Home Drinks and cocktails Adjika from plums. How to cook adjika from yellow plums? Cooking methods

Adjika from plums. How to cook adjika from yellow plums? Cooking methods

Adjika from plums: recipe

Prefer spicy dishes? Then prepare the most delicious plum adjika tkemali for the winter! This wonderful sauce will certainly please you with its original amazing taste. Adjika is suitable for all types of meat, as well as vegetables and spaghetti. Any dish with it just melts in your mouth ...

  • dish type: sauce, preparation for the winter
  • dish subtype: adjika
  • number of servings per outlet: 8-10
  • weight of the finished dish: 4-5 kg
  • cooking time:
  • national cuisine: Caucasian
  • energy or the nutritional value dishes:

    77.4 kcal (Proteins 1.5 g, Fats 0.3 g, Carbohydrates 17.8 g)

Ingredients for making adjika from plums

  • plums tkemali
  • tomatoes/tomato paste
  • red chilli pepper
  • garlic
  • sugar
  • seasonings

Preparation of adjika from plums

Plum is good ingredient for preparing various sauces. If you like spicy dishes, then you can make blanks from plums for the winter. For example, adjika, which is especially tasty if made from the tkemali variety.
Adjika is spicy spicy sauce who came to us from the Caucasus. Georgians, Azerbaijanis and Abkhazians rightfully believe that this seasoning is part of their national cuisine.
Tkemali plum adjika is perfect for both fish and meat dishes and goes well with chicken. You can add it to vegetables, rice or pasta.

To prepare a delicious, fragrant adjika with a sharp and at the same time sweet and sour taste, you will need:

  • Tkemali plums - 2 kg;
  • Garlic - 200 gr.;
  • Hot peppers - 3 pieces;
  • Sweet red pepper - 1 - 2 pcs;
  • Sugar - 200 gr.;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • Dill, parsley, basil - large bunches;
  • Seasonings: ground black pepper, ground cloves, cumin - ½ teaspoon each;
  • Salt to taste.

How to cook adjika from tkemali for the winter: a step by step recipe

  1. First you need to wash the plum, divide it into slices and remove the seeds from it.
  2. Peel the garlic, wash and leave to dry.
  3. Bell pepper wash and remove all seeds from it. Cut it into small pieces.
  4. Wash the hot pepper and cut it into rings. The seeds do not need to be removed.
  5. Wash and dry fresh herbs.
  6. In a not very wide saucepan with a thick bottom, pass the plum through a meat grinder, then pieces of sweet pepper and circles of bitter.
  7. Greens can also be passed through a meat grinder, or you can finely chop with a knife, and then add to plum puree. Then mix everything well.
  8. Pass the dried garlic cloves through a meat grinder into a separate plate.
  9. Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring to a boil. Add salt and sugar to the hot mass, as well as your favorite spices and tomato paste. Stir again and turn down the heat.
  10. You need to cook the sauce on the smallest fire for about 20 minutes so that it boils slightly.
  11. After 20 minutes, add pre-twisted garlic, mix the puree again and boil for another 5-7 minutes.
  12. After the adjika is ready, immediately pour it into dry bottles or pre-sterilized jars and tighten with dry lids, also sterilized accordingly.
  13. Put the twisted jars and bottles on a flat surface with the lids down and cover with a warm blanket on top. You can put them in the cellar or refrigerator only after they have completely cooled. It is desirable to store adjika in a dry and cool place.

Adjika recipes from plums for the winter

How to cook delicious adjika from plums

The video we offer details step by step recipe cooking delicious spicy plum adjika. Cooking tkemali at home is quite simple, and the result will certainly please you.

A simple recipe for making adjika from plums at home

Hello dear followers of my blog! It turns out that not only jam and compote can be cooked from plums, but also a fragrant and spicy sauce that will go well with meat and fish dishes. Today, I will tell you how to cook adjika from plums for the winter. Vegetarians should also like the recipes, thanks to this seasoning, vegetables will acquire an unusual spicy taste.

