Home Product Ratings Narine vkusvill. What is narine. Average price in Russia

Narine vkusvill. What is narine. Average price in Russia

Sta-tya is not pre-ten-du-et on na-uch-ness. Rather, it can be regarded as a short summary of the practical experience of this given-no-go product-that qua-li -fi-tsi-ro-van-nym pol-zo-va-te-lem.

So. Before you co-bi-ra-e-thread at least something for le-che-niya or health-ditch-le-niya, not-about-ho-di-mo by -be-to-chit about this means not-something-swarm representation.

Kul-tu-ru sour-lo-mo-loch-nyh bak-te-ri you-de-li-li in the 60s of the 20th century in the USSR in Armenia. .

From the 80s of the 20th century, this pre-para-rat was a re-ko-men-to-van-ny by the Ministry of Health of the USSR a means to fight intestinal us-mi in-fek-qi-i-mi and dis-bak-te-ri-o-zom.

Pra-vi-la p-e-ma, someone I’m from-lo-zhu, ob-word-le-we act pre-pa-ra-ta and pro-ve-re-us many-years-nim experience of using-pol-zo-va-nia.

1. Take it inside.

(to facilitate you-health-le-niya with pro-stud-nyh for-bo-le-va-ni-yah, bak-te-ri-al-nyh and vi-rus- nyh in-fek-qi-yah, and for le-che-niya dis-bak-te-ri-o-za)

The best thing for these purposes is sub-ho-dit pre-pa-rat “Na-ri-ne” in the form of lio-fi-li-zi-ro-van-no-go-rosh -ka in bottles produced by NPO "Ferment", or "BioPharma" (Ukraine-and-na). It is also going to be liquid sour-kvass in flasks of production from No-sibir-ska.

The effect of the eye-zy-va-yut is only living bacteria, therefore it is necessary to be attentive to the conditions of their storage and be able to from-li-chat the living culture-tu-ru from the dead-howl.

Living su-haya cul-tu-ra you-look like one-but-native light-lo-cre-my-mas-sa, spres-so-vav-sha-i-sya down -her parts of the fla-co-on. She is fast-ro and without a trace of ras-tvo-re-et-sya and has a ha-rak-ter-smell -tyh seeds of wheat-ni-tsy, or fresh bread. The dead cul-tu-ra is darker and has a cr-be-li-che-structure-tu-ru (due to-mo-ra-zhi-va-nia in ho-lo-dil -no-kah, usually in an ap-te-ke), badly ras-tvo-rya-is-sya, almost has no for-pa-ha. Such a kul-tu-ra and mo-lo-ko are not for-qua-sit, and you are not-le-chit.

Like all living organisms on earth, bak-te-rii have their own bio-rhythms. Therefore, their activity will be different in different phases of the moon. Under-me-che-but on the practice-tee-ke, that the max-si-mal-no-go effect-ta can be beaten, with-no-may pre-para-rat in the morning, on something, until the sunrise. Under the phase of the moon, which is suitable for you, you determine the de-li-te sa-mi, observing the sa-mo-feeling and the lunar ka-len- yes-rem.

Bak-te-ri to-a-hundred-point-but-stay-chi-you to the same-lu-doch-no-mu so-ku, but in-gi-ba-yut, when you contact with bile and under the same-lu-daughter co-com. Therefore, we accept them should be pro-is-ho-dit outside the pi-sche-va-ri-tel-no-go cycle - 30 minutes before meals, or after 2 hour after, if you eat according to the general-che-lo-ve-che-nor-me (1). I re-ko-men-blow not ex-pe-ri-men-ti-ro-vat and p-no-mother “Na-ri-ne” in the morning, as described above.

Dry kul-tu-ru ras-tvo-ri-te right in the bottle, filling it “up to the shoulder” with pure water of the dark room per-ra-tu-ry. In-yes, it can be ki-pya-che-noy, but I re-ko-men-blow kind-no-ko-vuyu, or filter-tro-van-nuyu. Fil-tro-van-nuyu water to “from-stand-yat” in a clay or crystal-steel jug-shi-not.

