator and roll each one thinly enough. We spread the dough on a baking sheet, put an impressive layer of protein base (meringue) on top and into the oven. It should already be preheated to 160 degrees. At this temperature, the meringue cake should be baked for 10-15 minutes. Then it is recommended to reduce the temperature in the oven to 100-110 degrees in order to dry the meringue. Cooking time - 40 minutes.

In some recipes, it is advised to leave the cakes to reach with the oven turned off for another half hour. If you don't have time for this, you don't have to. But if there is a temporary reserve, then do not neglect the advice. Remember: no matter which option you choose, you should proceed to the next stage of preparation - applying cream and glaze - only if the cake has cooled down enough.

Cake assembly

When all two or three cakes are ready, you can proceed to the final assembly of the dish. On the first cake, spread the cream on top of the meringue and sprinkle with crushed nuts. Then we cover with a second cake and carry out the same manipulations. Pour the last cake on top of the cream chocolate icing and decorate with nuts.

According to the recommendations experienced housewives, such a cake should not be eaten immediately. In order for it to acquire the necessary rich taste, it should reach and soak. To do this, it is advised to place the cake in the refrigerator for 12 hours, and preferably for a day.

Agree when you're looking desired recipe, recommendations of experienced housewives are an important aspect in choosing a dish. That is why we suggested that you make an Air Snickers cake today, the reviews of which are extremely positive. One likes it for its exquisite nut-chocolate taste. Others prepare this dish because of the taste of meringue familiar from childhood. Still others say that Air Snickers is an insanely delicious dessert that is eaten in one sitting. Try and cook this culinary miracle, please the sweet tooth in your home.

Cake air snickers from shortcrust pastry

Handsome and very a delicious cake Sandy Snickers is perfect for any occasion.
Cake air Snickers is delicious, crispy, nutty and not at all cloying.

Preparing the cake is simple and easy, the main difficulty is to bake the cake correctly so that the meringue is completely dry, and the sandy layer is browned, but not burnt or left raw.

Therefore, adjust to your oven, I baked at an average level in the oven on the “Convection + bottom heat” mode. You can decorate the cake completely according to your taste and according to the theme of the holiday.



Butter 125 gr

Powdered sugar 2 tablespoons

Vanilla sugar 1 teaspoon

Sour cream 1 tablespoon

Egg yolks 3 pcs.

Flour 260 gr

Baking powder 1 teaspoon


Egg whites 3 pcs.

Sugar sand 200 gr


Butter 150 gr

Boiled condensed milk 200 gr

Peanut 70 gr


Butter 20 gr

Powdered sugar 1 tablespoon

Dark chocolate 80 grams

Fatty cream 60 grams


Peanuts to taste, Marshmallows to taste.

Cake step by step


Prepare the ingredients for the dough.


In a large bowl, send soft butter, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat the butter with a mixer for a few minutes until it becomes fluffy.


Whisking continuously, add all the egg yolks one at a time.



Add baking powder to flour. Sift the flour directly into the bowl with the butter mixture.


Use a mixer fitted with dough hooks or use your hands to quickly knead the dough. If you knead with a mixer, then as soon as the dough turns into crumbs, stop beating.


Gather the crumbs into a ball, while trying to knead the dough as little as possible.


Transfer the resulting ball of dough into a bag or wrap in a film. Place it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, preferably 1 hour.


Remove the chilled dough from the refrigerator and transfer it to a sheet of parchment.

STEP 10:

Cover the top of the dough with another sheet of paper and roll it into a layer measuring 26x35 cm and about 4 mm thick. Optionally, if you want to make a round cake, you can roll out several cakes of the diameter you need (this dough should be enough for 3 round cakes with a diameter of 20-22 cm, if you need a larger cake, then increase the number of ingredients). Trim the edges of the layer (you can bake the trimmings separately and make crumbs out of them).

STEP 11:

Put the rolled out dough in the fridge, and in the meantime prepare the meringue.

STEP 12:

Pour the whites into a dry container and beat until light foam.

STEP 13:

Without ceasing to beat, add all the sugar in small portions and continue to beat until the sugar is completely dissolved, and the proteins themselves turn into a lush and dense foam. By the way, for the preparation of meringue, try to take fine sugar or use powdered sugar.

STEP 14:

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and transfer to a baking sheet. Spread the meringue in an even layer on top.

STEP 15:

Put the baking sheet into the oven and bake the cake at 170 C for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 100-110 C and bake for another 25-30 minutes or until the meringue is completely dry. Remove the finished cake from the oven, transfer to a board and leave to cool completely.

STEP 16:

Prepare cream.

STEP 17:

Beat soft butter until fluffy.

STEP 18:

Add boiled condensed milk and whisk again, the cream is ready.

