Home desserts Dark chocolate contraindications. Bitter chocolate: benefits and harms to the human body. Black chocolate - benefits and harms

Dark chocolate contraindications. Bitter chocolate: benefits and harms to the human body. Black chocolate - benefits and harms

Dark chocolate contains many biologically active substances. Among them are anti-aging antioxidants, theobromine, which helps to cure diseases and lungs and stimulates the cardiovascular system.

It has been proven that daily consumption of a small amount of dark chocolate helps lower blood cholesterol levels, prevents blood clots and promotes normalization. blood pressure Therefore, chocolate with a high cocoa content can serve people suffering from atherosclerosis and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels, not only as a treat, but also as a kind of medicine.

Bitter chocolate stimulates metabolism and is easily absorbed by the body, which allows you to include it even in the diet. In addition, it increases efficiency, stimulates concentration, promotes mental activity.

Chocolate is known as natural, and it is bitter dark bars that enhance your mood best - due to the high cocoa content, this type of chocolate abounds in serotonin, tryptophan, magnesium, B vitamins and other substances that affect work nervous system. Just half a standard tile will even help relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, eliminating depressed mood, irritability and tearfulness.

How bad is chocolate?

Due to the high content of cocoa powder and cocoa butter, dark chocolate can cause an allergic reaction. Because of this, and also because of the alkaloid theobromine, which is similar in effect to caffeine, it is not recommended - even a few small pieces can cause agitation and insomnia.

Tannin, which is part of dark chocolate, can constrict blood vessels, so people suffering from migraines should better pay attention to other sweets - as well as those who are sick with urolithiasis or kidney stones. Contained oxalates (salts of oxalic acid) contribute to the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Excessive consumption of dark chocolate can harm those who are struggling with excess weight - the calorie content of this delicacy is quite high (about 500 kcal per 100 grams), therefore, by eating more than the recommended amount, it is easy to gain a few extra pounds. Experts assure that it is enough to consume 25-50 grams of dark chocolate per day to feel its beneficial effect - more will not do any good.

Sweetness, familiar from childhood and does not need magnificent epithets in order to wake up the appetite and want to feel this great taste on the tongue as soon as possible.

One word, three syllables, seven letters. Chocolate. And mountains of milky, white, porous, with raisins, nuts, dried apricots immediately appear in my head, fruit filling, so alluring and sweet... Or extra black, the most bitter and classic - are there many lovers of this taste? And is it true that it is he who, of all his “brothers and colleagues”, is the most beneficial to health?

How is it made?

Real dark chocolate is obtained after fresh cocoa beans are dried, roasted, oil is squeezed out of them (by special pressing) and cocoa powder (also using a special technology), sugar is added to them (in the case of making a dietary option, various substitutes are used) . The higher the percentage of cocoa content, the brighter the taste and aroma of the product. However, many still prefer milk chocolate to dark chocolate. To obtain it, milk or cream is also included in the composition of sweets.

But it is black, and sometimes extra black, with a high content of cocoa (such species have recently begun to appear more and more on sale) that is associated with real chocolate flavor. However, he is not loved by everyone.

Bitter chocolate: benefits and harms - that's what should be considered in as much detail as possible. After all, there are too many myths and legends about him. So, for example, they say that sweetness is useful in the following cases.

Bitter chocolate. Benefit and harm to the body

First of all, of course, they try to determine the effect of the product on the physical condition of a person. Is it worth it to use bitter dark chocolate as a medicine? The benefits and harms of it as opposite concepts are described below.

For vessels

The benefits of dark chocolate have been proven by its effect on cerebral blood flow. A dosage of 100 grams of this product changes the level of carbon dioxide in the blood, improves its circulation throughout the body. Regular consumption of sweets will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the likelihood of strokes.

Is it so?

Chocolate Therapy really works. The information is confirmed by a number of experiments conducted by Australian scientists. The subjects were given just the same dose of one hundred grams. In real conditions, the main thing is not to abuse the product. The above dosage is used only in extreme, single cases.

For heart

Cocoa beans - an obligatory component of real dark chocolate, are distinguished by a high content of flavonoids. They are responsible for lowering cholesterol in the blood, and this is an undeniable benefit.