Bak-te-rii on-bi-ra-yut water and come to life. To restore the functions, they need some time and energy. In this way, hold the bottle for five minutes in your hand, warming it with your warmth.

If you don’t-ma-e-those at once not how many fla-co-news, I heat the liquid in my hand from the first fla-co-on you can re-pour into the second swarm, and after waiting a little, into the third, and so on.

You-beer ras-creative, drink it with a hundred-ka-nom slightly in-to-great-that water. In 30 minutes you can eat. If you yourself go-to-vi-te se-be pi-schu, then na-chi-nay-te go-to-twist in 30 minutes after the pri-e-ma " Na-ri-ne, "because with the first for-pa-hah, pi-schi and even thoughts about food, pi-sche-va-ri-tel-nye so-ki is already on-chi-na -yut you-ra-ba-you-vat-sya.

The number of bubbles for the daily-th-th-e-ma ras-count-you-wa-et-by the weight of the body. For every 10 kilo-grams - 1 bottle of su-hoy culture or a hundred spoonful of liquid kvass.

For pro-fi-lac-ti-ki and in the complex of oz-ro-vi-tel-ny pro-tsed-fools, they usually come-no-ma-yut Na-ri-not 10 days -we-mi chickens-sa-mi. The first three courses are held once a month, the next times a quarter. After 2-3 years, you for-me-ti-those that your micro-ro-flo-ra is stable, and accepting “Na-ri-ne” is already nothing th not me-nya-et. In this case, it can be stopped.

With the treatment of dis-bak-te-ri-o-for the first 3 courses, they pro-vo-dyat-sya in those months with a monthly pe- re-ry-vom. After this, more often, everything can be re-re-ho-dit on a pro-fi-lac-ti-che-scheme.

With bak-te-ri-al-nyh and virus-nyh in-fek-qi-yah in those 10 days, doubly-en-ny or morning-en-ny before -zu pre-pa-ra-ta, in case of pri-yo-ma an-ti-bio-ti-kov.

At the time of pri-yo-ma “Na-ri-ne” from ra-qi-o-na is-key-cha-yut-sya: yeast products, sa-har in lu -bom vi-de, black and green tea, strong al-ko-gol, ta-bak, po-lu-fab-ri-ka-you and con-ser-you (including number of products in va-ku-smart package), not-on-tu-ral-nye-pit-ki (everything that is sold in ma -ga-zi-nah), pro-duk-you with so-der-zha-ni-em pi-sche-beautiful-si-te-lei, pi-sche-supplements, ma-ga -zin-nye with-right-ki-poison-ki. I also re-ko-men-blow from-ka-zat-sya from the meat of the milk-to-pi-ta-yu-shchih.

Sooner than all, after several courses, you can easily dis-stand with these products with all of them. In ordinary life, ru-ko-water-study the principle: there is always only what you want, exactly, but then, when for- ho-te-moose and in that quantity, someone satisfies you, that is, not more, but not less. If la-e-mine is not accessible, don’t try to replace it, just drink a glass of warm water.

2. External application.

Personally, I use “Na-ri-ne” when on-smor-ke, for-ka-py-vaya it in but-co-moves instead of a hundred naf-ti-zi-nov -gla-zo-li-new. In this case, in the po-zy-rek, I pour six full pi-pe-currents of water, I warm it in ku-la-ke for 10 minutes, and then I by pi-pet-ke in each no-co-howl. In each nostril, a person has three but-with-out moves: upper, middle and lower.

