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Pickled green tomatoes with adjika. Spicy tomatoes in adjika for the winter. Tomatoes for the winter with carrots and onions


Family is the most important thing in a person's life. Everyone understands and knows that there is no one in the world dearer and closer than his parents, children, grandparents, wives and husbands. I remembered a line from a wonderful song by Larisa Dolina: “The most important thing is the weather in the house”, because you really want the atmosphere in the family circle to be always harmonious and prosperous. It mainly depends on the household members themselves, but there are also cases when other otherworldly forces interfere in the life of the family, which can disturb the peace and quiet in the house. It was to protect against them that family amulets were created.

According to ancient beliefs, it is family amulets that help protect against the negative impact of ill-wishers. Unfortunately, in everyday life there are often quarrels with neighbors, work colleagues, even close relatives. In a rage, in a temper, people say to each other a lot of unpleasant words, bad wishes and even curses. Of course, no one can say for sure whether they will come true or not, whether they will harm later, and how great the power of negative influence will be. But many people notice that things are going worse for the family, quarrels are becoming more frequent, troubles happen in various fields of activity. In any case, protecting your family will never be superfluous, and the creation of amulets helps a lot in such an important matter. These peculiar amulets literally protect the family hearth, maintaining well-being in the house. The main thing is to believe in the power of the amulet, and then its beneficial effect will not be long in coming. There are various options for making amulets, depending on the situation in a particular family.

Varieties of amulets for the family

There are amulets for all occasions. Unfortunately, there are often quarrels between recently intermarried family members, such as mothers-in-law, mothers-in-law, daughters-in-law, barns. An important fact is that these people are very dear to your soulmate, and if you sincerely want to improve your relationship with them, then making an amulet will be an excellent option for resolving the conflict. The main thing is to be positive. It is not recommended to be in a state of despondency, despair and depression, as the talisman will be saturated with the emotions that you experience at the time of its manufacture. And it is important to remember that a good positive message will always return to you with greater force.

One of the most common family amulets are church icons. They are located in the so-called red corner of the dwelling (also called the holy corner). It is best when this location is on the east side of the room. The strongest in the fight against evil spirits is the icon of the Mother of God "Seven-shooter".

This icon helps in the fight against evil spirits.

Also, the icons of Christ the Savior, the Holy Trinity, St. Nikita of Novgorod and the icons of those saints whose names were baptized family members will also help in the fight against evil spirits. An icon created by one's own hands can have truly miraculous properties.

Girls who have not yet met their betrothed are advised to embroider the icon with beads with their own hands and then, according to legend, family happiness will definitely settle in their lives.

The icons of the Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow, Xenia of Petersburg, the Mother of God "Fadeless Color" have special power.

The beaded icon of the Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow will bring good luck in love

One of my acquaintances for a long time could not find a mate to create a family, although she was a very pretty and comprehensively developed personality. It was very interesting to communicate with her, many could not understand what was wrong with the girl and why she was still alone. Once, in a TV story, she heard information that in order to find family happiness, she needed to embroider a church icon on her own. She was initially a little skeptical about the idea. However, after a little thought, a friend went to a sewing accessories store and purchased an embroidery pattern of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg along with beads of the right colors and canvas, noting that embroidery calms and in any case she would be pleased to master a new type of creativity. And what was her surprise when, shortly after finishing work on the icon, she met her future husband.

The horseshoe has long been a talisman for family happiness and protection from damage and the evil eye. It can also be used to improve the material well-being of the family, to bring good luck to the house, so that all conceived plans are carried out in the best possible way.

Such a horseshoe symbolizes a full cup of joy and good luck in the house.

There is a sign that if a horseshoe fell on the head of one of the guests who entered the house, then you should not expect a good disposition and kindness from this person.

Nowadays, it is rare to find a real horseshoe for sale, but souvenir shops offer a wide range of a wide variety of horseshoes with decor for every taste. It is important to know that a hand-made amulet has a special power. But the best talisman will be a real horseshoe accidentally found on the road - such a symbol promises the greatest luck and good luck.

A special place in the protection of family happiness is given to such a talisman as a broom. It is generally accepted that the brownie - the keeper of the hearth - sleeps on it when he rests. A broom made by the hostess of the house herself will protect all household members from negative influences.

