Home Products Profiteroles with stuffing. Profiteroles with custard and curd filling Custard for profiteroles

Profiteroles with stuffing. Profiteroles with custard and curd filling Custard for profiteroles

Let's do a test first. To knead the dough, you need to put the butter in the pan and melt it. After that, pour water into the pan, add sugar, salt and wait for the water to boil. Then turn off the gas and gradually pour in the flour. Not a single lump should remain in the dough. While the dough is cooling, break the eggs into a separate bowl and beat. Now let's add the eggs to the dough. We will pour them in a thin stream, mixing the dough with a spoon in a circular motion. The dough should be liquid, as in the photo.

It's time to turn on the oven. While it is warming up, let's start forming profiteroles. We cover the baking sheet on which our cakes will be baked with parchment paper. Put the dough on top. To do this, you can use a special pastry syringe or a regular tablespoon. In an oven heated to 220 degrees, we send a baking sheet with profiteroles. After 20 minutes, reduce the temperature in the oven by 40 degrees and wait another 10 minutes.

Remove the profiteroles from the oven and leave to cool. At this time, prepare the cream for the filling. Separate the yolks and beat them with sugar. We fall asleep starch and flour, mix and salt. We heat up the milk. As soon as small bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the milk, remove it from the heat and pour it into a saucepan with eggs. Mix the ingredients and put on fire. Constantly stirring, watch the moment when the cream begins to brew. The filling for profiteroles is ready! We introduce the filling inside the profiteroles using a confectionery syringe. If you don't have one, try using a medical one. Cool the finished profiteroles with custard and we can drink tea!

Are you still afraid to cook these cakes? Do you think it's incredibly difficult and time-consuming? In vain, cultivating these thoughts in yourself, you lose many pleasures, and eating profiteroles is not the most important thing. If you only knew what pleasure you experience when you watch how a miracle is born in the oven under the influence of mysterious physical and chemical processes (I beg you, let's not go into them, let the secret remain a secret!) Tiny lumps of dough fill with air, grow and open before your eyes. This is a special kind of high, it cannot be compared with anything. Having tried once and making sure that everything works out for you, it will be impossible to stop: eclairs and custards, shu and profiteroles, with sweet cream and light salad, stuffed with fresh berries and intertwined caramel threads, with cheese and ham, hazelnut cream and soft whipped cream mousse. Touch the mystery - and it will take you along, into the beautiful and mysterious world of choux pastry.


for the test:

  • 100 g butter
  • 200 g flour
  • 250 ml water
  • 4 eggs

for cream:

  • 250 ml milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 st. l. "heaped" flour
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 50 g butter
  • vanillin, lemon zest, almond essence or any other flavoring to taste

for fondant:

  • 50 g chocolate
  • 20 ml cream.


  1. First of all, turn on the oven - it should be well heated to 180 degrees. While we are preparing the dough, the temperature will just become the right one. So, dough. Cut the butter into arbitrary pieces, pour in the water.
  2. We measure the right amount of flour and sift it. It is important to prepare everything in advance so that you do not waste time on these procedures later.
  3. We put the water with oil and heat it up - the oil should melt completely, and the water is about to boil. Can be brought to a boil.
  4. Without removing from the water bath, add a little flour and knead the dough. Grandmother used to do everything by hand with an ordinary wooden spatula - quickly and superficially very easy. I am not capable of such feats, a relatively powerful mixer helps me out, however, be careful: the task for weak equipment is not the easiest, and if you are not confident in your assistant, it is better to do it manually.

  5. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool down for 3-5 minutes.
    After that, we mix the first egg into the dough - it should completely disperse in the dough, we interfere until this happens.

  6. Then - the second. The egg mixture should also become one substance with the dough.

  7. The third egg follows the same principle.
  8. And fourth. The mass will be quite thick, viscous, holding its shape.
  9. With a spoon, spread the dough in small heaps on a greased baking sheet, a sheet of parchment paper or a silicone mat. If you are in the mood to “play”, you can deposit profiteroles through a pastry bag - it will be a little neater, but, in my opinion, too industrial, I love “shaggy” custards, at a glance at which it immediately becomes clear: homemade cakes!

