Home desserts Material about vegetables for children. Historical facts about famous vegetables. Such different carrots

Material about vegetables for children. Historical facts about famous vegetables. Such different carrots

Miracle vegetables in the beds or giants among vegetables


author: Zhilyaeva Elizaveta, 9 years old, studying at the Zolotukhinskaya secondary school, Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Supervisor: Kondratyeva Alla Alekseevna, primary school teacher, MBOU "Zolotukhinskaya Secondary School", Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Description: The publication is intended for children of different ages, as well as for inquisitive adults. The material of the publication can be used for conversations, entertaining class hours, in extracurricular work, as well as for self-education.
Target: expansion of ideas of children and adults about the world around us.
1. To teach the interlocutor to see and hear, inquisitively peer into the world, observe this world.
2. To generalize, consolidate and deepen knowledge about the world of vegetables around us.
3. Contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature, its patterns.
4. Contribute to the development of thinking, attention, observation.
Summer time is not only beautiful time year, but also the time of harvesting berries, fruits and vegetables. In summer, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, watermelons, potatoes, pumpkins, zucchini ripen in the country house ... This year we had a rainy summer. Excess moisture has a different effect on growth different vegetables. I want to talk about what unusual cucumbers grew this summer in our garden.

The first cucumber was crooked, long, but very tasty.

A little later, in the garden, we picked another unusual cucumber and decided to measure it: its length turned out to be 43 cm.

But most of all we were struck by the third miracle cucumber: its length turned out to be 68 cm, and its weight was -1 kg 420 g.

Seeing such wonderful cucumbers, my grandmother and I wanted to find information on the Internet about vegetables - giants grown in different parts of our planet. We learned that many farmers around the world are passionate about breeding and strive to enter the Guinness Book of Records for their largest, heaviest and longest vegetables and fruits. Fairs are held annually in a number of countries, where farmers present their miracle vegetables.
Searching for material on the Internet was very interesting: what we just did not see! We were very impressed by the various giants among vegetables! Judge for yourself!
Giants among cucumbers.

1. The longest cucumber in the world has grown in the greenhouse of the British Claire Pierce. Its length was 1.19 meters. The woman admitted that she did nothing to grow the record-breaking cucumber: "I just watered the plant." Claire Pierce also said that the giant vegetable grew from expired seeds that she bought two years ago and simply forgot about them. The pensioner was about to apply for a record, but the vegetable rotted before experts could measure it.

And these are the grandchildren of the British Claire Pierce, Jamie and Hazel, who are still holding the same cucumber about 119 cm long.

2. Yitzhak Izdanpana, a resident of Israel, became interested in gardening after he retired. He managed to grow a cucumber 1.2 meters long. The cucumber grew on its own in three months without special means to stimulate growth.

3. Briton Philip Vowles has been growing vegetables for many years. His successful horticultural projects include giant pumpkins, cabbages, cucumbers and squash. In the photo, he is depicted with a 7-milligram cucumber, which at one time got into the Guinness Book of Records. Vauls has been growing vegetables for 25 years, so he knows everything about how to get huge harvest.

4. The Atherton family (Britain) is also fond of vegetable growing. Joe Atherton (senior) in this picture is holding an 80 cm cucumber and a 1.5 kg potato.

Giants among watermelons.
1. As you know, the largest berry in the world is a watermelon, and it really confirms this title.

In 2006, the largest watermelon in the world was grown in the US state of Arkansas. Its "author" was the farmer Lloyd Bright. After the watermelon was plucked and weighed, it turned out that its weight was 122 kilograms. Such a giant watermelon, a native of America, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. This watermelon belonged to the Carolina Cross variety. The whole family of this farmer has been growing watermelon giants for 35 years.

2. Another giant was grown in Louisiana. The big guy was raised by farmers from the Sistrank family. The berry was picked on August 26, 2008. The weight of a huge watermelon was 114.5 kilograms, and the length was 96 centimeters. To achieve this size, the fruit ripened for 147 days. A huge watermelon was given to parishioners from the local church, who were surprised not only by the size, but also by the taste of the watermelon, which turned out to be very sweet.