Charm-broom contributes to the prosperity and well-being of the family

It is important to know that when decorating it, you need to use 12 components:

  • burlap - a symbol of abundance;
  • a clove of garlic - drives away evil spirits;
  • pepper - a symbol of male power;
  • seeds - children's health;
  • bay leaf - success;
  • corn - continuation of the genus;
  • rose hips - beauty;
  • a miniature house made of clay or dough - as a symbol of home and comfort;
  • a small figure of bast shoes - comfort;
  • pretzel - a symbol of hospitality.
  • One of the strongest amulets are handmade dolls. There are many varieties of such dolls, depending on the occasion and occasion on which the amulet is created. For the newlyweds, as a souvenir and a memorable gift for the wedding, the Lovebirds amulet will become a protective amulet of family life.

    Such a charm symbolizes an inseparable family union.

    Lovebirds help to avoid divorce, betrayal of husband and wife, contribute to the family happiness of the couple.

    The motanka doll will be a wonderful talisman made by the hands of a mother for her daughter.

    The best amulet for the daughter, made by the hands of the mother

    This amulet has an old rich story. Such a doll can be passed down from generation to generation, from grandmother to mother, and from her to daughter. Since ancient times, this amulet was considered a symbol of the wisdom of a woman. A feature of this craft is also the fact that instead of the face of the doll, the cross is made of threads. During manufacturing, you need to be in a good high spirits so that bright thoughts and dreams saturate the craft with positive energy.

    Also, amulets-bags are often used as protective talismans, which perform various useful functions, depending on how to fill them and how to decorate them.

    Lavender-filled pouches protect against insomnia

    Inside there can be a variety of medicinal herbs, grains and more. For example, when fighting energy vampires, you need to put a small piece of aspen wood into it and always carry it with you. Optionally, various security symbols can also be embroidered on the bags.

    I would like to pay special attention to embroidery, as it in itself serves as an important and strong amulet. You can embroider both on separate panels that are hung on the wall as a picture, and on items of clothing, bedding, tablecloths, wedding towels, and so on. You can use both threads and beads. There are many different Old Slavonic symbols that are believed to protect their owners. As a talisman for a son, husband or dad, it is recommended to use the following symbols:

  • Perunov color (Fern color) - such a sign protects a man from negative influences, spoilage, improves health, fortitude, gives self-confidence and in all endeavors;
  • Oak leaf - symbolizes heroic health, courage and strength;
  • Svarozhich - this symbol helps to fight drug and alcohol addiction, contributes to the enlightenment of the human mind, the true meaning of existence is revealed to him, strength appears to complete complex life tasks and trials;
  • Ratiborets - a sign of courage and courage, has long been embroidered on the clothes of warriors for the speedy victory over the enemy;
  • The carol is a symbol of renewal, the prosperity of the forces of light.
  • This symbol protects a man from damage and ailments.

    For daughters, mothers, the following symbols are embroidered:

    • Ladinets - this sign symbolizes the hearth, helps to harmonize the female emotional state, improves health, speeds up metabolic processes, and if images of rosebuds are added to the embroidery, the symbol will also have rejuvenating properties;
    • Makosh - the image of this goddess brings happiness, love, health, prosperity to the house, endows with intuition and talent for culinary and creative abilities. It is best to embroider this symbol on a tablecloth or hang it in a frame on the wall of your home as a picture so that the positive effect of the amulet extends to the whole family;
    • Slavets is the best assistant in getting rid of serious diseases, contributes to the speedy recovery of a woman;
    • Childbirth - this symbol helps to conceive a baby, protects a pregnant woman and her unborn child, facilitates the process of childbirth;

    Slavets protects woman's health

    Smooth surface of wedding rings - smooth life of spouses

    The ring is a symbol of endless love. It is considered a bad omen to lose him - after that, the couple is promised a breakup. Widowed people should not re-gift their wedding rings, because such a gift can bring a lot of trouble to the new owners, one of which is the possible death of a spouse. Of course, you can’t know anything for sure, and whether these terrible signs will come true or not - no one can say for sure, but it’s better to refrain from such gifts and in no case accept them, and you need to treat your engagement ring with reverence and care. . In no case should you let other people take off your wedding ring, be it a close friend or relative, it doesn’t matter - this can cause a loss of family happiness later. During pregnancy, the ring cannot be removed, since it is believed that the ring protects against miscarriage, but during childbirth, on the contrary, you need to remove the ring, as this will help the woman cope with childbirth more easily.

