Home Soups The easiest recipe for watermelon rind jam. Watermelon jam

The easiest recipe for watermelon rind jam. Watermelon jam

Modern housewives make jam from berries, fruits and even vegetables. Many especially liked the recipe for treats based on watermelon peels, which remained after eating the pulp. This is not surprising, since the final product is sweet, shaped, crispy. Traditionally, the treat is prepared with the addition of apples, citrus fruits, aromatic spices. Consider each recipe in more detail.

Features of making jam from watermelon peels

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the crusts for cooking. To do this, use the red pulp, cut off the green surface with a sharp knife. To cook a treat, use only the white center.
  2. Traditionally, jam is prepared with the addition of syrup - mixing sugar with water, then melting them. However, if you wish, you can replace the liquid with watermelon juice.
  3. Citruses, seasonal fruits (melon, apple, pear, etc.) act as additional ingredients. It will not be superfluous to add spices (cinnamon, vanilla sugar, clove buds).
  4. To make jam in a jar look appetizing, use a curly knife for cutting vegetables and fruits. Create cubes, rectangles or hearts with a ribbed surface.
  5. If stick traditional recipe, per 1 kg. watermelon peels account for about 950 gr. Sahara. But the amount of sweetener varies according to personal preferences.

Watermelon rind jam: a classic

  • granulated sugar - 550 gr.
  • table water - 850 ml.
  • watermelon peels - 600 gr.
  1. First prepare the watermelon rinds. It is necessary to cut off the pink flesh and remove the green top layer. Use only the whitish residue.
  2. Pay attention to the quality of raw materials. If crusts are rotten, gray or sallow, discard them. After preparation, weigh the raw materials to have an idea of ​​the number of crusts.
  3. Now cut the crusts into cubes of any shape (at your discretion). Start making syrup. Pour granulated sugar into a saucepan, fill with water, put on medium heat.
  4. When the contents begin to boil, reduce the burner to a minimum. Boil the sweet base until the grains of sand dissolve. Stir constantly. Now pour the syrup into a large saucepan.
  5. Carefully place the sliced ​​watermelon rinds into it. Continue languishing, wait for seething. Reduce the power slightly so that the bubbles are barely visible. Simmer another quarter of an hour.
  6. At first, the raw material will become transparent, but you need to achieve a shade of amber. After the specified period, turn off the fire, cover the dishes with a lid. Now insist the treat for 10-12 hours so that the crusts are soaked.
  7. In total, you need to perform 3 heat treatments. The second time, cooking is carried out in a similar way: they simmered for 15 minutes, turned it off, let the composition stand for 12 hours. And the third time the same.
  8. After the last languor, spread the hot composition into sterile warm containers. Cork with tin, turn over, cover with an old sweatshirt. After a day, transfer the jam to the cold.

Watermelon peel jam in a slow cooker

  • granulated sugar - 550 gr.
  • watermelon peels - 550 gr.
  • drinking water - 500 ml.
  1. Prepare the crusts for further manipulations. It is necessary to remove the upper green layer from them and cut out the pink flesh. Chop the whitish residue into cubes or triangles with a curly knife.
  2. Send the raw materials to the multicooker, add water. Pour half the volume of granulated sugar, mix. Set the "Extinguishing" function for 1.5 hours. After this period, add the rest of the sugar.
  3. Simmer the composition for another 30 minutes, then evaluate the consistency. If the treat is too liquid, turn on the “Steam cooking” function (duration - a quarter of an hour).
  4. While the composition is being prepared, sterilize the container for future twist. Dry, boil the lids. Pour hot treat, roll up, cool upside down.

