Home Main dishes Recipe for chum salmon with potatoes in the oven. Keta baked in foil in the oven. Oven-baked keta in potatoes with mayonnaise dressing

Recipe for chum salmon with potatoes in the oven. Keta baked in foil in the oven. Oven-baked keta in potatoes with mayonnaise dressing

Keta, like other types of red fish, is very useful. Doctors recommend to regularly include it in the diet. It is indicated for people with low hemoglobin, with heart disease and poor eyesight. But unlike salmon, chum salmon is not so fat, but rather dry. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare the salmon so as not to overdry it, to make it juicy, tender and soft.

Fish preparation

If a frozen product is used for cooking, then first of all it must be properly defrosted. Put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and wait for the ice to thaw. Thus, the fish will retain its structure and after cooking it will be juicy and soft.

When the recipe calls for using only chum salmon fillets, the carcass is cleaned of scales and bones. Cut into bite-size pieces. Rinse thoroughly.

Next, you need to prepare a marinade for chum salmon, consisting of 1 liter of water, 100 grams of salt and 50 grams of sugar. Pour the fish pieces with the resulting liquid and leave for an hour. Another marinade option: lemon juice or a mixture of water, salt and mayonnaise.

The best option, of course, is to prepare a dish of fresh fish. If there is such an opportunity, then you need to use it.

  • Clean the ketu from scales, pull out the insides.
  • Rinse.
  • Further, depending on the plans, cut or leave the whole carcass.
  • Marinate for an hour.

Cooking methods

Ketu can be thermally processed different ways. Each has its own characteristics and subtleties. But when using any of them, it is worth marinating the chum salmon, then it will definitely not turn out dry.

In the oven

Baking chum salmon in the oven allows you to get not only tasty, but also healthy dish. Juiciness is preserved, the integrity of the pieces is not violated. You can, if desired, brown the fish and get a beautiful golden crust.

  1. After cutting the fish into portioned steaks, you need to lay them on a baking sheet. Salt, season each piece and put a slice of lemon on top. Wrap in foil. Send to the oven for half an hour at 200gr.S.
  2. A few minutes before the end of the process, it is worth opening the foil so that the pieces are browned. But this must be done carefully, not allowing the juice to flow out.

You can bake chum salmon not only with the help of foil, but simply by laying the fish with a whole carcass or cut into pieces on a baking sheet. On top you can put tomato rounds, lemon, grate cheese, pour over various sauces. All this will help to make the dish juicy.

An alternative to using foil can be a sleeve. It is convenient to load the product into it and bake in this form. The fish retains vitamins, juices and turns out fragrant.


With the right technology of roasting chum salmon, you can achieve an excellent result. Keta will turn out juicy and soft. It is only necessary to soak it in saline before cooking. Do not be afraid to oversalt it, because the fish will not take in too much.

  1. Portioned pieces are sent to a well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. It is necessary to press the steaks with a spatula so that they are better fried from the bottom, and pour hot oil over them.
  2. It takes only 5-7 minutes to fry ketu in a pan. And there is no need to flip the pieces. The dish will be ready, baked completely.
  3. As soon as the color of the fillet turns light pink in the middle of the piece, you need to remove the fish.
  4. Serve with lemon and herbs.

At the very end of cooking, you can add a little water and bake the fish under the lid for a few minutes. She will become even softer. The best duet for juicy chum salmon will be vegetable salad or side dish of rice.

In a slow cooker

Using a slow cooker, you can cook salmon fillet by dipping it in breadcrumbs, or stew steaks with vegetables in sauce. For getting diet food you should use the steam function.

Here is a simple basic recipe cooking salmon in a slow cooker, which can be varied to your liking:

  1. Prepared fish should be cut into portions. Soak in saline solution for half an hour.
    Transfer the pieces to a steam rack.
  2. You can sprinkle the fish with lemon or put a tomato on top.
  3. Vegetables should also be placed on the grill here. In this case, the main dish and side dish will be cooked at the same time.
  4. After 30 minutes, the multicooker will emit a signal of readiness.

