Home General issues Milk tea oolong (oolong) and its beneficial properties. Milk oolong - benefits and harms

Milk tea oolong (oolong) and its beneficial properties. Milk oolong - benefits and harms

Oolong tea - what is it? Recently popular oolong tea comes to our stores from China. This is where it is grown and harvested. Oolong or oolong tea has a delicate taste and an unusually rich aroma. Few people know that it is also useful for our body. What properties does this drink have, does it have harmful properties, as well as how to properly brew tea for maximum benefit, read on.

Immediately after harvesting the leaves, fresh raw materials are fermented. Chinese oolong tea belongs to semi-fermented varieties, which means that not the entire surface of the leaf was processed, but only the edges. During the drying process, the surface of the leaves oxidizes, twists into a tight ball, which opens when brewed. It is this processing method that minimizes contact with air, so tea is only partially oxidized. Natural oolong tea is considered one of the rarest and most expensive varieties. Chinese tea.

What does oolong tea contain:

  1. Essential oils.
  2. Polyphenols.
  3. Tocopherols.
  4. Calciferols.
  5. Caffeine.
  6. Thiamine.
  7. Vitamin C.
  8. Pyridoxine.

Oolong is rich in such macro- and microelements as calcium, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, iodine, iron, zinc.

The valuable chemical composition brought fame to oolong tea as a natural antioxidant, so the second name of the drink is literally translated as “elixir of youth”.

What are the varieties

On the fermentation scale, oolong is about halfway between black and green tea. At the same time, there is the concept of “black” oolong teas, dairy teas occupy a separate niche, and you can also hear about absolutely incredible “turquoise” teas.

In fact, the classification is carried out according to the growing area. Traditionally in China, the most valuable tea plantations are located in Fujian (eastern part of the country), Guangdong (southern part) and the island of Taiwan. Depending on the degree of fermentation, weakly fermented oolongs (less than 50%) and strongly fermented (more than 50%) are distinguished.

The best heavily fermented varieties are:

  • Di Hong Pao, Bai Ji Guan and Shui Jin gui (originally from northern Fujian).
  • The representative of Guangdong Province is Feng Huang Dan Cong.

Among the weakly fermented varieties, Tie Guan Yin (southern Fujian), as well as Dong Ding, Cui Yu, Shan Lin Xi and Alishan - Taiwan have gained the most popularity. By the way, this island is the birthplace and main exporter of flavored oolongs.

The milk variety of oolong tea - Nai Xiang Jin Xuan is obtained as a result of a special processing of a growing shrub, so the drink acquires a sweet and milky aroma. Under this brand, now most often you can buy artificially flavored green tea.

The most expensive and rare are Lao Te Guan Yin and Lao Cha Wang. They belong to aged oolongs, the processing of which does not include thermal intervention. Fermentation during such processing takes several months and even years, which is why they are so rare and expensive.

Benefits of oolong tea

In a reasonable amount of oolong, everyone can drink without restrictions. This drink has a tonic and stimulating effect on the body, so it is recommended to drink it in the morning. Due to the high content of caffeine, You can drink no more than three cups a day.

Benefits of oolong tea:

  • Improves the body's natural defenses, tones and invigorates.
  • Stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is a prophylactic of cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis.
  • Accelerates metabolism, promotes weight loss.
  • Improves regeneration processes at the cellular level.
  • Removes toxins, salts of heavy metals and toxins from the body.
  • Stimulates the brain, improves mood.
  • Useful for low blood pressure.

For people predisposed to diabetes, oolong will help maintain normal blood sugar levels. It should be noted that it is the original tea that has undergone a special fermentation of the leaves after harvesting that is useful. Most often, our stores sell ordinary green, properly flavored. Such a drink will also taste good, but does not have special properties.

How to brew Chinese tea

It is no secret that in China this is a completely unique and solemn ceremony, which takes a lot of time and effort. To fully enjoy the wonderful taste of oolong tea, it is not necessary to spend so much effort. The basic rules and recommendations are quite simple, and further information will familiarize you with them.