  • watermelon peel - 1.1 kg.
  • vanilla sugar - 30 gr.
  • green apple - 550 gr.
  • drinking water - 480 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 1.6 kg.
  • whole cinnamon - 1 pod
  1. Prepare the watermelon rinds. Cut off the green surface, remove or use the pulp. Cut the white base into cubes. Boil water, throw raw materials into the seething liquid.
  2. Simmer on medium power for 10 minutes, then reduce the burner to a minimum. Pour in the granulated sugar very slowly, stirring at the same time.
  3. Now you need to ensure that the watermelon peels become translucent. When this happens, turn off the burner. Let the jam stand for 11-12 hours.
  4. Then re-boil. This time, add the cored apple slices. Boil them for 8 minutes, then cool under the lid for 4 hours.
  5. Repeat boiling 2 more times for 8 minutes. After each procedure, let the jam cool down. At the end, add grated cinnamon, vanilla sugar to the hot treat. Roll up, chill.

Watermelon rind jam with citrus

  • orange - 3 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • lemon - 1-1.5 pcs.
  • watermelon peels - 1.2 kg.
  1. Chop peeled watermelon rinds into pieces. Send to the basin, sprinkle with sugar and mix well. Cover the container with a towel, leave for 4 hours.
  2. Remove the peel from the lemon, grate it. Do the same with oranges. Do not touch the white pulp of the zest, it is responsible for bitterness.
  3. When the watermelon peels are infused, move them along with the sugar to the pan. Put on the stove, set the minimum fire. Continue simmering until the grains melt.
  4. Disassemble the orange into slices, remove the white film. Cut each slice into 2-3 pieces. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, stir in the watermelon syrup. Add orange and citrus zest to this.
  5. Wait for the ingredients to boil, then cook for another 8 minutes. Next, let the delicacy stand for 12 hours, repeat the heat treatment. If the composition does not become thick, languish a third time.
  6. Arrange the finished composition in sterilized containers, tighten the lids. Turn over, wrap in a sweatshirt, cool for 12 hours. Refrigerate for storage.

Watermelon rind jam with cardamom

  • vanilla sugar - 25-30 gr.
  • cardamom - 5-7 gr.
  • watermelon peels - 1.2 kg.
  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • soda - 50 gr.
  1. Prepare thick watermelon rinds. Scoop out the rest of the pink pulp with a spoon, cut off the green top. Now chop the white base with a curly knife to make beautiful curly pieces.
  2. Make a solution of soda and 3 liters. drinking water, stir until the grains dissolve. Send in a mixture of watermelon rinds, soak for 5 hours.
  3. Then rinse thoroughly, leave in purified water for half an hour. Then drain this liquid, soak again. Now measure out half the volume of sugar, mix with 800 ml. drinking water. Boil the syrup.
  4. Send watermelon cubes to the hot sweet mass, boil, after the start of bubbling, simmer for another third of an hour. Turn off the burner, leave for 8-9 hours.
  5. After the specified time, boil again, pour in the remaining sand and let it dissolve. Simmer the mass for a total of 30-45 minutes. Again insist 8 hours.
  6. Third heat treatment lasts from 30 minutes to an hour. Assess readiness for taste: if a piece of watermelon bites off easily, turn off the heat. Otherwise, cook until softened.
  7. If you see that too little juice has come out, add 200-230 ml. boiling water. Before the end of cooking, pour in the grated lemon zest and citrus juice, cardamom, vanillin.
  8. Turn off the burner, let the jam cool without a lid. Cover the neck of the pan with gauze so that the composition does not wind. After about 12 hours, pack the treat in clean containers, store in a dark place.

Watermelon peels can also be combined with melon peels, the delicacy will turn out sweet and thick. Consider recipes with the addition of apples, crushed cinnamon, cardamom, citrus fruits. Add sugar according to personal wishes, always pack the finished treat in sterile jars. Storage is carried out in a dark cool room.

Video: jam and marmalade from watermelon peels

The imagination of housewives is amazing. Numerous jam recipes, familiar to many, are already pretty boring. Resourceful hostesses use watermelon peels for jam. The advantages of such a dessert are that watermelon practically does not leave waste behind, and in terms of usefulness it is not inferior to many berries and fruits. Having tried this delicacy once, it is very difficult to refuse its preparation and use.

It is not difficult to prepare a dessert; the delicacy has no complaints about home conditions. The main thing is to strictly follow the recipe. Do everything exactly according to the calculations.

