Home Product Ratings Why is turkey meat so useful and is there any harm from it? What is healthier - chicken or turkey

Why is turkey meat so useful and is there any harm from it? What is healthier - chicken or turkey

Turkey vs chicken: which meat is healthier

Useful properties of chicken

Chicken meat is less fat compared to other types of meat (beef or pork) and is much easier to digest by the body. Chicken meat contains animal protein, which is important for our body. Indeed, due to a lack of protein, the tone of the body decreases, the condition of hair and nails worsens, muscle mass decreases and human health as a whole worsens.

In addition to protein, chicken meat contains B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the immune and nervous system. As well as magnesium, iron, zinc and various enzymes. The presence of glutamine helps build muscle mass, so athletes without chicken meat in the diet is indispensable. Great amount useful substances in a truly dietary product.

What harm can chicken meat bring?

Unfortunately, all the described useful properties relate only to domestic chicken. Store-bought chicken can do more harm than good. Many companies "stuff" chickens with hormones and antibiotics in order for them to grow faster and increase their weight. An excess of such hormones in a woman’s body threatens hormonal failure, and the use of such chicken by men
can even lead to infertility. Harmful substances accumulate as much as possible in chicken hams, wings are less dangerous from this point of view. But still, if you want to get only the benefits of chicken meat, it is better to choose domestic chicken, which was fed with good food and “not stuffed” with hormones.

100 grams of boiled chicken: 170 kcal, proteins - 25 g, fats -7.5 g.

Useful properties of turkey meat

Like chicken, turkey meat contains a large amount of protein and various trace elements. The high content of sodium ensures normal metabolic processes in the body. Calcium will benefit the bones, and the iron content of turkey is recommended for people suffering from anemia. In turkey meat, there is even a “hormone of happiness” - endorphin, so this is what people with depression, as well as insomnia, need. Turkey meat is digested by almost 99 percent, therefore it is considered number one of all bird breeds.

Harm of turkey meat

Turkey cannot do any harm to the body if the meat is fresh and properly cooked. It cannot be argued that store-bought turkey meat does not contain antibiotics and hormones, but it is known that the turkey has a worse tolerance for them compared to chicken and is more likely to get sick from such improper feed. It can be concluded that the turkey may be more safe product for the human body than chicken.

100 grams of boiled turkey: 195 kcal, proteins - 25 g, fats - 10.5 g

It will be useful for you:

Animal products are a storehouse of useful elements.

In particular, great importance is attached in this regard to fish and dairy products.

But meat products should not be ignored, as this is a source of quickly digestible proteins.

It's not about fatty pork or beef dishes but about poultry meat.

Today, more and more people prefer turkey meat.

And this is not a fashion or an imitation of Western traditions, turkey is the most tender and tasty meat, from which only benefit for the body.

After reading this article, you will see for yourself.

What is an Indian?

The domestication of the turkey took place over 1000 years ago.

Today, the cultivation of turkeys is only slightly ahead in terms of the number of broilers. The turkey grows up to 16 weeks, no more, or the taste of the meat will go bad.

To obtain turkey meat, hybrids of representatives of the pheasant family are used.

The USA is the leader in production. Canadians are in second place.

In our country, the production of turkey meat is gaining momentum every year. This production fully satisfies the needs of the consumer.

Turkey meat - chemical composition

Turkey meat is included in the diet.

It's all about chemical composition product.

Firstly, turkey meat contains a large amount of protein, with a minimum of fat and absolutely no sugar.

Turkey also ranks 1st among the most useful birds. 100 gr. turkey contains only 1 gr. fat for 21% protein. According to the degree of digestibility, turkey bypasses such foods as chicken and rabbit.

Cholesterol is in the composition, but in small quantities. Proteins are easily digestible.

The product also contains a substantial amount of bioactive and mineral substances.

These are A, E, K, groups B, PP, F.

The amount of phosphorus is greater than in fish products!!!

K, Na more than in veal, Mg is present. Fe is more than in chicken and beef.

The composition also contains Se (sulfur), I (iodine), Mn (manganese), Co (cobalt), Cu (copper)

Calorie turkey

The calorie content of the product is 194 kilocalories per 100 grams.

The number of calories depends on how the turkey is cooked. T

like, for example, in boiled meat- 195 kilocalories, fried 280 kilocalories, stewed - 110 kilocalories.