3. Russia also excelled - in 2009 a watermelon (varieties Russian size) weighing 61.4 kilograms was born (despite the fact that the weight of an average watermelon is 4-15 kilograms). Its "author" was Igor Likhosenko from the Temryuk region (Krasnodar Territory, Russia), who has been growing watermelons for over 28 years now. According to the farmer, despite the size, special palatability the largest watermelon in Russia did not have. It had about 8% sugar, while a regular watermelon has 12-13% sugar.

Did you know that, in addition to huge watermelons, there are also dwarf watermelons?

In South America, small watermelons are grown, only 3-4 centimeters long, called Pepquinos. They taste like fresh cucumber and are often used in expensive restaurants for cooking different salads, sherbet or as an appetizer. They were discovered and brought to Europe in 1987 by the Dutch company Koppert Cress, who then began to produce their seeds for sale.
Pumpkins are giants.
1. If we talk about the largest pumpkin that has ever been grown in the world, then the Americans are the leader here. A resident of the United States, Chris Stevens, managed to grow a fetus whose mass exceeded 820 kg!

This is the pumpkin grown in 2010 by Chris Stevens (USA); she weighed 821.23 kg, and the circumference in the center reached 4.73 meters.

2. Japanese farmer Koji Ueno has grown just such a giant pumpkin weighing 485.1 kilograms! It has won first place twice in the nationwide competition "Japan's Biggest Pumpkin".
The largest pumpkins are weighed using a cargo lift.

3. Joe Midway hugs a 392kg pumpkin at the Sydney Easter Market. She was raised by gardener Ken Ryan. Pumpkin became the winner in the competition of the largest fruits.

4. And below is the world champion and record holder of 2014, which weighs almost like a real carriage in which you can send Cinderella to the ball. We are talking about a mass of 950 kilos. The superfruit has matured on the farm of Beni Meyer, a 30-year-old Swiss. To bring the pumpkin to the exhibition and get your prize, I had to hire a truck with a crane. Abundant watering and daily care contributed to the ripening of the melon monster.

5. American farmer Harry Miller in 2013 became the absolute winner of the annual Super Bowl of Weigh-Offs pumpkin world championship. The farmer managed to grow a pumpkin weighing 900 kilograms in his garden! The main prize was $11,910.

6. A pumpkin weighing about 700 kilograms was grown by American Thad Starr on his plot in Oregon. He regularly brings giant pumpkins to various fairs and competitions. One of the last copies weighs about 800 kilograms.

Super giants among zucchini.

1. Briton Joe Atherton won the competition for the largest squash at the Yorkshire Horticultural Fair. The weight of the winning fetus was approximately 44 kilograms.

2. Gardener Phillip Wawels with son Andrew and a 51kg squash in Llangarry, South Wales.

3. A gentleman named Peter Glazebrook, who lives in the north of England in Newark, devoted his life to growing huge fruits of cultivated plants. More recently, in September 2015, a 70-year-old Englishman won the title in the Heaviest Zucchini competition. The vegetable grown by Glazebrook weighs 52.2 kg and has the potential to satisfy the appetite of any glutton with the needs of Gargantua, Robin-Bobbin or Bad Boy.

4. The largest zucchini grew on Norfolk Island (Australia).
The giant weighs like an adult man - 65 kilograms, and only two people could lift it.

The vegetable, which got into the Guinness Book of Records, weighs 3 kilograms more than its record-breaking predecessor.
Miracle - carrots in the garden.

1. The heaviest carrot was grown by Alaskan farmer John Evans and weighed 8.61 kg.

The root crop got into the Guinness Book of Records in 1998. John Evans has several more world records: the biggest cauliflower and the heaviest broccoli.

2. Another record holder among carrots was a root crop grown by Briton Joe Artenon from Nottinghamshire. This giant carrot reached 5.81 meters in length and took 14 months to grow.

giant cabbage.
1. This is a ten-year-old resident of Alaska, Kevan Dinkel, who grew a head of cabbage weighing 41.9 kilograms.

