Home General issues Boiled mackerel roll with gelatin. Mackerel roll with gelatin: step by step recipes and cooking tips. Truly a royal meal

Boiled mackerel roll with gelatin. Mackerel roll with gelatin: step by step recipes and cooking tips. Truly a royal meal

It is no secret to anyone how useful fish is. Many lovers of this product have tried many different fish dishes. For those who want to try something unusual and original, we offer a recipe for stuffed mackerel with gelatin. This fish is rich in fatty acids, and affordable for everyone. Such a dish from it will look original and appetizing both on the everyday and on the festive table. The recipe for Stuffed Mackerel with Gelatin and Egg is sure to become one of your favorites.

Stuffed Mackerel

Mackerel is a versatile fish that is very affordable. The most familiar option for us to serve this fish is smoked or salted cuts. However, it can be used to cook many different dishes. Very unusual, but at the same time easy to prepare is stuffed mackerel with vegetables and gelatin. Vegetables may vary. But the most suitable for this are onions and carrots. You can diversify the dish with quail or chicken eggs, mushrooms. Stuffed mackerel wrapped in a roll will surprise guests and decorate the table.

Required Ingredients

In order to prepare this dish, complex and expensive products are not required. Almost all of them are easily found in the stocks of any hostess. They differ only quite a bit, depending on the chosen filling. So, for stuffed mackerel with gelatin, we need:

  • Freshly frozen mackerel - one carcass.
  • Medium size onion head.
  • Carrots - one or two things, depending on the size.
  • Seasoning for fish, preferably lemon.
  • Gelatin - three tablespoons.
  • Salt, pepper to taste.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

If desired, you can add greens or parsley root.

How to properly prepare fish

Before you start cooking stuffed mackerel with gelatin, you need to properly prepare the fish. The whole success of the dish depends on this.

It is very important to choose the right mackerel. To do this, first of all, you need to pay attention to the color of the skin of the carcass. It should be smooth, without inclusions and yellow spots. It is also very important that the skin itself is intact, without tears or other damage. Otherwise, the fish fillet roll may fall apart during cooking, and all your efforts will be in vain.

Next, we move on to defrosting the fish. This should only be done at room temperature. When the mackerel begins to thaw, but has not yet completely thawed, we proceed to cutting. We cut off the head, remove the insides and carefully, so as not to tear the carcass in half, remove the ridge and small bones. They are very easy to remove with tweezers. Then cut off the tail. As a result, the fish fillet should consist of two halves connected by fish skin. It should open like a book. It is also worth removing all fins.

Preparation of stuffed mackerel with gelatin

Carefully transfer the prepared fillet to a cling film. Sprinkle the mackerel with seasonings, if necessary, salt and pepper. Sprinkle fish fillets with gelatin.

Next, we proceed to prepare the vegetables for the filling. To do this, wash the carrots, peel and rub on a medium grater. We clean the head of onion from the husk and cut into small cubes. Next, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, it can be either sunflower or olive. The main thing is that the oil has no smell. We put onions and carrots in it for sautéing. When the vegetables are fried, add well-washed and dried finely chopped greens to them. Mix everything thoroughly, let cool. After we spread them on the fish fillet and, starting from the tail, turn towards the head. We try to make the fish roll as dense as possible. We wrap the prepared mackerel fillet in cling film in several layers. It is very important not to leave any gaps into which water can enter, in which the roll will be prepared. This can ruin the taste of the dish. For reliability, it is worth wrapping the mackerel with threads.

Preparing the pot for cooking. To do this, fill it with water, set to boil. As soon as the water reaches the desired temperature, we release the fish roll into it, making the fire almost minimal. We leave the fish to cook for about twenty-five to thirty minutes.

Next, carefully remove the mackerel and let it cool. After that, we remove the finished fish roll in the refrigerator. This is necessary so that the gelatin can harden well and fasten the filling with the fish fillet. It is best to leave the roll overnight, at least four to five hours. Then you can remove the cling film and cut the mackerel into portioned pieces. We spread them on a flat dish and decorate before serving in random order.

Stuffing with egg

In addition to the above option, you can cook stuffed mackerel with gelatin and an egg. The products for this will require the same, only additionally you need to boil quail eggs. Of course, you can take chicken, but they will be too large for this dish, they will have to be cut into several parts. Quail eggs can easily fit whole. So the roll will look more original and appetizing. This will require about five or six eggs. It all depends on the size of the fish carcass.

Eggs are boiled and peeled. Mackerel fillet is prepared in the same way as in the first case. But the eggs should be laid out along the line of the ridge of the fish. When preparing stuffed mackerel with gelatin and egg, we smoke the fillet into the roll not across, but along. We also wrap the prepared fish in cling film and fasten with threads for reliability. After cooling, the finished roll is cut into small portioned pieces and, decorating on a dish, is served chilled.

