Home Drinks and cocktails Oolong milk tea: healing properties, benefits and harms. Milk green oolong tea (oolong): what is it, what are the beneficial and harmful properties

Oolong milk tea: healing properties, benefits and harms. Milk green oolong tea (oolong): what is it, what are the beneficial and harmful properties

Varieties of Chinese tea are gaining great popularity all over the world. Thanks to the unique composition, you can maintain immunity and heal many ailments. In addition, each variety of Chinese tea has a unique taste and aroma, as well as brewing technology.

Milk "Oolong": features

Oolong milk tea is grown on plantations in China (Fujian Province). Also in this place, agricultural workers are breeding other equally popular varieties of the product.

Outwardly, the finished leaves of the milk "Oolong" and "Tiguanyin" are similar, but the taste and aroma of the products are different. An important factor is that tea must be able to brew properly. Thanks to the unique milky taste and aroma, the Oolong variety got its name.

If you brew the tea correctly, you will feel the aftertaste of caramel and milk in it. main feature tea - it does not include any of these ingredients. In combination with a unique aroma, the product has healing properties.

Milk "Oolong": production methods

  1. The method is one of the most complex process making tea. Milk "Oolong" is an elite and expensive variety. Once the tea begins to sprout, it is sprinkled with a sweet mixture of cane sugar. Next, the soil around the shrubs is saturated with milk. AT final stage the plant is sprinkled with rice husks.
  2. This method is a simple one. As a result, tea is of low quality. Also, the price for a similar product is much less. Raw materials are grown classical technology, then the tea leaves are harvested and soaked in a milky solution. Further, the product is dried and, as a result, it acquires a delicate aroma.

The benefits and value of tea depends on how the leaves were processed. The latter are dried from the roots, then the product is twisted into small spheres. Only after that the tea leaves are brought to the necessary drying. Due to incomplete fermentation, the product retains the benefits that are further transferred to humans when using milk Oolong.

The composition of the milk "Oolong"

Due to the unique composition of the milk "Oolong", all valuable qualities are preserved in it. As a result of gentle processing of tea leaves, the output is quite delicious product. Milk "Oolong" includes:

  • polyphenols;
  • ethers;
  • tannin compounds;
  • antioxidants;
  • theine;
  • compounds of vitamins and minerals.

If you learn the correct brewing technology, when you use it, you will be charged with positive and cheerfulness. Also, the body receives a large number of useful compounds, minerals and vitamins.

Mineral compounds:

  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine;
  • manganese;
  • sodium.

Vitamin Compounds:

  • E (tocopherol);
  • H (biotin);
  • P (rutin);
  • D (calciferol);
  • C (ascorbic acid);
  • A (retinol);
  • PP (nicotinic acid);
  • vitamins of groups B, K.

Milk "Oolong" refers to green teas, it is widely used for weight loss. People leading a healthy lifestyle often use "Oolong" with all kinds of diets. Tea is low in calories.

  1. Chinese tea belongs to useful products thanks to the unique composition, which contains an incalculable amount of vital trace elements. In the homeland of milk "Oolong", tea is usually consumed to quench thirst.
  2. If you systematically drink the "potion", toxins, slags and similar harmful substances are gradually removed from the body. The Chinese also use "Oolong" in the treatment of ailments. The main condition is only that the product must be able to brew correctly.
  3. Milk "Oolong" is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases (tachycardia, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, diabetes, obesity, etc.). If you systematically use the product, you will soon feel a beneficial effect on nervous system and brain activity.
  4. Also, with the regular use of Chinese tea, complete peace and tranquility comes. Already after the first mug of milk "Oolong" you will feel how the body relaxes and gets rid of stress, vitality stabilizes.
  5. Experts recommend drinking milk "Oolong" to people who are constantly exposed to stressful situations and lead a frantic pace of life. Tea reduces the risk of depression. Also, the drink should be consumed before important meetings. The product is able to slightly raise blood pressure and significantly invigorate the body.
  6. Green tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels, capillaries and nerve connections. The drink will help get rid of migraines. Also, milk "Oolong" contributes to the normalization of the hematopoietic function, it is drunk in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis.
  7. Use quality Oolong every day, you will soon feel much stronger and more comfortable. The work of the nervous and circulatory systems is stabilized. Excess cholesterol will come out of the body, the condition of the spleen will improve significantly.
  8. The systematic use of green tea reduces the risk of disease and failure of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the many useful minerals and enzymes in the composition of the milk "Oolong", you can easily strengthen the immune system, bone tissue, muscles.
  9. Immunologists recommend abundant use of milk "Oolong" in the spring. It is during this period that the body will experience the strongest beriberi. Also, when drinking a drink, your metabolism normalizes. AT ancient China there was a belief: if you constantly drink milk "Oolong", you can stay forever young.
  10. Due to the rich set of antioxidants in the composition of tea, harmful particles are removed from the body, due to this, the cells receive reliable protection. "Oolong" is recommended for allergy sufferers, tea improves metabolism and removes poisons from the walls of internal organs.
  11. Nutritionists advise drinking tea for weight loss. If you take a course of drinking milk "Oolong", the digestive processes will soon improve. "Oolong" helps to break down chronic fat deposits, the body will begin to absorb vitamins and minerals faster and easier.
  12. Many experts advise to consume 1 cup of milk Oolong before the main meal. As a result, the breakdown of fats is much faster. You should also drink "Oolong" for people suffering from diabetes and low blood pressure. blood pressure(hypotension).
  13. The proteins present in the composition of the drug are able to normalize blood sugar and prevent sudden spikes in glucose. Experts have repeatedly proved that "Oolong" is extremely effective in preventing the development of malignant tumors.