What you need to know

Choose even and smooth fruits, without signs of spoilage and rot. It is better to give preference to sweet and sour fruits, then adjika will not be very cloying.

Plums of any maturity are suitable for use, but it is desirable that the stone is easily separated from the pulp. Some housewives remove the skin, but, in my opinion, it is she who gives the seasoning a unique astringency.

To grind plums, it is better to take a blender, if it is of high power, it will grind the fruit into a puree, so that the peel is invisible. To extinguish, use a thick-walled cauldron. The amount of seasonings, and especially pepper and garlic, can be varied to taste.

By standard recipe the sauce is stewed for a long time and rolled into jars, however, for the first time, you can boil a small amount of seasoning to appreciate its taste and store it in a cold place.

We will need following products:

  • black plum - 1 kg;
  • red, hot pepper - 2 pods;
  • garlic - 100 g;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove pits from plums.
  2. Remove the seeds from the pepper.
  3. Grind vegetables in a blender, add garlic squeezed through a press.
  4. Put the resulting puree in a cast-iron cauldron and put on the stove.
  5. Once it boils, boil for half an hour, then add salt and sugar.
  6. Roll adjika into jars, having previously doused them with boiling water, and wrap them with a cotton blanket.
  7. After a day, remove the sauce in the pantry.

Additive apple cider vinegar will give the seasoning an exquisite taste.

The difference between this sauce and adjika is the addition of ombalo, the so-called marsh mint. It has a more tart and spicy taste than ordinary. If you do not find it on sale, then use the hop-suneli seasoning.

A wonderful combination of fruits and vegetables can be diversified with turmeric or coriander. For 1 kg of plums, take 5 kg of tomatoes and a pound of onions. Add spices to your liking.

Cooking steps:

  1. To get a gentle seasoning, you need to remove the skin from the tomato. To do this, heat the water large saucepan, put the vegetables in a colander and dip them in boiling water for a few seconds and the peel will peel off by itself.
  2. Scroll the plum through a meat grinder, and chop the vegetables in a blender.
  3. Extinguish the resulting mixture for 40 minutes, periodically removing the foam.
  4. At the end of cooking, add spices and arrange in jars.

By experimenting with seasonings, you can achieve a divine taste.

We are already accustomed to cooking a light with tomatoes, but with fruit comes out a completely amazing and unusual seasoning.


  • bell pepper - 2 kg;
  • plums - 1.5 kg;
  • garlic - 400 g;
  • red, spicy - 3 pods;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Place peeled vegetables and fruits in a saucepan, pour 200 g of water and cook for 40 minutes.
  2. Cool the mixture, put finely chopped garlic, spices and beat with a mixer.
  3. Before pouring into jars, simmer the sauce for another 5 minutes.

You can use crushed cloves, but don't overdo it, because they release their flavor after it's steeped well and the sauce can turn bitter.

Seasoning prepared according to this recipe is not only tasty, but also healthy. Fruits and vegetables are not subjected to heat treatment, so they save all vitamins and minerals. You can store this sauce for a long time in the freezer.

If you add 3 tablets, crushed acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin in the common people, then it will perfectly stand for several months in the refrigerator without losing healing properties.

It is better to prepare it from blue plum, as it is most often sweet, and the addition of apple cider vinegar will give the seasoning a delicious sourness.

Quantity, necessary products pretty conditional. I usually look at the consistency in the process, taste it, and add what is missing.

How to cook:

  1. Put the tomatoes in a deep cup, and pour boiling water over them, when it cools down, the skin can be easily removed.
  2. Put plums in cold water for half an hour, then remove the bones from them. Peeling off the peel from the fruit is not worth it, in addition to vitamins, it will give the sauce a unique tart taste.
  3. Beat the products in a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained, put spices, salt, sugar and continue the process until they are completely dissolved.
  4. Add finely chopped cilantro and pour into jars.