The main nuances of brewing oolong:

  1. A ceramic or porcelain teapot of the required volume is used.
  2. The calculation of the amount of dry raw materials is very simple: ⅔ teaspoon for each cup.
  3. Before filling the tea leaves, the kettle must be rinsed with boiling water to eliminate odors and warm the container.
  4. For brewing, only water is suitable, the temperature of which is not higher than 80 degrees. Boiling water will damage the leaves and may overpower the original flavor of the tea.
  5. The first water with which tea is brewed must be drained immediately.
  6. The second time the water is infused for no more than four minutes, after which the tea is poured into cups.

On average, oolong tea can be brewed in 7 to 8 servings. Each time, the taste inexplicably changes, revealing more and more new facets. You can enjoy the wonderful taste of this drink in the morning or afternoon, but leave more “calm” options for the evening.

In what other areas is oolong used?

In addition to its "traditional" use, oolong is an excellent base for cocktails. In cosmetology, you can use decoctions of tea leaves to create masks and homemade lotions. Expensive professional cosmetics often include extracts from green tea and oolong, so you can use these recipes for self cooking miracle - cosmetics.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During these important periods of life for any woman, the use of such drinks should be limited. Thanks to the caffeine in the composition, oolong is extremely tonic, which may be undesirable for the expectant mother and baby. If there are no medical contraindications, one cup a day will not hurt, but in case of poor health or sleep problems, this type of tea will need to be abandoned.

Can children

Contraindications and harm

The main danger is poor quality products. Often, in order to “fill the price”, manufacturers flavor ordinary tea, use harmful or inappropriate additives, and also violate the terms and conditions of manufacture. Such a drink will not be useful, so you can only buy oolong from trusted suppliers who value their reputation.

  • Do not take if there are problems with the excretory functions of the kidneys. Oolong has a strong diuretic effect, which can aggravate the condition.
  • Do not drink this drink at night. Due to the tonic effect, insomnia may occur.
  • During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive tract, the use of such tea can provoke an aggravation of the condition.
  • With increased blood pressure it is also not recommended to use oolong tea.

Oolong milk tea is an original drink with a pleasant taste and a whole set of useful substances in composition. It perfectly tones, tunes in a positive way, and also provides a tonic and antioxidant effect on our body. To enjoy the delicate taste to the fullest, you need to choose a product good quality as well as be able to properly brew this tea.

Chai oolong occupies a special place in the classification. Due to the specific production technology, high quality, it belongs to the elite variety. We learned about this drink in our country relatively recently. We will tell you more about this variety, but first a little history.

There is a special attitude towards tea in China. This is a kind of relic of the country, which is worshiped by the entire population. Even before our era, the Chinese, harvesting, gave the best part as an offering to the emperor, who loved the oolong variety. This is evidenced by a manuscript dated to the 1st century BC. e. The ritual was considered sacred and was called "Gong Cha". Tens of thousands of local residents were driven to the plantations from the surrounding provinces. In 1 kg of the product collected for the ruler of the country, there were 180 thousand young leaves.

According to one hypothesis, such tea appeared as follows. Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, who lived in the 2nd century AD. e., introduced restrictions on the production of popular products in order to monopolize the production of goods, to concentrate the process in the hands of the state. Ming's desire was understandable: such trade gave tangible profits to the treasury. To avoid bans, local producers of raw materials changed the production technology. So it turned out oolong.

A more fabulous version of the appearance is as follows. In ancient times, the Black Dragon hunter lived in Fujian Province. One day he went fishing. While resting in his bag, he found tea leaves, which were wrinkled and oxidized from a long journey. The hunter wanted to throw them out, but changed his mind and brewed them. The taste startled him. He gave the same leaves to his friends, who also liked them. They were named after the hunter.


The best varieties of tea grow in China in the south: in the provinces of Fujian and Guangdong. On the mountain slopes, on soil rich in mineral components, these tea bushes grow. Similar material is grown in other regions, for example, in Taiwan, but here - ideal conditions for their growth.

The name was given by the name of the first person who raised him, whose name was Sulun. Another Chinese legend tells about this. Over time, the name was reduced by one letter.

