Home desserts Alexander Seleznev gingerbread house. Cooking Christmas gingerbread. Chocolate gingerbread

Alexander Seleznev gingerbread house. Cooking Christmas gingerbread. Chocolate gingerbread

Alexander Seleznev, the most famous confectioner in our country, the host of culinary programs on television, the author of several books on confectionery, told AiF.ru what simple and easy desserts can be prepared on New Year Why is alcohol so important in confectionery art and how to work with glaze.

Maria Tikhmeneva, AiF.ru: Alexander, what are the trends in New Year's baking this year? What is fashionable to cook?

Alexander Seleznev: European confectioners recommend cooking vegetable cakes. For example, I will do Apple pie, many of my friends will make pumpkin or carrot cakes, and one - even from celery. I think that classic cakes with creams - it is better not to do. With vegetables, it will turn out both tasty and healthy. Take a look at the pumpkin: very a good option. You can always add your favorite spices to pumpkin pie: cloves, cardamom, vanilla sugar. It will turn out interesting and fragrant.

If we talk about traditional pastries… Stollens are often baked in Europe, and apple tart tatins are often baked in France. Our hostesses prefer Soviet cakes: "Flight", "Napoleon", honey cake. But even in these classic cakes, I would recommend adding fruits: apples, bananas, tangerines, oranges, persimmons, you can still baked pumpkin. With one of these additives, the same “Flight” will turn out to be original and festive.

And if you cook not a cake, but something easier and simpler?

fit various variations panna cotta and tiramisu, you can make jelly from chocolate, white and milk. And serve these desserts in bowls, decorate with berries.

You can, for example, take any cream cheese (mascarpone, Philadelphia, ricotta), add a little liquor or port wine, whipped cream, powdered sugar, you can add a little honey. Savoyardi sticks soak in syrup, fruit juice or alcohol. Put them on the bottom of the creamer, whipped on top butter cream, cool and garnish with pomegranate seeds, raspberries, strawberries, as desired. It turned out to be a light and spectacular New Year's dessert.

Is alcohol mandatory in holiday desserts?

Alcohol gives the dessert a twist. If you don’t add it, it turns out just sweet, and in order for a real dessert to be born, you need to use alcohol. And this applies not only to holiday desserts.

What is the best thing to add? Rum, various brandies and cognacs, Calvados, Cointreau and Grand Marnier orange liqueurs. Any alcohol that you like can even be quite strong: the alcohol will disappear, but the taste and aroma will remain.

What New Year's desserts are ordered from you this year?

Usually they order a variety of cakes, this year - with horseshoes and horses. Sometimes they ask to make on the cake an image of a broken Snow Maiden in a bathing suit and with Santa Claus: small, with a belly and with a bottle in his hands. Gingerbread houses and gingerbread toys, gingerbread men are also very popular.

If you make ginger figurines yourself, please tell us how to decorate them.

Glaze. It is made from raw protein, powdered sugar and lemon juice. The last ingredient must be added - with it the glaze will harden faster. Powdered sugar should be taken as small as possible so that there are no grains in the glaze later. And eggs are always the freshest, dietary ones, they are the safest.

When you beat the protein and add the powder, the icing should not drain from the whisk, but solidify on it in a dense triangle. So the amount of powder must be adjusted by eye, put more - the glaze will harden in a lump, less - it will turn out liquid.

Once the icing is kneaded, pour it into a confectionery syringe or bag, and cover the rest with cling film - otherwise it will dry out quickly, dry pieces will come across in it and get stuck in the syringe or bag.

New Year's desserts from Alexander Seleznev from the book “Festive Baking. Simple Recipes»

Christmas honey cake "Elka" Photo: Eksmo Press Service

Christmas honey cake "Yolka"

Even if you have already decorated a Christmas tree in the house, another fabulous "Christmas tree" on the table will not hurt at all. Moreover, she has the taste of everyone's favorite honey cake!

200 g sugar

200 g butter

40 ml rum

2 tsp soda quenched with vinegar

700 g sour cream

5 pieces. kiwi

50 g cranberries

Step 1. Mix honey, sugar and butter.

Step 2. Heat the mixture in a water bath and beat with a whisk.

Step 3: Whisk the yolks with the rum and vinegar and add to the hot mixture.

