Home Nutrition What can be cooked with dried zucchini. How to prepare dried zucchini. How to make candied zucchini

What can be cooked with dried zucchini. How to prepare dried zucchini. How to make candied zucchini

Step by step cooking dried zucchini, recipe with photo:

1. Wash the fruits, dry with a paper towel and cut. The cutting method can be different: circles, half rings, cubes, straws ... The thickness of the cut should be 1-2 cm. Peel off the peel from old fruits and remove the fibrous middle. Do not remove the core and peel from young zucchini.

Also, zucchini can be cut into thin slices, which are rolled in spices and herbs. Then you get fragrant and healthy chips.

2. Put the zucchini on a baking sheet and put in the oven.

3. Dry the zucchini in a preheated oven to a temperature of 45-50 degrees. Keep the door slightly ajar to allow moisture to escape. Turn the zucchini from time to time so that the process goes more evenly. The total drying time is 8-10 hours.

Other drying methods

The drying procedure can be carried out outdoors in the sun. To do this, string zucchini slices on a fishing line and hang them on the street. This is a lengthy drying process that takes 2-3 weeks. Sun-dried zucchini looks like dried zucchini. You can also dry zucchini in an electric dryer at a temperature of + 55 ° C. The average drying time will take 7-10 hours.

How to use dried zucchini

Dried zucchini in winter is used as an addition to soups, they can be added to stews. Before cooking, vegetables need to be rehydrated, i.e. restore water balance. To do this, soak dried zucchini in salted water and let it brew. The water should just cover the dried vegetable. It is not necessary to pour too much water over zucchini, in order to avoid loss energy value. If soup or stew is being prepared, then zucchini are laid immediately during cooking without pre-soaking.

The emergence of this dish was gradual. It began on the day when we realized that we were no longer able to cope with our first "serious" crop of zucchini. This vegetable is unpretentious, does not require particularly complex care, and here is the result - along with the summer heat, a total squash invasion has fallen on us. For more than a month we ate zucchini in all acceptable culinary forms. Harvested for the winter - salted, pickled and fermented. They didn’t master only squash jam - and then because of the frank fruit and berry abundance ... When it became completely clear that the culinary struggle with zucchini was becoming a fierce struggle for life and death, I began to study the Internet in search of unconventional ways to prepare it. And in one of the many gastronomic blogs I came across a series of photographs from Southern Italy - swarthy old women, with wrinkled, but still antique-beautiful faces, smiling slyly, peeled and cut zucchini, so that later they could be strung on sticks and dried under the scorching sun. "Eureka!" - I thought, and began to scrupulously study everything that I could find about dried Italian zucchini. I found, however, a little, but enough to understand: this method is widely practiced in southern Italy with its fertile hot climate and unpretentious rural economy. In summer, the inhabitants of the poor but proud Mezzogiorno (which is only politically correct called "Italia Meridionale" in official documents), with a typical Latin temperament, shake their fists at the sun and, like me, complain about the abundance of zucchini. But when the sun nevertheless leaves the sultry expanses of Calabria and Molise, the zucchini remains - so that the conditional southern Italian winter, forever tanned tireless housewives, boiled, fried, stewed, added to meager winter soups ... A dish whose history you are reading , can be served as a side dish or salad (and in the latter case, both warm and cold). In a similar way - after boiling, and then simmering until cooked - dried zucchini is quite appropriate to cook with wine, sun-dried tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, cheese, a dozen traditional Italian spices, but I settled on the most straightforward recipe. The apparent simplicity of its ingredients hides the truth of life - the savory life of criminal Sicily and poor Basilicata. In finished form, it turned out to be something like a textbook masterpiece. Italian cuisine- it seems to be pasta, but it seems to be not ... So the name "came". Well, now you know the whole story almost completely. There is only one thing left. For the first time in my life, I have a fair amount of dried zucchini "hidden" for the winter. Sometimes I come to look at them and even inhale their unusual smell. And for the first time in my life, like a true daughter of Apulia or Abruzzo, not succumbing to the autumn dullness and cold, I often triumph to myself: "The sun has gone, but the zucchini have remained."