2. American farmer Scott Robb managed to grow cabbage weighing almost 63 kilograms in 2012. He presented a giant vegetable at the fair, which takes place annually in Palmar. However, the fruit never made it into the Guinness Book of Records.
At the moment, a 58-kilogram vegetable grown in 2006 in Alaska remains a recognized giant among cabbages.

3. Farmer Derek Neumann takes a giant cabbage to the annual flower and vegetable show in the UK, in the town of Harrogate.

Proud exhibitors at the Harrogate Farmers' Festival.

And this is Yorkshire fair judges Adrian Reed and Dave Elcock hugging the winner of the giant vegetable show - a head of cabbage weighing 30 kilograms.
Miracle tomatoes.
1. In 2015, in the English Gigantomo tomato competition, Joe Atherton won with a tomato monster weighing 1.7 kilograms.

2. A resident of Norway has grown a giant tomato weighing more than 1.1 kg

Did you know?
Maximum tomatoes from one bush. Graham Tranter from Bridgnorth (Shropshire, UK) grew a tomato with a record number of fruits - 488 fruits were harvested in the fall of 2010. Graham broke his own record, set in 2009, of 304 fruits per plant.

But the Japanese entered the Guinness Book of Records by growing a tomato tree as high as a three-story house on a special frame.

An Israeli, Nissan Tamir, has also been growing horticultural crops for a long time and with pleasure. On his site, everything becomes gigantic, even a radish that has gained 21 kilograms of weight.

Miracle potatoes in the garden.

1. The weight of this tuber was 11.2 kilograms! At first, the farmer could not believe his eyes, because he did not even strive to grow such a huge potato! Also, Khalil Tir from Lebanon (Saudi Arabia)) said that when growing potatoes, he did not use any fertilizers and did not pay much attention to his beds, the potatoes grew as usual. Farmer Khalil is very pleased that it was he who grew the largest potatoes in his garden. After getting into the Guinness Book of Records, interest in his farm increased greatly, and potato sales increased several times.

2. 70-year-old Peter Glazebrook is a British gardener, the same one who in September 2015 (see above) won the championship in the competition "The heaviest squash" (weight 52.2 kg) spends almost all his time on his hobby - gardening. Among his achievements are the heaviest potatoes, as well as the heaviest onions, and also a gigantic, simply colossal cauliflower. 27.5 kg - that's how much Glazebrook's cauliflower pulled, and this head of cabbage is 1.8 meters in diameter. Such a vegetable is enough to feed a whole family for several weeks. Peter Glazebrook set 10 Guinness World Records, including the last 3 records in the Biggest Vegetable nomination. In 2010, at the vegetable fair in Shelton Mallet (Somerset, Britain), he presented a potato weighing 3.76 kg - like a newborn!

The king of onions, not without reason, considers himself Mr. Tony Glover from the English outback. His name is mentioned in the Guinness Book because Tony managed to grow the heaviest bulb on Earth - weighing 8.5 kg.

In general, growing vegetables is the whole life of the elderly Briton Peter Glazebrook, in his garden he rests with his soul and works with his hands, and this gives him vitality and peace of mind.

Thank you all for your attention!

A fairy tale about vegetables for children is not just entertainment. Thanks to her, the child gets acquainted with this or that product, finds out what color it is, what shape it has. An interesting story about the benefits of vegetables may interest the baby. He will love to eat them, and this is very important for his body.

A fairy tale about vegetables for preschoolers should not only have fascinating content, but also be presented in a simple and accessible language.

What does a fairy tale teach?

A fairy tale is not just entertainment for a child. She is able to teach a lot, educate, solve many problems, and also calm. Thanks to a fairy tale, it is possible to explain to a baby or baby many things that are difficult to understand with a conventional explanation. There are, for example, children's fairy tales about vegetables and fruits that will help you learn the names of certain products, as well as recognize them. beneficial features.