Effek-ta "pro-bi-va-niya" you can't wait. More than that, it’s better to put “Na-ri-ne” in the nose when it is free. For this, don’t-oh-ho-di-mo, gre-e-those bottle in your hand, hold your breath according to the “inhale-you- doh-for-hold", for-hold-ka should be pre-del-but possible and repeat after each (!) you-until -Ha. But co-moves for a while from-kro-ut-sya, and you can pour “Na-ri-ne” into them. Make it easier on the second day, while you don’t hurt yourself, someone is not-from-be-wives when -me-not-nii le-kar-stven-nyh pre-pa-ra-tov.

Well, and, of course, all the other folk-methods, usually with-me-ny-e-my when pro-stu-de pro-vo-di-te for your pleasure.

With le-che-nii kon-yunk-ti-vi-ta on-half-no-te vial-on-on-lo-vi-well, drop-pay-te drop-le into each eye in those days before the disappearance of symptoms. If on the third day you don’t get well, most likely you have a foreign body in your eye and you need to “eye grass-mu” in a way that bak-te-ri-al-ny and virus-rus-ny ko-newk-ti-vi-you treat with the help of “On -ri-not "one-but pleasure.

With le-che-ni ko-newk-ti-vi-tov na-do remember the thread that if in your family it happens often-a-hundred and na-chi-na -there is at the children, but then pe-re-ki-dy-va-et-sya on all the rest, it means that the root of pro-ble-we lies not in me- di-qing-sky sphere.

At-me-nim dis-creation Na-ri-not in uro-lo-gi-che-sky and gi-not-ko-lo-gi-che-practice-ti-ke, but I’m ready for this go-to-rit only with for-in-te-re-so-van-ny-mi sp-tsi-a-li-hundred-mi. There is a big-thy-lo-zhi-tel-ny experience of application.

3. Pi-ta-nie.

Pri-go-tov-len-naya on the basis-no-ve for-kvass-ki "Na-ri-ne" just-sto-kva-sha is-la-et-sya ve-li-to-stucco-nym pro-duk-tom pi-ta-niya.

General-of-the-west-but that ko-ro-vie mo-lo-ko, about-la-daya invaluable to us with a hundred, all-m-t-same-lo for pe -re-va-ri-va-nia. Namely, in this way, from ancient times, from the West, you pro-duk-you pi-ta-niya, p-go-tov-la-e-mye from mo-lo-ka pu- that his for-kva-shi-va-niya. “Na-ri-ne”, being-la-being before-hundred-vi-te-lem sa-pro-fit-noy flora of a person-lo-ve-ka, “pe-re-va-ri-va -et ”or more-vil-nee“ fer-men-ti-ru-et ”mo-lo-ko is much better than others, tra-di-qi-on-but is- useful for this culture.

In addition to that, it is also in-di-ka-tor of your health. If you are a kind-hearted person, and fi-zi-che-ski is healthy-ro-you, just-sto-kva-sha in-lu-chit-sya is tender, sweet -va-to-sour-bark tastes like ro-zo-va-to-cre-mo-vo-go from-ten-ka, and with a pleasant after-pa-hom.

In spiteful and sick people, it’s just a hundred-kva-sha in-lu-cha-et-s-fool-smell-well-schey, terribly sour and with sick-but-creative- nym for-pa-hom. For such people, I re-ko-men-blow sleep-cha-la go through le-cheb-ny and pro-fi-lak-ti-che-courses, and then step to the pri-go-tov-le-niyu pro-sto-kva-shi.


1) Che-lo-ve-che-zhe-lu-doc pe-re-va-ri-va-et 330 milli-li-liters of the total volume of solid and liquid -koy pee in 30 minutes.

