Home Kashi Proper Chinese intoxicating pu-erh tea: types, benefits and harms. Is pu-erh harmful and its beneficial properties

Proper Chinese intoxicating pu-erh tea: types, benefits and harms. Is pu-erh harmful and its beneficial properties

Pu-erh is the original variety of real Chinese tea. This drink has a lot of pleasant taste and has a lot of advantages. It gives a person extraordinary vivacity, relieves diseases and stress.

It is not uncommon for Chinese Pu-erh tea to be referred to as "smoked tea". This is because it has a resinous delicate taste. However, tea has many health benefits. Until now, it remains one of the most beloved, but the most expensive drinks.

Nowadays, Pu-erh tea is very easy to buy in any specialized store, and in different forms: pressed or loose. It is special because it does not require any special storage, tea can be stored in its usual state. for a long time.

Puerh tea has beneficial features

Tea is popular because it has unique healing properties. In addition to its excellent tonic properties, pu-erh is able to invigorate no worse than a cup of strong coffee.

Pu-erh tea is successfully used for:

  • memory improvement
  • better concentration
  • for weight loss
  • treatment of the body: liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels

It is the ability of tea to keep a person in good shape all day long that can develop in him the ability to concentrate on important things, train and improve memory. Regular consumption of pu-erh will make you forget about health problems.

Pu-erh tea significantly improves performance and it is useful to drink it before a responsible day, an important task or even an exam.

By the way, tea promotes quality weight loss. Pu-erh has an excellent ability to burn fat, as well as remove toxins and even toxins from the body. Weight loss comes quickly, and the effect lingers for a long time.

beneficial properties of puerh help to lose weight

Tea is able to “cleanse” the liver, which means it contributes to the overall healing and rejuvenation of the body. Pu-erh removes all the garbage accumulated in the body and thereby improves the quality of life. In addition, it is often recommended to people who have problems with blood pressure. Pu-erh actively fights hypertension and "refreshes the head."

The uniqueness of pu-erh is that this drink is not only tasty, but also beneficial for diabetics in that it lowers blood sugar levels. Pu-erh tea is also often used to bring a person out of alcohol intoxication.

Harm of pu-erh tea and tea contraindications

Along with the beneficial properties of tea, you should be aware that it has a sufficient number of contraindications. If you do not guess about them and regularly use tea, you can easily achieve harm from the drink.

Pu-erh tea is not recommended for large-scale use during pregnancy. This is because this tea contains a substance such as theophylline. Theophylline is able to increase body temperature, which is not beneficial for women "in position".

Those who suffer from constant stomach pains, ulcers and gastritis should know that the use of pu-erh tea is prohibited for them or should be limited to a minimum number of cups of the drink with very weak tea leaves. The fact is that the drink contributes to the active production of gastric juice, which leads to heartburn and pain.

You should not give Puer tea to children, as the child's body is quite susceptible and can react negatively to the substances in the tea.

It is safe to say that how tea will affect you: with benefit or harm, depends only on the individual characteristics of the body. If you follow all the recommendations and tips on proper brewing, the amount of consumption per day, you can only expect a positive effect of the drink.

The effect of pu-erh tea. How does tea affect the body?

Tea is perhaps the most popular drink of all time. They drink it all the time and everywhere. Everyone knows and loves black and green tea, but not much is known about pu-erh. That is why many are concerned about the question: “What effect does pu-erh have on a person?”

Pu-erh differs not only in the way it is prepared, over the years of storage it can only get better, absorbing new aromas and tastes. Precisely because the tea leaves have been fermented, this drink tends to be ready for use for 10, 20 and 30 years ...

pu-erh tea in tiles and plates

The effect of pu-erh tea:

  • There is a widespread belief that pu-erh tea can be compared to drugs. It is said that a few cups of tea give a person a feeling of euphoria. However, numerous tests have determined that the drink does not have any detrimental effect on a person and the maximum that gives a feeling of relaxation or cheerfulness
  • This variety is distinguished by a high content of tannin - an invigorating and tonic substance. That is why it is not recommended to drink pu-erh at night, because after one cup you can suffer from insomnia all night
  • Due to the fact that tea contains antioxidants, it helps to eliminate harmful substances from the body and gives it the effect of cleansing toxins. For this reason, pu-erh is drunk by those who regularly struggle with excess weight and those who want to dispel alcohol intoxication.

How to brew pu-erh in tablets?

As mentioned earlier, this tea can be found on the shelves in three main variations:

  • tablets
  • pressed plates
  • in bulk

Each type requires careful preparation and proper brewing of the drink. Adhering to the norms of brewing pu-erh will allow you to keep all the useful substances in it and have the best effect on a person.

pu-erh tea tablets

A tablet is the most common variation of pu-erh on modern store shelves.