The therapeutic effect of a fairy tale

Incredibly, fairy tales have a therapeutic effect. A fairy tale about vegetables for children can be no worse than the one where the main characters are people. So the child can quickly get to know and "make friends" with new vegetables. If he refuses to eat certain foods, then an interesting tale about vegetables will help change his attitude towards them. Reading or listening to fairy tales, you are involuntarily transported to the world of magic and fantasies, dreams and dreams. In this amazing world, anything can happen. Animals and birds can talk, houses can be made of candy, people can travel through time, fly, and so on. The world of fairy tales is always kind and beautiful. That is why not only children but also adults like them so much.

cheerful vegetable garden

This is a short story about vegetables. One day the puppy was walking through the garden and met its inhabitants. But he just didn't know who they were. You need to help the puppy learn about the inhabitants of the wonderful garden.

First, the dog saw a green and pimply creature. Who is it? So this is a cucumber, a real brave daredevil.

And here is a business lady, she is dressed in a hundred fur coats. And in the summer it is not a bit hot. It's a cabbage that can't get warm in any way.

And who put out his barrel to the sun? He did not tan, but only turned a little whiter. Yes, this is a couch potato.

He also saw a maiden with a scythe all the time on the street, and she herself is sitting in a dungeon. Who is this? Of course, carrots. Now the puppy knows who lives in the cheerful garden. It is inhabited by wonderful people.

Tale about vegetables (funny)

Grandfather planted a turnip. And I waited for her to grow big, very big. It's time. Grandfather began to dig a turnip. Pulls, pulls ... And then he hears that the vegetable is talking to him.

Grandpa, what a turnip I am to you, I'm a red carrot with green curly hair!

These are miracles, - says the grandfather, - but where did I plant the turnip? I do not remember. Climb into my basket, you will come in handy for soup, but for now we will look for it together. He walks further into the garden. Pull-pull...

Oh, be careful with me, I'm not a turnip, but a beet, - the burgundy lady answered in a businesslike manner.

How is it, - says the grandfather, - again confused. Here I am, an old fool. Well, come with me, you'll need borscht. He goes further.

You must be a turnip, - the grandfather turned to another vegetable.

Who am I? No, what are you. I am a potato.

That's it, - grandfather muttered, - oh, old age is not a joy. Blind, but with memory problems. How can I find a turnip?

Yes, here I am, - the turnip exclaimed, - how long can you wait for all of you? I'm sitting here, bored alone.

Finally, - the grandfather was delighted. I wanted to pull it out, and it’s true that a big, big turnip was born. Probably, it is necessary to call the grandmother, granddaughter and others. And how did grandfather pull the turnip? Well, that's another story...

vegetable dispute

These are vegetables. There lived an old man and an old woman. Grandfather watched TV in the evenings, and grandmother knitted socks for him. They got bored of living like this. We decided to have a garden. They fiddled with it all day long. They really liked that time flew by quickly and it was not at all boring. It's time to sow the seeds. The grandfather did not entrust such a serious matter to the grandmother. I went to the market myself and bought everything. I decided not to call my granny, but to sow the seeds myself. But he stumbled, and all the seeds scattered around the garden.

The grandfather came home gloomy. And he says: "How now to find where the carrots are, and where the beets are!" "Don't worry, grandfather," said the grandmother, "the time will come, we'll guess for ourselves."

Fall is here and it's time to harvest. The old man and the old woman are watching, and the vegetables are all so beautiful, ripe. They just argue with each other which of them is better and more useful.

I am a tomato, it turns out from me delicious tomato. I'm the best.

And I'm better than everyone. I am a bow, I save from all ailments.

And here it is not. I am also rich in vitamins. I am a sweet and very tasty pumpkin, and I am also very bright and beautiful.

You are not the only one who shines with beauty. I am a red carrot, I am a beautiful girl. Useful and tasty, everyone really likes it.

Vegetables argued for a long time, until the grandfather and grandmother said: “You are all important, important and useful. We will gather all of you, we won’t leave anyone in the garden. Someone will go to porridge, someone to soup, and many of you are raw edible and very tasty. The vegetables were delighted, laughed and clapped."

A therapeutic tale about healthy vegetables. Part one

This fairy tale about vegetables is perfect for those children who have problems with food. Approximate age - from 3.5 years. Many children enjoy talking about tasty and healthy food, as well as unhealthy food. The main thing is that they are interesting. If you are telling a therapy story, you should not use your child's name for the main character.