This cooking option is suitable for baby food as well as for people on a diet.

In air grill

The fish acquires a special aroma and taste when cooked in an air grill. ruddy crust, appetizing appearance and great taste the benefits of using this technique. The process is simple, does not require complex preparation.

  1. The appliance must be set to the maximum temperature.
  2. Steaks should be washed and dried. Sprinkle with lemon juice, salt and add seasonings.
  3. Pieces need to be distributed on the grid. It is better to install a tray under it, where the juice from the fish would flow.
  • After 20 minutes, the dish will be ready.


    It takes 30 minutes to cook ketu until cooked. boiled fish use as an ingredient in a salad or grind in a blender when they want to feed a child.

    You can use the product and just boiled with potatoes or vegetables. This option is considered low-calorie.

    Chum salmon makes an excellent fish soup, rich and fragrant.


    Keta is simply created in order to pickle it at home. This will require quite a bit of time and effort. And the resulting product can be used as sandwiches and in salads. In this form, it is subject to freezing, if necessary.

    1. Clean the fresh fish, cut off the head, fins and tail. Rinse thoroughly.
    2. The bones are removed, leaving only the fillet for work.
    3. Small pieces are dried with a napkin. Place them in a convenient container.
    4. Sprinkle with salt and sugar, add bay leaf and seasonings.
    5. Lemon slices are laid out on top.
    6. The fish is sent to the refrigerator for a day. Every 5 hours, the pieces need to be turned over.

    Delicious chum dishes

    Keta fish is good because it goes well with different products: with vegetables, cereals, mushrooms and even fruits. Feels great in the company of cheeses, cream, provencal herbs. From all this variety, you can cook a huge number of dishes, the most famous of them:

    • cutlets;
    • casserole;
    • salad;
    • dumplings from chum salmon;
    • pancakes;
    • shashlik;
    • salted and smoked red fish;
    • pie.

    Properly cooked keta deserves a place on festive table. Her beautiful appearance sets up a good appetite. It is important to organize an interesting serving of the dish, then the guests will definitely be delighted.

  • There are quite a few recipes for cooking keta. Housewives love to experiment with fish, cook seafood: steamed, fried in a pan, boiled soup, salted. Each of the methods is individual and is prepared based on the tastes of the cook.

    Ketu is difficult to spoil, the main rule is the timely completion of heat treatment so that the fish is not overdried, remains juicy, soft.

    Addendum various ingredients brings special notes to the unique taste of fish, makes taste sensations more diverse. It is recommended for a change to flavor the finished seafood with sauces, use exotic products in marinades. They will not interfere, but only emphasize the noble taste of red fish and decorate the gala dinner.

    Let's take a closer look at a few culinary recipes.

    Steamed chum steak

    The recipe below is a basic one cooked in a multi-compartment double boiler. Other ingredients can be added to the recipe if desired. Rice and vegetables will be used as a side dish.

    • chum salmon steaks;
    • broccoli;
    • peas;
    • spices;
    • carrot.

    We wash the rice thoroughly, put it in a special container in a double boiler, salt it. We prepare the steaks: rinse, rub in seasonings, leave for half an hour, then put them in the second compartment of the equipment. In the third compartment we spread the carrots, cut into rings, broccoli.

    Pour water, cook for about thirty minutes. We combine the finished rice with peas, butter. We spread it along with the chum salmon, decorate, serve. The dish turns out very tasty, healthy.

    Fried chum salmon

    • fillets or steaks;
    • cream;
    • egg;
    • basil;
    • cream;
    • lemon;
    • spices.

    You can stew the steaks whole or remove the skin and cut into slices. We prepare the fish, wash, dry. We spread the pieces on the hot surface of the pan, sprinkle with spices, squeeze the lemon, close the lid, cook, maintaining a slow fire. Separately, shake the yolk and cream, throw dry basil, ground pepper, mix well.

    Finely chop the greens, citrus zest, add the ingredients to the sauce, mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture over the fish, simmer for twenty minutes on the smallest fire. Put the pieces on a plate, garnish, add fresh tomatoes, greenery.