  • This form involves brewing tea in the amount of one serving per person. A properly brewed tablet will give a fairly thick rich tea with pleasant notes of nuts, chocolate or caramel.
  • Before brewing, the tablet should be crushed and pour boiling water in the teapot for a few seconds. after that, the first boiling water is drained, its purpose is to clean the tea petals from the accumulated dirt
  • After washing, the tea is poured with boiling water at 95 degrees.
  • Brewing is infused for about three to five minutes
  • After this time, you can use pu-erh for drinking, it has an excellent tonic and soothing property.
  • As a rule, one tablet of pu-erh is drunk throughout the day. The remaining tea leaves can be poured with boiling water several times and each time the tea will be delicious.

How to brew pressed pu-erh?

Another type of pu-erh tea is pressed. It looks like neatly pressed tiles of different sizes with possible patterns and symbols. Fans of tea ceremonies claim that the enjoyment of drinking this type of tea begins from the moment it is purchased in the store.

pressed pu-erh tea

This tea can be brewed in different ways:

  • Crush a piece of tile directly into a cup or small teapot. Rinse tea with boiling water and drain excess water, pour boiling water again. Let the tea brew for a few minutes and drink
  • Another method does not require rinsing the tea, which means that it is ready for use a minute after pouring it with boiling water.
  • If you brew pressed pu-erh tea several times, increase the brewing time with each subsequent addition of water.

How to brew loose pu-erh?

Loose pu-erh tea does not scare off the buyer as much as tablets or tiles. It is similar visually to the most ordinary tea familiar to the buyer.

loose pu-erh tea

The preparation of such tea requires stages:

  • Pour one or two teaspoons of tea into a small clay or glass teapot
  • pour a small amount of boiling water, shake the teapot and drain the water - this is rinsing and moistening the tea
  • pour tea with boiling water and close the lid, tea should be infused for three minutes
  • if you want a stronger tea, you can infuse it a little longer
  • drink tea in pure form, without adding sugar and lemon

At what temperature should pu-erh be brewed?

Since Pu-erh tea is rather unusual and exotic, all the details of its brewing should be fully observed. This will reveal all taste qualities drink from the best side and love it.

correct temperature for brewing pu-erh tea

Pu-erh can be brewed several times. It tastes good every time. however, it is believed that the drink plays best on the fifth and sixth tea leaves.

The rules of brewing require not only pouring out the first brew, but also observing the temperature regime. So, boiling water of 90-95 degrees is considered the optimal and best temperature for brewing pu-erh. A standard cup (about 200 ml) of boiling water should have about 10 grams of tea for a full brew, which is infused for no longer than three minutes.

How to brew milk pu-erh?

Like any tea, pu-erh has several varieties. One of the most popular varieties is the so-called milk pu-erh. He received this name for the original taste, from a distance reminiscent of the taste of milk.

milk pu-erh does not have a strong taste of milk
  • This type of tea requires brewing with not very steep boiling water, only 60, maximum 80 degrees
  • Tea is infused for about a minute, but no more than three minutes, after which you can safely drink it.
  • When buying milk pu-erh, you should ask the seller in detail about the method of brewing, because different pu-erhs have different degrees of fermentation

How long does it take to brew pu-erh?

Pu-erh tea can be called one of the quick brewed teas. In order for him to reveal his taste, he needs from twenty seconds to three minutes. The fact is that different varieties require different way brewing.

However, each pu-erh involves preliminary washing with boiling water, because tea leaves tend to be stored for a long time - it accumulates dust and dirt from the environment. A leaf moistened with boiling water in the second tea gives a lot of taste and color.

pu-erh tea, brewing rules

How many times can pu-erh be brewed?

Pu-erh tea, due to its maturation method, is able to produce many pleasant tastes with each brewing. The more expensive and better the tea, the more times it can be poured with boiling water.

Do not assume that after the tenth time you will get clear, tasteless water. Depending on the variety, pu-erh involves from four to twenty full-fledged tea leaves. Each time pouring boiling water, you must increase the infusion time.

How to brew black pu-erh?

Unlike ordinary tea, green and black pu-erh are not different varieties, but different ways cooking. Green pu-erh is tea made according to old technologies, and black pu-erh is made according to new ones.

pu-erh tea in tangerine

Black pu-erh involves a thorough cleaning of the dust of the tea leaf with boiling water and only then pouring boiling water at 90-95 degrees. It is believed that only in this way can you get a thick rich taste and pleasant sensations from the drink.

How to brew green pu-erh?

Green pu-erh has a milder taste and it's not about its color, but about the way it is fermented. Green pu-erh is brewed directly in a cup or teapot. To do this, it does not need to be washed, unlike black, and the temperature of boiling water should be a little cooler - from 60 to 80 degrees.

Green pu-erh is not customary to insist for a long time. It can be consumed after half a minute of brewing.

Larisa:“Puer tea is not for everyone. At first, as soon as I felt its first notes, I grimaced and thought that nothing good would come of it. But after the third brew, I noticed that I began to drink it with pleasure. Moreover, I felt on myself all these tonic properties: I have energy, I don’t want to sleep. Now, it is one of my favorite drinks!”