Turkey meat - useful properties

Turkey meat is a natural medicine and is used to prevent various pathologies.

This includes problems with metabolic processes, and atherosclerosis, and hypertension, and iron deficiency, and osteochondrosis, and arthritis, and problems with the immune system.

In relation to the vitamin-mineral complex, turkey meat is especially active.

Under the influence of the consumed product, the consumer improves the functioning of the brain, central nervous system and endocrine system.

Delicious fillet, namely, the antioxidants included in the composition prevent the development of oncology and reduce the aging process.

The fillet will benefit the child, women during the period of bearing the baby and nursing mothers, as well as the elderly.

Nutritionists advise to eat fillets and people who want to lose weight.

Interesting feature!!!

This meat is called both red and white. It's all about myoglobin. It is found in the muscles. The more active they are, the more myoglobin. In other words, if there is a lot of it, then the meat is redder. Turkey meat is unusual in this regard. The drumsticks and thighs are classified as red meat - the turkey rarely sits still. Wings and breast are considered white meat.

The absence of carbohydrates, a low percentage of fats, a lot of protein and a fairly low calorie content of meat will help you get rid of a few kilograms.

Turkey meat is perfect for frequent consumption by people with allergies and diabetes.

How to cook a turkey - delicious recipes

Whole turkey is a great option for a family holiday, but sometimes it is not possible to store leftover food - the dish is voluminous.

Poultry fillet will be in place when you need to make a hearty and non-greasy dish without spending hours cooking.

What to make from turkey fillet, how to cook tasty dish, everyone who decides to try this product thinks.

It may not only be boiled, stewed and fried, but also baked, preserved, and smoked. The turkey is often stuffed with mushrooms and berries. The product is well served with potatoes in any form, boiled rice and vegetables.

But meat does not combine with cabbage at all.

Here are some good and easy recipes:

  1. Turkey fillet skewers and. For cooking, you will need a kilo of fillet, 3 onions, dry red wine 100 ml, a spoonful of vinegar, a spoon provencal herbs, a spoonful of olive oil and ground paprika in the amount of a teaspoon. Salt and pepper should be to taste. Wash the meat, dry it slightly and cut into large pieces across the grain. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Mix fillets with onions in a bowl. Mix the liquid components of the marinade, add seasonings and salt. Add the marinade to the bowl, close tightly and shake. Let stand 5 hours in a cold place. To cook in the oven, you need to take a deep baking sheet, string the pieces on skewers soaked in water and arrange them so that the sticks are located on the sides of the baking sheet. The oven must be preheated to 190 degrees. and send a barbecue there for 25 minutes. Barbecue can be done in nature.
  2. Chops. For cooking, you need 700 grams of fillet, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, egg, mustard spoon, 100 gr. flour, spices to taste. Wash the meat, cut into centimeter-thick pieces, beat with a wooden mallet, salt, pepper and spread mustard on one side. Chops should be kept in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Next, roll the chops in flour, dip in a beaten egg and fry in a preheated pan for 7 minutes. from each side.
  3. Baked fillet with lingonberries. For cooking, you will need a kilo of turkey fillet, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of mustard, a spoonful of lemon juice, spices to taste. Wash and dry the meat. Mix all the other ingredients, squeeze the garlic to them and rub the fillet with this composition, put in a bowl with a lid or a bag. Let marinate overnight or 5 hours. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, put the fillet in a baking dish, cover with foil and cook for half an hour. Remove the foil and bake for another quarter of an hour. Serve with lingonberry sauce.

The turkey can be simply boiled. How long to cook meat? For fillets, half an hour will be enough, for other parts it will take 60 minutes.

How to cook delicious diet turkey cutlets?

As a rule, cutlets made from turkey have a low fat content, respectively, they often turn out dry and tough, which not everyone likes.