Ingredients 2 servings

Dried zucchini - two or three handfuls
Olive oil - 3-4 tablespoons
Garlic - 4-5 cloves
Thyme - 2 pinches
Ground allspice - 2 pinches
half a lemon

Instruction 30 minutes.

Not only zucchini are suitable for drying, but also ordinary "proletarian" zucchini - like these.

They need to be peeled - sunbathing will make it too hard.

Cut into circles about 1-1.5 centimeters thick.

Cut out the fibrous pulp and seeds.

And then strung on sticks or rope, as in our case. You need to dry, of course, in the sun. But this year it ran away from us early, so the last batch was dried by the stove. In RuNet there are recommendations for drying zucchini in a bath ... But we don’t have a bath yet :)

Ready zucchini looks like this.

  • Complexity: light


Drying zucchini in the sun is used in all countries where there are zucchini and hot summers. It is believed that for the first time the Italians thought of drying zucchini in this way. But this statement is very controversial, although it does not affect the ease of drying zucchini.

Store in a glass jar or in a linen bag, previously boiled in a cool saline solution.

How to dry zucchini in other ways?

  • You can also dry the zucchini in the oven. True, this is a much more laborious process, requiring large gas costs. To do this, the zucchini must be washed, peeled and cut into thin strips with a vegetable peeler or a sharp knife. Spread evenly on a baking sheet, put in the oven and dry over low heat, with the door ajar.
  • For drying zucchini, you can also use special electric dryers for vegetables and fruits, but again, they consume electricity and the product will not be free at all.

What to cook with dried zucchini?

Dried zucchini is delicious in soups and stews. At the same time, they are easy to “reanimate” if you fill them with water and let them stand. For a glass of squash drying, you need to take half a glass of water at room temperature. After that, zucchini can be cut and used in your favorite dish. In stews and soups, you can do without recovery, and add dry zucchini to the dish. It is only necessary to take into account that in the dish they will straighten out and return to their original size.

It is a valuable dietary product with a rich vitamin set and excellent taste. It will be indispensable in your diet if you prefer healthy and wholesome plant foods. True, you can eat plenty of fresh zucchini only in the summer season, and in order to enjoy the taste of a vegetable throughout the year, many housewives resort to: canned vegetables and salads, marinades and even zucchini jams. But in this case, the product loses a lot useful qualities. A worthy alternative to the usual zucchini is drying the vegetable. If you don’t know what can be done from dried zucchini and how to properly organize this process, then we can figure out the issue.

Are the beneficial properties preserved when dried?

Since ancient times, people have resorted to drying vegetables, fruits, and berries, as it was a vital necessity. Currently, there are many ways to preserve food - canning, pasteurization and others. But drying products is still the most financially beneficial, simple and convenient method in which the product retains all the original taste and vitamin properties.
During the drying process, vegetables lose up to 4/5 of the amount of moisture, and since zucchini consists of 90% liquid, then from 10 kg of fresh fruits you will get 1 kg of dried fruits, respectively.

Did you know?In some cuisines of the world, not only fruits, but also zucchini flowers are used as food. Their use is multifaceted: bright yellow petals are added to main dishes, appetizers and salads, desserts and pastries. Thanks to the same flowers, the fruit was grown for a long time in Europe as an ornamental, and not a food plant.

Advantages and features of this method:

  1. Preservation of all macro- and microelements, vitamins. During preservation, many useful compounds are destroyed, but during drying, only moisture evaporates from fruits and vegetables.
  2. Profitability. If you do not have a special one, you can always use the oven. And if you live in a private house, you will surely find a place to dry the fruits in the open air. In this case, no additional devices are required. And at the end of the process, the dried product will only have to be collected and properly stored.
  3. Naturalness of products. When buying ready-made dried fruits, you can never be sure that preservatives and chemicals for pest control. If you cook dried zucchini yourself at home, you can be sure of their quality and organicity.
  4. No oxidation. For the oxidation process, the presence of water is necessary, since it is a universal transporter for all substances. But if there is no moisture, accordingly, the oxidation process does not occur.
  5. Absence of development of pathogenic microorganisms.
  6. Absolutely any variety of zucchini is suitable for drying.