Evgeniy:“I heard enough about pu-erh. Someone constantly touted this tea as a way to “break away”. In order to somehow diversify my life, I still bought a tablet of tea leaves. Even in the store, I was smiled by the fact that tea is sold in tablets. However, I did not notice the effect as such. Tea like tea, smelly a little. I drank and forgot

Ekaterina:“I love tea and always try something new. To keep up with others, I decided to try pu-erh. Its taste is not bad if you drink it hot. But the taste is so monotonous and boring that tea gets boring after the third cup. As a regular drink, it's not for me. As an original variety - sometimes I allow myself.

Video: “Puer tea is the best stimulant”

Until half a century ago, few people heard of pu-erh outside of China. And now in the world there is a real cult of this tea. He is credited incredible qualities even the ability to alter consciousness. Therefore, it is important to understand Is a fragrant drink so useful and safe?

For connoisseurs, pu-erh is like a noble wine: every year its taste changes and gets better. This is due to the special processing technology of raw materials, thanks to which the fermentation of tea leaves does not stop decades later. With proper storage and brewing, pu-erh infusion does not cause harm, becoming a delicious cure for many diseases.

In Chinese tradition pu-erh is called mood tea. It serves as a catalyst for delayed sensations: whether the effect will be invigorating or the drink will give you a restful sleep depends only on your expectations. To find out whether the benefits and harms of pu-erh tea are exaggerated, information about its composition will help.

Heady sobriety: the beneficial chemistry of pu-erh

The lasting effect of cheerfulness, mental clarity, increased concentration and reduced stress levels is the very state that in China is called "tea intoxication with sobriety." It arises due to three important components of pu-erh:



Thein- the same caffeine, whose harmful effect in tea infusion is softened by tannins. Together with L-theanine it stimulates the brain. Natural neurotransmitters improve mood, and a positive outlook on the world relieves irritation and brings peace. In addition to this theophylline affects not only the central nervous system but also to the respiratory tract. The concentration of oxygen in the blood increases, creating a feeling of lightness.

All this happens without harm to the blood vessels, since they expand smoothly, there is no sharp jump in pressure and increased heart rate. Tea alkaloids explain the usefulness of pu-erh in case of poisoning, which depresses the nervous system, disrupts respiratory and cardiac activity.

Catechins and tannins help to normalize metabolism, increase susceptibility to insulin. Natural antioxidants strengthen the walls of blood vessels and neutralize bad cholesterol, reducing the risk of thrombosis, strokes and heart attacks.

teahouses polysaccharides dissolves well in water, turning the drink into a medicine that lowers blood sugar levels. Pectin, which is abundant in pu-erh, blocks dangerous proteins that provoke the onset of oncological pathologies.

The benefits of pu-erh for digestion

A separate discussion deserves the positive effect of pu-erh on the digestive tract. With gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer, it does not increase acidity, like regular tea. Gently enveloping the walls of the stomach, it soothes irritation of the mucous membrane, stimulates digestion, helping to absorb food. In addition, properly brewed and drunk pu-erh in time brings benefits, not harm to other organs:

Fights congestion in the intestines;

Has a mild laxative effect;

Improves the functioning of the gallbladder, tones the bile ducts;

Removes toxins from the liver, restoring its functions;

Protects against heartburn and heaviness in the abdomen;

Normalizes appetite;

Helps with hangovers and other food poisoning.

To help the esophagus, you can add a little milk to the infusion. Increasing the nutritional value of the drink with sugar, enhance its antitoxic effect. And even though it is impossible to treat serious diseases with Pu-erh alone, it perfectly complements traditional therapy.

Pu-erh for weight loss: is there any benefit, but harm?

Many people dream of losing weight without significant effort. Either one or the other remedy tries on the role of a magic drink. Puer lives up to expectations by helping:

Accelerate metabolism;

Reduce the feeling of hunger;

Improve the absorption of food;

Establish intestinal patency;

Remove excess water from the body.

Useful ability of post-fermented tea regulate appetite. The thick taste of a dark drink creates a feeling of satiety. Drinking a cup of fragrant infusion 15 minutes before a meal, you can reduce the lunch portion without any discomfort. This will help to lose weight if the cause of weight gain is related to food addictions.

Decline in strength and mood during a strict diet can also be corrected with your favorite tea. Pu-erh will not cause harm, unlike coffee and other energy drinks. Cheerfulness and energy will return gradually, without creating a load on the heart muscle and vascular walls.

Of course, you can not eat only pu-erh! No matter how he deceives the stomach, no matter how many vitamins it contains, the infusion will not replace a full meal. And during fasting, excess caffeine can lead to a dangerous increase in blood pressure.

Is Puer tea harmful?