Stuffing with vegetables

You can cook mackerel with gelatin stuffed with carrots, or you can diversify the roll with other vegetables. You can add bell pepper, leek and greens to the filling. A good dish will turn out with the addition of celery. In addition, you can make a roll with vegetables and mushrooms. Try different combinations of vegetables. Believe me, you will definitely like such a dish as stuffed mackerel with gelatin, you just have to choose the filling to your taste.

  • freshly frozen mackerel - 1 pc. (weighing approximately 400-500 g);
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs. (Category C-1);
  • carrots - 2 pcs. (small size);
  • pickled cucumbers - 2-4 pcs. (depending on size);
  • instant gelatin (in granules) - 1-1.5 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • freshly ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • dried dill and other spices - to taste and desire.

How to cook stuffed mackerel "Tsarski" with egg and gelatin

Leave the frozen mackerel carcass to thaw at room temperature, if this has not been done in advance. It is important that the fish maintain the integrity of the skin and the density of the flesh, as it will need to be cut into neat, even fillets. It is best to defrost mackerel by placing it overnight in the main compartment of the refrigerator. But if there is no time, put the fish on a plate and leave it on the kitchen table until completely thawed.

Prepare the filling ingredients for mackerel stuffing: wash the carrots and boil or bake until cooked in the skin.

Pour the eggs with water, boil hard-boiled (in 7-9 minutes after boiling water in a saucepan, they will be ready). Immerse the boiled eggs in a slice in very cold water, cool, change the liquid several times, peel, cut into slices 2-3 mm thick.

Cool the finished carrot in cold water, remove the skin, and grate the flesh on a coarse or medium grater.

Remove the tips from pickled cucumbers, cut obliquely into thin slices.

You can also put grated cheese, fried or pickled mushrooms, canned sweet corn and other ingredients at your discretion in the filling.

Cut the fish into 2 fillets. To do this, remove the head (if any) and tail, cut the belly and remove the esophagus. Rinse the inner cavity thoroughly and be sure to clean from black films. Cut out all the fins, then make a cut along the back along the ridge, carefully divide the carcass into 2 halves, removing the spinal bones. Remove the rest of the bones with tweezers.

Rinse both parts of the fillet thoroughly and dry with paper towels, sprinkle with salt, spices and gelatin granules.

Lay out the filling in layers (the sequence can be broken): first, circles of boiled eggs.

Then pickled cucumber.

The last layer is grated carrots. Layers should be laid tightly so that the roll does not fall apart during further cooking and cutting.

Cover the fish with the filling with the second fillet.

Wrap the resulting roll tightly in cling film, in 3-4 layers, if desired, tie with cooking string. Dip the stuffed mackerel in boiling water, cook for 30 minutes from the moment of repeated boiling (with a weak boil).


  • mackerel - 2 pcs.;
  • carrot - 150 g;
  • pickled cucumber - 1-2 pcs.;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Cooking time - 1 hour 30 minutes + 8-10 hours in the refrigerator.

Yield - 8 servings.

Mackerel roll with vegetables and gelatin, a step-by-step recipe for which is given below, does not belong to the category of everyday dishes. Firstly, its preparation requires a certain skill and time, which is always lacking. And, secondly, the mackerel roll with egg and carrots and cucumber turns out to be bright and beautiful, which is why it asks for a festive table.

How to cook mackerel roll with gelatin - step by step recipe

First you need to check if all the products needed to cook mackerel roll with egg and vegetables are available. You will need freshly frozen mackerel, carrots, pickled or pickled cucumbers, chicken or quail eggs (then you will need to take 6 of them). From spices, it is best to take ready-made seasoning for fish, but if this is not available, then you can use a mixture of ground pepper, coriander, turmeric, ginger and other spices to your taste. You will also need cling film to wrap the roll.

The recipe for mackerel roll with gelatin and cucumber, as well as with egg and carrots, you need to start by preparing the filling. To do this, the carrots must be thoroughly washed and boiled until cooked, then cooled and grated on a coarse grater. Hard-boil eggs (chicken or quail), then cool, peel and also grate. If you are using quail eggs, you just need to peel them. Cut cucumbers lengthwise into 4-6 strips.

While the carrots and eggs are cooking, you can prepare the fish. To do this, cut off the tail, head and fins. Then make an incision along the back and carefully pull out the spine and bones. Take out the insides and thoroughly rinse the resulting fillet. Do the same operation with the second mackerel.

When all the preparatory operations have been done, you can proceed directly to the manufacture of a mackerel roll with gelatin and an egg. The recipe with a photo shows step by step in detail how to do it.

Spread cling film on a table or on a large board. Lightly blot the fish fillet with a napkin and spread it on the film towards each other, as shown in the photo. The sides should overlap a little. The resulting fish layer should be salted, generously sprinkled with spices and half of the gelatin.

Put the grated carrot on top, stepping back a little from the edges, and on top of it - the egg layer. If desired, whites and yolks can be grated separately and then laid out in alternating strips. If you opted for quail eggs, they need to be laid whole, in one or two rows.

It remains to tightly roll the roll with a film and wrap it on all sides 4-5 times. Must be sealed packaging.