STEP 19:

Also prepare roasted peanuts, it needs to be crushed. To do this, pour it into a tight bag.

STEP 20:

And walk over them with a rolling pin.

STEP 21:

Assemble the cake. Trim the cooled large cake along the edges and divide into three equal parts. Grind the scraps, they can be sprinkled on the sides of the cake.

STEP 22:

Put one cake on a dish and cover it with a layer of cream.

STEP 23:

Sprinkle the cream with a layer of chopped nuts.

STEP 24:

Lay out the second cake and also grease it with cream and sprinkle with nuts.

STEP 25:

Cover the cream with the third cake.

STEP 26:

Grease the sides of the cake with a thin layer of cream.

STEP 27:

And sprinkle with crushed scraps or chopped peanuts.

STEP 28:

Prepare frosting.

STEP 29:

Finely break dark chocolate, add powdered sugar to it.

STEP 30:

Heat the heavy cream in the microwave until almost boiling and pour over the chocolate. While stirring, bring the mixture to smoothness. If chocolate mass already cooled, but all the chocolate has not yet melted, heat the icing in the microwave for 5-10 seconds and mix thoroughly again.

STEP 31:

Add pieces of soft butter and mix again until completely homogeneous.

STEP 32:

Glaze is ready.

STEP 33:

Cover the top of the cake with the finished icing (you can put 1 tbsp of icing in a pastry bag with a round nozzle with a diameter of 2-3 mm).

STEP 34:

Top the cake with a whole peanut and a handful of marshmallows (optional).

Squeeze the reserved frosting in a lattice pattern over the nuts and marshmallows.

Add sugar to raw egg yolks.

Beat the yolk-butter mixture with a mixer, then add vanilla sugar, mayonnaise and soda slaked with lemon juice.

Mix well and add flour.

Knead soft, elastic dough(It will be slightly sticky, but you don't need to add flour).

To prepare the meringue, beat the egg whites with a mixer until fluffy foam with a pinch of salt, gradually add sugar, continuing to beat until stable peaks.

Next, take one piece of dough out of the refrigerator. Cut the parchment to the size of the baking sheet and stretch the dough all over the parchment with your hands into a thin layer.

Place the parchment with the dough on a baking sheet. On top of the dough layer, spread a third of the whipped protein mass with a spoon.

Next, grease the cakes with cream and sprinkle a little crushed or whole peanuts on top.

Fold the cakes on top of each other, press down a little. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, cool slightly and place it in a pastry bag. Cut off the tip of the bag and cover the Air Snickers cake with chaotic stripes or a chocolate net. Immediately place the cake in the refrigerator.

Leave the delicious cake "Air Snickers" overnight in the refrigerator, then cut and serve.

Bon Appetit!

The Snickers bar is loved by both adults and children all over the world, but its composition can hardly be called ideal, and the price for such a modest delicacy in weight is quite high. Therefore, resourceful housewives began to prepare a worthy alternative - homemade Snickers cake.

A couple of lines from history

The history of the world famous bar dates back to 1923, when the American confectioner Frank Mars made the first copy of the delicacy. It was a sweet stuffed with caramel, nougat and roasted peanuts covered with milk chocolate. Over time, the "design" has remained unchanged, but the list of ingredients has changed somewhat.

By 1930, a factory was built in Chicago, where the mass production of Snickers began. In 1992, the bar appeared on sale in the CIS, where it was positioned as a full-fledged replacement for lunch. Now, about $2 billion worth of sweets are sold annually in the world.

The name Snickers is due to the passion of its creator - racehorses. It is believed that this name was borne by one of Frank's favorite stallions, and it can be translated as "quiet neigh", "chuckle" or "giggle".

Step by step Snickers cake recipe with photo

As is often the case with homemade meals, every housewife has her own vision of how to cook a homemade equivalent of Snickers. So, recipes for sweets can vary greatly. The delicacy is often supplemented not only with peanuts, but also with almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower kernels, white chocolate, meringue and other fillings. The cakes are also cooked differently. But, despite the variety of recipes, a dessert has already been invented that can be called a classic. We will start our acquaintance with it, and then we will try to cook a few more variations.

Classic Snickers cake recipe

Like most modern desserts, Snickers does not have a single approved recipe, so housewives are experimenting with ingredients and cooking methods. It is prepared with biscuit and sand cakes, with meringue, crackers and other additives. but classic version is a recipe that includes chocolate biscuits, caramel cream, nougat and glaze.