Properly cooked jam is stored for a long time and retains a large amount of useful substances:

  • Many housewives do not want to make jam from watermelon peels, as they believe that a large amount of nitrates accumulate in them. They remain in the thin skin of the watermelon, which should be trimmed and removed altogether.
  • In order to remove nitrates from the crusts, they are soaked in water with chalk. Leave it in it for 2-3 hours, then rinse and prepare a dessert.
  • You should not cook jam from the first watermelons, which appear already in the middle of summer, they have a lot of nitrates. Plants are fed with various chemicals so that they grow faster and bear fruit. It is best to use watermelons bought in high season. Such fruits are guaranteed cleaner than the very first ones.
  • When preparing a dessert, sugar is placed in various proportions. Sweet tooth starts from 1.5 kg per 1 kg of crusts, and those who do not like sweets too much add 600 g per 1 kg of watermelons.
  • The cooking time is also different, someone cooks for 5 minutes, in several approaches, someone for 20 minutes, while the preparation is infused for 24 hours.

To prepare a delicacy, you don’t have to work especially hard. The cooking itself does not take much time, most of the allotted time the jam is infused.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Proper preparation of crusts is the key to a positive result. The main thing to do is to follow the recommendations indicated in the recipe, then everything will work out:

  • First of all, they are soaked in chalky water in order to get rid of nitrates.
  • Another way is to put them in a container, fill them with cold water and place them in the refrigerator. After that, the crusts are thoroughly washed, dried and peeled.
  • Pieces are cut arbitrarily, but if possible equally. This is necessary for uniform boiling.

Other preparations follow the steps of a specific recipe.

Watermelon peel jam for the winter: the easiest recipe

cooking yourself simple recipe perfect for those who decide to cook this delicacy for the first time. You will need the same amount of crusts and granulated sugar.

For proper cooking a step-by-step recipe for making jam is given.

Step 1

The green skin is cut off from the watermelon peels, the rest must be arbitrarily cut. It is necessary to try to make the pieces the same so that there are no problems in the cooking process.

Step 2

After weighing the resulting workpiece, measure the required amount of sugar. Sprinkle them with diced crusts.

Step 3

Shake the container to distribute the sugar. They clean it in a cool place and wait for the workpiece to release the juice. Approximately it will take 3.5-4 hours.

Step 4

After the allotted time has passed, gently mix, trying not to damage the structure of the crusts. Put on a slow fire so that the jam does not burn, stir occasionally.

Step 5

As the mass boils, the power of the fire is raised to medium. Stir well and remove the emerging foam well. Let it boil, but no more than 5 minutes. Then the workpiece is removed from the heat and left to cool at room temperature. Close the material and leave for a day.

Step 6

After 24 hours, put it on fire again and boil for 5 minutes. Turn off and leave for a day.

Step 7

The procedure is repeated, the jam is boiled for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. A thick and viscous consistency signals the readiness of the dessert. If this does not happen, the jam is cooled again and boiled to the desired state.

Step 8

They put them in jars hot, cook them in advance, wash and sterilize. Making jam according to this recipe, you won’t have to do a lot of work.

And you can evaluate the taste of the finished delicacy in a few days. The jam will be saturated with syrup and will be ready to eat.

Watermelon peel jam in a slow cooker

There is a multicooker in almost every home. It significantly reduces the time spent on making jam. It will take 0.5 kg of crusts, 0.5 kg of sugar. If you want to keep the shape of the cubes, you should prepare 7 g of soda.

Watermelon is cut into small, arbitrary pieces. Pour in a solution of water with soda for half an hour. Then they are taken out and washed in cold running water.

Prepare the container of the multicooker, lay crusts in it, sprinkle with sugar.

In the "Extinguishing" mode, jam is simmered for 1 hour. It is necessary to stir the workpiece several times.

If the consistency does not suit you, then in the slow cooker change the mode to “Steaming” and simmer for another 15 minutes. The finished dessert is laid out in jars and put away for storage.

