Home Drinks and cocktails Delicious recipes for Easter. Easter. Traditional recipes for Easter cake, Easter and other festive dishes. Easter cakes from "Viennese" dough

Delicious recipes for Easter. Easter. Traditional recipes for Easter cake, Easter and other festive dishes. Easter cakes from "Viennese" dough

Great Lent will end very soon, and we are all preoccupied with one important question: what to cook and what table to set for Easter 2016. Everyone knows those five main dishes that must be included in the menu of the festive table, including Easter cake, colored eggs (pysanky), homemade sausage, lard and cottage cheese Easter. Do not forget to place horseradish grated with beets and lemon on the table in a gravy boat among these goodies.

After so many days without fast food a day Happy Easter Christians set tables that delight with an abundance of delicious dishes. Thanks to the Lord for the miraculous resurrection of our Savior, people express this day with a plentiful feast and family celebration.

We offer you our version of the festive menu for Easter 2016.

Traditional dishes:

cake on cottage cheese dough;
cottage cheese easter baked in the oven.


homemade pork sausages;
bacon baked in the oven;
stuffed eggs.

Salad "Fantasy". One salad will be enough, as the table is already full, everything is in abundance. For a change, you can add a regular salad of fresh vegetables.

Main course- pork with kiwi.

Dessert- Easter sugar cookies.

We did not include a cake in the Easter menu, because Easter cottage cheese and Easter cakes are self-sufficient dishes, you can perfectly have a tea party with them after a hearty dinner. And you can set the dessert table for children by preparing additional delicious homemade cookies.

Easter cake with cottage cheese

Easter cakes are usually baked on a clean Thursday or Saturday, we do not recommend Good Friday, it may not work out. In order for the cake to be successful, you need to put your thoughts in order, be peaceful and cook with silence and without fuss. You can listen to pleasant music.
To prepare Easter cake with cottage cheese, we need the following ingredients: milk, sugar, flour, salt, yeast, chicken eggs, cottage cheese. Also condensed milk butter, sour cream, vanillin or vanilla sugar and raisins. For glaze - chicken protein, lemon juice and sugar.


Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, adding a little flour and sugar. As soon as the foam appears, add half the flour and all the listed ingredients, mix and add the rest of the flour. Knead the dough well and leave to rise for an hour in a warm place. After that, lay it out in molds, let it rise again and bake until cooked. We check readiness with a splinter. When piercing the cake, there should be no dough left on it. If the top begins to brown heavily, cover it with baking paper or an ordinary notebook sheet dipped in water.
Easter cakes according to this recipe do not get stale for any amount of time, they turn out very tasty, tender and fragrant. Thanks to the addition of cottage cheese, the dough does not need to be put sponge method, it fits quickly and always works.

Curd Easter

Easter must be on the festive table. Classic recipe means to cook it without heat treatment, but raw eggs can be dangerous, so we suggest you old recipe baked cottage cheese easter.

For cooking, we need two packs of cottage cheese, 4 eggs, sugar, raisins and candied fruits, a little semolina and breadcrumbs, butter for greasing the mold and a little soda slaked with vinegar.

Cooking cottage cheese Easter is very easy. Beat the eggs with sugar, add the mass to the grated cottage cheese and then all the other ingredients. Grease the form with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and put the mixture into the form. Bake for 35 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Homemade pork sausages

Sausage on the Easter holiday table should be a must. Much tastier and more appetizing will be a homemade ring of baked sausage, detailed recipe with a photo of which we publish.
For cooking, you will need very simple the following ingredients: pork, salt and spices, soy sauce, garlic and intestines.


it is necessary to cut the meat into small pieces and marinate in all the spices, then grind, mix thoroughly, salt if necessary and again pass through a meat grinder with a special nozzle, filling the intestines with minced meat. Ready sausage can be kept in the freezer and cooked at the right time.

A wonderful appetizer that usually leaves the table first. According to an old tradition, bacon must be on the Easter festive table. We offer you holiday recipe this unpretentious dish.

