Home Vegetables Adjika homemade recipe for the most delicious homemade adjika. How to make hot pepper adjika: step by step recipes with photos Unusual gooseberry adjika

Adjika homemade recipe for the most delicious homemade adjika. How to make hot pepper adjika: step by step recipes with photos Unusual gooseberry adjika

Adjika is a Georgian as well as Abkhazian dish, and it's no secret that it's a favorite. Every dish national cuisine appears in its own country only thanks to those products for which the land that nurtured them is famous.

That is why, the basis of the dishes of the southern countries are hot, hot peppers, and our Russian adjika is tomatoes.

Recipes for cooking adjika

In past centuries, the adjika recipe was the same, it included three components: pepper, salt and fenugreek, and at first only salt and pepper. Currently, a huge number of recipes have appeared, each of them has the right to cook life.

Attention! If you decide to cook a real adjika and did not find such a plant as fenugreek, you can replace it with the Khmeli-Suneli seasoning or the Suneli set. And tomatoes for adjika should always be chosen very hard, not juicy.

Adjika Abkhazian

Spicy, classic (recipe for the winter with tomatoes) adzhichka, prepared both for the future for the whole year, and for a quick serving on the festive table.

Ingredients of the meal:

  • hot pepper pods (11 pcs.);
  • garlic / head (1 pc.);
  • blue fenugreek (two tablespoons);
  • tomatoes (2.1 kg.);
  • table salt / 110 g.


Pepper pods get rid of everything superfluous, grind as finely as possible.

Dip the tomatoes in boiling water, remove the skin, twist together with the cloves of fresh, peeled garlic. Mix with pepper, salt. Put on a hot stove for exactly three minutes. At the same time, try not to leave the pan in order to be able to stir the mass without interruption.

Adjika spicy, a simple and quick recipe you will lick your fingers

Such adjika is prepared not very difficult and fast, you can do it even without technical devices.

Ingredients of the meal:

  • capsicum, bitter (0.8 kg);
  • garlic (3-4 cloves);
  • a mixture of "hops" (55 gr.);
  • nuts, walnuts (5 pcs.);
  • tomatoes (2 kg.);
  • table salt / 110 g.


Scald, remove the skin, soften well with a fork, drain the juice.

Remove everything superfluous from the peppers, finely grind, put in a container where the tomatoes already lie. Do the same with garlic cloves. Salt and season the dish, stir everything. Crush the nuts, stir, drain the juice. The dish can be decorated with herbs and served at the table.

Attention - it will be interesting! In the old days, housewives did this with two stones. One was used as a board, the other as a pusher / pestle.

Adjika with horseradish and garlic from tomatoes for the winter without cooking

Adjika with horseradish was invented in the Caucasus. It resembles the Siberian "horseradish", but is more aromatic due to the addition of spices and pepper. It's very tasty and healthy dish, after all, horseradish has long been widely used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine.

Ingredients of the meal:

  • tomatoes (4.2 kg.);
  • pepper / gogoshary (2.3 kg.);
  • pepper / hot (7-10 pcs.)
  • garlic / heads (5 pcs.);
  • horseradish (12 pieces);
  • sugar (1/2 cup);
  • salt (130 gr.);
  • parsley (bunch).
  • blue fenugreek (45 gr.).


Tomatoes prepare: rinse, get rid of excess, twist. You can do this both manually, using a meat grinder, and using a mixer.

Remove seeds from both types of peppers, rinse and also twist. Add to the tomatoes, mix, drain the resulting juice.

Peel horseradish and garlic. Grind as finely as possible, add to the future adjika.

Pour seasoning, salt and sweeten. Mix everything well. Let it brew, then drain the juice.

Put in jars, which should be pasteurized in advance, then pasteurized again in a way convenient for you.

AT winter period parsley is added to adjika with horseradish and garlic, but already when serving. Rolling up with parsley is not worth it, adjika can turn sour.

Delicious adjika from tomato and pepper

In terms of taste, such a dish will not yield to natural Georgian, but bell pepper will make it thicker and more fragrant. Tomatoes are best to choose fleshy, but not overripe, otherwise a lot of juice will appear.

Ingredients of the meal:

  • hot pepper (6 pcs.);
  • tomatoes (2 kg);
  • pepper, gogoshary (0.8 kg);
  • garlic (2 heads);
  • hops-suneli (2 tbsp / l);
  • vinegar, fruit (25 ml);
  • sugar (245 gr.);
  • salt (100g).


Peel hot pepper, finely grind together with garlic cloves prepared in advance.

Rinse the tomatoes, get rid of excess, cut, scroll until smooth.

Gogoshary, rinse, remove seeds. Also twist or cut into small slices.

Place all cooked products in one container, mix thoroughly, drain the juice. After that, season, salt, add vinegar and sugar.

Simmer over low heat for half an hour, stirring all the time. Then bring to a boil, again, stirring continuously, as shown in the video. Remove cooked food from stove spicy dish, cool, serve. You can also prepare such an adjika for the winter period to delight your household with delicious and fragrant food all year round.

The video shows in detail each step of cooking delicious adjika from tomatoes and peppers. Video in recipes is very convenient to use, at any time you can either pause the frame or scroll it several times.

Classic adjika recipe from tomato and garlic

The name "Russian Adjika" would be most suitable for this recipe. Since it was invented in our country.

