Home Kashi Juice from apricots through a juicer. Apricot juice with pulp for the winter. With a general decline in strength, a decrease in tone

Juice from apricots through a juicer. Apricot juice with pulp for the winter. With a general decline in strength, a decrease in tone

Apricot juice, prepared at home for the winter, is a delicious and fragrant drink, which, when possible, I always prepare. Apricot juice is thick and pulpy. Of course, the density of the drink and the amount of sugar can be controlled to your liking, as this directly depends on the sweetness of the fruit and your personal preferences. Be sure to try it, in winter such juice is a great reminder of summer. I got 3.5 liters of juice from 2.5 kg of apricots.


To make juice from apricots at home for the winter, we need:

apricots - 2.5 kg;

sugar - 350 g;

water - as needed.

Cooking steps

Boil the apricots for 5 minutes from the moment the water boils over medium heat.

Strain the broth through a sieve, and wipe the fruits into a saucepan with broth.
Add sugar to taste in a saucepan, stir and put back on the fire. When apricot juice starts to boil, reduce the heat and remove the resulting foam. Boil juice for 3-4 minutes.
Pour hot apricot juice with pulp into dry sterile jars, tighten with boiled lids and turn upside down. Wrap and leave to cool.

You can store homemade apricot juice in a city apartment. Great drink for cold winter days, try it!

Happy preparations!

Useful properties of apricot juice

Natural juices are always famous for their unique taste and beneficial properties. The benefits of freshly squeezed juices of various vegetables and fruits have been repeatedly proven. One such drink is apricot juice. This is one of the most delicious drinks, because the apricots themselves are very tasty. Such juice is quite simple to make - just rinse and pit the apricot fruits, and pass them through a juicer. Further, to taste, you can add other ingredients, making this drink even more useful.

The benefits of apricot juice in different types activities - in medicine and dietary science, in the treatment of diseases and in prevention. In some countries, apricots are considered a real delicacy, and the juice from this fruit is more valuable than gold. For us, apricot juice is a common occurrence, and therefore it is necessary to know how you can help yourself or loved ones with this affordable drink.

What is in apricot juice?

Firstly, apricots, and in particular, apricot juice, contain a large amount of carotenoids. These substances include both beta-carotene and lutein along with zeaxanthin. It is worth noting that apricot peel contains a large amount of these substances, so when making juice, do not try to peel apricots.

In addition, the sucking already, directly, the juice includes active vitamins A and K, other minerals:

- R iboflavin (vitamin B2);

- n iacin (vitamin B3);

- but scorbic acids and fiber;

- P ectin and natural sugar;

- to aluminum, calcium and many other substances.

Of particular interest is the presence of magnesium. Its content in apricot juice is very high, and this substance, in turn, helps to normalize blood pressure, having a beneficial effect on the brain.

Useful qualities of apricot juice

Now, as for the directly beneficial properties of the drink. First of all, it is useful for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system. In addition, we note that apricot juice can be consumed by everyone without exception, because it does not need to be chewed, and this does not create any problems with chewing. As for the positive effect on the circulatory system, then the juice helps lower cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as prevent the formation of plaques in the vessels, due to which blockages occur. Also, the vitamins that make up the juice make the vessels more elastic, because of which, the blood throughput immediately increases, which leads to the normal functioning of the entire system.

apricot juice has an effect on vision. Substances such as lutein and zeaxanthin help protect the nerve endings that are in the retina and outside it. This allows you to significantly reduce the tension of the eyes, so to speak, increase their service life, because the normal functioning of the nerves will not cause problems with the eyes and vision. To do this, it is enough to consume 1 glass of apricot juice per day. The same dose will be enough to normalize the digestive processes in the body. Especially effective is the use of apricot juice for constipation, since the drink has very mild laxative properties.

The properties of apricot juice as a medicine are especially useful and valuable. for hair and bone growth and also for skin development. Ascorbic acid, which is part of the drink, helps to increase skin elasticity, and the minerals present in the juice can strengthen bones and accelerate hair growth. In addition, these minerals prevent premature aging of the skin, and it will be useful for everyone who likes to sunbathe in the sun often and a lot.

Apricot juice is also useful for the prevention of cancer, and in general, helps to prolong longevity. Lycopene, which is part of the composition, actively prevents the growth and development of cancer cells, which in itself prevents and inhibits the development of cancer. The same substance nourishes the cells of the body with oxygen, so the life expectancy of the cells, and therefore of the whole organism, increases.

Can pregnant women drink apricot juice?

Interestingly, pregnant girls, in most cases, are not recommended to consume too concentrated juices. However, it is apricot juice that is advised to be consumed in the last months of pregnancy. This gives the unborn child energy, because of which, even in the womb, the effective development of the body begins. Besides, useful material apricot juice will raise immunity, both for mother and baby.

Thus, the use of apricot juice is not contraindicated for any person, since it has only beneficial features and substances in their composition.

More about useful products:


During the cold season, as a rule, there are not enough vitamins and minerals to strengthen the immune system. Cooking apricot juice for the winter is an affordable option for those who want to get the most nutrients. long heat treatment when cooking apricot jam, it can destroy most of the nutrients, so making nutritious juice can be called the best option. It is enough to know only the basic nuances and features of storage.

The best way to prepare such a drink is by juicer, but other methods are also used. In this case, the main thing is to comply phased technology manufacturing and remember about the sterilization of dishes. The fruits of the apricot tree can be combined with various other fruits.