    Chum salmon in aerogrill

    The technique does not dry out the fish, it cooks quickly, it turns out a pleasant taste with smoke, like from a barbecue. Seasonings give spices, piquancy to the dish.


    • steaks;
    • garlic;
    • olive oil;
    • lemon;
    • dry herbs;
    • pepper, salt.

    Prepare the marinade: mix cloves, coriander, ginger, basil with lemon, oil. Pepper, salt, mix well. We lower the slices into the prepared filling, put lemon rings on top, remove for forty minutes. Ready for heat treatment put the pieces on the grill, set 220 degrees, cook for about half an hour.

    That, perhaps, is all. After 30 minutes delicious dish ready at home. You can serve it yourself, add some fresh vegetables or bake them on the same air grill.

    Fried steaks (detailed recipe)

    In this version, we will tell you all the features of cooking red fish, we will reveal some secrets.

    • chum salmon;
    • freshly squeezed lemon juice;
    • spices, seasonings;
    • olive oil;
    • salt.


    1. Fish preparation. Frozen steaks are carefully turned into fresh ones by defrosting in a natural environment. If the carcass is fresh, we clean it from scales, gut it, cut off unnecessary things (fins, head, tail), get rid of the bones, it is preferable to remove the skin, so the fish will turn out tastier, without extraneous flavors. The last step will be cutting into pieces of the size that is convenient.
    2. Marinade. We prepare all the ingredients: a spoonful of lemon juice, seasonings, two tablespoons of olive oil. Beat with a fork, whisk, wait for a homogeneous mass. We immerse the pieces, roll them well in the mixture, cover with cling film, a lid, leave to soak for thirty minutes in a cool place.
    3. Roasting process. The first thing to do is to heat the surface of the frying pan, do not add oil, cook as is. We turn on a strong fire, put slices of seafood, fry, wait for a brownish crust. A strong fire will help to quickly achieve the desired result, 3-5 minutes is enough. It is not worth keeping at a stronger temperature - chum salmon quickly dries out. Therefore, we reduce the fire in time, close the lid, cook for another fifteen minutes.
    4. Garnish. Here you can turn on the flight of fancy. Keta accepts any side dish. Can be used glass noodles for lovers Japanese cuisine, classic rice, vegetables in different versions or mashed potatoes. For lovers of minimalism, you can offer chum salmon solo without adding anything. We decorate the resulting dish with herbs, lemon, red caviar. Ideal for a festive feast, dinner with loved ones.

    Keta in the oven classic

    Baked seafood is the most popular and has many variations. We will bring traditional way, and decide for yourself how to diversify it, experiments are welcome.


    • carcass;
    • olive oil;
    • tomato;
    • lemon;
    • spices.

    We prepare the pieces for manipulation: marinate in a mixture of lemon, oil, spices, dill for forty minutes. We chop the tomatoes into rings, the onion into strips. We take out the pieces from the filling, put them in a heat-resistant container, cover with a hat of vegetables on top. Cover with foil, set the temperature to 180 degrees, bake for thirty-five minutes. 10 minutes before the end, unfold the foil, let the top layer brown.

    Put the chum salmon in the center of the serving plate, put the vegetables around. Decorate with dill, lemon. Very pretty and always delicious. Suitable for a simple lunch, receiving guests, meeting with friends. Gastronomic pleasure, compliments are guaranteed.

    We figured out how to cook delicious chum salmon steaks. It is enough to follow the recommendations, observe the sequence, take into account the nuances. Relatives will get real pleasure if you cook for them the most tender, juicy chum salmon steak.

    If you decide to cook keta, you will not be disappointed with the result - in any culinary variation, the meat of this fish will turn out to be unusually tender and will perfectly complement any of the side dishes. In salted, smoked, marinated and fried versions, this product finds its connoisseur. The most full-bodied chum salmon reveals its unsurpassed taste in a baked form. To enjoy this wonderful fish, let's learn how to cook salmon in the oven.

