Home A fish Baking for February 23 recipes. A treat for real men. Roast beef

Baking for February 23 recipes. A treat for real men. Roast beef

This day became significant almost a hundred years ago, but the name of the holiday has been constantly changing. They called it both the Day of the Red Army and the Day of the Soviet Army. Only in 1993 did February 23 become Defender of the Fatherland Day. This festive date provides an opportunity to thank all men. After all, they are the beginning of the family, and therefore the beginning of the whole society.

Being a strong foundation for his relatives, a man will always lend his strong shoulder. At the same time, the task of a woman has always been to create comfort and harmony in the house. Therefore, it is not surprising that on the eve of the holiday, many housewives rack their brains when compiling a menu for men on February 23.

Wanting to arrange a real culinary surprise for your favorite representatives of the strong half of humanity, you should take care of choosing dishes for the celebration and decide whether? In addition, it is absolutely no secret to anyone that men love Tasty food. But it will be several times more pleasant when they know that all the efforts of a woman in the kitchen are dedicated to them.

In preparing each dish from the menu for February 23, it is important for men to consider several useful advice and advice on which men's eating habits are based.

What is important to consider?

The most important thing that should never be forgotten is that a man loves goodies very much. The ability to use the right spice plays a big role here. Often in the kitchen of modern housewives, they take their well-deserved place, and sometimes they are indispensable when creating specific edible masterpieces. No one says that food should be spicy, because there are a lot of spices. For example, turmeric has a great effect on the stress resistance of the body and fills it with vitality.

Using cinnamon mainly in baking can help a person relax and improve mood.

As for the qualitative composition of the food consumed, when compiling a list of dishes at home or a menu for men at work, mandatory protein products should be included. There are countless options for cooking chicken, pork, beef, lamb, fish and seafood. Protein-containing products must be present in the daily diet of every young person.

It is far from a myth that men love salads with mayonnaise dressings. Of course, store-bought sauces with preservatives should be avoided, they can cause significant harm to health. However, if you cook mayonnaise yourself at home, in moderation its presence in dishes is even useful, because in addition to yolks chicken egg, vegetable oil and there can be no mustard.

Cooked snacks are also loved for their originality and convenience. Particularly revered among the male population are light options with tartlets, puff pastry or just sandwiches with delicious content. In addition, they do not disintegrate in the hands, so the likelihood of soiling a new suit worn for a holiday is close to zero.

And of course, no festival is complete without a tempting sweet. Dessert is simply necessary to consolidate the impression of a successful feast. It is known that, as a rule, men have a sweet tooth. Meanwhile, their preferences differ in details. After all, someone loves chocolate more, and someone loves condensed milk, some love nuts, and someone can’t stand them.

Therefore, the organization of a festive or - a very important task. Women need to take this task seriously. Then everything will work out for sure. And several proposed versions of the menu for February 23 for men at home will help with this.

Meal Tips

For example, snacks will look interesting and tasty, in the form of a roll with many types of fillings, wrapped in pita bread. You can use fish crab sticks, processed cheese, chicken and more.

It is impossible not to say about the pork chops cooked with the addition of pineapples. Pieces of this exotic fruit will make the dish juicier and more fragrant.

From hot appetizers, classic French meat will always look advantageous at a gala dinner. Its preparation takes a minimum of time, and the finished result will bring maximum pleasure.

Well, for dessert, the popular at all times, rich and high-calorie "Napoleon" is perfect. From a very young age, its unique taste is familiar to everyone.

- a real and, one might say, the only men's day of the year. On this day, the “defenders” claim not only for increased attention and care, but also for festive treats that, better than any words, can tell the male sex about their significance for their halves.

The festive table on February 23 will be the best manifestation of feelings even for the most unpretentious man in food, therefore, on the eve of the holiday, the ladies face the question: how to surprise a loved one, so that simply, elegantly and without unnecessary hassle?