Despite all valuable properties milk "Oolong", he still has some contraindications. You should not have an individual intolerance or an allergic reaction.

The normal daily dose should not exceed 3 standard cups (about 600 ml.). If you drink tea more than the prescribed norm, you will encounter side effects.

  1. You should not drink milk "Oolong" before going to bed. Otherwise, you will experience insomnia and extreme agitation.
  2. It is forbidden to use green tea for people who suffer from ulcers, gastritis in the acute stage, as well as other serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. It is not recommended to drink more than 2 cups per day for pregnant and lactating girls (tea contains a large amount of theine, which affects the development of the fetus).
  4. Individuals who suffer from urolithiasis are also not recommended to abuse the drink. Milk "Oolong" has laxative and diuretic properties.

If you are going to treat any ailment with the help of milk Oolong, it is highly recommended to get the advice of a specialist. To maintain the tone of the body and strengthen the immune system, it is enough to drink 2-3 standard mugs per day. Before the first acquaintance with the Chinese drug, make sure there are no contraindications.

Video: how to brew milk oolong

Black or green tea we have long been accustomed to. But oolong or Chinese tea oolong is little known. Oolong is made from semi-fermented tea leaves. It was first produced in the 16th century in China, in the province of Fujian.

Another name for it is turquoise tea. The fact is that tea leaves of certain varieties have a turquoise hue.

What are the benefits of oolong tea? And can it do harm? Read about it in our article.


No more than 30 varieties of this divine drink are known in the world. All of them are made in China.

Lightly fermented green oolong has a rich, bright aroma with floral and fruity notes. Heavily fermented varieties have a deep spicy taste and bright aftertaste. Aged oolongs have a stronger aroma and invigorating taste. Flavorings may be added to cheap low-quality varieties. Their taste is reminiscent of Indian green tea. Benefit and taste qualities such a drink are less pronounced. Flavored varieties are produced, usually in Taiwan.

In the variety of varieties, a special place is occupied by milk oolong tea with a pleasant creamy taste. It is made from tea leaves of a certain type - Jin Xuan (Golden Flower). Like green tea, oolong leaves are dried and steamed.

Some varieties can be brewed up to 15 times! At the same time, the aroma and taste of the drink are preserved, as in the first brewing.

For good health

A feature of oolong is the combination of a very bright aroma and rich taste. It has been proven that it has a beneficial effect on the physical and emotional state of a person. His beneficial features impress!

Turquoise tea:

  • Helps to get rid of excess weight
  • Prevents the development of senile dementia
  • It is a preventive measure against most types of cancer
  • Normalizes blood pressure
  • Is a powerful antioxidant
  • Rejuvenates the body
  • Eliminates the harm of cholesterol
  • Improves digestion
  • Relieves depression
  • Gives the skin a healthy look and radiance
  • Has pronounced anti-allergic properties
  • Increases immunity, etc.

Obviously, its benefits to the body are enormous.

But in large quantities, oolong can be harmful. It is strongly not recommended to drink it during exacerbations of gastric diseases, with a stomach ulcer or gastritis. People with low cholesterol should also eliminate it from their diet.


First of all, oolong harmoniously combines the tart taste of red and the bitter taste of green teas. It pacifies the body and relaxes the body, having a calming effect on the nervous system, thereby protecting it from stress. Even in past centuries, noble Chinese women used oolong tea to lose weight and improve metabolic processes in the body. The fragrant drink gently cleanses the body, removes excess fluid, neutralizes the harm of toxins, which allows a person to lose excess weight more actively.

Milk oolong tea (oolong), its benefits, harm and differences from black and green

Milk Oolong(oolong)- tea with a unique combination of sweetness, "sourness" and velvety. Despite its name, this tea contains no milk, milk flavors or additives. The milky aroma comes from a sudden change in the weather at harvest time.

What is milk oolong (oolong) and what kind of tea is it?

Black tea, milk oolong tea and green tea are grown from the same plant, which contains a large amount of natural antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on human health. The only difference between these varieties is processing method after harvest. Unlike fermented black and unfermented green teas, oolong teas are produced by semi-fermentation, bringing the fermentation process up to 50%.

There are several spellings for the name of tea (oolong, oolong and oolong), the difference between which is determined not by the meaning, but by the method of borrowing into the Russian language. The fact is that in Chinese there is no sound “g”, and the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire pronounce its name as “u-lun”. The oolong and oolong varieties are the result of a re-borrowing of the English oolong tea, oolong in Chinese 烏龍 means "dark dragon".