Ingredients of the meal:

  • tomatoes, hard (2.3 kg.);
  • hot, bitter pepper (12 pcs.);
  • garlic (4 heads);
  • salt (110 gr.);
  • a set of suneli spices (70 gr.);
  • vinegar (50 ml).


Rinse the tomatoes, remove the stalk. For cooking, you can use both a meat grinder (large) and a mixer, while not forgetting to drain the juice that has appeared.

Prepare burning pods: remove seeds, stalk. Grind, lay out to other grated products.

The same must be done with garlic heads: grind, put in the future adjika.

Pour in the vinegar carefully.

Mix all the ingredients well, leave to infuse for a couple of hours. Then load into prepared clean jars.

Such adjika can also be served boiled, immediately to the table, but at the same time, not all components should be cooked. Garlic and pepper pods are added last before boiling. And, of course, don't forget the oil.

Attention! When working with hot peppers, gloves must be worn. It will irritate the skin, and getting it into the eyes is very dangerous to health.

Adjika from tomato and pepper with garlic boiled for the winter

Tasty, juicy and healthy adjika in winter will not only enrich your table with vitamins, but also remind you of a hot summer.

Ingredients of the meal:

  • tomatoes (2.7 kg.);
  • carrot (5 pcs.);
  • garlic (2 heads);
  • gogoshary pepper (1.2 kg.);
  • hot pepper pods (10 pcs.);
  • unrefined / vegetable oil (265 ml);
  • ordinary vinegar (30 ml);
  • sugar (235 gr.);
  • salt (125 gr.);
  • hops-suneli seasoning (45 gr.).


Scald the tomatoes and remove the skin, cut for twisting. Twist, drain excess juice.

Clean the gogoshary from the internal contents and the stalk, cut. Scald, remove the skin and also twist.

Peel, wash and chop the carrots with a meat grinder.

Add grated garlic cloves, vinegar, sugar and salt. Mix thoroughly. Put on a slow fire, bring to a state of active boiling, trying to always be near and mix. Put on a slow fire. Wait until the adjika stops boiling. After that, cook for exactly an hour with the lid closed.

Clear hot pepper, grind it and add it to adjika. Leave on the stove without fire for a couple of hours. Place cooled adjika in pasteurized jars.

Attention! For the preparation of adjika, it is best to use enameled, clay or cast iron dishes.

Boiled adjika with apples

Apples in adjika give a pleasant aroma and sour taste. After serving such an appetizer to the table, guests will forget about other dishes. In addition, at the expense of apples, she will also receive an additional vitamin complex, which is so lacking throughout the year.

Ingredients of the meal:

  • tomatoes (3.2 kg.);
  • gogoshary pepper (1.3 kg.);
  • carrots (5 pcs.);
  • hot pepper (11 pcs.);
  • apples, green variety (1.3 kg.);
  • garlic (2 heads);
  • onions (8 heads);
  • unrefined oil (400 ml);
  • vinegar (50 ml);
  • granulated sugar (255);
  • salt (155 gr.);
  • blue fenugreek (45 gr.).


Immerse the tomatoes in boiling water for five seconds, remove the skin, cut off the stem. Cut into small and neat slices. Drain the juice.

Peel the carrots, grind, add to the tomatoes.

Sweet and bitter pepper to get rid of the stalk and seeds. Twist on medium mode, add to the rest of the vegetables. Stir, drain the juice.

Finely chop the onion. Pour the oil into a saucepan, heat it up, add the onion and sauté it.

Drain the juice from the vegetables, put everything in a saucepan. Add grated garlic, salt, seasoning, vinegar, sugar. Mix everything. Put on a slow fire.

Remove the peel from apples, cut into cubes, add to adjika. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly and turn off the heat. Cool, transfer to a prepared container and roll up. After that, put it in a dark place, carefully wrapping it up for the night.

Real Georgian adjika

If you like spicy dishes, then the recipe for real Georgian adjika is just for you. The recipe is not only easy to prepare and unforgettable in taste, but also healthy. A large amount of vitamin "C" will help the body cope with any viruses throughout the year.

Ingredients of the meal:

  • hot pepper / burgundy (2.5 kg);
  • plum, slightly green (8 pcs.);
  • garlic (5 heads);
  • hops-suneli (65 gr.);
  • cilantro greens (210 gr.);
  • walnuts, peeled (130 gr.);
  • salt (140 gr.).


Remove the stalk and seeds from the hot pepper. Grind it as finely as possible so that the mass is homogeneous.

Immerse the plum in boiling water, remove the top layer, remove the stone, also scroll and add to the pepper.

Finely grind the garlic, add to adjika.

Crush walnuts in a mortar, add to adjika.

Season, salt, add sugar and cilantro. Mix everything well. Let stand for three hours, then transfer to prepared jars.

The recipe will help you step by step to understand all the intricacies of cooking Georgian adjika. In the video you will see what a rich color a real Georgian adjika has.

Homemade adjika with tomatoes and garlic, without bell pepper

Homemade adjika without bell pepper is an excellent snack for anyone. festive table but can be very sharp. But the benefits from it in the winter will be much greater than from the packaging of antiviral drugs.

Ingredients of the meal:

  • fleshy tomatoes (3.3 kg.);
  • hot pepper (10 pieces);
  • garlic (5 heads);
  • coriander (50 gr.);
  • paprika (70 gr.);
  • hops-suneli (70 gr.);
  • vinegar (70 ml.);
  • salt (110 gr.).


