Home A fish Candy production technology. Candy production is the most delicious business Candy production process in a factory

Candy production technology. Candy production is the most delicious business Candy production process in a factory

Candy is a product that almost all people love. For this reason, many people who want to start their own business pay attention to this product. The fact is that the confectionery market is quite resistant to various economic fluctuations. Gifts, purchases for children, as well as personal preferences make this segment very attractive among a relatively large number of buyers. In the event that you nevertheless firmly decided to open your own business in this area, then the first thing you cannot do without is a candy production line.

Candy production technology

In order to have an idea of ​​how the production line functions various kinds sweets, you need to be aware of some basic concepts.

First you need to decide what these favorite sweets are. So candy is confectionery, which are obtained from candy masses with a soft consistency.

Ingredient mixing machine

This product has a rather high nutritional value, has more than 1 thousand varieties and is diverse in shape, taste and composition.

The technological process of making sweets includes several stages:

  • At the first stage, the ingredients that are included in the fondant mass are mixed.
  • Further, the resulting mixture is formed and cast into special molds.
  • In the next step, the molds with fondant mass are driven through the cooling system.
  • Then there is glazing.
  • The final stage is product packaging.

Preparation of candy masses

Formation of fondant candies

Candy mass is a confectionery mass that is used to make sweets. All of them are divided into:

  • Lipsticks. They are obtained from lipstick, which is prepared on the basis of sugar and milk syrups by introducing various flavoring and flavoring additives into it.
  • Praline and marzipan. Praline masses are obtained from roasted nuts, and marzipan masses are obtained from raw or roasted nuts.
  • Whipped. These masses are obtained in the process of churning foam concentrates and syrup and with the mandatory introduction of flavoring and aromatic additives.
  • Liquor. These are masses that are saturated solutions of sucrose, to which milk, fruit preparations, flavoring and aromatic additives are added, and alcohol (cognac, liquor, etc.) is also an obligatory component.
  • Grilling. All roasted masses are divided into hard and soft. Solid roasting is a mass obtained by melting sugar with the addition of nuts to it (for example, Prometheus sweets come out of the confectionery production line). Soft roasting is a fruit mass that is boiled with nuts or candied fruit.
  • Cream. These are foamy masses, which were formed as a result of churning the latter with fats, flavoring and aromatic additives, milk syrup.
  • Jelly fruity. These masses are distinguished by a jelly-like structure and are divided into fruit, jelly-fruit and jelly. Fruit is obtained from fruit and berry puree; jelly-fruit - from the same puree as the first, but with the addition of agar, and jelly - with the addition of agar, agaroid and starch.

Candy molding

Candy Forming Line Molding is the process of giving candies a certain shape and appearance. Most often, on candy production lines, this process is carried out by casting, because thanks to this, sweets of various shapes can be obtained. Such molding is carried out in special forms, which are pre-stamped in starch.

Candy glazing line

Glazing is carried out immediately for several reasons. Firstly, this process protects the body of the product from external influences, and secondly, it increases nutritional value product, thirdly, attaches a beautiful appearance and fourthly, it affects taste qualities. Glazing is the process of covering a candy with a thin layer of various masses (chocolate, fat, etc.).

Packaging and storage

Candy packaging line

This is the final stage, when wrapping and packaging of the final product is carried out on the candy production line. The final product is wrapped in foil or label. Most of the sweets are produced in wrapped or packaged form. Finished products are stored at temperatures up to +18 degrees, air humidity should not exceed 75% in a well-ventilated area.

Technology for the production of chocolates

If we talk about the lines for the production of chocolates, then they are all automated and highly mechanized, with the exception of expensive sweets made exclusively by hand.

Sweets made by hand

The production of this beloved sweet product takes place in special factories in confectionery shops, therefore, at the initial stages of opening your business in this area, you need to think through and study a lot of subtleties regarding both the technological side of the issue and the legal one.

At the moment there are several lines for the production of chocolates:

  • The line for the production of chocolates called Shell is a traditional technology that allows the production of chocolate bars and other solid products with filling.
  • Line with One Shot technology - the production of chocolates is carried out in one stage.

In addition, the technology for the production of chocolates cannot be imagined without the following equipment: a tempering machine, a conche machine, a chocolate and ball mill, a sugar mill, refrigeration tunnels, storage tanks. The set of necessary equipment directly depends on what kind of chocolate you plan to produce.

