Home Nutrition Croissants with condensed milk from puff pastry. Recipe: Croissants with boiled condensed milk - from puff yeast-free dough Croissants with condensed milk from puff

Croissants with condensed milk from puff pastry. Recipe: Croissants with boiled condensed milk - from puff yeast-free dough Croissants with condensed milk from puff

Anyone who has tried croissants at least once will surely fall in love with this pastry for the rest of their lives. As a rule, we buy them in cooking, a cafe or a store. However, this dessert is not difficult to prepare at home. Today we will tell, with condensed milk. The recipes for such baking are very simple, and the taste and aroma will not leave anyone indifferent.


Puff pastry can be prepared in two ways: from purchased or self-made dough. The first option is more simple. However, if you want to be sure that only high-quality and fresh products were used for baking, without various additives unhealthy, then, of course, it is best to do the dough yourself. Yes, it will take more time, but the result is worth it.


So, if you decide to make the dough yourself, then you will need to take care of having some products on hand in advance. This is:

  • Wheat flour of the highest grade - 0.5 kg.
  • Water - 100-125 ml.
  • Sugar - 5 tablespoons.
  • Milk - 100-125 ml.
  • One egg.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • Butter - 200 grams.
  • Fresh yeast - 20 grams.

Please note that it is best to choose oil with a maximum percentage of fat content. The ideal option is 82.5%. Be sure to buy the highest quality flour. Thanks to this, the dough will get the perfect consistency, and the finished croissants with condensed milk will be tender and porous.

Cooking instructions

To begin with, the flour should be sifted together with salt into a deep bowl. If you do not do this, then during the baking process the dough will not rise and will not be airy. Add sugar and yeast, mix gently. At the next stage, we introduce the egg, milk and water. Knead the dough with a mixer or by hand. Experienced chefs advise the second option so that the pastries absorb the warmth of your hands. Knead the dough for about five minutes.

Make a ball out of the resulting dough, put it in a bowl, cover with cling film and leave in a warm place for a couple of hours to rise.

Put the butter, which has lain a little at room temperature, in a plastic bag or wrap it in a film and knead with your hands (you can also beat it with a rolling pin), forming a flat rectangle.

When the dough has risen by about half, you should start rolling it out. Sprinkle the kitchen table or other work surface with flour. Then you need to flatten the ball of dough with your hands and start rolling it out with a rolling pin. As a result, you should get a rectangular layer with a thickness of one and a half millimeters.

Then spread the prepared butter on one half of the dough. Cover with the second half and roll out again to a thickness of 1-1.5 mm. At the same time, add flour if necessary. Now the dough must be placed horizontally and wrap the edges, connecting them in the middle. Then you need to wrap it in foil and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. The same procedure should then be done twice more. The finished dough should be put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and preferably at night.


From the finished puff pastry, previously thawed, we roll out layers a couple of millimeters thick. We cut out isosceles triangles from them. At the base of each figure, lay out the condensed milk filling and carefully wrap it in a tube. We spread them on a baking sheet, leave to stand for a while, then grease with a beaten egg and send to the oven. Our croissants with condensed milk will be baked for about 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Then they will only have to cool slightly, after which they can be served on the table. Bon appetit!

Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, deep bowls, whisk, glass, knife, board, rolling pin, spatula, baking sheet, baking paper, two forks, brushes.


Step by step cooking

  1. Pour 200 milliliters of warm milk into a deep bowl, add 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar, 1 sachet of dry yeast and mix with a whisk. Add water and mix again.
  2. Crack two eggs and separate the yolks and whites. Add 2 squirrels to the bowl with yeast and mix. Then add 150 g of vegetable oil and also mix everything well with a whisk. Sift flour into a separate bowl. Gradually add the sifted flour to the bowl with yeast and knead the dough. Everyone's flour is different, so you may need to add more flour. It is better to prepare another extra glass of flour in advance to add if necessary. We stop kneading the dough when it stops sticking to the hands and becomes soft and uniform. On average, the dough is kneaded for 10-15 minutes.

  3. The dough should be slightly rolled into a sausage and divided into 8 equal parts. Roll the resulting pieces into balls. To prevent the blanks from winding, we close them with a bag. Dust the board with flour.

  4. We take one blank, flatten it with our palms into a cake and begin to roll it out with a rolling pin. After that, we take a container with softened butter and, using a spatula, spread the butter on the workpiece.

  5. We roll out the second cake and carefully lay it on the first, greased with oil. We pinch the edges slightly. If the cakes do not match in size, then slightly stretch the top cake. The dough is soft and stretches well. Next, spread butter on the second cake, roll out the third cake and cover the second one with it. Etc.

  6. When all the cakes are used (do not grease the top with oil), put them on a well-powdered board and sprinkle with flour. Then we stretch the cakes lying on the table gradually with our hands, as far as possible.

  7. Then again dust the cake, board and rolling pin with flour and begin to slowly roll out. We roll out so that our layers are neatly stacked on top of each other and do not roll, do not move. Do not press hard, and slowly roll out. When the dough is rolled out into a fairly thin layer, cut it in half and cut each half into another 12 pieces.

