Home Drinks and cocktails Quick salting of red caviar. How to pickle red caviar at home. How to salt red caviar in brine

Quick salting of red caviar. How to pickle red caviar at home. How to salt red caviar in brine

Pink salmon caviar is a rather expensive delicacy that has several cooking methods. In order for you to choose the right recipe, we suggest reading our article and finding out how to pickle pink salmon caviar at home.

Cooking steps

After acquiring a whole, uncut pink salmon for home salting, for many, the presence of caviar in the fish becomes a pleasant surprise. The salting process of the latter consists of several stages:

  • defrosting and extracting caviar from ovaries (films);
  • selection and preparation of salt marinade.

At the first stage, it is important not to damage the eggs. To do this, pour unpeeled caviar (500 g) with warm water (1 l) with the addition of salt (3 tablespoons) and leave for 1-2 hours.

After that, transfer to a colander and pour over hot water. The film quickly rolls up and is easily removed, and the grains retain their integrity.

If you keep the caviar in hot water, the eggs will harden.

There are recipes for salting caviar in ovaries, but such salting may turn out to be uneven, and the film will still have to be removed before use, so it is more expedient to do this before salting.

Salting pink salmon caviar at home has several cooking technologies. Their main differences are the duration of storage of the finished product and the duration of the salting itself. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Wet salting

This recipe for salting pink salmon caviar, which includes a standard set of components: sugar, water, salt . To prepare 100 g of a sea delicacy, you need to boil 0.25 liters of water and dissolve 10 g of salt and a pinch of sugar (3-5 g) in it.

Cool the brine to 30-40 degrees, pour the caviar. The product must be infused for 2 hours, then it is necessary to drain the liquid. After that, the caviar is ready for use. For taste, you can add spices, squeezed lemon juice, pickled onions, herbs, etc.

This method of cooking caviar is considered the most delicious, but at the same time it takes longer to cook. In addition, it is allowed to store ready-made caviar for only 2 days in an airtight container.

Dry salting

If you want the shelf life of the finished product to be longer than with wet salting, then you should salt the caviar in a dry way. The finished delicacy can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, which is especially convenient when pickling a large amount of caviar.

So, how to salt red salmon caviar at home using the dry method? To do this, you will need the same ingredients as with wet salting, with the exception of water, instead of it you need to add oil.

For 100 g of caviar, you need 5 g of salt (coarse grinding), the same amount of sugar and half a teaspoon of odorless vegetable oil. All ingredients should be mixed and placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours, after which the caviar will be ready for use.

Quick salting

How to pickle pink salmon caviar, if necessary, so that the product is ready for use after a few hours? Use this salting method, which requires only sugar and salt.

Mix everything slowly and thoroughly and place in the refrigerator. The product will be ready after 4-5 hours, which is especially convenient if guests are expected to arrive or you just don’t want to wait a long time for caviar salting. It is recommended to store the finished delicacy no more than 2 days.

The delicacy will turn out to be much tastier, healthier and cheaper than store-bought counterparts if it is prepared by hand. In our article, we described in detail how to salt pink salmon caviar at home, as you can see, there is nothing complicated in this, so choose the recipe you like and enjoy the delicious delicacy.

How to pickle red caviar at home - wet salting and dry salting: proportions of ingredients, step by step description technologies.

In all developed countries, salmon caviar is highly valued and considered a real delicacy. It looks good on sandwiches and canapes, perfectly complements the taste of baked vegetables and fish soups. But the most the best way eating an exquisite sea delicacy is salting red caviar at home. It is preferable to other types of processing, as it allows you to save everything in caviar. useful material that after boiling, frying, adding preservatives are destroyed. And it is also very profitable: if you bought a fish and found caviar in it, it would be foolish not to find a worthy use for such a pleasant surprise. But how to pickle red caviar? There are two main methods.