Rinse the tomatoes, remove the existing stalk, cut into small cubes, drain the juice.

Remove seeds from peppers, twist, add to tomatoes.

Peel the garlic and grind, add to the future adjika.

Season the resulting mass, salt, add vinegar. Put on a slow fire for 20 minutes, while stirring the workpiece continuously, but not bringing to a boil. Cool, transfer to jars, pre-pasteurized.

Raw adjika for the winter from tomato and garlic without cooking

Adjika without cooking is, of course, a big plus for those who want to get vitamins all year round. But so that this plus does not turn into a minus, you should carefully prepare vegetables and dishes: rinse them, scald with boiling water both outside and inside.

Ingredients of the meal:

  • Tomatoes (3.1 kg);
  • sweet bell pepper / gogoshary (1.1 kg);
  • hot pepper (10 pods);
  • cilantro / basil / parsley (all 70 gr.);
  • garlic (3 heads);
  • vinegar / grape (200 ml);
  • salt / coarse grinding (130 gr.).


Rinse the tomatoes, cut out the existing stalk. Cut into small cubes, then crush with a crush.

Peppers, both hot and sweet, clear of seeds, get rid of the stalk.

Grind finely in a meat grinder, lay out to the tomatoes.

Season with the above spices, squeeze out the garlic, stir everything with clean hands, pour in the vinegar, stir with a spoon, salt, mix again and drain the juice.

Roll into a pasteurized container or fall to the table.

Attention! Salt is added last, as it helps to give excess and unnecessary juice to vegetables.


Adjika is a very healthy dish that will provide the body with vitamins all year round. But, despite this, do not forget that the dish is very spicy. It is advisable to limit its use at one meal. And for people with gastrointestinal problems, such a spicy dish is generally contraindicated.

Do you know what real Abkhazian and Georgian homemade adjika is? How do you say authentic? So. It is a paste of hot red pepper, garlic, salt and herbs. And that's it, nothing else is added. Incredibly fragrant, pungent and spicy sauce to meat. It's not hard to make, but...

however, everything rests on a variety of pepper that grows only there, in Abkhazia, and some spices, for example, blue fenugreek (“utskho suneli”), which, for some reason I don’t understand, are not sold here (“suneli hops” are, but “utskho” why No, it's surprisingly simple. And yet you can try to make such an adjika.

How to make Georgian adjika at home

We grind in a mortar to a homogeneous paste 2-3 hot red peppers (since we can’t get Abkhazian pepper, we choose the most vigorous chili) along with 2 cloves of garlic and a large sea ​​salt. We add pounded dry spices there (1/3 tsp each of suneli hops for lack of utsho and cilantro seeds). And it's all. Such adjika is stored in the refrigerator, it costs a very long time.

The above recipe for adjika quite accurately conveys its authentic spirit. The addition of basil, dill, and similar liberties, which are also recommended in addition to it, is a matter of taste. Like all other recipes for adjika or what it is called.

What is called home adjika with us

In Russia, Ukraine and many other countries of the post-Soviet space, the subject of conversation is tomato sauce, in which everyone adds something to their taste. In our area, homemade adjika has lost its original appearance, becoming a completely different dish. Given its popularity and versatility, we most often preserve it - a boiled mixture of tomatoes and sweet bell peppers, to which all kinds of vegetables and herbs, fruits and spices are added.

I cook the most basic version of adjika - from ripe sunny tomatoes and poured sweet pepper. I use it as a sauce for meat and pasta, rice and lentils, actively add it to borscht and kharcho, eat it with dumplings and manti. It is ideal - discreetly bright, richly modest, fragrant and emphasizing. I recommend it to you as a base for soup dressings and stews, an additive to stewed beef and fried pork, "quick" ketchups and tomato sauces.

Ingredients for the recipe for adjika "in Russian"

  • 5 kg of ground tomatoes of the "Cream" type;
  • 5 kg of red bell pepper;
  • 0.5 cups of table vinegar;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2-3 heads of garlic;
  • salt to taste.

Homemade adjika from tomatoes and bell peppers

The set of products is very concise - there is nothing superfluous in it, only the most necessary, but it is precisely in this minimalism that the most main secret my adjika: simplicity and richness of taste. TOMATOES

So, wash the tomatoes, leave them for 10-15 minutes so that the water is a little glassy. We carefully cut off the spoiled places, crushed, scratched, ugly and substandard. We remove the stem. depending on fruit size cut them into 2-4 pieces.


Wash, remove the stalk, and with it all the seeds, membranes and possible spoiled parts.


We clean the garlic, wash it. Everything, the main part of the work is over, we will no longer breed dirt. Next, we involve free labor in the person of a spouse or children in the process - the first has an incentive (who does not dream of delicious spaghetti under amazing homemade sauces?), the second category of helpers is happy to try solely for the sake of ideological considerations.


We take out a meat grinder, install (collect) on a table, convenient for the work of gentle male hands and small children's hands. We designate the front of work - peeled peppers and sliced ​​\u200b\u200btomatoes. Everyone, having given an important strategic task, we leave for the next room - to do a manicure, read a book, chat on the phone. As soon as you hear that the subordinates have coped with the task, return - you are left with completely nonsense.


Pour the twisted tomatoes and peppers into a large saucepan and put on fire. Bring to a boil, reduce the gas to a minimum and boil adjika for about 40 minutes.