Step 4. Sift the flour and stir into the honey mixture.

Step 5. Brew the dough with a whisk, remove from heat. Then refrigerate.

Step 6 Divide the dough into 12 pieces.

Step 7. Roll into layers and bake alternately at a temperature of 190 ° C for 10 minutes.

Step 8 Spread each layer with sour cream and refrigerate to soak.

Step 9. When the cake is soaked, cut it into a Christmas tree shape.

Step 10 Peel the kiwi and cut into slices.

Step 11 Decorate the top of the kiwi cake with cranberries.

Christmas cookies Photo: Eksmo Press Service

Christmas cookies

Christmas has its own unique smell: spruce, crisp snow, and, of course, special Christmas cookies!

250 g sugar

175 g butter

5 st. l. lemon juice

1 tsp cinnamon

1 st. l. cocoa

3 art. l. Roma

Protein-drawing mass:

150 g powdered sugar

1 tsp lemon juice

Step 1. Mix honey, sugar and butter.

Step 2. In a water bath, heat this mixture and remove from heat.

Step 3. Add the egg and cinnamon, mix.

Step 4. Sift flour and mix with cocoa.

Step 5. Add flour, rum and lemon juice to the honey mixture and knead into a smooth dough.

Step 6. Leave it to cool in the air until room temperature.

7. Roll out the dough into a layer 5 mm thick.

8. Cut out cookies in the form of men and stars from the dough.

9. Bake the cookies at 200°C for 15 minutes.

10. Decorate the cooled cookies with protein-drawing mass.

Protein-drawing mass:

Beat the protein with powdered sugar and lemon juice until a stable mass forms. Tint the mass with food coloring and transfer to a cornet.

Cake made of brushwood "Christmas tree" Photo: Press service of the Publishing House "Eksmo"

Cake from brushwood "Christmas tree"

If you collect the brushwood cookies, beloved by many, in a special way, you will get an elegant New Year's tree!

7 art. l. flour

a pinch of salt

1 st. l. vodka

500 ml vegetable oil for deep frying


200 g sugar

70 ml water

Step 1. Sift flour and mix with eggs and salt. Knead the dough.

Step 2. Put the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Step 3. Roll out the dough and cut into strips of different lengths.

Step 4 Vegetable oil heat up on the stove.

Step 5 Dip the strips of dough into the oil for a few seconds.

Step 6 Remove and dry on a paper towel.

Step 7. Glue the brushwood in the form of a Christmas tree with caramel.

Step 8 Decorate the top of the Christmas tree with caramel threads.


Heat sugar and water on the stove until brown. Then lower the pot of caramel into the container with cold water for 30 seconds.

In addition to products, the following materials may come in handy for making cookies, gingerbread, houses:

1. Cookie cutters (very handy if you're cooking with your kids)

2. Or printouts of templates (can be downloaded from the Internet)

3. You can use children's molds from kits for creativity

4. Baking paper

6. Pastry bags for painting

7. Or bags of food bags, office files or baking paper.

8. Food colorings or sugar pencils

9. Confectionery sprinkles

10. And of course, prescription products.

There are a lot of recipes for Christmas and New Year's gingerbread, cookies, and there are different national traditions. Let's start with gingerbread and houses.


Soft scented gingerbread have long been a symbol of Christmas. Gingerbread baking is an art that has been especially developed in the last century, since gingerbread has been gaining popularity in Europe. In Medieval Europe, where fairs were widespread, gingerbread was sold in various forms, often gilded and decorated with spices. The fairs became known as "Ginger Fairs" and their participants bought gingerbread as a present from the fair.

Nuremberg in Germany is known as "Gingerbread Capital of the World" due to its central location in the northern trade routes. It was here that the art of making gingerbread of exquisite shapes and ornaments appeared. German fairy tale about "Hanz and Gretel", in which the children discovered a house built entirely of gingerbread dough, sweets and sweet pies, marked the beginning of the tradition of creating various buildings from gingerbread dough.

Nowadays, for many, gingerbread is associated with Christmas, but in fact it is delicious and original gift at any time of the year - a treat for the whole family. Whether it's a whole castle or a gingerbread cookie wrapped in pretty paper or in a box and tied with a ribbon, this is a very nice gift. WE WORK WITH GINGER DOUGH There are a few rules to remember when working with gingerbread dough for the first time:

1. It may be easier for you to roll out the dough in a large layer and cut it out with a cookie cutter on a baking sheet so that the products are not distorted when you transfer them from the table to the baking sheet.