Benefits, harms and medicinal properties of milk oolong tea (oolong)

Thanks to semi-fermented processing, oolong absorbs the best qualities of green and black tea. It is just as invigorating as black and treats obesity like green, but that's not all of its positive qualities.

The health benefits of oolong tea are as follows:

  • Weight management. The polyphenolic compounds found in oolong tea are very effective in controlling fat metabolism. They activate enzymes, thereby increasing the function of fat cells. In addition, polyphenols block the absorption of fats and cholesterol by 50%. Antioxidants help burn fat, especially in the abdomen and forearms.
  • Cancer prevention. Oolong polyphenols are powerful antioxidants. They are responsible for the destruction of free radicals in our body, preventing the development of serious diseases: cancer, atherosclerosis, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.
  • Treatment of eczema. According to scientific experiments, patients diagnosed with eczema should drink 3 cups of oolong tea during the day. Noticeable results of skin improvement can be seen within a week.
  • Bone health. The antioxidants present in oolong tea protect teeth from cavities, strengthen bone structure, prevent osteoporosis, and promote healthy body growth. It is believed that some components retain in the body the minerals that we consume.
  • Diabetes control. Oolong regulates the amount of sugar in the blood, and also prevents sudden changes.
  • Improvement of brain activity. Regular intake of caffeinated beverages improves mental performance, improves concentration and maintains alertness.

Besides, L-theanine as part of oolong reduces excitability and relieves stress. Harm is mainly determined by the presence of caffeine and is described in more detail in the section on contraindications.

Chemical composition

Oolong is a natural gift, rich antioxidants. It contains vital minerals such as calcium, manganese, copper, selenium and potassium, as well as vitamins A, B, C, E and K. In addition, folic acid and other beneficial alkaloids were found in it.

100 grams of dry tea contains 140 calories:

  • proteins - 20.1 g;
  • fats - 5.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.0 g.

Numerous polyphenolic compounds add even more valuable benefits.

Oolong also contains theophylline and theobromine. In their properties, both substances are similar to caffeine capable of stimulating the nervous system. In total, oolong contains about 400 useful elements intended for healthy development.

How to use for weight loss

Oolong plays a special role for those who are trying to lose weight. Thanks to this drink, the weight goes away on its own.

  • Oolong is a pleasant alternative to sugary drinks. After its use, the craving for high-calorie and harmful sodas, canned juices disappears.
  • The polyphenols in this drink increase the metabolic rate by 10%. Fats are not stored in the body, and carbohydrates are converted into energy.
  • Caffeine leads to weight loss, and paired with catechin, this process is greatly accelerated. These two substances increase metabolism, burning fat without losing muscle mass.
Many people know the fact that during weight loss it is necessary to maintain water balance by drinking 1.5-2 liters of water a day. Caffeinated drinks dehydrate you, while oolong drinks retain moisture.

Here are a few ways to brew oolong for weight loss, which are recommended by the Chinese themselves:

Method number 1

  1. Place a teaspoon of oolong in a cup and pour hot water.
  2. Let it brew for about 10 - 15 minutes.
  3. Strain the tea and let it cool down a bit.
  4. Drink slowly and enjoy the taste.
Method number 2
  1. Boil water to 100°C on the stove.
  2. Pour water into a cup.
  3. Add oolong leaves to the teapot at the rate of 1 tsp. for every cup of tea.
  4. Pour boiling water over and let it brew for 2-6 minutes.
Method number 3
  1. Add a tablespoon of oolong tea to a cup of hot water.
  2. Shake for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Strain the liquid and let cool.

Use in healthy and medicinal nutrition

So that oolong does not lose its properties, it is not recommended to add sugar to it or replace sugar with honey. The creamy smell of oolong is good in itself, if you want variety, you can use the following useful combinations:
  • with berries (strawberries, strawberries, blueberries);
  • with fruits (pineapple, apples).

Oolong goes well with ginger and ginseng.

How to choose a good product

You can determine the quality of oolong tea by its appearance and smell. good varieties tea light golden color without any signs of fading. Oolong has a strong floral aroma, sweet taste and a long pleasant aftertaste in the mouth. Tea should not smell moldy or have other strange odors.

How to use milk oolong

For ideal health, it is recommended to drink 1-2 cups of oolong per day: one cup in the morning and the second in the afternoon. In order for tea not to lose its qualities, it must be brewed in dishes with thick walls. It can be a porcelain or ceramic teapot.

According to tradition, oolong is brewed in this way:

  1. The teapot is rinsed with boiling water and 2 tsp are put into it. oolong.
  2. The contents are poured with hot water (200 ml).
  3. Close the kettle with a lid, shake the contents and pour out all the water through the spout. This is done in order to wash off the dust from the oolong tea.
  4. Pour oolong (200 ml) with boiling water again and, having covered with a lid, overdo the contents for about 10 minutes.
  5. After the specified period, it is necessary to pour the entire oolong into a decanter or glass jar.
  6. As soon as the tea has cooled slightly (up to 40 °), it can be poured into bowls. Oolong aroma opens at the specified temperature.

Oolong brewing can be repeated up to 7 times. The real taste and benefits of oolong tea are revealed at the third brewing.