For cooking, we need: a piece of bacon with layers, soybean oil, onions, carrots, spices. French mustard and garlic. You will also need a baking sleeve.


Salo should be marinated in spices, smeared with mustard, put in a sleeve along with vegetables and baked in a small heat for an hour and a half. We take out the completely cooled fat from the bag and place it in the freezer for several hours. After cooling there, the taste of the fat is exceptional.

A win-win snack for any holiday, and especially for Easter. After painting the eggs, cracked during cooking and ugly options remain out of work. They are perfect for this appetizer.

For cooking, we need boiled eggs, mayonnaise, smoked sausage, green and onion and sunflower oil.


Cut the boiled eggs in half lengthwise, carefully remove the yolk. Onions should be finely chopped and fried in sunflower oil, grated sausage, green onion cut in small pieces.
Mix everything with grated yolks and mayonnaise. Stuff the eggs and sprinkle with herbs or decorate to your liking.

Salad "Fantasy"

Very beautiful salad, served in portions. Thanks to colorful layers and tomatoes, it also has a beautiful appearance and great fresh taste.
To prepare the salad, we need: chicken breast, raw carrot, onion, eggs. Definitely needed fresh tomatoes, cheese, garlic, mayonnaise, potatoes and greens.


Boil potatoes, eggs and breast (separately), cut into cubes, fry onions and grated carrots in a small amount sunflower oil, grate the cheese, cut the rest of the ingredients into cubes. Spread all the ingredients in layers, smearing with mayonnaise. It is advisable to spread in a salad ring. If not available, any will do. can from under corn or green peas.
Seal the lettuce, then carefully remove the ring. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

A real holiday meal. Very tender and tasty and very easy to prepare. We need only three ingredients: pork pulp, kiwi and cheese.


Cut the meat into portioned pieces (steaks), marinate in your favorite spices, salt and place on a baking sheet. Leave it there for an hour to soak in the aromas of spices. We clean the kiwi, cut into circles and completely close each piece. It remains only to sprinkle grated cheese on top and bake in the oven until golden brown(approximately 35 minutes).

Easter sugar cookies

Very beautiful cookies are obtained, thanks to the addition of natural dye, tender and tasty. Surely both children and adults will like it.
For cooking you will need: premium wheat flour, butter, sugar, eggs, vanillin or vanilla sugar, soda slaked with vinegar, or baking powder and natural food coloring the color you like best.


Grind the butter with sugar and add all the other ingredients, except for the dye. Divide the dough into two koloboks and knead the dye into one of them. Remove both koloboks in the cold for half an hour, then roll into cakes, put one layer on the other and roll into a roll. We cut the roll into balls and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Easter is the main holiday for Christians. It is customary to meet her in the family circle, next to close and loving people. On Bright Sunday they set the table and decorate it with various Easter decorations. Let's look at what the Easter table menu could be, traditional dishes and their recipes.

Traditional dishes

The main attributes of Easter are Easter cake, cottage cheese Easter and painted eggs, which are holy in the church and served at the festive Easter table.

Kulich can be prepared from various products, for example, from cottage cheese, oat flour, ordinary wheat and even pumpkin. Easter cake is not just a traditional pastry. It has a sacred meaning and symbolizes Jesus Christ, who, after his resurrection, ate food with the apostles.

Colored eggs (chicken, goose or duck) are also important. As a rule, symbols with different meanings are applied to them. For example, among such symbols there are: a cross, a spiral, rhombuses and squares, floral and animal ornaments.

There are several types of Easter eggs:

Easter cake

This is a traditional recipe for making Easter cake, which was used in the times of Russia. They make yeast-leavened baked goods wheat flour top grade.



Curd Easter

This is an incredibly tasty, delicate and airy delicacy, which is traditionally prepared for the Easter table. To prepare it, you will need some free time and effort. However, the result will be worth it.