2. Unless the recipe says otherwise, leave some space on the baking sheet between the gingerbread cookies so they can rise. 3. Gingerbread, unlike other cookies, does not become dense and crispy when taken out of the oven. So it's very hard to tell if it's done, especially since the baking time depends so much on the oven. As a rule, if the gingerbread has slightly risen and browned around the edges, it is ready.

4. Leave it on the baking sheet for a few minutes, during which it will begin to become crispy (if the gingerbread is still soft, return it to the oven for a few minutes). It is very common for gingerbread to lose its shape during baking, but this can be easily fixed by trimming it properly after baking. 5. Large flat pieces of gingerbread must be refrigerated and stored on a flat surface, otherwise their shape will be distorted. It may be more convenient to bake the gingerbread the day before decorating. If you do this, let it cool completely and then wrap it in parchment or plastic wrap.

RECIPE FOR THE CHRISTMAS Gingerbread Wreath look


Gingerbread recipe "PUZZLE GAME" look .






gingerbread house recipe





Kozuli or goats - made from dough, decorated and baked figurines. Name roe deer formed not from a word goat or roe, but from the Pomeranian denoting "curl", "snake"

Roe deer were originally a national delicacy of Pomors (inhabitants of the Arkhangelsk province), who made them only for Christmas. At the moment, roes are made in the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, as well as in the Urals. Kozul is also considered to be a kind of gingerbread. Roe deer made by children are also used as toys.

NIKOLAICHIKI for Saint Nicholas Day

Saint Nicholas Day is not only children's holiday. The morning of December 19 is also eagerly awaited by adults. Firstly, to see the joyful and enthusiastic faces of their children, and secondly, in the hope that the Wonderworker Nicholas in the person of a husband or wife, daughter or son will also reward them for good behavior.

The most popular gifts on this day, both in the Orthodox and Catholic worlds, are toys, sweets, cakes, fruits, nuts, etc. But among the Slavs, kind Nikolai gave obedient children also "Nikolaychiks" - honey cookies.

It is necessary to prepare "Nikolaychiki" for this magical holiday with your own hands. Every nation has its own traditional recipe, which has some distinctive features. But the meaning and purpose of making gingerbread is the same - to honor the memory of St. Nicholas, who is the guardian and protector of our children.


PAINTING OF gingerbread and cookies


Aising at home

Idea from last year, but this video has ideas on how to decorate cookies.

And finally, a small selection of Christmas gingerbread and cookie painting ideas for your inspiration!

New Year's shooting is a great occasion to meet friends. Magazine OK! decided to arrange a small holiday for his authors - Alexander Seleznev and Yana Laputina, who are more common abroad than in Moscow. At the Balcony restaurant, culinary gurus and beauty experts shared with OK! with their childhood dreams and prepared Gingerbread house.

Pavel Tantserev The New Year decorations of the Balcony restaurant inspired a special mood for creating culinary miracles. This is probably why Alexander and Yana's gingerbread house turned out to be a little fabulous.

A lexander, Yana, tell me, please, have you ever celebrated the New Year in an unusual setting?

Yana: I am a terrible conservative, so I always celebrate the New Year with my family in Moscow. True, once my husband and I had a non-standard decision to fry kebabs in the yard of our house for the New Year. And everything would be fine, but the house is located on Tverskaya, a five-minute drive from Red Square. At midnight, we, as expected, celebrated the New Year at home, and an hour later, when our friends pulled up to us, we all together pulled the barbecue out into the street, put the French champagne in a snowdrift to cool and began to play snowballs, a lot of amusing neighbors in that holiday night. (Smiling.)