In order to cook delicious jam, you will need 1 kg of crusts, 1.2 kg of sugar, 2 oranges and a lemon. Crusts of watermelons are crushed into arbitrary cubes. To do this, if desired, use a curly knife for cutting. Then, when finished, the pieces will look very beautiful. Pour the workpiece with sugar and leave to infuse for 4 hours.

Meanwhile, prepare the zest from the lemon and oranges. You do not need to touch the white layer, it will be bitter, thereby spoiling the taste of the finished jam.

When the workpiece starts the juice, put on fire. Bring to a boil, then add the zest and sliced ​​​​peeled orange slices into it. It takes 10 minutes to cook the dessert, then you need to remove and let cool. Then repeat this 3 times. If the jam is liquid, the number of repetitions is increased by 1 time.

The delicacy is laid out in jars, rolled up, wrapped and left to cool at room temperature.

This jam turns out to be excellent, it is especially distinguished by citrus taste, they surprise guests. Many do not even understand what it is made of.

Watermelon rind jam with lemon

Unlike orange, lemon gives sourness, which makes the jam very tasty. 1 kg of watermelon peels, 0.9 kg of granulated sugar, 1 lemon will come in handy.

If necessary, citrus is replaced with citric acid.

The crusts are cut into small pieces, covered with sugar. The cooking itself will begin after 3-4 hours have passed. Then set on low heat and simmer it, after boiling, leave to boil for 10 minutes. Then you need to remove and let the jam cool. You do not need to insist for a day, a few hours are enough. After the jam has cooled completely, put it on fire again and boil for 10 minutes. Repeat in the same sequence one more time.

When the mass boils in the third approach, add a lemon, chopped into pieces along with the skin. Boil for 10 minutes, lay out hot, clean in the cellar.

With mint

As an option for all the sweet tooth, making jam from watermelon peels with mint. For him you will need: 1 watermelon, 1 tbsp. granulated sugar, mint to taste. The watermelon is cut into slices, the pink flesh is cut off and cleaned for home. Only peels will be used. They are cut into thin sticks, all this is covered with sugar, mint is added and left to infuse for several hours.

After the appearance of the juice, put on a very slow fire, bring to a boil.

Constantly collect the foam formed on the surface. When the workpiece boils, add the fire and cook for 40 minutes, while not forgetting to stir.

Prepare jars in advance, sterilize them and dry them. Lay the jam cooled down, turn the jars upside down and leave for a day under a warm shelter. Then take it out and put it away for storage in a specially designated place.

A lot depends on how the jam was made. It must be laid out in sterile jars and rolled up. Then it will be stored for 1-2 years.

Sunlight should not penetrate into the room where the blanks are stored. The optimum temperature is from +10 ... +15 ⁰С.

If the jars are closed with iron lids, their shelf life increases. Only to preserve the integrity of the caps, they are coated with petroleum jelly.

High humidity in the storage room leads to the fact that the top layer of jam is badly damaged in those jars that are closed with paper lids. This jam should not be eaten.

Proper storage is a guarantee that the jam will last for more than one year. Only now the useful substances that are in the composition of the main ingredients are constantly decreasing.

It is not difficult to make jam from watermelon peels; nothing is wasted with a good housewife. And in terms of usefulness, it is not inferior to some desserts from berries and fruits. Before drawing conclusions about how delicious this dessert is, you should try to cook it yourself at home.

Watermelon peel jam - not very common, but very delicious treat. Not everyone knows the fact that such an appetizing dish can be prepared from a product that is often thrown away. According to your taste, citrus fruits, spices or other fruits are also added to it.

How to cook jam from watermelon peels?

Making watermelon peel jam at home is not at all difficult. The main thing is to choose the right raw materials and follow the cooking technology. The tips and tricks below will help you to successfully cope with the task.