Our editors have made a selection of truly "male" dishes that will not require a huge investment of time and will not leave your defenders indifferent.

"Male" dishes for women

The festive table for February 23 should be different from traditional culinary delights. And it is better to surprise your loved ones with real “male” dishes, for example, shish kebab.

The advantages of this "guest" on the festive table are several indisputable facts:

  • Meat is considered the most favorite male product that they can serve for “first, second and compote”;
  • According to tradition, the men themselves act as docks in the preparation of this dish;
  • Barbecue can be cooked at home no worse than at the stake;
  • Having prepared an impeccable barbecue, there is a chance to once again prove to your soul mate that women "are subject to everything, no matter what they undertake."

Recipe Secrets

  1. When marinating meat, salt should not be added, otherwise the meat will be dry - this ingredient is already added to the almost ready dish.
  2. In order for the meat to become juicy and soft, the marinating time should take at least 2 hours.
  3. You can imitate barbecue skewers in the oven using wooden skewers, which you need to soak in 30 minutes before stringing meat. cold water: they will not burn and will have a presentable appearance for serving.
  4. If, when cutting meat, you realize that it is tough, then alkaline mineral water will help to correct the situation, which should be added to the main marinade.

Note to housewives: 0.5 tsp will help to make the sauce expressively tasty and unusual. sugar, which should be added to the sauce at the time of whipping.

"Hey, take it easy!"

If for some reason you do not want to cook homemade pork kebab, then you can adopt a recipe for a "light" kebab from chicken fillet. The technology for preparing such a dish is not much different from the traditional pork skewers.

Do not forget to take into account the appetites of your man - the ingredients should be purchased in proportions that will be enough to satisfy the culinary ambitions of all those present at the table.

Italian pizza

In addition to the exquisite festive barbecue, the table for February 23 can be diversified by the queen loved by all men Italian cuisine- pizza. This, at first glance, uncomplicated dish on the menu will be a great trick for every woman to take her protector on a solid “hook”. Firstly, tasty pizza will replace banal sandwiches and a side dish on the table. Secondly, she will make it clear to the man that his half is a real “pizzaiola”, which will allow him to “beat off” his desire to visit pizzerias with friends, freeing up his evening to communicate with you.

Note to housewives: for right pizza it is recommended to use fresh rather than dry yeast, flour durum varieties. Do not add eggs to pizza dough butter, sugar. These products will make the dough rubbery, and ready pizza will crumble. Ready dough must rest for at least 2 hours. You can’t roll out the dough with a rolling pin, the dish is shaped only with your hands, stretching and kneading it with your fingers. Bake pizza at maximum temperature in the oven for no more than 10 minutes.

Pizza topping: toppings in pizza should be added in a ratio of 1:1. To make the cheese after cooking the pizza viscous, and not rubbery, it is recommended to use hard cheeses of soft varieties such as mozzarella. The perfect sauce for pizza is not ketchup or tomato paste, but the real italian sauce own cooking(tomato without peel + spices to evaporate on fire, and then strain). So that the filling and dough are perfectly baked, put no more than 3 tablespoons of sauce for one cake.

Snack to "army fuel"

As a salad, the table for February 23 can be supplemented with the themed appetizer "Ships of Love". Note that the components of this original snack are considered "male aphrodisiacs", which will additionally stimulate your man's mood in the "right" direction to the climactic end of the festive evening.

We serve the table

important detail holiday table by February 23 is serving. Therefore, all your efforts in preparing for the celebration of "Men's Day" should be fixed with one more fantasy moment: you need to submit culinary masterpieces in an interesting style to set a unique atmosphere for the main participant in the celebration. Here you already need to show all your design talent.

For serving, you can use the classic military style for the "army", saturated with the bright colors of the Russian tricolor, or you can recreate the atmosphere of the dinner of the generals of the 18th century at the table.

Congratulations to all men on February 23! And women want to say - on this day everything will depend on your desire and imagination. And by the way, do not forget that very soon March 8th. Well, you get the idea...