Easter eggs

Today there are a large number of recipes for cooking Easter eggs. They can simply be dyed with food or natural dyes, decorated with elegant painting or various decorative elements.

Let's look at several ways to prepare Easter eggs:

You can choose a beautiful dish for Easter eggs so that they look presentable and attractive on the festive table. Place a church candle or a willow twig in the center of it. Sometimes sprouted wheat is placed in the center, which is a symbol of new life.

Traditionally, 12 colored eggs are placed on a dish, each of which symbolizes an apostle. In addition, one unpainted testicle is added to them, which will symbolize Jesus Christ. The dyed consecrated egg must be the first to be eaten for breakfast on Easter Sunday morning.

In 2017 Orthodox Easter falls on May 1st. This religious holiday is preceded by a forty-day Easter fast, which helps to cleanse not only the body, but also the soul. During this period, there are many restrictions on food. Therefore, after fasting on Easter, fatty and heavy meals for the stomach should not be served, as they can negatively affect the well-being and health of the person who fasted.

Easter Dishes Served festive table should be light. They can be made from fruits and vegetables, low-fat varieties fish and meat. Dishes decorate green onion, dill and parsley. Since Easter symbolizes the end of Lent, the dishes should be varied.

Preparation for Easter should be done well in advance. Until this day, they choose recipes for dishes, carefully think over the festive table, bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. Below we will consider the recipes for preparing the most interesting dishes.

For the Easter table, you can serve the following dishes:

Although Orthodoxy does not approve of the use alcoholic beverages, you can serve a small amount of red wine to the festive table.

Piglet roll

This is an old dish for the Easter table, which is prepared from the meat and offal of a young pig.



jellied pig

This is another traditional recipe for the Easter table. Please note that it takes quite a lot of time. Therefore, it is recommended to start preparing this dish at least 1-2 days before the holiday.



Ginger cookie

This is an incredibly tasty holiday dish for Easter, which will appeal to both adults and children.



Greek salad for the holiday table

This salad is notable for its lightness and the presence of a large number of vegetables and herbs in its composition. Therefore, it is perfect for the traditional Easter table. Even a beginner in the culinary art can cook it with ease.



fish roll

This is a great option for an appetizer for the festive table for Easter.



Easter table setting

In addition to preparing delicious Easter dishes, you should also take care of serving the festive table itself. We set Easter cake in the center and put a dish with colored eggs and church candles.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Easter is the most important and joyful Christian holiday, which in 2015 we will celebrate the day after tomorrow, April 12th. There is very little time left before the end of Great Lent, so you should already think about holiday menu and stock up on delicious, original and proven recipes.

By tradition, the main symbols and treats of Orthodox Easter are Easter cake, curd Easter and painted eggs. However, every year the menu of this holiday increases and becomes more modern. Cookbook "wild" housewives offers an original selection of traditional and modern dishes to celebrate the brightest holiday of the year - Easter.

Traditional Easter dishes


Easter cake is a special kind of ceremonial festive bread, which is traditionally baked from yeast dough on Maundy Thursday, and on Saturday it is consecrated in the church. Cooking Easter cake is akin to a certain sacrament. Its main feature is not the ingredients, but the correct cooking technology. The preparation of Easter cake should be taken only with a good mood, then the cake will turn out to be successful, and next year everything will be safe in the house.

The dough for Easter cake requires a careful attitude and is kneaded in several stages, between which it fits. The dough is very capricious - it does not like drafts, sudden changes in temperature, loud sounds, and does not tolerate haste. Easter cakes can only be baked in a well-heated oven, and during this process they should not be disturbed. The readiness of Easter cakes can be checked with a wooden toothpick, on which the dough should not remain. The finished cake is not taken out of the mold immediately, but allowed to cool. These are, perhaps, all the basic rules that should be followed when preparing Easter cakes.