In the wrong dose, even priceless medicine can become poison. While the benefits of pu-erh tea are undeniable, even healthy people should practice moderation when consuming it. Here are situations when you should be careful when pouring yourself a cup of fragrant infusion:

During pregnancy, when the mother's food directly affects the baby. It is important to calculate the amount of caffeine consumed and drink no more than 250 ml of tea per day.

With exacerbation of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, this tea can provoke the movement of kidney stones.

In an attempt to cope with insomnia, it is better to completely abandon tonics. An exception may be a cup of pu-erh before lunch.

Incomprehensible abdominal pain is best treated by a doctor, rather than trying to calm the esophagus without an accurate diagnosis.

Hypertension and atherosclerosis completely exclude the use of strong teas.

In other cases, from tea puerh harm It won't if it's brewed right. But before brewing this medicinal tea, you need to choose a quality welding.

Black puer, green puer: what's the difference?

Under different trade names, only two types of pu-erh are hidden: raw shen and mature shu that differ in production technology. The raw materials for them are the same tea trees growing in the Chinese province of Yunnan.

Green shen pu-erh and there is the same “collection wine”. The young upper leaves undergo a brief heat treatment, are dried, pressed or removed into deep ceramic vessels and accumulate their strength in this form. The leaves in the tiles differ in color, but retain their integrity, among them there should not be petioles or twigs.

Every year, shen pu-erh changes the color and taste of the infusion. Translucent golden with a pronounced bitterness in youth, after 5-7 years it softens and darkens, tending to a thick cognac shade. Time increases the benefits and reduces the harm of pu-erh by reducing the amount of caffeine. Prunes, dates, floral notes with a nutty aftertaste give a feeling of freshness and vigor.

Shu pu-erh prepared according to new methods of accelerated fermentation. The speed here does not spoil the future tea, but in 45-60 days it gives it what sheng has been going for decades. Deep fermentation averages the taste, changes the structure of the leaf, breaks its integrity. Therefore, coarser autumn leaves and petioles are added here.

Ripened shu pu-erh gives an almost black infusion. Its woody aroma can turn off the unprepared person. But the bright, deep taste with chocolate-nutty undertones has nothing to do with the earth. It helps to relieve strong arousal, and there is less theine in it than in other teas. It is this tea that has the best effect on digestion and helps to lose weight.

In the choice of tea smell matters. Good pu-erh does not smell like earth! This is a signal that the product was carelessly stored, damp. The whitish coating on the brick testifies to the same. At home, it is convenient to store this product on a bookshelf, where there are no extraneous odors, changes in temperature and humidity.

Packing slightly affects the quality of tea. It can only be noted that small crumbs are pressed into small tablets or cups-nests. The infusion is not so interesting in taste. Loose pu-erhs are suitable for blending and flavoring, harmoniously combined with cherries, rice grass, lavender, and other fruits and herbs.

How to cook pu-erh

There are not just a lot of ways to reveal the beneficial properties of pu-erh, but a lot. Each of them brings out its own side of the drink. So, for example, this is the only type of tea that can be boiled. He's good on his own medicinal purposes Perfectly complemented by sugar, milk, even salt. Some peoples make a special drink from it with animal oil or fat, adding cereals there.

But no matter how prepared this healthy tea, exists General requirements:

1. For shu pu-erh, the water should be extremely hot, but not boiled over. For young sheng pu-erh, its temperature drops to 75-80C. Before filling the tea leaves, the teapot or gaiwan is warmed (with water or on fire).

2. Pressed leaves do not break off, but separate the upper layers with a knife.

3. Each cup requires 7 grams. dry raw materials, which are used from 3 times, not counting rinsing.

4. Pu-erh is doused with boiling water for 30 seconds, and then the liquid is drained without pity. This procedure washes away the inevitable post-fermentation dust and helps the leaves to fully open.

5. The resulting infusion is poured into a separate teapot-chakhai, from which it is already poured into bowls or cups, without diluting with water. So everyone will get a drink of the same strength.

Truly Chinese way involves not infusion, but short-term (30 seconds) contact of leaves with water. Each serving comes out unique in taste. After the seventh infusion, brewing is extended to a minute.

An interesting, but troublesome procedure in our conditions is replaced by a simpler method: the first brewing lasts 2-3 minutes, and the next two 3-5 minutes. A third convenient option is to cook pu-erh for 10 minutes, after which the opened leaves are thrown away.

To properly brew shu pu-erh, the water is brought to a gentle boil as it releases the first silvery bubbles. At this moment, with a wooden needle, they begin to stir the funnel in the teapot, lowering the already washed tea into it. As soon as the water comes close to boiling again, the teapot is removed from the heat. The drink is filtered when the tea leaves sink to the bottom. In the same way, you can boil it in milk.

All of these methods give rich tea with a unique aroma. In order to benefit from pu-erh, and not harm, they drink it fresh. After 2 hours, the healing drink becomes unpleasant in taste, has a sharp effect on the heart, and irritates the stomach.