This is not a variety of green or black (Chinese red) variety, but a separate category. It is either light or dark. A popular drink with added milk is milk oolong, or in English, oolong. They produce flavored varieties with the addition of natural ingredients with a wonderful smell.

The leaves for the light oolong grow in the south of Fujian, its congener grows in the north of the region. The production technology is practically the same. At the final stage, the leaves of the latter are additionally languishing on braziers with charcoal. For this reason, the liquid acquires a dark, cognac color and a spicy aroma. When brewing a light oolong, the liquid turns out to be transparent, with a slight yellowness.

The leaves of dark oolongs are larger, crumpled, folded in the longitudinal direction. Light - twisted in the form of balls.


For the uninitiated, the news that three varieties of tea products can be collected from one bush will be a curiosity. It all depends on the degree of processing.

Chinese oolong tea is produced as follows:

  • Raw materials are collected by hand, only the upper young shoots in the amount of 4-5 pieces.
  • It is laid out on horizontal surfaces. Within 6 hours the goods are "ventilated" in the open air.
  • At night they clean in a dark room with a low temperature. Raw materials are turned, sorted out.
  • Then the products are placed in centrifuges at a temperature of 150-250 degrees (depending on the type). The raw material becomes soft, withered. The operation time is 6-7 minutes.
  • The tea material is moved to another device, rollers, where for 10 minutes the leaves are “gently” crumpled without breaking. At this stage, juice is released from them.
  • The last stage is drying. It takes place in special cabinets at different temperature conditions.
  • Dark ones are slightly smoked on coals.

The tea product, during fermentation, partially coagulates. It turns out a combination of a fresh plant with withered. Processing affects the edges of the leaves. This gives them a reddish hue. The middle part remains green. Various teas are fermented in the range of 15-50% of the leaf area.

Fermentation or aging is a natural reaction of the interaction of a plant with air. As a result of which bacteria appear, causing fermentation of leafy juice.

Popular types

There are many varieties of this product. We list the most popular:

  • Tiguanyin (classic);
  • Guanyin Wang (imperial view);
  • Xiang Jin Xuan (milk);
  • Qi Ji Chu (spring);
  • Gui Hua (floral);
  • Moli (jasmine);
  • Huang Jin Gui (gold).

Like the classic types, this product has a large collection of substances that are healing for our body.

Benefits of the Black Dragon

We list the main useful components:

  1. Essential oils.
  2. A set of vitamins: B, C, D, E, K.
  3. Minerals: magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, etc.
  4. Vitamin C.
  5. various flavonoids.
  6. Thein.
  7. Thiamine.
  8. Niacin.
  9. Polyphenols, as well as many other micro and macro elements.

The use of this drink helps to cure many diseases. It tones, energizes, soothes nervous system rejuvenates the body. The informal name of oolong is the elixir of youth. For example, in patients with diabetes, after drinking tea, blood sugar is reduced by 30%. This is an excellent tool for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Oolong enhances metabolism, removes toxins, and breaks down fats. For this reason, the drink is popular with those who want to lose weight.


There are very few of them. Such a drink should not be drunk by allergy sufferers, people suffering from serious chronic diseases: anemia, hypertension, who have suffered diseases such as heart attack, stroke.

How to brew?

3 g or 2-3 teaspoons of the product are taken and poured with hot (not boiling water!) Water. This nuance should be taken into account: light species are brewed with water at a lower temperature - 80 ° C, dark ones - about 90 degrees.

The tea leaves are placed in a heated ceramic or porcelain container, shaken. This contributes to the creation of a better flavor. The first brewed liquid is not suitable for consumption, it is drained. Shedding hot water a second time within 30 seconds. Each next time the flow time is increased by 10 seconds.

Milk oolong is considered the most popular among other semi-fermented ones, so today we will look at its beneficial and harmful properties and find out who is contraindicated for this.

What is this tea

Did you know? The cultivation of milk oolong takes place at an altitude of about 1000 meters, and tea leaves are harvested in spring and autumn.

Despite the special aroma, there are no considered components, so consider how milk oolong is made. The first method is quite expensive, therefore, the raw materials, respectively, have a high price in specialized stores, and besides, they are very difficult to find. Through a special fermentation, when the tea leaves are partially oxidized and withered, a product with aroma is obtained.