  1. To cook delicious jam, you need to choose watermelons in which the green layer is thick.
  2. If pulp is also added to the jam, then only ripe watermelons of late varieties should be used.
  3. Of the spices in watermelon peel jam, cardamom, cinnamon, and vanillin are most often added.
  4. So that the crusts in the jam do not have a soft, but a dense structure, they can first be kept in a soda solution.

Watermelon peel jam - the easiest recipe

Simple watermelon peel jam is very easy to prepare. Due to the fact that the original product is not subjected to long-term heat treatment, but is cooked in several stages, the pieces of watermelon peels do not fall apart, but remain intact. And to make the delicacy look more interesting, the crusts can be chopped with a curly knife.


  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • watermelon peel - 1 kg.


  1. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar, peels are put into it and boiled for 5-7 minutes, then they are allowed to stand for 15 minutes.
  2. Boil again for 5 minutes, set aside and cook for the last time.
  3. Distribute the jam in containers and cork.

Watermelon rind jam with lemon

The recipe for watermelon peel jam with lemon, presented below, will help you prepare a fragrant dish with a delicate citrus aroma and taste. In this case, only the zest is used. But you can also add crushed pulp. Only in this case, it should be added not to the third, but to the second cooking approach.


  • watermelon peels - 1 kg;
  • drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 pc.


  1. The crusts are cut into pieces, boiled for 5 minutes, dipped in cold water and discuss.
  2. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar and the crusts are poured over it for 12 hours.
  3. Boil for 5 minutes and set aside to cool.
  4. Boil again for about 10 minutes, add grated zest, boil for another 10 minutes, immediately pour into jars and roll up.

Watermelon rind jam with orange

The recipe for watermelon peel jam with oranges has a pleasant golden color. You can not squeeze the juice, but simply cut the pulp into pieces and boil it together with the rest of the ingredients. With the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe, the jam turns out to be very sweet. If you don't like this option, you can put less sugar.


  • sugar, watermelon peels - 1.2 kg each;
  • large orange - 1 pc.;
  • drinking water - 700 ml.


  1. Watermelon peels are cut into pieces, pour in water and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Juice is squeezed out of an orange, the zest is rubbed on a grater.
  3. Orange zest and juice are added to the water and boiled until the sugar dissolves.
  4. Put peels in syrup, boil for 7 minutes and cool.
  5. Repeat the procedure twice more.
  6. After that, the watermelon peels will be ready.

It turns out very tasty, has a delicate pinkish color and a pleasant aroma. The pulp can be crushed different ways- you can finely chop it, rub it through a sieve or mash them with a fork. It all depends on how you want to see it in the finished product.


  • watermelon peels - 1 kg;
  • drinking water - 700 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • watermelon pulp - 500 g.


  1. Half the sugar is mixed in 3 cups of water.
  2. Bring the syrup to a boil, lower the crusts into it and, stirring, boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove and let the jam brew for 10 hours.
  4. Pour the remaining sugar, add the pulp and boil for 10 minutes.
  5. Again set aside for 8-10 hours and the last time they cook for a quarter of an hour.

Watermelon peel jam - recipe with soda

Watermelon peel jam for the winter, prepared according to this recipe, is not quite ordinary. It resembles candied fruit in syrup. Due to the fact that the crusts were soaked in a soda solution, they are dense and slightly crispy. In the future, jam is very convenient to use as a filling in pies and muffins.


  • watermelon peels - 1 kg;
  • drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • baking soda - 10 g.


  1. The peels are cut into pieces.
  2. Soda is poured with a liter of water, stirred, poured with the resulting crust solution and left for 3 hours.
  3. Then the soda solution is drained, and the peels are washed.
  4. Place them in a saucepan, add sugar, pour in 2 cups of water, stir and put on the stove.
  5. Boil jam from watermelon peels for 15 minutes.
  6. Remove the container from the stove and leave to cool completely.
  7. Repeat the procedure 2 more times, the last time adding a cinnamon stick if desired.
  8. Hot jam from watermelon peels is immediately poured into containers and corked.

