Home Preparations for the winter How to cook jelly at home. Kissel from starch - recipes for jelly from frozen berries or jam. Preparing a milk drink

How to cook jelly at home. Kissel from starch - recipes for jelly from frozen berries or jam. Preparing a milk drink

Many modern housewives no longer remember exactly how to make natural jelly from berries and fruits. Meanwhile, this drink remains one of the most delicious for a hot summer day and a favorite treat for children. You can make jelly not only from fresh berries, but also from frozen ones, therefore, even in winter, the dinner table will decorate this drink. Milk can become its basis, then you will surprise your family and guests with the unusual taste of jelly, which will more likely resemble an exotic Italian dessert. Try some of the recipes in this article.

How to cook cherry jelly on the water

The classic recipe for this drink combines ripe berries. Take cherry as a basis or mix it with raspberries - the result will pleasantly surprise you. You will need:

  • 500 ml of pure water. You can simply boil it or use the filtered one.
  • For half a liter of water you will need 500 grams of berries. Keep this in mind if you are going to cook more jelly. In the case when you use frozen berries, you need to defrost them first and only then weigh them.
  • 1.5 tablespoons of starch. Corn or potato - it doesn't make much difference.
  • 120 gr sugar.


  • Put the water on the fire in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add the cherry there. You need to accurately catch the moment when you should remove the broth from the stove: the water should just boil. Do not let your jelly boil, as everything will disappear from it useful material, and the taste of cherries will only fade during the cooking process.
  • After removing the pan from the stove, strain the broth through a sieve or colander to separate the berries from it. Set them aside in a separate bowl and mash to a thin puree. Use a fork and a sieve to finely grind the berries. At the same stage, remove all the bones.
  • V cold water dilute the starch so that it does not take lumps, and add to the broth. Mix the resulting cherry puree, sugar and broth. Place back on the stove and bring to a boil.
  • Remove the jelly from the stove and leave to cool on the window, then you can put it in the refrigerator.

How to cook honey jelly with milk

This recipe will especially appeal to sweet tooth and lovers of everything creamy. Kissel is tender and more like a dessert than a drink. If you wish, you can add finely chopped orange to it, which will only add zest to the drink. Take these ingredients:

  • 150 gr honey. It should not be candied and viscous.
  • 500 ml of medium fat milk.
  • 2 tablespoons starch.
  • 3 tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Add cloves or cinnamon for flavor if desired.


  • Add spices to the milk and bring it to a boil. Remove from heat immediately and strain through a sieve to remove spice particles.
  • Put it back on the stove and add the starch, previously diluted in cold water.
  • Stirring constantly, turn off the stove and add honey. You need to mix the jelly thoroughly so that the honey is evenly distributed throughout the drink.
  • In a completely cooled dessert, add lemon juice and mix well too.

Please note that the jelly is not allowed to boil in order to preserve the properties of the berries and other fruits that you add to it. Strain it several times so as not to leave large particles. Some housewives add a few pinches to the jelly citric acid in the process of boiling berries to color the water in a brighter color.

Decorate the chilled jelly with berries and cream to turn it into delicate dessert. Serve on the table as a dish or as a drink, depending on your goals and wishes.

Kissel is one of the unique, always loved and revered drinks in Russia. For a long time, not starch was used to thicken it, but sourdough from cereals, which served as the name ("sour").

Cook at home

Recipe for this delicious drink quite simple and quite within the power of everyone. Of course, you can not get around the healing side of the drink, namely, the strengthening effect that it has on the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and pancreas.

Homemade jelly includes fresh berries and fruits.

In winter, instead of fresh fruits, you can use dried fruits or summer berries stored in the refrigerator in frozen form. Many housewives are wondering how to make delicious jelly at home.

Drink from fresh berries and fruits

This is a drink that will satisfy not only thirst, but also hunger, which is an important factor for losing weight.

Making milk or fruit jelly at home consists of the following steps:

The above recipe for jelly for your family at home can be varied by adding whipped cream, some jam, you can also add fresh berries or fruits.

In order to avoid the formation of a film, sprinkle the surface with sugar or powdered sugar.

Also, when preparing fruit and berry drinks, in order to preserve color and taste properties, a small amount of citric acid diluted with water (up to 0.3 g) should be added.

From jam

In the same way, we prepare jelly from cherry or other jam at home. To this end, we take a few tablespoons of any berry jam, fill it with water and cook for about 10 minutes. Then we filter this syrup, add sugar and citric acid. You can also add apples, apricots or any other fruit.