    Before you decide on a set of products for the future dish, prepare the main one - chum salmon. When buying fresh fish, pay attention to its properties:
    • the color of the gills (they should be bright red);
    • the quality of the carcass (should be without damage, with a smooth, pleasant, silvery color and bright, orange-red, dense muscle tissue);
    • scales (should be even, shiny, without extraneous color spots);
    • smell (pleasant, not sugary fishy).
    For frozen chum salmon, pay attention to the date of vacuuming and the color of the meat. Important! If, after thawing the product, you notice a violation of the structure of the meat tissue (delamination, fibrousness), a color that does not correspond to the proper norm, excessive secretion of mucus on the surface of the scales and unpleasant Strong smell- such fish is not suitable for food, most likely it was frozen several times or was frozen after its spawning.

    Adhering to the basic rules when buying chum salmon is one of the guarantees that your future dish will be delicious, but following the secrets of preparing fish before baking it in the oven is already a full probability that chum salmon will be cooked perfectly. In order for the taste of fish to be revealed to the fullest:
    • Defrost frozen fish in the refrigerator. This will maximize the retention of useful substances.
    • Remove the scales comfortably and fast way- Pour boiling water over the fish. Important! Do this carefully, as you can partially scald the peel.
    • When cutting the chum salmon according to the recipe of your choice (milling or cutting the carcass in portions into steaks), make transverse cuts on the sides - for good impregnation with spices.
    • After cutting - salt the fish to taste and marinate. To do this, use lemon juice, as its combination with fish meat is ideal. Important! Also treat the cutting board with lemon juice, this way you will avoid absorbing the fishy smell into it.

    Roasting chum salmon marinated with lemon juice is the simplest dish that reveals the unusual juicy taste of this fish meat. To prepare it, you will need a few filleted pieces of the main product, the juice of one lemon, your favorite spices, fresh herbs and olive oil. The whole process is a classic of the culinary genre:
    • Make a marinade by mixing lemon juice and olive oil in equal proportions, adding salt, spices and herbs.
    • Marinate the pieces of fish in the prepared fragrant mixture for 10-15 minutes.
    • Bake at 180-200 degrees until the chum meat is fully cooked.

    You can cook fish on a vegetable pillow in a variety of variations, changing the composition of vegetables to your liking and choosing the sauce that will cover the workpiece in the same way. Always grease the form with oil, fold the vegetables in layers, alternating them with fish meat. Instead of sauce, the future dish can be covered with cheese.

    Keta turns out to be very tasty baked in foil, with various sauces and in the oven on a pillow with vegetables. In each of the cooking options, this fish always remains full and nutritious dish, which practically does not require additions, while maintaining all useful properties contained in its meat.

    Chum salmon fillet is a very whimsical product: with inept baking, this delicate product can dry out and lose its pleasant aftertaste. In the hands experienced hostess skillfully prepared chum salmon turns into a real work of culinary skill, alluring with unique aromas and delighting the most capricious gourmets. As part of hot dishes, keta is equally good both in soups and in pies or open baking. Let's talk about how, without having great culinary skills, you can deliciously cook keta in the oven.