If, cooked without cooking, leave to stand a little, warm, then its taste will acquire a piquant sourness. After that, we put the containers in a cold place.

Tart and gourmet sauce, perfectly set off the taste of meat and fish. As spices, it is better to use suneli hops and ground coriander.


  • plums - 1 kg;
  • apples - 300 g;
  • garlic - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 200 g;
  • bell pepper - 200 g;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Remove the stones from the plum, the ingredients indicate the weight of the already peeled fruit.
  2. Free the tomatoes from the peel.
  3. Cut the apples into 4 pieces and remove the core.
  4. Remove the seeds from the pepper.
  5. Place all products in the blender bowl and turn on the device.
  6. Then transfer the resulting puree to a cast iron and simmer for an hour.
  7. Add seasonings and spices, pour into jars and tighten with a seaming key.

Such a preparation will be perfectly preserved throughout the winter.

For this recipe, I choose yellow bell pepper to get a sunny sauce, and small inclusions of red hot, diversify the color scheme of the seasoning.

Cooking phases:

  1. Peel the pepper and cut into small pieces, add one bunch of dill and cilantro and beat in a mixer.
  2. Wash the yellow plum, remove the seeds and twist in a meat grinder.
  3. Put the mixture in a saucepan and simmer for 20 minutes, adding spices and seasonings as you like.

Perfect for women trying to lose weight. If you add a spoonful of this to a tasteless chicken breast, you get appetizing dish. In addition, the seasoning itself does not contain any calories.

An unusual recipe with the addition walnuts surprise and delight your guests.

To prepare it, we need:

  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • red ground pepper - ½ tsp

For 5 kg of plums, I take a pound of walnuts.

Cooking phases:

  1. Put the peeled fruits in an aluminum pan, pour water, after boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for half an hour, stirring occasionally.
  2. Place the cooled mixture in a blender, add garlic, nuts and beat well.
  3. Put the container back on the fire and cook for another 10 minutes.
  4. Then pour into jars and twist.

The proportions of spices and seasonings I derived by trial method, because everyone has their own taste. Many people add greens to this sauce, I prefer to put it right before use. In addition, this is not a problem now, parsley, dill, cilantro are sold on the market all year round.

This dish is more like Russian caviar, it will not be so spicy, and you will want to eat it with spoons.

For cooking, take the following products:

  • plum - 2 kg;
  • carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 0.5 kg;
  • bell pepper - 1 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 200 ml;
  • vinegar 70% - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the onion and cut into thin half rings.
  2. Grate the carrot on a coarse grater.
  3. Pepper free from seeds and chop into slices.
  4. Cut the pitted plums in half.
  5. Put all the vegetables in a cauldron, add seasonings and simmer in vegetable oil for 30 minutes.
  6. If all the juice evaporates, then add a little water.
  7. When the resulting mass has cooled, grind it in a blender.
  8. Pour in vinegar, add salt, sugar, red hot pepper and boil.
  9. Spread the adjika into the prepared container.
  10. Turn the containers upside down and wrap with a cotton blanket.

If you still want a spicy seasoning, then increase the dose hot pepper.

Each process is accompanied by little tricks that make cooking easier. I will share some of mine:

  1. If the bones in the plum do not pick out well, then you can put the fruits in a saucepan and steam them slightly, after that it remains just to choose them.
  2. Green hot peppers are less spicy than red ones, therefore, when cooking, it is necessary to double its dose.
  3. You can not roll up all the adjika, but cork some of the jars with nylon lids and put them in the refrigerator, where they will safely stand for about a month.
  4. Russians began to add tomatoes to the sauce to make it less spicy.
  5. If raw chicken coat with adjika, and then put in the oven, then it will be covered with appetizing and golden brown.
  6. Do not get carried away with seasonings when preparing a sauce with walnuts, otherwise their taste will disappear.

Plum and adjika sauce

For 2.5 kg of plums: 2 cups of sugar, 6–7 heads of garlic, 250 g of adjika.