Pu-erh is especially good in autumn or winter, when you want to cheer up in the evenings. It pleasantly warms, and the warm smell of wet wood and nuts surrounds with comfort, drives away anxiety and helps to focus on the main thing.

The variety of tea in themed stores amazes its fans. Each one is unique and delicious in its own way. Pu-erh is distinguished not only by its special flavor notes - it contains a lot of irreplaceable effects. What are the benefits and harms of pu-erh tea waiting for you in the prepared drink? Let's become not only tea gourmets, but also specialists together premium similar hot drink.

The whole range of benefits

Tea gourmets know for sure that pu-erh is fraught with a huge plantation of benefits. And for those who are not yet aware of this, the whole range of benefits of this pressed tea variety will be described in detail. And it is so wide that not even every tea specialist from this field can know all this.

Medicinal benefits of pu-erh tea

They say that pu-erh tea can harm our priceless health. In fact, it really can only be so if this drink is significantly abused. With normalized consumption, this pressed dry plant simply hides the most important and necessary benefit, which the body will perceive as a small bonus. And it consists in such moments:

  • Decrease in blood sugar levels
  • General cleansing of the body
  • Prevention of vascular and heart failure (prevention of strokes and heart attacks)
  • Improving digestion and general gastrointestinal function
  • Using this hot tea as one of the weight loss methods in the complex.

The general benefits are good, but would you like to learn more about them? How does pu-erh tea, for example, benefit excess body weight? Or thanks to what beneficial substances This drink is able to cleanse the body and even help to lose weight? Find out more about the health benefits of this tea.

Pectin, which is present in the brewed pressed plant, has a significant positive effect on high blood sugar levels in the results of the analysis. And this is the whole fault of the Gal3 protein, which also has benefits in the form of an obstacle to the onset of oncological diseases and contributes to their prevention. It is not for nothing that in their homeland such a drink is called "tea from a hundred diseases."

The benefit of this type of tea also lies in the general cleansing of the body from all sorts of nasty things in the form of toxins and toxins. The aforementioned pectin also carefully and efficiently helps the internal organs to cleanse themselves of harmful substances that interfere with their normal operation. And this in the future brings a lot of other benefits - thanks to the well-established work of the internal organs, your appearance takes on a healthy tone and it is reflected in everything. The result - you will look a little younger if you drink this tea in moderation and correctly.

There are about 5 kcal in a cup of pu-erh. Can you imagine? One cup of this tea will not affect the figure at all if you enjoy it even before going to bed. But this tea is not only low in calories - its beneficial components can improve skin color and even make it healthier. Therefore, you can safely drink it when losing weight and for the beauty of the skin.

Advice! Don't overdo the aforementioned hot drink before bed, as one of its powerful effects is that it can invigorate you better than morning coffee.

Harm pu-erh

No matter how useful this or that product is, there will certainly be some harm in it, because all our organisms are different and it is impossible to always generalize the picture. The harm of pu-erh tea is mostly minor and is often associated only with certain points. But still, all gourmets and lovers of such an ancient and special drink need to know about all the nuances so as not to harm their body.

Puer tea is good and bad at the same time. This drink can adversely affect the health and functioning of the body if it is not drunk correctly, namely in the morning on an empty stomach. Such a drink can be safely considered an aperitif, which means that it stimulates the stomach and thereby causes appetite. But not only with such effects, harm is terrible - if you constantly abuse Puer tea in the morning, you can provoke the appearance of an ulcer, stomach burns and even pain.

Harm from this world tea against a hundred diseases can also be if you use it excessively in the evenings. Remember that such a drink effectively invigorates, so do not prepare it for breakfast and dinner. The best time for such a tea party - this is the day. And then, no more than 2-3 cups per day. It is also impossible to arrange a Puer tea party for a long time - here the doctor should tell you about the scheme of drinking it so that you receive only benefit, and not harm.

Irreparable harm can also be caused by this drink if it is consumed at high body temperature, pregnancy, the age of children under 3 years old, hypertension and the use of diuretics. With an incorrect method of preparation, pu-erh tea also causes great harm- in such cases, it can even have a narcotic effect, or as it is also called tea intoxication. Therefore, do not hesitate to ask the seller about all the nuances of interest, so that the harm from pu-erh tea is not inflicted on the body.


If you want pu-erh tea to be beneficial, but not harmful, then know how to properly brew it. The fact is that there are several types of such a pressed plant. It is a raw and cooked variety. The first is called Shen Puer, and the second is Shu Puer. Shen Pu-erh has a green shade of leaves, and Shu Pu-erh is dark. But the range of this drink is limited not only to two types, because it is also offered in the form of a flat pressed plate, brick, square and even loose. The brewing process for each type may vary slightly, so be sure to learn how to properly prepare it before buying your chosen tea leaves.