  10. And for half an hour we hide our blanks in a preheated oven. We don’t open the door for anything, we can only sit nearby and through the glass bewitched to watch how a miracle is born - small unsightly lumps of dough grow, spread their wings and become pot-bellied, lush beauties. After the specified time, you can open the door and look at the color of the dough - if it is golden enough, turn off the oven, leave the profiteroles inside for 3-5 minutes, then take it out and leave it to cool at room temperature.

  11. At this time, you can start preparing custard. Mix flour and sugar.

  12. We break the eggs.

  13. We stir well.

  14. Pour in milk, stir until smooth. For convenience, you can pre-boil the milk, cool it to 40 degrees (comfortable temperature for the body - easily determined by the finger), and then add it to the egg mixture - this will speed up the preparation of the cream.
  15. We put the cream on the stove, constantly (!) Stirring, cook over low heat until “chuffing”. As soon as air bubbles rising from below begin to burst on the surface of the cream, the fire can be turned off.

  16. Beat the cooled cream with softened butter, add vanilla or other flavoring. You can read a more detailed cooking option. Also you can cook

The combination of flavors - creme patissier, choux pastry, chocolate icing - is perfect, and profiteroles are worth spending a little time on them.
Oh, and don't be afraid to work with choux pastry - contrary to popular belief, it's not at all capricious if approached correctly.


For the dough: 100 g butter, 250 g water, 200 g flour, 4 eggs.

For cream: 3 yolks, 2 tbsp. l. flour, 1 cup sugar, 400 ml milk, vanilla.

For glaze: 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup cocoa, 80 ml cream 15-20% fat, 50 g butter.

Cooking method


  1. We take two saucepans of different sizes, pour water into the large one, put the smaller one into the large one. We put on gas.
  2. We prepare the mixer, measure the required amount of flour, take out the eggs - it is convenient when everything is at hand.
  3. At the same time, pour 250 ml of water into a smaller saucepan and cut the butter (cubes of arbitrary size).
  4. When the water in a large saucepan boils, pour in the flour and knead the dough with a mixer. You can do without mechanized means - grandmother always used a wooden spatula, and she quickly and easily got a lump of flour brewed in water and oil. The mixer "gives" flakes - this in no way affects the quality of the final product, just keep in mind that the dough will be slightly different at first.
  5. Remove a small saucepan from the heat, let it cool for just a minute or two, after which we begin to introduce eggs into the dough. One at a time: we drive in the egg, knead until completely homogeneous, again the egg, again until smooth, and so on - until there is something to stir. Everything, the dough is ready, there are no difficulties.

Baking Profiteroles

  1. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper, with a spoon dipped in water, collect a small amount of dough, spread it on paper, forming a ball about the size of a walnut (well, or a little more). You can “play” with a confectionery syringe, arranging the dough with beautiful “roses” (I don’t like washing extra dishes, so I do without such curtsy).
  2. We put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake, without opening the door, for 30 minutes. Profiteroles are ready. If it seems to you that the dough is pale, reduce the heat to 170 degrees and keep the cakes in the oven for another 5-10 minutes.
Custard for cakes
  1. For the cream, mix sugar and flour, add the yolks and grind until smooth. Bring the milk to a boil, pour in a thin stream into the yolk mass, stirring constantly. We put the cream on the fire and cook over low heat until thickened.
  2. Important - the cream should not be left unattended for even a second: so that the patisser does not burn, you need to constantly stir the mass, drawing a figure eight on the bottom of the pan with a spoon.
  3. Add vanilla to the finished cream. .

Chocolate glaze

Mix sugar and cocoa, pour in cream, stir. Add oil and put on fire. Stirring, cook until sugar dissolves.

Assembling Profiteroles

We collect cream in a confectionery syringe, fill each cake with it. We decorate the top of the custards with glaze. We leave for an hour for impregnation and invite relatives to tea drinking.

See also the recipe for making a cake (in the same place - with protein).

Profiteroles are small custard buns with a surprise inside. This is a real salvation for the hostess, who, having quickly kneaded the choux pastry, will be able to make blanks for the future (empty profiteroles). In case of sudden guests, all that remains is to take out the custard buns from the freezer and warm them up, fill some of them with a hearty filling, and the rest with a sweet one. Lifesaver, right?