Fondant candy production technology

The fondant candy production line includes the following equipment:

Fondant sweets glazed with chocolate
  • Boiler.
  • Filter.
  • Equipment for the preparation of fondant masses.
  • Steam generator.
  • Tempering machine.
  • Jigging machine.

Making fondant candies is also a special process that consists of certain steps. At the initial stage, the preparation of the syrup takes place, followed by its boiling, then the filtering process and the churning of the fondant mass. Then, before the tempering process (one of the main stages of chocolate production), the fondant mass is dosed and mixed. After that, the formation of the final product takes place directly. And the final stage on the fondant candy production line involves the packaging of the finished product.

The confectionery industry is considered one of the leading industries when it comes to the food industry. If you believe the figures, then in terms of output, it ranks second in the world. That is why, if you decide to start a business in this area, first of all, you need to take care of acquiring high-quality candy production lines.

Video: Handmade sweets

One of the main brands of the Saratov region is confectionery factory Saratovskaya, abbreviated name - KONSAR JSC. She is better known as "Confashion". Today we’ll talk a little about the factory, but at the same time we’ll see how sweets are made.

The factory has existed for many years - it has been leading its history since 1930, when in the form of an artel named after. Rosa Luxembourg was located in the city center (on the corner of Radishcheva and Kutyakova streets). Now the factory has a different address, and its assortment is wider.

Why is the factory one of the main brands in the region? So after all, its products are sold in most regions of Russia (more than 60 regions of the country), as well as abroad (exports are made to 12 countries of the former USSR, except for the Baltic countries, as well as to China and the USA). And in 2015, the factory became the best exporter in the region. But, despite this, the factory is more of a regional manufacturer.

Photo taken from Denis djhooligantk

Let's look at the production of the main product of the factory - sweets. Confectioners call this type of production sugary. So, all significant sugary confectionery products are produced at Konsar: chocolate candies, caramel, toffee and gummies. And also sort Gift Baskets. Products are constantly updated.

Information stand for employees

The factory produces 18.5 thousand tons of sugar products per year on 14 production lines. By the way, the equipment at the factory is both domestic and foreign (Italian, German and Swiss). Equipment of different years, there is also an old one already. But it does its job well and there is no need to change it. In addition, all equipment undergoes periodic maintenance.

Although it should be said that the factory is constantly working to improve the quality of the assortment and the diversity of the assortment. Therefore, new equipment is also bought - to open new lines. So, recently a line of sweets "One Shot" was opened with the most modern equipment of Italian origin. The peculiarity of this line is that the formation of the filling and the body is carried out simultaneously.

And now let's get acquainted with the process of production of sweets. We will start the tour from workshop No. 6 (there are 7 workshops in the factory, in which 40 lines for the production and packaging of confectionery products operate). This is a workshop for the production of the most expensive products - assorted sweets, which are also used for gift sets (see header photo). By the way, the factory produces about 1.5 million of these sets per year. For such sweets, by the way, real cocoa butter is used.

The start of the line - a machine with empty forms for sweets laid in it

The workshop has 2 production lines (both German) - Knobel and Yubitek .
Yubitek is a line for the production of sweets with assorted fillings. It produces chocolate sweets with a variety of fillings. Moreover, the forms of sweets are very diverse. Examples of sweets of this line are sweets and sets of sweets "Confession de Luxe", "Overture", "Miracle Nut", "Cherry in Chocolate".
And on the line Knobel make jig sweets - sweets based on marzipan, truffle and praline.

As mentioned above, sweets have different shapes: a basket, a bottle, a hemisphere, etc. It depends on the terms of reference received by the line. Each form has its own dose of chocolate icing. Glaze, by the way, is also different. The factory uses bitter, milk and white chocolate for glaze.

This is how the press looks like to give the future candy various shapes. Now the simplest forms are being made - hemispherical.

The process of creating a candy is as follows: first, the machine forms the body of the candy (just the photo above), then the cooling tunnel comes into the body (10-14 degrees of heat), then the filling is poured into the body. The filling and glaze are prepared ahead of time - in another workshop.

The top photo is a shaping machine (on the right you can already see finished products- the line is conveyor). The lower right photo is the candy body after cooling.

There are 2 filling machines installed on the line (photo below) - in order to quickly switch from one to another when the raw material runs out. It also allows you to make sweets with two fillings at the same time.

And now the body of the candy is filled with filling.

And this is what marriage looks like. Such sweets are not for sale - they are processed for subsequent production (for example, they are used to stuff waffles).