Wash the plums, remove the pits, pass the pulp through a meat grinder, add sugar and put on medium heat. Bring to a boil, cook for 20 minutes.

Add the garlic passed through the garlic and adjika to the plum mass, mix. Bring to a boil, remove from heat. Pour hot sauce into sterilized jars. Cork. Store in a cool place.

From the book Adjika, lecho, caviar - 5 author

Spicy sauce from plums 2 kg plums, 0.5 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 head of garlic, 1 tbsp. l. dry dill, dry parsley, 1 tsp each. coriander, ground red pepper, dry mint, salt. Cut the plums in half, put in enamel pan add water and simmer

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Who said that only desserts can be made from plums? Deep delusion!

We'll show you how to cook spicy adjika from plum for the winter, which will conquer with its extraordinary taste.

The sauce goes well with meat, fish dishes, goes very well with legumes and potatoes.

Therefore, it can be a godsend not only for meat-eaters, but also for vegetarians.

Plum adjika for the winter - general principles of preparation

For the preparation of adjika from plums for the winter, ripe fruits are suitable, without damage and traces of rot. The sauce can be prepared from any variety, including cherry plum. But it is better to choose plums in which the stone is well separated. This will take less time to prepare the fruit. The skin of the plum does not need to be removed, since it is it that gives the piquant sourness and an unusual aroma to the finished sauce. Although some housewives prefer to steam the fruit and wipe it through a sieve. But here it's a matter of taste.

To harvest adjika from plums for the winter, you need a meat grinder, but you can use a blender. If it is powerful, it will grind the mass into a homogeneous and tender puree, in which the skins will be invisible. You will also need a stainless steel saucepan or basin.

Often, garlic with hot pepper is added to adjika from plums. Their number can be varied, depending on the desired sharpness. The sauce must pass. heat treatment and rolled into sterile jars for long-term storage. But it can always be prepared in small quantities for testing and stored in the refrigerator for several weeks.

Recipe 1: Plum adjika for the winter

The classic plum adjika recipe for the winter has a harmonious, sour-spicy taste. The sauce is perfect for meat dishes. In Georgia, it is served with lamb barbecue and other national meat dishes.

Required Ingredients:

Plum 1 kg;

Garlic 100 gr.;

Salt 1 tbsp. l.;

Sugar 2 tbsp. l.;

2 pods of hot pepper;

2 spoons tomato sauce.

Cooking method

Remove pits from plums, remove seeds from peppers. Grind everything and put to boil. Remove the foam periodically with a spoon. At this time, you need to peel the garlic and chop separately. 30 minutes after boiling, pour sugar and salt into the sauce, boil for 5 minutes, add ground garlic. Let it boil for 3 minutes and roll adjika from plums for the winter into sterile jars.

After laying the salt and sugar, it is recommended to take a sample from the sauce. If it is sour, then you can add more sugar if desired. If, on the contrary, the sauce turned out to be sweet and lacks piquancy, then you can add a little citric acid, apple or wine vinegar.

Recipe 2: Plum adjika for the winter with quince

Quince is a wonderful fruit that can be used when preparing plum adjika for the winter. The sauce acquired an unusual aroma and rich taste. No need to worry about the astringency of quince, ready dish it won't be felt.

Required Ingredients:

Plum 2 kg;

Quince 1 kg;

Beetroot 1 pc.;

Garlic 300 gr.;

5 chili pods;

Salt, sugar.

Cooking method

Rinse fruits, garlic and pepper. Remove the stones from the plums, cut the quince into pieces and remove the core with seeds. Peel the garlic and beets, remove the seeds from the pepper. Grind all ingredients together, except garlic. Him separately. Put the sauce on the stove to cook for 40 minutes, then add spices and chopped garlic, boil for 5 minutes and you can roll adjika from plums for the winter.

Beets are used in this recipe to give the sauce a rich color. But if desired, this ingredient can be excluded.