Add sugar and salt and taste. Let's try again. We correct the taste and conduct a tasting again (preferably with a slice of fresh Borodinsky and a couple of pieces of boiled pork). As soon as it seems to you that it would not hurt to add a little more, quite a bit of salt, stop: just enough. As a rule, cooled adjika feels a little more salty than hot.


Banks sterilized? Did you boil the lids?

Then quickly pour in the vinegar, squeeze the garlic, stir well and pour. Cover with lids, roll up and hide under a couple of blankets. After a day, adjika can be transferred to the pantry, where it can be stored, taking it out as needed.

It's all. Really, just? Especially playful. Output - approximately 6.5 liters.

This is how much homemade adjika is stored in my pantry, a product in demand!

What products can you make adjika at home?

By experimenting, you can add various components to adjika:

- zucchini and eggplant;
- carrots and pumpkin;
- plums and cherry plums;
- beets and celery;
- apples and pears;
- mushrooms;
- green tomatoes;
- horseradish;
- chilli;
- onion;
vegetable oil;
- nuts;
as well as a variety of herbs and spices.

And what do you make adjika from?

Adjika is a spicy seasoning in the form of a paste sauce, which is prepared from hot pepper, garlic, salt and spices. It is traditional for Abkhazian cuisine. In Georgian, Armenian, Russian cuisine, it is prepared with various variations- with the addition of vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, apples). It can be red and green: the first is prepared from red pepper, the second, respectively, from green. Below we present two traditional recipe adjiki - Abkhazian and Georgian.

Adjika in Abkhazian: recipe

Adjika in Abkhazian is prepared without much difficulty, like everyone else traditional dishes Abkhazian people. The culinary specialists of Abkhazia have long adopted the motto: simple, natural, tasty.
Adjika, which is of great importance among Abkhazians, has a spicy taste and excellent aroma, enhances appetite. However, of course, it is not suitable for those who do not like spicy dishes.

Important! Adjika is contraindicated for people with gastritis, increased acidity of the stomach, problems with the kidneys and liver, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children.

The nutritional value seasonings is 59 kcal per 100 grams of product. It has 1 gram of protein, 3.7 grams of fat and 5.8 grams of carbohydrates. Seasoning is recommended to be added to fish, meat and vegetable dishes, use in dietary nutrition.

The "correct" adjika does not involve adding sugar to it. This is exactly what you can cook using our step-by-step instructions.

Kitchen tools

To prepare this spicy seasoning you will need:

  • pan;
  • plate;
  • the spoon;
  • coffee grinder;
  • meat grinder;
  • garlic press;
  • immersion blender.


The following components are put in adjika in Abkhazian style:

  • hot red or Green pepper(fresh or dried) - 1 kg (it is better to hold fresh pepper for seven days on the balcony so that it wilts);
  • whole seeds - 100 g;
  • - 100 g;
  • - one head;
  • fresh cilantro - one bunch;
  • salt - two tablespoons.

Important! To avoid burning the skin on the hands, operations with pepper should be done with gloves. You should also protect your face. Hands that have come into contact with the spice should not touch the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, nose. And if adjika, when it gets into your mouth, caused you a strong burning sensation, then in no case should you drink it with water - it will be even worse. A small piece will help put out the "fire" in the mouth butter, cream, yogurt or milk.

How to do

The preparation of traditional Abkhazian seasoning can be divided into 13 steps:

Adjika in Caucasian style: recipe

The second recipe is also quite simple. Adjika is spicy and fragrant; it is made from two types of pepper with the addition of , which give it a milder taste.

Using the amount of ingredients described below, you will end up with 920 g of finished adjika. It goes well with vegetables, fish, meat. If you mix half a teaspoon with sour cream, it will come out delicious sauce to the barbecue.

Did you know? Abkhaz healers have long recommended adjika as a remedy for diseases of the digestive system. The valuable substances that it contains improve metabolism and blood circulation, and also increase the body's defenses against viral diseases.

Kitchen tools

To prepare the Caucasian seasoning, you will need:

  • pan;
  • blender.


From the products should be prepared:

  • - 185 g (dried for a week);
  • hot pepper ordinary (red, green) - 225 g;
  • garlic - 200 g;
  • walnuts - 150 g;
  • coriander - 50 g;
  • ucho-suneli (blue fenugreek) - 25 g;
  • ground red pepper - 75 g;
  • salt (preferably sea) - 150 g.

How to do

Step-by-step instructions for preparing adjika in Caucasian style are as follows:

What else can be added for spice

For piquancy, culinary specialists sometimes add greens:,. Also, to reduce the spiciness, tomatoes are used among the ingredients,

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Diversifying any dish is quite simple if you know what seasonings to add to it. However, most often, some spices are not enough. In this case, you should turn your attention to adjika. This fragrant sauce has long gained popularity. It is great to use both to enhance side dishes and meat dishes. Regardless of the recipe, the result is almost always perfect, and the taste is excellent.

Every adult at least once in his life tried this seaming. This rich dish is just soaked in the sun and spices. Vegetables, which are the main ingredients, go well in various combinations. Abkhazian cuisine gave almost perfect recipe, and the Georgians gave their own special flavor. Each people of the Caucasus contributed something of their own, and it turned out to be an abundance of options with different tastes.

It is not surprising that in addition to standard spicy vegetables, everyone tries to add something unique to adjika. So many recipes included cilantro, pumpkin, gooseberries, currants, apples, mushrooms, walnuts and much more. The taste of each seaming is unique and unrepeatable. It is almost impossible to try two identical recipes. Each hostess has her own tricks and preferences. And the result, regardless of the main composition, always turns out to be simply amazing. The sharpness is the main thing and it must be beaten correctly in order to get the perfect option.

