Home Preparations for the winter Kulich Alexandrian dough for the night. Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes and pies is just a bomb! Alexandria dough for Easter cakes - step by step recipe

Kulich Alexandrian dough for the night. Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes and pies is just a bomb! Alexandria dough for Easter cakes - step by step recipe

alexandria pastry for Easter cakes, hostesses really like it for ease of preparation and great taste. The recipe for the Alexandrian Easter cake is unusual in that the dough is prepared overnight, the dough is kneaded in the morning, and after two hours you can put the forms in hot oven. Very convenient, you can return from work and immediately work with the test. The reviews are the most positive. Everyone, without exception, makes perfect Easter cakes, very soft, airy and, most importantly, not dry.

Easter cake from Alexandrian dough, recipe features:

  1. the dough is placed overnight, then the dough is kneaded, left for 2 hours and baked;
  2. dough is prepared without flour;
  3. for sourdough, only pressed yeast is used, which is laid in sweet milk with eggs and butter;
  4. the fermented dough has an unusual appearance and a sour smell, this is normal, feel free to add flour and knead the dough;
  5. you need to knead the dough by hand, for at least 10 minutes, then it will take on a filamentous structure, and the pastries will turn out incomparable.


for dough

  • chicken eggs- 2 pcs.
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 250 g
  • fresh pressed yeast - 38 g
  • baked milk - 250 ml
  • butter- 125 g

for the test

  • opara - all
  • vanilla sugar - 8 g
  • wheat flour - 700 g
  • cognac - 1 tbsp. l.
  • light raisins - 50 g
  • ground cardamom - 2 chips.
  • salt - 1 pinch
  • zest of 1 lemon

In addition, you will need:

  • vegetable oil - for lubrication
  • icing and sugar sprinkles for decoration

Total time: 12 hours 30 minutes / 2 hours 40 min. / Yield: 3 Easter cakes, form 1 l


First you need to prepare the dough, it is better to do it in the evening, in order to knead the dough in the morning and start baking. At the first stage you will need: warm milk, eggs, pressed yeast, eggs and butter at room temperature. Flour is not added to the dough! So, in a large container, I drive 2 eggs and 2 yolks. I add sugar there and whisk everything a little with a whisk, until smooth and the sugar crystals dissolve.

In a separate bowl, I heat the baked milk to about 35 degrees and dilute the yeast in it. It is advisable to measure the exact amount of yeast (38 g), if there are no scales, then conditionally divide the package weighing 100 grams into 3 parts. Yeast must be not just fresh, but fresh, without an alcohol smell. If you have “strong” yeast that you have worked with many times before and know for sure that it is overactive, then the amount can be reduced to 30 grams (or keep the dough for less time so that it does not ferment later).

I melt the butter in the microwave. If you have time, you can soften it with room temperature until soft enough to scoop with a spoon. And take high-quality oil, then Easter cakes will be soft and fragrant, they will not stale for a long time.

I combine the sweet egg mixture, butter and diluted yeast. I mix everything and cover with a towel. I leave the dough for 8 hours , that is, overnight.Please note that the dough must ferment at room conditions., I have a room temperature of 22-23 degrees. IMPORTANT! Make sure that it is not too hot, otherwise the dough will overcook and the baking may have an unpleasant yeasty smell! Do not keep the dough too long, 7-8 hours is more than enough. After fermentation, a playing mass is obtained, which slightly increases in volume.

Raisins are steamed in boiling water, then thoroughly squeezed out of the water and soaked in cognac for 1 hour. Please only use good cognac, not vodka, and definitely not a substitute, otherwise you risk ruining Easter cakes. And one more thing: cognac gives baking its characteristic flavor. If you don’t like the smell of alcohol (albeit light) in baking, then just don’t add cognac, steam raisins in boiling water, squeeze and add to the dough just like that, your cakes won’t get worse from this.

When the steam rises(that is, after 8 hours),I add salt, vanilla sugar and sifted flour to it, “drunk” raisins,as well as the zest of one large lemon - about 1 full tablespoon.I add a couple more pinches of ground cardamom, original recipe it is not there, but it makes pastries more fragrant, so I recommend it.

I mix, dipping my hands in sunflower oil. No need to add flour, let the dough be viscous and soft. I knead the dough for 10 minutes.

Cover with a towel and leave warm for 1 hour. When it rises, I crush it. The dough will be soft, not spreading, it will acquire a thread structure, which is clearly visible in the photo.

