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Cooking hearth bread. Hearth bread - what is it and how is it useful? Compound. Hearth bread - what is it

Broccoli is considered to be a healthy fortified vegetable. It has a lot of essential micro and macro elements, and the low calorie content of broccoli makes it a desirable product as part of medical nutrition systems and various diets for weight loss. The homeland of broccoli is considered to be the countries of the Mediterranean, as well as Asia Minor, where this culture is consumed in any form almost daily. In our country, broccoli is also becoming more and more popular every year, so you can buy it in any supermarket.

This subspecies of cauliflower consists of a large number of inflorescences with a thick, dense stem. Both the inflorescences themselves and the stem are eaten in boiled, stewed, fried, as well as steamed or grilled form. The calorie content of broccoli is fairly low and usually doesn't vary much depending on how it's cooked, but steamed broccoli will still have fewer calories than roasted broccoli. Therefore, in order for the dish to have a full-fledged rich taste, sour cream, various sauces and seasonings are added to it.

However, in order to accurately determine how many calories are in broccoli, you need to know the calorie content of the vegetable itself, as well as all other components in the composition of the dish. It is best to boil or steam this cabbage. In addition to the lowest calorie content of boiled broccoli, it will retain the largest amount of all useful substances and vitamins, and can also be used as part of diets.

In this article, we will talk about how many calories are in broccoli depending on the type of cooking, and also learn about its beneficial properties and nutritional value.

Useful properties of broccoli and its composition

The benefits of broccoli are unconditional, this can be seen if we consider its rich vitamin and mineral composition, taking into account the low calorie content of broccoli. It contains a large amount of fiber, beta-carotene, folic acid, potassium and vitamin C. According to the content of the latter, broccoli occupies one of the first places, because it contains 2.5 times more ascorbic acid than any citrus fruits.

In addition, broccoli has a record amount of vitamin PP, K and B vitamins. It also has a lot of antioxidants that reduce the risk of developing cancer and fight problems of the cardiovascular system. Broccoli (as well as cauliflower) contains a lot of calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, copper and other elements. It also has 2 times more protein and mineral salts. The nutritional value broccoli is as follows: proteins - 2.82 g, carbohydrates - 6.64 g, fats - 0.37 g.

Broccoli is extremely rich in chlorophyll, so it is involved in improving the condition of the blood and metabolism. Due to the huge amount of nutrients and low calorie content of broccoli, it can be consumed in unlimited quantities and included in the daily diet when following diets based on the principles proper nutrition.

In addition, broccoli has medicinal properties. For example, the substance sulforan in its composition is capable of destroying viruses to which some antibiotics are insensitive, as well as bacteria that can cause some stomach ulcers.

How many calories are in broccoli depending on the type of cooking?

The calorie content of broccoli is quite low, which allows it to be classified as a low-calorie diet food. In its raw form, it is only 35 kcal per 100 grams of product, so this vegetable does not pose any danger to the figure. Of course, the calorie content of broccoli is affected by the cooking method, so the calorie content of steamed or boiled broccoli will be somewhat lower than, for example, the calorie content of fried broccoli.

So, the calorie content of boiled broccoli is even lower than in its raw form and is 28 kcal, while the calorie content of fried broccoli reaches 46 kcal per 100 grams of product. This is due to the fact that when frying in high-calorie oil, part of it is absorbed into vegetables, thereby increasing the total calorie content. ready meal. If we talk about the calorie content of steamed broccoli, then there are also few calories here - only 27 per 100 g, and the calorie content of stewed broccoli is 37 kcal.

Of course, it is not recommended to eat fried vegetables with diets, and this is due not only to the increased calorie content of fried broccoli. Oil in this case adds fat to the dish and makes it more “heavy” for the stomach. Therefore, if you adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, want to lose weight or have any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is best to eat boiled or steamed vegetables. low calorie boiled broccoli and steamed broccoli in this case will only benefit.

Recipes with broccoli and calorie content of ready meals

Choosing a recipe low calorie meal with broccoli, first of all, you should pay attention to its additional components, since the calorie content of broccoli itself does not greatly affect the overall calorie content of the finished dish.

If you fry broccoli with breadcrumbs in oil, then the calorie content of such a dish will be even higher than the calorie content that was indicated earlier. And if you stew broccoli with carrots, butter and sour cream (especially fatty), then the calorie content of broccoli in this case will be as much as 120 kcal per 100 g of the dish.

Broccoli is one of the healthiest types of cabbage. Today, broccoli is widely used in the preparation of various dishes. It contains a lot of useful substances, minerals and vitamins, and it has recently been proven that the substances included in broccoli prevent colon cancer. The calorie content of this cabbage is negligible, and therefore this product is often recommended to those who are on a diet.