The second method makes the product cheaper, so it is available for purchase in regular stores. It differs in the worst quality and not so pronounced aroma. In order to make a product, ordinary green tea is flavored, giving it a smell.

Chemical composition

The main feature of milk oolong tea, in addition to its excellent aroma, is its rich chemical composition containing:

  • tannins;
  • polyphenols;
  • theine;
  • antioxidants;
  • , zinc, fluorine compounds.

Did you know? Milk oolong is considered the most consumed Chinese tea in European countries. In China, it was specially grown for export in the 60s of the 20th century.

Milk oolong tea is characterized by low calorie content: per 1 tsp. dry product accounts for only 1.4 kcal.

What is useful milk oolong

Important! It is not recommended to pour tea leaves into tin or metal containers, as the product may lose its aromatic and beneficial features.

The product can actively absorb foreign odors, so place it away from spices and other aromatic products, and tightly close the lid of the oolong container.

How to brew and drink milk oolong

It is important not only to choose the right raw materials, but also to know how to brew them in order to get the most saturated and aromatic drink and preserve all the beneficial substances.

Before you brew milk oolong - green tea, you need to choose the right container. Perfect for this ceramic or porcelain teapots. Before making tea, the container should be filled with boiling water to remove the foreign smell and warm it up a little.

When the dishes are pre-treated, you can start preparing a drink.

Brewing liquid temperature should not be higher than 80 °С. Boiling water is not used for brewing. To get a rich taste and aroma, it is recommended to add 1 tsp. for every cup.

It is better to pour dry leaves in large quantities in a teapot. To begin with, a little boiling water is poured over the tea leaves, scalding it, then the liquid is immediately drained. The second time, already scalded tea leaves are poured with the required amount of liquid.

It should also be carefully chosen for use in tea - it must be of high quality. As you know, oolong is brewed more than once, so let's consider how many times milk oolong can be brewed. You can also re-brew already used tea leaves about 8 times, while high-quality raw materials, each time after scalding, will give off their aroma and richness, as in previous cases of brewing.

Oolong, or oolong, is obtained from the leaves of the same plant from which green and black teas are produced - Camellia sinensis. The difference lies in the method of preparation.

What it is?

Leaves Camellia sinensis contain some enzymes that stimulate the passage of oxidative reactions in them. Green varieties are made from leaves that are not oxidized (or, as they say, fermented). - these are leaves in which the oxidation reaction has taken place.

The difference between oolong tea and green and black tea is that it occupies an intermediate position between these varieties. Its leaves are oxidized, but not completely. Therefore, it is wrong to call oolong green. This is a completely different kind of drink. And if we describe it in color, then it is brown.

Many people believe that oolong tea is always milky. This is not true. Milk oolong is made by adding milk extract to it during processing, which gives original taste and aroma. But this is just one of the varieties. It is the most popular in our country. However, the oolong does not have to be "dairy".

The benefits and possible harms of oolong milk tea and regular oolong tea are the same.


One cup of freshly brewed drink contains:

  • 26% daily allowance manganese;
  • 36 mg caffeine;
  • 5-24% of the daily dose of fluoride;
  • as well as potassium, magnesium, sodium, niacin.

But, of course, the benefits of green milk oolong are determined not by vitamins and minerals, but by completely different biologically active compounds.

Oolong contains a lot of antioxidants of the polyphenol group (theaflavins, araubigins and EGCG) and flavonoids (catechin, myricetin, kaempferol and quercetin).

Theanine amino acid is present, which is responsible for its relaxing effect.