At the end, we fill in all our delicious cooking cold water with starch and let it brew. An amazing taste is obtained from a drink made from strawberry or cherry jam.

And you can also prepare a drink for adults - jelly with wine. Jam is taken as the basis, but it can also be prepared from fresh berries. Such a cocktail has healing properties for colds and sore throats, because due to the enveloping effect, a warm drink warms for a long time and cures a cold as effectively as everyone's favorite mulled wine.

From concentrate

Unfortunately, not every one of us has free time to prepare this wonderful drink. Milk jelly is the fastest to prepare. If there is no time, in this case, you can go to the supermarket and buy a semi-finished product.

Most likely, it contains ingredients from oatmeal, whole oats, fructose, berries and fruits. Such a semi-finished jelly is poured with water at a temperature of about 55 ° C, while stirring thoroughly and allowing it to swell.

oatmeal drink

Everyone knows that oats help to lose extra pounds. Kissel for quick weight loss at home is very easy to cook, and its preparation does not take much time. Cooking healthy oatmeal jelly at home involves the use of oatmeal.

Kisel oatmeal recipe has come down to us from antiquity. In Russia, from time immemorial (mention can be found in the sources of the times of Ivan the Terrible), they prepared oatmeal drink which is often referred to as Russian balm". Nowadays, it is not very popular (yielding to fruit), but undeservedly.

Oats are very rich in vitamins and are useful in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. The protein contained in oats stimulates the regeneration of body cells, regulates the level of glucose in the body and metabolism. The oatmeal option is included in the diet of sports nutrition. In addition to all of the above, it also has excellent taste.

What is the best way to cook

What fruits and berries are best used to make jelly? Their choice for cooking this wonderful dish is unlimited:

  • Apples . Apple drink is rich in vitamins and healthy. This option is suitable for those who are on a diet, people of mental labor, as well as those who do not move much, but are afraid to gain weight. The apple version promotes a feeling of satiety, while the body does not receive any extra calories. For medical reasons, it is recommended for prevention, hypovitaminosis, anemia and to improve digestion;
  • Apricots are useful for kidney disease, obesity ( fresh apricots contain only 40 kcal) and heart disease;
  • Plum is useful for hypertension, weak vascular walls, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and is useful for weight loss. This fruit contains even fewer calories than an apricot (only 30), rich in phosphorus, zinc and iodine. Plum does not lose its useful qualities even in recycled form;
  • Cranberry . The berry itself is rich in acetylsalicylic and ascorbic acids; minerals such as iodine, iron, potassium, copper and manganese. The cranberry variant, of course, will boost immunity and help heal from colds in the cold season;
  • Cherry . It is a natural antiseptic and has good anti-inflammatory properties. Cherry jelly contributes to the speedy recovery of throat diseases;
  • Blueberry . Promotes visual acuity, very useful in the treatment of stomach diseases;
  • Rowan . Promotes the healing of the gallbladder, liver, diuretic berry. And the berries chokeberry very useful for children, as the content of vitamins and valuable minerals in that berry is very high.

This is a real find for someone who is looking for an alternative to harmful sweets. In order to make the taste more varied and refined, it is worth adding dark chocolate, milk, and other tasty fillers.

The primordially Russian drink kisel or, better to say, a dish is useful product, which is undeservedly losing its popularity. A few decades ago, jelly was served in every kindergarten both school and children loved this delicacy very much. Our grandmothers and mothers know for sure how to cook jelly. Do you know?

The berry-fruit jelly we are used to is actually derived from the ancient Russian oatmeal jelly. This dish was eaten a thousand years ago! It was prepared on the basis of ground grains of oats (grain sourdough), which were poured with boiled water, a glass of kefir with a piece rye bread. Oatmeal jelly is incredibly useful for people with various digestive problems. You can cook it now. Izotov's oatmeal jelly is very popular and useful.

With the advent of potatoes in Russia and, consequently, starch, they began to cook fruit and berry kissels. Our ancestors passed on the knowledge of how to cook jelly from generation to generation.

How to cook jelly and what ingredients are needed?

Potato starch

Since jelly is a thick drink, it needs to be "thickened". As a thickener or gelling agent potato starch fits best. If you use rice or corn starch, then the jelly will turn out cloudy.