A storehouse of vitamins

Broccoli cabbage is a very valuable product that can be put on a par with an egg and cottage cheese, since this cabbage contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Here are just a few of them: potassium, iron, calcium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, methionine, thiamine, riboflavin, as well as vitamins A, C, B, E, PP.

If you make a long list of all the nutrients that make up broccoli, it could look something like this:

  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent), (PP) - 1.1071 mg;
  • Vitamin K (phylloquinone), (K) - 101.6 mcg;
  • Vitamin E (TE), (E (TE) - 0.78 mg;
  • Vitamin C, (C) - 89.2 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 (folic acid), (B9) - 63 mcg;
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), (B6) - 0.175 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), (B5) - 0.573 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), (B2) - 0.117 mg;
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine), (B1) - 0.071 mg;
  • Vitamin A (RE), (A (RE) - 386 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP, (PP) - 0.639 mg;
  • Vitamin A, (A) - 0.386 mg;
  • Phosphorus, (P) - 66 mg;
  • Potassium, (K) - 316 mg;
  • Sodium, (Na) - 33 mg;
  • Magnesium, (Mg) - 21 mg;
  • Calcium, (Ca) - 47 mg.

As you can see, broccoli is a truly unique vegetable crop, a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

For a strong heart, slim figure and delicate skin

Let us dwell on the most important beneficial properties of broccoli, thanks to which doctors recommend taking it to people suffering from various diseases.

The first thing that broccoli treats (or rather prevents development of) is cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and immune system diseases.

The second disease in which it is highly recommended to include broccoli in the diet is stomach cancer, the scourge of modern urban residents who abuse fast food. And this happens thanks to sulforaphane, a substance that prevents the development of cancer.

The third malaise is myopia and all diseases connected with the eyes. Broccoli has been found to have only slightly less beta-carotene than carrots and pumpkin. In addition, beta-carotene, or vitamin A, is called the “beauty vitamin”, because it makes the skin supple and radiant, and slows down the aging process.

Broccoli calories

The fourth reason why you need to eat broccoli is undoubtedly necessary to know for women of any age, leading an unequal struggle for excess weight. Numerous studies confirm that broccoli contains practically no calories. So, the calorie content per 100 grams of broccoli is only 28 kcal in its raw form.

And also this wonderful vegetable removes salts of heavy metals from the body and saturates the body with the necessary fiber.

The fifth reason for cooking broccoli dishes is the large amount of amino acids contained in this cabbage. They contribute to the production of serotonin, the "hormone of happiness." The remaining trace elements not listed also have a positive effect on the human body: zinc protects cells from free radicals that cause tumor growth, potassium regulates water metabolism, and copper improves the condition of connective tissues and increases their elasticity.

How to cook?

How should broccoli be cooked? Or is it better to simmer? Or fry? Here's what nutritionists and chefs have to say about it. Broccoli is best boiled in salted water for 2-3 minutes, no more. This is one of those rare vegetables that is better slightly undercooked than overcooked. Remember that in boiled broccoli, under the influence of high temperature, almost all useful substances die.

Many are interested in the question: how many calories are in boiled broccoli? It turns out that in boiled form, this cabbage has the least amount of calories - only 35 kcal per 100 grams of product. That is why many women prefer the boiled version. In addition, broccoli can be stewed, fried in batter, used as an ingredient in casseroles and soups. By the way, the latter are especially tasty from pureed broccoli - the so-called cream soups.

Vegetables are a natural source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients needed by the human body. Broccoli is considered one of the most valuable foods in the diet, helping to ensure a complete metabolism. Despite the popularity of the vegetable, not everyone knows what calorie content it has. broccoli, does it change with the way heat treatment.

healthy vegetable

One of the varieties of cauliflower, has a unique chemical composition. The richest vitamin complex and a low percentage of calories make broccoli an indispensable product in diet food, with therapeutic diets. Among the huge number of useful substances, the most prominent are the following:

  • beta carotene;
  • vitamin C;
  • ascorbic, folic acid;
  • antioxidants;
  • cellulose;
  • chlorophyll.

In addition, trace elements such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and iron, with regular use of broccoli, fully replenish the body's necessary supply. A healthy vegetable is far superior cauliflower according to the content of vegetable protein and mineral salts.

A few words about harm

Broccoli, which is considered one of the lowest calorie content among other vegetables, has undeniable advantages. It is recommended to use it for children, pregnant and lactating women, people who are limited in good nutrition due to various diseases.

However, in rare cases, there is an individual intolerance to the vegetable or the components that make up its composition. Broccoli can cause allergic reactions in the form of redness, peeling, itching of delicate skin areas. In spite of useful qualities, you should not get carried away with the frequent use of a relative of cauliflower.

Raw broccoli

Like any other vegetable, uncooked broccoli is the most beneficial for the body. Under the influence of high temperature conditions are lost beneficial features. Raw vegetables are often recommended to be included in the diet in the fight against excess weight. The calorie content of broccoli per 100 grams of the product is only 34 kcal.