Another distinguishing feature is the method of preparation. It can be boiled, sterilized, and often you can do without these subtleties. The main taste and quality of the dish will depend on this.

Even those who have never experimented with seaming and do not know a single worthy recipe will be able to discover something new and special. Having learned the technique of preparing various dressings, you can pamper your loved ones with something original every time. Two or three different options and the sauces will sparkle with new colors.

Below are the most popular recipes in my opinion. So let's go:

Benefits for the body

The peoples of the Caucasus know perfectly well how to arouse appetite and increase taste qualities viands. And in this case, we are not talking about salt and spices. Herbs can give their unusual notes and enrich any sauce. At the same time, they will help get rid of certain diseases and help the body function faster.

Speaking about the benefits of adjika, we can highlight the following points. She is:

  • Activates metabolic processes.
  • Cleanses the circulatory system.
  • Increases immunity.
  • He is active in the fight against viruses.
  • Stabilizes muscle tone.
  • Increases intestinal motility.

If we take into account classic recipe dishes, then it includes more than twenty herbs and products. And this directly indicates how many vitamins and minerals are contained in this sauce. You can talk about the benefits endlessly and it is better to try to cook this delicacy.


Despite the undoubted benefits, adjika has a number of contraindications. Spicy foods, despite their remarkable taste, can sometimes lead to unpleasant and painful sensations. Adjika is forbidden to eat in case of:

  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Increased acidity of the intestine.
  • Spasms and pains in the pancreas.

Children and pregnant women should also refuse to consume this sauce.

A simple classic adjika recipe from tomato and garlic for the winter

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to refuse such a delicacy. The result is really worthy and tasty. And most importantly, such a sauce can be consumed with almost every meal.


  • Tomatoes - 2.7 kilograms.
  • Karotel carrots - 8 pieces.
  • Onion - 4 heads.
  • Chili pepper - 4 pieces.
  • Bulgarian pepper (gogoshary) - 4 fruits.
  • Garlic - 5 heads.
  • Sunflower oil - a glass.
  • Spices.
  • Salt - 75 grams.
  • Sugar sand - a glass.
  • Vinegar - a glass.

Yield 3 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare and wash all products.

2. Gagoshary clean from seeds and stalks. Cut into large pieces.

3. Process through a meat grinder.

4. Rinse the tomatoes and remove all unnecessary. Cut into large slices.

5. Pass through the press.

6. Peel and cut carrots.

7. Twist.

8. Prepare hot pepper and chop.

9. Peel the garlic and pass through a press.

10. Peel onions. Grind on a grater.

11. Place all vegetables in a deep container. Put on fire. Boil. Reduce the flame. Boil for about half an hour.

12.Pour in sunflower oil, sugar, salt, spices. Knead. Let it simmer for about an hour more.

13. The amount of contents of the container will decrease by almost half. Before the end of cooking, pour in the vinegar.

14. Put adjika into pre-sterilized jars and screw on the lids.

15. Place in a refrigerator or cellar for further storage.

Watch our video recipe:

An excellent sauce ideal for serving with meat and various side dishes. Spicy taste offset by moderate sweetness.

Adjika from tomato and garlic without cooking

The secret of this sauce lies in the absence of cooking. Therefore, the taste is incredibly rich and spicy. Even if you freeze such adjika, the result will be excellent.


  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kilograms.
  • Sweet peppers - 2 fruits.
  • Garlic - 3 heads.
  • Fuck root.
  • Chili pepper - a couple of pods.
  • Dry adjika - a tablespoon.
  • Salt - 50 grams.
  • Sugar sand - 100 grams.
  • Vinegar - 1/4 cup.

Output - 2 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Prepare all vegetables: wash, peel, remove seeds and stalks, cut into portions suitable for processing.

2. Pass all products through a meat grinder.

3. If you want to get an incredibly hot sauce, do not remove the hot pepper seeds and process them along with them.

4. Add spices and sugar, dry adjika and mix thoroughly.

5. Leave for 15-20 minutes to completely dissolve sugar and salt.

6. Pour into prepared containers.

7. Place in a cool place for further storage.

If desired, the addition of vinegar can be omitted. In this case, the sauce must be stored in the freezer.

Adjika recipe from zucchini you will lick your fingers

Cooking something original and at the same time incredibly tasty is quite simple. For this purpose, it is worth knowing the following recipe in more detail. At the same time, it has a lot of benefits and a wide palette of flavors. And it will take no more than an hour to cook.


  • Zucchini - 3-3.5 kilograms.
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kilograms.
  • Karotel carrots - 8 pieces.
  • Gagoshary (bell pepper) - 4 pieces.
  • Garlic - 10 heads.
  • Rock salt - 4 tablespoons.
  • Vegetable oil - a glass.
  • Vinegar - 75 milligrams.
  • Chili pepper - 2 pieces.

Output - 3.5 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse all vegetables thoroughly, remove all excess, cut and twist through a meat grinder. Mix thoroughly.

2. Place the sauce in a saucepan and place on a fire spreader. Boil. Reduce the flame. Boil for about 40 minutes.

3.Pour in vinegar essence, spices and sugar. Boil.