Recipes for homemade salted red caviar

Recipe number 1. Wet Ambassador

Egg to Egg

In order for the finished product to acquire a beautiful, granular structure, it is necessary to free the caviar from the ovaries - a special shell in which the fish carries caviar. No need to do it with your fingers, you can do it easier. You will need gauze and cool running water. Fold the gauze in 3-4 layers and fold it in the form of a sleeve, put the ovaries inside and rinse with water. To make the caviar separate from the films faster, twist and turn the gauze all the time so that there are no untreated areas left. The films will settle on the gauze, and you will get clean, crumbly orange "seeds".


The next stage is the preparation of brine, the so-called brine for caviar. Water should be taken 2-3 times more than caviar. For 1 liter of liquid you will need: 5 tablespoons of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar. You can experiment with proportions, focusing on your taste, add some spices to the brine that are suitable for fish, a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Dissolve salt and sugar in boiled hot water. When the solution has cooled (it should be warm - 40-50 degrees), fill it with cleaned caviar for 5-15 minutes. If you like medium salted caviar, 8-9 minutes is enough. Then the caviar must be discarded in a colander, manually remove all whitish films, it is good to drive the eggs through the sieve so that the films get stuck in its cells. And to completely get rid of the films, when the brine drains, put the caviar on a paper towel and continue to select them with your hands. This is painstaking work, but the result is worth it - you will get an appetizing, eye-pleasing gourmet product. Put the processed caviar in a glass jar and keep in the refrigerator. This is the most gentle way of salting, but caviar after such processing cannot be stored for more than 2 days. Wet salted homemade red caviar is the most delicious and healthy, so you should hardly worry about not having time to eat it in 2 days.

Recipe number 2. Dry Ambassador

For 0.5 kg of caviar, you need 1 tablespoon of coarse salt. The first stage of processing eggs is almost the same as with wet salting - the eggs must be freed from ovaries and films. After you have removed the ovaries, you need to put the caviar in a colander and dip it in salted boiling water for 20-25 seconds (but no more), and then gently rub it through a large sieve (if you don’t have one, you can use a badminton racket) . The cleaned caviar is poured into an enamel bowl and salt is gradually added. You need to stir the caviar either with a wooden spoon or with your hands, very carefully so that the eggs do not burst. After salting, the caviar is laid out in pre-sterilized glass jars. In order for the eggs not to stick together and be better stored, you can add peeled eggs to the finished product. vegetable oil- quite a bit, 1 tablespoon in each jar.

Homemade salting of red caviar in a dry way allows you to store a sea delicacy in the refrigerator for no more than 2 weeks.

Pink salmon caviar is considered the best. So if you bought this wonderful salmon fish, and even with caviar, consider yourself lucky. Red caviar at home is unusually tasty and surprising healthy treat. As an independent appetizer, red caviar is served royally - in beautiful crystal vases. Optionally, before serving, it can be seasoned with olive, corn or sunflower oil, sprinkle with finely chopped onion. Delicious caviar and good health to you!

When buying red fish, pay attention to its belly, if it is thickened, most likely it contains caviar. This product is considered a real delicacy. Every housewife should know how to pickle pink salmon caviar. We will talk about this in the article.

If caviar is caught in pink salmon, in no case should you throw it away. By pickling the product correctly, you will receive wonderful snack, which can be smeared on sandwiches, used in salads, decorate various dishes.

Before you start salting caviar, you need to remove the film (oves) from it. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the eggs.

Chefs suggest using the following methods:

  1. Scalding with boiling water. Pour boiling water into a deep container, place the caviar there for a few seconds. Take a sieve with large holes, wipe the eggs through it. The film should come off well, stay in your hands. If there is no sieve in the house, you can replace it with a coarse grater, or even use a badminton racket.
  2. Put the ovaries in cheesecloth, rolled up in several layers. Hold over a stream of hot water for several minutes, constantly stirring the caviar.
  3. Put the caviar in a deep glass bowl. Insert the mixing attachments (without beaters) into the mixer. Turn on the device at minimum speed, bring it to the ovaries. In a few seconds, the film will wrap around the whisk. To use this method, you need to have certain skills.
  4. You can cut the ovaries a little, and carefully remove the eggs with a spoon or fork. Try to do this carefully so as not to damage the eggs.