Without pre-treatment, a variety of cabbage is used both as an independent dish and as an ingredient for cooking. various salads. When serving, broccoli is seasoned with lemon juice, spices, herbs, vegetable oil.

Steamed vegetables

in dietary and clinical nutrition practice eating steamed vegetables. It is believed that this type of heat treatment helps to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients. Cabbage is a small inflorescence collected on a thick stem. Before cooking, broccoli is cut into small pieces, removing dense stems.

When steamed, the calorie content of broccoli will differ slightly from raw vegetable. 100 g of steamed product contains about 28-32 kcal. It is important with this method of preparation not to allow the digestion of broccoli. The processing time of a raw vegetable is 4-6 minutes, if broccoli is used frozen, the cooking time is increased to 8-10 minutes. As you can see, the calorie content of steamed broccoli is even slightly lower than when raw. Steamed vegetables are served as a low-calorie side dish for meat, fish and poultry dishes.

boiled broccoli

In addition to steaming, the closest relative of cauliflower is often boiled in salted water or blanched. This cooking method is also sparing for the nutrients that make up the vegetable. Boiling for no longer than 5-7 minutes helps to preserve all the valuable nutritional qualities.

Boiled broccoli, the calorie content of which practically does not differ from steamed cabbage, can act as an independent dish. In this case, it is served in its pure form or in addition to various sauces. Also, a vegetable can act as a side dish for various dishes or as a component of a salad, cold or hot appetizer. The calorie content of boiled broccoli may vary depending on the products and components that complement the dish with its participation.

Variety of flavors

As already mentioned, in a normal human diet, broccoli can act as a main dish in raw, boiled, baked or fried form, or as an appetizer, side dish, salad component. The calorie content of boiled, steamed broccoli will be the lowest. fried cabbage will be less useful in dietary nutrition due to the use of additional fats. However, in comparison with fried potatoes the calorie content of broccoli will be much lower and will be approximately 90-110 kcal per 100 g of the finished product.

Modern cooking offers many recipes for preparing dishes that allow you to get not only the necessary vitamin supply, but also enjoy a variety of tastes. Broccoli stewed with carrots and cream is popular. Delicate milky taste favorably emphasizes the individuality of broccoli. Often a healthy vegetable is baked in combination with a tomato, bell pepper, eggplant. The dish, when served, seasoned with grated cheese, will allow you to take a completely new look at the vegetable familiar to many.

Boiled broccoli, the calorie content of which is very low, can later be baked in the oven, fried in batter, stewed in sour cream. When supplementing cabbage with other products, it is important to remember that the calorie content of the finished dish will change significantly.

Combination rules

Broccoli is a unique product that is easy to combine with any ingredients. Acting as a side dish, it is served with boiled or baked poultry, fish. Steamed vegetable is a great addition meat products, contributing to easier digestibility, providing a balance of calories. Cabbage from small green inflorescences can be used as an ingredient in puree soups. In this case, it is supplemented fresh peas, onions, zucchini. Fill the first courses with sour cream or cream.

Broccoli fried in batter goes well with various cereals. A vegetable rich in vegetable protein perfectly dilutes the carbohydrate diet. Broccoli cabbage does not have a pronounced taste, as an independent product, therefore it is easily combined with sour, spicy, spicy sauce. Various herbs help to emphasize her individuality, but they should be used with caution. Too much spice flavor can spoil the dish.

How to select and store broccoli

In the summer and autumn season, a healthy vegetable is easy to purchase at an affordable price. The yield of broccoli falls in the second half of July and can last until the very frost. Due to the low calorie content of the vegetable during this period, it can be consumed in large quantities. It is important when choosing broccoli to pay attention to some features.

  • inflorescences healthy vegetable are dark green in color. Small buds are tightly pressed to each other. Broccoli that is yellowish in color, with decayed inflorescences or open buds, is considered unsuitable for food.
  • Medium-sized heads of cabbage are most valued. The stem should be strong and dense, with no signs of wilting, rot.
  • Do not take broccoli with an unpleasant damp flavor. Such a product was stored for a long time without observing technological standards.
  • There are several main types of healthy vegetables. Cabbage in the form of a large hat of small inflorescences on one strong stem is considered classic version. Small heads on thinner stems tend to be more delicate in taste, their structure is not dense.

By following some simple rules, you can choose fresh useful product, which will be the highlight of any dish.

During the harvest season, broccoli is easy to find on store shelves. However, in winter period the price of a vegetable is quite high. A useful low-calorie product can be frozen. At the same time, it not only retains its valuable qualities, but also has a long shelf life. A fresh variety of cauliflower can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 5-6 days, while a frozen vegetable will delight in taste even after several months in the freezer.

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