Beneficial features

  1. Prevention of type 2 diabetes. The polyphenolic compounds in the drink have been shown to reduce blood sugar and insulin levels while increasing cell sensitivity to this hormone. It has been shown that people who drink 720 ml of oolong per day reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 16%. Those who are already sick and drink 1500 ml daily can lower their blood sugar levels by 30%.
  2. Protection of the heart and blood vessels. The beneficial properties of Chinese oolong are the ability to slow down the development of atherosclerosis. Moreover, how to prevent its occurrence, and to alleviate the manifestations in those people who are already sick. The drink dilates blood vessels, and low density lipoproteins. Regular tea drinking with oolong reduces the risk of developing heart disease by 61%.
  3. Prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. Caffeine, theanine amino acid, polyphenol EGCG enhance the effect of norepinephrine and dopamine on the brain, improve the functioning of the hypothalamus. This makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of many severe neurological diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. According to some reports, the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease with regular use of this variety of Chinese tea can be reduced by 86%.
  4. Improvement in mental status. The combination of theanine, caffeine and polyphenols calms and at the same time puts a person in a business mood, improves concentration, and increases efficiency.
  5. Cancer prevention. Tea antioxidants destroy free radicals that damage cellular structures, causing cancer. At the same time, polyphenolic compounds reduce the rate of division of already formed cancer cells. The greatest activity is shown against melanoma, tumors of the pancreas and ovaries.
  6. Dental health support. The anti-inflammatory activity of antioxidants helps fight inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, prevent the development of periodontitis, and eliminate pathological dental deposits. The beneficial effect of the drink is also associated with the presence in its composition of significant amounts of fluorine, which strengthens tooth enamel.
  7. Increase in bone density. The special benefit for women of milk oolong from China is due to its ability to maintain proper bone mineralization. It has been shown that if a woman regularly consumes a drink in her youth, then by the age of menopause her bone tissue has a 4.5-4.9% higher density than if she did not drink this tea.
  8. Help in the treatment of eczema. Oolong is not able to completely rid a person of eczema. But it can enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs used to treat this disease.

Benefits for weight loss

What else is useful milk oolong tea or any other version of oolong is that it helps to lose weight.

The drink cannot be called a “diet pill”. But it is advisable to include it in the diet for those people who want not only to quickly lose a few kilograms by the beach season, and then return them back, but to strive to lose weight sustainably with health benefits. Let not quickly, but correctly.

A successful combination of caffeine and drink polyphenols:

  • has a thermogenic effect and due to this;
  • reduces the absorption of dietary fats;
  • slows down the formation of new fat deposits.

Also, oolong tea for weight loss is useful in that its antioxidants help the body cope with inflammatory processes. Since a significant weight gain is always associated with the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in a person, this function of the oolong is extremely important for normalizing body weight.

Another property useful for normalizing weight is a decrease in cell resistance to insulin. This effect helps not only to avoid the development of diabetes, but also to lose weight. Especially in the abdomen. Since the accumulation of excess fat in the abdominal cavity is always associated with the presence of resistance to the hormone insulin.

In order for oolong for weight loss to be truly useful, it must be consumed without sugar and other sweeteners, including without honey. But it is useful to add spices that will enhance the healing effect of the drink, primarily cinnamon.

Contraindications and side effects

There is caffeine in the drink and the harm of milk oolong tea may be associated with this if consumed in large quantities.

However, it is difficult to overdose on caffeine with regular tea drinking. According to official data from international medical organizations, adults can safely consume 400 mg of caffeine per day. For pregnant women, the norm is 200 mg.

It is also theoretically possible to overdose on oolong's polyphenolic antioxidants. But it is theoretically, since in reality cases of overdose were recorded only when using additives in the form of extracts, but not the drink itself.

The only group of the population for which the harmful properties of tea can be expressed quite clearly are those who suffer from iron deficiency.

Flavonoid antioxidants, consumed in large quantities, reduce the absorption of iron from food by 15-67%.

Therefore, those who suffer from iron deficiency are not recommended to drink this version of tea at the same time as meals. In addition, it is imperative to saturate your diet with foods rich in vitamin C, which improve the absorption of the trace element.

When breastfeeding, milk oolong is allowed and even indicated.

Brewing rules

You can see with your own eyes how to properly brew green milk oolong tea in the video.

The basic rules are as follows:

  • to keep the maximum amount of antioxidants in tea leaves, they must be brewed with water at a temperature of 90 degrees;
  • infusion time - 3-10 minutes;
  • 3 grams of leaves are taken per cup (oolong is usually large-leaved, so 3 grams correspond to 2-3 teaspoons).