    Keta in mayonnaise, baked on potatoes
    This recipe will surely succeed even if you are experimenting with baking salmon fish for the first time. You will need:
    • fresh chum - 1 kg;
    • potatoes - 2 kg;
    • onion - 4 pcs.;
    • carrots - 4 pcs.;
    • mayonnaise - 150 g;
    • vegetable oil- 100 ml;
    Cooking technology
    1. Remove the skin with scales from the fish and cut the salmon crosswise into pieces 1.5-2 cm thick.
    2. Rub the carrots on a coarse grater; onion cut into half rings.
    3. Put the pieces of fish in a deep bowl, salt and pepper. Add vegetables, mayonnaise and half vegetable oil. Stir gently, compact and leave to marinate for 2 hours.
    4. Cut potatoes into thin slices. Toss with the remaining oil and season with salt.
    5. Lay potatoes in an even layer on a baking sheet. Spread the pieces of chum salmon on top, covering them with vegetables in mayonnaise.
    6. Bake at 180-200 degrees for 50 minutes.
    Keta fillet baked with vegetables and cheese
    In addition to an excellent flavor combination with carrots and onions, chum salmon harmonizes perfectly with stewed tomatoes. They will also be part of this recipe. Ingredients:
    • keta - 800 g;
    • onion - 6 pcs.;
    • tomatoes - 4 pcs.;
    • green cilantro or parsley - 1 bunch;
    • cheese for baking or hard - 200 g;
    • medium fat sour cream - 200 g;
    • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
    • salt and black pepper - to taste.
    Cooking technology
    1. Remove the skin from the fish and carefully separate the fillets. Remove large and small bones. Cut the fillet into medium-sized pieces.
    2. Salt and pepper the fillet, mix with finely chopped greens and leave to soak in spices for 20 minutes.
    3. Cut the onion into half rings. Remove the film from the tomatoes by dousing them with boiling water, and cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
    4. Pour the oil into the pan and saute the onion in it until golden brown.
    5. Add tomatoes, stir gently and simmer for 10 minutes.
    6. Lay out a thin layer of vegetables in a mold; top with fillet pieces.
    7. Alternate laying out the chum salmon and vegetables so that onions and tomatoes end up on top.
    8. Mix sour cream with water in a ratio of 3: 1, salt and pour the mixture over fish and vegetables.
    9. Bake at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.
    Keta baked in foil
    Fish prepared in this way not only has a unique taste and delicate fillet texture, but also retains a significant part of the nutrients. Required Ingredients:
    • keta - 1 kg;
    • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
    • onion - 5 pcs.;
    • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
    • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
    • salt and black pepper - to taste.
    Cooking technology
    1. Rinse the fish, remove the skin from it and, separating the fillet, cut it into long strips.
    2. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and, after removing the skin, cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
    3. Cut the onion into rings.
    4. Divide the vegetable oil into 2 parts and saturate the fillet with one part, and mix the second with onions.
    5. Prepare 2 sheets of foil the size of the baking sheet. Lay the onion rings in an even layer on the sheet. Salt lightly.
    6. Gently lay the salmon fillet on top of the onion, pre-salting and peppering it on all sides.
    7. Drizzle the fillet with lemon juice. Lay out a layer of tomato circles.
    8. Carefully connect the sheets of foil with the folds up and bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
    9. Peel off the top of the foil to expose the tomatoes. Keep the dish in the oven for another 10 minutes until fully cooked.
    10. Serve with fresh herbs and potato garnish.
    In addition to baking whole fish or fillet pieces, you can also cook in the oven fish cakes, serving them with fresh vegetables and decorating with sprigs of greens, or stuffed salmon under spicy garlic sauce. It all depends on availability necessary products and mood of the hostess!

    Red fish is not only very useful, but also insanely delicious. We offer you several recipes for how to bake ketu in the oven.

    What is this fish?

    Chum salmon is one of the most common, well-known and valuable commercial fish of the Salmon family. The maximum recorded weight is 15.9 kg, and the length is 1 meter. It has a very wide range. The main value of this type of fish is its low calorie content (138 kcal / 100 g), but at the same time a high content of proteins and fatty acids. However, we do not advise you to fry it, it is best to cook keta in the oven. This will save the lion's share of useful elements, besides, only in this way the taste of fish will be fully revealed. For baking, you can use special bags or foil.

    Keta with spices baked in the oven

    This is the easiest and fastest option to prepare. Keta in the oven turns out to be very tender in taste. You can use whole fish or just fillets. Spices are added according to your own preferences. Standard set of products: keta, lime, salt and freshly ground pepper mixture, olive oil.

    If the fish is freshly frozen, then it must first be thawed at room temperature. Then clean and gut. Cut into equal pieces, blot them with paper towels. The skin can be removed or left - as desired. Salt the fish, sprinkle with pepper (you can add garlic, dill and thyme), and then put in a form lined with foil or greased olive oil. The oven must be preheated to 180°C (for fillets) or 120°C (for whole fish). This easy-to-cook keta in the oven is a great option if you want to serve it with some sort of spicy sauce.