4. Stir in the garlic. Boil for another 5-10 minutes.

5. Sterilize jars. Pour the finished adjika. Spin. Place in a cool place.

At any time of the year you can enjoy the unusual taste of this wonderful sauce.

Recipe for adjika with apples

Soft and gentle yet very spicy adjika in such a variety will be to the liking of everyone. It pairs perfectly with many foods and is a good base sauce for numerous dishes. Most culinary specialists believe that such a recipe is worth mastering and harvesting in significant quantities for the winter.


  • Apples "Simerenko" - kilogram.
  • Ripe tomatoes - 4 kilograms.
  • Onion - 10 medium heads.
  • Garlic - head.
  • Salt - 6 tablespoons.
  • Cinnamon - a teaspoon.
  • Allspice and peas 10 peas each.
  • Granulated sugar - 3/4 cups.
  • Laurel.

Output - 6 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly, remove the stalk, cut into 4 parts.

2. Peel the onion and divide into large slices.

3. Rinse the apples, remove the stalk and core, cut into 4-6 parts.

4. Place all food in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Put on fire. Boil. Boil for 40 minutes. It is necessary that vegetables and fruits become soft.

5. Add allspice, peas and laurel to the boiling liquid.

6. Pour in cinnamon. Knead.

7. Continue to cook for about 10 more minutes.

8. Remove from fire. Grind all products using a blender. Add pre-chopped garlic and pour in vinegar. Put it back on the stove.

9. Sterilize jars with lids. Spill adjika. Spin. Put upside down and let stand.

Such a seaming can be stored without problems for several years, and served with all possible side dishes and types of meat.

Plum preparation method

It is quite possible to create something unique and at the same time unusually tasty, if you are not afraid of experiments. It is not risky to use plums in the cooking process. Thanks to them, special taste qualities are obtained, from which everyone will be delighted. This applies to both adults and children.


  • Plum - 3 kilograms.
  • Basil - a bunch or two.
  • Seasoning "Hmeli-suneli" - 5-7 tablespoons.
  • Tomatoes - 800 grams.
  • Dill - 2 bunches.
  • Parsley - a couple of bunches.
  • Hot pepper - 3 pieces.
  • Celery greens - 3 bunches.
  • Garlic - 2 heads.
  • Salt rock - 50 grams.

Output - 3 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Sort the drain and rinse thoroughly. Each must be solid and strong.

2. Separate from the bones.

3. Chop the basil and add to the berries.

4. Process the remaining greens and place the cooking container.

5. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into small pieces. Wash the tomatoes and cut into quarters.

6. Pour seasoning, salt and spices.

7. Mix with your hands. This will help to get the required juice and facilitate the cooking process.

8. Put on a small fire. This will help the juice to gradually stand out. Boil. Boil for 20 minutes over low heat. Stir constantly.

9. Remove from fire. Using a blender, process all the products in the pan. It is important not to get burned during the processing.

10. Pass the garlic through the press. Add to sauce. Put on fire and bring to a boil. Arrange in pre-prepared sterilized jars and close the lid.

Video recipe:

This delicacy is stored in the basement or a cool place. It is incredibly tasty and resembles tkemali, so it is often eaten first.

Spicy adjika in Abkhazian style - a traditional recipe

Extraordinarily tasty and rich adjika, made according to traditions, will help to reveal the whole incredible range of products that make up its composition. Another feature of this dish is that it has an incredibly beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and speeds up metabolism, thanks to the variety of herbs.


  • Hot pepper - 3 pods.
  • Garlic - head.
  • Cilantro - a bunch.
  • Basil - a bunch.
  • Dill - a bunch.
  • Coriander - 2 tablespoons.
  • "Hmeli-suneli" - 2 tablespoons.
  • Spices and salt.

Yield - 400 grams.

Cooking process:

1. Leave the pepper to dry in the sun for a few days. He must fade.

2. Clean the pods from the contents and remove the stalks.

3. Peel the garlic.

4. Place all products in a blender. Recycle.

5. Chop the parsley and the rest of the greens with a blender. Mix with pepper and garlic.

6. For connoisseurs of rich taste, you can add a small handful of walnut kernels.

7. Salt and add spices. Mix thoroughly.

8. Leave to "rest" for a couple of hours.

9. The sauce can be consumed immediately after it has been infused or stored in a cool place.

This original recipe very saturated. Therefore, there is a sauce, it costs in small quantities.

From tomato with horseradish and garlic

Fans of spicy, or rather incredibly spicy and burning, this kind of sauce will be just to your taste. The combination of components is such that a more burning option simply cannot be found.


  • Tomatoes - 2 kilograms.
  • Garlic - 5 heads.
  • Horseradish root - 4 pieces.
  • Salt rock.
  • Pepper.
  • Sweet pepper - 8 pieces.
  • Chili pepper - 8 units.
  • Dill - a bunch.
  • Parsley - a bunch.
  • Vegetable oil - 40 milligrams.

Output - 2 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Clean vegetables from all unnecessary. Cut. Pass through a meat grinder. Soak horseradish root for an hour.

2. Add sunflower oil and spices to taste. Rinse dill and parsley and process in a blender. Add to all vegetables. Thoroughly chop the horseradish root.

3. Infuse adjika in the refrigerator or in the basement. After that, it is ready for consumption. If desired, it can be decomposed into banks and placed in the basement.

It is worth warning people with a sick stomach: more than one tablespoon of it should not be consumed. It is incredibly hot, so portions should be dosed.