If you follow the drying technology, you can save up to 90% of all useful substances. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that vitamin C (up to 55-60 ° C) “poorly tolerates” high temperatures, vitamins A and B can be stored at higher rates on the thermometer (up to 75 ° C), but micro and macro elements can withstand temperatures up to 85-90 °C.

The only disadvantage of drying products can be considered the loss appearance fetus. However, this does not in any way affect taste qualities, smell and nutrition!

The benefits and harms of dried zucchini

Since zucchini retains almost all substances during drying, the benefits of dried and fresh fruits are almost the same. Yes, the fruits are the following advantages:

  1. Rich in vitamins. 100 g of fruits contain vitamins (in descending order): C, B3, E, B1, B2, B6, as well as beta-carotene, folic, nicotinic and malic acids, antioxidants.
  2. A storehouse of micro and macro elements: potassium, phosphorus, magic, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and manganese are present in smaller quantities.
  3. Low calorie. It is difficult to gain extra pounds from this vegetable, since 100 g contains only 23 Kcal (fresh).
  4. Not allergenic. Zucchini can be consumed even by the smallest - children from 7 months. In exceptional cases, this vegetable can cause an allergy in an adult.
  5. Easily digestible.
  6. Approved for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Did you know?According to one legend, zucchini is considered a gift from the gods. At a time when the main food of people was fish, and many sailors went for catches for a long time at sea, women asked the gods for food that would grow on the ground. It was supposed to have soft flesh like a fish, a sunny color like a sun-drenched sea, and a tough skin like a turtle shell. The gods took pity and gave mankind this fruit.

Eating zucchini in fresh and dried form has an effect on the body following effects:

  • improves digestion;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • improves immunity;
  • normalizes the work of the heart, blood vessels;
  • useful for obesity and overweight;
  • suitable for people with diabetes;
  • reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors.

However, with certain diseases, the use of zucchini, even in dried form, can harm the body. So, the fruits can not be eaten with kidney disease, as the fruits contain a lot of potassium. If there are diseases of the stomach and intestines (ulcer, gastritis, etc.), you also need to minimize the amount of fruit in the diet - zucchini can cause irritation of the mucous membrane. In any case, before using fresh or dried zucchini, ask your doctor for advice.

Selection and preparation of zucchini for drying

It is best to choose for drying young small (10-20 cm) fruits with an intact skin and a green tail. Compared to large fruits, they have a more tender pulp and a greater amount of nutrients.
What vegetables to avoid:

  1. Partially cleaned. So unscrupulous sellers try to hide traces of rot and damage.
  2. With a shiny, unnatural, bright skin. Such a skin indicates the use of nitrates in cultivation.
  3. With dry stem. This feature also indicates the presence of nitrates in the fruit.
  4. With cracked, flaky skin. These symptoms indicate a plant disease.

As mentioned above, zucchini of any variety, type and color is suitable for drying. You can use both early-ripening and late-ripening species. If you want to dry large fruits, you will need to remove the seeds.

Process preparation of zucchini To different ways drying is almost the same. It consists of such steps:

  1. Rinse the vegetables thoroughly, cut off the stalk and tail.
  2. If you are using very young zucchini, you can leave them with the skin on. From large fruits, it is better to cut off the rough, thick skin.
  3. From large vegetables, you need to remove the seed with a spoon.
  4. Next, the fruits must be cut: straws, cubes, rings or half rings. Optimally cut into pieces 1-1.5 cm thick.
  5. The chopped vegetable can be pre-dried immediately or pre-boiled for 1-2 minutes, and then cooled sharply in cold water. Instead of boiling, some housewives advise salting the zucchini (for juicing), then rinse the juice and start drying. With short cooking, it will be possible to extract nitrates from the vegetable (if they are there), but here is the amount beneficial vitamins will also be reduced.

After the preparatory stage, it is necessary to choose a method for drying the fruits.

Popular drying methods

For drying, you can use both the oldest methods (in air) and with the help of modern technology (ovens, dehydrators). The first method will be somewhat stretched in time, but economical. And in a dehydrator, quite a lot of fruits can be dried in a short time.

