Home Nutrition The benefits and harms of urbech from apricot kernels, apricot oil, jam. The benefits of apricots

The benefits and harms of urbech from apricot kernels, apricot oil, jam. The benefits of apricots

apricot jam perfect for any tea party. A moderately sweet delicacy with whole slices of light orange fruits and almond-tasting kernels will appeal to the most fastidious gourmets. For such a jam, large varieties of apricots, such as Parnassus, Hardy, Black Velvet and others, are best suited. In such fruits, the bone is easily separated from the pulp, which means that it will be very easy to divide them into slices for jam. But for thick jam, the so-called wild game is also suitable - small apricots of bright orange color. The taste of the pulp will be saturated, which will give the finished jam a special, honey sweetness. Best Recipes this delicious and healthy treats are presented below.

Would you like to feel the taste of summer in the middle cold winter? Then do not forget to prepare delicious and beautiful apricot jam slices in amber syrup for the winter. It can be made thick like caramel, or you can add less sugar and more water. Then the syrup will turn out to be more liquid, almost like compote.

Step by step preparation of apricot jam is as follows:

  1. Ripe, but not soft, bright orange fruits (1 kg) are divided into slices and put into a large saucepan.
  2. On a small fire, a syrup is prepared from 250 g of water and sugar (1.5 kg). It should be cooked with constant stirring. In the process of cooking, the sugar should completely dissolve, and the syrup should become thick and transparent.
  3. Hot syrup is poured onto prepared slices. In this form, apricots are infused for 4 hours.
  4. After the specified time, the pan is placed on a fire above medium. Apricots are brought to a low boil, the foam is removed. The saucepan is removed from the heat and left at room temperature at 12 o'clock.
  5. The cooled jam is again brought to a boil. The pot is then removed from the stove again until its contents are cold.
  6. Now you can prepare sterilized jars.
  7. The last time the jam is brought to a boil. After that, it should be distributed among the banks, covered with lids and rolled up with a can key.

from apricot slices with kernels

For the next treat, you do not need to boil the syrup. Apricot wedges will be cooked in own juice. But then you have to spend some free time on getting nucleoli. Do you still throw away apricot pits? You should not do this, because they are as tasty as nuts. With the kernels of the seeds, the jam will become truly royal. The process of its preparation consists of only a few steps:

  1. Apricots (1 kg) are divided into slices. From above, the fruits are covered with sugar (1 kg) and left in the pan for 12 hours. During this time, they should let a lot of juice.
  2. After a while, the pan is set to medium heat. All contents in it are brought to a boiling state and cooked for exactly 5 minutes. During the cooking process, the jam should not be stirred. It is enough to shake the pan slightly with your hands. After five minutes, the jam must be removed from the heat and cool for 10 hours.
  3. For re-cooking, you need to prepare the nucleoli. To do this, you need to split the bones and extract delicious nuts from them.
  4. The kernels are washed in clean water and sent to the pan to the apricot slices with repeated boiling. The second time, the jam is also boiled for 5 minutes, after which it is removed from the heat.
  5. After 10 hours, you should start the third brew. Apricot jam boils for 5 minutes, after which it is laid out in pre-prepared jars. Such a delicacy is perfectly stored in a cool dark place throughout the winter.

Amber jam from oranges and apricots

For the next recipe, you will also need apricot pits, or rather, their nucleoli, as well as half an orange and half a lemon. Step by step jam is prepared in this order:

  1. Apricot slices (1 kg) are added to the pan.
  2. Lemon and orange (1/2 each) are cut into arbitrary pieces directly with the peel. Only bitter bones should be removed, if any.
  3. Citrus fruits are crushed in a blender to the state of gruel and sent to apricot slices.
  4. The contents of the pan are covered with sugar (850 g) and left for 3 hours until the juice appears.
  5. After a while, the jam goes to cook over medium heat. After boiling, the heat decreases, and apricot slices boiled in their own juice for 10 minutes. After that, the pan can be removed from the heat, and the jam is completely cooled for 8 hours.
  6. Prepare the nucleoli and, when re-cooking, add them to the jam. This time it should be cooked to the desired consistency, about 20 minutes. After that, the jam is put into jars. It remains only to roll it up with a can key.

This recipe for apricot jam produces 1 liter of sweet treat. You can store it in a cool place for about 6 months.

Recipe for peach and apricot jam for the winter

According to the following recipe, you can prepare a delicacy that is perfect not only for tea, but also as a filling for homemade pies. Apricot jam with peaches is prepared in the following way:

  1. First you need to prepare a large pot for cooking.
  2. Peaches (600 g) and apricots (400 g) are divided into slices, pitted, and the halves themselves are cut into two or four more parts. The result should be thin slices.
  3. Pour peaches and apricots with sugar (700 g) and leave them at room temperature for 4 hours.
  4. Boil the contents of the pan over medium heat for 5 minutes after the apricot mass boils. Cool the jam completely for 8 hours, after covering the pan with gauze.
  5. Repeat the same steps 2 more times. At the last cooking in the jam you need to add citric acid on the tip of a knife, pour into jars and roll up the lids.

How to make jam with walnuts and apricots?