Alexander: And I'm not as conservative as Yana, and I like to celebrate the New Year in different countries. True, now I am more and more inclined to believe that the sensations are brighter when you celebrate in the winter, and not under the hot sun. In his youth, he always spent this holiday with his family, preparing salads, duck, and cakes. Now, on December 31, there is no energy left for culinary exploits: every year in mid-December my food show takes place in Gostiny Dvor, and this requires serious preparation. So at the end of December, I usually want to escape from the pre-New Year's fuss. For several years in a row I ran away to Barbados. My friends and I even have a tradition of celebrating the New Year on this island in accordance with different time zones, that is, our holiday stretches for a whole day, and by the time the Barbadian New Year comes, forces are usually running out. (Laughs.) I also remember when I worked as a pastry chef at the Alexandria coffee house, on the last day of the outgoing year, due to the large number of orders, I was able to leave the coffee house only at ten in the evening. I got into a taxi and got stuck in a traffic jam on the Enthusiasts Highway. There he met the New Year.

Photo: Pavel Tantserev

What do you associate this holiday with?

A .: I associate it with the aroma of baking: in addition to salads and hot dishes, my mother and I always made a lot of desserts - necessarily a honey cake and gingerbread.

Me: And my mother bakes a pig every time. Generally our New Year's table quite ascetic. In addition to the pig, it has jelly, Olivier with crab meat and champagne. We have long ceased to build pyramids of salads and snacks - it seems to me that this is a relic of the Soviet past.

That is, you do not take any breaks for detox after long holidays?

I .: In food, I used to control myself, but it’s not always possible to refuse another glass of champagne on New Year’s week. So as soon as the holidays subside, on the sixth of January I will get on a plane and fly to Germany, where I will drink mineral water and bathe in mineral springs.

A .: And for me, the New Year is a holiday of permissiveness: I eat whatever I want, and from the second of January - a new life. (Laughs.)

Do you remember what gifts you asked Santa Claus as a child?

A .: The most desired gifts were a dog and a bicycle. And I got both! I found a new bike under the tree almost every year, as I grew out of the old one. But Grandfather Frost always brought me a bicycle with a frame, but I wanted without it, so I complained about Grandfather Frost to my grandmother. (Smiling.) I still believe in miracles. I have a tradition: every year on December 31st I make a wish list. Not gifts, but desires: what I want to achieve next year, what projects to implement. I put this list in a Japanese vase and hide it so that no one at home can find it. Believe it or not, every year these wishes come true.

Y.: I had a story with skates: I really wanted to receive them as a gift - they were in short supply then. I remember that my parents could not immediately agree with Santa Claus, and he brought them to me only a year later. And everything worked out with them right away - probably because my dad was great at skating. This winter I will actively train with my three-year-old daughter, who started skating a year ago. In general, Teya shares many of my hobbies. Just recently, while my grandmother did not see, she climbed into her mother's cosmetic bag with her favorite palettes and lipsticks and made herself such an expressive make-up that at any Halloween party she would be mistaken for her own. (Laughs.)

Does Thea already know what she wants to receive as a gift for the New Year?

Me: Of course! She very clearly expressed her desire six months ago. Said, "When it's New Year's, I want a live pink horse." With the approach of December 31, my husband and I are in a state of panic, because we still have no idea how to help Grandfather Frost find this wonderful animal. (Laughs.)

Photo: Pavel Tantserev

Gingerbread house


  • 350 g honey
  • 250 g wheat flour
  • 250 g rye flour
  • 125 g brown sugar
  • 25 g cocoa
  • 125 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp carnations
  • 1/4 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tsp soda
  • 3 eggs
  • 300 g powdered sugar
  • 3 art. l. lemon juice
  • liquid purple food coloring


  • Pour honey into a saucepan, put butter, pour brown sugar. Heat the mixture, stirring constantly. In a separate container, mix both types of flour with soda.
  • Pour warmed honey with butter and sugar into the mixture, add egg, cocoa, nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, ginger. Knead the dough in a mixer, wrap it in a film and place it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 mm.
  • Using a cardboard stencil, we cut out four walls and the roof of the house. We send for 20 minutes to bake at a temperature of 200 ° C. For glaze, separate the white from the yolk, add lemon juice and beat, gradually adding powdered sugar.
  • In a separate container, mix half of the glaze with the dye. We begin to paint the cooled gingerbread cookies. We cover each wall of the house with purple glaze and draw white windows. We glue the walls of the house with glaze, and cover the roof with it.

Gingerbread is a tasty and fragrant delicacy that has been a symbol of Christmas for several centuries. Today we will tell you where and how gingerbread cookies appeared, give advice on their preparation, recipes for dark and light gingerbread, and at the end of the article a surprise awaits you: ready-made templates for cutting gingerbread and examples of painting them with icing!