    Smooth, even steaks are baked for about 4-6 minutes. To check readiness, stick a wooden stick into the flesh, if it starts to delaminate, then the fish is ready.

    Keta under a fur coat in the oven: recipe

    This dish is very satisfying. The recipe involves the use of mayonnaise, we advise all its opponents to cook homemade or take thick yogurt. All ingredients are based on a 30 x 20 cm baking sheet. You will need:

    • chum salmon (fillet 2-3 cm thick) - 500 g;
    • 5 medium potatoes;
    • hard cheese - 150 g;
    • one carrot (medium);
    • one large onion;
    • butter - 70 g;
    • mayonnaise - 150 g;
    • olive oil;
    • spices - to taste.

    Chum salmon fillet, baked in the oven in this way, will decorate not only a quiet dinner with the family, but also a holiday, friendly gatherings.

    Grease the prepared dish with olive oil. Then lay out the layers in the following order: potatoes (cut into thin slices), butter (chopped on a grater), salmon fillet (seasoned with spices and salt), onions (chopped into thin rings), carrots (grated or cut into strips, mixed with mayonnaise ). Cover with foil on top so that the vegetable “pillow” is steamed well. Cook for 25 minutes at 180°C. Then take out the form, open it and sprinkle cheese on top. Bake in the oven open for another 10 minutes. Various combinations of vegetables are possible, it all depends on your personal taste preferences: bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, etc.

    Keta with mushrooms in the oven

    By cooking fish in this way, you get both a side dish and a main dish at the same time. Everything is very simple. Use sheets of foil (approximately 25 by 20 cm). Products that will be required:

    • keta - 2 pieces of fillet measuring 10 by 8 cm and 2-3 cm thick;
    • white mushrooms or champignons - 4-6 pcs. medium size;
    • one medium carrot;
    • one large onion;
    • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • spices (pepper, oregano, garlic) - to taste.

    Cut carrots into thin circles, slice mushrooms, half rings of onions, salt everything and put it in layers on foil. Put a piece fish fillet, sprinkle with spices and salt on top, drizzle with olive oil. Connect the opposite corners of the foil square and collect something like a bag, but so that there is room for steam inside. Arrange them in one row on a medium-depth baking sheet. Keta in the oven should be baked for about 30 minutes, until the vegetables are soft. Can be sprinkled before serving ready meal lemon juice.

    Sweet and sour or creamy, spicy or tender - they always emphasize the taste of food from the best side. Sauces are the finishing touch to a dish. Use the easiest recipe for baking keta in the oven. And the main highlight will be the sauces. We suggest you try three options.

    yogurt sauce

    It turns out very soft, the taste is emphasized by lemon and dill. Prepares very quickly. Take:

    • Greek yogurt - 150 g;
    • dill and lemon juice- 1 tbsp. l.;
    • ½ tsp zest, a pinch of white pepper.

    Put everything in a glass jar with a lid and, shaking rhythmically, mix until smooth.

    Sweet and sour sauce

    It can be used on its own, or brushed over fish when it is baked in the oven or on the grill. Have to take:

    • butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar (preferably brown) - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • 2 garlic cloves (chopped);
    • lemon or lime juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • 2 tsp good soy sauce;
    • ½ tsp crushed fresh ginger or powder;
    • ½ tsp pepper.

    Stir the ingredients until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    Sour cream sauce with cucumber

    This option is suitable for any red fish. The sauce has a very fresh, summery taste. Ingredients:

    • 1 cup chopped cucumber (no seeds)
    • 1.5 cups fat-free sour cream;
    • 2 tbsp. l. finely chopped green onion;
    • dill greens (chopped) - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • lemon juice - 1.5 tsp;
    • 1 tsp horseradish root (chopped).

    All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and put in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. Serve with hot baked or barbecued fish.

    Ketu can not only be baked in the oven. This fish turns out very tasty in pies, for example, in traditional Russian pies, on the grill or in the ear. Experiment and surprise your family with new dishes and flavors!

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