Home Meat Cherry syrup: a recipe for every taste. Cherry in syrup with a stone Cherry syrup recipe for the winter

Cherry syrup: a recipe for every taste. Cherry in syrup with a stone Cherry syrup recipe for the winter

If you want to leave a pleasant memory of the summer, which will give not only positive emotions, but also the opportunity to enjoy mouth-watering dishes, prepare cherry syrup for the winter, which can then be used in a variety of ways. How to make delicious cherry syrup for the winter? We will tell.

In Eastern Georgia, such a preparation as cherry syrup is extremely popular; every housewife makes it there. Its very pleasant aroma and taste is unrivaled! Such a syrup can be consumed by making various drinks based on it and adding, for example, to tea. As a sweet addition to a variety of desserts, cherry syrup also works great, it can decorate cakes and pastries, mousses, soufflés, ice cream, pour over fruit salads etc. Thanks to its bright and rich color, indescribable taste and aroma, cherry syrup has been a very popular preparation for many years.

Cherry is a universal berry, that is, its taste is combined with the tastes of any other berries and fruits.

There are two basic prescription preparation of cherry syrup: in the first, the syrup is boiled on the basis of freshly squeezed cherry juice, and in the second, berries are boiled in sugar syrup and then a thorough filtration is performed. Both methods are simple and very accessible even to inexperienced cooks, however, the methods in which cherries must first be freed from stones are more painstaking and time-consuming. We will talk about very simple version making delicious cherry syrup without having to pit each berry.

cherry syrup recipe

Photo: azadqadin.az

You will need: 2 kg of ripe dark cherries, 2.5 kg of sugar, 7 glasses of drinking water.

How to make cherry syrup. Put the washed cherries in a saucepan, add sugar, pour in water, bring everything to a boil, boil over low heat, removing the foam, for about 2.5-3 hours, until the foam stops appearing. Strain the resulting syrup through gauze, removing the berries with stones from it, cover the syrup with gauze or a towel and leave for a day at room temperature. After a day, strain the syrup again, then pour it into a saucepan and bring to a boil, turn off the stove and cool the syrup for half an hour, then pour into sterilized jars and cork with sterile lids. Store syrup in a dark, cool place.

Cherry syrup recipe video

Cherries are highly valued in our country. The reason is not only in the unique taste and aroma, but also in the ability to use for canning. Compotes prepared from it perfectly quench thirst, and the ability to combine with other ingredients avoids monotony. The jam made from this berry is thick and rich. It can also be prepared from one component, or from several. It turns out every time new taste. If there is time to remove the bones (by the way, special combines have long been invented to help the housewives, working like a meat grinder, which themselves clean the berries from the bones in the shortest possible time), you can cook fragrant jam, which can be eaten as a separate delicacy, or used for cooking home baking. We admit that not everyone loves fresh cherries. The point is the sourness that it possesses, but this is not a minus, but rather a plus.

Sweeter "relative" cherries are also quite useful, but it is in cherries that they contain:

  • organic acids necessary for the full functioning of the body (lactic, succinic, citric, etc.);
  • iron and copper;
  • potassium and magnesium;
  • pectins;
  • vitamins of different groups, incl. RR, A and C.

The use of cherries and dishes prepared with its use helps to strengthen the work of the heart and blood vessels, improves appetite and digestion, and increases the absorption process. useful substances coming with other food. The presence of berries in the diet has a positive effect on nervous system. There is an improvement in sleep, increased efficiency.

You can list the abilities of cherries for a long time. This is not a berry, but a real treasure. Preserving it is quite simple, the main thing is to properly prepare for this process.

