Home Soups Academy of Entertaining Sciences. Chemistry. Video. Magic salt Cartoons interesting about salt for kids

Academy of Entertaining Sciences. Chemistry. Video. Magic salt Cartoons interesting about salt for kids

And get to know with them world and wonders of physical phenomena? Then we invite you to our "experimental laboratory", in which we will tell you how to create simple, but very interesting experiments for children.

Egg experiments

Egg with salt

The egg will sink to the bottom if you put it in a glass of plain water, but what happens if you add salt? The result is very interesting and can visually show interesting density facts.

You will need:

  • Salt
  • Tumbler.


1. Fill half the glass with water.

2. Add a lot of salt to the glass (about 6 tablespoons).

3. We interfere.

4. We carefully lower the egg into the water and observe what is happening.


Salt water has a higher density than regular tap water. It is the salt that brings the egg to the surface. And if you add fresh salt water to the existing salt water, then the egg will gradually sink to the bottom.

Egg in a bottle

Did you know that a boiled whole egg can be easily bottled?

You will need:

  • A bottle with a neck diameter smaller than the diameter of the egg
  • boiled egg hard boiled
  • Matches
  • some paper
  • Vegetable oil.


1. Lubricate the neck of the bottle with vegetable oil.

2. Now set fire to the paper (you can just have a few matches) and immediately throw it into the bottle.

3. Put an egg on the neck.

When the fire goes out, the egg will be inside the bottle.


The fire provokes the heating of the air in the bottle, which comes out. After the fire goes out, the air in the bottle will begin to cool and contract. Therefore, a low pressure is formed in the bottle, and the external pressure pushes the egg into the bottle.

The balloon experiment

This experiment shows how rubber and orange peel interact with each other.

You will need:

  • Balloon
  • Orange.


1. Blow up the balloon.

2. Peel the orange, but don't throw away the orange peel.

3. Squeeze out orange peel over the ball, after which it will burst.


Orange peel contains limonene. It is able to dissolve rubber, which is what happens to the ball.

candle experiment

An interesting experiment showing burning a candle in the distance.

You will need:

  • regular candle
  • Matches or lighter.


1. Light a candle.

2. Extinguish it after a few seconds.

3. Now bring the burning flame to the smoke coming from the candle. The candle will start burning again.


The smoke rising from an extinguished candle contains paraffin, which quickly ignites. The burning vapors of paraffin reach the wick, and the candle begins to burn again.

Vinegar Soda

A balloon that inflates itself is a very interesting sight.

You will need:

  • Bottle
  • A glass of vinegar
  • 4 teaspoons of soda
  • Balloon.


1. Pour a glass of vinegar into the bottle.

2. Pour the soda into the bowl.

3. We put the ball on the neck of the bottle.

4. Slowly put the ball vertically, while pouring soda into a bottle of vinegar.

5. Watching the balloon inflate.


When baking soda is added to vinegar, a process called soda quenching takes place. During this process, carbon dioxide is released, which inflates our balloon.

invisible ink

Play with your child as a secret agent and create your invisible ink.

You will need:

  • half a lemon
  • A spoon
  • A bowl
  • Cotton swab
  • White paper
  • Lamp.


1. Squeeze some lemon juice into a bowl and add the same amount of water.

2. Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and write something on the white paper.

3. Wait for the juice to dry and become completely invisible.

4. When you're ready to read the secret message or show it to someone else, heat the paper by holding it close to a light bulb or fire.


Lemon juice is an organic substance that oxidizes and turns brown when heated. Diluted lemon juice in water makes it hard to see on paper, and no one will know there's lemon juice in there until it's hot.

Other substances which work in the same way:

  • Orange juice
  • Milk
  • onion juice
  • Vinegar
  • Wine.

How to make lava

You will need:

  • Sunflower oil
  • Juice or food coloring
  • Transparent vessel (can be a glass)
  • Any effervescent tablets.


1. First, pour the juice into a glass so that it fills about 70% of the volume of the container.

2. Fill the rest of the glass with sunflower oil.

3. Now we are waiting for the juice to separate from the sunflower oil.

4. We throw a pill into a glass and observe an effect similar to lava. When the tablet dissolves, you can throw another one.


The oil separates from the water because it has a lower density. Dissolving in the juice, the tablet releases carbon dioxide, which captures parts of the juice and lifts it up. The gas is completely out of the glass when it reaches the top, and the juice particles fall back down.