Preparing a biscuit:


  • flour - 350 g
  • vanilla (extract or sugar) - 2 tsp
  • sugar - 400 g
  • cocoa powder - 30 g
  • drain. butter - 200 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • baking powder - 2 tsp
  • kefir (can be replaced with curdled milk or buttermilk) - 400 ml

How to bake Snickers cake layers. Let's analyze it step by step

Making the first filling: caramel cream


  • drain. butter - 400 g
  • condensed milk (boiled) - 800 g

Let's get started:

Preparing the nougat filling:


  • peanut paste - 200 g
  • peanuts - 200 g
  • butter - 200 g
  • sugar - 100 g
  • honey - 50 g
  • proteins - 2 pcs.
  • water - 50 ml

Getting Started:

How to make chocolate icing for cake:


  • milk chocolate - 400 g
  • heavy cream (minimum 30%) - 300 ml


Pour the cream into a saucepan and bring it to a boil (no need to boil), then pour into a bowl with chopped chocolate. Let stand and mix thoroughly until smooth, then cool.

How to make a Snickers cake: assembly process

  1. We take out two chocolate biscuits, cut each into two cakes.
  2. Lay the first layer cut side up on a tray or other stand.
  3. We divide the Nougat cream into two portions, and put one of them on top of the cake. We level the filling.
  4. Put the next biscuit and half of the caramel cream on top.
  5. Then another cake and the remaining "Nuga".
  6. Cover the cake with the last biscuit so that the smooth side is on top.
  7. Coat the cake with caramel cream on all sides and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  8. To make Snickers perfectly even, you can leave 2-3 tablespoons of cream and smooth out the bumps with it after you get the dessert from the cold.
  9. Place the cake on a wire rack and carefully pour over the frosting to completely cover the surface.
  10. Put in the cold for another quarter of an hour.
  11. If there is icing left, you can cover the cake with it a second time.

If you do not plan to immediately serve dessert to the table, then it is better to leave it in a cold place and take it out an hour or two before serving.

Cake "Snickers" with meringue

No less common is the variant of delicacy with meringue. Thanks to this filling, the cake becomes more airy, voluminous and original. Meringue can be baked as a separate cake, or you can make a lot of meringues, which are then laid out in a layer or crushed and added to the main cream.

The recipe for cakes is the same as in the previous recipe. For this cake, you can cook only one biscuit and divide it into two parts. You also need to prepare caramel cream and nougat in advance.

for meringue

  • egg whites - 3-4 pcs.
  • sugar - about 200 grams

We make a Snickers air cake at home:

  1. Pour the whites into a bowl, beat with a mixer at high speed, gradually pouring sugar in small portions.
  2. Beat until the mass is compacted (it will stick to the whisk without dripping from it).
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment.

Option 1

Option 2

Recipe for assembling a Snickers air cake

Advice. To make the cake more juicy, soak the chocolate biscuits with a mixture of water and cream (in a 1: 1 ratio).

Cake "Snickers" with a cracker

Like the previous two recipes, this one refers to biscuit-type baking, however, the dough and cream in this version are prepared in a simplified way.

For the test

  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • flour - 1 cup

For cream

  1. drain. oil - 1 pack (200-250 grams)
  2. peanuts - 200-300 grams
  3. boiled condensed milk - 1 can (500 ml)
  4. cracker (creamy, unsalted) - 200-300 grams

Chocolate glaze

Making a Snickers cake step by step:

  1. Take the eggs and separate the whites into a separate bowl.
  2. Beat them for 5-7 minutes at the highest speed of the mixer.
  3. Gradually start adding sugar, continuing to beat for ten minutes until the mixture becomes thick and dense, holding on to the whisk.
  4. Whisk the yolks slightly with a whisk and pour in a small stream into the beaten protein.
  5. Sift the flour, add the baking powder to it and mix with the egg mixture.
  6. Optionally, you can bake a Snickers cake with nuts. To do this, add any crushed nucleoli to the dough, for example, peanuts, walnuts, almonds, etc.
  7. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  8. Pour the dough into a special form, greased with a small amount of plums. butter (you can also line it with parchment, which will prevent the cake from sticking).
  9. Bake the biscuit for about 50 minutes, the degree of readiness is checked with a wooden stick or just a toothpick.
  10. For the cream, roast the peanuts and peel them, grind them a little (not into “dust”).
  11. Cracker break into small pieces or put in a bag and press everything down with a rolling pin.
  12. Beat the condensed milk with a mixer, gradually adding slightly melted butter to it. Add nuts and crackers to the resulting mass.
  13. When the biscuit has cooled, take a sharp knife and cut it into two pieces.
  14. Place the first cake layer on a baking sheet, smooth side down.
  15. Spread all the cream evenly over it and top with the second half of the biscuit.
  16. Melt the chocolate mixed with milk, cover the cake on all sides with the resulting icing.

Before serving, you can infuse the dessert in a cool place for several hours.