With frequent headaches and restoration of mental activity, 5 cups of oolong per day (250 mg of caffeine) will be required.

Oolong storage features

To prevent the tea from absorbing foreign odors and retaining a rich creamy taste, it must be stored in tightly closed glass, porcelain or ceramic dish; plastic and paper are not suitable for these purposes. Useful substances in oolong retain their properties for up to a year.

Contraindications for use

Oolong contains a large dose of caffeine. An excess of oolong tea (over 5 cups a day) causes side effects, which include:

  • headache;
  • nervousness;
  • sleep problems;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • irritability;
  • irregular heartbeat;
  • tremor;
  • heartburn;
  • dizziness;
  • tinnitus;
  • convulsions;
  • confusion.

Pregnant it is strictly forbidden to take caffeine, including oolong tea. A large dose of caffeine during pregnancy can cause premature birth or low birth weight of the baby. Too much caffeine while breastfeeding causes irritability in infants.

Being a diuretic, caffeine affects the kidneys. Because of this, oolong tea can aggravate urinary incontinence.

In addition, oolong tea is contraindicated in individuals who are sensitive to caffeine or who are taking certain medications.

Consequences of regular consumption of oolong tea are obligatory weight loss and good health. Who would refuse such an assistant?

Have you had any experience with oolong tea? How do you brew it?

Oolong tea - benefits and harms

Of all the varieties of green tea, oolong stands out, which has the most delicate taste and delicious aroma. Once only noble people could afford this drink, but now it is available to everyone, although the cost of the original tea is still quite high. Consider the benefits and harms of such tea as oolong tea.

Properties of milky oolong tea

Oolong tea is a unique tea, because for its production complex processing technologies of the highest quality raw materials are used. This helps him to keep in his composition a huge amount useful substances. It contains vitamins C, E, K, D and group B, as well as phosphorus, manganese, iodine, iron, calcium, zinc and many other healing components - more than 400 in total.

In this regard, the beneficial properties of oolong are very diverse:

  • thanks to the huge amount of antioxidants in the composition, this drink allows you to effectively renew the body and maintain youth and beauty;
  • oolong removes harmful substances from the body, cleansing it at the cellular level;
  • regular use of oolong allows you to cleanse the vessels of cholesterol plaques;
  • taking oolong, you reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • oolong helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes;
  • drinking at least one cup of drink a day, you protect and support your cardiovascular system;
  • oolong is an excellent cancer prevention;
  • thanks to the regular use of such tea, you can significantly improve the condition of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • restores and strengthens the nervous system, helps to get out of depression or stress.

In addition, oolong is an excellent prevention and treatment for colds and flu.

Oolong tea for weight loss

It is noticed that it is effective to use oolong green tea for weight loss. Of course, this is only an additional measure, and if you eat sweet, floury, fatty and fried, it will not give a noticeable effect. But if you make it a rule to drink a small cup of oolong before each meal, you will increase your metabolism, and as a result, coupled with proper nutrition, this will make it easier to lose weight.

It is believed that tea such as milk oolong is also suitable for weight loss because it enhances fat burning processes. In other words, if to proper nutrition you add regular exercise and the use of such a drink, you will achieve results faster.

Contraindications and harm of oolong tea

This drink contains a lot of caffeine, so it is not recommended for excitable people or drinking before bed. This drink can cause allergic reactions, and if you have a tendency to them, be careful in using it.

Green tea "Milk Oolong" - useful properties and contraindications

Asia is the birthplace of the tea ceremony, where the use of tea is approached with all seriousness and mystery. To do this, choose only the best varieties drink. The process of making tea and the choice of related tools is also very important. Green tea "Milk Oolong" is very popular both in Europe and in Russia. Its unique taste has given rise to many stories about its origins. Particular attention should be paid to the beneficial properties of this drink.

Origin legends

There are many stories about the origin of this tea. One of the beautiful legends says that an amazing drink was obtained as a result of the unrequited love of the Celestial Comet and the Moon. The comet preferred the Sun and flew away, while the Moon indulged in sadness. At that moment, the Earth suddenly became colder, and a strong wind rose. After that, an amazing harvest of delicious and unusual tea was harvested.

According to another, more modern version, growing plants are watered with milk, and the roots are covered with rice husks. From this tea acquires unusual caramel flavors. Whatever the history of the origin of the drink, its aroma and taste remain unique and loved all over the world. Translated from Chinese, the name of the drink sounds like “Golden Flower”, and in Europe it is called “oolong” or “oolong”.

Where does the milky taste come from?

In fact, Milky Oolong green tea gets its taste qualities in the process of cultivation and production. This is a laborious and expensive method of pollinating a bush with a solution prepared from sugar cane. The roots of the plant are watered with milk, which dissolves well. After that, they are covered with husks of rice grains. Another method of tea production involves processing the collected raw materials with a special whey solution. The combination of oolong and extract gives these unusual flavor notes.