How does the drink affect the human body: conclusions

Oolong is made from the leaves of the tea bush, which have undergone partial fermentation. That is, milk oolong tea is an intermediate position between green and black varieties. That's what it is.

The beneficial and harmful properties of the dairy version are exactly the same as those of the regular one. The difference in taste is due to the fact that the dairy variety is treated with milk extract.

Oolong tea helps prevent diabetes, atherosclerosis, cancer and Alzheimer's disease. It is useful for sustainable healthy weight loss, treatment of eczema, strengthening bones and teeth.

Possible harm associated with an extremely high amount of drink consumed - more than 10 cups per day.

Dive into the wondrous world of Chinese oolongs. From origin to tasting.

Someone calls it "drug" tea, there are those who consider oolong a variety of green varieties. Let's dispel the myths about the unusual, unique and most fragrant Chinese tea, which bears such a melodic name - oolong tea.

The key concept is fermentation. Oolongs are medium fermented varieties. Average degree of fermentation: 20-50%, depending on the specific type. Speaking conditionally, they occupy an intermediate position between green and red (European black) teas. While retaining the fresh floral aroma of the greens, they take on a deeper and richer flavor characteristic of the darker varieties.

An infinite number of names

This tea is called by different names. Most popular title- oolong tea, oolong tea. Chinese: 烏龍. . Another is qing cha or turquoise tea. There is also a poetic one - “Black Dragon”, which personifies the ability of leaves to change color when brewed.

The name "oolong" migrated to us from England: due to the specific pronunciation, in English it sounds exactly like that. Sometimes there are erroneous names: oolong, oolong, resulting from the incorrect English pronunciation of the Chinese pinyin "wū long".

How about no myths?

There is hardly a tea in China whose origin is not shrouded in a romantic legend. The Heavenly Empire loves it. There are at least a dozen legendary tales about the origin of oolong as a variety of Chinese varieties.

According to one of them, this tea was found by a traveler named Sulong, in the province of Anxi. His name served as a prototype for the names of the varieties of this group.

Another legend begins its story from the distant 20th century, when one of the emperors of the Song Dynasty ruled. By order of the court, a huge garden of camellia, Dragon and Phoenix varieties was planted in Fujian. The leaves born by them went to the production of pressed tea. In the future, during the Ming Dynasty, its popularity fell sharply, which served as a prerequisite for the cultivation of a new variety of "Black Dragon Tea" with rolled leaves. You probably already guessed that these were the first oolongs.

It is impossible not to mention the legend of a hunter with the nickname Black Dragon. Once, while hunting, he collected leaves from the bushes, and while chasing a deer, they crumpled and turned into tea. Its aroma was amazing and unique.

Historical facts

Now a portion of the truth, confirmed by historical sources.

The first mention of oolongs comes from the Ming Dynasty. The raw materials for them were the leaves of wuyishan shrubs that grew in the northwestern part of Fujian. From there, the technology migrated to Guangdong and Anxi.

It is known that at the beginning of the 17th century, Chinese oolong tea was imported to Europe. He so quickly won the love of noble ladies that many still consider oolongs "women's tea". After King Charles II married a Portuguese princess, tea began to be imported to the UK. The queen adored oolongs and could not go a day without drinking a hot cup.

On the island of Taiwan, it began to be produced only in the 19th century. In just a few decades, the new Dodd & Co tea brand reached the peak of its popularity: its products began to be in great demand both in the Middle Kingdom and abroad: in the USA and England.

The uniqueness of turquoise tea

Before going into details and describing the features of production, organoleptic characteristics and properties of oolong tea, we immediately note why this tea is unique.

5 key features:

  1. Oolongs are the most fragrant variety of Chinese tea. Everyone will agree with this. No wonder the varieties of this group are favorites of tea ceremonies, in which the variety of shades and notes is appreciated.
  2. They are the only tea group involved in the Gong Fu Cha ceremony. Tea mastery is not just tea drinking, but a whole ritual filled with special energy and love for Tea.
  3. Multiple brewing. Oolongs, especially light ones, withstand 8-15 infusions. This is an impressive figure.
  4. In China, it is customary to divide oolongs into mainland and island ones (Taiwan). Indeed, they differ significantly in taste and aroma, properties and effects on the body.
  5. Twisting - required step in production. The degree of twisting is determined by a particular variety, but this stage is always present.