Recipe 3: Plum adjika for the winter with tomatoes

Tomatoes go well with peppers, garlic and, of course, plums. The sauce prepared according to this recipe tastes like store-bought ketchup, but is much more natural and healthier. For cooking, you can use any spices to choose from: coriander, basil, cloves, turmeric.

Required Ingredients:

Tomatoes 3 kg;

Cherry plum or plum 1 kg;

Red pepper 1 tsp;

Onion 0.5 kg;

A mixture of spices.

Cooking method

The sauce will turn out tender if you remove the skin from the tomatoes. To do this, you need to boil water in a saucepan, leave it on a small fire. Put tomatoes in a slotted spoon or colander, dip in boiling water, stand for a minute. Then take it out and put it in cold water. Do this with the whole batch. The peel will easily leave the vegetable.

Free the plums from the stone and chop with onions and tomatoes. In this recipe, it is better to use a blender so that the mass becomes homogeneous. Put the sauce on the stove, boil for half an hour. As the foam appears, you need to remove it with a spoon. A few minutes before readiness, add spices, boil and close adjika from plums for the winter in jars.

Playing with the type and amount of spices, you can make a spicy sauce or with natural taste. But you need to be careful with cloves. Its aroma dissolves over time and can become overbearing during storage. For this amount of products, 4-5 stars are enough, which are best ground into powder.

Recipe 4: Spicy plum adjika for the winter

This recipe for adjika with plum for the winter is especially loved by men. The sauce turns out to be very spicy, it goes well not only with meat, but also with dark bread with first courses.

Required Ingredients:

Tomato paste 500 gr.;

Plums 1 kg;

Onion 500 gr.;

Garlic 200 gr.;

5 chili pods;

Cooking method

Onions and garlic are peeled, chopped separately. A stone is removed from the plums, seeds from the pepper, then they are scrolled through a meat grinder, onions are added and put on the stove. The mass is boiled for 10 minutes, tomato paste is added, after another 10 minutes garlic and spices. The sauce is boiled for 3 minutes and plum adjika is ready for the winter. It remains to close it in banks and send it for storage.

If there are no chili pods, then in this recipe it can be replaced with red ground pepper. Add it to taste at the end of cooking along with the rest of the spices.

Recipe 5: Plum adjika for the winter with bell pepper

bell pepper is an invariable component of classical adjika. But it also pairs well with plums. These two products perfectly complement each other, the sauce is pleasant and rich.

Required Ingredients:

Sweet pepper 2 kg;

Plums 1.3 kg;

Garlic 300 gr.;

Hot pepper 3 pods;

Cooking method

Sweet and spicy pepper free from seeds, plums from pits. Cut the vegetables into random pieces, divide the plums into halves. Put everything in a saucepan, pour a glass of water and put on fire. At this time, peel the garlic and chop. After the pepper becomes soft, turn off the fire, cool the mass, add the garlic and mash with a blender. Add spices, mix. Boil for a minute and pour the sauce into jars, roll up.

Recipe 6: Plum adjika with walnuts for the winter

Plum adjika with walnuts - spicy sauce, which is sure to please the household, as well as guests. This original blank tell about the culinary skills of the hostess and replenish the piggy bank of the best recipes.

Required Ingredients:

Prunes 3 kg;

Walnuts 0.3 kg;

Bulgarian pepper 1 kg;

Garlic 0.2 kg;

Sugar 0.1 kg;

Ground pepper 1 tbsp. l.;

Cooking method

Prepare prunes and peppers, free from stones. Peel the garlic. Pass plums, garlic and pepper through a meat grinder, send to the stove. Bring to a boil, cook for 45 minutes. Sort out the nut kernels, remove the partitions. Heat in a dry frying pan for 1-2 minutes, you can in the oven. Cool and grind through a meat grinder or ceiling with a rolling pin. 45 minutes after cooking the sauce, add sugar, salt, hot pepper, mix, add chopped nuts, boil for 2 minutes and roll adjika from the plum into jars for the winter.

Nuts can not be fried in a pan, but this way they acquire a more pronounced taste, the sauce is more aromatic.