In order for cherry blanks to turn out for sure, you need to remember the following rules:

  • the skin of the berries is tender, thin, it is easy to damage, so it must be handled carefully and harvested immediately after collection or purchase;
  • it is necessary to pick the berries from the tree immediately with the stalks, so it will last longer and not lose its juiciness;
  • before conservation, the berries must be carefully sorted and sorted;
  • if the variety is very sweet, there may be worms inside. This is not scary, and vice versa, it is a sign of the ecological purity of the product, but so that they do not get into jam or compote, you should first soak the cherry (without stalks) in brine (tablespoon per liter of water) for 2-3 hours, and then rinse in cold running water.

Proven cherry recipes

Harvesting cherries for the winter is not at all difficult. To date, there are a lot of recipes, but let's look at the most proven ones, such that even novice housewives will surely succeed, but they will not hurt experienced chefs either.

Syrup for the winter

It turns out incredibly delicious. In winter, it can be used for preparing drinks (including those with the addition of alcohol), for buns, pancakes, etc.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • cherry 2 cups;
  • cherry, currant, raspberry, gooseberry and tarragon leaves - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 1.3 liters;
  • citric acid - 1-1.5 tsp

Perhaps many will be surprised by the presence of leaves in the recipe. Indeed, few people know that not only do they contain no less useful substances than the fruits themselves, but they also taste very much like the berries themselves. Try boiling water over currant leaves. After literally half an hour or an hour, a red drink will be ready !!! color and with a characteristic currant flavor. Similarly, with the other listed plants. So using them in the recipe provides not only an additional beautiful shade, but first of all taste and aroma.

Wash the leaves in running water. Sort the berries, clean from the cuttings, rinse.

Put them in a saucepan, add water.

Bring to a boil over low heat and boil for about a quarter of an hour. Leave to cool.

Then strain the resulting broth, add sugar and lemon to it, boil for another 10-15 minutes. Pour into prepared jars and roll up. Turn over, wrap, leave to cool.

Jam "Delightful"

No matter how tasty compotes and syrups are obtained from cherries, most often it is used specifically for making jam.

Both children and adults like the sweetish taste and indescribable aroma, and neat berries simply cannot leave anyone indifferent.


  • cherry - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - half a liter.

Sort the berries, remove the tails, rinse under running water. Remove bones. Ideally, if there is a device specially designed for this, but if not, remember that your work will not be in vain.

Boil syrup. Pour prepared berries over them, let them brew for at least two hours, but longer. Put on a slow fire and bring to readiness.

The readiness of the jam is checked with a drop on a dish. If it does not spread and holds its shape well, then the delicacy is ready. Can be laid out in banks and corked.

Yes, and do not forget to gently stir the brew so that it does not burn, and also regularly remove the foam.

Thick cherry jam

It comes out more saturated than in the previous recipe and can be served as a separate dessert or used for filling pies and pancakes.


  • ripe berries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 200-300 ml.

The berry must be sorted out, the stalks removed, washed, slightly dried. Bones can be removed or left. We only recall that canned fruits with seeds cannot be stored for more than 2 years. Otherwise, harmful toxic substances begin to be produced in the banks. Although, this jam is not something you have for two years, and one season will not stand so tasty, despite its simplicity, it turns out.

Berries, sugar and water are laid out in a wide pan, so that it is convenient to stir. Bring to a boil over low heat. Turn off the fire and let it brew for 12 hours. Bring to a boil again, only now boil for a couple of minutes. Turn it off again and let it brew for 12 hours. For the third time, bring the jam to a boil and immediately pour into pre-prepared jars.

Cherry jam - five minutes

For the express option delicious treats For the winter you will need the following ingredients:

  • ripe cherries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Note! Only sweet cherries are suitable for this recipe.

Sort the berries, wash, remove the stalks and seeds. Sprinkle with sugar and mix. Let it stand for 3-4 hours until the juice stands out. Then you need to add the specified amount of water. With constant stirring over very low heat, bring to a boil and boil, removing the resulting foam for 5-7 minutes. Immediately pour into pre-washed and sterilized jars, roll up.

Candied cherries

The Perfect Recipe for all sweet tooth. We just warn you right away, not everyone can save a delicacy until winter.