The density depends on the amount of starch: if you want to prepare a drink, then use 2 tablespoons of starch per 1 liter of liquid. 4-5 tablespoons of starch and you get a jelly-like dessert that you can eat with a spoon.

Any fresh berries and fruits / Dried fruits / Jam / Fruit juices / Milk / Chocolate

The basis can be any of the above. It all depends on your taste preferences and the availability of products.

Starch neutralizes sugar, so add a little more than required.

The principle of making jelly

All recipes how to cook jelly come down to one general principle. It is necessary to prepare a decoction, i.e. berries, dried fruits, boil (fill with boiling water), and drain the liquid into a separate bowl. Wipe berries, fruits (for example, through a sieve) and add to the broth. If you use jam, then just make fruit drink out of it. Add sugar to a boiling broth and slowly add starch, diluted in one-fourth glass of cold water, stirring constantly. After boiling again, cook for no more than half a minute and remove from heat, it is advisable to cool quickly.

How to cook chocolate and milk jelly?

Milk and chocolate jelly is essentially a pudding, but it is prepared according to the same principle.

To prepare milk jelly, you will need milk, sugar, starch, vanilla extract. Boil milk (liter), add a few drops of vanilla extract. Dissolve starch in cold milk and add to boiling milk, stirring continuously. Half a minute after boiling and you're done!

When preparing chocolate jelly, add grated chocolate to milk and wait until it melts. Next comes the introduction of starch, boiling, half a minute and chocolate jelly is ready!

  • Potato starch does not dissolve in water, so before adding it to the boiling broth, stir it again!
  • Continuous stirring when introducing starch is a must!
  • Do not boil the jelly longer than 30 seconds. If you cook jelly after boiling longer, it will liquefy.
  • Aluminum utensils can make the color of jelly cloudy!

The culinary portal told you how to cook jelly is our Russian national drink. “You can’t spoil your belly with kissel,” so cook kissel more often, because it’s simple, fast, and very tasty!

Kissel, the recipe of which is popular among housewives, is a jelly-like drink or gelatinous dessert. It is prepared using a wide variety of bases - dairy, fruit and berry, cereal and even vegetable.

How to cook jelly?

Making homemade jelly is simple, but the technology still has its secrets. Having familiarized yourself with them, you will no doubt get a delicious dish:

  1. The starch used as a thickener should always be pre-diluted in a small portion. liquid base or water.
  2. The starch solution should be introduced into the boiling liquid base in a thin stream, be sure to stir it at the same time, or mixed with a cold base, and then heated until thickened.
  3. The density of the dessert is regulated by the proportions of liquid and starch.
  4. ready dessert it is preferable to allow to cool, unless otherwise specified in the formulation.

Milk jelly - recipe

Milk jelly is a simple, tasty, fragrant and healthy dessert, which, moreover, is also made in an elementary way. When using the indicated proportions, an appetizing mousse delicacy for 4 people will be ready in half an hour. It can be sprinkled with chocolate chips, chopped nuts or jam. For a more liquid structure, the amount of starch mass should be halved.


  • milk - 320 ml;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. a spoon with a small slide;
  • granulated sugar - 60 g;
  • vanillin, grated chocolate, nuts.


  1. The jelly recipe is simple. A third of the milk is poured, starch powder is dissolved in it.
  2. Bring the remaining milk portion to a boil, sweeten, season with vanilla.
  3. Starch milk is introduced, warmed up a little, stirring. Do not boil!
  4. Cool the mass, place in the refrigerator for an hour and serve with additives.

Kissel from jam and starch

Next, you will learn how to cook jelly from starch and jam. A fruit and berry based treat is considered one of the most useful, but it is not always possible to use a fresh or frozen product. In this case, you can turn to stocks harvested in the summer and take jam as a basis. 4 serving bowls of dessert will be ready in 30 minutes.


  • jam - 150 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar, citric acid - to taste.


  1. Dissolve the jam in water, season the liquid to taste, let it boil and filter after five minutes.
  2. Starch is dissolved in a small proportion of cold water, the mixture is mixed with the main liquid portion, heated a little, stirring.

Cranberry jelly - recipe

Homemade jelly, the recipe of which will be described below, has long been considered a real vitamin assistant in the treatment of certain diseases. In addition, this drink is the perfect complement diet menu at . The secret of success is in being unaffected heat treatment juice that retains all its properties. A drink for three people can be brewed in an hour.