Cooking a traditional cake

Mix 1 sachet (11-12 g) of dry or 50 g of regular yeast with 500 ml of warm milk and 500 g of flour. Knead the dough and let it rise. Pound the yolks with 300 g of white sugar, and beat the whites into a tight foam. Add yolks, proteins to the approached dough, add 200 g of softened butter and mix thoroughly. Then add 500 g of flour, finally knead the dough, cover it and put it in heat for 1 hour until it doubles in volume.

During this time, rinse the raisins, dry them, sprinkle with flour and add to the risen dough. Mix everything again and set aside for 10 minutes. Grease the forms with butter, sprinkle with flour and spread the dough, filling the form by 1/3 of the volume. Leave the filled forms for 10 minutes so that the dough rises in them, then send them to a preheated oven to 180 ° C for 45-50 minutes.

Prepare the glaze by whipping with a mixer into a tight foam 2 egg whites with 100 g of sugar, which cover the finished hot cakes.

Cooking royal cake

Dissolve 50 g of yeast in 200 g of cream room temperature. Add 600 g of flour, mix and leave the dough to rise. When the dough rises, add 15 egg yolks pounded with 200 g of sugar and 200 g of soft butter. Pour in 400 ml of cream and put 600 g of flour, 10 crushed cardamom grains, 50 g of almonds and 100 g of washed raisins and candied fruit. Knead the dough well and leave to rise for two hours in a warm place. Then knead it again, place it in the molds, filling them 1/3 of the volume, pre-lubricated with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Let the dough rise, then put them in a preheated oven to 180 ° C for 45 minutes.

Easter cottage cheese preparation

Cottage cheese Easter, along with Easter cakes, is considered the main dish of the festive Easter table. For its preparation, a special detachable pastry box in the form of a truncated pyramid, consisting of 4 planks, is traditionally used. The curd mass squeezed out in it takes the form of a truncated pyramid, which symbolizes the place of the crucifixion and death of Christ.

In addition to the fact that cottage cheese Easter is a symbol of Easter, it also serves as a very delicious dessert. It can be cooked in three ways: chilled and pressed, custard and baked in the oven.

Cooking curd custard Easter

Rub 1 kg of cottage cheese through a sieve, add 200 g of soft butter and the same amount of sugar, 5 eggs, 1 teaspoon of vanillin and mix. Pour 400 ml of cream into the resulting mass and mix again. Put everything on fire, and after boiling, cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly until thickened. Combine the curd mass with candied fruits, nuts and raisins - each additive should be 100 grams. Put the dough under the load (to drain the whey) into the pasochnik covered with gauze, which is sent to the refrigerator for 12 hours. When the serum drains, remove the gauze and decorate the Easter.

Preparation of curd pressed Easter

Beat 200 g of cottage cheese with a blender or rub through a sieve, add 2 egg yolks, 100 g of grated butter, 0.5 teaspoon of vanillin and 100 g of sugar. Mix everything, put it in a mold, and set it for a day under the load.

Cooking baked cottage cheese Easter in the oven

Put 600 g of cottage cheese under a press so that all excess liquid leaves it, then wipe it through a sieve. Rinse 50 g of raisins, mix with 40 g of starch and add to the curd. Pounded 6 yolks with 5 tablespoons of sugar, add to the curd and mix. Gradually add 6 egg whites, beaten to a stable dry foam, with 5 tablespoons of sugar, one spoonful at a time. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, lay out the curd mass and bake at 190 ° C for 1 hour.

How to paint eggs for Easter

The egg is one of the main Easter symbols. Biblical legend says that Mary Magdalene approached Emperor Tiberius and declared that Jesus was resurrected! Stretching out her hand with an ordinary egg, she said: "Now it will turn red before your eyes, which will testify to the miracle of the resurrection." In a moment, the egg turned red. Since that time, one of the main ritual attributes of Easter has been a painted red egg, which later began to be painted in other shades with iconographic and other images.