The tablet hisses due to the fact that it contains citric acid and soda (sodium bicarbonate). Both of these ingredients react with water to form sodium citrate and carbon dioxide gas.

Ice experiment

At first glance, you might think that the ice cube, being on top, will eventually melt, due to which it should cause the water to spill, but is it really so?

You will need:

  • Cup
  • Ice cubes.


1. Fill the glass with warm water up to the rim.

2. Lower the ice cubes carefully.

3. Watch the water level carefully.

As the ice melts, the water level does not change at all.


When water freezes, turning into ice, it expands, increasing its volume (which is why even heating pipes can burst in winter). Water from melted ice takes up less space than the ice itself. So when the ice cube melts, the water level stays about the same.

How to make a parachute

find out about air resistance making a small parachute.

You will need:

  • Plastic bag or other lightweight material
  • Scissors
  • A small load (perhaps some figurine).


1. Cut out a large square from a plastic bag.

2. Now we cut the edges so that we get an octagon (eight identical sides).

3. Now we tie 8 pieces of thread to each corner.

4. Don't forget to make a small hole in the middle of the parachute.

5. Tie the other ends of the threads to a small load.

6. Use a chair or find a high point to launch the parachute and check how it flies. Remember that the parachute should fly as slowly as possible.


When the parachute is released, the load pulls it down, but with the help of the lines, the parachute occupies a large area that resists the air, due to which the load slowly lowers. The larger the surface area of ​​the parachute, the more this surface resists falling, and the slower the parachute will descend.

A small hole in the middle of the parachute allows air to flow through it slowly, rather than flopping the parachute to one side.

How to make a tornado

Find out, how to make a tornado in a bottle with this fun science experiment for kids. The items used in the experiment are easy to find in everyday life. Made homemade mini tornado much safer than the tornado that is shown on television in the steppes of America.

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! The purpose of the project: To learn as much as possible about salt and its properties. And to prove that salt is not only a necessary product, but also an interesting material for experiments and creativity. Project objectives: To expand children's knowledge about salt, to determine the properties of salt, how it is mined, where it is used. Develop research skills in children. To develop a cognitive interest in research activities, the desire to learn new things. Develop the ability to participate in experimental activities.

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Main stage Conversation with children “What do we know about salt and its properties?” Collection of salt samples (sea, table and rock) Acquaintance with works of art that talk about salt. Acquaintance with riddles, with proverbs and sayings about salt. Experimental - experimental activity "Salt is a sorceress". "The Study of the Properties and Qualities of Salt". Creative workshop. Painting with salt. Sculpt from salt dough.

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Key questions: What is salt? What types of salt are there? properties of salt? Explore the properties of salt empirically; Conduct experiments on growing salt crystals.

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So what is salt? Salt is a white crystalline mineral substance soluble in water; one of the few minerals that people eat. Salt is the oldest spice.

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What types of salt are there? In fact, salt of natural origin has a grayish tint. There is unrefined (rock) and refined (cooking) salt, as well as coarse and fine. Sea salt- obtained by evaporating sea water.

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Rock salt is mined in deep mines. How did she get there? Everything is very simple - a rock salt deposit is found high in the mountains. In ancient times there was an ocean in the place of these mountains.

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In a dry and hot climate, sea water evaporated, and the salt turned into crystals and powerful layers were obtained. (Experiment with crystals) “Growing crystals To grow salt crystals, we poured warm water into a cup, poured salt. A thread was dropped into the cup. After a few days, we noticed that the water from the cup began to evaporate, and the string and the bottom of the cup were covered with salt cubes. Are these crystals.

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properties of salt? Salt for beneficial features called "White Gold". Healing properties salts were known in antiquity. Salt can be used both in cosmetics and as a cleanser. It can help you with your laundry, eliminate odors and clogged pipes, and more. The most widespread technical salt received as a fairly effective tool for the fight against icing of roads in winter period. Salt is useful and vital not only for people, but also for animals. Animals are given salt, which is not found in grass and hay.