  • cranberries - 150 g;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. spoons without a slide.


  1. The washed cranberries are crushed and the juice is squeezed out.
  2. The pomace is poured with water and heated almost to a boil, filtered and sweetened.
  3. Starch is dissolved in a small portion of cold water and mixed with a liquid base.
  4. Cranberry jelly is heated to a boil, cooled, juice is mixed in and served.

Kissel from frozen berries - recipe

Amazingly rich and fragrant jelly is made from frozen cherries, red and black currants, and raspberries. In the off-season, the use of such blanks for decorating desserts is most advisable. Berries do not require prior defrosting, they are immediately put into use, pulled out of the freezer compartment. The following is a recipe for ten servings of a drink that can be brewed in half an hour.


  • frozen berries - 300 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • granulated sugar - a glass;
  • potato starch - 5 tbsp. spoons.


  1. The recipe for berry jelly is simple. The product is poured with water, brought to a boil, filtered, the pulp is ground and squeezed.
  2. The liquid base is sweetened, mixed with starch diluted in a small portion of the liquid.
  3. Warm the berry jelly to a boil, with continuous stirring.

Kissel from compote

Delicious jelly at home can be cooked from compote. Moreover, both canned finished product and freshly brewed are suitable. Excessive sweetness can be neutralized by adding lemon juice or a portion of water, and insufficient sweetness by sweetening the drink to taste. You can use both a liquid base and inclusions in the form of slices of fruit or berries. Seven servings will be ready in thirty minutes.


  • ready compote - 2 l;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Starch is dissolved in a small amount of compote.
  2. The main portion is heated, adjusted if necessary to taste, mixed with the solution, stirring.
  3. Kissel from compote and starch is heated to a boil, cooled.

Kissel from apples

Next, you will learn how to cook jelly from fresh apple fruits. The dessert is prepared from apple broth mixed with, which enriches the taste and valuable characteristics of the drink. Cooked according to the indicated proportions in thirty minutes, four servings of goodies will have a watery texture. For a thicker effect, you need to increase the amount of starch in one and a half to two times.


  • apples - 500 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • corn starch - 50 g.


  1. Apples are cut into slices, boiled in water for ten minutes, drained into a sieve, rubbed.
  2. The pomace is discarded, and the puree is combined with a decoction, sweetened and mixed with starch water.
  3. While stirring, heat the mixture until thickened, cool.

Kissel from dried fruits

The following recommendations will help you figure out how to cook jelly at home using dried fruits for this. Their valuable properties and beautiful taste qualities will show themselves in the best way in such a dessert. The most harmonious dish will succeed if you take a mix of several fruits. A drink for 5 people will be ready in an hour.


  • dried fruits - 200 g;
  • water - 1.2 l;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. spoons.


  1. Dried fruits are boiled in a liter of liquid for ten minutes, insist a little under the lid, filter.
  2. Sweeten the broth, warm to a boil.
  3. Mix with starch water, combining the remaining components.
  4. Kissel is served with dried fruits warm or cold.

Kissel from oatmeal

Read on to learn how to make oatmeal. This type of surprisingly healthy and nutritious Russian dish was prepared in ancient times. Nowadays, jelly is often remembered when various diseases occur, forgetting that regular use of the product could completely prevent them. The process of creating a dish is long, but worthwhile. In a day, approximately 500 g of product will be obtained from the indicated amount.

Since childhood, each of us has known the taste of rich berry or fruit jelly. It is not for nothing that grandmothers and mothers prepare it for their child, because such a dish is known for its healing properties, is rich in vitamins and is simply a very tasty thirst-quenching drink. It is also recommended for diet food and boosting immunity.

Choosing the ingredients

Kissel is a dish present in the menu of many countries. Initially, it was obtained by fermenting oat milk. Rye and wheat varieties were also prepared. This dish was everyday and was served cold or hot with butter, milk, onions or sweets. Later, fruit and berry sweet jelly appeared when potato starch spread.

The basis of any jelly is a thickener, most often starch, with which it turns into a gel or jelly. Which thickener to choose depends on the option that will be prepared.

  • Rice starch. It is more often used for sauces, but if you add it to jelly, it will turn out to be cloudy. Slightly overpowers the taste of the rest of the ingredients.
  • Corn starch. Just like rice starch, it gives cloudiness, but is lighter for jelly. More suitable for a dish with the addition of oatmeal or milk.
  • Wheat starch. It is rarely used at home, as it is mainly added in the production of sausages or bakery products.
  • Potato starch. Ideal for making jelly, as the hostess can control the density and transparency of the finished drink herself. In addition, potato starch does not interrupt the taste of other ingredients.