    There is a sign: if you look through your wedding ring in the back of a husband who decided to leave the family, then he will definitely return to his wife again.

    Once, while relaxing on the beach of a small resort town, I saw a distressed young man. He fussily ran along the seashore, pouring sand from palm to palm. Several people were nearby, helping him in search of something very important and valuable. At first I was embarrassed to approach and ask about what had happened, but his whole appearance indicated that he would not refuse help. Approaching, I clarified what the guy was looking for. He replied that he had lost his wedding ring. I joined the search. After about 15 minutes there was a happy cry from one of the seekers. Lost, fortunately, found! The young man breathed a sigh of relief and generously thanked the conscientious assistant in monetary terms, adding: “I was not worried because the jewelry was expensive. Losing an engagement ring is a very bad omen, and you don’t want to part with your beloved wife at all!

    How to make a family amulet with your own hands

    When making amulets, you can use various materials. Modern needlewomen are very lucky, as stores are full of a wide range of various accessories for every taste and color.

    Step-by-step instructions for making a motanka doll

    Before proceeding with the creation of this amulet, it is important to know that not a single seam is used in the manufacture, but only threads and shreds of fabric.

    What materials will be needed to make a winding doll

    We will need:

  • a piece of white fabric for the head (15x15 centimeters);
  • pieces of multi-colored fabric (hands - 9x9 cm, skirt - 8x15 cm, apron 4x7 cm);
  • filler (synthetic winterizer or cotton wool);
  • threads made of wool or linen;
  • floss threads for improvised hair.
  • We put the filler on the white fabric, for the pupa's head

    We put a synthetic winterizer on a piece of white fabric

    We tie the improvised neck of the doll with a thread

    We tie the neck of the doll with a thread

    Then we form a cross on the face of the amulet

    Linen threads need to be crossed on the doll's face, tying them in turn: one vertically and the second horizontally

    Then we attach the skirt and apron, wrapping the waist of the motanka with red thread

    We form the waist, fixing the apron and skirt

    We wrap a piece of colored fabric with a red thread, stepping back a little along the edges - these are the hands of the doll. Then we attach them with a thread to the body.

    We also fix the handles with a thread.

    The final stage in the manufacture of the amulet will be the creation of the doll's hairstyle. We fasten the floss threads on the head, then weave two pigtails. Motanka is ready

    It is necessary to fasten the threads on the head, and then braid the motanka braids

    In approximately the same way, a wishing doll is made, which is used as an amulet to fulfill the most cherished dream.

    Video: how to make a cardboard horseshoe amulet for good luck in the house with your own hands

    Video: how to make a broom-amulet with your own hands

    Schemes-embroideries of old Slavic symbols-amulets

    It is best to start embroidery from the center of the work surface. In the process of work, the use of scissors is not recommended; it is better to use a candle to burn the thread. Unfinished work should not be shown to anyone, and at night you need to hide it, after wrapping it in a white cloth.

    Photo gallery: embroidery patterns of old Slavic symbols-amulets

    Svarozhich embroidery scheme will help in getting rid of alcohol and drug addiction Healer helps to get rid of ailments and diseases Childbirth contributes to the conception of a child and successful childbirth

    How to activate the amulet and use it correctly

    Some charms begin to act with maximum efficiency only after the activation process, and this process is different for each talisman.

    Table: amulet activation and its correct use

    Outside, it is attached above the doors with the ends down, as protection against all kinds of negative energy influences, and inside the house (also above the door) - with the ends up, since in this position it symbolizes a full bowl of well-being that will fill the home. To activate this amulet, several methods are used. Before you hang a horseshoe, you need to let each member of the family hold it in their hands. It is generally accepted that this contributes to the fact that good luck will accompany everyone who touches it. There is also an option in which you need to purchase 5 church candles. They need to be placed around the horseshoe so that it is in the center, then the candles are lit in a clockwise direction. After that, you need to say a conspiracy three times: “Horseshoe for happiness, give me (give your name or the names of family members) happiness.” To activate such a talisman, you will need materials symbolizing the four elements: fire - a candle, earth - a stone or a handful of earth, water - a glass of clear and clean water and air (nothing needs to be prepared for it). First, the embroidery is placed on a clean surface. Standing over it, you need to say aloud what exactly you need help with, then bless the amulet, then sprinkle it with earth and run a stone over it, sprinkle it with water, carefully hold a lit candle, blow it or bring it to an open window or door and ask again all the elements about help. After the amulet has fulfilled its mission (dilapidated torn threads or a broken frame may indicate this), it will need to be buried, burned or floated on water.