Oolong is not green tea!

Many mistakenly classify oolongs as green varieties. The fact is that some representatives (for example, Tie Guan Yin, Alishan, Milk Oolong) give a green color to the infusion, and in effect they resemble green varieties. In fact, green tea is a completely different group, represented by varieties of less fermentation, with a different production technology and properties.

It is easy to distinguish oolong from green tea: pay attention to the shape of the leaf. In green varieties, the leaf is whole, in oolongs it is crumpled, often in the form of balls or twisted spirals.

Where does oolong tea grow?

In short, we figured out what oolong tea is and what makes it unique. Now about the places of growth.

The raw materials for tea are leaves from shrubs that grow in 3 areas: in Fujian (north and south of the province), Guangdong and Taiwan. In the southern part of Fujian and on the island, light varieties are produced, and in the north of Fujian and in Guangdong - dark, with fermentation from 50%.

Collection and production technology

The leaves are harvested by hand. Collection time is determined by the recipe. As a rule, spring varieties are more fragrant, but less deep in taste. Autumn is the opposite. For the production of highly fermented (dark) oolongs, mature, fleshy leaves are used; for weakly fermented (light) - younger raw materials. But there are exceptions.

The general production scheme is as follows:

  1. Drying outdoors. The crop is laid out under the sun for 1-1.5 hours, then transferred to the shade.
  2. Simmering (fermentation). Periodically stir the leaves, but gently so as not to damage. Tea languishes in the air until the leaves begin to darken. Fermentation in this case occurs unevenly: the edges are oxidized more strongly than the middle part.
  3. Heating (drying). Purpose: to stop fermentation.
  4. Spinning in drums.
  5. Re-drying. Purpose: to remove residual moisture.
  6. Packing.

Classification with examples of the best varieties

The classification of oolongs is based on different criteria. The main one is the degree of fermentation (we touched on it earlier).

Light and dark

Light: lightly fermented (20-30%). Dark (more than 50%).

It is generally accepted that varieties of strong fermentation appeared earlier. The best of them grow in the highlands, in Wuyishan and the Phoenix Mountains (Fujiang and Guangdong oolongs). The best representatives of Fujian: Da Hong Pao, Bai Ji Guan. Guangdong: Feng Huang Dan Cong and several dozen of its varieties.

Light ones have a more delicate, floral aroma, similar to green varieties. The best grow in the highlands of Taiwan (Dong Ding, Alishan) and southern Fujian (the legendary Tie Guan Yin).

In the shape of a leaf

Leaves of dark varieties have a longitudinal twist. They are very long, look solid but crumpled (Da Juan Pao, Fhdts).

Light varieties have a spherical twist and look like balls (Tie Guan Yin, Gaba, Dong Ding).

By place of production and variety of tea bushes

  1. Wuyishan (northern Fujian). The raw materials are the leaves of shrubs from the plantations of the Ui mountains. Types of camellia varieties:

Alpine (Wu Yiang Cha): Zhou Gui, Shuxian, Da Hong Pao, Bats Ji Guan and others;
- Shuxian from northern Fujian.

  1. South Fujian. The most famous: Tie Guan Yin, Jin Gui.
  2. Guangdong. These are Feng Huang Da Cong and its varieties, which are produced in the Chaozhou region: Mi Lan Xiang, Yu Lan Xiang. They have pronounced orchid notes.
  3. Taiwanese. The special taste and aroma is due to the foggy area of ​​​​growth of shrubs. Tea Tree Varieties:

Chin Shin. Top grade.

Zin Xuan. Oolongs from the leaves of these shrubs acquire a characteristic milky taste.

Jade. With pronounced notes of orchid.

Si Zi. This shrub is a hybrid. The processed leaves acquire a bright floral aroma.

The best Taiwanese varieties: Alishan and Lishan, Dong Ding.