As you can see, it is quite simple to separate the film from the caviar. The process will not take you more than 15-20 minutes. If the ovaries are not completely removed, the caviar will be bitter, the taste of the product will deteriorate.

Classic cooking recipe

By classical way caviar is salted in a “wet” way. Cooking time - 3 hours.

The recipe requires simple ingredients:

  • caviar - 250 g;
  • filtered water - 300 ml;
  • salt - a tablespoon;
  • sugar - 5 g.

The cooking process includes the following steps:

  1. Separate the caviar from the film, rinse it with running water, put it on a sieve, let it dry a little.
  2. Boil water, add sugar and salt. Make sure that the ingredients are completely dissolved, there are no crystals.
  3. Cool the water to 30-40 degrees. If this is not done, the caviar will simply boil, the dish will turn out not tasty.
  4. Pour the eggs with the resulting brine, let it brew for at least 2 hours.
  5. Throw the caviar on gauze, the liquid should drain completely.
  6. Spread the caviar in jars and put in the refrigerator.

Caviar prepared according to this recipe can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. If you want to increase the shelf life of the product, add sunflower oil. It should be refined, odorless, so as not to spoil the taste of caviar.

A simple option with vegetable oil

The recipe for salting red fish caviar with vegetable oil is very popular. In this case, the shelf life of the product is extended to 2 weeks.

Required Ingredients:

  • caviar - 100 g;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • sugar - 3 g;
  • vegetable oil - 5 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Separate the caviar from the film, rinse with cool water, dry.
  2. Transfer the caviar to a glass container.
  3. Add salt, sugar, vegetable oil. Try to place the ingredients around the entire perimeter of the container, but you should not mix the caviar. In this case, the probability of damage to the integrity of the eggs is high.
  4. Close the container with a tight lid and put it in the refrigerator.

After 9 hours, caviar can be eaten. According to this recipe, it turns out lightly salted. If you like a richer taste, add a little more salt.

How to quickly pickle pink salmon caviar

If you need to quickly pickle pink salmon caviar, use the following recipe:

  • caviar - 500 g;
  • coarse salt - 10 g;
  • sugar - 3 g.


  1. Peel eggs from eggs, rinse with water.
  2. Place the product in a deep dish.
  3. Add remaining ingredients.
  4. Gently mix the caviar, trying not to break its integrity.
  5. Cover the bowl with a plate and put a weight on it to prevent air from entering. A half liter jar of water is ideal.
  6. Remove the container from the refrigerator.

Caviar is salted in this way for 5 hours. If you do not have time to eat the product within 2 days, you can put it in the freezer. You can freeze caviar only 1 time. From the temperature difference, the eggs may burst.

Ambassador dry way

You can salt the caviar in a "dry" way. In this case, the use of brine is excluded. The advantages of this method are obvious: the shelf life of the product increases.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • caviar - 250 g;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • water - 1 liter.

The cooking process includes several stages:

  1. Boil water.
  2. Place caviar (together with ovaries) in a sieve.
  3. Add 20 g of salt to boiling water, let it dissolve completely.
  4. In the resulting brine, lower the sieve with caviar (for 20-25 seconds).
  5. Remove the film so that the caviar does not taste bitter.
  6. Transfer the eggs to a glass or plastic bowl, sprinkle with salt.
  7. Be sure to stir.
  8. Remove the product from the refrigerator.

Caviar prepared in this way will be ready in a couple of hours.

Royal style with cream and onions

if you love culinary experiments, we offer the following recipe for caviar.

We will need the ingredients:

  • caviar - 250 g;
  • onion - 1 medium-sized head;
  • cream - 25 ml. A medium-fat product (15-20%) is better suited;
  • salt - a teaspoon;
  • Red and black ground pepper- 2 years

Cooking process:

  1. Remove the film from the caviar, rinse well and dry.
  2. Transfer the pink salmon caviar to a glass container.
  3. Finely chop the onion. It is better to choose a dicing method. Add the finished product to the caviar.
  4. Sprinkle with salt (half serving), add pepper, mix gently.
  5. Top the caviar with cream, try to spread it evenly.
  6. Add the rest of the salt. It is no longer necessary to stir the caviar.