Cake "Snickers" without baking

If there is a desire to please loved ones with a dessert, but there will be no time or opportunity to bake cakes and complex creams, you can consider a fairly simple recipe without using the oven.

Main Ingredients:

  • chocolate - 1.5 bars
  • crackers (sugar cookies, "baked milk, etc.) - 20 pcs.
  • milk - 6 cups
  • mini sneakers - 12 pcs.
  • peanut butter- ¾ cup
  • caramel - to taste
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • starch (potato) - 2/3 cup
  • salt - a pinch
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet

For the first filling:

  • cream - ½ cup
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • water - 6 tbsp. l.
  • butter - 6 tbsp. l.

For the second filling:


First recipe recipe

  1. Place sugar and water in a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  2. Keep on fire until a brown tint appears (it is better to stir constantly so that the mixture does not burn).
  3. After that, add butter and cream, mix until smooth and cool.

Filling according to the second recipe

  1. Melt the chocolate in the cream. It is better to use a water bath.
  2. When it dissolves completely, add powdered sugar and water, stir well.
  3. Leave to chill.

Cake "Snickers" according to a simple recipe: the main part

Cake "Snickers" in a slow cooker

With the help of a slow cooker, you can make really lush and fragrant cakes. Such a biscuit will turn out even for those who do not know how to cook it. As with other recipes, you can use one or more types of cream, add other nuts to peanuts, decorate with powdered sugar, marmalade, etc.


  • sugar - 220 g
  • sour cream (preferably fat, more than 20%) - 200 g
  • sugar - 220 g
  • water - 0.5 cups
  • cocoa powder - 75 g
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • boiled condensed milk - 300 g
  • sunflower or other vegetable oil - 0.5 cups
  • butter - 180 g
  • cracker (creamy, not salty) - 200 g
  • cream (fat, more than 30%) - 50 ml
  • peanuts (slightly roasted, peeled) - 150 g
  • chocolate (bitter, with a high cocoa content) - 100 g

Step by step Snickers cake recipe

To prepare an unusual cake, you can bake several different cakes, for example, a sponge cake with and without chocolate, with nuts or chocolate drops. Dessert in this case will be higher.

How to decorate a cake?

In almost all recipes, the delicacy is covered with chocolate icing on top, which is beautiful in itself. Such a surface can be designed "like a bar." To do this, you need to cover the cake with the main volume of icing, as usual, and set aside a small part of the mass. When the dessert coating hardens, you need to take the remaining mass (if necessary, you can warm it up) and pour the cake in thin streams in different directions. The result will be mounds and veins like on the original bar.

A decoration that will give an even greater resemblance to the original is pieces of a Snickers bar. For convenience, you can use mini-sweets, cut into thin slices.

Fans of other sweets from Mars Inc. can make a colorful, bright and delicious decoration from M&M's. To do this, simply sprinkle candies on the surface, or separate them by color and lay out a funny pattern.

Another simple and effective way to decorate a cake is with marshmallows, nuts and Snickers pieces. To make the dessert look more voluminous and original, sprinkle not the entire surface with this mixture, but only half.

You can use techniques for decorating that are used when decorating any other desserts. Drawings with powdered sugar, volumetric elements of mastic and cream, intricate patterns of icing, etc. will look good on chocolate icing.

Choose the best Snickers cake recipe for yourself, experiment and enjoy a delicious and satisfying analogue of your favorite chocolate bar!

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Photo: at the request of Yandex and Google

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The dessert, which will be discussed in this article, is a real find for spoiled sweet teeth and those who seek to please them with something special. Today we choose meringue as the king of the party and the subject of discussion! Sounds tempting, doesn't it? This dessert combines all the tastiest that can be found in two other delicacies familiar to everyone - the famous and eponymous bar with caramel, nuts and nougat.

We are sure that you can't wait to try it. But where is one to be found? You won't have to search for anything. We suggest you make your own Snickers cake with a photo step by step (at home) will be provided to you for your own confectionery experiment. All the ingredients, as well as all the preparation steps, are simple enough to implement this delicious idea at home without much difficulty.

To please the taste of more sweet tooth readers, we will tell you several options for how you can make a Snickers cake with meringue. The classic recipe (with photo) will be the basis. Let's get started!

Classics of the genre: cake with peanuts and boiled condensed milk

The first step is to go to the store and purchase all the necessary ingredients. What products will we need? He will tell you about what is included in the Snickers cake with the photo below.

This dessert includes three main components - cake (dough), and cream. The fourth component will be covering the Snickers cake with a thick layer of meringue.

Preparing ingredients for dessert

Cake Ingredients:

  • 350-400 grams of sifted flour;
  • two eggs;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • half a glass of milk (room temperature);
  • half a glass of sunflower oil;
  • 10 grams (or a bag) of vanilla sugar;
  • 2 large spoons of cocoa powder;
  • half a bag of baking powder (can be replaced with a teaspoon of soda slaked with lemon juice).