Proper preparation and use of the above tea variety is only half the success in obtaining benefits. To minimize harm, you should be aware of the nuances of proper storage of tea leaves. It should be in a tightly closed container out of sunlight and in the absence of high humidity. The best place for proper storage is a refrigerator or kitchen cabinet.

If you drink pu-erh tea in normal amounts, then the benefits of it will be obvious. First of all, you should remember this. Next, remember about other medical indications that may be taboo moments for drinking this drink. If in doubt about whether you will benefit or harm from pressed tea leaves, talk to your doctor. In general, everyone should try this tea, because its flavor notes are unique, inimitable and significantly different from the usual themed store products.

Chinese tea is divided into six main categories, one of which is occupied by Pu-erh. It is a dark variety of tea, but not black, as it ripens solely under the influence of external factors, and not its own enzymes.

The initial stage of processing Puer is similar to the process of preparing green tea leaves. However, fermentation takes about 1.5-2 months, and even after that, the tea is not ready to drink. To acquire useful properties and fully ripen the leaves, at least a year must pass!

Puer is the only type of tea that has its own valuable properties under the influence of time. Puerh varieties, produced over 100 years ago, have a considerable value, have an amazing aroma and exquisite taste. As part of this tea, leaves of tea trees of different ages are skillfully combined, and the oldest of them are several hundred years old.

There are such types of Pu-erh:
Shen - This raw variety tea. Its leaves have a peculiar green tint. When brewed, the drink is light, translucent, with a slight sourness and a pleasant sweet aftertaste. The aroma during tea drinking is amazing: a slight smell of raisins, notes of prunes and sweet dates are mixed into a single, bright composition. You should not "overexposure" this tea, otherwise an unpleasant bitterness may appear.
Shu is a cooked, aged variety with rich brown leaves. During brewing, the drink is dark and thick, with a mild taste and a slight chocolate smell.

Pu-erh tea properties

Since ancient times, this unique drink has been considered an indispensable tool for maintaining health, youth and beauty. It perfectly tones up, although it contains a minimal amount of caffeine. During production, no synthetic odor enhancers are added to the leaves - the tea has a natural aroma and a refined aftertaste.

In his chemical composition includes the following substances:

  • Amino acids
  • saccharides
  • Phenolic compounds (catechins, anthocyanins, phenolic acids)
  • Alkaloids (theine, theophylline)
  • Zinc, chromium, manganese, potassium, fluorine
  • Vitamins P, A, C, E

One hundred grams of the prepared drink contains 20g of protein, 7g of carbohydrates and 5g of fat, for a total value of 152 calories. Pu-erh can be found in pressed and loose form. Tea "tablets" surprise Puerh fans with a variety of shapes pressed into a square, pancake, brick or flat cake.


Harm Puer

This tonic tea has a powerful effect on the body and has many contraindications. If misused or improperly brewed, Pu-erh can be harmful. It is strongly not recommended to use a freshly brewed drink on an empty stomach - severe pain and heartburn may occur.

You should be careful when using Puer, because:

  • Strong Pu-erh tea has a strong diuretic effect;
  • You can’t drink an “overexposed” drink, since in this case the Puer’s harm will be considerable - vomiting, arrhythmia, intestinal upset and sudden pressure surges may appear;
  • You should not drink Puer before going to bed - this is fraught with insomnia;
  • Tea of ​​this variety is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under the age of 10-12 years;
  • With caution, Puer should be taken by people diagnosed with such ailments as urolithiasis, glaucoma, inflammation of the kidneys;
  • If the proportions are violated during the brewing process, the drink may be too strong, causing symptoms of intoxication.

This tea is not recommended to be taken in large volumes even by the most knowledgeable and sophisticated gourmets, as the abuse of the drink can result in heart palpitations and poor health. It is not recommended to take Puer at a high temperature. In order for Puer to be beneficial and not harmful, you should purchase it in specialized stores and follow the correct brewing technique.


Benefits of Pu-erh tea

In Chinese medicine, this valuable drink takes pride of place and is famous as an effective remedy for many ailments. The benefits of Puer have been repeatedly proven by scientists from France, who told the world about the unique ability of this tea to reduce the dangerous level of cholesterol accumulated in the body.

Puer benefits:

  • Invigorates and fills with energy;
  • Cleanses the body from the accumulation of toxins, toxins, deposits of heavy metals;
  • Activates the liver;
  • Blocks the growth of oncological formations;
  • Stimulates digestive functions;
  • Accelerates metabolism;
  • Promotes weight loss;
  • Leads to normal blood sugar balance;
  • Promotes healthy functioning of the gallbladder;
  • Does not increase stomach acidity;
  • Helps hypotensive patients cope with low blood pressure.

Properly prepared tea is a healing source of vigor, health and well-being. This is the only kind of tea that is allowed to be consumed by patients with stomach ulcers. However, it should be remembered that the harm of Pu-erh with improper brewing can be significant. Therefore, for people who have health problems, before the first use, it is better to consult a specialist and learn about the intricacies of making a drink.