We will reveal a couple of important secrets:

  1. So, the first secret: cottage cheese. If you want to get classic cutlets, but a little softer and more tender, add 700-800 gr. minced meat 150-180 gr. cottage cheese, one egg, salt to taste.
  2. No additional ingredients need to be used, especially soaked bread, semolina, flour, etc. These products absorb excess liquid during cooking, which makes the cutlets only drier.
  3. Cold water. It is better that its temperature is slightly lower than room temperature. If you want to get really tender and very soft chicken or turkey cutlets, then simply add water to the previous recipe, i.e. the composition will be as follows: 700-800 grams of minced meat, 150-180 grams of cottage cheese, egg, salt, 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of water and breadcrumbs
  4. Plenty of water. On the classic version cutlets, the end product is already a little similar, it tastes rather like a gentle and soft soufflé, melting in your mouth and practically does not require chewing. The most it is for children and people with gastrointestinal problems. So, instead of 3-4 tablespoons, add 1/2-3/4 cups of cool water to the minced meat, the rest of the ingredients, as in basic recipe. The mass will be such that it is no longer possible to mold cutlets with your hands and roll in breading. We cook according to the principle of pancakes: put the minced meat with a spoon on a heated pan. Fry on both sides for 15 minutes.

Who should not eat turkey meat?

People diagnosed with gout, with kidney pathologies, including those with kidney failure you should not eat turkey at all, replacing it with chicken.

If there are no these contraindications, then meat will only benefit and will be useful to everyone!

Bon appetit!!!

The turkey is the largest poultry. The male of this bird is familiar to us as a turkey. It belongs to the genus of turkeys, the pheasant family and the order of chickens. The homeland of the turkey was America. The ancient people of the Aztecs ate exclusively turkey meat, it was their only poultry. Around the 16th century, this bird was brought to Spain, and after a few years, turkeys became widespread in other countries (France, England and all of Europe).

The live weight of an adult male turkey is from 9 to 35 kg, turkey - from 4.5 to 11 kg. It is customary to eat the meat of a young bird, the mass of which is somewhat less (about 10 kg). This bird has strong long legs and a large, wide tail. The plumage of a turkey comes in different colors: black, white, bronze - it depends on its variety and breed.

Turkey meat is highly valued both in cooking and in nutrition, and therefore ranks second in poultry rearing and meat consumption after broiler chickens. The United States is the leading state in the production and consumption of turkey meat.

In Russia, mainly the following breeds of turkeys are bred:

1. North Caucasian bronze;

2. North Caucasian whites;

3. White Moscow;

4. Black Tikhoretsky;

5. White broad-breasted;

6. Fawn.

A turkey is grown for no more than 4 months, this time is enough for the bird to grow up to 10 kg. Turkey meat at this age has the best taste.

Useful properties and calorie content of turkey meat

Turkey meat is tender and low-fat, it has a pinkish-cream color, smoothly turning into a light red hue. Turkey breast or fillet is often referred to as white meat, as compared to other parts of the carcass, it is the lightest. After cooking, the breast becomes a little dry. But it is this part of the turkey fillet that is the most useful. It is very often prescribed by doctors as part of dietary and medical nutrition because it contains the least amount of fat. Of the entire edible part of the turkey, the fillet (breast) is about 30%.

In terms of the presence of useful properties, the turkey is the leader, in this it surpasses even veal. So, turkey meat contains the following useful substances:

  • Iron;
  • Complete proteins;
  • Magnesium;
  • Selenium;
  • Vitamins (B2, B6, B12, PP);
  • Phosphorus;
  • Sodium.

Turkey meat is distinguished not only by its excellent taste, but is also a 100% dietary product, as well as a champion in iron content. So, compared to beef, turkey meat contains twice as much of this trace element. In addition, it is from this product that iron is absorbed by the body with particular ease. Unlike other types of meat and other livestock products, turkey has a very low calorie content, with the exceptional value of its protein and mineral composition. There is almost as much phosphorus in turkey as in sea ​​fish. Magnesium, which is part of the turkey, helps prevent diseases of the nervous system, and selenium tones and has a rejuvenating effect. In addition, regular intake of selenium in the body can prevent the development of cancer.

Just one serving of turkey meat a day can provide a person with a daily requirement for the vital vitamin PP.

The most important useful property turkey is its hypoallergenicity, so it is recommended for baby food. In addition, the advantage of turkey meat is its beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and the ability to strengthen the immune system.

The main nutritional indicators of turkey meat:

  • Calorie content - 194 kcal;
  • Fats - 12 g;
  • Proteins - 21.6 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g.

In addition, the cholesterol content in turkey is very low: only 74 mg per 100 grams of the product. The calorie content of turkey is almost the same as beef, but turkey meat is digested faster.