By tradition, plain colored eggs are called krashenka, with spots applied on them - stripes, specks - speckles, painted with patterns - pysanky.

natural egg colors

Traditional onion peel will color eggs brown, red cabbage soaked in vinegar - blue, turmeric - a golden hue, spinach leaves and birch buds - green, infused with lemon juice dried violet flowers or dark grape juice - lavender shade. And the boiled eggs natural coffee will turn pink to dark brown in color.

Festive dishes for the Easter table

In addition to ritual and traditional dishes, a wide variety of meat, fish and other dishes that could not be consumed during Lent are served on the Easter table. Therefore, all kinds of sausages, boiled pork, hams and other meat delicacies is an integral part of the festive Easter table.


Boiled pork can be prepared with pork, beef, chicken, and any type of meat that you like. To do this, rinse the meat, blot with a paper towel, rub with salt and pepper. Make cuts in the meat, stuff them with chopped garlic and send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then tightly wrap the meat with foil and bake in an oven preheated to 190 ° C for 1-1.5 hours. Cut the chilled pork into thin slices and serve on a dish.

Baked pork with mustard crust

Pork chop on the rib is one of the most valuable parts pork carcass, so you should not forget to cook it for the table on the bright holiday of Easter. To do this, coat pork with a rib part, coat with spices prepared from finely chopped parsley, green basil, mustard, oregano, coriander seeds, garlic, olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper. Make punctures in the meat, put it in a mold and refrigerate for one hour. Then wrap with foil and send for 50 minutes in an oven preheated to 180ºC.

Jelly eggs

Jelly eggs are a unique Easter treat. To prepare them, prepare eggshells in advance. To do this, do not break the eggs, but make a small hole at the blunt end, through which you carefully remove the contents. Then the shell must be thoroughly washed and dried, setting the hole down.

Further, everything is very simple: cook jelly according to your favorite recipe. Finely chop the meat with vegetables and pour it not into traditional plates, but into an egg shell. Then set the filled eggs on the stands with the hole up and put in the refrigerator to set. Before serving, peel the shells and decorate the jelly eggs with herbs and vegetables.

Grilled red fish

Delicious meat of red fish diversifies the festive Easter menu well. In addition, many celebrate this holiday in nature, and grilled baked fish will be an excellent treat. To do this, cut the fish into portions and marinate it for 10 minutes in finely chopped dill and squeezed lime juice. Then salt, pepper, sprinkle olive oil, place on a wire rack and bake for 15 minutes.

These are the recipes you can cook on Christ's Sunday. A more extensive list of traditional and modern Easter dishes can be found on our website.

Congratulations to everyone on the upcoming bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ! May a piece of joy that all Christian people experience on Easter stay with you for the whole year and support you in difficult times!

There are many recipes for making Easter cake. Most people cook cakes in the oven the old fashioned way. I offer a simple recipe for a slow cooker. Fast and convenient!

Sweets "Easter"

These wonderful sweets in our family are usually prepared for every Easter! They are made with almond flour, pistachios and chocolate. Sweets look great on the holiday table. Try it!

There are many interesting and very simple prescription easter. One of these is Easter custard with yolks, I bring to your attention. You can also add dried fruits or nuts to taste.

For lovers of a variety of baking options, I suggest paying attention to this fairly simple recipe for an Easter cake without yeast.

The Easter table is not only Easter cakes and eggs. In many countries, it is customary to cook wonderful gingerbread cookies for this holiday. ginger dough. And decorate them just like eggs.

Custard Easter turns out to be very tender, light, and fruits or berries add sweetness or sourness, which are always combined with cottage cheese. The dessert comes out delicious. cook custard easter- simply.

I propose to replenish your piggy bank Easter recipes one cool option on how to cook Easter cake with baked milk. It turns out richly sweet and very tasty.

Lent ends with Easter, which means that many delicious dishes can be prepared for the festive table. For example, bake a wonderful chicken with a crispy crust.

Very tender, rich and quite easy to prepare creamy Easter cake at home, it is great to diversify your holiday pastries.

Eggs are very beautiful, and besides, without any chemical dyes. Only natural ingredients and natural beauty.