Not to be ignored is a relatively new category of oolong varieties: flavored. Among them are well-known milk tea, a drink with the aroma of ginseng, orchids, osmanthus.

During the production process, the leaves are treated with aromatic extracts.

Most of these varieties are produced on about. Taiwan. They are mainly for sale: in China, tea without additives is valued.

Tasting: infusion, taste, aroma

What do twisted spirals, long flagella of tea with the mysterious name "oolong" hide behind? What notes are typical for them?

As has been repeatedly noted,

Oolong is the most fragrant tea in China.

This is due to the high content of essential oils in tea. When brewed, tea leaves reveal a luxurious bouquet with hints of flowers and fruits. Each composition is unique and determined by the growing region and the recipe.

Weakly fermented (green) varieties give an infusion from amber to light green. They express light floral, honey shades, notes of fresh fruit. The taste is slightly grassy, ​​but with a sweet aftertaste, slight astringency.

Highly fermented varieties are more like reds. They have more spicy, berry, chocolate, wood tones. The aroma is deep, fragrant: like expensive perfumes.


Enjoying the wondrous aroma of the brightest Chinese tea is soothing, inspiring and uplifting. Drinking tea in silence makes perception subtle, reveals that state of consciousness in which there is no place for everyday fuss. The feeling that you are falling from a deep sleep into a beautiful reality. Filled with magic and possibilities.

Well, the lyrics are enough. Let's talk about chemical composition and the influence of tea on human physiology.

The conditions for growing shrubs and a special technology for processing the crop contribute to the formation of a unique composition of tea. It includes antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, tannins (tannins and their derivatives), essential oils.

Oolongs are champions in the content of essential oils.

Speaking of essential oils. These volatile compounds are classified as organic substances. Essential oils appear in the tea leaf during its processing. AT fresh leaves their content is minimal.

In tea, they are represented by phenols, complex acids, aldehydes. Turquoise tea contains more aromatic oils than other varieties. For example, in green and yellow tea they are in a bound state and do not fully open in the infusion.

Thanks to these fragrant substances, we can enjoy a rich bouquet of citrus, fruity notes, shades of lilac, roses, vanilla, which are so rich in oolongs.

Useful and harmful properties of oolong tea

The beneficial properties of oolong tea are as vast as space. We offer you to get acquainted with part of their rich arsenal. Regular tea drinking contributes to the normalization of weight, blood pressure, improves the condition of hair and skin.

This tea is sometimes called the elixir of youth and health. The high content of antioxidants prevents premature aging, the formation of malignant tumors.

Light varieties reduce cholesterol levels, improve the condition of blood vessels, and help with hypertension.

Studies have shown that regular tea consumption increases blood levels of adiponectin. Don't worry, it's just a protein, which also prevents the development of diabetes.

To avoid negative consequences, do not drink oolongs to children, pregnant women, as well as at night and in large quantities (more than 3 cups a day).

Subtleties of brewing

The brewing process begins with the preparation of dishes and tea. For one tea party, 7-10 g is enough. Dishes: clay or glass teapot, flask, gaiwan. Light varieties are best brewed in glass and porcelain, dark ones in clay.

Water temperature: for light 80 degrees, for dark - 90.

We warm the dishes with boiling water, put the tea, shake it: this is necessary in order for the aroma to reveal itself as much as possible. Essential oils begin to actively stand out during physical impact and give us the opportunity to fully enjoy the thick and fragrant bouquet.

We drain the first brew. Hold the second for 30 seconds. Each subsequent strait is kept 10 seconds longer than the previous one. It is ideal to use a tea pair.

Drink hot drink. Snacks and sugar are not needed.

This is how oolong tea is brewed:

Important: proper storage of oolongs

We learned how to brew oolong, now about storage.

Light varieties love coolness. It is ideal to store them at a temperature of + 5- + 10 degrees, but it is also possible at room temperature. The main thing is hermetic packaging.

Dark oolongs are less whimsical to storage conditions. A teapot or jar made of glass, porcelain, wood, a closed tea bag is perfect for long-term storage varieties Da Hong Pao, Zhou Gui, Fhdts.

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