Such caviar is being prepared for about 2 hours. After that, you can eat it.

Pink salmon caviar cooked in this way is very tender (due to cream). It can be used in salads or eaten as an appetizer.

Salting frozen salmon caviar

Delicious pink salmon caviar can be obtained from a frozen product. So that the eggs do not burst, they must be properly thawed. In this case, the main thing is not to rush.

Put the caviar with the film in the refrigerator, leave for at least 8 hours. The product will be defrosted in a natural way.

For the recipe you will need ingredients:

  • caviar - 0.5 kg;
  • boiled water - 2 l;
  • coarse salt - 100 g;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • olive oil - 40 ml.


  1. Remove the film from the defrosted product, place the caviar in a sieve, rinse with water.
  2. Heat 1 liter of water (temperature 40 degrees), dissolve half of the salt and sugar in it.
  3. Dip the caviar in the brine for a few minutes.
  4. Drain the brine, start preparing a new one.
  5. Bring the water to a boil, add the remaining sugar and salt, cool the brine to 30 degrees.
  6. Once again, place the eggs in the brine. This time for 20-30 minutes.
  7. Drain the liquid, put the eggs on a towel, let them dry a little.
  8. Transfer the caviar to a jar, fill with oil.

If you do everything right, the caviar will turn out fragrant and tasty.

With lemon juice and herbs

This recipe is appreciated by real caviar gourmets. Immediately tune in to the fact that the cooking process will take at least 3 hours. But as a result, you will get caviar saturated with bright flavors.

List of ingredients:

  • caviar - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • olive oil - 100 g;
  • ground pepper - 3 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • dill, parsley, basil - to taste.


  1. Clean the caviar from the film, rinse it with running water.
  2. Place in a glass container, add salt, sugar and pepper.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix with oil, pour over the eggs.
  4. Mix all ingredients well.
  5. Cut the greens, sprinkle with caviar.
  6. Put the product in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Chefs prefer to use white pepper. It gives the dish an unusual aroma and bright taste.

Pink salmon caviar - useful product. Properly cooked caviar is no different from the one sold in jars. Use our recipes and you will get the perfect dish.

Whatever diet lovers and fans of asceticism may say, caviar on the table is a sign of good taste, especially when the table is festive. But if black caviar is a symbol of a luxurious Russian feast, then red caviar is a sign of economic prosperity in the family. Meanwhile, even on prosperity, you can save a lot if you do some things yourself. For example, salt the same red caviar at home. Let's study.

How to choose red fish for salting caviar

Red caviar at home begins with choosing the right fish in the store. For our purposes, we need fish with red meat, from salmon, such as trout, salmon or pink salmon. We need a non-gutted carcass of a female of any size, in which there will definitely be caviar (and it will be in any, because such fish is caught only when it goes to spawn).

Distinguishing a female from a male is not a problem. The fact is that the female salmon ... is “more feminine”: she has a rounder outline, a more delicate and soft color and a short rounded head. No points and a predatory look (like a male). If you choose for the first time, following these instructions, try to do it yourself, and then consult with the seller. You will see that your opinions are likely to coincide.

How to pickle red caviar at home correctly

Since you bought frozen fish, thaw it. It is recommended to do this in a natural mode, that is, first transfer from the glacier (freezer) to the refrigerator, and then let it thaw at room temperature.

The process of salting caviar itself consists of two stages of action. First you need to clean the caviar from the film in which it is located, and then place it in a salt marinade, that is, salt it. Each stage has its own subtleties. Let's start with cleansing.

Cleansing caviar from ovaries

Caviar is in two film bags (oves) - you need to get rid of them. The work is painstaking, but necessary. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the caviar itself. (Unless there is another goal).

Carefully separate the caviar from the film with your hands.

Next, put the caviar in a bowl and pour cold water. With a wooden stick, we begin to mix intensively in one direction. Periodically we take the stick out of the water and remove the remnants of the film, which are very well wound on a wooden skewer. Thus, we will clean the red caviar from the film with sufficient quality.