For real sweet tooth on the festive table, I propose to cook a stunning Easter sugar cake at home. Very cool and not difficult at all.

Dyeing eggs for Easter is a whole science. A whole layer in folk culture and creativity. There are many secrets and approaches here. I propose to reveal some of them.

Delicious, sweet Easter cake with dried fruits and nuts - please your household on the bright Easter holiday with a spring Easter cake. Watch and write down the recipe for cooking spring cake now!

Delicious and elegant cookies for the Easter holiday will surely please everyone. It is easy to prepare, and the decorating process is very exciting, especially for children.

Easter without Easter cake is not a holiday. It seems to me that every housewife has signature recipe baking. Your personal secret of the test and additives to it.

Cookies "Easter eggs"

After tasting such a cake, your family and guests will be pleasantly surprised. Easter cake turns out surprisingly tasty, ruddy and fragrant. With the taste of Easter cake you will please everyone without a doubt and the holiday will turn out well.

Chocolate cookies "Nests"

Recipe for holiday cookies with cocoa, peanut butter, oatmeal and candies in the form of nests with eggs. This dessert will be a great decoration for the Easter table.

Pink Easter is prepared in the same way as any other cottage cheese Easter, only raspberry jam is added to the recipe. Fatty cottage cheese is taken, and jam should be without syrup. It turns out a beautiful Easter!

Very tasty Easter snack of eggs, which are always eaten at Easter in a very large amount. Suitable for other holidays, but in our family it is customary to cook it for Easter.

Easter is just around the corner and many are already thinking about what cakes to cook to make a delicious and beautiful holiday table. I advise you to bake at least one cake in a slow cooker. I think you will succeed.

The holiday is coming and you are looking for new interesting recipes? Then I bring to your attention an amazing option - cheese Easter with chocolate.

The English Easter cake is shaped like a lace bagel, huge and lush. It turns out the Easter cake is airy, soft and very tasty. In front of you - simple step by step recipe with photos.

This excellent recipe will make the already rich festive Easter table even brighter and tastier!!! Add berries to your taste to it, and your dessert will get a completely different taste!

The bright holiday of Easter is approaching. On this day (and throughout the entire holiday week), we want to surprise our loved ones with a rich, magnificent festive table. Someone uses time-tested recipes, while someone scours the Internet in search of unusual or even exotic dishes. Maybe our Easter menu will do?

Of course, the first recipe is Easter cake. I remember that as children we brought Easter cakes to school that our mothers baked, and I was always surprised that my friends’ Easter cakes almost did not differ in taste from the usual purchased rolls, except for more raisins ... But in the old days, everything was generously put into the dough for Easter cakes the most delicious, fresh, sweet, and the number of eggs in some recipes reached 60 (!) Pieces.

First, a few important rules:

1. During cooking, do not make noise, do not swear.
2. Get everyone out of the kitchen.
3. Flour for Easter cakes must be sifted.
4. You need the smallest sugar (or powdered sugar).
5. Milk and cream should be at room temperature.
6. To make the Easter cake yellow, add saffron to the dough or choose eggs with bright yolks (homemade). If it was not possible to get homemade eggs, then take the usual ones, separate the yolks from the whites, mix the yolks with salt and leave warm overnight.
7. The temperature in the room where you knead the dough must be at least 25ºС.
8. Do not open the windows!
9. You need to knead the dough for a long time and carefully. According to an old saying, the dough needs to be hit 300 times, so that later the guests praise the Easter cakes 300 times.
10. The dough should rise at least three times: when the dough is being prepared, when the whole dough is kneaded, and when it is in shape.
11. The dough for Easter cake should not be too liquid - otherwise the Easter cakes will blur, come out flat. But it should not be too steep either - the cake will turn out to be heavy and will quickly become stale.
12. Try to cut the kneaded dough with a knife - if it does not stick to the knife, does not reach for it, then it can be laid out in forms.
13. Forms for Easter cakes generously grease with soft (not melted!) Butter, you can sprinkle with breadcrumbs or semolina.
14. Lay out the dough in prepared forms, filling them up to half. When the dough rises flush with the edges, carefully place the molds in an oven preheated to 180ºС.
15. In order for the cake to rise evenly, you need to stick a long splinter in the middle and bake with it. After 1 - 1.5 hours (depending on the size of the cake), the splinter is taken out: if it is dry, then the cake is ready.