February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Initially, it was believed that this is a holiday of people who served or are serving in the army. But, today, many women stand guard over peace and tranquility along with men, so this holiday has lost its original meaning and has become just a holiday for men. It doesn’t matter what professions they have, how old they are, whether they served in the army or not - these are people who you can always rely on in difficult times. Real defenders!

In our article, we would like to talk about how beautiful and interesting to set the table for the holiday, what to cook on February 23 to surprise and please your beloved men.

Table setting for February 23

For the festive table for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, serving is a very important point. Therefore, it will be a great solution to serve cooked dishes in an unusual style. So that the main participants of the celebration, looking at the design of the dishes, understand that today is their holiday!
Here you need your imagination and talent of the designer.

Below you can see several options for decorating dishes for February 23rd. It can be carved dishes in the form of a star and salads in the form of a tank or a soccer ball.

In the matter of decorating the table, it is best to start from the hobbies, activities and hobbies of your men. Many advise to make a table in military style or in the main colors of the flag. But if your friend, father, husband has nothing to do with the army, and even worse, if he has bad memories associated with it or your men simply don’t like khaki, why set the table in such styles. Do something pleasant for your men, set the table with their favorite flowers.

You can simply cover the table with a green or blue tablecloth, serve napkins to match.
You can also add various figurines symbolizing the day of the defender of the patronymic, and even better if you yourself make jewelry that will remind you of your joint happy days together, of helping and protecting your men in relation to you.

What to cook for February 23?

February 23 is the only men's day that belongs entirely to them. And, therefore, men should be congratulated on a grand scale. Show more care than usual so that they feel like they are having a holiday.

For a special mood, you need to prepare a festive treat.
Desserts, mousses for a men's holiday are not relevant. Hearty salads, various spicy snacks are suitable.
Also, on the festive table of the heroes of the occasion, alcoholic drinks are appropriate.
There are no traditional recipes, such as a turkey for Christmas, on February 23rd. And, thanks to this, you can show maximum skill in cooking.

Above, we decided in what style we will set the table, depending on the hobbies of your men, now you need to decide on taste preferences and the venue for the feast.

First, we decide on the place, the men's holiday can be perfectly celebrated outside the home, if, for example, you have a dacha, then it would be ideal to fry a barbecue. If you do not plan to stay at home at all, then field kitchens will help you, taste delicious buckwheat porridge with tea right on the street.

It may well turn out if you arrange a holiday in nature, the so-called picnic.
Here you can do without lace tablecloths and crystal wine glasses. The main thing - exquisite "marching" dishes.
Serving a camping table implies disposable plates, glasses. Now they are offered in many different sizes and colors. Again, you can take the color in the style of "military", so that everything is in the theme. Arrange prepared dishes in containers and serve them to the table.

The main thing is that there is a lot of tasty and beautifully cooked. Meals are usually prepared at home. They should be such that it is not necessary to warm up. That is, mainly appetizers and salads.

If a holiday is arranged for male colleagues, then the “office” version of the dishes can be exactly the same as in nature.

But if you still decide to celebrate at home, then the first thing you need to do is remember what your men love.

You can clarify which alcohol a man will prefer for a holiday, and the choice of dishes that will be on the festive table will depend on this.

On February 23, you definitely need to cook hot, appetizers, salads, and, if you have a sweet tooth, then dessert. There are many options. Let's consider some of them:

Rich hodgepodge, with its amazing taste, is loved by everyone. The dish is not fast, but worth it. There are many recipes. This option is different in that it does not contain expensive products.