Dark chocolate should be eaten only 30 grams per day, and this will already be an excellent prevention against cardiovascular diseases.


Numerous studies have confirmed that the consumption of bitter (more than fifty percent cocoa content) chocolate can be an adjunct to the treatment of heart disease or even an alternative treatment for heart disease.

Against cough

The already mentioned theobromine, one of the alkaloids that make up the notorious product, has one interesting property. As it turned out, with the help of it you can cure an incessant cough. True, it is not clear whether this refers to any chronic diseases or only to typical colds.

Where did the information come from?

Clinical studies have shown that theobromine is thirty-three percent more effective than codeine, previously used in the production of cough medicines. Planned new medical supplies should be on the market in about two years. In the meantime, for prevention, you can eat a couple of pieces of a tile, and at the same time treat yourself to such a wonderful product as dark chocolate.

Sweetness for the soul

A large percentage of cocoa in the composition determines the great benefits and harms of dark chocolate. However, it can be very difficult to find 90% of it in your favorite sweets on store shelves. Experts say that it is this kind of chocolate that is best chosen among other varieties. Why can you use it to benefit yourself, your body?

For weight loss

Danish nutritionists claim that dark chocolate, whose health benefits and harms are a controversial topic of discussion, can also help those trying to lose weight. Sweetness should contain more than seventy percent cocoa to reduce appetite and at the same time provide energy. In addition, the caffeine and phenol present in the composition contribute to fat burning. Ordinary chocolate does not have such an effect, as studies by scientists from Copenhagen have shown.


British experts put bitter chocolate in one of the first places among products that deal a serious blow to the figure. The benefits and harms of losing weight, in their opinion, do not balance each other: there are much more disadvantages when using this sweet, but they all consist in too many calories.

For happiness

It is widely known how chocolate can help with depression, and just a bad mood. Sadness has been treated with this sweetness for quite a long time. Such an impact on well-being is argued by the content of cannabinoids, as a result of which a feeling of euphoria appears, as well as magnesium, which is involved in the production of serotonin.

Fairy tale or reality?

Italian scientists have appeared before society as myth busters, refuting the idea of ​​a chocolate therapy against the autumn-winter blues, since the dosage of such a medicine should be about 13 kg in order to actually have any effect.

However, this does not negate the fact that true lovers of the product can really cheer up with just one piece because of the wonderful rich taste.

For arousal

Theobromine in chocolate makes it an aphrodisiac, some say. Sometimes its exciting property is praised so much that it is compared with the notorious Viagra. The benefits of dark chocolate in this matter even sound very doubtful. And yet it is this theory that continues to be on everyone's lips.

How are things really going?

In order for the desired effect to manifest itself, sweets will have to be eaten more than half a kilo, or even a whole kilogram. And then you don’t even have to solve the dilemma posed by bitter dark chocolate: the benefits and harms on the two scales will stop constantly swinging them in their own direction. Ultimately, the device will stop at the second option: in everything, after all, it is necessary to observe the measure!

The only thing you can vouch for is that chocolate will definitely give the body extra energy. And then the choice of the person - what to spend it on. Dark chocolate without sugar is preferable in this regard.

Benefit and harm: debunking myths in one fell swoop

Myth 1. Chocolate causes skin problems: rashes, blackheads, blackheads, etc.

Reality. In fact, the situation is such that the cause of such troubles is not sweetness, but hormonal failure.

Myth 2. Chocolate is harmful to enamel, the structure of teeth and gums, and causes stone.

Reality. In fact, dark chocolate is not only harmless, but also useful. It has an antibacterial effect and therefore is an excellent tool for the prevention of caries.

Myth 3. Chocolate is contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

Reality. Sweets rarely cause allergies on their own. Able, however, chocolate to enhance an existing allergic reaction, but to be an independent cause - almost never. It is quite possible to avoid the first option when using the product in moderation (in fact, this rule applies to any food: eat what you like, but little by little).

Just don't overdo it!

It seems that everything looks quite harmless and even optimistic and positive: chocolate gives happiness, joy and health. And although none of the above facts is completely denied, all this is reliable information, it cannot be said that dark chocolate is only beneficial.

In some cases, the dosage is responsible for a lot: and then losing weight turns into mass gain, and using it for the sake of health leads to a deterioration in the condition. It should be borne in mind that for an adult, the daily dose is not more than 50 grams. And then it must be distributed throughout the day.