Dietary supplement Narine is an acidophilic form of lactobacillus. Narine used for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis and its consequences. Applicable at any age.
Dry product Narine is a lyophilized live culture of acidophilic lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli - Lactobacillus acidohilus strain Er 317/402). It is used for the manufacture of sourdough, which is used to obtain fermented milk. medicinal product used for children's and medical nutrition.
Narine normalizes intestinal microbial biocenosis, restores anaerobic flora (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli), inhibits the growth of opportunistic flora, increases the activity of normal E. coli.
Lactobacilli contained in Narine take root well in the intestines and are resistant to many antibiotics and chemotherapeutic drugs. Lactobacilli are natural inhabitants of the intestines that produce and secrete a number of vital amino acids, enzymes, synthesize vitamins (groups B, C, folic acid, etc.), promote the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
They have a pronounced antagonistic activity against a wide range of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms (causative agents of dysentery, typhoid fever, salmonellosis, pathogenic Escherichia coli, streptococci, staphylococci, Proteus, etc.), displacing them from the intestine and contributing to the restoration of normal microflora.
Improve the absorption of iron, calcium and other trace elements. Increase the body's resistance to infectious, toxic and other agents, have a radioprotective and adaptogenic effect.

Indications for use

Narine recommended as: source of probiotic microorganism (acidophilic bacillus Lactobacterium acidophilum).
Narine is used as a dietary supplement, an additional source of probiotic microorganisms:
- intestinal dysbacteriosis (prevention and treatment);
- intestinal dysfunction after the use of antibiotics, hormones, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, etc.;
- enterocolitis, dysentery, salmonellosis, staphylococcal infection (prevention, complex treatment);
- exudative diathesis, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema (in complex treatment);
- diabetes mellitus, periodontal disease, gynecological diseases (in complex treatment);
- correction of intestinal microflora in persons exposed to low doses of ionizing radiation;
- as a general strengthening prophylactic for adults at enterprises with harmful working conditions;
- fermented milk product can be used as a substitute for mother's milk, as well as additional nutrition for infants, including premature, debilitated children, born from mothers with a negative Rh factor or a low hemoglobin content in the blood;

Narine It is also used topically for lesions of the skin and mucous membranes:
- diseases of the nasopharynx, sinusitis, otitis, conjunctivitis (drops in the nose);
- tonsillitis, diseases in the oral cavity (rinsing);
- periodontal disease (applications);
- external wounds, skin inflammations, burns, purulent wounds, nipple cracks, boils, mastitis, postoperative suppuration, umbilical infection of newborns (bandages, compresses);
- in gynecology (vaginitis, colpitis), proctology, urology (baths, tampons, douching);
- skin diseases and in cosmetology (ointments).

Mode of application

Narine effective in dry, dissolved and fermented milk form; can be used as an independent remedy, and in combination with other drugs.
inside Narine take 20-30 minutes before meals or during meals.
V medicinal purposes- 200-300 mg (vials, sachets, tablets or capsules) 2-3 times a day for 20-30 days.
For prevention - 200-300 mg 1 time per day for 30 days.
For use in dissolved form before use in a bottle with a dry mass Narine boiled water is added (37-40 ° C).
Tablets and capsules are prescribed orally from the age of 3 years.
in dissolved form Narine it is also used for topical application: instillation into the nose, gargling and mouthwash, applications on the gums, baths, tampons, douching, etc.). Local application is advisable to combine with the reception Narine inside.

Preparation of working starter:
0.5 l of milk is boiled for 10-15 minutes, cooled to a temperature of 39-40 ° C, poured into glass jar, after dousing it with boiling water or a thermos. After that, the contents of the vial are transferred to the jar (200-300 mg dry sourdough Narine), mixed, the jar is closed with a lid, wrapped in paper and cloth, placed in a warm place for 10-16 hours. It turns out light cream or white homogeneous, viscous product. It must be cooled in the refrigerator for 2 hours at a temperature of 2-6°C. After that, the working starter can be used to prepare the fermented milk product Narine. Working starter is stored in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.

Preparation of fermented milk product:
Milk is boiled for 5-10 minutes, cooled to a temperature of 39-40°C, poured into a glass jar or thermos, then a working starter is added to the milk at the rate of 1-2 tablespoons per 1 liter of milk and mixed. Then the jar is closed with a lid, wrapped in paper and cloth, and placed in a warm place for fermentation for 8-10 hours, after which the product is placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours and the product is ready for use. The finished product is a light cream or white, homogeneous, viscous mass. Narine must be cooked daily. It is necessary to store the finished product at a temperature of 2-6 ° C for no more than 2 days.