As you can see, the ingredients for the dough are simple. Since we plan to cook the entire Snickers cake with meringue at home, we will also make the air-nut mass ourselves.

To do this, you need to take care of the availability of the following products at home:

  • four egg whites;
  • a glass of granulated sugar and peanuts.

Cream for the cake should taste like our favorite Snickers bar. To make it easier than ever - use boiled condensed milk (one jar) and peanuts. You can either cook condensed milk yourself or purchase a ready-made version in the supermarket - here, focus on your own preferences. It's the same with nuts. However, we advise you not to spare a little time and buy raw peanuts, which can be dried in the oven or fried in a pan. In extreme cases, a microwave will do. Firstly, this way you can independently adjust the degree of roasting. Secondly, play it safe and heat the nuts, which is especially recommended if the nuts are bought on the market by weight.

Everything necessary ingredients bought - you can start confectionery witchcraft. How to cook a cake "Snickers" with meringue?

Recipe (with photo, step by step)

At home, as a rule, the most difficult thing is to successfully bake cakes. They are the basis of the cake, so we will start with them. First, mix the ingredients for the dough in the following sequence. Sift flour into a separate bowl, mix with baking powder. In another bowl, beat eggs with regular and vanilla sugar with a whisk. Then gradually introduce into this mass sunflower oil and slightly warmed milk. Mix until smooth. Now add the flour mixture little by little. Beat everything together with active, but neat movements.

Next, we have two options - bake cakes in one or two runs. In the first case, it will take a little longer to keep the dough in the oven, but the total cooking time will practically not change. If this is your first time baking a Snickers cake with meringue, then it is better to stop at the second method, since not everyone can cut a ready-made cake in half so that the output is even, unbroken layers.

Pour part of the dough into a mold of medium diameter (24-26 centimeters), lubricating it with vegetable oil in advance. You can use parchment if you like. The form must be taken detachable so that it can be easily removed ready-made cakes. We send the dough to the oven for 20 minutes (readiness can be checked with a wooden toothpick). The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees. Since we have two cakes, we repeat the procedure twice.

Since the Snickers meringue cake is being prepared, the recipe (with photo) for this airy component for dessert will be next in line.

How not to spoil the meringue?

In the preparation of the "air cushion" it is important to follow simple rules, the observance of which will allow even a beginner to achieve an ideal result. confectionery art. First, meringue proteins should be pre-cooled. This is necessary so that they are easier to beat into a dense foam. The second - in the process of whipping, add a little (a couple of drops) of lemon juice or a small pinch of salt to them. This will also help achieve a firm, shiny protein mass.

We begin to beat the chilled proteins first until light foam, so that the mass approximately doubles. Then gradually add sugar (for better dissolution, you can first grind it to a powder state). The result should be a white shiny mass with elastic peaks. We baked the cakes and left to cool, and in the meantime, you can send the meringue to the oven.

We bake air-nut cookies

Everyone prepares a Snickers cake with meringue in their own way. The recipe of the same dessert always has different variations and nuances. So, we will bake meringue immediately with nuts (if there is too much left, you can eat it just like that - with a cup of tea). Someone cooks it without everything, and already adds peanuts during assembly.

We take pre-roasted or dried nuts and grind them with a rolling pin, after pouring them into a plastic bag. You can also use food processor(chopper). Now carefully pour the peanuts into the protein mass and mix evenly from the bottom up.

On a baking sheet covered with parchment, we shift our air-nut mass with the help of a large spoon. Do not make very large cookies - this will increase the baking time. The temperature in the oven should be at the level of 110-130 degrees, the cooking time should be about an hour. But be careful not to overdry the meringue. Take out and leave the cookies to cool. Next up is cream.

A worthy alternative to Snickers caramel

The cream is prepared as easy as shelling pears - whipped with butter. For this, it is best to use a mixer or blender, since the whisk will not allow you to achieve the same uniformity and consistency.

  1. To make the Snickers cake with meringue more airy both in taste and shape, it is better to take chilled condensed milk. So it beats better, without turning into too liquid mass. Butter, on the contrary, is better to get it out of the refrigerator first so that it softens (but not much).
  2. First, beat the butter until creamy, then add the condensed milk and taste. We have achieved the desired sweetness, caramel and airy consistency of the cream - turn off the mixer and put the workpiece in the refrigerator.

What's a snickers without chocolate icing? We offer you two options for glaze - festive and budget.