So, the therapeutic fairy tale about vegetables can be next. Katya, as usual, visited her grandmother during the summer holidays. She really liked this village. The bright and warm sun always cheered up, and in a clean river it was always possible to swim in plenty. Only now Katya was very often capricious and did not obey her grandmother. She did not want to eat cooked dishes of vegetables and fruits. The girl refused to eat them and said: “I don’t want this, I won’t. I don’t eat this green one, but take this red one away.” And everything like that. Of course, this greatly upset the grandmother, because she tried so hard for her beloved granddaughter. But Katenka could not help herself.

A therapeutic tale about healthy vegetables. Part two

One day the girl went outside and heard someone talking in the garden. She came closer to the beds and was very surprised. Vegetables were arguing among themselves.

I am the most important thing in the world, - the potato spoke, - I am able to saturate the whole body and give strength for the whole day. Thanks to my beneficial properties, every child will run, jump, jump for a long time, and will not get tired at all.

It's not true, I'm the most important! - declared a beautiful orange carrot. You can't even imagine how much beta-carotene, a supervitamin, is in me. It is good for the eyes.

Hmm, - thought Katya, - my grandmother probably loves carrots very much, since she still knits and reads without glasses.

Meanwhile, the vegetables continued to argue:

Dear friend, - the pumpkin joined the conversation, - do not think that you alone are rich in beta-carotene. I have plenty of it too. I help people cope with autumn ailments. I also have vitamin C.

I also have such a vitamin, - the red pepper answered playfully, - I have much more of it than in citrus fruits.

No, guys, of course, you are important, but I'm still the most important! broccoli said. - You can eat me not only boiled, fried or stewed, but also raw. I contain the most useful vitamins. And my soup is excellent.

Friends, you are all right, of course, but without me, the dishes are not so tasty. - said the bow in a bass voice, - and I can cure a person from various diseases.

And then the vegetables noticed that someone was watching them, and immediately stopped their argument, as if they had not spoken at all.

Here are miracles! Katya said softly. - And then the grandmother called her granddaughter to eat. Katya realized that she was very hungry and ran to wash her hands. When the girl saw that she was expecting her for breakfast pumpkin porridge, was very happy. She wanted to try all the vegetables herself and choose which of them is more important and tastier. Katya decided that now she would be happy to eat grandmother's salads and cereals and become beautiful and healthy.


Thus, a fairy tale about vegetables can be educational, therapeutic and educational. For very young children, choose books with thick pages (preferably made of cardboard) and bright illustrations. The kid, leafing through them, will gradually find out where which vegetable is. Choose fairy tales written in simple and accessible language. When they are set out in verse, they attract the attention of children very much. Write your own stories. Make up stories, but use another child's name. When your baby grows up, teach him to compose fairy tales. Fairy tales invented by children are often very funny and interesting.