Eggplant in adjika with a photo

Create a very spicy and at the same time just an unusual snack or even cold salad from eggplant is incredibly simple. At the same time, the main vegetable will still be the main one, and a well-cooked adjika will only frame it with dignity. But the result will be really amazing and incredibly tasty.


  • Eggplant - 1.5 kilograms.
  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kilograms.
  • Garlic - head.
  • Gagoshary (bell pepper) - 3 fruits.
  • Chili pepper is a thing.
  • Rock salt - 3 tablespoons.
  • Sugar sand - a glass.
  • Vinegar - 50 milligrams.
  • Sunflower oil - 250 milligrams.

Output - 2.5 liters.

Cooking process:

1. Rinse and cut the tomatoes.

2. Wash the peppers, separate the stalk and seeds, divide into pieces. Peel the garlic.

3. Using a meat grinder or blender, chop peppers, garlic and tomatoes.

4. Connoisseurs of spice can put more hot chili.

5.Pour the mixture into a heavy bottomed saucepan. Put on fire, add spices and salt. Boil. Pour in sunflower oil and vinegar. Bring to a boil again.

6. Peel the eggplants. Divide into serving pieces. Place in boiling adjika. Cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes.

7. Arrange in sterilized and dried jars. Close the lids, turn over and wrap.

Adjika with eggplant is stored for several years. But, true lovers of spicy snacks will not let it stagnate under any pretext.

  • Spicy connoisseurs should not take the seeds out of the chili. It is worth using dried fruits.
  • If you want to make adjika softer and more tender, you need to add neutral vegetables: carrots, gogoshars or apples.
  • Seaming requires only rock salt.
  • A special palette of flavors is given by spices processed with a pestle and mortar. They saturate the sauce more and give it a richness of flavors. Almost any type of spice can be used.
  • Pre-calcination and frying of herbs and spices in a pan is considered ideal.
  • Using a blender for processing vegetables, you need to make sure that it does not make a simple puree from adjika, and maintain the necessary texture of the sauce.
  • Firm and ripe tomatoes are perfect for creating texture and incredible flavor.
  • Only metal covers will allow you to save the workpiece for a long time and prevent its damage.

It is unlikely that anyone will refuse such a spicy delicacy. It not only improves mood by an order of magnitude, but also helps to fight many ailments. The most interesting thing is that such an appetizer is ideal at any time of the year and will come with any feast. Simple kebabs or luxurious meat dish European cuisine will definitely enrich and give them new notes. And which of the proposed recipes to make your favorite, you should decide based on your favorite products and their preferred combinations.


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There are a huge number of ways to cook tomato adjika. Recipes can be selected, depending on the skill level of the hostess, both quite simple and more complex. How is the most prepared tasty adjika from a tomato for the winter? Best Recipes collected in our article.

But I want to note the fact that each of us has different taste preferences. Therefore, it is not necessary to argue that it is the workpiece prepared according to a certain recipe that is the most delicious. They are all "tastiest" to some extent. And the choice is yours.

Are you looking for the most delicious adjika recipe? Then try this one. Adjika prepared according to this recipe has a mild taste, without excessive spiciness. In addition, this method of cooking has its own zest - these are apples. They affect the taste of the dish so much that it becomes a great addition to any side dish.


  • about two kilograms of tomatoes;
  • one kilogram of apples (variety is unimportant);
  • one kilogram of carrots;
  • one kilogram of bell pepper;
  • one hundred grams of hot pepper;
  • one hundred and fifty milliliters of vinegar;
  • one hundred and fifty grams of sugar;
  • two hundred milliliters of sunflower oil;
  • two hundred grams of garlic;
  • fifty grams of salt.

The main role in this recipe is given to tomatoes, as they, interacting with seasonings, give an extraordinary taste. It follows from this that the tomatoes must be neither green nor sluggish.

Cooking method.

  1. From pre-washed tomatoes, it is necessary to cut the stalks. Further, if the tomatoes are small, then they are cut into two parts, if large, then into four parts.
  2. Apples are peeled and the core is removed. Carrots need to be washed and peeled. Seeds are removed from sweet and hot peppers. Grind everything with a meat grinder, and then transfer the resulting mass to a bowl with a thick bottom or a cauldron.
  3. After that, everything is thoroughly mixed with a wooden spoon, and then placed on the stove. Adjika is cooked for 60 minutes, but at the same time it should be constantly stirred.
  4. Already at the end (about seven to ten minutes before the end) you need to add garlic, sugar, salt, vinegar. After that, the dish is mixed again, boiled well and poured into jars.

Adjika with horseradish


  • about two kilograms of red tomatoes;
  • one kilogram of sweet pepper;
  • three hundred grams of garlic;
  • three hundred grams of hot pepper;
  • three hundred grams of horseradish (one fresh root);
  • two hundred grams of salt;
  • two hundred milliliters of vinegar (necessarily 9%).

Cooking method

  1. Tomatoes need to be washed and cut off their stalks. The pepper is thoroughly washed, the seeds are removed, the stalk is cut out. Horseradish and garlic are peeled and cut into very small pieces (some housewives prefer to grind these ingredients in a meat grinder).
  2. Sweet and bitter peppers, together with tomatoes, are passed through a meat grinder. Next, you need to add salt, vinegar, chopped garlic and horseradish. After thorough mixing, all unnecessary liquid is drained.
  3. The resulting mass is laid out in jars and closed with nylon lids. Best stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. As a rule, it turns out about 3 liters of adjika.

