Home Main courses Adjika homemade (unusual). Recipe with photo. Cold recipe for adjika on tomatoes. Georgian hot pepper adjika

Adjika homemade (unusual). Recipe with photo. Cold recipe for adjika on tomatoes. Georgian hot pepper adjika

In summer, if you have tomatoes, tomato paste is of course not very interesting, but in winter it may be even better to make sauce on good tomato paste, and not on winter tomatoes. You can cook adjika, satsibeli, and other tomato sauces.

Now, adjika is understood to mean anything - this is spicy ketchup, tomato paste with apples and carrots, tomatoes with garlic, and even adjika from plums, horseradish or even zucchini. All this has little to do with real adjika - although each of these seasonings is tasty and original in its own way. But - this is not adjika! Real adjika is made on the basis of red hot pepper, garlic and salt. These are the basic components that are carefully ground with the addition of coriander and various spices into a homogeneous mass. So, the main component of adjika is red pepper, which gives this seasoning a dark red color. Because of this, many people mistakenly believe that tomatoes are part of adjika, but this is not so. There are no tomatoes in real adjika. Haven't tried this myself yet.

On tomato paste, sauces are more homogeneous, unlike ketchup-like tomato sauces. I like to add a real tomato to such a sauce so that there are bones and small pieces, and bell pepper. I use olive oil more often.


Satsibeli is a Georgian national sauce (similar to ketchup) made from tomatoes.


  • Tomato paste 200 g (without starch and sugar!)
  • Ground coriander, 1/2 teaspoon
  • Fresh cilantro, parsley can be substituted
  • Garlic, 1 large clove
  • Salt to taste

Adjika to taste (1/5 teaspoon). Instead of adjika, you can add a pinch of red pepper for spiciness (to taste) and suneli hops, a third of a teaspoon.

To prepare a good winter adjika or satsibeli sauce, you need to find tomato paste without starch and sugar. If you make a mistake with the choice of tomato paste, real satsibel will not come out. But nevertheless, you get a "semi-homemade ketchup", it's still better than the purchased one.

How to determine if there is starch in tomato paste? The consistency of tomato paste with starch is jelly-like - it's more like a gel, and normal tomato paste without unnecessary additives is literally tomato paste.

To prepare satsibeli, first chop the garlic finely. We pour it into a vessel (for example, an ordinary jar). We also add ground coriander and adjika there (I prefer dry adjika). Next, pour seasonings and garlic in a jar with boiling water (4-5 tablespoons) and stir the resulting mass. This is necessary so that the seasonings give aroma and taste immediately, and not after several hours. Now pour the tomato paste into a jar of seasonings and add cold boiled water until the desired consistency is obtained - it is similar in density to ordinary ketchup or kefir, it can be thicker or thinner, as you like. And at the end, chop the greens and add to the resulting sauce, and be sure to salt. Place and Serve - Georgian tomato sauce satibeli is ready! You can add chopped onion.

Adjika recipe from tomato paste

  • Tomato paste - 1 l
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Mustard - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Adjika (spicy, Georgian seasoning, I buy dry mix)

Add boiled water to the tomato paste (if it is very thick), mix all the ingredients. Seasonings can be poured with a small amount of boiling water before this and let stand - the taste will open immediately, otherwise you will have to wait several hours. We taste it - for those who have little sugar - you can add a couple of spoons. Adjika should be spicy and tasty.

In the classic recipe for adjika - where there is only pepper, garlic, and spices - pepper pods are first dried in the sun, and then carefully ground with the help of two flat stones - a large one and a smaller one. Together with pepper, garlic and spices are rubbed, which, in the process of grinding, release essential oils, giving adjika a unique aroma.

Cold adjika recipe on tomatoes

3 kg tomato (can be replaced with good tomato paste)

1 kg sweet pepper
0.5 kg garlic
150 g hot pepper
0.5 cup salt
3 art. l. Sahara

Grind all components in a meat grinder, mix, add salt, sugar, leave overnight. In the morning, drain the excess liquid and place the adjika in jars, store in the refrigerator.

Hot adjika recipe on tomatoes

3 kg tomatoes
2 kg sweet pepper
300 g garlic
150 g hot pepper
0.5 cup sugar
0.5 cup 9% vinegar
1 cup sunflower oil
0.5 cup salt
400 g fresh herbs - cilantro, dill, celery
to taste - coriander, suneli hops, walnut

Skip tomatoes and peppers through a meat grinder. Stir, add oil and cook over low heat for an hour with constant stirring. Cool, add vinegar, sugar, salt, crushed garlic. Grind greens in a blender. Mix everything thoroughly, let it brew. It turns out delicious!