Application of the fermented milk product:
Infants (from 5-10 days of age) as food at each feeding Narine should be given at 20-30 mg with a gradual increase in dosage. At the age of 1 month, at each feeding, the child can be given up to 120-150 mg. The product is given several times a day, while either alternating with feeding other baby food, or supplemented after each feeding. When used Narine you can add sugar, syrup or 1/10 of boiled and cooled rice broth. The product is used internally. The course is from 20 to 30 days. Children under 1 year: 5-7 times a day, only 0.5-1 l. Children from 1 to 5 years old: 5-6 times a day, only 1-1.2 liters. Children over 5 years old: 4-6 times a day, only 1-1.2 liters. Adults: 4-6 times a day, total 1-1.5 liters.
1 liter cooked fermented milk mixture Narine contains 600-800 Cal., 27-37 g of protein, 30-45 g of milk fat, 35-40 g of milk sugar, trace elements, salts, amino acids, vitamins (B groups, etc.).

Side effects

In the first two days of use, especially in infants, there may be a rapid stool. As a rule, the stool normalizes on its own.


Narine can be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as infants.

Interaction with other drugs:
Narine can be used with other drugs or products.


Each capsule Narine contains:
Active substance
Lactobacillus acidophilus Er. 317/402 - 150mg (at least 1.5x108 viable cells)

Main settings



on the use of biologically active food supplements - powder "Narine" in sachets

"Narine" is produced from cow's milk using a pure culture of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus strain n.v. Ep 317/402, allocated by the Armenian scientist L.A. Yerzinkyan in 1964. Long-term studies have shown that the strain is a probiotic culture and, in terms of cultural, morphological and physiological properties, is strictly different from other cultures of acidophilus bacteria.

"Narine" has a high survival rate in the gastrointestinal tract, vitamin-forming ability, is characterized by resistance to antibiotic, chemotherapeutic and antiseptic drugs, high antimicrobial activity against pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms, normalizes the intestinal microflora, restores the anaerobic flora (bifidobacteria) in a short time and lactobacilli), increases the activity of normal Escherichia coli and the antioxidant potential of the body, promotes the absorption of antioxidant vitamins A, E, C, trace element Se, and lowers serum cholesterol levels.

In the 80s of the XX century, Japanese scientists found that "Narine" increases the production of interferon, thereby increasing the body's immunity to the development of certain cancer cells.

The use of "Narine" is approved by the Ministry of Health of Armenia, the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

1.Powder "Narine" is applied inside, with:

Disorders of digestion and balance of intestinal microflora (diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, regurgitation, allergic rashes);

Dysbacteriosis of various etiologies, including those developed with the use of antibiotic, chemotherapeutic, hormonal drugs and radiation;

Gastrointestinal diseases (dysentery, salmonellosis, staphylococcal infection, etc.);

Fungal and allergic diseases resulting from antibiotic therapy;

As a means of improving metabolism and increasing the body's resistance.

Mode of application:

Children over 1 year to 4 years old - 1/2 sachet per day. Children over 4 years old and adults - 1-2 sachets per day. Take Narine powder 15-20 minutes before meals. The duration of admission is 10-20 days. If necessary, repeat.

2.Powder "Narine" is used in the form of a solution for external use, with:

Sanitation of the nasal mucosa;

Treatment of the umbilical bed, navel and cracks in the nipples of the mammary gland;

Periodontal disease, burns, skin ulcers, boils.

Mode of application:

Any leaven, which the market provides us, are undoubtedly aimed at improving the body. Their goal is to create all the necessary and useful environment in the intestinal microflora, and force the body to "turn on" the internal reserves of self-regulation.