A bit of history

Gingerbread is a very ancient delicacy. The prototype of gingerbread was known even before our era in ancient Egypt. In Russia, gingerbread appeared in the ninth century, they were called "honey bread" because of the large amount of honey in their composition. Various spices began to be added much later, when they were brought from the countries of the Middle East and India. Gingerbread cookies were baked in the shape of various animals, so they were not only a tasty treat, but also toys for children.

Great Britain is considered the birthplace of gingerbread. Legend has it that the recipe for gingerbread and ginger itself were brought by medieval crusaders. Ginger was a symbol of health, so it was added to many Christmas sweets. Since then, it has been a tradition among Catholics to bake gingerbread for Christmas.

By the way, in Europe and the USA, gingerbread cookies are often baked in the shape of a man - the so-called Gingerbread Man. This is a popular character from an old fairy tale, similar in plot to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Now the German city of Nuremberg is called the “gingerbread capital of the world”. There is a whole market where you can buy gingerbread made according to an old recipe.

Source: lidovky.cz
  1. In addition to ginger, use cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cardamom, nutmeg, allspice, and for even more spice - orange peel or cocoa.
  2. To make the gingerbread fragrant and acquire a pleasant color, use natural dark honey instead of sugar.
  3. Instead of baking soda, you can add two teaspoons of cognac as a baking powder.
  4. The dough can be raw or custard. Raw dough is obtained when all the ingredients are simply mixed together. Custard - when honey is heated with water (milk) and butter.
  5. Gingerbread is also a great Christmas decoration. Before baking, make a hole in them for the thread.
  6. Before you put the gingerbread cookies in the oven, brush them with an egg - this will give them a glossy shine.
  7. It can be difficult to know if the gingerbread is ready or not yet. If they are browned around the edges, have risen a little, then you can take them out of the oven.
  8. Lay the finished gingerbread cookies on a flat surface so as not to spoil their shape.
  9. Decorating gingerbread is not necessary immediately. It is better to bake them in the evening, and paint them in the morning. Protein glaze can be tinted with berry juice.
  10. It turns out that gingerbread cookies need to “ripen”, that is, they need time to become more tasty and fragrant - at least a week. Place the gingerbread in glass jar and put an orange peel or an apple slice on them. Close the lid tightly. Every day for a week, do not forget to change the skin of an orange or an apple for a fresh one.

Source: mindblowingpicture.com

Chocolate gingerbread


  • flour, 175 g
  • ground ginger, 1 tsp
  • ground cinnamon, ½ tsp
  • ground cloves, ½ tsp
  • baking powder or soda, 1.5 tsp
  • salt, pinch
  • cocoa, 1 tsp
  • butter, 100 g
  • sugar or honey, 100 g
  • egg, 2 pcs.
  • powdered sugar, ½ tbsp.
  • lemon juice, 1 tbsp.


Sift flour, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, baking powder or soda, a pinch of salt, cocoa into a bowl. Add soft cubes of butter and mix the dough with your hands - you should get a crumbly mass. Then add sugar or honey, one egg (leave the second for protein glaze or lubrication of gingerbread to make them shine) and knead the dough. Roll it into a ball, wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for two hours. After that, roll out the dough and cut out the gingerbread cookies using the templates that you can find at the end of the article. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour (or cover with parchment paper) and put the gingerbread cookies on it. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.

Chilled gingerbread must be painted with protein glaze. To do this, beat one protein to stable peaks (this is when it does not pour out of the bowl, if you raise it above your head), gradually adding powdered sugar. At the end, add lemon juice and beat again for 10 seconds. Put the resulting icing in a pastry bag and decorate the gingerbread cookies as your fantasy tells you. Let the frosting dry for about half an hour.

Source: schastie-mamy.ru

Light gingerbread


  • flour, 250 g
  • ground ginger, 1.5 tsp
  • ground cinnamon, 1 tsp
  • ground nutmeg, ½ tsp
  • ground cloves, ½ tsp
  • baking powder or soda, ½ tsp
  • yolks, 4 pcs.
  • sugar, 150 g
  • milk, 1 tbsp.
  • honey, 150 g
  • butter, 50 g
  • protein, 2 pcs.
  • powdered sugar, ½ tbsp.
  • lemon juice, 1 tbsp.