To prepare candied fruits, you need cherries and sugar syrup.

  1. Dissolve 1.5 kg of sugar in 500 ml of water.
  2. Sort cherries, rinse, peel.
  3. Immerse the prepared fruits in syrup (it should completely cover the berries) and leave for 5-7 hours, and preferably overnight.
  4. In the morning, take out the berries, bring the syrup to a boil and again immerse the fruit in it for the same exact time. So repeat 4-5 times. The process can be completed when sugar crystals begin to appear on the berries.
  5. It remains to take out the candied fruits, let the syrup drain, dry them in the oven, cool and transfer to parchment for storage.

Cherry and melon jam

Delicious dessert which will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • ripe cherries - 500 gr;
  • melon (pulp) - 300 gr;
  • sugar - 700 gr;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • vodka - 15 ml.

Sort cherries, rinse, remove pits, mix with melon, sprinkle with sugar, add cinnamon. Let it brew overnight. Stir thoroughly in the morning, bring to a boil over low heat, add vodka and boil for about 10 minutes. Pour into prepared jars and roll up.

Culinary advice

If you grind cherries and melons in a blender, no one will guess what ingredients are present in the jam. Due to the addition of cinnamon, the finished delicacy will be enjoyed even by recognized gourmets.

Cherry compote

Very tasty and rich in color, the drink will appeal to everyone.

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This is one of the simplest and delicious recipes how to prepare cherries for the winter. No need to take out the bones, cook for a long time or sterilize! Berries are poured with boiling water, on the basis of which sweet syrup is then boiled. And that's it, after that it remains only to cork the banks.

As a result of minimal labor costs, you will get an excellent preparation - a cherry with a stone, very fragrant, whole and dense, not boiled, and the syrup is transparent, beautiful cherry color, sweet and concentrated. It tastes like jam, but more fragrant and quick to prepare. You can use the blank for making compotes, simply diluting it with cold boiled or mineral water by adjusting the degree of sweetness. Can be served with pancakes, cheesecakes and pancakes.

Total time: 30 min. / Cooking time: 10 min. / Yield: 2 b. 0.5 l


  • cherry - 500 g
  • sugar - 250 g
  • water - 500 ml


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    First you need to prepare vegetable raw materials - cherries. It is desirable to choose a variety late, sweet, with dense pulp. Such cherries are the most fragrant and juicy, of a noble dark shade, which will color our syrup in a beautiful color. The fruits must be washed, along the way, sort out the spoiled and crushed ones, remove the stalks.

    Now the most interesting. I arm myself with a toothpick (needle / pin) and prick each cherry in 1-2 places. What for? Firstly, this way the berries will retain their integrity, will not boil soft and will not crack. And secondly, juice will stand out through these micro-holes, which will make the syrup rich and very tasty.

    Sterilize containers and lids. In clean jars I lay out the cherry in such a way that it fills them 2/3 of the volume, just below the shoulders. At the same time, I bring water to a boil - spring or filtered, for two jars of 0.5 liters of approximately 700 ml, with a margin.

    I fill the contents of the jars with boiling water to the very brim. To prevent the glass from cracking, I put a wide blade of a knife under the bottom and try to pour not on the walls, but in the center of the jar. I cover with clean lids (but do not cork) and leave for 20 minutes so that the berries evaporate and color the water.

    Based on the resulting broth, I will prepare a sweet syrup. To do this, carefully drain the water from the cans into a measuring cup to determine the amount of sugar. For every 0.5 liters of water I add 250 grams of sugar. I bring the syrup to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, stirring with a spatula. It should boil violently, on a strong fire.

    I pour boiling syrup into jars with cherries. I immediately roll it up with sterile lids. I turn the preservation upside down, wrap it tightly in a blanket and leave it for a day.

After cooling, you can transfer the workpiece to storage in a dark and cool place. You can take a sample after about a month. Full shelf life - up to 1 year.