Creamy chocolate sauce

In the first case, it will be fatter, but, in our opinion, it is more suitable for such a "crazy" dessert. For cooking, you will need 33% cream, if the fat content is less, the glaze will turn out to be thinner. You also need a bar of chocolate - you can use both milk and dark (to your taste).

Heat cream over medium heat. We break the chocolate into pieces and throw it into the same saucepan. Stir the mass until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and remove from heat. Lightly chill.

Chocolate glaze: economy option

If you have cocoa powder, milk and sugar at home (and confectionery lovers certainly have these products), then the following recipe is perfect for you. Heat milk (3-4 tablespoons) over a fire, add a large spoonful of cocoa and 3 tablespoons of sugar. The quantity and proportions of the components in this case may vary, depending on your taste. Mix everything, cook until thickened and set aside to cool.

It's time to free up the workplace for the most interesting stage - assembling the cake.

The final part - we collect dessert

Time to bring our creation to full readiness. Assembling a Snickers cake with meringue is easy and pleasant. Prepare a large flat dish on which you will collect and serve dessert to the table. We collect all the ingredients on one kitchen surface - cakes, meringues, cream and icing. We start from the basics. We put the cake on the dish, caramel on top (a thick layer of condensed milk cream), then air-nut cakes, pressing them tightly to each other. For better impregnation, the meringue can be chopped a little (into large pieces). Then again the cream and the second cake. We also carefully coat the sides and sprinkle with the same chopped nuts that went in the meringue.

Leave the top layer unoiled. Pour it generously with chocolate icing - so that it flows down the sides and covers the walnut sides. Voila! Our bomb dessert is almost ready. It remains only to give him time to soak - so that the taste is richer and the cake is softer. We put it in the refrigerator for several hours and take it out just before serving.

Dessert variations: a variety of components

So your first Snickers cake with meringue and nuts is ready. A step-by-step recipe with a photo helped you cope with this task so that the result will please you and your loved ones. In the future, if everyone likes the dessert, you can add a little creativity and experiment with the recipe. What can be changed?

First, nuts. You've probably tried the limited edition Snickers bars. IN different time the famous chocolate bar was produced with almonds, hazelnuts (and took a strong position in the market) and even with seeds. You can do the same if you want to make a Snickers meringue cake with variations. Just use other nuts or a mix of them in the recipe, for example.

In addition, you can experiment with cream - instead of boiled condensed milk, take the usual one (it goes well with almonds and cashew nuts). Or make a cake with caramel filling. All you need is cream, sugar and some vanilla. Or prepare a cream based on milk jelly and butter - a more refined option for connoisseurs of a delicate and not very sweet cream.

With icing, the same story - use instead of dark white chocolate, and your dessert will sparkle with new colors and tastes!

Creativity in the kitchen - variety on the table

We hope you enjoyed the Snickers meringue cake. The recipe (with photo), implemented at home, can be changed, getting dozens various variations. The recipe presented here is the basis, a classic of the genre. Everything else is limited only by your imagination and desires.

If you are crazy about the world-famous Snickers chocolate bar, then you will definitely like the Snickers meringue cake, the recipe of which we will give you now. The cake is as tasty, nutty and viscous as the popular chocolate bar, no sweet tooth can resist this dessert! Let's take a look at the list right products for cooking.

For a biscuit and meringue, you need the following ingredients:

  • Chicken eggs - 4 things;
  • 250 gr. wheat flour top grade;
  • 200 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 150 gr. butter;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • A small bag of baking powder.

Now for the ingredients for the cream base:

  • A pack of butter;
  • A jar of condensed milk, always boiled;
  • 200 gr. unleavened peanuts;
  • A pack of salted crackers.

The last necessary addition to the cake is icing, the list of products for its creation is as follows:

  • Dark chocolate - 300 gr;
  • Fatty cream - half a glass.

This completes the enumeration of the necessary “things”, now the cooking scheme, naturally painted step by step:

  1. First, separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Pour the protein "liquid" into a bowl and beat the "cool" white foam out of them with a mixer, while whipping, sprinkle granulated sugar to the foam and pour the lemon juice. We continue to work with the whisk of the mixer until the foam finally gets stronger.
  2. Pour sugar, flour, baking powder into a bowl, pour chicken yolks into the same place. The last ingredient in the dough is soft butter. Mix everything well, put the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour. The hour is up, let's start baking cakes.
  3. We divide the dough into three “pieces”, each one is laid on a sheet of parchment lying on a baking sheet, the dough is leveled, and a layer of whipped proteins is laid on top. Yes, the meringue will bake right on top of the cake! It is unnecessary to level the squirrels, leave all the bumps as they are. We carry out this manipulation with each shortcake.
  4. Turn on the oven and set the temperature to 160 degrees, set three baking sheets to bake for 1 hour.
  5. Pour the boiled condensed milk and soft butter into a bowl, put the pan on the fire, pour the peanuts, fry the nuts a little.
  6. Put the peanuts and salted crackers into the blender bowl, turn on the blender and grind the peanut cookies a little. Pour the crushed mass to the condensed milk with butter and mix this mixture well until a cream is obtained.
  7. One cake with meringue after another, coat well with cream. The Snickers cake with meringue is almost ready, we send it to cool and soak in the cream in the refrigerator.
  8. Now we prepare the icing, break the chocolate bar and put the pieces in a bowl. Pour heavy cream into a ladle, put on fire, let the cream boil. Boil, pour them into the broken chocolate and knead everything well.
  9. We take out the cooled home cake meringue and pour over it with chocolate-cream glaze. We level the mass over the entire surface and again send the cake to cool.