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Floating egg For the experiment, we took 2 raw eggs and two mugs of a glass of water. They poured water into mugs, poured 3 tablespoons of salt into one mug and mixed well, but not into the other. They put eggs in both mugs, where there was salt water, the egg floated, and where not, it sank. And when both solutions were mixed, the egg turned out to be approximately in the middle of the mug. Conclusion: Salt water helps objects stay on the surface (Dead Sea effect)

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“Snowy pine branch” For the experiment, we took a pine branch, poured hot water into a bowl, put a pine branch there and poured salt. The next day we pulled out the branch and put it to dry by the radiator. After another 2-3 days, we saw that our branch had become silvery, as after a frost. Conclusion: crystals can be grown independently at home. Crystals grow in a saturated solution with gradual evaporation of the liquid

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Salt Properties

For chemists, a salt is any substance that contains a metal ion and an acid residue ion. The acid residue can be complex (non-metal + oxygen), or it can be simple (halogen). What are the properties of ordinary table salt? It is known that metal ions are able to color the flame in different colors. The sodium in the salt turns the flame bright yellow. Generally speaking, salt is very necessary for people and animals, because it is part of the blood, regulating water exchange. It is harmful when the body experiences a lack of salt, but also its excess causes unpleasant consequences. The most natural source of salt for us is fruits and vegetables. One of the properties of salt is their ability to have an antiseptic and preservative effect. The salt in the water does not allow the development of putrefactive bacteria. This property of salt began to be used by our ancestors to preserve food. Due to its wonderful properties, salt was once used as a substitute for money. The origin of the salt can be different. There is rock salt, which is extracted from sedimentary rocks, and there is boiled salt, which is obtained by evaporation from sea water. Fossilized salt is called halite. It is a translucent mineral with a pinkish tint. People thought of extracting salt by evaporation in different countries independently and independently of each other. The first record of salt extraction by evaporation in Russia dates back to the 12th century.

Research, search activity is a natural children's activity, children are tuned in to the knowledge of the world around them, they want to know it. This project allows you to integrate information from different areas of knowledge to solve one problem and apply them in practice. Creating conditions for children's experimentation allows the teacher to naturally create an atmosphere of creative unanimity, giving rise to the joy of creating a new one, where each child can find a job according to his strengths, interests and abilities. During research work the children found out what table salt is and how it gets on our table. We learned a lot about the features of salt, its properties and qualities. Independently conducted many interesting experiments with salt. Growing crystals. And most importantly, we learned to work in a team, we learned to be more tolerant of each other.



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Slides captions:

Research project "This amazing salt" GBOU secondary school No. 1 p.g.t. Sukhodol of the municipal district Sergievsky of the Samara region of the structural subdivision - kindergarten "Skazka" 2012

Epigraph "Tell - and I will forget, Show - and I will remember, I will do - and I will understand!" Eastern wisdom

Relevance Today, we often encounter the fact that a child already at the age of 4 says: “I don’t know how, I can’t.” Moreover, if one puts the meaning of “teach me” into these words, then the other, as it were, says “I don’t want and leave me alone”. Creating conditions for children's experimentation allows the teacher to naturally create an atmosphere of creative unanimity, giving rise to the joy of creating a new one, where each child can find a job according to his strengths, interests and abilities. Children are inquisitive explorers of the world around them. Research, search activity is their natural state, they are tuned in to the knowledge of the world around them, they want to know it.

Salt is an essential food we don't know anything about.

Situation analysis Why salt? What could interest children in ordinary salt, what is unusual in it. Why not sugar or another product. And everything is very simple. Sharing his impressions, Yegor Yukhnyak, after a summer vacation, brought photos and talked about his trip with his parents to Sol-Iletsk. And then we watched a video from the family archive. The children were delighted and could not believe their eyes that this was not sand, not grass, but ordinary salt. This is where it started. The children continued to ask questions to both teachers and parents. That's when the idea for this project came up. Children, parents, and kindergarten teachers were involved in the work ...

Purpose: I would like to know more about salt: What is salt? Where does it come from? How is it mined? Or are they preparing? Why is the sea salty?

Interaction with the family Release of booklets: “Sol is a friend, salt is an enemy”, “ Helpful Hints» Making the folder “My discoveries” Issue of the wall newspaper “Unusual nearby” Questioning of parents on the topic “Organization of search and research activities of preschoolers at home” Parent meeting on the topic “The role of the family in developing the child’s interest in experimental and experimental activities” Master class “Sculpt from salty test" Consultation on the topic: "The role of the family in the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers" Recommendations "Spend with children at home" Joint child-adult cognitive research activity "What do I know about salt?" Meeting with the parents of the creative group "Journey to the Past"

Children are explorers by nature.