  • The most cold-resistant of all citrus crops is. Not known in the wild. Mandarin is native to southern China and Cochin.
  • The word greenhouse came to us from the French language. It comes from the French word "orange", which means. The first greenhouses were built in France for the cultivation of oranges.
  • Thick-skinned fruits contain more vitamins than thin-skinned ones.
  • Is it a berry or a fruit? From the point of view of botany, the berry is a small multi-seeded fruit of shrubs, semi-shrubs and herbaceous plants. Fruits are juicy fruits of shrubs and trees, formed from the ovary of flowers and containing one or more seeds inside. The peach fruit is more of a fruit.
  • Some peoples have a tradition to give the bride so that she can manage well in the kitchen.
  • According to the EU directive of December 20, 2001, carrots are both a fruit and a vegetable. Why is carrot also a fruit in European countries? The fact is that the Portuguese make carrots delicious jam and export it to Europe, and according to European legislation, jam can only be made from fruits.
  • Contains more natural sugar than and. Onion slices contain 6% sugar. When fried, when caustic substances evaporate, the onion becomes sweet.
  • Peru is considered the homeland, or rather, the coastal strip of land between Ecuador and the northern part of Chile, where this crop was grown long before the appearance of Europeans. The ancient Aztec name "tomatl" (big berry) eventually evolved into the well-known "tomato". Tomato for a long time. like other plants brought from the newly discovered continent, it was considered poisonous.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously held in 1893 that tomatoes should be considered vegetables for customs duties (although the court noted that botanically speaking, tomatoes are fruits).
  • In 2001, the European Union decided that tomatoes are not vegetables, but fruits.
  • Thus, in Europe, tomatoes are a fruit, and in the USA, they are vegetables.
  • If a tomato is considered a fruit, then it confidently holds the palm among fruits: more than 60 million tons of tomatoes are produced annually in the world, which is 16 million more than the production of bananas. Apples are third with 36 million tons, followed by oranges (34 million tons) and (22 million tons).
  • The same song with: according to the botanical classification, the cucumber is a fruit and is considered as a false berry, according to the culinary - a vegetable.
  • In Iran, cucumber is considered a fruit and is served on the table along with sweets.
  • Our ancestors used instead of blush.
  • It is believed that the word "" comes from the ancient Greek and ancient Roman "caputum" (head), which emphasizes the peculiar shape of this vegetable.
  • is an excellent manufacturer of fertilizer. During growth, nodules are formed on the roots, which fix atmospheric nitrogen, which is so necessary for our plants. After peas and other representatives of the legume family, approximately 100 g of mineral nitrogen per 1 sq. km remains in the soil. m.
  • - these are not trees at all, these are giant perennial grasses with huge spiral leaves that come out directly from the rhizome, forming a false trunk, often reaching a height of 5 - 9 m. The plant is considered one of the highest grasses in the world.
  • In the southwestern regions of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, it is denoted by the word "kavun". Pumpkin is called pumpkin in Ukraine and Belarus.
  • From the point of view of merchandising, melon is a dessert vegetable.
  • Melon has excellent anti-aging properties. In the East they say: “Melon makes hair shiny, eyes young, lips fresh, desires strong, opportunities feasible, men desirable, and women beautiful.”

Matryoshka's fairy tales.

Of fundamental importance in the development of a child of preschool age is the development of speech, which is aimed at the practical mastery of the language and understanding of speech. At preschool age, its practical use is improved. The activity of the child in relation to the language is expressed in word formation, word creation, and writing. Older preschoolers come up with various stories and fairy tales with interest and imagination.

How to help a child write if he has not yet learned to write, or writes in block letters, but very slowly. The desire to write down one's thoughts may leave the child due to the difficulty of preserving what he has thought up.

In this situation, parents or educators will help. I offer you options for work done by parents with their children.

Tales about fruits and vegetables.

"Vegetables in the garden"
In the summer we planted vegetables in the garden: beets, carrots, onions, cabbage and pumpkin. The sun was warm, the rain was pouring and the vegetables grew quickly in the garden. Birds collected harmful bugs, cats caught mole diggers. The vegetables in the garden lived well and amicably. Vegetables grew and told each other stories, sang songs, only one thing upset them that they could not reach each other and play because they grow in different beds.

Summer has come to an end, autumn has come. It became cold and rainy in the garden, all the tales were told, all the riddles were made - the vegetables were sad. But it's time to harvest. People dug up and collected vegetables, brought them into the house, peeled, cut and cooked delicious vegetable soup. The vegetables were really happy when they met in one pan all together! They began to run after each other, catch up, catch and run away again.

Tasty and healthy vegetable soup was merrily swirling on the stove.

"The Fabulous Journey of Vegetables"

Lived - there were cucumber, tomato and carrot. Once a tomato says: “Grandfather told me that somewhere far away, beyond the seas and oceans, creatures similar to us live.” "Oh, how interesting!" exclaimed the carrot. “And let's go on a trip, at the same time we will get to know them,” suggested the cucumber. So they began to gather for a long journey. Two days passed, friends put together a boat, inflated the mattress, pulled the sail and hit the road.

They swim for a day, another, suddenly it began to rain heavily, the wind blew, a storm began. The wind tore the sail and nearly capsized the boat. When the sea calmed down, they looked around, and there was nothing around except water. Cucumber, tomato and carrot got scared and started screaming and waving their arms. Suddenly, a face appeared from the water. It was Styopa's dolphin who swam by and heard screams. Friends vying with each other began to tell that they swam to look for creatures similar to themselves. And Styopa answers them: “Yes, I know, people just like you live here not far on the island. I'll accompany you!"