    Peace and prosperity in the family is the key to the success and prosperity of all its members. It is important to take care of your loved ones, creating a comfortable emotional atmosphere in the house. With the help of amulets, you can correct existing problems, make the life of your family more comfortable and harmonious. After all, nothing can be more important than a warm family hearth, where happiness and joy flourish.

    As you know, the house is a family fortress. And for its protection, a certain family amulet is used. You can buy such an amulet, or you can make it yourself. By placing the talisman in the right place, you can protect your family and home from negativity and impure forces, from curses and damage. Some amulets help to gain financial well-being or successfully conceive a baby. Usually such symbols are passed down from generation to generation.

    Family happiness can be protected with amulets

    Many families experience crises. And it is very important to exclude the negative influence from the outside. Often people's envy is caused by money, a good husband or wife, career, luck. A charm for the family will help protect against negativity and evil thoughts. Such an amulet will absorb negative energy into itself, it will take away quarrels and scandals, misunderstanding, and keep comfort. The accumulation of any negative energy affects relationships in the family, so it is very important to protect it. The family talisman is usually made of wood, clay, metal or cloth. Also in addition, dry flowers and fruits are used.

    Our ancestors created the amulet with their own hands, using simple and affordable materials. But they put their strength and positive charge into these amulets.

    Types of amulets and their properties

    The most common property of such amulets is protection. A simple but at the same time powerful symbol will protect the house from outside threats. The most common items have always been made of wood or clay, made by hand, charged with positive energy.

    Other positive properties are:

    1. Bringing prosperity. Helps eliminate anxiety and sadness.
    2. Disease protection. Usually such an amulet is made of wood.
    3. Money talisman. Designed to bring financial stability and prosperity to the house. Such powerful qualities of the talisman allow not only to improve the financial situation, but also to achieve a good position in society, to find a profession that is to their liking.
    4. Protection from negative energy impact. Protects from damage, the evil eye, curses, from ill-wishers and envious people.

    How to make an amulet yourself

    You can purchase a ready-made occult item in special stores. And you can make your own. If the second method is chosen, the amulet will additionally need to be activated. It is better to carry out the amulet at home. The most common items that will become defenders of housing include: a horseshoe, brownie, bags with specially prepared herbs and flowers.

    Talismans are often chosen for protection. different countries and peoples. And they all perform the same function - the protection of all family members, bringing good luck and prosperity.

    Charms for the house of the ancient Slavs

    The most popular talismans of our ancestors include:

    1. Pouches. Objects charged with positive energy are lowered into an ordinary canvas bag. Such items include certain dried herbs, clay symbols, seeds, and a coin. Such objects have a sacred meaning. So, for example, a coin is designed to bring financial well-being, career growth, and plant seeds will help to get offspring and prosperity.
    2. Kolovrat and Velesovik. Such symbols reflect the message of negative emotions and energy, eliminate illnesses and failures.
    3. Horseshoe. It is designed to bring happiness and good luck, and also does not allow ill-wishers and envious people to enter the house. The ancient Slavs believed that if a guest enters the house, and a horseshoe falls on his head, this is not good. Such a person should not be in the house, he will not bring anything good. The horseshoe also helps protect against witchcraft, curses and divorce. Such a charm was hung over a door or window.
    4. Broom. It was believed that a miniature broom made from various dried flowers, spikelets, berries and leaves sweeps dirt and negative energy messages out of the house. It was put in a place of honor, decorated with hawthorn or wild rose fruits. It was believed that these fruits protected from illness and anxiety.

    A horseshoe is hung over a door or window.

    How to activate the amulet

    Such a ritual must be carried out at home. They put the amulet on the table, around it there are 6 church candles, always white. While the candles are burning, read the plot:

    “Holy Mother of God, help us find happiness from this day and forever and ever. I want to take happiness for my family with my own hands, to touch happiness, not to let it go from me. Amen".