Recipe 7: Georgian plum adjika for the winter

There is still a lot of controversy about the origin of adjika. Some people consider Abkhazia to be the birthplace of the popular sauce, others Georgia. But today the recipe has been changed a huge number of times, and you can even cook Russian adjika in Georgian, but with the addition of national sauce.

Required Ingredients:

Plums 2 kg;

Georgian adjika 0.3 kg;

Tomato juice 0.5 l;

Cooking method

Remove the pits from the plums, add half a glass of water and put it on the stove to steam. To prepare adjika from plums for the winter, you will need ready-made Georgian sauce. If not, then you need to cook. It's easy to do. You need to chop the pods of hot pepper with 3-4 cloves of garlic, salt and herbs.

Basil, cilantro are usually used, curry can be added.

When the plums are steamed, they are crushed through a meat grinder or blender, add tomato juice, salt and Georgian adjika from pepper. Everything is mixed, brought to a boil, boiled for 5 minutes and laid out in jars. Roll up, turn on the lid, cover with a warm blanket, keep under it until it cools completely. Adjika from plums for the winter in Georgian is ready!

By Georgian recipe smoked pepper pods are used and rubbed manually with spices. But it has long been simplified. If desired, you can add a few drops to the finished adjika liquid smoke, which will give the sauce a light smoky flavor.

Recipe 8: Plum adjika for the winter with vegetables

Traditional adjika is very spicy and cannot be eaten with spoons. But this is not always the case.

Below is the recipe - interpretation. The sauce is prepared with the addition of a large number of vegetables, has more light taste and somewhat reminiscent of caviar.

Required Ingredients:

Plums 1.5 kg;

Carrots 0.5 kg;

Onion 0.5 kg;

Sunflower oil 0.2 kg;

Sweet pepper 1 kg;

Sharp pods 0.2 kg;

Vinegar 70% 2 tbsp. l.;

Cooking method

Peel the onion, cut arbitrarily, but not very finely. Grate carrots or cut into thin circles. Free sweet and hot peppers from seeds, cut into arbitrary pieces. Remove pits from plums.

Pour oil into a cauldron or pan with a thick bottom, pour onions and carrots and sauté for 5 minutes, add pepper, put plums, cover and simmer until soft. Products will secrete juice, but if it is not enough, then you can add a glass of water. When the vegetables become soft, you need to turn off the stove and cool the mass. Then punch it with a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add spices, boil vinegar for 2 minutes, arrange in jars and roll up.

Recipe 9: Plum adjika for the winter with green pepper

Green and red peppers differ in taste and it is difficult to say which one is better. Someone likes an unripe product, while someone likes vigorous red pods more. For a change, you can cook adjika from plums for the winter with green hot peppers.

Required Ingredients:

Plums 2 kg;

Hot green pepper 0.6 kg;

Walnuts 0.2 kg;

Garlic 0.2 kg;

Salt, spices.

Cooking method

Peel the green pepper pods and garlic, remove the stone from the plums. Grind everything through a meat grinder, pour in 200 ml of water, bring to a boil and cook for 1 hour, stirring regularly from the bottom. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, salt, add any spices to taste. Coriander goes well with this recipe. But you can not add anything, as nuts with garlic themselves give a good taste. Arrange adjika from the plum for the winter in jars and put away for storage.

Recipe 10: Plum adjika for the winter with ginger

This sauce has an amazing ginger flavor, and it will also protect against colds and flu during the cold season.

Required Ingredients:

Plum 2 kg;

Sugar 0.1 kg;

Ginger 0.1 kg;

Hot pepper 0.2 kg;

Tomato paste 0.5 kg;

Vinegar 1 tbsp. l.;

Cooking method

To prepare plum adjika for the winter with ginger, you need to peel the fruits from the stone, twist through a meat grinder with pepper and put on the stove. Boil for 25 minutes, pour in tomato paste and chopped ginger. It can also be passed through a meat grinder or grated. Pour sugar, salt.