Wonderful fermented milk product Narine invented by the Armenian professor Yerzinkyan Levon Akonovich. The product is named after his granddaughter. sour milk yogurt Narine occupies a leading position among probiotic preparations in the pharmacological market.

The most interesting thing is that included in this product includes the original feces of newborns - meconium. Already from the first months of life, Narine can be used in the treatment of children. The World Health Organization gave Narine its recognition.

Properties of Narine

Under the influence of Narine, intestinal biocinosis is normalized, the growth of all pathogenic microorganisms is suppressed. E. coli is activated. Dry sourdough is added to milk, preferably homemade, and an amazing lactic acid is obtained. If the human body does not tolerate dairy products, then water can be used.

Narine is a powerful antioxidant, removes radionuclides, toxins and various pathological agents from the human body. Under the influence of yogurt, the process of digestion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates improves, the synthesis of vitamins is stimulated. Lactobacilli "living" in Narine displace pathogenic flora from the intestines. They are quite resistant to antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs.

Indications for use

Narine is used as a biological supplement and as a source of probiotics for the following diseases:

  • gastritis;
  • enteritis;
  • cholangitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • hepatitis;
  • allergic dermatosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • chemotherapy;
  • poisoning with poisons;
  • diabetes;
  • candidiasis of the mucous membranes;
  • long-term hormone therapy.

Directions for taking Narine

Yogurt should only be taken fresh. Prepared daily according to instructions for the purchased drug.

  1. Take before meals, at least 30 minutes before.
  2. Recommended 100-150 milliliters of Narine per dose. Ideally, 3 times a day.
  3. You can add fruit or muesli, but it is better to take it in its pure form.
  4. The minimum admission period is 1 month.

The use of Narine in the treatment of diseases in adults and children


According to the observations of dermatologists, good results were obtained in the treatment of patients of this profile.

Sour-milk drink is used for psoriasis and allergic dermatoses. These diseases are usually the result of dysbacteriosis. Sourdough lubricates the affected areas of the body. Yogurt is drunk three times a day.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Sourdough perfectly regulates the activity of the small and large intestines. Diarrhea, constipation, flatulence stop. Regular intake of Narine relieves the symptoms inherent in such diseases as:

  • enterocolitis,
  • stomach ulcer,
  • gastritis,
  • cholecystitis,
  • salmonellosis,
  • giardiasis,
  • desentery.

Inflammation in these organs, swelling is removed, regeneration of the mucous membranes occurs.

Can be added to sourdough vegetable oil(2 teaspoons). This remedy is great for constipation. "Mix" to drink before going to bed. The result in the morning is amazing. Strength is restored, efficiency appears, passes.

On this topic:

With peptic ulcer the results obtained allow us to state that the process of scarring of the ulcer begins already in 2-3 months from the start of Narine treatment.

With recurrence of periodontal disease, you can make dry applications powder Narine. Sprinkle the powder on the gums and hold until self-dissolving in the mouth.

The immune system

The effect of Narine on the stimulation of interferon production has been clinically proven, which in turn includes powerful antiviral, antitumor protection. Lactobacilli improve the condition of patients with dysbacteriosis and secondary immunodeficiency, debilitated patients who have received chemical and radiation exposure to the body.

People with reduced immunity, suffering from seasonal viral and other infections, such as herpes, panaritium, furunculosis, should take yogurt for a long time.


A powerful blow drug Narine inflicts staphylococcus. Diseases such as:

  • angina,
  • pyelonephritis,
  • pneumonia,
  • tonsillitis,
  • colpitis,
  • vaginitis and others.

In gynecology douching, tampons and applications with the drug are used. Local treatment only on water dilution. Long-term intake of yogurt inside is shown.

With diabetes a decrease in blood sugar levels was observed under the influence of Narine lactobacilli.

For oncological diseases increases the activation of lymphocytes that destroy cancer cells. It has a pronounced anti-cancer effect.

Reviews on the use of the drug Narine

Here I have collected sourdough reviews from his medical practice.