In addition to starch, water, sugar are used in jelly, and to give ready meal fruit juices, fruit drinks, fresh or dried berries and fruits, milk, chocolate, oat flour or cereals, jam, raisins, dried apricots.

To give additional notes, you can use vanilla, citric acid or cinnamon.

Cooking technology

To prepare jelly at home, you can already use ready-made semi-finished products with store-bought dry powder, or make a drink by adding starch separately. Of course, the powder method is easier and faster. All that is required is to stir the powder in water and carefully, while stirring, pour into boiling water. Until the second (final) boil, stir so that lumps do not form. You must first familiarize yourself with the proportions indicated in the instructions on the package with the semi-finished product.

If you cook not from a dry powder, then you need to take into account that, according to its consistency, jelly can be divided into three groups:

  • liquid- one tablespoon of starch (25-35 grams) is placed per liter of liquid;
  • semi-liquid- for one liter of liquid - two tablespoons of starch (45-55 grams);
  • thick- for one liter of liquid - three tablespoons of starch (70-90 grams).

Starch is diluted in boiled cold water or milk, and then filtered. Be sure to prepare the base of the jelly. After pouring water into the pan, add sugar and other products, for example, surviving berries or finely chopped fruits, and bring it all to a boil. Then add the diluted starch to the base and cook for another 2-3 minutes (sometimes it takes more time, depending on the fruits used).

Alternatively, you can cook jelly in a slow cooker. Prepare the starch, mix with the base and, placing everything in a slow cooker, cook, indicating the “steamed” mode, for 15 minutes, then leave for about 40 minutes, do not open the lid. If everything is done correctly, then the result will be a fragrant and tasty jelly.

There is a large number various recipes for the preparation of jelly: desserts, snacks, cereals, useful options, beverages. We present the most popular and interesting of them.

Packaged jelly

Now in every grocery store you can see a varied selection of instant jelly in bags. This recipe is the fastest and easiest.

To prepare, you will need a purchased package with a mixture and water. Boil the liquid and pour it into a medium mug with the powder already poured out. To stir thoroughly. To make the jelly thicker, you can brew two bags.

Kissel from a briquette

In addition to packages with jelly, on the shelves of stores there is jelly by weight or pressed in briquettes. These options are semi-finished products, they already include the right amount of sweetener, starch and various flavors.

For cooking, a standard briquette and the required amount of water are taken. In the container, the unpacked pack is filled with water and immediately mixed to a single consistency. Then you need to boil water in a saucepan and carefully add the prepared concentrate, continuing to stir with a spoon. After boiling again, remove from the burner and cool. Kissel is ready.

Berry-fruit jelly

The recipe is classic and often used by housewives. Here you can use frozen or fresh berries and fruits. Using a sieve, wipe the fruits (pre-frozen frozen). Place the resulting mass in a container and add water.

Boil and keep on fire for about one more minute. Strain and put again on a heated burner, add granulated sugar and starch diluted in the required proportions, boil, add chilled juice and turn off the stove.

Kissel with berry or fruit jam

For a sweet tooth, you can cook jelly with the addition of jam. During colds kissel with raspberry jam is ideal, as it contains acetylsalicylic acid.

First, let's prepare the starch: if you want to be thinner, then you should take one tablespoon, and if it's thicker, then two. When the starch is diluted in cool water, we proceed to the broth: pour about a liter of water into an enameled container and heat it, then put the jam, stir and cook for 5 minutes. If there is foam from the jam, it is better to remove it.

To make the jelly transparent, it is better to strain the broth through a sieve and return to the pan.

We add sugar less than usual, because it was already present in the jam itself and do not forget about a pinch of citric acid. At the same time, carefully pour in the starch, which was already waiting for its turn. Stir thoroughly and bring to a boil. Delicious jelly with jam is ready.

Instead of jam, you can add dried fruit compote, dried apricots, raisins or prunes, but you will need less water.

Kissel with milk

For this type of dish, you will need one and a half liters of milk, 5 tablespoons of fruit syrup, the same amount of starch, sugar to taste, vanilla, cinnamon. Pour the milk into a cooking pot and begin to heat over very low heat. As soon as bubbles appear on the milk, remove the pan from the stove. Add sugar to milk and mix well.