Good day, dear readers and guests!

Despite the fact that it is pouring rain outside our window, today I am with you with a very tasty dessert. Yes, yes, the weather today never ceases to amaze. Yesterday morning we greeted with exclamations, there was a lot of snow - beauty! And it's been raining all day today. Can you imagine the picture outside the window? I don't even want to look.

Let's not pay attention to the dullness outside the window, but prepare a delicious homemade Snickers cake with you and brew fragrant tea! Who is with me?

Cake "snickers" - these are delicate airy shortcakes with meringue, smeared with chocolate butter cream on condensed milk + a lot of roasted peanuts! Here is the cake! Want to? Very high in calories? Yes, I know, but you can arrange a holiday for your beloved family on a day off and please them with this yummy. In addition, it is not summer in the yard, but winter, so to speak!

required products:

for meringue:

  • chilled proteins - 7 pieces or 6, but from large eggs,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • sugar - 250 gr.
  • snickers cake step by step recipe

    At first glance, the Snickers cake may seem very large, and someone will even come up with the idea that it is poorly soaked. How can such a large cake need only one can of condensed milk? Friends, in truth, until I baked this dessert and tried it personally, I was also tormented by these thoughts. But they dissipated in an instant as soon as I tried the cake. It's something with something!

    I'm not a big fan of sweets, but I won't refuse a piece of homemade cake with a cup of tea or coffee. Lush biscuits, fragrant, this is no doubt delicious, but I want to diversify sweet pastries and cook something new. Certainly, air cake"Snickers" met all my expectations!

    Cake "Snickers" in the original is prepared from sand cakes. It is very tasty, but if you do not feel like cooking or it is too high in calories for you, then bake your favorite biscuit. But not a simple biscuit, but preferably wet. For example, according to this recipe. But I immediately warn you: the tastes of the cakes are different, besides, the meringue for the biscuit needs to be dried in the oven much longer than in this recipe. Choose!

    I make shortcrust pastry with powdered sugar. Also instead of 250 gr. clean plum. I take only 100 gr. of oil, and the rest is 150 gr. drain. margarine. While the dough is cooling, you can do the nuts. But I worked with them when the baked cakes cooled down. More on this below. I, while the shortbread dough was cooling, cooked for us. How to do it? The dough with frequent touch with the hand begins to stick. Some hostesses wet their hands with water, but I found another way. Take a regular bag, put your hand in it and go! It would be even better if you have gloves at home. Faster with them. Next, you will need to devote time to proteins. To do this, place the egg whites in a large mixer bowl and add a pinch of salt to them. Thanks to salt, the structure of the protein quickly breaks down, respectively, they are whipped faster. At this stage, you can turn on the oven and set the temperature to 160ºС. As soon as the oven has reached the desired temperature, send the baking sheet to the oven for 35 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of baking the first cake, you need to start rolling out the second. Take a new sheet of parchment and do the same as with the first one. When the second cake runs out of baking time, prepare the peanuts. If you have walnuts, then they must first be peeled and only then fried. But remember that peanuts take much longer to roast in the oven than walnuts. I roasted the peanuts in the oven at 180 ºС for 20 minutes. From time to time, stirring and cleaning it from the husk. Once the baking time for the cakes is over, increase the temperature in the oven and send the peanuts into it. Roast the peanuts in the oven until tender, tasting them. It will be good if you bought peeled peanuts, but I did not find this. Therefore, after baking, I need to clean the peanuts. Then grind not too finely. Cake "snickers" I will act as a dessert for a family tea party. And it does not need additional decoration. Unless you need only a very small piece of chocolate. The most successful cream for this cake, I think, is oil on condensed milk. To prepare butter cream, you need to take condensed milk and plums. oil at the same temperature. That is, they should be at room temperature. It is important! First you need to whip a soft plum. butter until shiny and lush, and only then add a little bit of boiled condensed milk. Cream is ready! It is not necessary to grease the top cake with cream, just decorate with melted chocolate. I love butter cream, so I greased all the cakes.