Beneficial features

"Milk Oolong" is valued not only for its pleasant taste and aroma. It is also a very healthy drink. Many people know about its properties, so they are happy to use green tea (Oolong) to satisfy the soul and body. Firstly, it is a relaxing drink that allows you to get rid of earthly thoughts and enjoy peace. The ceremony of tea drinking should take place in a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Green tea "Milk Oolong", the beneficial properties of which are very important, contains twice as many antioxidants as its counterpart - black tea. Its use improves performance general tone body, warms and tones. After eating fatty foods, it is advisable to drink a cup of green (milk) tea to relieve heaviness in the stomach. The drink perfectly freshens breath, rejuvenates the skin and improves complexion.

"Milk Oolong" replaces ice cream and some sweets, which means that its use is good for the figure. After drinking this drink, you can get rid of a headache, improve the functioning of the circulatory system and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Despite the fact that tea increases appetite, its use contributes to weight loss. This healing drink contains about 400 useful elements.


Despite the usefulness of this product, there are some minor contraindications. People suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer and other gastric disorders should use the drink with caution. You should not drink tea before going to bed, as it has a stimulating effect. It is also necessary to limit the intake of oolung to hypertensive patients (no more than 1-2 cups per day). Also, excessive consumption of this drink is not recommended for people with kidney disease. Pregnant and lactating women should refrain from drinking tea during this crucial period. Tea "Milk Oolong" (green), the properties of which are described in the article, no longer has any contraindications.


How to choose high-quality Oolong green tea? Useful properties and contraindications, which, by the way, are very few, must be known. But the most important thing is to buy a real product. It is no secret that there are a lot of fake teas on the shelves, which unscrupulous sellers pass off as original. Let's start with the packaging. The composition of the tea will tell you a lot. It should not contain any additives. Small debris should not be visible under the packaging. This indicates no quality product containing tea dust.

Further determination of authenticity can only be done at home by tasting the drink. In order not to make a mistake with the purchase, you need to purchase the product only in specialized stores. And remember: high-quality Milk Oolong green tea cannot be cheap.


The collection of raw materials is carried out in the autumn or spring. The collected leaves are processed, but the fermentation is not completed. It is subjected to only the edges of the sheet and part of the surface. Thus, most of the plant retains its natural structure. For all the time of production, green tea "Milk Oolong" acquires its own unique properties. The brewed drink has a delicate light lemon shade. Its taste becomes sweetish, with milky notes. A very important role in the uniqueness of tea is played by production technology and place of growth.

Rejuvenating effect

One of the beneficial properties of tea, which is very appreciated by women, is its rejuvenating effect. That is why the use of this drink has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Tea prevents aging and promotes enhanced collagen production. In addition to oral administration, it is recommended to use ice cubes made from tea. Rubbing them on the skin of the face, you can smooth out fine wrinkles and open the pores. At the same time, the effect of rejuvenation affects the entire body. A large number of useful elements improve metabolic processes in cells. Tea intake promotes rapid recovery after illness and improves vitality. That is why it is recommended to be used by the elderly. This improves brain activity and memory. There is a general rejuvenation of the body and skin. Tea is especially useful for those who are engaged in mental work and whose work requires increased concentration.

Water selection

Having analyzed all the properties of tea and its origin, you should study the order of its use. To fully enjoy the taste of the drink and its aroma, you need to brew it correctly. The main role here is given to water. This is the basis of the whole process. It should immediately be noted that plain water not suitable for plumbing. It is tough and has a certain taste. To fully experience the taste of green tea, it is better to use water from a pure source or buy bottled water from the store. By the "behavior" of the brewed drink, you can immediately determine the quality of the water. If a film appears on top, then the tea is not prepared correctly. This is a raid essential oils and vitamins that came into contact with bad water and did not dissolve.

Milk oolong (or milk oolong) is a semi-fermented large leaf tea grown in the highlands of Taiwan. When brewed, it turns into a drink of light lemon color with a pronounced delicate creamy aroma and a soft, refined, milky taste. It is due to its exquisite milky taste and aroma that this tea was called "milk oolong".

Earlier we already talked about what oolong is and what useful properties it contains in the material.


Milk oolong is created on the basis of Jin Xuan tea, which grows in the mountains at an altitude of up to 1000 meters. Tea is harvested in spring and autumn.

There is an opinion that milk oolong acquires a creamy milky taste due to the fact that it is soaked in milk for a long time. Of course, this assumption is wrong. But how do they make milk oolong so "milky"?

In fact, milk oolong is used to flavor two ways. First way- time-consuming and expensive, as it involves flavoring not the collected tea leaves, but the tea bush itself. The bushes are carefully treated with a solution of sugar cane, and the roots are watered with instant milk. After processing, the bushes are sprinkled with rice husks. Second option flavorings - traditional. The tea leaves are collected, dried and liberally processed with milk extract.

The benefits of milk oolong for the body

Vitamins included in

Milk Oolong is rich in vitamins, minerals, polyphenolic compounds, essential oils and antioxidants. Fragrant tea will share with you vitamins C, P, PP, A, K, D, E and B. Tea contains manganese, fluorine, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, aromatic oils, amino acids, tannins.

For those who follow the figure and take into account the calorie content of all foods consumed, there is good news: one teaspoon of this tea contains only 1.4 kcal.