Stages of research work by the project method Stage number Tasks Forms, methods, techniques Activities of the educator Activities of children I Immersion in the project Conversations: “What is salt?” "Interesting facts from the history of salt" "Useful tips" Excursion to the method. cabinet (viewing slides “Salt extraction”) Learning sayings, proverbs, figurative expressions about salt Together with parents and children, selects literature Helps to create a problem situation Formulates problem questions Forms tasks (non-rigidly) Getting into the problem Acceptance of tasks Learn to ask questions on their own Putting forward a hypothesis Formulation of the topic Planning your work II Organization of activities and planning Organization of a subject-developing environment: Creation of a laboratory for experimental research activities Creation of a creative workshop Organizes activities Suggests planning activities for solving problems Recommends ways to present the project Creation of communities of children, work in subgroups Distribution of roles Choose a presentation method

III Project implementation Active experimental and inventive activity of children: Collection of material together with the parents of the creative group Experimental and experimental activities in the laboratory Work in the creative workshop Unobtrusively controls the work of children in the laboratory Practical assistance, if necessary, in the creative workshop Formation of specific ZUN Preparation for the presentation IV Presentation of the creative project "Isn't salt magical?!" Demonstration of the photo album "Our experiments with salt" Exhibition of crystals "Flowers from salt" (application) easter egg"(modeling from salt dough) Painting "Chamomile meadow" (from salt dough) Painting "Spring is red" (drawing with colored salt) Accepts reports Summarizes and summarizes the results obtained Summes up learning Assesses the ability to communicate, listen, justify one's opinion Demonstrate: understanding problems, goals, tasks the ability to work in a group for a common result found a way to solve the problem

Scheme of integration of the project with educational areas Integration of educational areas Theme Program content Cognition Socialization Communication Safety Labor Physical education Health T: "What do we know about salt?" To expand children's knowledge about salt as a product necessary in human life; introduce children to interesting facts about salt; stimulate interest in the study of nature; stimulate cognitive activity and independence; teach children to observe safety precautions when conducting experiments. Communication Cognition Safety Socialization T: "This magic salt" To study the features of salt, its properties and qualities empirically; learn to establish causal relationships; draw conclusions; teach children to observe safety precautions when conducting experiments; to consolidate the ability to coordinate adjectives with nouns, to form word forms; enrich vocabulary: salty, crystals, loose.

Artistic creativity Physical culture Labor Socialization Safety Reading fiction T: Drawing with colored salt “Spring is red” T: Decorating with salt “Rainbow” T: “Sculpting from salt dough” “Flower meadow” Introduce non-traditional methods of drawing and appliqué; develop creative imagination, attention, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements. Continue to consolidate and enrich children's ideas about the colors and shades of surrounding objects and objects of nature, continue to form the ability to create decorative compositions To form the ability to sculpt objects of various shapes from salt dough (ball, ovoid, sausage), convey the features of objects. Learn to compose a composition from individual parts; To promote the development of fine motor skills of hands, imagination, observation. Develop creative abilities, aesthetic perception; Cultivate love for nature; the desire to convey beauty in their work.

Reading fiction Physical culture Communication Socialization Communication Socialization Cognition Physical culture T: Reading Russian folk tale"Salt" with elements of dramatization. T: “It will be born in water, it is afraid of water” Continue to introduce children to the origins of folk culture; generate interest in the book; To teach children to answer the questions of the educator on the content of the fairy tale, to correctly perceive the content of the work, to empathize with its heroes. To develop the ability to play a simple plot of a fairy tale, using well-known expressive means (gestures, facial expressions, intonation) to embody the image. To consolidate children's knowledge about the genre features of works of small folklore forms; learn to understand the figurative meaning of figurative expressions

Experience 1. "Dead Sea Effect" For the experiment, we took two raw eggs and two cans of water. They launched one egg into the jar: it sank to the bottom. Then salt was poured into the second jar (about 2 tablespoons), mixed well and the second was lowered a raw egg- it didn't sink. Salt solution was mixed and plain water- the egg was somewhere in the middle of the jar. Conclusion: Salt water helps objects stay on the surface. Explanation: It's all about the density of the water. The higher the density (in this case due to salt), the more difficult it is to drown in it.