I spread the dough into molds, filling them about 2/3 of the volume. Paper molds do not need to be lubricated. Iron molds need to be greased with oil, but not completely, but only the bottom, it is better to leave the walls dry or line them with parchment - the dough will “climb” along the dry walls and rise better.

I cover the molds with cling film so that the top does not weather. I leave the dough in the forms for 1 hour in the heat, you can put it on proofing next to the open door of the oven while it is warming up. The dough should rise almost to the edge of the molds. But make sure that it does not come into contact with the film, otherwise it will stick, and you will damage the beautiful Easter cake cap.

I send the forms to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Large Easter cakes will be ready in 40 minutes, small ones faster, in about 25-30 minutes. It is most convenient to check with a bamboo skewer. Cooling Easter cakes is best in a horizontal position, on its side, then the dough retains its structure, does not sit down.

Once cool, decorate with egg white frosting and sugar sprinkles. The output from the indicated amount of ingredients is 3 large Easter cakes in 1 liter forms (I have 1 liter, 850 ml, 650 ml, 250 and 250 ml).

According to the structure, soft, airy, fibrous Easter cakes are obtained. Happy Easter to you!

I am sharing with you another recipe for Easter cakes - today we will cook them on the so-called Alexandria or Vienna test. A very unexpected (for me personally) dough kneading technology and a predictably fabulous result. Predictably, because Alexandria Easter cakes have been baked by many hostesses for many years and are always satisfied with the finished pastries. The most delicate crumb, very fragrant, juicy and rich in taste - in general, perfect, you can’t say otherwise!

Let me explain a little what was unusual for me. The fact is that, as a rule, dough is made with the addition of flour, depending on the amount of which its density varies. And here there is no flour at all, not a gram! But there is a large amount of butter, which is part of the dough. This is the second thing that surprised me, because it is customary to introduce fats into the dough for final stage, and here at the very beginning (and even long before the flour).

Yeast dough for Alexandrian Easter cakes is not much different from dough for this kind home baking: it is just as tender, very soft and very sticky to hands. There is no need to succumb to the temptation and fill the dough with flour to make it easier to mix - in this case, the finished pastries will not be fluffy and airy. As additives and flavors, you can use whatever you want: I used lemon zest and vanillin for aroma, and light raisins for taste.



Main batch:


Cooking step by step with photos:

Here are all the products that are included in the recipe for Alexandrian Easter cakes: wheat flour premium, baked milk, granulated sugar and powdered sugar, chicken eggs, butter, raisins, lemon juice and zest, fresh yeast, salt and vanillin (can be replaced with a teaspoon of vanilla sugar). Baked milk can be easily prepared on your own - on the stove or in a slow cooker (). I used eggs of medium size (about 55 grams each), with 1 protein left for glaze, and 2 proteins and 3 yolks went into the dough. Choose any raisins - I have a golden one, it is sweet and very tasty. It is not necessary to use fresh (pressed) yeast - dry yeast (about 12 grams or 2 teaspoons with a slide) is perfect.

In the evening we will prepare a dough (if this mass can be called that). In a fairly large bowl, combine 3 egg yolks, 2 whites and 230 grams of granulated sugar. Thoroughly mix everything with a spoon or with a mixer (whisk) - let the sugar crystals dissolve.

Next, add 125 grams of soft butter, which we either cut into small pieces or simply break with a spoon. Mix it into the egg mixture.

During this time, the dough will rise and begin to fall, while the oil layer will be clearly visible on the surface, and fermentation will take place under it (many, many air bubbles). My dough wandered for 9 hours.

It's time to move on to kneading the dough for our Alexandrian Easter cakes. Choose a suitable container, pour the dough into it. Add 600 grams (you may need a little more or a little less depending on the moisture content of the flour) sifted wheat flour premium, mixed with a pinch of vanillin and a quarter teaspoon of fine edible salt. We immediately put 1 tablespoon of chopped lemon (you can orange, if you want) zest there - this is about 1 large lemon.

Mix all the ingredients to make a sticky cookie dough. It doesn't look like yeast dough for bread - the dough for Easter cakes is much more tender and very sticky to hands. Now it's time to add 100 grams of raisins, which must first be washed and dried. If the raisins are too dry, soak them in water for 10-15 minutes, then pat dry.