Beneficial features

Thanks to its incredibly rich composition, tea has a beneficial effect on human health. We list its main healing properties:

Do you wake up badly in the morning? Then a light euphoria will help you, which will perfectly set you up for the whole day.

Have you tried the exquisite Chinese tea kudin, with which you can strengthen your immune system and at the same time throw off a few kilograms? We strongly recommend reading about the benefits and harms of kudin tea.

Tea varieties

The most common types of milk oolong are Chinese and Taiwanese.

  1. Chinese, green tea has an incredibly mild taste and a delicate, creamy aftertaste.
  2. Taiwanese tea has a sweeter taste and a pronounced milky aroma. Tea bushes grow in the mountains at an altitude of about 1000 meters. Exclusively elite varieties are made from Taiwanese tea.

How to choose tea

Before buying a milk oolong, make sure that the offered tea is valid. good quality. To do this check:

  1. Appearance. The sheets should be twisted and compressed into small balls. If the tea is fresh, they may shine a little.
  2. Smell. Fresh, high-quality tea has a strong, deep, pleasant aroma.
  3. Uniformity. All twisted lumps should be approximately the same size. If there are any other impurities in the tea, then most likely you have poor quality tea.
  4. Colour. The color of milk oolong should be green.

How to brew and drink milk oolong

To brew a milk oolong, we need: a porcelain teapot, tea leaves, water (preferably spring or filtered).

Everything is ready? So, let's start making tea.

  1. Pour boiling water over a porcelain teapot.
  2. Put the tea leaves in the teapot. Recommended proportions - 9 grams of tea leaves per 250 milliliters of water.
  3. Fill the pot with water. For best results, the water temperature should be around 85 degrees.
  4. Drain immediately.
  5. Refill with hot water.
  6. Let your tea brew for 1-2 minutes (someone brews for 10-15 seconds - this is an amateur, with experience you will find your taste).
  7. You can brew up to 6-8 times depending on the quality of the tea.

Please note that this healthy drink should not be abused. It is not recommended to drink more than three cups of milky oolong per day.. In addition, if you drink milk oolong before bed, it can cause insomnia.

How to properly store milk oolong

In order for milk oolong tea to retain its beneficial properties and taste, you need to store it properly. Place the tea in a hermetically sealed glass or porcelain container. Store the tea container in a cool place away from direct sunlight. Be sure to make sure that there are no very fragrant products or substances near the tea, as such a neighborhood can adversely affect both the taste and aroma of tea, and its healing properties.


Milk oolong tea should not be consumed by persons prone to the appearance of individual allergic reactions. To avoid harm, it is also contraindicated in people suffering from ulcers and gastritis, pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding.


Diets and healthy eating 05.07.2017

Dear readers, our summer continues: the weather pleases someone with pleasant warmth and gentle sun. And despite the fact that the sultry heat has not yet arrived for many, we are looking for the most suitable drinks that will quench thirst well and help maintain water balance in the body.

Tea is one of the most famous drinks in the world. Tea has unique properties: it perfectly refreshes in dry summers and warms cold winter. Tea contains a lot of useful substances that literally “help us build and live”. In a word, tea is a drink that has long received universal recognition and millions of adherents around the world.

For myself, I have already discovered several varieties of tea that have replenished my tea collection thanks to the experts of the Valley of Tea store - real connoisseurs of tea art. And today I asked my guests to tell about the famous oolong milk tea - a Chinese drink with a delicate aroma and amazing bright taste.

So, we welcome our "tea" connoisseurs, representatives of the online store "Tea Valley", who will tell us all the most interesting things about Chinese oolong.

Hello dear friends! Today we will talk about Chinese oolong, which is famous for its properties throughout the world. This type of tea has another name - "oolong", which is also sometimes found in the literature.

Milk tea oolong (oolong) - what is it

Oolong tea is a semi-fermented Chinese tea that, in terms of processing and properties, occupies an intermediate position between red and green. It can be weak and strong processing. In the first case, tea is obtained that is close in color and properties to green tea.

The brightest representative of such oolongs is the famous Milk Oolong, which has an original milky-cream shade and a characteristic taste.

Let's see how it looks in the photo.

Oolongs with medium and strong processing are dark, for example, such tea as the legendary Da Hong Pao (Big Red Robe) reminds appearance black tea, although it is very far from it in terms of taste and aromatic properties.

In the photo, Da Hong Pao tea is strongly fermented.

Oolongs are created not only in China, but also in Taiwan, mainly in the spring and autumn. Tea plantations are located high in the mountains, at an altitude of up to 1000 meters above sea level, the collection takes place exclusively by hand.

Dear friends, let's now take a closer look at how oolong tea differs from its counterparts, and also talk about its properties and popular varieties.

Useful and harmful properties of oolong tea

In its homeland, this drink is considered healing and is widely used in traditional medicine. A sort of tasty medicine that is drunk with pleasure from young to old and gaining strength and health.