Experiments 2. “Influence of salt on plant growth” We observed how salt affects plant growth. The children independently prepared two types of soil, one of which contained a large amount of salt. They planted an onion. Throughout the experiment, the plants were cared for, the results of the experiment were recorded, and changes were made to the table. Conclusion: in soil containing salt, the plant practically does not grow.

Experience 3. "Growing crystals" To grow salt crystals, we poured warm water into a glass, poured salt, stirring constantly so that it dissolves faster. Add salt until it no longer dissolves. The salt water was then filtered through a clean cloth. We did this so that dirt does not get into the solution. To start the growth of crystals, a seed is taken - a small crystal, on which a large crystal will form. But we also made different experiments. They dropped a thread with a nut, with beads into the water. They tied the threads to the pencil so that they were immersed in the solution, but did not touch the bottom. They took two more jars, a thread, a saucer. Salt water was poured into both jars. They put them at some distance from each other, connected them with a thread so that it sagged between the banks, and touched the bottom in the jars. A white film formed on the surface in the jars, we wanted to stir it. But we didn't succeed. It turned out to be a crust of salt. It is like the first ice in puddles: thin and brittle. Four days later, the crystal, which we tied to a thread and lowered into a saline solution, was overgrown with new salt crystals. Gadget was covered with salt cubes, and an umbrella of salt crystals formed over the Gadget. Over time, the crystals increased, the umbrella of the Gadget became very large.

Objects made of various materials were lowered into jars with a saturated saline solution

Planted a seed on a ring of woolen threads

These crystals grew on ordinary paper clips

Inquisitive salt explorers

Experience 4. "Salt dissolves in water" We took two transparent glasses: one with hot water, the other - with cold. Put 2 tablespoons of salt into both glasses. And mix the resulting solutions well with a spoon. We made sure that the salt dissolved faster in hot water. Conclusion: the higher the temperature of the water, the faster the salt dissolves.

Experience 5. "Non-freezing salt" In winter, ice forms on the roads and paths, there is sleet. So that people do not fall and accidents do not occur, the ice is sprinkled with salt. We poured water into two cups, added salt to one and stirred it. Both cups were then placed in the freezer. After 8 hours, they found that fresh water turned into ice, and salt water became cold, but did not freeze. Left the water in the freezer. Checked back two days later. Salt water is a little frozen, like liquid porridge.

Experience 6. “Salt is a cleaning agent” We took a dirty glass, poured some salt on the sponge and washed the glass. He became clean, even shone in the light. Conclusion: With the help of salt you can wash dishes.

Purpose Creation of conditions for the formation of the foundations of a holistic worldview of children by means of inventive activity

Educational and pedagogical tasks To form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsalt as a product necessary for a person To develop the cognitive interests of children in the process of inventive activity To learn to observe cause-and-effect relationships, to draw conclusions; To acquaint children with the features of salt, its properties and qualities empirically To form the experience of performing safety precautions during experiments To teach how to use salt in practice To cultivate curiosity, respect for one's health Develop an emotional and value attitude towards the world Develop children's creative abilities and communication skills Develop imagination, curiosity, self-confidence

Expected result The emergence of interest in the study of nature Formation of knowledge, skills of experimentation; increasing the level of assimilation of program material Development of observation, attention, ability to compare, see cause-and-effect relationships more baby saw, heard, experienced, the more elements of reality he has in his experience, the more significant and productive, other things being equal, his creative activity will be” L.S. Vygotsky

Diagram of the indicator of the level of assimilation of the comprehensive program in the section "Child and the world around" (high and medium level) for the 2011-2012 academic year.

Conclusions In the course of the research work, the children found out what table salt is and how it gets on our table. We learned a lot about the features of salt, its properties and qualities. We independently conducted many interesting experiments with salt, got acquainted with different ways growing crystals. From small children, they turned into small researchers: they learned to analyze the results, answer questions, and establish cause-and-effect relationships. Their cognitive interest in the classroom has increased significantly. And what is important, the interesting joint work rallied the children, they became more tolerant of each other. And also made sure that the most simple and familiar things can be unusual!

It is impossible to study salt even in a year! Thank you for your attention. We wish you creative success!

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