1. Pork - 250 g
2. Smoked sausage - 250 g
3. Boiled sausage - 250 g
4. Chicken breast - 250 g
5. Pickled cucumbers - 250 g
6. Tomato - 50 g
7 Onions - 150 g
8. Olives - 50 g
9. Olives - 50 g
10. Cucumber pickle - 100 g

Pork meat, cook for an hour over low heat, after removing the foam. Remove, let cool and cut. Chicken breast, cook for 20 minutes. And also, cool and cut into strips.
Cut the boiled and smoked sausage, finely chop the onion, cut the cucumbers into small strips.
Fry meat ingredients with onions. Then add cucumbers and fry for another three minutes. The next step is to add the tomato, simmer for five minutes.
Dip the cooked meat and fried vegetables with sausage into the boiled broth. Pour in cucumber pickle. After that, seasonings.
Serve with a circle of lemon, olives and olives. You can add sour cream.

Meat "Three in one"

Three types of meat in one dish is an incomparable solution. It is very festive and, by all means, men should like it.

1. Pork or beef tenderloin - 500 g
2. Bacon or smoked meat - 300 g
3. White wine - 100 ml
4. Chicken breast - 2 pcs.
5. Garlic - 2 cloves
6. Spices

Dry the washed meat and breast and cut into small pieces. Same size. Salt the meat, pepper, pour white wine. Remove to refrigerator. Salt the chicken a little, squeeze the garlic and add the oil. Olive is recommended. After a few hours, marinated meat and chicken pieces, steamed together, wrapped in strips of smoked meat or bacon. Secure the ends of the bacon with a toothpick.
On a greased baking sheet, place the cooked meat rolls, and bake in the oven at 200 degrees.
Serve garnished with any vegetables or boiled rice.

Can cook festive snack from the liver. And by adding mushrooms there, you can turn an ordinary liver into a masterpiece of culinary art.

1. Beef liver - 500 g
2. Chicken liver - 500 g
3. Eggs - 2 pcs.
4. Milk - 1/2 cup
5. Salt, pepper.

1. Mayonnaise - 300 g
2. Garlic - 5 cloves
3. bow 1
4. carrot
5. Salt, vegetable oil.
6. Two hard-boiled eggs and one bunch of dill - for decoration.

Pass the prepared liver through a meat grinder. Add milk, eggs, spices, flour and mix everything until smooth. Get a cookie dough. It should be like a pancake.
Fry like pancakes in a pan greased with oil.
Now, chop the onion, simmer until transparent, add finely chopped carrots, salt and simmer until the carrots are soft. Add garlic, passed through a press, to mayonnaise. Mix. Lubricate the liver cakes with mayonnaise and stack one on top of the other, shifting the filling. Press the last cake a little, spread with mayonnaise, sprinkle first with grated protein, then with yolk. Decorate with dill. It is advisable that the snack stand for a while to soak.
No holiday table is complete without a salad. Men are generally reluctant to change their culinary habits. Therefore, it would be appropriate to offer something with herring. Always a win-win. Hearty and very tasty.

1. Beets - 2 pcs.
2. carrots 2 pcs.
3. potatoes 4 pcs.
4. bow 1 pc.
5. boiled eggs 2 pcs.
6. Slightly salted herring 1 pc.
7. Mayonnaise 80 g
8. salt, pepper.

classic salad recipe

We cut the herring. Rinse under running water, dry. Carefully remove all the insides, cut off the fins. Make a longitudinal incision along the spine. Near the tail, pick up the skin of the fish with a knife. Then take it off
Now, you need to separate the bones from the fillets. Pry off the fillet from the side of the spine and, pressing your finger against the bones, separate the fish meat. Remove spine.

Why is it important to cut the fish yourself? This is the only way to be sure of its freshness.

Boil all vegetables with skins on. So they will be more starchy. Peel the prepared vegetables, cut the onion into small cubes. Hard boil eggs. Cut the fish into cubes.

You need to pay attention that there are no bones.

When the preparation is completed, you can start laying the layers. Coat all layers with mayonnaise.

The first layer is herring fillet, then a layer of onion. Then, grated potatoes. Again, an onion. Grate the carrots, then the eggs. The last beet, also grated on a coarse grater. Top with a large layer of mayonnaise.

If desired, the vegetable layers can be salted. Decorate according to the holiday.