Pour a little milk into a separate mug, adding starch there, mix quickly. Pour milk with starch back and add fruit syrup, mix. Put the pan on medium heat, let the jelly boil and cook on reduced heat for another 4 minutes.

Add a pinch of vanilla and cinnamon. Pour the resulting cooled drink into portions. On top of the finished jelly, you can put mint leaves.

Chocolate kissel

Kissel with the addition of chocolate is a kind of milk. It differs only in that you can add a chocolate bar or dry cocoa. If chocolate is chosen, then it must first be melted, and then placed in heated milk. The powder must first be mixed with starch, and only then added to hot milk.

If you take two versions of jelly (chocolate with milk) and pour them into bowls alternately, you get a multi-layered dessert that looks like a zebra pattern.

Kissel from honeysuckle

Kissel with the addition of honeysuckle is very useful and tasty. Honeysuckle contains vitamins, beneficial acids, which have a positive effect on human immunity. The main thing is that this berry does not lose useful properties after heat treatment.

So, to prepare this healthy jelly, you will need 2 liters of water, one and a half glasses of honeysuckle, granulated sugar and 70 grams of starch (these are 3 tablespoons without a slide). Place clean berries in water and place over medium heat, after boiling add 6 tablespoons of sugar. Dilute starch in boiled cooled water and pour into jelly, mix and wait for boiling. Healthy dessert is ready.

From honeysuckle based on oatmeal


  1. 2 cups of berries;
  2. 1/3 cup oatmeal;
  3. sugar;
  4. lemon juice;
  5. 2 tablespoons cornstarch and mint cinnamon.

Put the washed berry to cook on a slow fire, after mixing with sugar. In the meantime, mix the flakes with lemon juice in a blender, then add the resulting mass to the berries and bring to a boil. Dilute the starch, observing the proportions, add to the jelly and boil again. For new notes, add cinnamon and garnish with mint leaves.

rice jelly

Kissel has many properties, some of which are enveloping and cleansing. If you take rice jelly daily, especially in the morning on an empty stomach, you can get rid of some problems with the gastrointestinal tract and unpleasant symptoms of gastritis. For prevention, you need to take such jelly for at least a week, but it is not contraindicated for longer.

Rinse half a glass of rice so that the jelly is not too viscous, and soak in water at room temperature overnight. After 10-12 hours, take 2.5 liters of water and add soaked rice to it, boil over medium heat for about two hours with the lid ajar. When the rice is boiled, remove from the burner and grind with a blender. If sugar is not contraindicated, add a sweetener and a little salt.

There is more fast way making rice pudding. In order not to wait overnight until the rice is soaked, you can grind it in a small home mill and brew it like porridge in boiling water (half a glass of rice per 2 liters of water). Alternatively, you can add dried fruits.

Pea kissel

It is better to make jelly with peas thick so that it looks like jelly. Take a glass of peas (you can take both whole and crushed dry), one tablespoon of oil (vegetable is better), 2.5 cups of water and onions.

Grind the selected peas in a home mill, pour water at room temperature and do not forget about salt. Boil the resulting mixture in a saucepan, remove the foam and cook for about 20 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Let cool.

Taking a deep small form, cover it with cling film. Place the resulting mass into it, cool completely and cover with the same film. Put in a cold place for several hours so that the jelly thickens well. At this time, peel the onion, cut into rings or smaller and fry in a pan.

When the jelly thickens, divide into squares into portions and decorate with prepared onions on top. This jelly can be served with meat or fried mushrooms.

Semolina jelly

Used as a thickener semolina, so in this recipe you can do without starch. Ingredients: semolina, 250 grams of apples, sugar, half a glass of water and milk.

You should wash and peel the apples, cut them into slices, do not forget to remove the seeds. After that, the cut apples are placed in an enamel bowl, and water is added there. Simmer fruits until they are soft.

In another saucepan, bring milk to a boil and sift 2 tablespoons of semolina through a sieve. Do not forget to stir with a spatula so that no lumps form. Also add sugar (determine the amount of sugar to taste) and stir until completely dissolved. Apples are whipped with a blender, combined with semolina and whipped again. The resulting mass is laid out in cups and cooled in the refrigerator.

pumpkin dessert

Pumpkin jelly will be a pleasant treat for children, especially since it is not only tasty, but also healthy dish. Several apples, a small pumpkin, potato starch, sugar, a liter of water and citric acid will be used in the preparation.