Perfectly restores the microflora of the vagina. Tried to get rid different ways from Candida fungi, but constantly gave a bad result. Narine is my salvation.

My child has been allergic since childhood. Whatever eats all the rash. We started taking Narine from 8 months. Never got sick in three years, not even a cold. We grow up on this yogurt.

Suffered from intestinal dysbacteriosis. But, to be honest, I am very lazy, and making yogurt is a laborious process for me. Therefore, she drank Narine in tablets. The result is excellent!

She took Narine for 2 months, there were problems with the intestines. Great help! The whole family drink courses to raise immunity.

A year ago I had the flu. There were many different complications: otitis media, bronchitis, dysbacteriosis. My stomach ached, everything inside was “boiling”. In a dairy stall, they offered Narine a sourdough starter. God bless that saleswoman! Eureka! Everything is gone! I am well!

I have an irritable bowel problem. I drink Narine. Life is getting better. Tip - take yogurt while taking antibiotics. The condition has improved.

My child is bottle fed. The doctor advised Narine.
The child's constipation is gone. We drink for immunity. Satisfied. We continue to implement all recommendations.

The daughter had been ill with enterocolitis. She was 3 months old. For two months after the illness, they could not adjust the child's stool in any way. Narine did his miracle! A week of admission, and we are healthy!

Great drug! In children, especially like my daughter, it is irreplaceable! To all vaccinations, teeth growth - immediately reaction - diarrhea! How exhausted we are. Narine helps, two weeks have passed since the start of the reception, there are first results. We will continue to accept. There was no such effect from other means.

The child had a terrible diathesis. All ointments, creams could be thrown into a bucket. Lotions from the decoction of the string helped for a short time. I was allergic to everything. The skin on my cheeks was all peeled off. Narine leaven was applied to weeping wounds. Taken internally for a long time. The daughter has grown up, she is 15 years old. And from an allergy and a trace caught a cold. Thanks for a wonderful product!

Every year I was tormented by chronic tonsillitis. Angina just got it. Constant rinses, antibiotics, throat lavage. The titers of staphylococcus in smears were huge. In the queue to the lore, one grandmother advised Narine. Thank her very much! I'm alright! Thanks to the creator of this product!

My mother is an experienced diabetic. Follows the diet. But, analyzes for sugar always wished for the best. The nutritionist recommended to eat buckwheat with kefir in the morning, and take Narine 150 milliliters 3 times a day. We have been following all the recommendations for the past 3 months. Blood sugar is at the upper limit of normal! Thanks for a great product!

For a long time I worked as a salesperson. Constant gravity, work on the street, made themselves felt. Furunculosis tortured. Sometimes, even the help of a surgeon had to be resorted to. Thanks to Narine, everything went well. The infection is gone. My pain has subsided. Take Narine and life will get better!

The husband fell ill with focal pulmonary tuberculosis. Treated with five drugs at the same time. The organs failed. It was yellow like a lemon. All tests are terrible. Diarrhea with blood. Didn't eat anything. It was terrible to watch. You wouldn't wish this horror on your enemy. They put droppers with rheosorbilact, and at the same time they took Narine. Such supportive therapy simply saved us. My husband has an appetite. The body began to fight. On the x-ray, not even traces of this "infection" remained. I advise everyone!

Couldn't lose weight for a long time. After giving birth, she recovered by 15 kg. Diets did not help, the water “inflated”, and the weight stood still. There were complaints of constipation. Narine adjusted the chair and the weight went down! Lost 3 kg in a month. I hope that it will continue to decrease gradually.

A year ago I was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. I was on a diet, I drank medicines. In addition to ulcers, I suffer from intestinal flatulence. I constantly feel discomfort in the abdomen. Narine started taking 2 weeks ago. The abdomen became softer, and the general condition improved. Hope it gets even better.