Knead the dough for about 10 minutes with your hands, which can be slightly oiled. We round the dough, tighten the bowl with cling film or cover with a towel and leave to ferment warm for 1.5 hours. Where better than dough wander and what does a warm place mean? There are several options. First of all, in the oven with the light on (it turns out about 28-30 degrees - the ideal temperature for fermenting yeast dough). Then we tighten the bowl with the dough with cling film or cover it with a towel made of natural fabric (linen is best) so that the surface does not wind up and become crusty. You can also let the dough ferment in microwave oven in which we first bring a glass of water to a boil. The dough will rise with the door closed, and the glass will stand there. Then you don’t need to close the bowl with anything, as the water will evaporate, thereby maintaining the necessary humidity. Just make sure that no one inadvertently turns on the microwave, otherwise the dough will disappear and there will be no Easter cakes.

After about an hour and a half, the yeast dough will at least double in size, and maybe more. Gently punch it down and place it in a baking dish.

I got a test for 3 cakes. Each blank weighs 460 grams. I used paper forms (12 centimeters on the bottom and 10 centimeters in height). It is important to apply the dough no more than half the volume so that the Easter cakes do not run away during the baking process. We cover the blanks with cling film so that the dough does not wind up and does not become covered with a crust. We send for proofing in a warm place until the dough grows one and a half to two times. It took me 1.5 hours.

Alexandria dough for Easter cakes has one magical property - you only need to bake an Easter cake from it once, and you don’t want to think about any other recipes anymore. Firstly, the dough is very simple, with an extremely convenient schedule - dough is placed at night, and the dough is kneaded in the morning, and after two hours you can put Easter cakes on baking in a hot oven. Secondly, the Alexandrian Easter cakes themselves are perfect - soft and moist. That is, the dough is not heavy, but absolutely not dry, as if slightly saturated with something fragrant. Thirdly, the incomparable aroma of baking, which is achieved through an unusual dough kneading technology. We will now go through the whole process with you - we will prepare the Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes step by step.

It is important for you to note basic moments:

1) dough is put without flour, yeast is mixed with milk and muffin - sugar, butter and eggs;

2) you need to put the dough before going to bed, then, getting up in the morning at 9 o'clock, by 12 you will already have a line of chic ready-made Easter cakes, looking at which your heart rejoices and overflows with pride in your baking skills;

3) the fermented dough looks very unusual, don't let it bother you, feel free to pour flour into the dough and start kneading the dough;

4) the container for the dough should be taken large enough, because after mixing flour into the dough, it will rise four times - my dough slightly raised the lid of a huge pan;

5) raisins and candied fruits for Alexandrian dough do not need to be sprinkled with flour - the structure of the dough is such that it perfectly holds additives and they do not “fall” to the bottom;

6) the dough is very soft, but not fluid, its quality directly depends on how well you knead it - 10 minutes is enough for the dough to take on such a filamentous structure, which is very clearly visible in the photo,

7) fill the forms for Easter cakes no more than half, because the dough rises great in the oven.

Step-by-step recipe for making Alexandrian dough for Easter cakes

If you want to try making Alexandrian dough for Easter cake, then your desire will cause a guaranteed habit of making Easter baking it is from such a test, which is also called Viennese. Mandatory long standing dough without flour creates magic chemistry when rich yeast dough becomes fragrant even without the addition of traditional spices.

  • Flour - 1500 g;
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 500 g;
  • Fresh yeast - 50 g (or dry high-speed - 11 g);
  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Raisins - 150 g;
  • Butter - 300 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 bags of 11 grams or cardamom - 1 pinch.

Cooking method

Break the eggs into a large bowl.

Add sugar to eggs.

Lightly beat the sugar-egg mass using a wooden paddle or whisk.

Crumble fresh yeast into warm milk.

Pour the milk-yeast mass into the egg-sugar mixture.

Melt the butter in the microwave for 30 seconds to add it to the Alexandrine dough. (If you take the butter out of the refrigerator an hour before making the dough, it will become soft and you can immediately put it in the pan.)

After kneading the dough to a homogeneous mass, cover it with a towel and leave for twelve hours in a fairly warm place. (For example, you can preheat the oven, turn it off, let it cool down to a temperature where the air is no longer hot, but warm, and put the dough there.) After a couple of hours, you will definitely hear a rich aroma from the Alexandrian dough dough for Easter cake.

Add the sifted wheat flour to the finished dough.