  8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. We will make a croissant from each part of the dough. To do this, take a teaspoon of boiled condensed milk and spread it on the wide edge of the strip. Then we roll the strip with a roll, starting from the wide edge, and put it on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Do not spread close to each other, because yeast croissants will rise. Let them rest for 15-20 minutes. Lightly beat the yolks with a fork and brush the croissants with them. Sprinkle the top of each croissant with sesame seeds.

  9. We send to bake in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 25-35 minutes.

  10. The filling can be any.

video recipe

This video shows the whole process of kneading dough and baking croissants.

Croissants came to us from France and immediately gained their popularity. They can be with different fillings, but most of all I like with condensed milk. You can buy them ready-made or make your own. If you buy ready-made dough, then it will take quite a bit of time to cook, and the result will be amazing.

I used this dough and condensed milk.

Defrost the dough package. Put the plate of dough on the table, lightly dusting it with flour.

Roll out the dough a little. Cut it into four rectangles.

In total, 8 triangles are obtained from one plate of dough. Put about half a teaspoon of boiled condensed milk on the base of the triangle. I tighten each triangle a little, giving it an isosceles shape.

Fold the triangles, starting at the base and pressing the edges so that the condensed milk does not leak out.

Pull the long end of the triangle to the desired length to wrap the croissant several times.

Thus, roll up all the croissants and place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Cut the second sheet of dough in the same way. There are 16 croissants in total.

Leave the pan with croissants in a warm place for 20-30 minutes to rise. As time passes, turn on the oven to warm up to 200 degrees, and in the meantime brush the croissants with a beaten egg. I do this with a silicone brush.

All croissants are greased and it's time to put the baking sheet in the oven for 20-25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the croissants are ready.

Not only children, but also adults love to eat bagels with puff pastry condensed milk. This treat can be served on the table not only as a dessert, but also as a breakfast for the whole family. How nice it is to take a treat out of your bag at lunchtime to please yourself with fresh pastries, because not everyone can afford such a dish in canteens.
Anyone can do it, because the recipe is quite simple. The only thing that can cause difficulty when preparing a dish is the creation of dough. But even here the hostesses found a way out. It is enough to buy a ready-made product in the store and use it to please friends and family with a delicious treat.


  • Puff pastry - 900 g
  • Condensed milk - 1 bank
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.


In order to please relatives or guests with bagels, it is enough to replace the key component of the treat with a dumpling (the proportions remain unchanged).

The first step that the hostess needs to take is to defrost the dough purchased at the store, otherwise, you will not get lush pastries. If you did it yourself, then feel free to skip this point and proceed to the next one.

Roll out the dough on a flat surface and cut into triangular pieces. You can make croissants out of squares, but it takes a little fiddling to give them an unforgettable shape.

On a wide edge, the filling of your choice (varenka or classic condensed milk) is laid out.

It remains to twist the bagels and put them on a baking sheet, which must first be greased with vegetable oil to avoid burning the baked confectionery. Let the blanks stand for a quarter of an hour.

Now you need to take a small container, break an egg into it, add sugar there and beat the mixture until smooth, which then grease the bagels to give them a golden hue when baking.

In an oven preheated to 180˚C, place a baking sheet with prepared confectionery and bake for 25 minutes.

At the end of the time allotted for baking, take out the ready-made treats and let them cool slightly to serve a fragrant treat on the table.

A croissant is a pastry made from puff or yeast dough. It is generally accepted that France is their homeland, but this is not entirely true. They first appeared in Austria and then were called "Viennese bagel", and in France they learned how to bake them only in the 18th century.

Then they were given the name "croissant", which translates as "crescent". This is easily explained by the shape of the bagels. However, now croissants are popular not only throughout Europe, but throughout the world. Europeans do not understand breakfast without hot coffee or chocolate with freshly baked croissants.

Now croissants can be prepared according to numerous recipes from different doughs with almost any filling. Of course, the favorite delicacy of children is sweet pastries: with chocolate, jam, condensed milk, fruits or berries.

But you can bake croissants with mushrooms, ham or cheese. There are even recipes in which you can cook croissants without filling - these will be kind of buns, soft and airy.

Each country has its own cooking methods, but we will tell you how to cook sweet croissants with boiled condensed milk from puff pastry.

Puff pastry is a win-win option for busy housewives. You can cook almost any pastry from it, and it will take very little time.

The longest process is defrosting the dough, it can be done in the microwave, in the oven or in warm water. But the easiest way not to damage the dough is to leave it overnight in the refrigerator. Then in the morning you can start cooking sweet fragrant pastries.

We start by rolling out the dough, it should be no more than a few millimeters thick. Then, with a sharp knife, he cuts the dough plate into isosceles triangles.

At the base of each triangle, lay out the desired amount of boiled condensed milk. Then we wrap the croissants with a tube and give them the shape of a crescent.

Grease a baking sheet lightly with vegetable oil. If you are afraid that the croissants will burn, then you can lay baking paper on a baking sheet.

We spread the croissants on top at a small distance from each other - in the process of cooking they will slightly increase in size.

Beat the chicken egg with sugar with a fork or whisk and grease each croissant with this mixture.

This is necessary so that the finished baking has a shiny golden crust. We remove the baking sheet, I preheated the oven to 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes, until a ruddy color appears.

After cooking, let the pastries stand under a towel for 10-15 minutes and then you can enjoy soft, airy and incredibly tasty croissants with condensed milk.

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