In addition, when choosing a chocolate bar, it is very important to pay attention to its composition: how much sugar is contained in the product, whether there are natural vegetable fats and, again, what is the percentage of their content in the bar. By itself, sweetness containing proteins can affect muscle mass and improve muscle tone, while supplements that manufacturers are happy to offer customers are more likely to cause body fat.

Chocolate in large quantities before going to bed will lead to overexcitation and cause insomnia. That is why it is better to leave the sweetness in the refrigerator for the next day at night. Eat a couple of pieces in the morning - energy and positive mood will be provided in the coming hours!

By the way, scientists, in principle, recommend including all sweets in the morning diet. The well-known saying "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend ..." also hints at this behind the scenes. No discrimination of the sweet tooth - just a feature of the human body in the distribution of energy.

Chocolate is harmful for people with eating disorders, allergy sufferers (it is debatable, the warnings are written above), patients with diabetes also have to limit themselves in the use of this sweetness.

But, despite this, this article clearly demonstrates that the benefits of your favorite product are much greater than the harm!


If you have a choice whether to eat dark chocolate or not, feel free to stop at the first option! Perhaps at first it does not seem as sweet as milk or white, but it is worth tasting it a little better, feeling this unimaginable taste, and it will immediately become a favorite sweet.

If you have heard that you should choose bitter chocolate from all types of chocolate, but don’t know why, this article is for you. The amazing balance of benefits and harms of dark chocolate makes you rethink your attitude to this type of sweets.

America is considered the birthplace of chocolate. The Indians were the first to discover cocoa beans. They believed that this was a gift from God, who taught people how to make a chocolate drink. At first, chocolate was consumed in liquid form. And only in the 19th century, Joseph Fry made the first tile.

Since then, the popularity of this delicacy has gained momentum, acquiring new facts and myths.

Today, there are many types and varieties of this sweetness, but, of course, bitter chocolate is the most useful.

It is called "bitter" because of the high cocoa content - at least 72%. It is for the bitterness that this variety is valued, because in addition to the unusual taste, it endows the delicacy with useful properties.

  1. The first thing you can feel when you eat a slice or two is an improvement in mood. The high content of cocoa beans promotes the production of serotonin, which causes a surge of happiness.
  2. The flavonoids in dark chocolate prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles and also reduce the likelihood of skin cancer. In addition, they reduce the harm from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, and polyphenols improve blood circulation and reduce blood clots.
  3. In lovers of this type of chocolate, doctors note a low risk of diabetes.
  4. Vitamins and minerals help the body to endure increased mental and physical stress.
  5. Theobromine keeps the heart muscle in good shape, while natural antioxidants strengthen the immune system.
  6. Unlike other types of chocolate, dark chocolate has a low glycemic index (GI), and its use has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas.
  7. Stabilization of cholesterol in the blood also occurs due to daily use several slices. But, of course, only a small amount (ideally - no more than 20 g).
  8. The benefits for teeth have been proven due to the antiseptic properties of the substances included in, and, as a result, high-quality dark chocolate. In addition, the product prevents the appearance of plaque.
  9. Is an aphrodisiac. It is believed that Casanova carried a tile of this sweetness with him everywhere. It is difficult to say whether this is true or not, especially since the very existence of the famous hero-lover raises doubts among historians. But it is known for certain that after dark chocolate there is a state similar to light intoxication.
  10. An equally important useful property of this delicious product- Reducing pain in women during menstruation.

Harmful delicacy

In addition to the benefits of any product, there are contraindications. Harm in the case of dark chocolate (as with other varieties) occurs under the condition of excessive consumption. It is better to replace its excess in the diet with red apples.

In order not to harm your health, you need to eat no more than 25 g per tile. Usually it is 2-3 pieces. Although we are used to eating all the chocolate that comes into our field of vision at once. In the case of dairy varieties, this is not surprising - they just melt in your mouth, and you immediately want to take another piece. Moreover, they cause considerable damage to the teeth.

Train yourself to enjoy dark chocolate, even if it is not so sweet. Break off a piece and taste it on your tongue. Chew slowly, feeling all the shades of sweetness and aroma, enjoying them.