Adjika with garlic and tomatoes

The most delicious tomato and garlic adjika is suitable for both spicy lovers (adding garlic) and people who do not like too spicy preparations.


  • about three kilos of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of Bulgarian sweet pepper;
  • 500 g of garlic;
  • 150 grams of hot pepper;
  • one hundred grams of salt;
  • three tablespoons of sugar.

Cooking method

  1. Initially, all seeds must be removed from the bell pepper. Then the stalks are removed and the garlic is peeled from the husk. And only after completing all of the above steps, you can start washing all the vegetables.
  2. After that, Bulgarian and hot peppers are passed through a meat grinder. Salt and sugar are added to the resulting mixture. After completing all these steps, you need to put the dish in the refrigerator for a day.
  3. In the morning, all excess fluid is washed off. After cooking, adjika is placed in pre-prepared jars, and then placed back in the refrigerator for further storage.

Adjika "Kyiv"

Some argue that this is the most delicious adjika. Prepared for the winter, it will appeal to even the most sophisticated gourmets. In addition, it is quite easy and simple to prepare it.


  • 5 kg of tomatoes (ripe);
  • bell pepper (1 kg);
  • sour apples (1 kg);
  • carrot (1 kg);
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • black and red pepper (one tablespoon each);

Cooking method

  1. First you need to wash all the vegetables. The pepper is de-seeded and the core is cut out.
  2. Then the peel is removed from the tomatoes (to make it faster and easier to do this, it is recommended to pour boiling water over the tomatoes for five to seven minutes). After that, all the vegetables are chopped in a meat grinder.
  3. Oil, sugar, salt, spices are added to the resulting mass. Next, the resulting mixture is placed on the stove and cooked until the desired density is obtained.
  4. After it immediately needs to be poured into pre-prepared containers. It is best to store in a cool place - a refrigerator, basement, cellar.

Adjika in Armenian

Despite the duration of the cooking process, adjika made according to this recipe will not leave you and your guests indifferent to its taste.


  • about 5 kilograms of tomatoes (ripe);
  • 0.5–1 kilogram of garlic;
  • 0.5 kilograms of hot capsicum;
  • salt (to taste).

Cooking method:

  1. Vegetables need to be washed and cleaned of seeds and core. Garlic, peppers and tomatoes are ground in a meat grinder. Salt is added to the resulting mass.
  2. Then the dish must be left in an enamel bowl for a period of ten to fifteen days. This time is necessary for adjika to ferment, and every day it needs to be stirred.
  3. It is important to remember that tomato juice should be drained before garlic and pepper are added to the dish. If this is not done, then adjika will seem undersalted.

Adjika "Restless Sinner"

This recipe is perfect for lovers of "thrill" sensations. Having tried such adjika, everyone will appreciate its peppercorn.


  • about 2 kilograms of tomatoes (red);
  • twenty pieces of sweet pepper;
  • ten - fifteen pieces of hot pepper;
  • 400 grams of garlic;
  • three sticks of horseradish;
  • two bunches of parsley;
  • two bunches of dill;
  • four tablespoons of salt;
  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • vinegar to taste (required 9%).

Cooking method.

  1. Before preparing this dish, you need to thoroughly rinse all vegetables, and then rid them of seeds and stalks.
  2. After that, the vegetables need to be chopped with a meat grinder or blender. Salt, sugar and a little vinegar are added to the resulting mass.
  3. Everything is thoroughly mixed and poured into pre-prepared jars. Banks are closed with polyethylene lids.

Adjika "Vigorous"

This adjika will appeal to real men. It goes well with almost all products, but acquires a special taste with fish dishes.


  • about five kilos of tomatoes (ripe);
  • five to six heads of garlic;
  • one hundred grams of salt;
  • one hot pepper;
  • six large horseradish roots;
  • one sweet pepper.

Cooking method.

  1. Vegetables are washed in cold water, remove all seeds and stalks, and then twist in a meat grinder. Salt and chopped garlic are added to the resulting mass.
  2. Then the dish is thoroughly mixed, after which it can be laid out in prepared containers. Must be stored in the refrigerator.

Adjika "Adjarian"

Real adjika, which is made on the basis of such irreplaceable ingredients as hot red pepper and garlic. Naturally, other vegetables and spices are added for a variety of taste sensations. It is not only tasty, but also useful. Only its excessive use can be harmful to health.


  • about five kilos of tomatoes;
  • one kilogram of carrots;
  • kilogram of bell pepper;
  • five to ten pieces of hot pepper (to taste);
  • half a kilogram of onions;
  • half a liter of vegetable oil;
  • five - seven heads of garlic;
  • salt (to taste).

Cooking method

  1. Wash vegetables. Next, the tomatoes must be rid of the core and stalks, the pepper is cleared of seeds.
  2. Then you need to divide the tomatoes, bell peppers and onions into 2-4 parts. All ingredients are scrolled in a meat grinder.
  3. After that, vegetable oil, salt and pre-chopped garlic are added. Everything is well mixed with a wooden spoon and put on fire. Cooking time is two hours.
  4. Stir occasionally. After cooking, the dish must be decomposed into jars and rolled up.

Adjika "Home"

The recipe for the most delicious homemade adjika in this case is good because the dish is easy to prepare. It is also worth noting that the workpiece prepared in this way does not have to be stored in a cool place. Even when stored in a warm room, the taste of this adjika does not deteriorate.

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