Apples (3 pieces) with pumpkin (150-200 grams) are washed, the peel and bones are removed. The pumpkin is cut into small pieces, and the apples are cut into medium pieces. We put pieces of pumpkin in a container and pour water, after which we put on a strong fire to boil and cook for about 15 minutes. Prepare starch - 2 tablespoons are stirred in cool water in a separate bowl.

When the pumpkin becomes soft, add pieces of apples to the same place, boil and cook over low heat for up to 7 minutes. Next, add 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar and a pinch of citric acid. Prepared starch is poured in, mixed and kept on fire for another 3 minutes. Kissel is ready, it can be served warm or cold.

Kissel from dried fruits

It takes half a kilogram of dried fruits, half a glass of granulated sugar, a spoonful of lemon juice, zest, two tablespoons of starch, cloves and cinnamon. First you need to wash and soak dried fruits for two hours. Next in enamel pan put fruit, pour about a liter of water, add cloves with cinnamon, sugar, zest and lemon juice. All contents are cooked for 15 minutes.

Having caught the fruit, carefully pour in the starch, which was previously diluted. As soon as the jelly begins to boil, put the fruits back and heat for a few more minutes, after which we remove the pan from the stove.

Beetroot kissel

Good for improving digestion. To make beetroot jelly, you need to take medium-sized beets, a handful of hercules, a little prunes and one and a half liters of water.

Grate beets and mix with finely chopped prunes. Then add hercules flakes and pour boiling water. Boil the resulting mixture with the lid ajar for another 15 minutes, not forgetting to stir, and make sure that the jelly does not boil. Strain the resulting jelly and cool. On a fasting day, beetroot jelly is indispensable, you need to take it before bedtime (2 hours before).

Old Russian kissel

Ingredients: 4 small pieces of rye bread (preferably stale), 3 tablespoons of sugar, water - 3 cups for bread and 1 for starch, a handful of dried fruits and 1 tablespoon of thickener - potato starch.

Bread is poured with water and then boiled. Then it is cooled, rubbed, sugar and washed dried fruits are added. Cook everything together until the fruit softens. Then pour in the starch diluted with water. Boil a second time and cool. This type of jelly goes well with anything sweet.

Kissel with tangerines

For 1 liter of milk, 3 tablespoons of starch, 5 tangerines and 100 grams of granulated sugar are used. The milk is boiled, then sugar and citrus zest are added. It is worth considering that the starch is diluted in cold milk, and then poured into the hot bulk, stirred and boiled, boiling a little, for about 10 minutes. When the jelly is ready, it needs to be cooled.

Everyone knows that jelly has medicinal properties. Here are some health tips for you:

  • with the help of this drink, metabolism is normalized;
  • the working capacity of the brain increases, cheerfulness appears;
  • drink is low calorie meal, so it is indispensable when dieting;
  • improves digestion, relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves the feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • normalizes normal renal activity.
  • in the cold season, for the prevention of viral diseases, it is recommended to drink lingonberry, currant or cranberry jelly, because these berries contain vitamins, acetylsalicylic and ascorbic acids;
  • liquid jelly quenches thirst well;
  • the drink lubricates the vocal cords well;
  • during the period of intestinal upset, you should drink blueberry jelly;
  • oatmeal lowers cholesterol;
  • flaxseed jelly acts as a laxative.

Some tips to keep in mind when preparing jelly.

  • When the drink cools, a thick film forms on it. To prevent it from forming, a portion of jelly can be sprinkled with sugar.
  • In order to make the taste of fruits brighter, while cooking the jelly, you need to add a little citric acid, previously diluted in water at room temperature.
  • Before pouring the starch mixture, strain the fruit or berry decoction, so the drink is more transparent.
  • If the jelly is from a semi-finished product, by adding pieces of berries or fruits to it, you will make it even tastier.
  • For cooking jelly, it is better to use enameled dishes, otherwise after aluminum, when exposed to berry or fruit acids, a metallic aftertaste may remain. It is also not recommended to use aluminum cutlery for stirring.
  • The finished dish should be stored for no more than two days in the refrigerator. Room temperature liquefies jelly.
  • Starch neutralizes sugar, so you can add a little more.
  • Honey can be added instead of sugar.

You will learn more about how to cook jelly in the following video.

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