As for health, turkey meat is just an ideal option when compiling a therapeutic diet and losing weight. The nutritional value of meat provides a boost of energy for those who are engaged in hard physical labor, for professional athletes and those who are simply actively involved in physical education.

This type of meat, especially turkey fillet, must be consumed by pregnant women and nursing mothers. Along with rabbit meat, turkey fillet is great for feeding young children. So, turkey fillet can be used as the first meat food for a baby.

Turkey meat is widely used in cooking. Since the meat is very tender and lean, its preparation does not require long cooking.

Turkey meat is used to prepare a large number of dishes. At the same time, he is subjected various types culinary processing:

2. Extinguishing;

3. Roasting;

4. Baking;

5. Steaming;

Cooked with turkey meat various salads, sauces. Turkey breasts are used for stuffing with mushrooms, vegetables and fruits. The famous Christmas dish that came to us from the USA is the baked stuffed turkey.

The most correct, from the point of view of a healthy diet, is boiling turkey meat and steaming it. In this case, the meat does not lose its valuable properties, and it will be easier for the body to cope with the food that has entered it in this form. True, especially if you follow a therapeutic diet, it will be the addition of turkey meat with vegetables. It's delicious and very healthy. In addition, it is this combination that meets all the laws proper nutrition, which maintains ideal body weight and good health.

Along with meat, turkey eggs also have great nutritional value and reduced cholesterol. They are recommended for diabetics and those who are on a diet. When following a diet for weight loss, instead of chicken eggs It is advised to use turkey eggs.

Contraindications to the use of turkey meat

Turkey has practically no contraindications. But it should be borne in mind that, since turkey meat contains a large amount of protein, people with certain health conditions should not abuse it:

  • kidney failure;
  • Gout;
  • Hypertension.

In addition, hypertensive patients should pay special attention to the degree of salt intake with turkey meat. Because turkeys are high in sodium, adding too much salt during the cooking process can be detrimental to your health.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Turkey meat has firmly entered the diet of those who monitor their diet or simply prefer tasty and healthy food. Its dietary properties have long been appreciated all over the world, and today it deservedly holds the second place in the consumption of poultry meat, second only to chicken. The composition of turkey meat and its hypoallergenicity make it possible to use it in dietary, sports or baby food. But people who do not adhere to a strict diet should not refuse this tender, tasty and useful product: it has much more benefits than potential harm.

The composition and calorie content of turkey

The popularity of turkey meat is due not only to its palatability. Compared to other types of poultry, it contains much more nutrients and vitamins. First of all, it is necessary to note its unique mineral composition. Turkey meat is a real champion in terms of iron content - when compared with beef, the turkey contains twice as much of this trace element. It contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus (its content in turkey meat is no less than in sea fish). Selenium - an element that allows you to maintain youth and has antioxidant activity, also brings turkey meat to the first place in its content.

Another substance that this product is rich in is magnesium. It has a positive effect on the nervous system and it is because of its high content that turkey meat is recommended for people suffering from prolonged depression, sleep and mental disorders. It is rich in B vitamins, and also contains a large amount of folic and nicotinic acid.

Carcass nutritional value + table

The undoubted advantage of turkey meat can be called its low calorie. One hundred grams raw meat contains only 276 kcal. Turkey meat does not contain carbohydrates, which makes it indispensable in the diet of diabetics. Turkey fat, despite the fact that it is much less than in any other bird, has a very low cholesterol content (only 210 mg per 100 grams of product). In addition, it contains vitamins A and E. Another plus of this product is that the fat content of the product is low, and turkey fibers are digested much easier and faster than other types of meat.

Turkey meat has many health benefits.

But when compiling a menu, if accurate calorie counting is important to you, you need to remember that their number in different parts of the carcass is not the same.

Table: Number of calories in different parts (raw meat)

A special place in the turkey carcass is occupied by the breast, which makes up about 30% of the mass of all edible parts of the bird. This is the so-called white meat. Despite the fact that it tastes dry, the breast is considered the most useful part of the carcass, because it contains no fat and carbohydrates at all, only water and protein.


how dietary product turkey has long been appreciated by those who follow their figure. Indeed, the minimum content of fats and carbohydrates, along with the ability of this meat to be absorbed by 99%, allows you to get a limited amount of calories without feeling hungry. But this is not the only opportunity to use the unique features of this product.