Excessive consumption of chocolate causes severe harm to health, remember this. Indeed, in addition to diabetes and the accompanying problems with excess weight in adults, we are preparing the same future for our children. It is not for nothing that the number of obese babies has been growing at an alarming rate in recent years. Try to convince your child of the dangers of sweets and do not set a bad example for him by uncontrolled consumption of chocolate.

The use of low-quality raw materials in production can change the acidity of the stomach, which subsequently leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You can identify dangerous products by sour rather than the traditional bitter taste.

It is harmful to treat pets with chocolate. It seems to you that nothing will happen to your beloved dog or cat from one piece, but theobromine in this delicacy can cause poisoning.

How to determine the real

  1. To choose a quality product, carefully read the composition on the wrapper. It should contain more than 55% cocoa mass and less than 30% cocoa butter. This is an extremely important indicator.
  2. When breaking the tile, a characteristic crunch is heard.
  3. Pay attention to the color: dark, but not black, more like dark brown.
  4. V quality product there should be only three components: grated cocoa, cocoa butter and powdered sugar. Different ratios, but nothing more.

Chocolate is a storehouse of nutrients. But, this product must be consumed correctly. Abuse of chocolate leads to excess weight and other problems.

Chocolate is not only delicious, but also useful product. But, like other products, its benefits can be felt if not abused. After all, this product has a high calorie content. But, with the regular use of a small amount of chocolate, even such opponents of everything “delicious” as nutritionists agree with its benefits.

The benefits of chocolate depend on its type. The most popular types of chocolate are:

Chocolate composition

The main ingredients of chocolate are cocoa mass, cocoa butter and sugar. The higher the percentage of cocoa in chocolate, and thus the less sugar in it, the more useful it is. The largest amount of cocoa in dark chocolate. V milk chocolate more sugar, and in white, the percentage of cocoa is minimal. That is why we are going to talk about dark chocolate.

The Olmec Indians learned to use cocoa beans to stimulate physical and mental activity.

Moreover, they used them raw or prepared a tonic drink from cocoa beans. After the colonization of Mexico by the Spanish conquistadors, cocoa beans came to Europe, where they came up with the idea of ​​making chocolate.

Health benefits of chocolate

Chocolate is also rich in vitamins. Most of all this product contains:
Vitamin PP (10.5% of daily allowance in 100 g of the product);
Vitamin E (5.3% of the daily requirement in 100 g of the product);
Vitamin B2 (3.9% of the daily value in 100 g of the product);
Vitamin B1 (2% of the waste rate in 100 g of the product).
Micro and macro elements that make up chocolate:
Dietary fiber (37% of the waste rate per 100 g of product);
Magnesium (33.3% of the waste rate in 100 g of product);
Iron (31.1% of the waste rate per 100 g of product);
Phosphorus (21.3% of the waste rate per 100 g of product);
Potassium (14.5% of the waste rate per 100 g of product);
Calcium (4.5% of the waste rate per 100 g of product).

The composition of chocolate is extremely rich in nutrients. But, you need to remember about the content of sugar in this product. It not only negatively affects, but can also worsen tooth enamel. True, according to Canadian dentists, dark chocolate can strengthen the gums and. The beneficial substances that make up this product neutralize the effect of sugar. But, it is better to brush your teeth after eating chocolate with a sugar-free chewing gum.

IMPORTANT: Not so long ago, the myth that frequent consumption of chocolate can lead to addiction was destroyed. In this product, no substances were found that cause such a reaction in the body. It's more about personal attachment to this delicious delicacy. But, it is better to refuse excessive consumption of chocolate.

Do you get fat from chocolate?

Chocolate: benefits for men and women

The benefits of chocolate for male sexual activity have not been proven. Although in some pseudoscientific publications one can find such a myth that chocolate is a natural "" for men. This is more of a myth than the truth. Although attempts are already being made to market chocolate bars rich in ethylamine phenyl. This substance is produced in the body during sexual intercourse.

The benefits of chocolate for men are different. The most common modern diseases of the stronger sex are cardiovascular diseases. This is where chocolate can help. Therefore, its benefits for the male body are obvious.