On open air

With a natural drying method, the process can last from several days to three weeks. For drying, you need to choose sieves, grates, any flat trays with holes in the bottom. The fruits need to be spread out at a short distance from each other and placed under the sun. To achieve uniform drying, they must be turned over 1-2 times a day.

Important!You can not choose trays and trays with a solid bottom for drying under the sun - due to the lack of air circulation, the fruits can begin to rot, which will destroy the entire workpiece.

It is also extremely important to prevent the workpiece from coming into contact with flies, midges and other insects. To do this, drying can be covered with a net. However, it should not interfere with the sun's rays.
Another option for natural drying is indoor drying. To do this, chopped vegetables are strung on a fishing line, thread or wire and hung in a well-ventilated room without drafts. However, even here you will have to take care that insects and other living creatures do not attack the workpiece.

In the oven

With this method, it will be possible to dry the zucchini in 6-8 hours. For drying, you can use a baking sheet and baking paper. Put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits on paper, leaving space between them, preheat the oven to 50-55 ° C and send the baking sheet there. The door can be left slightly open for ventilation.

It is necessary to systematically turn over the chopped vegetables and change them, change their location at the back wall of the oven and at the entrance. If after this time you took out a baking sheet and found that the dried zucchini is not ready yet, you can send them to the oven again for 1-2 hours.

In an electric dryer

This method is similar to the previous one, but shorter in time and more convenient. Although for its use you will have to spend money on an electric dryer - not every home has this device.

Today, models (dehydrators) differ in the following indicators:

  • power;
  • the number and location of trays (horizontal/vertical);
  • shape (round, square and rectangular);
  • placement of the heating element and ventilation (on the front wall/bottom/top). In some models, in which ventilation and heating are provided evenly, you will not need to remember to turn the dryer at all;
  • noise exposure (newer and more expensive models are almost silent).

In general, the process of drying zucchini in a dryer is extremely simple: the washed and chopped fruits are laid out on baking sheets, the required temperature is set and the baking sheets are sent inside. After 4-5 hours, the finished product must be removed from the dehydrator. Drying zucchini in an electric dryer is the most modern and rational way of drying, since by choosing a suitable dryer model, you can dry a large number of fruits in a short time, while your participation in the drying process will be minimal.

Important! Each dehydrator model is designed and works in its own way, so before using the device, you must definitely study the instructions and figure out exactly how it is better to dry certain fruits in your model.

How to check readiness

The duration of the process will depend not only on the drying method and on the characteristics of the device ( oven or dehydrator), but also from the fruits themselves. So, duration varies depending on:

  • the amount of sugar in fruits;
  • initial water content;
  • cutting method and size of pieces;
  • ventilation quality;
  • outdoor air temperature or set temperature;
  • air humidity;
  • features and characteristics of the device (if you use an artificial method).

In any case, it is necessary to determine the readiness of fruits by their external characteristics: they must be elastic, but not emit moisture. The surface may darken slightly and wrinkle. At the same time, dried fruits should not resemble dried ones - in this case they need to be dried. It is also important to try the readiness of the chilled product, since it is easy to make a mistake in a warm state.

Did you know?The largest and heaviest zucchini was grown in England in 2008. The weight of this handsome man reached 65 kg. For such a gigantic size and weight, the vegetable got into the pages of the Guinness Book of Records.

How to store dried zucchini

Best for storage of finished products use glass jars with a sealed metal or plastic lid - in such containers, moths, larvae and other pests are definitely not afraid of drying.
Sometimes you can find recommendations for storing drying in cotton bags, previously soaked in a salt solution. Also, the drying itself can be mixed with a small amount of salt. However, even in this case, moths can start in the product. In any case, the container must be left at room temperature in a dark place.

Another way to store dried zucchini is in the freezer. This method is especially relevant if you have not dried the fruit a little.

It is impossible to store drying in iron, plastic containers, plastic bags - due to the lack of sealing, zucchini will absorb moisture from the air and soften, and can also be affected by pests. If you properly prepared, dried and stored drying, it will stand until the next season and even longer.