After filling with the filling, the bottom of the candy is made. To do this, the sweets are heated a little (to melt the top a little), and then they are poured with chocolate and leveled.

End view

And at the very end of the line, the candies are “shaken out” from the mold and fall onto pallets for further sorting.
Part of the product goes to the packaging line, part - to warehouses.
Let's look at the packaging line first. Here, first, the sweets enter the wrapping machine. There are several such machines, each with its own wrapping.

General view of the machine

Candy wrapping process

Finished sweets at the exit of the machine

Then already wrapped sweets get to packing and packaging.

Here we see a weight package of truffles.

Video of this line and candy packaging

Kingdom of various sweets

The sweets are numbered here: each type is in a special tray under its own number.

And already according to these numbers, the process of assembling the set is underway.

This is where various gift sets are formed: seasonal, festive and themed. Here they are - in the form of assorted

Or like this

Residents of the region can purchase the products of the factory both in federal chain stores and in their own branded outlets (for example, in the well-known Chudesnitsa stores). The factory also created an online store, which distinguishes the factory from others. This store is little known to Saratov residents, and in vain - all ordered products will be delivered to your home for free. True, it has its own limitations (for example, the minimum order value is 700 rubles), but a bonus system is provided.

By the way, the work clothes of employees are strictly monitored here: white coats strictly over all clothes and mandatory caps.

But not only sweets are made at the factory. The flour production of confectionery products is also presented here, which we will talk about next time.

In this article:

The purpose of the project: justification of financial and economic efficiency and technically feasible implementation of the production of chocolates in the Russian Federation. The main criterion is a conservative scenario for the development of events, the calculation of prices is given taking into account inflation. The project has a significant economic potential based on an assessment of the current state of the market.

The concept of the project for the production of chocolates

It is planned to build production and storage facilities or rent them, install equipment for the production of products. An initial assortment of glazed fondant sweets and chocolates is planned:

  • glazed chocolate icing oval-shaped sweets with a chocolate fondant filling of a different taste. Mass ratio 60/40%. Candy weight up to 12 grams;
  • chocolate glazed oval-shaped sweets with jelly filling. Mass ratio 70/30%, candy weight up to 11.5 grams;
  • chocolate bar weighing 100 grams, with a pattern.

Analysis of the confectionery market

The market of confectionery and chocolate sweets (chocolate) is resistant to crisis changes in the economy. Presents and purchases for children, gifts and personal preferences make this product segment quite popular among the general consumer masses.

At the moment, the Russian market, in particular the chocolate business, is represented by a wide range of products in the form of chocolate: milk, porous, black or regular with various fillers; chocolates of the most diverse form and fillers. In terms of value, the sales segment of chocolates and bars accounts for 1/3 of the total sales of confectionery products.

It should be taken into account that production of chocolates depends on the season, at the time of the greatest surge (holidays and pre-holidays), production can increase by 300%. The rest of the time, the enterprise can be loaded only at 30-60% of the planned capacity.

The most demanded product is loose sweets and chocolate bars, the sale is represented by regional offices of large confectionery companies. This has its advantages: the cost of delivery and payment for office representative offices increase the cost of their products by 6-8%.

For example, Nestle sweets have a cost price of $3 per 1 kg, their sale in the regions is $8 per kilogram. The production of sweets in your region makes it possible to reduce the price of your own goods of high consumer demand.

Consumer behavior towards confectionery

Active buyers of chocolates and chocolate are 65% of buyers, regardless of the season, buying these products 3-4 times a week, and 20% are inactive, buying once a week. Thus, given the number of population in the region, it is possible to calculate in advance the volume of production of chocolates and chocolate bars.

Production plan of the project

1. Rental of premises: production workshop and warehouse. Mandatory drafting of the contract according to the established regulations. Construction of additional facilities (office and household premises), rental of vehicles for the delivery of products to retail outlets.

2. Installation and installation of the necessary equipment, adjustment work, launch of the production line.

3. Production process of candy production.

Candy production technology consists of several stages:

- mixing the individual ingredients of the fondant mass;

- cooking process;
- molding or casting fondant in special oval shapes;
- running molds through cooling systems;
- candy glazing chocolate fudge;
- cooling;
- packaging of products in wrapping paper.

Technology for the production of chocolate bars:

  • mixing ingredients chocolate mass;
  • cooking process;
  • casting into special molds;
  • run through the cooling system;
  • wrapping tiles in wrapping paper.