A cucumber, a tomato and a carrot jumped on the back of a dolphin and swam to the island. Styopa quickly rushed them to the sandy shore. They went ashore, and the carrot screamed: “Look, look - what an orange tomato and a yellow cucumber!” The dolphin laughed: “Yes, it’s an orange and a banana. Come on, I'll introduce you to them!" So cucumber, carrot, tomato, banana and orange became friends! They began to visit each other, and they don’t forget about Styopa!

Incredible Facts

Fruits are an essential part of a healthy diet. However, we often do not even think about what we eat.

We know oranges are orange and we don't know we've been eating the same banana for 50 years.

Did you know how expensive the perfect fruit can be? Here are these and others fruit facts which may surprise you.

durian fruit

1. Stinky durian is a powerful aphrodisiac

Durian is a South Asian fruit known for its bad smell. The smell is so unbearable that it is banned in many public places in Asia.

But few people know that this fetid fruit has powerful aphrodisiac properties. It is believed to provide immediate effect on human libido, and the tender and smooth pulp of the fruit is a sensual pleasure in itself, combined with rich flavors.

According to the proverb of the inhabitants of the Indonesian island of Java, "When the durian falls, sarongs (clothes like skirts) rise." The legend came about after people watched after eating durian, animals almost always indulged in mating.

Durian contains high levels of tryptophan, which converts to the happy hormone serotonin, causing feelings of pleasure. Studies in mice have shown that mice given durian for two weeks have increased libido and improved reproductive performance.

banana cultivation

2. Bananas are too perfect

Genetic diversity ensures the longevity of species. However, the same cannot be said for bananas. Even though there are over 300 different types of bananas , most people in the world eat one type called Cavendish .

It's delicious, convenient, and grown all over the world, from Hawaii to Thailand. However, wherever he grows up, he is genetically identical, and therefore more vulnerable. In the absence of genetic diversity, a disease or fungus could wipe out the entire world's banana population.

So, for example, before one of the most popular types of bananas was Gros Michel until the fungus destroyed almost all bananas of this species. Billions of dollars have been spent to find a replacement for Gros Michel bananas.

Despite efforts to create more sustainable, genetically diverse banana species, Cavendish bananas are also in danger of extinction. The problem is partly caused by the fact that bananas do not propagate through seeds, and breeding new varieties requires seeds. In addition, almost all modern bananas are mutations obtained from 10 plants that were cultivated on the African continent.

best fruit

3. The perfect fruit is hard to find.

fruit in japan given as a gift family members, friends, colleagues and business partners. It is considered a luxury item and the better it is, the more memorable the gift becomes.

There are even stores called Senbikiya that specialize only in perfect fruit samples. On the fruits that are sold in this store, not only are there no spots and dents, they must have a perfect shape. And some look so big and juicy that you can doubt that they are real.

So, for example, a basket of 12 strawberries will cost you $83, while three melons can cost $419.

This is the price not only for perfection, but also for the labor of growing such fruits. Greenhouse owners work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to provide the right amount of nutrients and maintain the right temperature. And all this effort can be spent on growing one single specimen.

Properties of berries

4. Most Berries Are Not Berries

A berry is a fruit that has a fleshy content and an outer shell and is formed from the ovary of a plant. It means that grapes, avocado, eggplant, Bell pepper, tomatoes are also botanically berries.

Cranberries, blueberries and gooseberries are the so-called " false berries", that is, they are formed from the ovary of the plant, but not from the upper ovary, due to which they could be classified as true berries. In addition, these berries form partly from the receptacle, which also excludes them from the category of true berries.

Raspberries and blackberries are actually " drupes", i.e. fleshy fruits with a thin skin, containing several seeds with a hard shell.

There are also complex fruits, that is, more than one fruit appears from one flower. Strawberries belong to false fruits, that is, it is formed from the ovary, the tissue of the ovary and the non-ovary, on the skin of which there are structures called achenes.

fruit orange

5. Orange is not usually orange.

When naturally ripe in warm countries where oranges are grown, their outer layer contains a lot of chlorophyll, giving them green color.