Knead the dough well. If you knead with your hands, you can feel the "thread" structure of such a test.

We add sorted, washed and dried raisins to our Alexandrian dough. If desired, dark raisins can be pre-soaked in strong alcohol- whiskey, brandy, calvados or rum.

Let the dough rise and knead it a couple of times for two hours. After that, you can divide the Alexandrian dough into pieces in order to bake after shaping and proofing Easter cakes. Fill the molds no more than half, because the dough will still rise. In the molds, let the dough rise for 20 minutes before baking (this process is called "proofing".)

The baking time from Alexandrian dough depends on the mass of the products, so the smallest Easter cakes can be ready in thirty minutes if you bake them in an oven preheated to one hundred and ninety degrees. Large Easter cakes can be baked for about an hour until the rich Alexandrian dough is completely baked. It will be very tasty! Have a great gastronomic experience!

Total 63 comments for the recipe

Irina, approximately how many Easter cakes are obtained from such a “set” of products?

I got 2 large ones (in a liter container) and 6 small ones - in cans from beans, olives.

And tell me, please, does the baking prevent yeast from fermenting? This is the first time I've seen such an option for kneading dough. Do Easter cakes from Alexandrian dough dry quickly or not? I usually bake 10-12 Easter cakes for 3 families and we eat them for a week later, but I have to keep everything in a saucepan under a tightly closed lid. And then, I have one of the most "long-playing" dough recipes. But there is no limit to perfection, if your dough remains soft longer, I will still have time to try it out. And can I use sunflower oil instead of butter? I try not to heat milk fats and always try to replace them with vegetable fats in baking.

Doesn't interfere. Opara is truly amazing. Vegetable butter cannot be substituted. And so that Easter cakes do not get stale, they can be kept in containers like bread bins.

Tell me, at what stage is vanillin added, and is salt needed in the dough?

Vanillin along with flour. Salt can be added - 1/3 teaspoon. But great without salt!

Thank you very much, Irina. I decided to try this recipe, the dough has already been set, tomorrow there will be a result. 🙂

Thanks a lot for the recipe! The cookies turned out exactly the way I wanted them to! I've tried so many different options, but this one is the best! Minimum effort, maximum pleasure from working with such a wonderful dough, and the taste is simply delicious! The quality of the finished cake inspires new culinary exploits! Very tasty! Thank you:-)))

Easter cakes turned out wonderful and not at all difficult to prepare! Thank you very much for another wonderful recipe.

Ekaterina, thank you 🙂 She herself is delighted with the Alexandria test.

Good day! Dear readers, I have been preparing this recipe for more than a year. The cookies turn out just great. Very tasty. From these products, a lot is enough for everyone. Highly recommend to everyone.

Hello, for such a set of products, what size of the pan is better to take?

And if I replace it with dry yeast, then I probably need 1.5 packs of saf moment, there is a package for 1 kg

Can butter be substituted for buttermilk?

Anna, you need to do it strictly according to the recipe, otherwise only at your own peril and risk.

Have a nice day! I'm interested in the following; can i add this dough nutmeg, lemon and orange zest? Will these ingredients spoil the quality and structure of the dough? Thanks for the answer! Special thanks for the recipe! I will cook Easter cakes for the first time, I want to take into account all the nuances and also so as not to spoil it and it was delicious.

The structure will not be damaged.

Hello. Tell me, do you need to grease the molds? I have paper

Lina, you need to grease a little.

Can you take boiled milk?

Hello, for the first time in my life I want to bake Easter cakes, I liked your recipe, just tell me if it is possible to replace fresh yeast with dry yeast, if so, how much dough to stand? Thanks in advance.

Olga, you can replace. I did with dry ones. It stood for the same amount of time.

good morning, I liked your recipe, this year I will bake Easter cakes for the first time I am interested in the question in our apartment it is cold if I put it in a preheated oven as advised in the recipe, it does not keep heat for 12 hours what to do

Elena, put on dry yeast - they even raise the dough in the refrigerator. And even more so in a preheated oven - even if it cools down over time.

Irina, the recipe says 11 grams of dry yeast is just 1 pack, and in the comments 1.5 packs, how much do you need?

Olga, one. But if the conditions for the test are very bad (cold), then one and a half is possible.

Irina, hello. Tell me, please, but such a long proofing of the oprara will not lead to the fact that the dough in the finished product will smell strongly of yeast? Thanks!