Watermelon rind jam with vanilla

Watermelon peel jam, the recipe of which is presented below, has a pleasant delicate taste and light fragrance. Vanillin should be added almost at the very end of cooking, so that its aroma is better preserved in the finished delicacy. Due to the fact that the product undergoes a long heat treatment, you can store jam simply in the pantry.


  • vanillin - 1 pinch;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • watermelon peel - 1 kg.


  1. The peel is cut from the crusts, and the light green part is cut into pieces.
  2. Half of the sugar is poured into 750 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes.
  3. Peel is added, boiled for a quarter of an hour, and then insisted for 12 hours.
  4. Add the rest of the sugar, cook for 40 minutes, stirring.
  5. 3 minutes before readiness put vanillin.

Watermelon rind jam with apples

Watermelon peel jam with cinnamon and apples is an appetizing delicacy that can be served with tea or used as a filling for pies, because it turns out not to be liquid, but rather thick due to the content of pectin in apples. Cinnamon can be used ground or in a stick, which is then removed.


  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • peeled watermelon peels - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • cinnamon.


  1. The preparation of jam from watermelon peels begins with the fact that the peels are cut into squares and dipped in boiling water for 6 minutes.
  2. V sugar syrup boil the crusts.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat and leave for 10 hours.
  4. Add chopped apples and repeat the cooking procedure in 3 more doses at intervals of 2-3 hours.
  5. 5 minutes before the end of the last cooking, add a little cinnamon.

Watermelon rind jam with mint

The recipe for jam from, presented below, allows you to prepare an unusual delicacy with a light aroma and refreshing taste. All this is achieved due to the fact that sprigs of mint are added to it. Due to the fact that this is a very delicate product, it is not necessary to cook it, but it is quite enough for the mass to infuse with it.


  • watermelon peels - 1 kg;
  • sugar sand - 800 g;
  • mint - 6 branches.


  1. Watermelon peels are cut into pieces, covered with sugar and stirred.
  2. When the peels release the juice, place the container on the stove, boil for 5 minutes, turn off and leave for 3 hours.
  3. The second time they let the mass boil, boil for 5 minutes, turn it off, add mint and let it brew again.
  4. Then the mint is removed, the delicious jam from watermelon peels is boiled for the last time for 10 minutes and boiled and poured into containers.

Watermelon peel jam in a slow cooker

The recipe for watermelon peel jam in a slow cooker is very simple. Using this technique, this delicacy is even easier and faster to cook than in the traditional way. This is achieved by the fact that the jam is prepared in the "Extinguishing" mode, in which the required temperature is constantly maintained, while the pieces of watermelon peels remain intact, and the jam does not burn.

The bright color and large size of the berry, the sugar content of the juicy pulp and the grandmother's secrets of sweets from the crusts - all this makes the hero of our article very popular. At the same time, watermelon jam is not as famous as desserts from other berries, the recipes of which with colorful photos filled the sections of culinary preparations.

Today we invite you to pay attention to three ideas for a delicious accompaniment to tea, and at the same time get distracted from the routine perception of watermelon possibilities.

Almost everyone knows about watermelon peel jam for the winter. Much fewer housewives make marmalade from hard parts watermelon jam(marmalade is obtained by pulling out the crusts from the jam and rolling in sugar / powdered sugar). And a very small number of hostesses pay due attention to recipes for jam from the pulp of watermelon.

But in vain! Watermelon pulp jam is a very beneficial application of our strengths in the kitchen! Even a novice cook can easily figure out how to make it. And as a result, according to any of the recipes, you will get a very sweet, tender and aromatic dish, which is also perfectly stored in the form canned blanks until next season!

If you still do not know how to make the mentioned peel jam, we invite you to read in our article:

  • cherry leaves and fresh leaves mint: cut and add 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking;
  • Honey: add to the finished slightly warm (!) Jam;
  • Spices: add 3-5 minutes before removing from heat. Universal components are ginger, cinnamon, vanillin, cloves.

Read more about spices here:

Serve watermelon jam beautifully! The recipe you have chosen deserves an exquisite tea party with family and friends, for which you will want to take a photo as a keepsake.