Equipment for the production of chocolates

It should be noted that the candy production line consists of four sections, each of which has its own range of equipment:

1. Candy mass production area:

  • universal cooker, used for cooking, mixing and emptying the mass, with automatic control;
  • weighing device for dosing fondant or chocolate mass components;
  • loading pump for supplying the mass to the casting;
  • dosing pump for flavors, acid, fondant colors and chocolate.

2. Casting installation:

  • one-shot casting installation with servo drive and electronic control;
  • casting mold conveyor;
  • cooling cabinet, including distribution control cabinet and cold air preparation station;
  • forms.

3. Line for the production of sweets (for glazing cases):

  • table for supplying products to the glazing machine;
  • glazing machine;
  • a pump for the return of excess mass.

4. Automatic candy wrapping packaging line:

  • distribution conveyors for supplying sweets to warehouses.

The technological scheme for the production of chocolates and chocolate bars is quite complex, it requires highly qualified personnel and serviceable equipment.

The cost of purchasing equipment, renting premises is about $50,000, which is the starting capital. Estimated time of self-sufficiency and profitability of the enterprise is 5-8 years. The expected profit per year is 36% of the starting capital.

Analysis of income and expenses

The cost of rent (construction) and raw materials account for 77% of the total start-up capital, the next item in the expense column is electricity, water and gas - 7.5-8%. The salary fund is 8% of total expenses, 3-5% insurance premiums and taxes, 7% other expenses, which include advertising and promotion costs.

The dynamics of reducing the burden of costs on the cost of production is calculated for 5 years, after which the costs will stabilize and the price may remain fixed.

Production Plan

Considering the structure of variable costs, you can see that the highest costs of funds (more than 77%) are spent on the purchase of raw materials. Thus, the calculation of the cost of production is:

the sum of the cost of raw materials + the sum of the salary fund and the cost of communications, rent, taxes + 6% to increase profits.

In a more simplified formula:

the amount of expenses + 37-38% of the amount of expenses = the cost of 1 kg of sweets.

Product demand risk

In order for the enterprise to be considered profitable, it is required to calculate the minimum critical level of production volume, taking into account seasonal sales.

Payroll costs (per year) + taxes (per year) + utilities and rent (per year) / divided by total annual income = minimum production in kg per day.

Thus, the minimum (critical) cost of sweets (taking into account risk) is $6 per kg - this is the threshold value of the selling price for the production of chocolate and sweets, the minimum production volume per day is from 5 tons.

The candy business is quite risky due to its quality and beautiful design. Packaging material for sweets and chocolate bars should be consistent with the positive image of the company.

Packaging material will be considered the cheapest if you make it yourself. This will require:

  • special packaging paper and foil (for chocolate), and cardboard (for making candy boxes);
  • inkjet printer for printing;
  • computer.

The production of boxes for sweets has its own manufacturing features:

  • the cardboard has the corresponding certificate allowing to use it in the food industry;
  • is made according to the finished correx;
  • can be used for automatic and manual packaging.

Candies are confectionery products obtained from a mass that is made on the basis of sugar, with various additives. They differ in shape, taste, aroma and processing method.

Technological stages

The production of sweets is divided into several stages.

  1. The very first is the preparation of a mass of sugar, molasses, agar, water, butter, milk and flavoring additives. Depending on the type, its composition and the temperature at which the ingredients are mixed and acquire the desired consistency are determined.
  2. The next step is the formation of candy. The most common method of casting the mass into starch. It allows you to make many types of sweets. When pouring, fondant needs 70 degrees; dairy and fruit filling- one hundred; jelly on agar - 75, on pectin - 95, on caraginan - 80. Production of sweets with liqueur filling is possible at 95 degrees. For the formation, sifted and dried corn starch is used. In addition to forming the body of sweets, it is also involved in removing excess moisture from the surface by absorbing it.
  3. The third stage is glazing. Candy production may or may not include this process. Glaze is needed so that the product stays fresh longer, not hard and not dried out. Chocolate can also act as it. Confectionery glaze is not covered with a whitish coating, since it does not have fat subsidence. And real chocolate is not immune from this. Although such a plaque is harmless, the appearance can be spoiled.
  4. Drying completes the production of sweets. It is carried out in special chambers with the possibility of cooling for the speedy structuring of the body and hardening of the glaze or chocolate. Then it remains only to pack delicious products wrapped or boxed.