Recipe #1
5 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of sweet pepper, 16 pieces of hot pepper, 300 g of garlic, 0.5 kg of horseradish, 1 stack. salt, 2 stack. vinegar, 2 stacks Sahara.
Grind everything in a meat grinder, including pepper seeds (only tails are cut in it and it is not cleaned inside), add sugar, salt, vinegar, let stand for 50 minutes, bottle. You don't need to boil. Stores well in bottles without refrigeration.

Recipe #2
200 g of garlic, 4 horseradish sticks, 2 bunches of parsley, 2 bunches of dill, 10 sweet peppers, 20 hot peppers, 2 kg of tomatoes, 4 tbsp. l. sugar, 4 tbsp. l. salt, 1 stack. vinegar.
Pass through a meat grinder with a fine grate, add salt, sugar. Let stand in a bowl for 2-3 days, then add vinegar, mix well and arrange in jars.

Recipe #3
5 kg of tomatoes, 2 kg of apples, 2 kg of carrots, 2 kg of sweet pepper, 300 g of hot pepper, 300 g of garlic, 1 liter of vegetable oil. oils, 2-3 tbsp. l. salt.
Pass everything through a meat grinder, add salt, oil and cook for 2 hours. Close in sterilized jars.

Recipe #4
5 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of carrots, 1 kg of bell pepper, 5-10 pieces of hot pepper, 0.5 kg of onion, 0.5 l of plant. oil, 5-7 heads of garlic, salt.
Pass everything through a meat grinder and cook for 2 hours.

Recipe number 5
5 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of sweet pepper, 0.5 kg of horseradish, 300 g of garlic, 16 pieces of hot pepper, 2 stacks. vinegar, 2 stacks sugar, 1 stack. salt.
Do not clean the inside of the pepper, remove only the green tails, and leave the seeds. Pass everything through a meat grinder, add vinegar, sugar and salt. Let stand 50 minutes, then pour into a clean bowl. Do not cook, store without refrigeration.

Recipe #6
2.5 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of apples (Antonovka), 1 kg of carrots, 1 kg of sweet pepper, 1 stack. sugar, 1 stack. rast. oil, 3 pods of hot pepper, 200 g of chopped garlic, salt.
Tomatoes, apples, carrots and Bell pepper pass through a meat grinder with a fine grate and boil for 1 hour. After boiling add sugar sunflower oil, hot pepper, garlic and salt. Do not boil, just bring to a boil. You can put more or less hot pepper (to taste).

Recipe number 7
5 kg of ripe tomatoes, 5-6 heads of garlic, 100 g of salt, 1 hot pepper, 6 large horseradish roots, sweet pepper.
Pass everything through a meat grinder, stir and arrange in containers, store in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 8
1 liter minced tomatoes, 1 stack. garlic cloves, 1-2 tbsp. l. salt.
Let the ground and salted tomatoes with garlic stand for a couple of hours so that the salt disperses, not forgetting to stir at least a couple of times, and pour into sterilized jars.

Recipe #9
1 kg of sweet pepper, 250 g of hot pepper, 250 g of garlic, 250 g of dill, 250 g of parsley, 250 g of salt.
Pass all ingredients through a meat grinder. Mix with salt, adjika is ready.

Recipe number 10
1 kg of carrots, 1 kg of sweet pepper, 1 kg of apples (Antonovka), 4 kg of tomato, 0.5 stack. salt, 2 stack. peeled garlic, 1.5 stack. rast. oil, 2-3 pods of hot pepper.
Grate everything or pass through a meat grinder. Boil 30-40 min. and close in banks. Garlic and bitter pepper can be put more or less - to taste.

1 kg of dry hot red pepper, 50-70 g of coriander seeds, 100 g of suneli hops, a little ground cinnamon, 200 g walnuts, 300-400 g of coarse salt, 300 g of garlic.
Soak hot red pepper for an hour. Add coriander, suneli hops, cinnamon, nuts, garlic and salt. Skip 3-4 times through a meat grinder with a fine grate. Store anywhere, at any temperature, but preferably in a sealed container, otherwise it dries out. Adjika mixed with salt is good for coating chicken or meat before frying in the oven.

Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, add oil and, placing in enamel pan, boil 40-50 minutes. Add vinegar at the end of cooking. Roll into prepared jars.
1.5 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of eggplant, 300 g of garlic, 1 kg of sweet pepper, 3 pods of hot pepper, 1 stack. rast. oils, salt, 100 g of vinegar.