Today, oolong tea is one of the most researched drinks, the unique properties of which have scientific confirmation. Which of you would refuse a fragrant drink that helps heal dozens of diseases, increase vitality and improve mood? If you want not only to enjoy tea drinking, but also to put your health in order without effort and stress, we bring to your attention a list of useful properties that this drink has. What are the benefits of oolong tea for our health? Is there any harm?

So, oolong tea promotes:

  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • weight loss;
  • getting rid of toxins and toxins;
  • cleansing the body at the cellular level;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • increase immunity;
  • relief from depression and stress.

We have listed here only those useful properties that have a scientific basis. If you become true adherents of this drink, after some time you will definitely notice positive changes in the condition of your skin, hair and nails.

Tip for those who want to lose weight quickly: if you drink 2-3 cups of oolong a day, you can speed up the process of splitting fats and restore harmony to your figure in a natural way!

There is also an opinion that Chinese oolong is effective against cancer. Moreover, according to experts, it helps not only to prevent the formation of cancer cells, but also to cope with existing oncology.

What are we paying attention to?

Considering the beneficial properties and contraindications of oolong tea, it is worth noting that, like any drink, it has several “taboos” for taking it. Due to the caffeine it contains, tea can cause insomnia or nervous overexcitation. But, in fact, this problem is solved if you set yourself a time limit and do not drink a drink after 18 hours.

Here we will say a few words about individual intolerance. Tea contains a large amount of essential oils and natural ingredients that can cause allergies. Therefore, Chinese oolong should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with one small cup of drink per day.

Despite minor contraindications, we still hope that oolong will definitely get into your tea collection and delight you with its refreshing taste, unusual shade and a lot of useful properties.

The most popular varieties of oolong tea

Dear readers, if you want to try Chinese oolong, but don't know what kind of tea to choose for the "first acquaintance", we will be happy to help you in this matter.

We bring to your attention three of the most popular and frequently bought varieties that should definitely get on your tea table.

Oolong milk tea

This is the most famous and sought after of all oolongs. Often, when talking about Chinese oolong, it is milk that is meant, so we suggest starting our acquaintance with this particular variety.

It is on the menu of any restaurant or tea shop. If you want to order a drink, it is best to do it only in trusted places that offer only original products. Milk oolong has a Chinese name - Nai Xiang Jin Xuan. Tea leaves for this variety are grown on plantations in Fujian province.

The finished drink has a milky-creamy taste. It is noteworthy that during the drying process, tea leaves are treated with natural flavoring, which makes the taste of the finished drink so fresh and multifaceted.

The color of the brewed tea is pale golden, reminiscent of freshly picked honey.

Milk oolong has light taste and the aroma of caramel, because of which the drink has long been loved by very young connoisseurs of tea.

Reviews of Milky Oolong Tea

Here are some reviews about the drink from our customers:

Alik: I was pleased with the unobtrusive creamy taste, everything is fine.

margarita: Gorgeous tea, natural, with cream flavor - you can drink it even without milk! I served it to guests and they loved it too.

Alyona: Highly fragrant tea, tasty! I brew several times, the tea does not run out!

You can see more reviews and buy Milk Oolong tea of ​​the highest category on our website: tea-dolina.ru

Tie Guan Yin (Iron Goddess of Mercy)

This variety is considered the most ancient oolong - it was grown by monks as early as the 8th-9th century AD. According to its properties, the Iron Goddess is very similar to green tea, but more mature tea leaves are harvested for production, which retain the maximum amount of vitamins. The average degree of fermentation of tea leaves causes a rich sweet aroma with floral and fruity notes, and such a bright taste is achieved by absolutely natural processing, without aromatization.

This is what this Tie Guan Yin tea looks like in the photo.

The cost of Tie Guan Yin tea depends on the harvest season, as well as the size of the tea leaves. Spring tea leaves are not as valued as autumn ones, so the "spring" drink is much cheaper. At the same time, the composition of tea leaves that were collected in the fall is very different from the spring ones: they contain much more useful components and biologically active substances, therefore, if you choose a drink for vitality and health, preference should be given to Tie Guan Yin autumn tea.

Tea Guan Yin Reviews

And some testimonials from our valued customers:

Alena Malshakova A: Classic Tie Guanyin, high quality feel. The magical aroma of peaches is excellent!

Vlad: A large clean sheet is super! Particularly pleased with the packaging foil inside - very good. convenient to store and pour into a gaiwan.

Max: The sheet is dense, does not fall apart when brewing. The first tea leaves are completely transparent, maybe they didn’t hold much. The taste is dominated by honey and floral tones, the grassy taste becomes more distinct at 3-4 brews. The aftertaste is bright, honey-creamy, fruity. Brewed 7 times. After drinking tea, the bowls kept the aroma for a long time, vanilla, meadow flowers, and fruits were felt.

We have more reviews on our website, where you can buy Tie Guan Yin tea: tea-dolina.ru

Da Hong Pao (Big Red Robe)

The legendary and very famous all over the world rock tea, also comes from Fujian province, which grows high in the mountains. It can have medium or strong fermentation, so the taste of the finished drink is quite bright and rich. When brewed for the first time, Da Hong Pao reveals a sweet taste with a long pleasant and multifaceted aftertaste.