As for women, the benefits of dark chocolate for beautiful creatures have long been proven. Due to the ability of this product to increase girls and women, it is recommended to eat it to prevent

IMPORTANT: Chocolate, along with raspberries, strawberries and champagne, is considered for women. In the journal Sexual Medicine, evidence was published of the relationship between chocolate consumption and female sexual activity.

Chocolate and happy hormones

Everyone knows the fact that chocolate can help the body produce endorphins. That is the hormone that is responsible for pleasure. The more endorphin production, the happier a person feels. But that's not all. The thing is, chocolate contains theobromine and. These natural psychostimulants will help increase efficiency, mood and.

Chocolate in cosmetology

Cocoa butter, thanks to the antioxidants that make up this substance, neutralizes free radicals. This property of cocoa butter can be used to improve the composition of the skin and hair. Chocolate massages based on this product are very popular today. Many beauty treatments using cocoa butter or chocolate can be done at home.

Chocolate based face masks

Face masks are made from chocolate powder with the addition of other skin-friendly ingredients. Fruit, clay and other substances can be used as such ingredients.

For normal skin. The apple should be grated on a fine grater and add one tablespoon of the resulting mass to the chocolate previously dissolved in a water bath.

For oily skin. Add 1 tablespoon to cocoa powder and dilute the resulting mass with kefir.

For dry skin. In chocolate dissolved in a water bath, add the yolk and a tablespoon of sour cream.

For the manufacture of face masks, 50-60 grams of chocolate are used. The face must first be processed. Apply the mask carefully, avoiding the area of ​​​​the eyes and mouth. Keep this mask on your face for at least 25 minutes.

Chocolate based wraps

Before wrapping on the basis of chocolate, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the body. For this purpose, you can use own cooking. To do this, take medium-ground coffee and add it to the shower gel. After treating the skin with such a tool, it becomes available for wrapping.

by the most simple recipe is a mixture of a tile of this product dissolved in a water bath and a tablespoon. When applying such a mixture, you need to make sure that it is at a comfortable temperature for the body. After this procedure, you need to cover the place of application chocolate mass film and cover with a warm blanket.

IMPORTANT: in case of manifestations, it can be unequivocally stated that chocolate is a very useful product. But, with excessive use, the opposite effect can occur. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the amount of this product in the diet. In order to get all the benefits from chocolate, which is written in this article, you need to choose a product that has little and a lot of cocoa.

Video. The benefits of chocolate

Chocolate - good and bad beneficial features- benefits for women's health, heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, immune, nervous system, calorie content, contraindications

Chocolate is one of the favorite delicacies of incorrigible sweet tooth, and also a very healthy product and a wonderful medicine. True, this statement is true only in relation to high-quality dark chocolate; other types - milky, white, with various additives, are inferior to it in many respects.

Who benefits from chocolate? Chocolate is useful for children and the elderly, men and women, athletes and people engaged in intellectual work. True, there is one “but”: according to scientists, 25 g of this delicacy per day is good for us, and everything else is no longer.

chocolate calories- chocolate is a high-calorie product. In one tile weighing 100 grams - about 500 calories, their main sources are milk and glucose. Nuts, candied fruits, raisins, cream and other additives increase the calorie content of chocolate.

The benefits of chocolate - useful properties

1. Chocolate is a great antidepressant

It “erases” sadness, drives away melancholy, and counteracts depression. And yet - improves mood and energizes. This is perhaps the most pleasant property of sweet fragrant tiles.

As Marina Tsvetaeva wrote: “Be like a stalk and be like steel in life, where we can do so little… Chocolate cure sadness, and laugh in the face of passers-by!”

2. Chocolate saves us from heart attacks, strokes and atherosclerosis

miraculous essential oils, which are contained in this noble product, prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Chocolate, like wine and grapes, is rich in flavonoids, which keep platelets from sticking together. Half a bar of dark chocolate has the same amount as 5 cups of green tea and 6 apples.

3. Chocolate is good for the heart and blood vessels

The polyphenols found in cocoa beans improve blood flow, and this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. Half a tile has as many polyphenols as a glass of red wine.

Chocolate strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation and blood composition, normalizes blood pressure and increases insulin sensitivity. The latter means that by preferring chocolate to other delicacies, we reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes.