2 kg of tomato, 20 sweet peppers, 10-15 bitter peppers, 400 g of garlic, 3 horseradish sticks, 2 bunches of parsley, 2 bunches of dill.
Twist everything in a meat grinder, then add 4 tbsp. l. salt, 4 tbsp. l. sugar and half a bottle of vinegar. Mix, pack in jars, close with polyethylene lids.

5 kg of ripe tomatoes, 1 kg of garlic, 500 g of bitter capsicum, salt.
Pass everything through a meat grinder, salt, and leave in an enamel bowl for 10-15 days, so that adjika ferments, not forgetting to stir it daily. Salt should be tomato juice before adding garlic and pepper, otherwise you will not feel the taste of salt later.

Peel tomatoes and apples, chop the pepper, divide the garlic into slices, chop finely, pass everything through a meat grinder (except garlic), pour over the rast. oil and simmer over medium heat for about 2 hours. 10-15 minutes before readiness, add garlic, let it boil, pour hot into sterilized jars and cork.
1.5 kg of tomatoes, 0.5 kg of carrots, red sweet bell peppers and apples, 300 g of garlic, 3-4 pods of hot pepper, 0.5 l of plant. oils.

2.5 kg of tomatoes, 1 kg of carrots, 1 kg of sweet pepper (red).
Pass everything through a meat grinder. Add 1 stack. rast. oils, 1 stack. sugar, 1/4 cup salt. Put the mixture in an enamel pan and simmer, stirring, for 1 hour. Remove from fire, cool. Then add 1 cup of minced garlic, 2 pods of hot pepper.
Cold adjika is packaged in sterilized jars and corked, you can also use plastic lids.

5 kg of ripe tomatoes, 1 kg of bell pepper, 1 kg of apples (the more sour, the better), 1 kg of carrots, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 200 g sugar, 400 g rast. oils, 2 tbsp. l. red hot pepper (you can put 1 tablespoon black, 1 tablespoon red).

Pass all the vegetables through a meat grinder (it is better to peel the tomatoes beforehand). So that the tomatoes are easily peeled, they need to be poured with boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Fill with oil, sugar, salt, spices and boil for 2-5 hours until the desired consistency. Pour hot adjika into sterilized jars, roll up and wrap.

Good appetite!

Adjika ingredients

To prepare adjika, we need:

5 kg. tomato

1 kg. sweet red pepper

300 gr. garlic

2 bitter peppers

1 cup of sugar

100 gr. vegetable oil

1 tablespoon salt

50 gr. vinegar 9%


We need tomatoes, they need to be washed and cut so that it is convenient to twist through a meat grinder. I take red tomatoes. (Not yellow, not pink)

Then we need sweet pepper, we washed it, cut it in half and removed the middle. I always take red pepper, so I get red adjika.

Of course, you can take the ratunda pepper, with this adjika pepper it will be even tastier, but we prepared a very tasty lecho from the ratunda.

We twist tomatoes into a meat grinder, not into a juicer.

We also scroll sweet pepper through a meat grinder.

Then pour everything into a large saucepan (twisted peppers and tomatoes).

Add oil to adjika. Then there you need 50 grams of vinegar 9%.

Pour vinegar into adjika and salt.

If you are a very attentive reader, you probably noticed that we salted adjika at the very end. It’s just that I’m in the confusion of cooking (I also had mushrooms on the stove, I’ll talk about them a little later, and the jars were sterilized with lids, and in addition I twisted the garlic and pepper), I forgot to add salt right away. And only when I threw garlic and pepper, when taking a sample, it turned out that I forgot about salt.

Adjika was stewed with us for about three and a half hours, but this must be looked at by evaporating water, we love one that can be spread on bread. While our adjika is stewing, we need to prepare garlic and hot peppers, I put 2 hot peppers, our children eat adjika, and you can put more.

We scroll the hot pepper through a meat grinder, only the green tail needs to be cut off. For the beauty of the photo, I did not immediately cut it off. If you do not like spicy, you can not add hot pepper seeds to adjika. The pepper itself gives a spicy, slightly spicy taste, and the seeds give a sharpness and burning sensation in the mouth after consumption.

We scroll the garlic through a meat grinder. If you have a scale at home to weigh the garlic, then use my advice. Two large heads of garlic weigh about 100 grams, or 3 medium ones (like mine). Don't be afraid to add more or less garlic. You can put less yourself if you want less spicy adjika. And if you want spicy, then red pepper will help you.

Pour garlic and pepper into adjika 20 minutes before readiness. This is after about three and a half hours of boiling.

Then we pour adjika into sterile jars and roll them up with sterile lids, we got 6 half-liter jars.

Adjika, the recipe for which is described above, let it please you in the winter. Bon Appetit.