How to brew Pu-erh

The ceremony of drinking this noble tea begins with brewing. Properly prepared Pu-erh has unique healing properties and an amazing aroma that is revealed throughout the entire tea drinking. The benefits of Puer and its healing effect will be noticeable if you keep the time right - a strong drink is obtained already 10 minutes after the bay.

Rules for brewing Pu-erh:

  1. To prepare a drink, you must use a clay or porcelain teapot of a small volume.
  2. To feel the fullness of the taste of Pu-erh, it is better to use purified water without heavy impurities.
  3. In order for the delicate taste of tea to manifest itself, it is necessary to use not bubbling boiling water, but water of 90-95 degrees.
  4. Be sure to preheat the kettle before brewing.
  5. With the first water, Pu-erh is washed from tea dust, and also warmed up for the best brewing. To do this, a portion of tea is poured into a teapot and poured hot water(90 degrees). After 10 seconds, the water drains.
  6. The second time the tea is poured for a period of 3 to 10 minutes. To obtain light tea, 1-2 teaspoons of leaves are taken per 150 g of water, and lovers of a strong drink can double the dosage.
  7. Traditionally, Pu-erh is brewed at least 10 times. It is believed that the richness of taste and the benefits of Pu-erh is best manifested at 5-6 brewing. The infusion time of each subsequent bay increases.

The procedure for brewing pressed and loose tea is identical. From a whole piece of Pu-erh in tablets, you need to carefully break off a small piece, trying not to damage the leaves. You can not cut the formed tablets - it is better to break them with your hands or use a special knife. Remember: it is necessary to peel off the leaves from the pressed cake correctly by inserting the knife from the side, between the fibers of the tea.

How to drink Puerh tea

Fragrant Pu-erh tea is poured into small bowls and drunk in small sips. In order for all guests to have the same strength of tea, the wise Chinese, after brewing, pour it into a special jug - Chahai. Tea drinking lasts about half an hour, and then the brewing procedure is repeated. No honey or sugar is added to Pu-erh - tea is best combined with dried fruits and dark chocolate.

The Chinese appreciate peace and harmony, so they treat the tea ceremony with special trepidation, turning it into a magical ritual. While drinking, you need to relax and concentrate, without being distracted by extraneous noise and unpleasant thoughts. You can carry out the procedure on the floor, sitting comfortably on soft pillows and turning on quiet relaxing music. Happy tea!

Puer tea - what is it? Well, of course from the name, this is tea that has just passed fermentation procedure. It represents one of the seven categories of tea drinks in China. This drink has recently begun to win admirers in Russia, so many are interested in its beneficial properties and contraindications, how to properly brew it, storage features, how it is made, what varieties of Puer exist ...

Chinese tea Puerh - what it is, what it looks like, photo

It has significant differences from other varieties of tea due to the specific technological process its production: tea leaves, after they have been harvested, are processed as usual, followed by a fermentation stage - natural or artificial (accelerated) aging.

This unique Chinese drink puer tea has incomparable properties that others do not have. Over time, with the observance of the production technology and proper storage, the quality of Pu-erh only improves, unlike other representatives of the tea industry products, which eventually lose both usefulness and taste.

The most valuable, rare varieties of this special tea can be aged up to 25 years. For example, in the imperial palace in the heart of China, a unique example of the ancient art of tea is kept - Puer, which has already been aged for about 300 years.

History of Pu-erh tea

The first mention of Puer's ancestor - bushes tu-cha tea appeared in the third century AD. The name of the hero of this article comes from the city of the same name, where production has existed since ancient times. different types tea products and a market for their sale.

More than a millennium ago, in the 8th-9th century AD, the inhabitants of China began to produce Pu-erh. It was during the reign of the legendary Tang Dynasty.

This tea is grown and produced exclusively in the Chinese province of Yunnan, which is famous for its clean air and climatic features with suitable humidity, which in the mountains contributes to the growth of tall tea trees with succulent leaves.

In ancient times, tea was delivered to various places on horseback. For this reason, the transportation of goods took many days and months, due to which the tea leaves were pressed while still green, and when they arrived at the right area, the product was already dried and ready for use.

The fame of the miracle drink puer tea reached Europeans only in the middle of the 20th century, and in the countries of the former USSR even later. This is due to the fact that the Republic of China has long been a country closed to foreigners, and sacredly kept its secrets.

Production process, classification of Puerh tea

Pu-erh tea has another name - live or fermented. This is due to the fact that during processing, the process of live fermentation under the action of a specific fungus constantly occurs in its tea leaves. Similar fermentation processes are observed during the maturation of wine or kefir.

How Puer tea is made (production stages)

  • Tea tree cultivation;
  • Collection of tea leaves;
  • withering;
  • Twisting - to extract more juice from the leaves;
  • Fermentation, when fermentation occurs when exposed to high temperatures;
  • Drying - to stop the fermentation procedure;
  • Leaf pressing.