    “The sun is rising, a new day is dawning, God's world is awakening, everyone is surprised and rejoices. May there be grace in the family of God's servants (names of all family members), and there will be no quarrels and strife here. My word is strong, stucco. May it be so. Amen".

    Candles do not extinguish, let them burn out completely. Next, install or hang the amulet in a pre-selected place, cleaned of dirt or dust. You can decorate the talisman with wildflowers. All this is necessary in order to appease the talisman, so that in the future it will work for you. Before you hang or put a symbol, it must be carried throughout the rooms. Let him see how big the house is. It is recommended to activate the amulet on Friday, on the growing moon. It is she who will help to increase the protective properties of the amulet.

    Where to install

    A properly charged item is designed to protect the family. Therefore, it is important to choose the right place for it. Some items are recommended to be placed above the front door. Amulets-bags should be hidden away from prying eyes. It is tied up and never untied again. You can put it in a cabinet in the kitchen or in the bedroom.

    The amulet broom should be left in a conspicuous place, best of all in a room where all family members spend a long time. It is very good if all family members make such a symbol with their own hands, so everyone will bring their own positive emotions, thereby strengthening and increasing the power of the amulet.

    The simplest smooth pebble you find can become the most powerful talisman, the main thing is that you feel as comfortable as possible at the place where it was found. In this case, the stone can not only bring good luck to you, but also fulfill a wish.

    What awaits you in the near future:

    Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

    Do-it-yourself family amulet

    Protecting the home, relatives, closest and dearest people is a very important task that should not be entrusted to outsiders. Moreover, creating a family amulet with your own hands is not as difficult as an ignorant person might think. Do not forget that in our century, ethnic details in the interior have become incredibly popular - a home-made home talisman will become not only useful, but also a very stylish decoration of the room.

    Talisman with "Indian roots"

    The family amulet, known by the name "dream catcher". Its creation is attributed to Indian priests, but similar ritual decorations were in use in almost all corners of the world (including Siberian shamans). "Catcher" protects the dwelling and its inhabitants at night, when people are especially helpless in front of evil spirits.

    The base is a circle woven from willow vines. It is tightened with a special thread pattern resembling a spider web. They hang such a charm of the family hearth in the bedroom, above the bed. All negative energy gets stuck in the interweaving of "cobwebs", sticks to them. With the first rays of the sun, this dirt evaporates without causing any harm to the inhabitants of the house. It is believed that the "catcher" protects from nightmares, illnesses, conflicts and any failures.

    Slavic amulet of family happiness

    Our ancestors were convinced: if the brownie is disposed towards people, there will be harmony, wealth and health in the house. The Slavs believed that the "grandfather" is not indifferent to the broom, behind which he likes to hide, so they specially prepared a cozy shelter for their owner. For this, a completely new pomelo was taken, tied with bright ribbons, decorated with feathers and beads. They kept a "holiday broom" in the most elegant corner - they did not use it for its intended purpose and did not give it to guests.

    Family amulet dolls were very popular. To protect babies, they often used a birch chock dressed in a bright scarf - the protector was placed directly in the cradle, against accidental evil eye and malicious damage. There were dolls to attract prosperity and good suitors to the house, for the successful birth of children, the recovery of the sick or strengthening family harmony.

    On long winter evenings, women and girls would gather together to do needlework. There is no need to dispute the aesthetic merits of things lovingly decorated with a bright pattern of threads, braid and beads, and yet the main task of the craftswomen was to protect loved ones from the possible energy harm. The family embroidery amulet was created according to its own strict laws: it repeatedly repeated a special ritual symbol, never interrupting.

    Charms and amulets from ancient times helped people protect themselves from negativity, attract love and well-being into life. They can be made with your own hands, and sometimes the words of a prayer or a conspiracy become a strong amulet.

    Everyone wants to protect their family and loved ones. For these purposes, people use many different objects, rituals and conspiracies. Charms-prayers for children, husbands and wives were especially valued at all times. The word of a loved one who sincerely wants to protect his loved ones has tremendous power that can create a protective cocoon through which no evil can break through.

    Charm for daughter

    Prayer protecting the native child is read by the mother on the day of the angel. Protective words are pronounced over a sleeping child.