  • 2 kg;
  • 0.5 kg;
  • 200 g of garlic;
  • 2 pcs. hot pepper;
  • 50 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 25 g of vinegar 9%;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 0.5 tbsp salt.

Recipe for boiled tomato adjika

1. Prepare the garlic, and you need a lot of it for adjika. To quickly finish this dreary business of peeling garlic, I offer a little trick. Divide the head into cloves and put them in a bowl. Pour boiling water for 5-7 seconds and drain the water.

Now the skin from the garlic instantly departs, it is only necessary to slightly tuck it with a knife. This greatly saves the garlic peeling process.

2. We wash the tomatoes and also pour boiling water over them so that they can be peeled from the hard skin. If the skin does not lag behind the first time, drain the water and pour over with boiling water again. This time, even thick-skinned tomatoes should be peelable.

Remove the skin from the tomato.

3. We clean the bell pepper from the stalk and seeds, cut it lengthwise into 4 parts. Cut the red hot pepper into 2 parts and also clean the stalk and seeds.

4. Scroll tomatoes, sweet Bulgarian and hot chili peppers in a meat grinder.

5. Pour everything into a saucepan. Add 100 g of sugar, 0.5 tbsp. salt, 50 ml. vegetable oil. We mix everything and set to stew on low heat for 1-2 hours. I got very watery tomatoes for this adjika, I had to stew for about 3 hours to make the adjika thicker.

6. On final stage squeeze the garlic into the pan and add 25 ml of vinegar. Stir and taste adjika for salt, add more if necessary. Simmer another 3 minutes.

7. Pour the finished adjika into prepared sterilized jars and tighten the lids. We turn the jars over and put them in a warm place for a day, wrap them with a blanket. After a day, adjika can be put away for the winter in a closet.

The most delicious boiled adjika ready! Bon Appetit!

It appeared thanks to the Abkhaz shepherds. In the spring, when the flocks were driven into the mountains, the owners gave the shepherds salt, and it was intended only for the sheep as a food supplement. Sheep, having eaten salt and thirsty, ate herbs much more and gained weight faster. And so that the shepherds do not season their food with salt - in those days salt was very expensive - the owners of the flocks added to it hot pepper. Salt after that lost its “presentation”, but this circumstance did not prevent the shepherds from using it as a seasoning. They even improved the recipe by adding garlic, cilantro, suneli hops and other spices to improve the taste. This is how adjika was born.

Adjika is not only tasty, but also very useful: it stimulates digestion, enhances metabolism and has an antiviral effect, which makes it necessary during a cold. But this applies only to real classic adjika, which is made on the basis of red hot pepper, garlic and salt, these are the basic components that are carefully ground with the addition of coriander and various spices into a homogeneous mass.

Red hot pepper is the main component of adjika, it gives this seasoning a dark red color. Many, by the way, are mistaken when they think that the red color of the seasoning is given by tomatoes. Connoisseurs of traditions insist: there cannot be tomatoes in adjika! In the classic recipe for adjika, pepper pods are first dried in the sun, and then carefully ground with the help of two flat stones - a large one and a smaller one. Together with pepper, garlic and spices are rubbed, which, in the process of grinding, release essential oils, which give adjika a unique aroma. Now, since progress has gone far, instead of stones, they use a blender or a meat grinder. Well, what's the deal? Moreover, there are a huge number of adjika recipes. You can use already proven ones, or you can come up with something yourself. It all depends on taste preferences and love for spicy food.

When cooking, be sure to wear ordinary rubber gloves (for those who are uncomfortable, take “medical” non-sterile ones). Just do not think that rubber gloves are a tribute to aesthetics. Not at all, the resulting dish is very spicy, rubber gloves will help you protect your hands.

Adjika with tomatoes

3 kg of tomatoes; 1 kg of sweet pepper; 0.5 kg of garlic; 150 g of hot pepper; 0.5 cups of salt; 3 art. l. Sahara.

Turn all the components in a meat grinder, mix thoroughly, add salt, sugar, leave overnight in a cool place. In the morning, drain the liquid, if there is excess, put in jars. Keep refrigerated.

Classic recipe

1 kg red hot pepper; 0.5 kg of garlic; 3/4 cup fine salt; 0.5 cup mixture: coriander, suneli hops, dill seeds.

The ingredients above are classics. We suggest you make adjustments to the recipe, because classic recipe adjika leaves a large field for improvisation for us. Let's make adjika less spicy!

Let's take instead of hot pepper - sweet. Or leave only 20% hot: 800 g paprika and 200 hot peppers.