If you wish, you can make a "royal herring under a fur coat." How? Everything is the same, only on top you need to make a layer of red caviar. And, decoration, and, truly - royal scope.

But the festive table should delight and surprise. Therefore, you can cook a real "male" dish

1. Pork 1 kg
2. Bow 3 pcs.
3. Vegetable oil - 50 ml
4. Pepper, salt and rosemary.

Cut the meat into large pieces, about 5 cm each, onion rings. Mix everything and add spices to taste. Thread onto wooden skewers, alternating, and arrange on a baking sheet. Roast in the oven at 220 degrees for about one hour. The taste is not worse than at the stake.
Tips: the marinade at first can not be salted; keep the meat in the marinade for no more than two hours; wooden skewers need to be held in cold water for about forty minutes so that they do not burn.

If you cook from beef, then the meat is tougher. To make the barbecue a success, you need to pour alkaline mineral water into the marinade.
Men are well-known meat-eaters, so barbecue can be served both for the first and for the second, and even instead of compote.

Do not forget that the simplest dish, beautifully served at the table, cheers up and develops an appetite.

You can make pizza. It will replace regular sandwiches.

Italian pizza recipe

First you need to prepare yeast dough. To get the correct result, you need to take fresh yeast not dry. Flour must be hard grades. Do not use eggs, sugar - these products will make the dough heavy. It must be done within two hours. You need to stretch it not with a rolling pin, but with your fingers. Baking time - 10 minutes. At a temperature of 280 degrees.

1. Fresh yeast 10 g
2. water 300 ml
3. salt
4. Flour 2 cups

Dilute the yeast in water, add salt, flour, at the very end add a spoon olive oil. Knead the dough.
While the dough is resting, prepare the filling. The filling should be exactly like dough. Cheese is better to choose the type of "mozzarella".

Filling Ingredients:
1. Cheese 120 g
2. Salami 80 g
3. Mushrooms 80 g
4. Olives 7 pieces.
5. Tomato sauce or ketchup

Grate the cheese, cut the salami into thin circles, cut the olives and champignons into thin slices too. Stretch the dough, lay out the filling in layers; salami, mushrooms, cheese, olives.

In fact, pizza is cooked in stone ovens at a very high temperature, approximately 600 degrees. But, the oven is quite a suitable option.
May this holiday be unforgettable!

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We are compiling a menu for February 23, truly brutal, but easy to prepare, symbolic and not boring. Food should be festive, masculine, that is, beautiful, but hearty and meaty. Defenders of the Fatherland need attention, tenderness and affection. Therefore, in addition to socks and shaving foam, you should take care of a good dinner or an original breakfast.

We offer options for every taste for caring hostesses who want to make the February holiday of courage delicious for their chosen ones.

Top 3 menus for February 23 for men

At work, setting the table with your own hands is a troublesome, but responsible task. It is necessary that the dishes are resistant to transportation, quick to create and satisfying. And army recipes also suggest military symbols. We offer formats to choose from.

1.1. Field kitchen menu

Modern and creative - arrange a field kitchen for colleagues. To do this, you can offer a dress code: caps, tunics. As accessories for a feast - aluminum or plastic dishes. Drinks from plastic cups. The most difficult thing when choosing this option is to keep secrecy so that men do not guess ahead of time about the impending surprise. And fit girls in military uniforms and unusual food will certainly cause approval and admiration at a corporate party.

  • , solyanka, borscht or ear
  • Soldier's porridge, pasta (buckwheat or barley with meat). You can buy a batch of stews and warm them up.
  • Hunting sausages with potatoes
  • Pies with onion and egg
  • Kebabs (for the office - an option in the oven)
  • Pickles (cucumbers / tomatoes),
  • Cheese and sausage cutting
  • Pancakes
  • Log Cake

  • Herbal tea.