At the same time, it is not at all necessary to complicate the evening by preparing a cake or cupcake. Just take out the blank and spread the jam on fresh bread, pour over whipped cottage cheese, make a topping on yogurt or fruit salad, serving it in wide glasses on a thin stem.

Or fish out a crystal grandmother's vase from the far corner of the cabinet, placing it in the center of the table. From it, all participants will be able to get plenty of sweet food. We wish you a warm welcome and good recipes for a friendly get-together!

There are a huge number of options from which you can make jam. It can be cooked from fruits and berries familiar to all of us. A dish made from vegetables will be very tasty. You can not ignore the gourds. From watermelons and melons, this delicacy turns out to be truly tasty.

If you bought a melon and it turned out to be unsweetened, then instead of throwing it away, make jam. It will turn out very tasty and healthy.

Watermelon jam can be prepared when you bought a watermelon and it turned out to be thick-skinned. You can separate the peels from the pulp and cook a very tasty jam from them. Step by step recipe watermelon peel jam is presented in this article.

At the height of the season, it is very common to buy thick-skinned watermelons. Many people throw them away. But why waste so much goodness? The ideal solution is to make jam from them and please yourself and your loved ones with it. It is very good to combine this delicacy with pancakes or pancakes. On cold autumn and winter evenings, you can warm up with a mug of hot tea, which goes well with watermelon peel jam.

Jam is distinguished not only by its excellent taste, but also by its beautiful appearance which will increase appetite. A properly prepared delicacy should have a transparent and even golden consistency, in which the main ingredient, watermelon peels, will look very beautiful.

If you are interested in this recipe, then it is better not to hesitate, but immediately buy a watermelon and try to make jam. If you are worried that you will be dissatisfied with its taste, then you should not cook it in large quantities. To get started, cook a little, at least a couple of jars.

Recipe for watermelon peel jam with photo

For it you will need:

  • watermelon peels;
  • sugar;

Sugar must be calculated depending on the number of watermelon peels. For one kilogram of sugar, you need one kilogram of crusts.

Cooking method

The first step is to thoroughly wash the watermelon under running water. This must be done carefully, using soap. After all, the crusts must be clean. Wait for a while until the water drains from the watermelon. Next, it needs to be cut. Do it the way you are used to. After that, separate the crusts from the pulp with a knife. The pulp can be eaten, and the green part must be removed from the crusts. You won’t need it to make watermelon jam, so you can safely throw it away.

in the process of separating the pulp from the crusts, try to leave a small amount of it on the peel. Thanks to this, you will get a tastier jam. It will also look much nicer.

The second step you will need to do is the crusts themselves. After the pulp and green part are removed from them, they will need to be cut into cubes. They should be small, about two centimeters long and wide. After you do this, you will need to determine their weight. By weighing them, you can find out how much sugar you will need for cooking.

Remember: for one kilogram of peeled and chopped watermelon peels, you need to take one kilogram of sugar.

If you do not have the opportunity to determine the weight of the main component, then you can calculate the required amount of sugar to make jam “by eye”. From this, its taste and quality will not deteriorate. But remember, in this case it is better to overdo it with sugar than put it in insufficient quantities.

After you determine the amount of sugar you need, you will need to fill it with diced watermelon rinds. For convenience, it is better to put them in a large wide cup or basin. It can be shaken so that the sugar can be evenly distributed. Thus, they will release the juice much faster. For this purpose, the future food must be removed in a cool place. When the watermelon rinds begin to release juice, the sugar will begin to dissolve.

Some housewives prefer to add water to the crusts or boil a syrup consisting of sugar and water. But this step can be skipped. After all, we all know that 90% of all watermelon is water. Therefore, adding it in an additional amount does not make sense at all. In addition, many people prefer to eat a jam that will contain less of the liquid part and more of the solid. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the watermelon peels themselves let out a large amount of juice, so there will be a lot of syrup in the jam anyway.