We clean the peppers: cut off the stalks and take out the seeds. Grind in a blender (or 2-3 times in a meat grinder). We also process garlic, coriader and dill seeds. Mix everything thoroughly. We add salt. Add also chopped herbs: cilantro, dill. Ready!

Adjika with apples

5 kg of tomatoes; 1 kg of bell pepper; 1 kg of apples; 1 kg of carrots; 500 g of garlic; pepper light (depending on spiciness) from a few pieces to ...; salt, sugar to taste.

Vegetables are ground in a meat grinder, and carrots are ground on a fine grater. Boil with an open lid for 3 - 3.5 hours, add a mixture of spices for adjika in a bag (bought at the market) and take it out at the end of cooking. A couple of jars are twisted without garlic (for lovers of fresh garlic), garlic is added to them when opening the jar.

This recipe has only one drawback: an open jar is all eaten in one sitting.

Adjika with horseradish

Tomato (red) - 2 kg; Sweet pepper - 1 kg; Garlic - 300 g; Hot pepper (bitter) - 300 g; Horseradish ( fresh root) - 300 g; Salt - 1 glass; Vinegar (9%) - 1 cup.

Grind tomatoes, peeled sweet and bitter peppers in a meat grinder. Peel the garlic and horseradish and also twist in a meat grinder. Add salt and vinegar, mix. Arrange in clean and dry jars and close with regular lids. Keep refrigerated. Yield approximately 3 liters.

Georgian adjika

Bulgarian red pepper - 2 kg; Hot red pepper - 0.5 kg; Garlic - 0.5 kg; Walnuts- 1.5 cups; cilantro - 2 bunches; Salt - 1/3 cup.

Pepper and garlic wash, clean, grind in a meat grinder, pass cilantro and nuts through a meat grinder, add salt and mix well. Transfer to a jar or plastic bottle and store in the refrigerator.

Adjika with eggplant

Eggplant (fry in a cauldron) - 3 kg; sweet red pepper - 1 kg; onion - 500 g; tomatoes - 500 g; garlic - 100 g; bitter red pepper (without seeds) - 100 g; vinegar - 200 ml; parsley (greens and root) - 250 g.

Cut all vegetables into very small cubes, salt to taste, add 200 ml of vinegar, stand for 2 days and put in the refrigerator.

"Simple" adjika

Pepper - 500 g; garlic - 300 g.

Remove seeds from peppers. Pass through a meat grinder along with garlic. Mix, salt to taste. Divide into jars and store in the refrigerator. Very tasty with fish, meat, jelly.

Mild adjika with plums

Tomatoes - 3.5 kg; sweet pepper - 1 kg; carrots - 1 kg; plums - 1 kg; garlic - 100 g; vegetable oil - 0.5 cups; aspirin - 10 tablets.

Red tomatoes, sweet peppers without seeds, onions, pitted plums, carrots - everything is passed through a meat grinder. Add the garlic passed through the garlic, salt, pepper to taste, aspirin and mix well.

Dill adjika

Sweet pepper (peeled) - 1 kg; hot pepper - 250 g; garlic - 250 g; dill - 400 g; parsley - 250 g; salt - 250 g.

Start cooking adjika by preparing the ingredients. Peel and wash sweet and hot peppers. Peel the garlic, sort and wash the greens.

Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder and mix with salt. Adjika is ready to use.

Adjika from horseradish and green tomatoes

Tomatoes - 1 bucket; vegetable oil - 1 cup; salt - 1 cup; garlic - 1 cup; horseradish - 1 glass; hot pepper - 5-6 pods.

Bucket of chopped tomatoes, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. salt, 1 tbsp. garlic (chopped), 1 tbsp. horseradish (pass through a meat grinder), 5-6 pods of hot pepper (pass through a meat grinder).

In a dry bowl, gently mix with a wooden spoon, arrange in dry jars and close with nylon lids. Put in a cool place.

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There are plenty to choose from, thanks! And there is a field for personal research)))

and what can replace hot pepper, I just don’t have it, and I didn’t find it in stores?

in the recipe you need vegetable oil 0.5 tbsp. , and I put 0.5 l, what should I do, tell me?

I cook adjika all the time because I really love this dish with meat and fish and just for bread, but I cook according to my mother's recipe, i.e. red bell pepper, bitter, garlic, dill, tomato, just a few pieces, all by eye salt to taste, twist everything in a meat grinder and into jars, store in the refrigerator. All natural and no seasonings or vinegar...

girls, you can not add vinegar, then you need to stand for 15 minutes in a water bath, under the metal. cover and can be stored in the pantry!

VasyaSeptember 6, 2017, 17:06:00

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