For reliability, the wrapped roll can be tied with a thread.

Pour water into a large saucepan and bring it to a boil. Dip the roll into boiling water and cook it over low heat for 30 minutes. Then the roll should be put on a plate and left to cool, then put in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. In the process of cooling the roll, gelatin turns into jelly and binds all the components into a single whole.

Before serving, the roll must be freed from the threads and cut with a very sharp knife directly in the film into pieces about 1.5 cm thick. Then remove the film and put the pieces of the appetizing roll on plates. If desired, the roll can be decorated with herbs.

Now you know how to cook mackerel roll with gelatin. Step by step, with a photo, detailed instructions for its preparation are provided. It remains only to put it into practice.

We wish you success and bon appetit!

Since our holidays fall into fasting, I want to offer you to cook a very tasty post-holiday dish. This is - stuffed mackerel, and a filling of nuts. Very, very tasty. It will go well for a holiday table.

Stuffed mackerel - products

  • Mackerel - 1 piece (450-600g)
  • Chopped nuts - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Carrot - 1 pc. (small size)
  • Onion - 1 pc. (small size)
  • Parsley greens - 1 tsp (2-3 small branches)
  • Gelatin - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Seasoning for fish - 2 tsp or
  • Salt, ground pepper, paprika - to taste
  • Foil or cling film or plastic bag of medium thickness
Stuffed mackerel recipe:

In mackerel, we remove the head, tail and entrails, ridge. Wash and dry with a paper towel or kitchen towel.

Lay skin side down on a board. With the help of tweezers, nails or a strong word, we remove, if possible, all the bones. (As a consolation, I can say that the fish have few bones and they are easily “palpable”. In general, this procedure does not take much time).

We sprinkle the fish with a special seasoning for fish, on all sides, in the absence of seasoning, we use our own taste, salt and ground pepper.

Three carrots on a grater (fine or medium, it does not matter), cut the onion into cubes and stew in a small amount of vegetable oil until soft.

Cool the vegetables, salt and pepper. You can add chopped parsley. True, this wonderful idea with greens came to my mind when my stuffed mackerel was already in the pan.

We chop the nuts into pieces.

Lay the fish fillet skin side down on foil or cling film.

Sprinkle with gelatin. We put half the nuts on one half of the fillet, then the vegetables, add the remaining nuts and cover with the second half of the fillet.

Our puff semi-finished product is carefully but carefully pressed on all sides and tightly wrapped in several layers of foil or cling film. I preferred film, not forgetting attempt #1.

My film is quite wide, I just tied the edges with a knot on both sides. The resulting “candy” was pulled with ordinary threads in a circle.

Dip the fish in a pot of boiling water for 30-35 minutes. We cook on a small fire.

Cooking fish in a film, by the way, was a pleasure (believe me, I had something to compare with!). The threads with which I wrapped the film apparently did not allow an air bubble to form inside, the fish immediately “drowned” and behaved approximately in the pan. After 35 minutes, I easily took it out, cooled it at room temperature.

Then I sent it to the refrigerator for the night under a very light oppression. I did not remove the threads, I did not unfold the film.

In the morning I found a very nice-looking fish in a thin, shiny gelatin film on top and a mosaic layer of nuts and vegetables inside.

Stuffed mackerel turned out to be very spectacular, tasty, the layers are clearly visible on the cut.

She was easily cut into beautiful slices and fit well on the plate.

Mackerel is a fish that cannot be spoiled. It is delicious in any form: fried, steamed, baked, stuffed. And on the table it always looks beautiful, appetizing, and festive.

Mackerel roll with gelatin is a light, uncomplicated dish that has a delicate taste and a chic look. Filling vegetables and spices can be adjusted to your taste.

Prepare all the necessary ingredients.

Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.

Peeled and washed onion cut into thin half rings. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and heat for 1-2 minutes. Pour in vegetables. Stirring, fry until soft. It will take no more than 3 minutes. Salt to taste and add spices. Put the browned vegetables in a bowl and take care of the fish.

Cut off the head, tail, take out the insides. Wipe the inside thoroughly, paying special attention to the black film.

Pull out the spinal bone - for this you need to cut with the tip of a knife near the bone itself along the entire length. This must be done carefully so as not to tear the skin on the back of the fish. Carefully remove all bones.

Lay two mackerels overlapping on cling film. Salt to taste, season with spices.

Spread the filling evenly over the entire surface. Sprinkle with gelatin.

Gently roll the stuffed fish into a tight roll.

Make another 3-4 layers with cling film and put the mackerel roll with gelatin into the pan.

Fill with water and send to the fire. After boiling, continue to cook for 20 minutes.

At the end of cooking, carefully remove the roll onto a dish and leave in a cold place until it cools completely.

The film can be removed immediately, can be removed as needed, or can be cut along with it. She moves away from the roll easily and keeps the fish from chapping.

Very tasty, tender, fragrant mackerel roll with gelatin thinly sliced ​​and served.

Bon appetit. Cook with love.

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