Sift flour, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and baking powder (soda) into a bowl. Whisk the yolks with sugar. Pour milk, honey and butter into a saucepan. Heat it all up, stirring, bring to a homogeneous mass, but do not let it boil. Then pour this mixture and the yolks with sugar to the dry ingredients, knead the dough. After that, roll it out and cut out the gingerbread using the templates that you can find at the end of the article. Lay the cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. Decorate the cooled gingerbread cookies with protein glaze - in the same way as described in the previous recipe.

The tasting can wait! Let this house first serve as a cute New Year's decoration, and only then - a sweet treat.

For test:

  • 250 g wheat flour
  • 250 g rye flour
  • 125 g brown sugar
  • 25 g cocoa
  • 250 g honey
  • 125 g butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp ground cloves
  • ¼ tsp ground ginger
  • ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1 tsp soda

For glaze:

  • 1 protein
  • 230 g powdered sugar
  • a pinch of citric acid

Sift the flour and mix all the flour, cocoa, ground nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon, ginger. Divide the mixture into 2 parts.

In a saucepan, mix sugar, honey and butter. Heat until sugar dissolves.

Pour in half of the flour mixture and mix well.

Then add the eggs and mix quickly so that the eggs do not curdle.

Add some more flour and baking soda. Mix everything thoroughly.

Transfer the dough to a worktop and knead well with your hands.

Let the test rest for a few hours. Roll out the dough into a layer 5 mm thick.

According to the template, cut out all the walls and roof of the house from the dough.

Bake the dough in the oven at 200°C for 20 minutes.

GLAZE. Beat the protein a little and gradually pour the powdered sugar into it, continuing to beat. At the end, add citric acid.

Glue the cooled parts of the house and paint with glaze. Let it freeze.

New Year's log

A log-shaped sweet roll is a traditional sweet treat for Christmas in Europe and America.

  • 6 eggs
  • 6 tbsp Sahara
  • 140 g flour
  • 3 tbsp cocoa
  • ½ tsp baking powder

For filling:

  • 200 ml milk
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 500 g cream cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 5 tbsp powdered sugar
  • 2 large bananas

Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat egg whites with half the sugar until peaks form. Beat the yolks with the second half of the sugar until fluffy.

Mix cocoa with flour, baking powder and add to the proteins. Then mix the protein mixture and yolks.

Transfer the dough to a baking sheet with parchment and bake at 210 ° C for 7 minutes.

For the filling, sift the flour. Heat milk with flour, stirring constantly, until a paste-like consistency. Then remove the mixture from heat and add the egg, stirring.

Let cool completely. Beat the cooled cream and butter at room temperature. Add vanilla sugar, powdered sugar and mix.

Apply the cream on the biscuit, smearing it with a thin layer. Peel the bananas and arrange them whole along the long edge of the dough. Carefully roll up the roll.

Decorate the roll with the remaining cream and decor. Put the roll in the refrigerator for 3 hours soak with cream and harden.

Meringue "Snowmen"

Cute snowmen made from meringue circles can serve not only as a treat, but also as a sweet gift for your guests.

  • 3 egg whites
  • a pinch of salt
  • 60 g granulated sugar
  • 60 g powdered sugar

For decoration:

Beat egg whites with salt with a mixer until fluffy foam and peaks form. Gradually add sugar while continuing to beat.

Finally add the sifted icing sugar and beat again until peaks form.

Transfer the whipped egg white to a piping bag and pipe three different sizes of circles onto a parchment-lined baking sheet.

Bake the meringues for 1 hour at 100°C. Leave the oven door open for the first 15 minutes.

Fold the finished meringue on top of each other, glue with icing in the form of snowmen and decorate with decor.

To the book « New Year's sweets» , which was published by the Eksmo publishing house, the most famous confectioner of the country and a great friend of our magazine, Alexander Seleznev, included the best New Year's recipes to create an unforgettable holiday and a special cozy atmosphere. Cakes, pastries, biscuits and cupcakes... Do you want to become a famous pastry chef? Try making a festive dessert with recipes from the new book! All the recipes selected for her are quite simple and do not require the purchase of rare and expensive products.

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