4. Chocolate protects us from cancer and peptic ulcers

Chocolate is a powerful antioxidant. He, like green tea, contains catechin, which reduces the amount of harmful free radicals in the blood. Japanese scientists have proven that if you eat up to 40 g of this every day delicious treats significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer. But the Japanese are one of the longest-lived and rarely sick nations in the world, and understanding the benefits of chocolate plays an important role in this achievement.

5. Chocolate is good for the brain and nervous system

The trace elements that this noble product is rich in, in particular magnesium and potassium, ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system, and caffeine and theobromine have a slight tonic effect. Chocolate improves memory, increases attention, stimulates brain activity. It is also very beneficial for the elderly as it helps prevent dementia.

6. Chocolate eases PMS

Fatigue, irritation, apathy, which many women feel every month on certain days, is due to a decrease in the level of hormones that are responsible for a good mood. The magnesium and fatty acids rich in dark chocolate help alleviate these unpleasant symptoms.

7. Chocolate is a great way to prevent colds.

Cocoa contains theobromine, which is used to treat coughs. Therefore, chocolate with a strong cough helps better than any pills. This fact was confirmed by London scientists. And bitter chocolate stops inflammation and relieves sore throat - this is the conclusion of Italian researchers.

8. Chocolate improves digestion

Chocolate good quality stimulates the contraction of the muscles of the intestine, which has a beneficial effect on its work, and also improves the absorption of sugar by the body, which is found in food. Tannin, which is contained in chocolate, has a mild laxative effect and helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

Harm of chocolate - why is chocolate harmful?

However, the gourmet delicacy also has inveterate opponents who say: “Chocolate does more harm than good.” Is it really?

First, as already mentioned, chocolate of high quality varieties and in reasonable quantities can only bring benefits. Another thing is when a person buys cheap product and does not know how to limit himself in his consumption.

Debunking myths about the dangers of chocolate

1. Chocolate provokes the appearance of acne, inflammation and acne

If a person does not eat anything but chocolate, this statement may be true. In all other cases, such accusations are unfair. Problematic skin is a consequence of malnutrition, which leads to malfunctions in the hormonal system, and chocolate can only be an "accomplice" of harmful foods if you eat it in large quantities with them.

2. Chocolate harms the gums, destroys tooth enamel and promotes the development of cavities

In fact, everything is just the opposite: a piece of dark chocolate is the best prevention of caries. This has been proven by Canadian dentists. Cocoa butter protects teeth from decay by enveloping them with a protective film, and chocolate itself contains antibacterial components.

3. From chocolate quickly recover

Absolutely true for those who eat 2-3 tiles a day. But if you use this sweet treat in reasonable quantities, the figure will not suffer. Moreover, chocolate can be part of the diet, but only bitter: firstly, it burns fat, and secondly, it is an excellent source of energy, which is consumed for a long time due to the content of cocoa butter in chocolate. Nutritionists even recommend treating yourself to a few bites of this delicacy before training.

4. Chocolate causes allergies

This sweetness can really increase the allergic reaction, but it does not become its independent cause. People who are allergic to cocoa proteins should buy diet foods without these proteins. If chocolate is sold in a bakery, it may come into contact with confectionery and cause discomfort in a person who is allergic to gluten.

5. Chocolate is high in caffeine

Yes, it is not recommended to have dinner with chocolate, because it has a slight stimulating effect. But this product can be an excellent substitute for coffee, especially for hypotensive patients, because chocolate is healthier and safer than a coffee bean drink. One bar of the popular treat contains only 30 g of caffeine. This is about 5 times less than in a cup of coffee.

6. Chocolate is addictive

In this noble product, substances were indeed found that resemble marijuana in their action, but in order to feel the narcotic effect, you need to eat at least 50 tiles at once. Of course, if a person eats 300-400 grams of chocolate daily for a long time, addiction to this confectionery product may also arise.

Contraindications to the use of chocolate

Young parents should know that dark chocolate should not be given to children. Yes, and they probably won't like it.

People who suffer from liver disease, metabolic disorders or overweight should limit their consumption of chocolate. Patients with diabetes are also forced to exclude chocolate from their diet. But they can buy a product that replaces sugar with maltitol.

Always buy only high-quality chocolate, enjoy it yourself, treat your friends, give it to your loved ones and be happy!

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