Today I will tell you how to make the perfect choux pastry, which always turns out. I will show you how to fill profiteroles beautifully, what hearty and sweet fillings our family loves. Maybe you will like them too and become your favorite! In the meantime, let's prepare the ingredients.

Products for choux pastry:

  • Wheat flour - 1 cup (recipe uses 250g cups)
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Salt - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.

Custard Ingredients:

  • Egg - 4 pcs
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Flour (or corn starch) - 60 g
  • Milk - 1 liter
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp or 1 small packet of vanilla sugar (11 g)

How to cook profiteroles at home:

Pour water (1 cup) into a saucepan with a thick bottom, put oil (100 gr.)

In the same container, add salt (1/3 teaspoon).

Over medium heat, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a homogeneous state.

When the oil and water boil on fire, reduce the heat to a minimum and add all the flour (it is better to sift it first). Immediately begin to stir intensively, trying to break up all the lumps.

The flour will begin to brew, the dough will become thick and shiny before our eyes. Keep stirring the contents of the saucepan even after the mixture has come together.

The brewing time of the dough will be 2-3 minutes. Do not rush to remove from the fire! You need to thoroughly fry the flour. That is why the dough is called "custard". In the photo you can see a characteristic film on the bottom of the saucepan - this indicates that you have held the dough at a high temperature enough.

Remove the saucepan from the stove and cool the dough to 60-70 C. This will take no more than five minutes. We begin to drive in chicken eggs one at a time, each time intensively stirring the dough until smooth.

You may think that you will never mix in the eggs (because the dough will break into pieces and slide in the egg mass), but after a while you will see that the dough becomes homogeneous.

The result should be a thick dough that does not flow. If you have very large eggs, you may need 3 whole eggs and a yolk (rather than four, as I indicated in the ingredients). Do not beat in all the eggs at once, so that the custard dough for profiteroles does not turn out to be too liquid.

I show the correct consistency of the custard dough in the photo: thick, elastic, viscous, does not flow from the shoulder blade, but lies in a lump. Keep in mind that the next egg should not be added until the dough has "swallowed" the previous one.

We put it in a pastry bag (or in a tight plastic bag from milk). I use a small nozzle for profiteroles. You can use both a curly nozzle and a regular one without a pattern. You can cut off the edge of the bag and squeeze out the mixture without nozzles.

To form profiteroles, you should not use an ordinary thin plastic bag, as it will tear (the dough is viscous and thick, it requires effort when pressed).

On a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, squeeze out small profiteroles. The distance between the cakes should be 3-4 cm (so that the profiteroles do not stick together in the oven).

It is not necessary to oil the paper before starting the depositing process, but if the parchment you are using is not of very good quality (does not have a silicone top layer), it is better to grease the paper with vegetable oil.

We press the sharp tips from the syringe with a wet finger. So custards will look neater.

Another option for depositing custard cakes is with a teaspoon.

Profiteroles are ready to go into the oven.

The oven must be preheated to a temperature of 200 C. We bake the profiteroles for 10 minutes at t 200 C, then (when they are browned and covered with a crust) we reduce to 180 C and bake for another 25 minutes (to bake well the walls between the cavities inside).

When baking products from choux pastry, it is imperative to ensure a temperature difference. If the oven is at a lower temperature all the time, the cakes will not rise well. If you keep it high all the time, they will harden very much and crumble when you try to cut it.

Finished profiteroles have an appetizing light brown crust, are easily separated from the baking sheet, have large cavities inside, and when tapped on the product, a dull sound is heard.

Let the custards cool at room temperature.

If you learn how to cook the perfect choux pastry once, you will provide yourself with a “magic wand”. One wave - and snack profiteroles are ready (for example, stuffed with salmon and curd cheese), the second wave - and delicious ones with condensed milk are ready. Choux pastry opens up scope for imagination, you can cook a lot of snacks and desserts if you find an approach to the recipe.

Both hearty and sweet, profiteroles are tender and appetizing. Crispy crust on top and tender airy dough inside - what could be tastier?


Choux pastry tastes neutral, which means it will go well with both sweet and savory fillings.