Boil for 10 minutes, pour vinegar essence, stir and arrange in jars. Roll up for the winter with a key.

If the seeds from the plum are poorly removed, then you can put the fruits in a saucepan, add a little water and steam. Then it remains only to take out the beans.

The most spicy adjika obtained with the addition of red pods hot pepper. Greens are not so vigorous, so they need to be taken 2 times more than reds.

It is not necessary to clog the entire adjika. You can save a few metal lids, use nylon and just put the jars in the refrigerator. The sauce will sit quietly for several weeks.

Adding tomatoes to adjika was invented by Russian people to reduce its spiciness. If the recipe contains tomatoes, then they can be of any degree of ripeness, but not overripe.

Adjika can not only be used in its pure form, but also added to various dishes. It is especially delicious to roast chicken with it. Simply coat the carcass on all sides and place in the oven. The chicken will acquire a bright and crispy crust, excellent aroma and taste.

You can add any spices and herbs to adjika, but if walnuts, then it is better not to get involved. Otherwise, their special taste will be lost.

Sauce from unripe plums will be very sour, from overripe fruits too sweet. It is important to choose firm, moderately ripe fruits.

Plum adjika is wonderful and universal sauce which is easy to prepare. Any housewife must have several recipes for this wonderful and beloved preparation.

The Caucasian people are famous for their hot spices and sauces. One of these is adjika from plums for the winter, which will be discussed today. It is prepared from plums, and it is based on pepper, garlic and various herbs. To make the taste softer, a variety of vegetables are added to it.

Adjika from plums is a spicy seasoning that was invented on the basis of Georgian sauce tkemali, which is prepared from plums. The result is a new way of cooking with an elegant taste, which, like the sharpness of this dish, is regulated by vegetables, spices and other things. Consider several variations from the photo. By the way, there are a lot of cooking options, for example, adjika for the winter with plums and tomatoes.

Basic Recipe

Among many other adjika recipes from plums for the winter, this one is taken as the basis, from which new equally tasty dishes are obtained.

Required Ingredients:

  • Prunes kilogram;
  • A little garlic - 100 grams;
  • A bit of hot pepper - one hundred grams;
  • A little table salt (a tablespoon);
  • A couple of tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • Half a tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • Tablespoon of salt.

Recipe for the winter adjika with plums:

  1. Wash prunes, remove pits.
  2. Wash peppers and remove seeds.
  3. Using a meat grinder to help you, chop peppers, prunes and garlic cloves.
  4. Then you need to boil it all for half an hour.
  5. Next, pepper, tomato paste, sugar, and salt should be added to them.
  6. Let it boil, after which you need to boil again.
  7. Now, you need to decompose the mixture into containers and cork them. Then turn over and cover until cool.

This is the main classic recipe how plum adjika is prepared for the winter, and if desired, it can be supplemented or changed, new types of adjika can be created.

Homemade adjika from plums and apples

In winter, you will be happy with this recipe, because it will definitely pamper you with a unique aroma and taste. It is suitable for all dishes as a dressing, for example. From adjika prepared according to the presented recipe, excellent sandwiches are obtained. You can easily prepare this seasoning at home, and it does not take much time.


  • Sugar (sand) - three hundred and thirty grams.
  • Coarse table salt - one and a half tablespoons.
  • Two kilograms of pitted plums.
  • A kilogram of tomatoes.
  • Hot pepper (green) - two pods.
  • Apples of any variety - half a kilo.
  • Half a kilo of garlic.
  • Half a kilo of bell pepper.
  • Half a kilo of onions.