If you brew tea again, the shade and taste of the drink will change: at first you will feel a rich aroma with a slight hint of astringency, and after a while you will be able to enjoy a refreshing honey-fruity taste.

The origin of Da Hong Pao tea is shrouded beautiful legends and myths. According to one of them, the drink was discovered by a Chinese student who, going to the exam, received a severe heat stroke. One of the monks prepared a miraculous drink for him from freshly picked tea leaves, and the disease immediately disappeared. After some time, the former student, already occupying a prestigious position, decided to thank the monk and gave him a beautiful red robe. The monk refused the offering, and the robe was left near the tea bushes.

The tea infusion looks like this:

Be that as it may, after many centuries, the art of obtaining Da Hong Pao tea has survived to this day. The preparation of tea leaves has a rather complicated technology, so the drink is obtained with an incredibly rich flavor range.

Oolong green tea is a drink with a semi-fermented leaf. According to the degree of processing it sits between black and green tea. Let's talk about what is oolong tea, useful and harmful properties which will be described below.

Manufacturing features

Milk oolong is a popular variety. It is said that it was so named because of the method of production by soaking in milk. However, in the manufacture of this type of tea, dairy products are not always used.

There are two methods for flavoring a milk drink. The first is a difficult and expensive method of flavoring a tea bush. It is watered with a solution of sugar cane. The roots are treated with milk extract. The plant is then sprinkled with rice husks. Second method involves treatment with milk extract already collected sheet.

This tea is grown in Taiwan. It is made from the Jin Xuan plant, which translates literally as "golden flower". Tea is grown high in the mountains. The collection of leaves is carried out twice a year - in spring, in autumn.

Features of the oolong

The brewed drink pleases our body with a vitamin complex, a large amount of minerals and antioxidants. In addition, tea contains caffeine and essential oils.

At oolong green tea health benefits allow you to strengthen the body, the walls of blood vessels. There is an opinion that the drink serves as a prevention of the occurrence of neoplasms. It stimulates metabolism, allows cells to recover in a short time. Thanks to this, the skin looks younger for longer, and wrinkles become smaller. Oolong removes fats, removes them from the human body. Oolong is an excellent medicine for weight loss.

Beneficial features

The drink has the following beneficial properties:

  • normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • helps keep skin young, beautiful for a long time;
  • improves brain function, makes it possible to concentrate attention, maximize performance;
  • positively affects the functioning of the digestive system;
  • improves mood;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes toxins from the body, therefore it is useful for losing weight in combination with other measures.

More about benefits

The drink contains twice as many antioxidants as regular black tea. milk drink contains more than 400 kinds of useful substances. It is rich in vitamins, trace elements, which are well preserved due to the specialized processing of the tea tree leaf.

Store tea in a jar with a lid in a dark, dry place. Porcelain, glass, tin dishes are suitable. The main requirement is that the container should not let in unpleasant odors.

Differences between varieties

The price of milk oolong may vary depending on the variety. Distinguish between Taiwanese and Chinese oolong. The latter is characterized by a delicate taste with a creamy aftertaste. The Taiwanese oolong has a more noticeable sweet taste, milky smell. Taiwanese tea leaf is an elite drink available only to connoisseurs refined taste. Accordingly, it is more expensive than Chinese tea.

What factors to consider when buying?

Before you buy oolong milk tea, make sure of its impeccable quality characteristics. Pay attention to factors such as:

  • Hue. Milk oolong always has a light green tint.
  • Uniformity. Each twisted lump should look like its fellow. If the tea leaves are of different sizes, or there are incomprehensible impurities in the tea leaves, you are looking at low-quality tea.
  • Aroma. The drink should have a deep, intense, pleasant aroma.
  • visual assessment. Each leaf is twisted into a ball. If the leaves are fresh, they may glisten in the light.

Important! People who are allergic to green tea are not advised to consume tea. It is also contraindicated in patients with ulcers or gastritis, pregnant women, women during lactation.

Taste characteristics

In various oolongs different color infusion. Its hue can range from yellow-greenish with a pink tint to very bright, which visually resembles an infusion of red tea. The aroma of the drink, the aftertaste changes with each new brewing. Multiple brewing is acceptable when it comes to a quality product. From an ordinary, ordinary oolong, you can get up to five delicious brews.

The infusion has a rather rich aroma. It can be similar to berries, chocolate, spices, honey. A very long aftertaste literally in every oolong. For this reason, it is recommended to drink it slowly. not to miss even the slightest note of pleasure.

Famous varieties

The most famous varieties of this tea are Tie Kuan Yin with a low level of fermentation, as well as Da Hong Pao with a high degree of fermentation. Milk oolong Peng Feng has gained great popularity. It should be noted that all oolongs are characterized by bright tastes. There is no urgent need to purchase the most famous copies.

For the last forty years, flavored elite oolongs have been especially often produced on the island of Taiwan. Aromatization is carried out by adding aromatic oils, extracts, which are extracted from rose petals, flowers of the cinnamon tree.

Interesting to know: such drinks are sent exclusively for sale abroad. The Chinese don't understand flavored drinks. They are considered corrupted. Indigenous people prefer tea with original taste characteristics.

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