And now cover the colander with gauze, folded in half, and throw caviar on it. And let the liquid drain.
Next, we will move the caviar in a colander over dry gauze. Small particles of film and crushed eggs will stick to the fabric.

Cooking salt marinade - brine

For brine we need water, salt and sugar. How much water to take? I take so much that it completely covers the caviar, that is, about twice the volume of the caviar.

How much salt and sugar? For a glass of water - 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar. This is if "according to science." Quite popular is the folk way of determining the correct salt concentration: in the amount of water that will be used in the preparation of the solution, place fresh egg. And start adding salt. As soon as the egg has surfaced, stop - there is enough salt for red caviar.

So let's get the marinade ready.. Pour salt and sugar into the water and boil. Then we cool the water a little, because we don’t need boiling water, but to “enough for a finger.”

Salt red caviar

Fill the caviar with brine and leave ... How long? I leave it for 20 minutes, because I need the caviar to stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 days (more is still impossible). If you intend to serve it to the table immediately, 7 minutes is enough.

We recline the caviar on gauze and let it dry. It can dry up to 2 hours. Then transfer to sterilized jars, greased olive oil. And put it in the fridge.
Caviar is ready for use in 3 hours.

Salmon caviar is the queen not only among delicacies, but also of any holiday table. It is difficult now to imagine, for example, a New Year's feast without this delicious fish delicacy. A variety of dishes with red caviar, snacks, as well as decoration of dishes with red caviar - all this can be seen on every festive table.

But this fish product is not only tasty and nutritious, but also healthy. Red caviar can be given even to children, as it strengthens the immune system well and has strong anti-allergic properties.

Red caviar by weight or in jars can be seen in any market or store. But you can still cook caviar at home. Moreover, it can be prepared both for consumption in the coming days, and for a long shelf life. Let's get acquainted with how you can pickle red caviar at home, while retaining all its nutritious, healthy and taste qualities.

As you know, caviar in fish is located in two cavities called ovaries. To salt the caviar, it must be divided. For such purposes, a special large-mesh sieve is used in fish backwaters, through which the caviar is rubbed. But at home it is impossible to wipe the caviar in this way, therefore, a sleeve is made from several layers of gauze, into which the caviar is placed and washed under running water. When washing the caviar, it is necessary to rotate it along the entire length of the gauze sleeve, which will allow an unnecessary film to remain on the surface of the gauze. Washed caviar, ready for home salting.

Then the prepared caviar must be poured with brine, that is, with a saturated salt solution, which can be used not only for salting caviar, but also for fish or lard. Brine is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt without top and 2 teaspoons of sugar per 200 ml of water. The solution must be boiled and cooled to room temperature, then pour red caviar for an hour, put in a dark cool place. Then the liquid must be drained, and the caviar washed under running water, and then thrown into a fine sieve so that the water is well glassed. The caviar is ready for use. But caviar salted in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

You can also pickle red caviar at home for long-term storage. To do this, you need to buy fresh caviar in ovaries. At home, it is good to clean the eggs from the eggs and films. You can also clean it with a gauze sleeve. Prepare a saline solution by dissolving ordinary table salt gradually in boiled water. In order to find out the saturation of the saline solution, it is necessary to immerse the peeled potatoes in it and dissolve the salt until the potatoes float. When the saline solution is ready, they need to pour the caviar so that the water completely covers it. And leave it like that for 3 hours. In the meantime, you need to prepare another portion of strong brine.

After insisting, caviar should be put on gauze and rinsed well with ready-made strong saline. Put washed caviar into prepared glass jars and pour hot sunflower oil to the very top of the jar, namely, refined, after which the jars need to be rolled up. Using this method of home salting red caviar for a long time, you can also use glass jars with a reusable screw cap.

But before rolling caviar, glass jars must be pasteurized and cooled. And it must be remembered that for salting red caviar at home, you cannot use extra salt or iodized salt, otherwise the caviar will be spoiled. Jars of red caviar are best stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

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