In cooler places, chlorophyll is destroyed in the same way as in the leaves on trees, and the orange color of the pulp appears. It is green oranges that are ripe, and those that turn orange are already past their peak of ripeness.

However, people still associate green fruits with immaturity, and many oranges are artificially turned orange by subjecting them to rapid freezing and exposure to ethylene gas to get rid of the chlorophyll in the skin.


6. Cherry that fooled the devil

Cornelian cherry or dogwood is one of the the most ancient fruits with a long history. When cherry is mentioned in the texts of Ancient Greece, Rome and Persia, it is dogwood that is meant.

It is used in syrups, compotes and jams, as well as in the manufacture of wine and vodka, but is rarely consumed fresh.

In Turkey there is legend: When Satan came to this country, he, seeing that the dogwood trees bloom early, decided that they would bear fruit earlier. He sat under a tree and waited while the other trees around him were blooming and bearing fruit. In the end, when he discovered that dogwood trees were the last to bear fruit at the end of the summer, he got really angry.

Until now, dogwood is called " Satan's berry"or the tree that deceived Satan.

Growing watermelon

7. Watermelon has been a source of water for a long time.

The fruit of the watermelon is also botanically berry with thick rind and pulp inside.

Now we eat watermelon mainly as a snack on a hot summer day. However, they were originally cultivated for very practical purposes. One of the first references to the cultivation of watermelon can be found in Egyptian hieroglyphs, which are more 5000 years. It is also mentioned in the culture of Asia, India and the Mediterranean.

Noted Scottish explorer David Livingston discovered fields of watermelons in Africa. Watermelon grows in dry areas and has long been more than just a food. Since watermelon 90 percent water, in many arid regions of Africa, it was used as a source of water. The researchers carried it as a natural water bottle.

Another advantage of watermelon is the fact that it waste-free, and all its parts are edible.

In addition to eating juicy pulp, seeds are used, which are fried, and bark, from which jam is made or salted.

The benefits of apples

8. "He who eats an apple a day does not have a doctor"

You may have heard this saying and there is plenty of scientific evidence that regular consumption of apples is very good for health.

So one study showed that eating a handful of dried apples for six months leads to reduce bad cholesterol levels and promote weight loss.

In addition, those who eat apples have a reduced risk of stroke, improved respiratory function, and it is easier for them to maintain a healthy weight.

Apples reduce the risk of certain types of cancer by half, improve brain function and cellular health, prevent the development of dementia, and reduce the risk of diabetes.

Ordinary apples are often overshadowed by more fashionable fruits, but history shows that the health benefits of apples have been known for centuries. So the remains of apples were found in prehistoric settlements dating back to 6500 BC.

the Forbidden fruit

We are all familiar with the biblical story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit, but it turns out that the idea the forbidden fruit is an arousing factor for chimpanzees.

Researchers from University of Stirling in Scotland studied the courtship habits of chimpanzees in the wild and found that females were more likely to offer to mate if the male brought them fruit. But not just a fruit, but one that was stolen from the lands of people.

Scientists speculate that females were attracted not by the food itself, but by the rebellious behavior although they have never been seriously threatened by humans.


10. Guarana contains 2 times more caffeine than coffee

If you look at the composition of many energy drinks , you will find guarana in the list of ingredients.

According to legend, an unusual fruit grew from the eye of a murdered boy, and guarana really looks like a bloodshot eyeball. Guarana is also used as an aphrodisiac, usually in the form of a drink with nuts and bird eggs.

European missionaries in the 17th century in Brazil noticed that the locals used the berry, which not only gave them energy, but also allowed them to go without food for many days.

Guarana became a colonial tradable commodity that was said to protect against disease but cause insomnia in large quantities. The caffeine in guarana is different from the caffeine in coffee.

Guarana contains chemical components called tannins, which cause longer lasting effect than caffeine from other sources.

For centuries, guarana berries have been powdered and smoked in a long process. Guarana drink was passed to each other in a jar during official events and gatherings, which is different from the modern habit of swallowing energy drinks in one gulp.

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