  1. Wash the plums and cut them in two. It is necessary to remove the bones and put the prunes on the fire so that the fruits are cooked in own juice. Next, you need to grind them using a sieve.
  2. Now you should prepare boiling water and pour over the tomatoes, then remove the skin from them. By the way, apples also need to be peeled and the core removed.
  3. Next, take the onion. It should be rid of the husk, and then, along with peppers, apples and tomatoes, run through a meat grinder or use a blender.
  4. Now you need to take a saucepan with an enamel coating and mix a lot of vegetables and plums in it, put this thing on a small fire, let it boil for two hours. Be sure to stir.
  5. When two hours have passed, you can safely throw sugar, twisted garlic, and salt into adjika, that's not all. Let it cook for another 45 minutes.

When the dish is finally ready, you need to scatter it over pre-sterilized jars, and then tightly cork with lids. You will get incredible delicious adjika.

Adjika with apples

It's another one delicious recipe adjika, which must be prepared.

Required Ingredients:

  • A couple of kilograms of plums.
  • A little bit of apples - 0.5 kg.
  • Literally two hundred grams of garlic.
  • Tomatoes - kilogram.
  • Half a kilo of bell pepper.
  • Two tablespoons of table salt.
  • Three hundred grams of sugar (sand).
  • One hundred grams of hot pepper.
  • Half a kilo of onions.

How to prepare a snack:

  1. As usual, the first step is to wash the plums and remove the pits.
  2. Then wash the tomatoes and remove the skin.
  3. Wash peppers, apples and remove seeds from them.
  4. Remove the husk from the garlic.
  5. Take a device for chopping meat and pass plums, apples, garlic, vegetables through it.
  6. Put it all on the stove, let it boil for an hour.
  7. Then throw the garlic and boil for about half an hour. If you need a thicker mixture, cook longer.
  8. The finished dish should be scattered over the banks, close them, put under the covers until they cool.

Adjika can be stored in the apartment. By the way, it can completely replace ketchup when cooking pizza, or be used in stewing meat, chicken.

Plum adjika for the winter with quince

Quince is a fruit that will add elegance to the dish. The sauce will become more aromatic and much tastier. By the way, if you are worried about the tartness of quince - in vain. You will not feel it when the spicy adjika is ready.

Required Ingredients:

  • Two kilograms of plums.
  • A kilogram of quince.
  • One beet.
  • Three hundred grams of garlic.
  • A little chili - 5 pods.
  • Salt and, of course, sugar.

Recipe for preparing adjika with plums and quince:

You should start by washing fruits, garlic, and peppers. Be sure to remove the seeds from the plums, and the quince needs to be chopped into pieces, while the core with the seeds must be removed. All ingredients, except garlic, should be chopped by mixing together. Chop the garlic separately. Put the dish on the fire, let it cook for about forty minutes. Then you can throw spices and garlic, which we chopped separately. Next, start rolling adjika for the winter. Beetroot can be removed, because it is needed only for color.

Adjika with tkemali

Required Ingredients:

  • Three kilos of plums (sometimes you can cook from yellow plums);
  • Optional - dill;
  • If you want - cilantro;
  • A bit of parsley;
  • Table salt - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Six spoons of sugar (sand);
  • A little garlic (enough 100-200 grams);
  • Vegetable oil - two hundred grams;
  • A couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar;
  • A little hot pepper.

How to cook adjika with spices:

  1. Of course, the plums must be clean, wash them well. Then remove the seeds and sprinkle the prunes with salt, let the juice come out.
  2. Next, put them on the stove, but make a low fire, and let them cook for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Then you need to grind the resulting one with a blender or meat grinder.
  4. Then, if you like, chop the herbs, peppers, garlic and throw them in the same place. Then let it boil for about half an hour. If you need the workpiece to stand until the winter, cook for about an hour longer.
  5. When the dish is ready, add acetic acid.

Now the result needs to be scattered over the banks, which should have been sterilized in advance. Then roll them up, turn them over and cover, for example, with a blanket, until they cool. This recipe is simple, as it is adapted to Russian conditions. It does not contain any unavailable products, everything can be easily found at home and in the market.

These are not all recipes, there are many more cooking options, for example, adjika with tomatoes or yellow plum. We have reviewed best recipes, but not all, but now you have an idea how to cook adjika for the winter from plums.

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