So the recipe

800 g butter
1 kg. Sahara,
20 yolks,
1.5 l. milk,
120 g pressed yeast
200 g raisins,
50 g cognac,
2 tbsp. l. semolina for sprinkling molds,
3 kg. flour (approximately) ,
vanillin, lemon peel, nuts, poppy seeds, candied fruit - optional.

Dilute yeast in 1 stack. warm water, add 1-2 tbsp. flour, set for 20 minutes. to a warm place. Beat the yolks with sugar, add cognac with vanilla, milk, yeast. Mix and pour into flour, knead for 15 minutes. Gradually pour in melted butter, dry (this is important!) raisins, zest. Knead the dough for at least 40 minutes. The readiness of the dough is determined as follows: if the raisins pop out of the dough, and it “squeaks” itself, then it’s ready. Put in a warm place, covered with a towel. When suitable, lay out in prepared forms, filling them no more than 2/3, allow to distance. Bake 40-60 minutes (depending on size). Cool on its side (i.e. put out of the mold on a soft pillow, put on its side and cool, turning over carefully).

Custard cake (with tea)

12 stack. flour,
1 stack milk,
4 eggs,
1 stack Sahara,
70 g pressed yeast,
2 stack strong tea,
½ stack melted butter,
1 stack raisins,
2 tsp salt,
vanillin or cardamom.

The night before (at about 8 o'clock), pour ½ stack of yeast. warm water, let rise. ½ stack flour brew ½ stack. boiling milk, stir well. Cool to warm, mix with risen yeast, add ½ stack. warm milk, salt, lightly beaten eggs, add enough flour to make a fairly thick dough. Knead it until smooth, wrap well and leave in a warm place until morning.

Early in the morning (at 6-7 o'clock) pour ½ stack into the dough. warm oil, stir and gradually pour in warm tea mixed with sugar. Then add spices, add little by little the remaining flour, dump the dough on the table and beat it until bubbles begin to appear in it. Put the dough in a greased bowl, cover and leave for 1 hour. Then put it on the table again, knead gently, gradually adding raisins, return to the bowl and let stand for another 30 minutes. Then spread out in forms, let go. Bake as usual.

Easter menu can not live without cottage cheese easter. Moreover, since ancient times, Easter was the most important dish on the festive table. Now it is prepared infrequently, and in vain - this is not only a landmark, but also very tasty dish. In order for Easter to be a success, you need to follow some rules:

1. All products must be the freshest.
2. Cottage cheese must be put under pressure to remove excess whey (it is better to do this in advance by putting the cottage cheese in a gauze napkin and pressing something heavy on top).
3. Squeezed cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve twice (do not pass through a meat grinder!).
4. Cream - at least 30% fat.
5. Sugar is best replaced with powdered sugar.
6. Line the mold (pasochnik) with slightly damp gauze. If there is no form, then you can adapt for this any dish that you don’t mind making a hole in (a square plastic bucket, for example) and make a lot of holes so that the whey can drain.

Easter with boiled yolks

1200 curd,
400 g butter,
4 cups heavy cream
15 yolks, hard boiled
sugar, vanillin to taste.

Rub fresh cottage cheese through a sieve, put butter, wipe yolks through a sieve. Mix together and rub for a very long time to get a solid mass. Then pour in the cream and, while pouring, grind without ceasing. When everything is crushed enough, put it in a mold, put it under a press until all the whey drains. Keep in a cool place.

Before use put on a dish, decorate.