1.2 Menu for February 23 at work for a buffet table

You can treat colleagues tasty and satisfying by preparing men traditional dishes in a buffet. The lack of hot meals significantly reduces the cost of the event. And the mobility of participants during food tasting brings colleagues together. You can take a plate and treat yourself to portioned snacks.

  • sandwiches,

  • Baskets with chicken and mushrooms
  • cold cuts

  • Pear puffs
  • Dessert prunes with walnuts

Men in the office will like a corporate party hosted by field firms. But this option costs a lot of money. The dishes offered in our menu may well be placed on the festive table. And their preparation with their own hands does not take much effort. Colleagues will be pleasantly surprised.

2. Menu for February 23 for men at home

At home, you can arrange a uniform variety. Beloved man will be pleased with hot and delicious dessert, and the choice of dishes is determined by the preferences of the hostess. But still, the main criterion is ease of preparation. I don't want to spend the whole evening in the kitchen. It’s better to make something quick, and devote the freed time to your husband or a contender for this title.

List of recipes for the original menu for February 23 - dishes and photos

Whatever the choice of the soldier's menu for February 23, the main thing on the eve of the event is to create a festive mood for yourself and your soul mate. Let the men's day be fun, tasty and with love. After all, the main ingredient of all dishes of the army menu is love and care. That's what the hostesses come up with original submission these ingredients. And we are not far behind. Here is the menu by time of day

  1. Evening - sweet cookies from the heart

And a gift, besides yourself, can be anything in the army theme from sweets and other confectionery goodies. So that even after the holiday the man has a good supply of his favorite sweets.

Photo additions to the festive menu for February 23

In the case when love goes off scale, and time is running out, you can get by with minimalism in food and clothing (the latter applies to the hostess herself). Served in the right outfit, such a dish will cause a storm of emotions and energize for the whole next year. Until March 8, there will definitely be enough enthusiasm.

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Snack decorations

To decorate the festive table, various canapes that can be made with fish and fresh cucumber, with tongue or ham and cheese (cheese is grated and mixed with garlic). You can also take cherry tomatoes, cut a “hole” in them, into which the same mixture of cheese and garlic is placed. It turns out a very tasty and spicy snack. You can decorate a canape, for example, in the form of a boat, by making a sail from cheese, planted on a toothpick.


You can cook your favorite salad of the defender of the fatherland, perhaps it will turn out to be the usual Olivier, but you can also surprise original dish like chicken salad with pineapples (pieces of boiled chicken breast, champignons, canned pineapple, mustard, mayonnaise). This salad is especially liked by lovers of sweets.

Second courses:

Meat in French. This dish may seem banal to some, but better than meat for a man, nothing can be. You will need a baking sheet, on which potatoes are placed in thin layers, followed by a layer of meat, then a layer of onions, pepper, salt. After that, put another layer of potatoes, sprinkle it with cheese and spread with mayonnaise. Bake it all in the oven for about half an hour.

- Shashlik. This is a truly masculine dish that can be cooked at home in an electric barbecue. Pre-marinated meat will pleasantly surprise your beloved man.

— Chicken with apples. Simple and delicious baked in the oven whole chicken stuffed with apples.

— A lover of fish and fishing will like baked trout or salmon. It tastes best in own juice. It turns out such a fish if it is cooked in the sleeve.

Dessert will be a wonderful addition to the festive table:

— The original and very tasty chocolate fondant will definitely please those who will sit at the table. This dessert is prepared simply, but it looks like a masterpiece.

- Ice cream, homemade, usually turns out much tastier than the one sold in the store. If you add fruit to it, sprinkle chocolate chips, or sprinkle with honey, then it will turn out even better.

- Pie with berries, more to the taste of those who do not like very sweet desserts.

- Cake. You can cook a man's favorite cake, for example "Napoleon". It is prepared, of course, for a long time and difficult, but the result is worth it. On the cake, you can write a congratulation yourself or draw an original picture.

The most important thing is to cook for a beloved man with a soul, then he will appreciate the efforts and thank you on March 8!

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