Delightful aroma, divine taste - all this is cherry syrup. The recipes are extremely simple, and the scope is very wide.

Pitted Cherry Syrup


    Cherry - 2 kg

    Sugar - 2.5 kg

    Water - 7 glasses

Cooking method

    We wash the berries several times and dry them slightly, put them in a saucepan.

    Sprinkle with sugar, pour in water, stir and bring the mass to a boil.

    It is necessary to cook the composition for at least 2.5-3 hours on low heat, constantly removing the foam. As soon as it stops appearing, this is a signal that the product is ready.

    The resulting liquid must be filtered through gauze, covered with a towel and left to infuse for a day at room temperature.

    A day later, filter again, boil, insist 30 minutes, pour into sterile jars and close.

Cherry juice syrup with citric acid


    Cherry juice - 500 ml

    Sugar - 600 g

    Citric acid - ½ tsp.

Cooking method

    The cherries are washed in cool water, lightly dried on a sieve and sorted out. Bones are removed from selected berries. To extract juice, use a manual or electric juicer. In extreme cases, a metal sieve will do.

    Sugar is poured into the hot liquid. Cooking is continued until the syrup thickens. It must become tenacious.

    If the berries were passed through a sieve, then the mass will need to be filtered several times. To do this, the finished syrup is left on the table for several hours. The remains of the pulp during this time will precipitate. The top transparent syrup, trying not to mix, is poured into another bowl, heated and allowed to settle again. This procedure is repeated several times. Three or four sets is enough.

    final stage citric acid is added to the mass. In this case, it is a preservative and flavor enhancer.

Syrup on a decoction of cherry leaves


    Cherry tree leaves - 20 pieces

    Cherry - 1 kg

    Water - 250 ml

    Sugar - 700 g

Cooking method

    Juice is squeezed from selected pure berries.

    Cake with drupes is further used for culinary purposes, for example, for making jelly and compotes.

    Juice is mixed with sugar. While the crystals are dissolving, prepare a decoction of the leaves. To do this, cherry greens are dipped in water and boiled for 7 minutes.

    When the decoction is ready, the leaves are removed, and the liquid is mixed with cherry juice.

    The mass is boiled at the minimum burner power for half an hour. During this time, the syrup thickens and, with a light hand, is sent to bottles.

Pitted cherry syrup recipe

This method is ideal for those people who do not bother with unnecessary worries about processing berries.


    Cherry - 2 kg

    Sugar - 2.5 kg

    Water - 1.5 l

Cooking method

    Pure fruits are laid in a saucepan, water and sugar are added.

    The mass is boiled at the lowest heat, approximately 3 hours.

    The resulting mass is filtered through a fine plastic sieve or through a gauze cloth, which is folded into 2-3 layers.

    The resulting syrup is boiled for 2 minutes and distributed in jars.

frozen berry syrup


    Freezer cherries - 2 kg

    Water - 250 ml

    Sugar - 3 kg.

Cooking method

    Whole frozen cherries are put in a metal bowl, covered with sugar and poured with water.

    The mass is put on the stove and brought to a boil. It is not necessary to boil the product completely.

    Turn off the stove and cover the bowl with a lid.

    The brew in this form should be completely cool.

    The procedure is repeated 4 times.

    After the syrup has cooled for the last time, it is filtered.

    The aromatic liquid is again put on the burner and boiled until thickened.

Cherry berries cannot be kept fresh for a long time, so they are used for various blanks. In addition to everyone's favorite jam, sweet and sour fruits can be used to prepare a thick and fragrant syrup. It is closed for the winter in small jars, to be used later as fillers for drinks, bases for creams, impregnations for cakes and icing on desserts. Modern housewives cook such products with the most different ways. Regardless of its features, each approach is simple and accessible. If desired, even a novice cook can handle it.