Why is it used in sports nutrition

The undoubted leader of the turkey is among people who are actively involved in sports. Its use allows you to quickly restore strength after active physical exertion, not only for professional athletes, but also for those whose daily work is associated with hard physical labor. Another important criterion that makes turkey indispensable in an athlete's diet is its high protein content. After all, the goal of most sports diets is to provide the body with as much protein as possible with a minimum number of kilocalories and, in particular, fats. Turkey breast is an ideal product in this respect.

Boiled turkey breast can be a great alternative in an athlete's diet

In the diet of pregnant women

Nutrition in the life of a pregnant woman is one of the fundamental points. After all, it is exactly what she eats that the body uses as a “building material” for the development of the baby. A large supply of minerals and vitamins with an almost complete absence of fat makes it easy to get the necessary supply of nutrients. In addition, turkey meat helps to cope with stress and depression.

Turkey meat contains the amino acid tryptophan. It stimulates the production of endorphins - hormones responsible for a good mood.

Benefits for children

Turkey meat does not cause allergic reactions, and this property allows you to safely enter it into the menu even for children who have a penchant for them. According to most pediatricians, meat products should be introduced into the baby’s diet from 7–8 months, and it is turkey breast that is most suitable for this. Due to the ability to be easily absorbed in the body, it does not exert a heavy load on the still not too developed digestive system of the child. As the first complementary foods begin to give meat puree on the tip of a teaspoon, gradually increasing portions. At 9 months, the daily portion should be from 20 to 40 grams, and by the year - 60-70.

Video: Dietary properties of turkey meat

Turkey or chicken - what to choose

When choosing between chicken and turkey meat, first of all, you need to understand exactly what you expect from their use and which cooking method you will choose. If we talk about calories, then here the turkey is ahead of the chicken, although the difference between them is not so great.

Comparative table of caloric content of dishes (% of the daily value)

But in addition to useful substances and vitamins, today there is a high probability of “enriching” your diet with unwanted chemical additives. And in this case, the difference between chicken and turkey will be huge. Everyone knows that unscrupulous manufacturers in order to save money and to increase the weight of birds as soon as possible, various chemicals and additives can be used. Chickens in this regard are much less demanding than turkeys. The latter are very selective in terms of feed and conditions of detention, which explains the higher price for their meat. But, on the other hand, this ensures that only natural feed is used when growing turkeys.

I raise turkeys myself and I know how it is to grow them. The turkey is a very picky bird and they simply die from feed with chemistry, therefore all natural products, therefore the price for them is higher, especially for them we cook potatoes, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin and all this with grain and compound feed every day, and chickens eat up everything that lies badly, especially broilers that are for meat, it is really much easier to grow them.


Contraindications and potential harm

Turkey meat has practically no contraindications. The only thing to consider is that due to the high protein content in it, it is necessary to limit its consumption to people suffering from chronic renal failure or gout. In addition, since its fibers contain a lot of sodium, pregnant women and those who suffer from high blood pressure, you should pay more attention to the amount of salt with which the dish will be flavored. It is better if it is a little undersalted, otherwise blood pressure may increase.

How to choose

Today, turkey meat can be purchased at almost any outlet. Manufacturers provide a huge choice - you can buy a whole carcass or already divided into semi-finished products, frozen or chilled. But, when buying meat, you should not neglect the rules known to all:

  • the turkey carcass, if you buy it whole, should be fleshy, with thick legs and breast, there can be no spots on its skin, and the color should retain a light, yellowish tint;
  • hole after pressing fresh meat should recover quickly;
  • it is recommended to store the chilled product in the refrigerator for no more than a day;
  • It is better to defrost a turkey immediately before cooking - when room temperature bacteria quickly begin to multiply in the carcass, which do not die when re-frozen.

What to cook with

There are many recipes and ways to cook turkey. It can be baked, boiled, stewed, fried, cooked on its basis pates and sausages, smoked.

Turkey is ideal for cooking in a slow cooker

  • The taste of turkey is perfectly set off by fruits. Plum, orange, tangerines, kiwi will not only add fresh notes to the dish, but will also serve as an excellent basis for making the sauce.
  • From herbs in the preparation of turkey meat, you can use thyme, thyme, cilantro, parsley, rosemary. Also, fennel, celery, watercress coexist well in these dishes, but onion red or white onions will somewhat drown out the taste of the meat itself and therefore it is better to use leeks.
  • As for side dishes, it's all about your preferences. Turkey goes well with potatoes, rice, stewed and baked vegetables, legumes. In cooking dishes using turkey meat, you are only limited by your imagination.