If you do not add additional water to the jam, then its consistency will be more viscous and thick. Otherwise, it will be liquid. But if you are a fan of liquid jam, then you can safely add water to watermelon peels or boil syrup. But remember that for cooking, you will need to spend much more time. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether you need it or not.

After this period of time, the contents of the pelvis must be moved. During this action, try not to damage the crusts. The jam will look very nice if they are whole.

After that, the resulting must be put on a small fire. Thus, the sugar slowly begins to dissolve. If the fire is strong, then it will burn. Remember that from time to time it is necessary to carefully stir our future jam.

After all the sugar has dissolved, the jam will gradually boil. From this point on, you can set the average fire. Further, foam will begin to form, which will need to be periodically removed.

It is very important to remove the foam during cooking. If it remains, then this may contribute to its fermentation during its storage.

After boiling, let it boil for five minutes and only then turn off the gas. The dish should cool down on its own. However, it should be stored indoors room temperature. When it cools down, it will need to be covered with a towel so that it does not get dusty and there are no insects in the jam.

Leave to infuse for a day. And so that the towel does not fall into the basin, first cover the container with a grate taken from the oven, and you can already put a towel on top of it.

After a day has passed, it is necessary to repeat the procedure, that is, bring the jam to a boil again and continue to cook for five minutes. Do not forget to also stir it well and make sure that the sugar does not burn. Then it should be infused again during the day.

On the same day, you can wash the jars for future jam and sterilize them. They need to be turned upside down and left so for a while so that the water is glass.

Jam will need to be boiled on the third day. You need to do everything exactly the same as in the first. It should get thick. If it remains liquid, then you can boil it again, but for ten minutes. But there is no need to wait for days after that.

When your jam thickens, it can be poured into sterilized glass jars. You need to impose it to the edges of the cans and twist them further with lids. The treat should be kept in a cold place, and it is not necessary to use a refrigerator for this purpose.

Watermelon Peel Jam with Lemon and Orange

To prepare it, you will need :

  • watermelon peels in the amount of 1 kilogram;
  • lemon in the amount of 1 piece;
  • a few medium oranges;
  • sugar in the amount of 1.2 kg.

Cooking method:

Making this jam is also very easy. The method used is the same as in the first recipe. We list only the key points.

First, the peels must be peeled and cut into cubes. After they need to be covered with sugar and put in a cool place so that they infuse there for about four hours.

Lemon peel can be peeled with a knife or grated. The same must be done with two oranges. Be sure to rub only the zest itself, without affecting the white flesh. If it gets into your treat, then it will taste bitter.

After the watermelon rinds start up the juice, put it on a slow fire. It must be stirred periodically, without violating the integrity of the crusts.

While it is on the stove, you can do the orange. It must be peeled, disassembled into slices, and then cut into cubes.

Mix orange and lemon zest together with orange slices. Send this composition to the watermelon peels. You can also add lemon juice to it.

You need to cook jam in the same way as in the previous recipe, for three days. After it becomes thick and viscous, it can be laid out in jars and twisted with lids.

Ready-made jam from watermelon peels with citrus fruits should be stored in a cool place.

Due to the peel of orange and lemon, as well as lemon juice, it acquires a pleasant slightly sour taste.

Watermelon peel jam in a slow cooker

Ingredients :

  • water - 0.5 kilograms;
  • sugar - 0.5 kilograms;
  • watermelon peels - 0.5 kilograms.

You need to prepare watermelon peels in the same way as in the previous two recipes. Next, put them in the multicooker bowl.

Water must be brought to a boil, pour crusts over it and add sugar to them in an amount of 300 grams.

On the slow cooker, you need to set the "Extinguishing" mode and cook the jam for an hour and a half. But after an hour, you will need to add the remaining amount of sugar to it.

If, after the specified time, it does not thicken, then you can continue cooking it in the "Steam" mode for fifteen minutes.

A hot treat can be laid out in jars and rolled up with lids.

There are such very simple options for making jam from watermelon peels. Be sure to try at least one of them.

Good appetite!

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