2 kg. curd,
10 eggs
400 g butter
800 g sour cream
700 g sugar
100 peeled almonds
100 raisins,

Rub cottage cheese and butter through a sieve, add eggs and sour cream. To stir thoroughly. Put the dishes on the stove and bring the mass to a boil, stirring constantly with a wooden spatula. Remove from heat and cool as quickly as possible (for example, put in ice water), also stirring constantly. Add sugar, vanillin, raisins, nuts to the cooled mass, mix and put in a bowl, tamping the mass tightly. Place a small weight on top. Put in the cold for a day.

Eggs- a mandatory attribute of the festive table. Painted onion peel wrapped in bright celluloid or painted manually. But not only boiled eggs you can limit yourself by compiling the Easter menu. Here is an appetizer recipe

5 eggs
250 g meat
1 piece white bread without crusts
1 onion
100 breadcrumbs,
100 g dried white bread crumbs,
2 tsp mustard,
salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Prepare minced meat, onions and white bread soaked in milk or water. Add chopped herbs, salt, pepper, mustard to it. 3 hard boiled eggs. Wrap each egg in a mincemeat cake, forming a “case” ball. 2 raw eggs beat. Dip the "case" first in the egg, then in breadcrumbs, again in an egg, and then in white bread crumbs. Deep fry.

The usual can be arranged in the form of eggs, if you show skill and leave the shell of chicken eggs intact (for example, using eggs when baking Easter cake or when preparing Easter). To do this, the eggs must be carefully broken from the blunt end to make a hole of 1 - 1.5 cm, pour out the contents, and rinse the shell, dry it and put it in the egg mold. Prepare any aspic (from chicken, beef or fish), only cut the products in it into pieces of about 1 cm. Add carrots, yellow and red bell peppers for brightness. Mix with gelatin dissolved in the broth and pour over the shells. Put in the cold. Before serving, carefully break the shell and remove the aspic. Arrange on a platter with lettuce and herbs. Easy and beautiful!

Let's fill up the Easter menu with another recipe meat dish, which at first may seem difficult to perform, but a little skill - and everything will work out. This . For this chicken (preferably a steam room, but it can also be defrosted) you need to “undress”. We cut the skin along the back and carefully remove it together with the meat from the ribs, wings and legs, cutting around the bones. Ideally, you should get a layer of meat on the skin. We spread it on the board with the skin down, beat it off as thin as possible (about 1-1.5 cm thick), sprinkle with salt, spices, and - attention! - dry gelatin. The filling for the roll can be frozen vegetables - a mixture of carrots, peas, bright bell pepper, string beans. We spread the mixture of vegetables on the meat layer and carefully roll it into a roll. We wrap the roll in several layers of foil as tightly as possible. We put in a preheated oven and bake for 40-50 minutes. Cool down. This dish is served cold. Gelatin, swelling, holds the roll together, and it does not fall apart when cut.

Real Russian kvass can be a great addition to the festive table. Invented over a thousand years ago, this drink knows no equal. Centuries-old experience shows that kvass contributes to the preservation of health and increases efficiency. But above all, it's just very delicious drink. Several simple recipes brought to your attention.

3 liters of water
700 g apples
300 g sugar
30 g yeast.

Boil apples, add sugar. Cool the broth to room temperature. Strain, add yeast diluted in warm water. Leave to ferment for 12-15 hours. Pour into bottles, store refrigerated.

If you put 150 g of honey and 70 g of horseradish grated on a coarse grater into fermented apple kvass, you get vigorous Petrovsky kvass.

If you have been fasting, then you need to leave it smoothly, gradually. The Easter menu should be not so much plentiful and varied as well thought out. Choose the lightest meals. Salads - with a lot of greens, but not multi-storey mayonnaise monsters, but classic 2-4-component ones (like "Greek" or "Caesar") with various dressings. Meat - preferably chopped, stewed or steamed. And most importantly - do not overeat! After all, it’s not for nothing that the word “break the fast” means “try a little”.

Larisa Shuftaykina

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