The best option would be to use peaches, apples and pears for juicing. However, it is not recommended to add blackberries, since not everyone may like the color of the resulting liquid.

It is also not superfluous to add vanilla or cinnamon to give aroma and rich taste. For this purpose, it is advisable to purchase natural pods.

How to choose apricots for juice

Fruits for the future drink should be selected with great care. Apricots should not have dark or brown spots, damage and punctures.

On a note! Fruits with a smooth surface are more juicy.

It is not recommended to buy overripe fruits. In the event that the purchased apricots turned out to be too sweet and do not contain sourness at all, you can add lemon juice when re-brewing apricot drink.

Recipes for making apricot juice at home

A fragrant drink rich in vitamins and nutrients can be prepared in several ways. So, a person can choose for himself the most convenient option in the manufacture of a remedy against seasonal beriberi.

Juice with pulp

It is easy to prepare juice with pulp and without special devices. All you need for this is:

  • suitable container;
  • colander;
  • water;
  • arbitrary amount of apricot;
  • sugar, if required.

Such a drink is prepared as follows:

  • Rinse apricots, disassemble into halves. Drying of the fruit is not required, and the seeds can be thrown away immediately.
  • An enameled container in which the fruits should be placed is ideal.
  • Pour apricots with water so that they are completely covered with liquid, that is, at the same level. Turn on the big fire.

  • Then a foam will appear, which must be removed.
  • Fruit should be cooked until soft. If the apricots begin to disintegrate, the fire can be turned off. Then the juice should be cooled.
  • The compote must be filtered, and the boiled fruits should be wiped well and the skins removed.
  • The pureed mixture should be combined with a decoction and turn on the fire. Here, if desired, sugar and other additives are added.
  • The juice should boil for 5 minutes. Then the drink is poured into containers.

With a juicer

This method is considered the simplest. For cooking, you will need the following list of ingredients:

  • about 6 kilograms of ripe fruits;
  • 200-250 grams of sugar.

A number of steps must be taken:

  1. Rinse the fruit, remove the seeds, cut into halves. Place in juicer.
  2. From an apricot, as a rule, there is a lot of cake left. This residue should be evaluated: if there is a lot of cake and it is wet, then it can be re-passed through the device.
  3. Pour the resulting juice into a container, add sugar and put on fire. Let it boil for no more than three minutes, remove the foam.
  4. Pour the broth and cork.

Apricot juice in a juicer

It is also possible to prepare nectar using a special device. You can take any amount of ripe fruit and a few tablespoons of sugar. Prepare like this:

  1. Fill the lower tier with water (the amount of liquid is prescribed in the instructions).
  2. Peeled apricots are placed on the topmost compartment of the juicer. It is recommended to sprinkle fruit with sugar for better juice extraction.
  3. Turn on the fire, cook for about 50 minutes.
  4. Then you should release the tube and get apricot juice.

How to make with blender

If there is nothing to squeeze ripe fruits, you can use an immersion blender. To do this, take the following composition of ingredients:

  • 2-3 kilograms of apricot;
  • liter of water;
  • sugar at will.


  1. Place the apricots in boiling water for half a minute, and then immediately transfer to cold water. This is necessary for skin cleansing.
  2. In a blender, prepare fruit puree.
  3. Combine water, sugar and whipped fruits in a container. Boil for a few minutes and then pour into a suitable container.

Apple-orange juice for the winter

Apples and oranges add a slightly sour and pleasant taste to the drink. You can prepare such juice in any way possible. You will need to take:

  • 3-4 kilograms of apples;
  • 5 kilograms of apricot;
  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • water.


  1. Put the water on a slow fire, add sugar. While the water is heating, pass the peeled fruit through the juicer.
  2. Add squeezed juice in portions to a container with liquid.
  3. Wait until it boils and leave to cook for 5 minutes. Foam is removed periodically.
  4. Pour the mixture into a bowl and seal.

Storage features

Preservation of an apricot drink can be done in ordinary containers and bottles, and closed with metal lids with an elastic band. So it will be stored throughout the winter. However, one should not forget that before conservation, thorough sterilization of all dishes that will be involved in the process is required.

Store in a cool place: cellar, balcony or refrigerator. The main condition is not to place near batteries or other heating devices.


- apricots - 1 kg;
- sugar - 150 gr (to taste);
- water - 1.5-2 cups;
- citric acid - a pinch.

Ripe, soft apricots are suitable for juice, you can even use crushed or overripe ones. We wash the fruits, cut off the darkened places.

With a knife, cut in half along the relief depression. We turn the halves, separate, take out the bones.

Place the apricots in batches in a blender food processor. Grind into puree.

The puree will be very thick, so the future juice must be diluted with water. Take cold water, one and a half or two glasses, depending on how thick you want to get the juice. Add to saucepan with puree.

Sugar is added to apricot juice in a small amount. Heat the juice to a boil, add sugar. Stir and return the saucepan to low heat.

Boil the juice for ten minutes at a low boil. It is not necessary to remove the risen foam, but if it bothers you, collect it with a slotted spoon. Adding a Pinch citric acid for a balanced taste and better preservation of the juice. Cook for another one or two minutes.

Apricot juice is stored at room temperature, but the place should be shaded so that the juice does not darken. Good luck with your preparations!

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