Olga, this dough smells like happiness for some reason. :)) You need to do it clearly according to technology.

I’ve been cooking for the second year according to this recipe) only 7 eggs and I don’t soak the raisins in alcohol, but just add them to the dough.

I put the dough on dry yeast for 12 hours as in the recipe, turned sour. Of course, I had to rely on my experience, and not wait, it was my own fault. Thanks for the recipe.

Irina. what exactly went sour? Opara without flour is placed.

I definitely understood that the dough should stand for 12 HOURS?

Tell me please! Could the 69’2% oil fat be to blame?

You don't need to be homogeneous. There must be such a lumpy mass. Then when you mix the dough with flour, the dough will become homogeneous. And due to these lumps, they also have a slightly layered structure. 🙂

So much sugar 500 gr for 6 eggs, isn't it a lot?

Erin, thank you so much for the recipe! I really liked the dough and the cakes came out great!

Natalia, thank you! I only bake this recipe.

Good morning

On the advice of a friend, after her rave reviews, I also decided to cook Easter cakes according to this recipe ... I followed the instructions strictly, but magic did not happen to me ... The dough stood overnight, after adding flour, the dough did not want to rise, it did not increase much in volume ... Well, I decided to bake it anyway, hoping that they would rise in the oven ... Well, also quite a bit ... Even the cakes did not grow to the edges of the form, I laid down the dough, as indicated, a little less than half of the form ... I don’t know what is the reason for my failure ... Maybe the yeast was not of high quality ... I used dry saf for a moment, the expiration date is good ... Or maybe it’s just not my recipe ... It happens that some kind of recipe doesn’t work, whatever one may say ... Happy Easter everyone.

Hello, Irina, the dough in the forms has not risen for an hour, can I put it in the oven like this? half mold

baked today according to your recipe, baked with dry yeast, the dough rose very well! literally grew before our eyes, even climbed out with hats, only next time I won’t put everything in the oven at once, they were badly browned, there was not enough space for them. Haven't tasted it yet, looking forward to it.

I am extremely disappointed, the dough does not rise at all.

Irina, thank you so much for the recipe. Just finished baking pastries. They are chic. Sweet, airy and not dry. Exactly what I dreamed of))) thank you!

The recipe is excellent, I did everything strictly according to the recipe, the pastries really turn out not dry, but moist, as I wanted, soft and odorous. thanks a lot.


The first time I baked Easter cakes, I dreamed of baking them all my life. The dough is wonderful, only I took 7 eggs-5 pcs. + 2 yolks for dough, and egg white for icing. Gorgeous dough, the whole house is fragrant with the aromas of Easter cakes. An excellent recipe.

Erin, thank you so much for the recipe!! It turned out very tasty)) The dough is very pleasant and easy to prepare

Olga, thanks for the feedback. I love this dough very much.

Erin, thank you so much for the recipe! I baked Easter cakes for the first time and settled on your recipe, and as it turned out, it was not in vain! The dough is just amazing! Easter cakes all rose, baked and very tasty.

Catherine, yes it is. the best recipe of all the ones I have personally tried. Just a miracle 🙂

Delighted with this recipe! This is the second year I've been baking on it. The cakes turned out amazingly tasty and fragrant! Thanks a lot for the recipe! I advise everyone!

Thanks for the recipe! Everything worked out. My very praised and without the hassle, thanks again!

Tell me please, if you put more eggs, you can or strictly according to the recipe ...

Svetlana, you need strictly according to the recipe. Variations are at your own risk.

I made it according to your recipe, it turned out very tasty, lush, soft .. only a little bit everything was exactly the smell of yeast. I probably should have done it with raw yeast .. thank you very much for the detailed description of the recipe :))

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Recipe Easter cake on the Alexandrian test. The famous Alexandrian Easter cake always turns out to be very tasty, with a delicate crumb, little porosity and does not crumble at all. Easter cake prepared according to this recipe turns out to be unusually fragrant, sweet, one might say melting in your mouth - it is for these magical qualities that hostesses love to cook it for the Easter table.

Kulich is cooked on baked milk, butter and raw yeast. Alexandrian dough is prepared as follows: first, the dough is infused for about 8-12 hours, and then it is already mixed with flour and tasty additions (dried fruits, candied fruits, dried berries). The taste of Alexandria Easter cake is sweetish with a rich aroma and flavor of yeast. If you don't love too sweet pastries you can safely reduce the amount of sugar by half.