Our family loves these savory toppings:

  • boiled egg + cheese + mayonnaise + greens
  • cottage cheese + salmon + greens
  • chopped chicken liver in a blender, pre-fried with onions and carrots

In all three fillings, add spices to taste!

From sweet fillings we like:

  • boiled condensed milk + roasted nuts
  • cottage cheese with sugar
  • custard
  • protein cream (Italian meringue)

Profiteroles with custard

Today I will show you how to make the simplest custard for profiteroles.

To prepare it, stir sugar (1 cup with a volume of 250 g), 4 eggs and 60 g of flour (or corn starch). Stir until smooth, then add 1 cup of warm milk to make it easier to combine all the ingredients.

The rest of the milk (3 cups) put in a saucepan or saucepan on the fire. Heat until hot, then pour in the custard mixture, while stirring vigorously so that lumps do not form.

Cook the cream over low heat until thickened. When the cream becomes thick, turn off the heat.

Add vanilla sugar or vanilla extract (1 tsp) to the cream. Mix.

It is better to add vanilla sugar at the very beginning, when preparing the custard part of the cream, and vanilla extract - at the end of cooking.

In a slightly cooled cream, add softened butter (50 g) and beat until smooth.
We cover the cream with cling film in a contact way and leave to cool to room temperature. The film must be in full contact with the cream, otherwise a thick windward layer will form on it.

We fill the profiteroles with the cooled cream, laying it in half with a spoon. You can not cut the profiteroles into two halves, but fill them with a pastry syringe.
You can decorate sweet profiteroles with powdered sugar and crushed nuts, and unsweetened ones with herbs and caviar.
Please share in the comments what fillings you use for profiteroles, maybe you have some of your own secrets of baking custard dough, it would be interesting to know about them.
On our video channel on You Tube, I posted a video recipe for making profiteroles, if it’s easier for you to perceive information from a video, welcome!

I am glad for all the responses to the recipe, feel free to ask questions, share photos of ready-made cakes and snacks based on profiteroles.
Bon appetit!
If you post photos of profiteroles on Instagram, please indicate the tag #pirogeevo or #pirogeevo so that I can find your photos on the net. Thank you!

Our family is very fond of both profiteroles and eclairs, so from time to time I cook these delicious cakes. In fact, it is not at all difficult to cook profiteroles, the main thing is to follow some rules, which I will discuss in this recipe. Profiteroles with custard will be a wonderful addition to a cup of tea or coffee.

To prepare profiteroles, prepare the necessary products from the list.

Pour water and milk into a saucepan, add butter. Put the saucepan on a small fire. Wait for the butter to melt and bring the mixture to a boil. Add salt and sugar.

Sift flour into a separate bowl. When the mixture boils in the pan, pour the flour in one step and immediately remove the pan from the heat.

Using a spatula, mix the mixture well, the dough should come together in a lump and lag behind the walls of the pan. Leave the dough to cool slightly.

Then transfer the dough to the bowl of a food processor and add the eggs one at a time.

The dough should be soft and creamy. Eggs may need 3-4 pieces, sometimes 5, depending on the size.

Place the dough in a pastry bag fitted with a nozzle and pipe onto a baking sheet at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Put the blanks in it and bake for 10 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and cook the cakes for another 30 minutes. You need to cool the cakes in the oven that is turned off, but ajar, otherwise the dough may fall from a sharp temperature drop.

While the dough is baking, prepare the custard. To do this, break eggs into a saucepan, add a glass of milk and flour. Stir the mixture thoroughly with a whisk.

Separately, bring the remaining milk to a boil, add sugar and vanillin to it, stir well. Pour the milk into the flour mixture in a thin stream, stirring constantly so that the eggs do not curdle. Put the saucepan on the fire, and cook the cream, stirring, for 15 minutes. The cream should thicken and stick to the whisk.

Allow the cream to cool to room temperature and gradually add soft butter to it, beating well. Cover the cream with cling film "in contact" so that a crust does not form on top.

Fill the cooled profiteroles with cream using a culinary bag, and for home tea drinking, you can simply cut them in half and fill with cream with a spoon. Pour coffee or tea and serve profiteroles with custard to the table.

Bon appetit!

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