What can be cooked from dried zucchini

There are many recipes that use dried zucchini for the winter. They will be a sought-after ingredient in vegetable stews, first courses, vegetable sauces and casseroles. From dried fruits, you can cook porridge, using this vegetable as the main ingredient, fry and make scrambled eggs, warm salads with them.
For gourmets and lovers of experiments with tastes, it will be interesting to make a cake from dried fruits with the addition of greens. Write in the comments what questions you did not receive an answer to, we will definitely respond!

257 times already

A rich harvest of zucchini is an opportunity to provide the whole family with a tasty and healthy product for the whole year. This noble plant is very convenient to use in dried form. Dried zucchini is a real storehouse of vitamins and a versatile ingredient for any dish.

History of Dried Zucchini

For the first time, they began to dry zucchini in Italy - the country of the scorching sun. Local residents actively use the geographical features of their country in cooking. Especially drying of zucchini is relevant in the south. Italians clean vegetables, cut them and string them on sticks, then they are dried under the rays of the Italian sun.

Dried zucchini is an essential ingredient in salads, stews, soups, casseroles and other popular dishes. This way of harvesting brought the Italians the flourishing of the rural economy. Sometimes locals complain about the abundance of zucchini and threaten the sun with their fists, but they are happy to cook from dried zucchini in winter.

How to choose zucchini for drying?

Zucchini, despite its simplicity, is a very delicate product. They contain 94% water. Previously, improvised means were used for drying, but today housewives can use special equipment. For example, the Isidri vegetable and fruit dryer will perfectly cope with the tasks and save your time and effort.

Before slicing zucchini and sending them to dry, it is important to choose the right vegetable. The optimal mass of zucchini is 100-200 grams, and the length is 12-20 cm. Such parameters provide the ingredient with maturity, and it will be convenient for the hostess to work with it.

The skin of the zucchini should be thin and smooth. Pay attention to the absence of damage, scratches and dents. Their presence leads to rapid deterioration of the product. If the zucchini has a thick skin, then most likely it has already overripe, has fibrous pulp and a large number of seeds.

Before drying, you can store zucchini in the refrigerator, after wrapping it in a plastic bag. The shelf life is no more than 1 week. It is recommended to wash vegetables before direct use.

When choosing zucchini for drying, ask the seller about the month of harvest. It is noted that in the period from May to July, the vegetable is most useful and accessible. Zucchini harvested at the beginning of summer have the best taste. They are perfect for frying, stuffing, pickling, stewing. When dried, you will delicious stew from zucchini, winter salad or even flour.

The benefits of dried

Today, zucchini is a very popular and widespread vegetable. This ingredient is used in almost all countries, because they know how useful and necessary the body is. However, not everyone knows about drying. The Isidri dryer does not affect chemical composition zucchini. The benefits of the dried product will not decrease, as trace elements and vitamins are preserved.

The composition of zucchini contains many useful elements:

  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • protein;
  • starch;
  • cellulose;
  • carotene;
  • sugar;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins of groups B, C, PP.

Thanks to such an impressive set, zucchini has become one of the best helpers in the fight against serious diseases and their prevention:

  • prevents the appearance of cancer cells;
  • improves the functioning of the reproductive system and prostate gland;
  • positively affects the cardiovascular system;
  • regulates blood sugar levels in diabetes;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • cleanses the blood of cholesterol;
  • reduces the risk of heart attacks and stroke;
  • lowers pressure;
  • cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins;
  • relieves inflammation in asthma, rheumatism, atherosclerosis.

This wide range of action has given squashes their place on the dinner table all over the world. Due to its minimal calorie content, it is also recognized as one of the best dietary products. Vegetable helps in the fight against cellulite and promotes weight loss. Dried zucchini is considered a delicacy. Despite the fact that in this form the zucchini is significantly reduced in size and becomes light, it retains all its properties.

The benefits of zucchini for the child's body are also obvious. They quickly cause a feeling of satiety, have a beneficial effect on teeth, hair, eyesight. Due to the imperfection of the diet, our vessels accumulate cholesterol, and salts of heavy metals are deposited in the body. The zucchini also easily copes with this.