Candy making ingredients

This type of sweets consists mostly of sugar. Sweets may also contain molasses, berries and fruits, honey, nuts, sunflower, sesame. In addition, cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, cocoa powder, dairy products, wine, coffee and vanilla. Components such as fats of animal origin, less often vegetable, and eggs are also part of the candy mass, which is very different.

  • For example, a syrup made from sugar is used for fudge. Sweets are prepared by boiling it with molasses.
  • If you add milk, you get milk fudge, and if baked milk, then creme brulee.
  • Milk fillings differ from fudge by the high content of this product. Fruit mass is obtained by boiling fruits and berries with the addition of flavors and flavors.
  • Jelly fillings consist of sugar, molasses, gelatin or agar. Fruit and berry raw materials are often added.
  • Pralines and nut fillings consist of roasted nuts, sugar and fats. Whipped mass is similar to gelatinous foam and is made from sugar syrup, egg whites, agar and flavorings.
  • Roasting filling includes fruit mass or sugar and crushed nuts. Marzipan sweets are made by grinding almonds with molasses and powdered sugar.
  • Cream fillings consist of mixed and whipped chocolate, fondant masses and pralines with fats. Liquor additives are prepared from sugar, alcohol solution and flavorings.


The candy mass is cast into starch on a special candy casting machine. Piston pumps feed the mixture through a heating funnel. Equipment for the production of sweets from fondant, fruit, jelly and milk mass is equipped with a gear pump. With the help of it, the mass is pumped into the funnels of the casting machine.

Liqueur and whipped mixture is loaded manually. Special equipment for the production of sweets stamps cells of various shapes and sizes. It is used to ensure that the structure of the products in the trays does not collapse.

For storage of products, a warehouse with a temperature regime of 20 degrees and humidity up to 75% is used.

Technology for making caramel

The process consists in the preparation of the mass, its cooling, dosing, rolling and molding, separating the layer into sweets, and feeding it into packaging. Initially, the moisture content of sugar-treacle caramel syrup is about 15%. In the process of boiling, it decreases tenfold.

Then the resulting mass is molded and cooled to 45 degrees, wrapped in a wrapper, packed in packs and packed in boxes. The technology for the production of caramel sweets involves the presence of a digester with a stirrer, an intermediate tank, a temperature table, forming rollers, a conveyor-type cooling machine, a vibrating tray and packing tables. Such a line has a capacity of 150 kg of caramel per hour and costs approximately 1.3 million rubles.

Technology for making truffles

A similar amount will be required for the purchase of equipment for the production of truffle sweets. They are prepared from cocoa, toffee essence, coconut oil. The process of creating truffles consists of the following operations: preparation of the candy mass, tempering (the production of chocolates is indispensable), shaping the body, cooling, sprinkling with cocoa powder, finishing and packaging.

The production line is made up of a digester, tempering machine, churning, depositing, cooling conveyor equipment, glazing machines, steam generator, conveyor belt for feeding products to stacking. It has a capacity of 150 kg per hour and costs from one to one and a half million rubles. Equipment pays off, as a rule, in 6-8 months.

Dragee preparation technology

The cheapest line for making small round sweets in sugar shell. Dragee is a body with an outer coating rolled onto it. This is done in a special rotating boiler, set at an angle. First, the base is prepared, which is then coated and glossy.

Finished products are packaged and packaged. This is the simplest and cheapest production, including a micromill, a digester, a dragee drum, a sugar sifter, and a packaging machine. Such a line costs 200 thousand rubles and produces 100 kg of products per hour. For its installation, a room of 30 m 2 is required, and only three people can serve it.

Chocolate factory "Russia" in Samara is one of the largest in our country. The factory was built according to the project of the Italian company "Carle i Montanari" in 1969, and the first production was received in April 1970. In 1992, the factory became an open joint stock company, and in 1995 it became part of the Nestlé group of companies in Russia. In 1996, the factory began producing international Nestle brands - Nestle classic chocolate and Nuts bars.

In 1997, the slogan "Russia" was born - a generous soul. In 2001, the production of premium-class chocolate "Zolotaya Marka" began. In 2007, the factory received ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and OHSAS 18001 certificates. In 2010, the production of Komilfo premium sweets began. In March 2011 JSC "Confectionery Association "Russia" was transformed into LLC, and in June of the same year the factory was attached to LLC "Nestlé Russia" as the main production branch. Today, the factory produces more than 170 types of products under the brands "Russia" - generous soul!", "Nestle", "Nesquik" and "Nuts".