Video: How to cook baked turkey with potatoes

Turkey is deservedly considered one of the most dietary meat products that are on the consumer market. Including this meat in your diet, you will not only enjoy it delicate taste, but also provide serious support to your health. Turkey meat is a universal product that is suitable for everyone - from children who are just starting to receive complementary foods, to athletes whose task is to quickly restore and maintain physical fitness after huge loads. Its unique composition allows you to get the necessary amount of nutrients even in a small portion, while avoiding excess fats and carbohydrates.

Doctors say that poultry meat is much healthier than pork, beef or lamb. We have no reason not to trust the experts. But today there is such a large selection of products on the shelves! Which bird to choose? Which is healthier, turkey or chicken? These issues are discussed in our article.

What is the difference between chicken and turkey?

Both are considered dietary and healthy foods. But the price of turkey meat is much higher than that of chicken. This alone makes you wonder which is healthier - turkey or chicken?

It turns out that the composition of these products has significant differences, which are largely determined by the difference in the conditions of keeping the two species of birds.

Chickens, which are raised for slaughter in special industrial plants, are kept in very cramped cages. At the same time, birds are given food that has a high nutritional value.

Thanks to these two factors, the chicken grows faster and gains weight, which is very beneficial for the producer. But the meat of such a bird becomes too fatty.

Another problem: in conditions of severe crowding, birds often fall ill. To prevent the spread of infections, chickens are fed with various chemicals, including antibiotics.

Harmful substances are concentrated in the muscle tissues of the bird and then enter the human body, which is very harmful to health.

Turkeys are birds that are more demanding in terms of living conditions and food. Therefore, they are grown in fairly spacious enclosures on natural feed without chemical additives.

Which is healthier, turkey or chicken? Turkey meat contains no hazardous substances and is much leaner than chicken. It is because of this that turkey is considered the preferred product for a healthy diet.

domestic chicken

It would seem that it has already become absolutely clear which meat is healthier: chicken or turkey? But all the negative things that were said above about chicken meat do not apply to domestic chicken meat.

The only problem is that today for a city dweller to buy a homemade chicken is a difficult task. You will not find one in stores, and you will not always find it in the bazaar.

The price of homemade chicken will far exceed even the price of a turkey. So here you can put the question, which is more useful - turkey or chicken? For the consumer wallet, turkey meat from the store is much more profitable than domestic chicken from the market.

How to cook chicken meat?

If store-bought chicken meat is properly prepared, then this product will not cause any harm. Here are the easy rules:

  1. Before cooking, the chicken carcass must be rinsed very well under running water.
  2. It is necessary to carefully cut off all the fat, chicken skin is also best not to use in cooking.
  3. Before cooking or stewing, chicken meat should be poured with boiling water and boiled for 2-3 minutes. During this time, all carcinogens will pass from the meat into the broth, which must then be drained.
  4. After the first broth has been drained, the chicken can be safely used to make soup or any second course.

You also need to remember that the fattest parts of the chicken are the thighs and drumsticks. The leanest part of it is the breast.

The benefits of turkey

Once again, let's return to the question: what is healthier than chicken or turkey meat? Here are a few facts about turkey to help you make your choice:

  • turkey meat has less cholesterol and saturated fat than chicken;
  • the calorie content of turkey is also lower;
  • turkey contains a sufficiently large amount of sodium, so that when cooking it, you do not need to use a lot of table salt;
  • the meat of this bird is hypoallergenic;
  • it has a higher content of vitamins A, B, E, as well as phosphorus, calcium and iron than in chicken;
  • turkey contains the substance tryptophan, which promotes the production of endorphins;
  • turkey is more suitable than chicken for the nutrition of obese people, and it is also more beneficial for hypertensive patients and diabetics.

Final word

We found out why turkey is healthier than chicken. However, I would not like to exaggerate too much and scare our readers. Still, this delicious product available to most consumers.

The enterprises carry out sanitary control over the quality of their products. In addition, as mentioned above, all negative aspects can be reduced to zero if you cook the chicken correctly.

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