The general effect of zucchini is that they slow down the aging process, improve the functioning of all organs and systems, and prevent various kinds of diseases. It follows that the vegetable should always be present among our food products. However, since the harvest season falls only in spring and summer, the best option is to dry the zucchini for the winter.

Dried zucchini is useful for absolutely everyone, regardless of gender and age. A non-standard set of substances allows the vegetable to influence all life processes.

For men, zucchini is good as a source of their strength, to improve the functioning of the reproductive system. Women use the vegetable to combat excess weight and cleanse the body. Children in the process of growth and development need many components of zucchini. The product has a positive effect on the growth of teeth, hair, strengthens bones and increases immunity to possible diseases. Pensioners need to normalize blood pressure and heart function, which zucchini does an excellent job of. They reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks, improve brain function.

Zucchini must be eaten and the sooner you start to monitor your diet, the less likely you are to encounter any of the above problems.

How and in what dishes are they used?

Zucchini is a very relevant and useful product in all seasons. In order to always be tasty on the dining table, zucchini is dried for the winter. The Ezidri dryer will make this process easier for you, as Italian solar drying technology is not always convenient in urban environments.

There are a lot of dishes from dried zucchini. Among them there are both the first and second, as well as snacks, salads. All recipes are very simple, so even a novice cook can cook them.

Stewed dishes.

dried zucchini in stews- a great alternative to lunch, breakfast and dinner. Vegetable stew is often prepared according to this principle. The combination of dried zucchini with vegetables allows you to serve the maximum amount on one plate. useful products. You can reveal the taste of the stew with fresh herbs, such as parsley and basil. In Italy often vegetable stew Parmesan cheese is added, which brings its own unique touch.

Zucchini can also be stewed with potatoes or cabbage separately. This dish will serve as a great side dish for meat dishes. Dried zucchini stewed with minced meat are also popular. For drying to be easy and gentle, it must be saturated with water. If the zucchini remains dry, you can add water during cooking. For some dishes, zucchini is pre-soaked. This helps to avoid losing useful properties product. The amount of water absorbed depends on how dry the zucchini has been dried.

Fried meals.

Dried fried zucchini is the most common dish based on this product. Cooking does not require special skills. You can fry zucchini both in a pan and on the grill. Pre-soak the zucchini in water. So, the vegetable will become tender and more supple.

For zucchini fried in a pan, it is better to use breading. It can be very varied. It all depends on your imagination. Flour is most often used, however, culinary specialists have long practiced grated cheese, breadcrumbs and greens. Flour can also be different from wheat to corn.

In a frying pan, zucchini is fried with vegetables. It is best to use tomatoes. This juicy product will saturate the dried zucchini with the necessary moisture, and the dish will turn out juicy. No less tasty are zucchini with garlic, paprika, lemon and other spices.

Grilled zucchini is common in Europe. Such a diet dish is low-calorie and is suitable for those who follow the figure. Preparing it is quite simple. It is enough to sprinkle the plates of zucchini lemon juice, add seasonings to taste and fry.

Dishes from fried zucchini - a canvas for the embodiment of creative culinary ideas. They are recognized as one of the best side dishes, as they are combined with almost any meat and fish. Together with them, you can serve all kinds of dressings from standard sour cream and mayonnaise to exclusive author's sauces.

First meal.

Stewed zucchini is added to soups without pre-soaking. This vegetable is used in the lungs and diet meals. In addition to dried zucchini, you can also use frozen ones. They are useful in any form, as they practically do not lose vitamins. 1 kg of zucchini is enough to make a 4 liter pot of soup.

As a rule, first courses with zucchini are prepared on the basis of vegetables. You can add potatoes, onions, bell pepper, carrot. Do not forget about seasonings. Even standard bay leaves, salt and pepper will help zucchini to better reveal their taste and aroma. You can also always add meat, mushrooms, cheese or tomatoes to the soup. Zucchini is a versatile product, so it is very easy to work with it in any kitchen.

In winter, dried zucchini is an essential product of every housewife in both the European and Western worlds. From drying, you can cook soups, salads, side dishes, as well as flour and original jam. There are practically no dried zucchini on sale, so it’s worth stocking up during the harvest, then you will all year round delight your loved ones with delicious and healthy dishes.

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