I have suffered from bronchial asthma since I was 8 years old. Allergic. Against the background of taking Narine, the attacks became less frequent, the itching on the skin disappeared. The stool was back to normal. Cool medicine! I will keep drinking!

I took hormonal drugs for a long time. Got better. Ate everything. There were pains in the area of ​​the liver. Neighbors advised to drink Narine. I began to feel better, “offal” is less disturbing. Hope that helps!

  • If you still have concerns about taking miracle yogurt, you can ask your question in the comments, and I will try to help you.
  • And if you want to share your feedback about Narine with us, I am sure that our readers will be interested in this information. Leave your feedback in the comments.

Leaven- a biological preparation containing live dried acidophilic lactobacilli. It contributes to the normalization , suppression of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, improves the absorption of iron, calcium and other trace elements, normalizes hemoglobin levels and metabolic processes, stimulates the immune system. Instruction for sourdough Narine not complicated and involves the fermentation of Narine at home.

Restoration of intestinal microflora with sourdough Narine

A unique remedy for recovery invented in Armenia. Now it is quite affordable and is sold in pharmacies under the name "Narine". Recently, however, on many packages of dairy products you can see the inscriptions “enriched with bifidoflora”, “with the addition of bifido- and lactobacilli”, etc. Unfortunately, this is often not provided technologically. During the packaging of dairy products, most bacteria are killed.

Application of sourdough Narine

Narine is used for dysbiosis, colitis, enterocolitis, . It is used orally in the complex treatment of allergies and mucous membranes, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, mastitis, diabetes mellitus, and other serious diseases associated with immunity deficiency. It can be used to prevent complications of long-term antibiotic or hormone therapy. Possible use sourdough Narine as a substitute for mother's milk. It is also used topically to treat lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, including vaginitis, colpitis, mastitis, to treat the nipples of the mother's breast before feeding.

Preparation of sourdough Narine

I recommend preparing a lactic acid drink with sourdough Narine on one's own. Before preparing kefir "Narine" it is recommended to boil all the necessary utensils. The preparation takes place in two stages. Get ready first sourdough Narine, and only then kefir (actually, this is not kefir, but a lactic acid drink, it would be more correct to call it lactic acid).

Boil milk in intact enamel saucepan, and cool to a temperature of 38-40 ° and remove the foam. Mash the contents of the bottle of "Narine" into powder, and stir in boiled milk (0.5 liters).
Then ferment in a closed thermos for 10-16 hours. Cool the starter for 2 hours at 5-8 ° in the refrigerator.
You can store it up to 10 days in the refrigerator.

Preparation of kefir "Narine"

Boiled milk, cool to 38-40 ° and remove the foam. Add there - 2 tablespoons of sourdough per 1 liter of milk and mix well. Then ferment the fermented milk drink in the same way as fermentation. Remember that only the working sourdough Narine.
Store fermented milk drink up to 72 hours in the refrigerator at 5-8 degrees. About 13 liters of fermented milk drink can be prepared from 1 bottle of Narine.

For settlement and for topical application (douching, etc.), dry starter is initially used in an active dosage: 2-3 bottles per day for a week. The contents of the bottle are carefully diluted with warm boiled water and taken between meals. Starting next week, you can switch to 1-2 bottles a day, then 1 bottle.

The course is a month. If financial possibilities do not allow, then try to “hold out” for the first week, and then switch to Narine kefir, it is very economical. On the first day of oral administration, especially in infants, frequent stools with copious mucus secretion are possible. If stools in infants become more frequent, then the amount of biomass consumed should be increased, this will lead to its normalization in two days.

Kefir "Narine" is taken in the amount of 150-300 ml per day without special rules. The only thing that is desirable is to drink about half a glass of kefir in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. You need to take kefir every day without interruption, although you can feel changes in your well-being much earlier.
Carry out check-in follows after completion of all stages of cleansing the body. And yogurts cooked on yogurt will help in this. dry milk ferments which include live bifidus and lactobacilli.

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