    “I protect my sleeping daughter. I turn with a prayer to the Lord Almighty, to the Mother of God-Defender. Protect my child both in a dream and in reality. Any day, any weather, at home or on the road. Whether at a crossroads, on a straight path - do not let evil enter her soul. Avert the eyes of wicked people, protect from acquaintances with dashing people. The mother's word is castle. God's grace is the key. Amen".

    At midnight on the birthday or the day of the daughter's Angel, the mother, standing at the feet of her sleeping daughter with a lit candle, pronounces the protective words:

    “Intercessor angel, follow my child relentlessly. Accompany her day and night, take care of my heart, my blood, my love. My daughter, flesh from flesh, blood from blood, I give you all protection, I pray for your Angel and Mother of God for protection. Do not back down, do not overlook, take care of my blood. Amen".

    Charm for son

    This prayer is read by the mother or father on the name day of the child.

    “From birth, an angel over my child, covers with wings from grief and misfortune. Protects from any evil. Leads the road of light, does not turn into darkness. I pray to you, protector of my son. Keep him in good health, enlighten the foolish child. I give protection and my own, parental, there is no stronger general patronage. Amen".

    “Angel, my son’s guardian, his soul is a bright guardian. Protect my child (name) from any evil, from offenders and evil slander, from damage and the evil eye. So be it, no evil will stick to my son. Water from a goose, thinness from a son. Amen".

    Charms for grandchildren

    These prayers should be read by the grandmother. The child is given an icon with his patron, named in his hands. A grandmother becomes behind her back, holds her hands above the head of her grandson or granddaughter, uttering defensive words:

    “I am the guardian of the family, the ancestor of the grandson. With my will and strength, with unshakable faith, I call on the Guardian Angel, our patron child. Save the priceless blood (name), carry his life through the crowd of infidels. Fill his vessel with true faith, show the true path. Take my word to Heaven, tell all the Higher powers for our child. Amen".

    “Heavenly powers, look at us sinners, direct, give the strength to raise a child in love and protection. Protect my grandchildren from evil and godlessness, take away the devilish intrigues. With the light of the strength of a newborn, my senile experience and knowledge, with labored hands, I bless my grandson for a rich and sweet life, without grief and disappointment, without shame and tears. So that my grandson only grows in love and affection. Amen".

    Charm for husband

    “Guardian angels, God's helpers. Follow my betrothed, given by God. Protect him, my husband. From evil people, from evil animals, from death, catastrophe, infidelity and lies. Give reason to my beloved, but the strength of a man to protect the human. I, a wife, pray and repent, I repent of my sins. I give my word and will to protect the strong. May any evil against my husband (name) be powerless. Amen".

    Charm for pregnant women

    “The Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ, Guardian Angel, I appeal to you, I ask for protection. Protect the child inside the mother's womb from human malice, from disease and misfortune. Protect his mother, promise an easy birth. Let God present the newborn child. Born in the cross, let him be baptized, he will not forget faith in God. Amen".

    Amulet protecting the health of loved ones

    Take a nail, sprinkle it with holy water, hammer it into the joint and at the same time say protective words:

    “I’ll take a nail, I’ll drive it into the joint. Iron in the tree sits firmly, will not jump out, will not fly out. So my relatives will be strong and strong. Angels protect them, they do not allow them to turn off the right path. I pray to all the saints for their health, for their bright souls and immeasurable happiness. Until the nail is bent, it has not jumped out of its nest, all troubles will bypass (names of relatives).

    Amulet for yourself

    “My life is bright and righteous, like in Christ's bosom. The angel protects me, gives me protection. It does not allow me to turn off the path-road, no matter where my legs lead me. Evil takes away in the light of day, but at night dark. Save, Lord, the sinful servant (name), who sings of You, proclaims Your prayers and glory. Amen".

    Take a church candle, stand in front of the holy image and focus on inner prayer. Then imagine how a transparent cocoon closes you. His strength is the stronger, the stronger your faith in the protection given from the Higher powers. Wait until the candle burns out, cross yourself three times and bow to the icon. When you leave, don't turn your back on her.

    Amulets-prayers or just protective words can be said at any time. The main thing is the desire and belief that this will help close and dear people. We wish you peace in the family, and do not forget to press the buttons and

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