In ancient times, fermentation of the tea product was already carried out during long-term transportation and further storage of the goods, therefore he matured along the way.

In the 20th century, the delivery time for Pu-erh tea to customers was shortened, and it did not have time to become mature to the desired degree. Therefore, in the seventies introduced accelerated fermentation method product: tea leaves are stacked in a slide, filled with water, covered with a cloth. Then there is an increase in temperature inside the heap of tea, and the process of its maturation is accelerated.

Puer tea varieties - types

This is how the main representatives of the Puer tea family were born:

  • Sheng Pu-erh (green, raw, raw) - produced according to the ancient method of natural maturation, has a greenish casting. When it is brewed, the tea infusion is light, like green tea, with flavor , fruit.

It is possible to independently control the degree of fermentation and, accordingly, the taste of the drink: after 2-3 years of aging, green Pu-erh loses its bitterness and roughness of fresh leaves.

The longer the tea is aged, the better its properties - if, of course, it is stored correctly;

  • Shu-Puer (mature, processed, earthy,) - ​​produced by accelerated, artificial aging, has dark brown leaves.

When brewing this drink, a dark infusion with a cognac tint and a taste of chocolate is obtained. Its qualities also improve over time: the taste and smell of dampness (“wet heap”) disappears.

Chinese Pu-erh tea is also classified according to the form it produces:

  • compressed;
  • In the form of lumps;
  • Loose;
  • Tea resin;
  • In the form of a tangerine.

Tea also differs in the ways of its pressing (forms):

  • Flatbread or pancake;
  • Square;
  • Nest or bowl;
  • Twisted shape or mushroom;
  • golden gourd;
  • Brick.

Features of storing pu-erh tea

It is necessary to store this tea product in a well-ventilated room, where the humidity is medium, but not high, in a dark place, to exclude the ingress of foreign odors. You can wrap it in a fabric cut.

Useful properties of Puer tea - the effect of action

What effect can be expected from Pu-erh tea? The Chinese call it a cure for a hundred diseases", because thanks to their unique properties, with its regular use, it is able to prevent the emergence and development of many diseases, improve the quality of life.

Benefits of drinking pu-erh tea:

  • Product of natural origin, without artificial impurities;
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • Not contraindicated for those who suffer from stomach ulcers;
  • Speeds up ;
  • Promotes weight loss and maintaining a stable weight;
  • Improves the condition of the liver, gallbladder;
  • Reduces ;
  • Removes toxins, salts of heavy metals;
  • Improves skin condition;

tea with short holding time, - able to relax, relieve stress, soothe;
The type of tea that aged longer, - can quickly invigorate, has good tonic qualities. At the same time, it contains a low content of caffeine.

Harm or contraindications to taking Pu-erh tea

Who should not drink this tea drink? How can pu-erh harm?

  • Sheng Puer (green) should not be consumed on an empty stomach, because due to its stimulating effect it can cause pain and;
  • You should not brew the drink too hard - it can cause a slight intoxicating effect;
  • Do not give to young children due to too tonic effects;
  • It is better not to drink before going to bed - it excites the nervous system excessively.

Rules and methods of brewing a tea drink

So what is the correct way to brew Pu-erh tea?

Brewed in a teapot. It is better to use porcelain or earthenware.

Tea to take at the rate of 4-6 grams - per 150-200 ml of water. You don't need to boil it for a long time.

Brewing water temperature: 90-95°C.

Pu-erh brewing options

  • Easy way: after the water boils, wait one minute - pour tea with it and drain quickly. In this way, the tea dust is removed and the leaves are heated for brewing. Again, pour boiling water over Pu-erh and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes;
  • Break off a 2-3 cm particle from a compressed piece of Pu-erh or take a little loose tea. Next, you need to place it in cold water to wake up the leaves, clean it while the kettle heats up. After that, pour hot water and let it brew, as usual;
  • Lu-Yu technique: soaked leaves are thrown into an almost boiling kettle, brought to a boil and turned off. Then insist 10 minutes;
  • “Cooking”, brewing tea: pour water into a glass heat-resistant teapot, put it on heat. When small bubbles begin to rise up, you need to drain one glass of water from the kettle, continue heating. When boiling, pour back the water. This "rejuvenation" of water improves the taste of the tea drink.

After the kettle boils again, quickly remove it from the heat and stir until a funnel forms in it - at this moment, pre-soaked in cold water tea. Let it brew for 10-20 minutes.

  • Milk tea Pu-erh: add hot milk to the finished drink. Strengthen your health, invigorate your spirit, delight your taste buds while enjoying the gifts of a special Pu-erh tea!

Describe the benefits and possible harm of Chinese Pu-erh tea, you can decide whether it is worth it for you personally, whether you can find related notes and a healing composition in its peculiar taste ...

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