Composition and useful properties of cherry syrup

Syrup prepared for the winter, with the right approach, will become not only a favorite delicacy of the whole family, but also useful food additive. Like all similar cherry products, fragrant preservation has an impressive list of therapeutic properties:

  • Bactericidal substances help to strengthen the protective functions of the body. In combination with vitamins, they provide a person with reliable prevention of many infections.
  • Cherry syrup has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. Of course, provided that there is no abuse of the product.

Tip: If you want to enjoy all winter not just candied juice, but a homogeneous and tasty syrup, it is better to close it not in jars, but in small bottles. Then the containers are closed with stoppers, which are filled with tar and laid out in a horizontal position until completely cooled.

  • The finished product, despite going through several stages of processing, is rich in vitamins A and C. And these components are actively involved in most biochemical processes.
  • Finally, berry syrup successfully fights the manifestations of anemia at any age.

Unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications to the use of cherry treats. It can harm people with high acidity of the stomach, gastritis, peptic ulcer.

Simple and unusual recipes for making cherry syrup

It is not so easy to choose a recipe according to which the syrup will be boiled. Fortunately, they are all pretty simple, so you can try each approach before you start creating blanks for the winter.

  • Option without the need to remove the stones. For 2 kg of ripe dark cherries we take 2.5 kg of sugar, 7 glasses of drinking water. We wash the berries several times and dry them slightly, put them in a saucepan. Pour them with sugar, pour in water, stir and bring the mass to a boil. It is necessary to cook the composition for at least 2.5-3 hours on low heat, constantly removing the foam. As soon as it stops appearing, this is a signal that the product is ready. The resulting liquid must be filtered through gauze, covered with a towel and left to infuse for a day at room temperature. After this time, the product is filtered again, boiled, insisted for 30 minutes, poured into sterile jars and closed for the winter.

  • Cherry composition with almond flavor. In this case, my fruits, sort out, remove the seeds from them. The extracted elements, without washing or drying, grind with a hammer, and then grind in a mortar to a powder state (you can use a coffee grinder). The resulting composition is mixed with berries and infused for a day under a towel at room temperature. Then the resulting mass is laid out in a juicer and worked out until juice is obtained. The liquid can additionally be passed through gauze. We heat the component, mix with sugar (in a ratio of 1 to 1 or as you like), knead on the stove until the crystals are completely dissolved. At the very end, we introduce half a teaspoon citric acid and close the product for the winter.
  • Express method. For 500 g of berries we take 600 g of granulated sugar and 600 ml of drinking water. We sort the cherries, wash them, remove the seeds and grind through a sieve. Pour the resulting composition with sugar, dilute with water and put on the stove. To make a syrup, the mass must be cooked for only 5 minutes. The finished product is cooled, poured into containers and closed.

  • concentrated product. For 500 ml of cherry juice we take 1 liter sugar syrup(We select the concentration ourselves, based on taste preferences). We just mix the two components and cook first on medium, and after boiling over low heat until the mass thickens. Without insisting, we pour it into containers and roll it up.
  • Basic recipe. For 1 kg of berries we take 1 liter of water and 600 g of sugar. Pour the washed and dried cherries together with the seeds with water and put on the stove. Cook the mass on low heat for an hour. After that, pour the composition into another container, passing through a colander lined with gauze. Additionally, the berries can be squeezed a little. The resulting juice is infused for 2-3 hours to form a precipitate. Carefully pour the composition into the cooking container, trying to prevent sediment from getting into it. Pour sugar into the liquid and cook it over low heat until it begins to thicken. Then we remove the container from the stove, insist for half an hour, pour into jars and cork.

A syrup prepared according to all the rules and taking into account the proportions indicated in the recipe will retain its freshness, taste and aroma for at least a year. Of course, blanks can be used for the next winter, but their composition and gastronomic characteristics can already change noticeably. In the process of cooking the cherry composition, additional components are used extremely rarely. If you still want to diversify the taste of the syrup, you can add a little cinnamon, ginger or vanilla to it.

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