Required Ingredients:

350 g of sugar;

50 g fresh yeast;

850 - 900 g of wheat flour;

400 ml. baked milk (warm);

180 - 200 g butter (softened);

1 teaspoon of salt (without a slide);

A glass of raisins;

A glass of dried apricots.


2 proteins + 200 g of powdered sugar + 1 tbsp. a spoon lemon juice.

How to cook:

Since the Alexandrian dough is prepared with raw yeast, it needs to be infused for 8-12 hours. The dough is prepared on a dough, which is kneaded with baked milk, eggs, yeast, sugar and without the addition of flour. Prepare all the ingredients ahead of time so that they are at room temperature (especially the butter). It is most convenient to knead the sponge at night and continue cooking in the morning.

In a separate cup, slightly warm the baked milk and dissolve the raw yeast in it.

In another cup, for kneading the dough, break 4 eggs, and separate two into whites and yolks. Put the whites in the refrigerator, we will need them to make the glaze. Pour sugar into the eggs and mix the mass with a whisk, beat until the sugar dissolves.

Add the softened butter to the eggs and fold it into the egg mixture. If your butter is not soft enough, you can simply crush it with a knife into small pieces.

Then pour the milk with yeast into a mixing bowl and beat with a whisk. Beating the dough until a homogeneous consistency does not make sense, just mix it enough. Cover the cup with the dough with cellophane or cling film and leave to infuse, at room temperature, overnight (you can leave the cup on the kitchen counter).

During this time, the dough in the cup will rise and fall again. In it you will see, as it were, two layers; the first will look like an oil cap, and the second will consist of small bubbles - this means that the dough is already active for further work.

Prepare the selected dried fruits in advance (I have raisins and dried apricots). Rinse dried fruits in warm water, dry them with a paper towel and, if necessary, chop with a knife into small pieces. Transfer the filling to a cup with dough, salt and start adding flour in small portions. You can knead the dough first with a large spoon, and then with your hands, greased vegetable oil. Ready dough It turns out viscous and sticky, no need to weight it with flour. My dough took in 870 g, it can take a little more or less from you, so the dough is kneaded by hand, so you can better feel its consistency.

Transfer the finished Alexandrian dough to a large (oiled) pan. Cover the container with cellophane and put it in a warm place to rise for 1.5 - 2 hours, it should increase in size at least three times. I always insist the dough in the oven.

As you can see, the dough rises very well and try not to go far from it, otherwise it can run away (like mine).

Next, grease your hands with vegetable oil, separate the dough in small portions and put it in prepared molds. I have forms paper and metal and different sizes. Fill the molds about 2/3, but no more than half - this will be enough for raising and further baking.

Remove the forms with the dough in a warm place for another 1 - 1.5 hours. I advise you to put them in the oven or microwave, but be sure to put a cup or glass of warm water. Moisture is needed so that the Easter cakes, during proofing, do not wind up and do not become covered with a crust. The risen dough should not reach the edge of the mold, it is desirable that there is a free space of about 2 cm.

Preheat the oven to 160 - 170 degrees.

Place the cookies in the preheated oven. The baking time varies greatly for everyone, it all depends on the oven itself and the size of the molds. You need to bake Easter cakes until a dry toothpick and a pleasant golden (ruddy) color. Many housewives take from 30 to 50 minutes, I baked for 30 minutes and my Easter cakes were completely baked.

While the Alexandria dough cakes are cooling, prepare the icing. To prepare the glaze, remove the reserved proteins from the refrigerator and beat them, with a mixer, with powdered sugar. Then add a spoonful of lemon juice and continue beating for another minute. This frosting will not be very stable, it will run off a little. If you need a stable and strong glaze, then add more powdered sugar and reduce the amount of lemon juice to 1 teaspoon.

Using a spoon, cover the cakes with glaze so that it drains a little from the edges.

For high cakes, I decided to make the icing more liquid and added another 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Now the icing flows even more appetizingly along the walls of the Easter cakes.

Sprinkle finished Easter cakes on top with a decorative decoration, let the glaze dry and the Easter cakes themselves brew. I did not wait for the Easter cakes to fully infuse, and cut one to show you how the baked Alexandria Easter cake turns out. As you can see, it is completely baked, rises well, is quite dense and does not crumble.

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