    That's all the work! The Snickers cake can be left for a couple of hours, at room temperature, to soak. And if you are impatient, you can start drinking tea right away!

    All lovers of a quick snack know chocolate with this name.

    The energy value of the cake of the same name is in no way inferior to store-bought bars: pastries also contain nuts and chocolate, but are much tastier and healthier, like any other homemade food.

    The Snickers cake recipe is easy to prepare, even a novice cook can handle the dish.

    The main ingredient, peanuts, is not a nut, as many people think, but an oilseed crop from the legume family.

    The calorie content of the product is 551 kcal per 100 g.

    Peanuts are very rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, which make them effective tool for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

    It differs sharply from its closest "relatives": soybeans, peas, beans.

    The differences are both in the structure of the flower and in the features of the formation of the fruit, because they ripen in the ground, like potatoes.

    The homeland of the plant is South America, it was cultivated by the Indians of Peru.

    An interesting fact: after roasting fruits, the content of polyphenols in them increases by 20-30%, that is, healthy nuts become even more necessary for a balanced diet.

    Cake "Snickers": a basic recipe with a photo

    Product set:

    • wheat flour - 170 g;
    • granulated sugar - 85 g;
    • chicken eggs - 2-3 pieces;
    • baking powder - 0.5 sachet;
    • butter - 100-120 g;
    • peanuts - 150 g;
    • boiled condensed milk - 150 g;
    • dark or milk chocolate- 50 g;
    • margarine - 100 g.

    And here is a video recipe for making Snickers cake.

    All steps are described in great detail.

    Snickers cake recipe with semolina

    There are many other options for making this cake: the base part, the dough for the cakes, remains unchanged, but you can experiment with fillings and impregnations, expand your culinary fantasy.

    For example, add semolina.


    • milk 3 cups;
    • semolina - 1 cup;
    • granulated sugar - 2/3 cup;
    • butter - 250 g.
    1. Bring milk to a boil in a small saucepan, slowly add semolina, granulated sugar, stir the mass.
    2. Cool the resulting porridge a little, add butter, beat with a mixer or by hand, with a whisk, until smooth.
    3. Spread over the Snickers cake, alternating layers with condensed milk, peanuts and semolina.

    The cake recipe can be a little more complicated: add cocoa powder to the dough for the cakes, pieces of a broken cracker to the cream, and soak the finished cakes with fresh, brewed, coffee or sugar syrup.

    Step-by-step photo recipe for Snickers cake without baking

    Product set:

    • condensed milk - 1 can;
    • cookies with baked milk - 500 g;
    • sour cream - 200 g;
    • peanuts - 250 g;
    • cocoa powder - 4 tablespoons;
    • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons.

    It is best to crush the cookies in a plastic bag so that the pieces do not scatter around the kitchen.

    You can use a rolling pin.

    Decorate the finished cake with pieces of colored marmalade, whipped cream.

    Cake "Air Snickers" - the best recipe

    Product set:

    • wheat flour and butter - 250 g each;
    • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
    • granulated sugar - 300 g;
    • peanuts - 150 g;
    • boiled condensed milk - 200 g;
    • chocolate - 200 g.
    1. Carefully separate the yolks from the whites, put the second in the cold.
    2. Grind the yolks with half the indicated norm of soft butter, add half a glass of sugar.
    3. Pour the pre-sifted flour, mix, put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
    4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the dough out in an even layer.
    5. Beat the chilled proteins with the remaining sugar until a stable foam, spread over the cake.
    6. Bake a Snickers cake with meringue according to the recipe for an hour at a temperature of 160 degrees.
    7. Cut the hot cake into three pieces.
    8. Beat the condensed milk with butter, coat the pastries with the resulting cream, sprinkle the layers with peanuts and stack the cakes on top of each other.
    9. Melt in a water bath dark chocolate, pour over the cake and sprinkle with the remaining nuts.
    10. Leave the dessert overnight in the refrigerator.

    I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video in which air Snickers is prepared.

    You can do it too!


    Proteins can be whipped by hand, without a mixer.

    This is very important in the recipe if you want to get really airy Snickers cake.

    In this case, you need to add a pinch of salt to the mass: the whipping process will go much more actively.

    Cake "Snickers", in any of the listed options, can be prepared both for everyday and for a festive table.

    Take care of your health by learning valuable information. He is always on guard of our brain activity.

    The recipe for juicy and soft pork at home can be found

    For the birthday of one of the family members, you can put traditional candles, decorate with small chocolate figurines, colored sprinkles.

    You can make a "New Year's" version, with a "herringbone" of pieces of green jelly, marzipan little animals and marshmallow stars.

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