01. Checkpoint at 257 Kirov Avenue. About 1350 people work at the factory.

02. The factory maintains a very high level of cleanliness and order - all workers wear overalls and hats. Handwashing is mandatory upon entering production.

03. Markings for pedestrians and vehicles are everywhere on the floor.

Workshop No. 1 Cocoa bean processing department

04. So, where does the production of chocolate begin? Of course, with the processing of cocoa beans. Pre-roasted cocoa beans must be thoroughly crushed.

05. Crusher. The better the cocoa nibs are crushed, the richer and more subtle the taste of chocolate will be. The final size of the cocoa solids passed through the grinding equipment must not exceed 75 µm.

06. Cocoa liquor contains 54% of a very valuable substance - cocoa butter, which is the main component for the production of real chocolate. To obtain cocoa butter, cocoa liquor is heated to a certain temperature and then pressed in a heated state. This is how the cocoa butter separates from the solid residue. The solid residue is further used to make cocoa powder.

08. Tanks in which cocoa liquor is stored, intended for pressing.

10. There is a lot of all kinds of equipment and pipelines.

12. Liquid chocolate flows

13. Workshop, in which there are so-called "mills" for the production of powder.

15. One of the oldest units of the factory made in 1967, designed for conching (mixing) chocolate mass, has been preserved here.

16. The logo of the Italian company "Carle and Montanari" on it.

17. Now the conching process is on a new modern line. This is one of milestones in chocolate production. After mixing and grinding, the chocolate mass is subjected to intensive kneading at high temperatures. This is a very long process, as a result of which excess moisture evaporates from the chocolate mass, lumps that are still present are eliminated, volatile acids and excessive bitterness are displaced, and cocoa solids are rounded. Conching can take from several hours to several days.

Production of chocolate bars

19. In the "kitchen" workshop, marshmallow is prepared, which goes through pipes to the chocolate bar production workshop.

20. Pastila is rolled into a long layer with the help of large drums, which travels along the conveyor.

21. Marshmallow cools

22. and cut into strips.

23. A large knife cuts strips depending on the length of the bars.

24. Strictly at a certain temperature, the bars are doused with liquid chocolate.

25. Here the machine applies a pattern on top of the bars.

26. Employees of the enrobing section randomly check the bars for size and weight.

Chocolate bar packaging

28. Packing shop

29. Before packaging, the bars are checked by a metal detector.

30. In the packaging shop, almost everything is automated.

31. Tape for packaging Nesquik bars.

32. Boxes for Nesquik bars

33. A stacking robot stacks candy bars into boxes. Each box contains a strictly defined, fixed number of bars.

34. Some of the bars fit into boxes without an account.

35. Such boxes are weighed and marked.

36. Boxes are stacked on a trolley and taken to a warehouse.

Production of domed candies

37. Dome-shaped sweets are produced in the dome-shaped candy workshop. In this case, we see how the machine casts candies "Native expanses".

38. Long slender rows of sweets go to the apparatus, where liquid chocolate is poured.

41. Chocolate-filled candies fall out in wafer crumbs.

42. Ready sweets go to the packaging area.

43. The packaging of such sweets is made by hand.

44. Intermediate control of finished boxes.

45. Boxes are packed in large cardboard boxes, labeled and taken to the warehouse.

Production of chocolate bars

47. Hot chocolate is poured into similar forms and sent along the conveyor belt through the refrigerator. At the same stage, if the recipe requires it, various additives (for example, nuts) are added to the chocolate.

48. Then the forms with frozen chocolate are turned upside down and shaken onto the conveyor.

51. Large chocolate bars are made in the same way.

52. Ready-made and packaged large tiles are laid out by hand in boxes.

53. In the packaging shop.

Production of chocolates

55. The most difficult is the production of premium sweets, such as "Comme il faut".

56. Most of the operations here are done manually.

57. Line for the production of chocolates "Comilfo".

58. Candy packaging.

Central laboratory

59. The factory has a laboratory where you can create miniature chocolate "from and to". Used to create new varieties of chocolate before being put into production.

60. The laboratory also selectively checks all products for exact compliance with all standards, from packaging to the taste of chocolate. It's good to be a taster :)

61. Examples of products of the chocolate factory "Russia".

Taken from chronograph in Samara: chocolate factory "Russia"

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