Below is a recipe for another delicious winter harvest. Apricot jam turns out to be slightly tart, with a pronounced nutty flavor. It is quite easy to prepare. The main thing is to follow the following procedure:

  1. Divide apricots (1.5 kg) into slices and cover them with sugar in the same amount. Leave the prepared fruits for 6 hours until a large amount of juice is released from them.
  2. Put the jam on the stove, bring to a boil and cook for about 15 minutes.
  3. Prepare nuts. Clean them and fry them in a dry frying pan. shift walnuts into hot jam. Cool it down completely.
  4. Put the jam back on the stove and boil it for 10 minutes. Mix the finished jam, arrange in jars and roll up.

Thick jam from apricot slices with gelatin

The consistency of the next delicacy is dense and jelly-like. Everything is explained by the fact that such apricot jam is prepared with the addition of gelatin. Step by step process as follows:

  1. Pre-prepared apricot slices (800 g) are poured with a glass of sugar, instant gelatin(15 g) and vanilla. Next, a bowl, pan or stewpan for cooking is tightened with a film. Apricots with sugar are left to infuse for 5-6 hours. If little juice is released during this time, you can additionally add 100 ml of water.
  2. A saucepan with slices in its own juice goes to the stove. As soon as the jam reaches a boil, a pinch of citric acid is added to it. It should be cooked for 2-3 minutes, after which it can be laid out in jars.
  3. According to this recipe, homemade apricot jam is subject to sterilization. This will extend its shelf life. Banks with a volume of 0.5 liters are sterilized 7 minutes after boiling water.

Ripe apricot jam with soda

No need to worry about the taste of this baking powder being felt in the finished treat. Soda is added only to keep the apricot slices intact so that they do not fall apart during cooking. Many housewives use this secret when making apricot jam. The steps of the brewing process are shown below:

  1. Divide firm and slightly unripe apricots (4 kg) into slices and pour into a large saucepan or bowl.
  2. Prepare saline solution. To do this, you need to dissolve soda (1 tablespoon) in ordinary water (2 l). Pour the apricot halves with soda solution and leave them in this form for 30 minutes.
  3. After a while, rinse the slices several times and cover with sugar (3 kg). Leave the fruits for 6 hours under gauze so that they release the juice.
  4. Cook the jam in several stages, for about 10 minutes each time, until it becomes thick enough.
  5. Arrange the finished delicacy in jars and roll up the lids.

Spicy apricot jam with cinnamon

Do not know how to use the soft fruits that have fallen from the tree? You can also make delicious apricot jam from them, very similar in consistency to jam.

To begin with, apricots (1 kg) should be washed, dried and cut into 2 parts, removing the stone. Then they must be covered with sugar and immediately put the pan on the stove over a slow fire. After complete dissolution of sugar and boiling, the jam should be cooked for 20 minutes. During this time, the slices will boil and turn into a thick and homogeneous mass. Now the finished jam can be laid out in jars.

Apricot jam for the winter

This jam is perfect for making cookies, and for soaking biscuit cakes. By consistency, it turns out to be homogeneous, moderately thick and very pleasant in taste.

To make jam, the fruits must be washed and dried. Excess moisture in the jam is useless. Then the apricots should be divided into slices, weighed and covered with the same amount of sugar. Further, the fruits should be left for 3 hours on the table.

Apricots that have let their juice boil for 10 minutes. Then they should be cooled down a bit and mashed with an immersion blender. Return the jam to the stove and boil until cooked from 40 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the variety of apricots. The jam should become thick and smooth.

On the basis of or prepare jam (confiture), not jam. But the name "apricot jam" is so rooted in the language that it does not go out of use, despite the traveler. Jam is one of the varieties of jam. In addition to the traditional combination of fruits and, its composition includes gelling agents. The structure of the fruit is partially preserved or completely transformed into a thick, pliable mass, which can even be divided into parts with a knife. The dense consistency makes the product versatile - it can be added to the dough as a filling or spread on bread / roll for breakfast.

What you need to know about apricot jam, how to cook classic version sweets at home, and what to treat with a thick fruit mass?

General characteristics of the product

Why exactly apricot jam, and not jam or marmalade? Confiture and jam - varieties of jam. Jam is prepared on the basis of berries and fruits from which the bones are removed and the peel is removed. The difference between jam lies in the structure of the fruit. During heat treatment, they are well boiled and acquire a uniform consistency. The fruits do not need to be ground or passed through a meat grinder to achieve a uniform structure.

Is it possible to make jam from dried apricots or fresh apricots? Yes, but its structure will still not look like a classic jam. Even if you take only sugar, apricots and a little water, the structure of the finished sweet will be dense and jelly-like. Why? The composition of apricots abounds. It is a plant polysaccharide that protects plants from environmental influences. It is used in the food industry along with, so the structure of the finished product will be similar to confiture.

Confiture - jelly-like food product in which crushed fruits or berries are evenly distributed. Sometimes whole fruits / slices are placed in the finished mass in order to diversify the taste and aesthetic presentation. Jam is made with sugar and gelling agents. Most often, gelatin, gelfix, agar-agar or pectin are used.

Interesting: confiture can be made from vegetables. Before gelling, the raw materials must be blanched.

The consistency of jam can be as diverse as possible - from thickened and pliable to dense pieces of fruit in syrup. For cooking, high-quality, and most importantly, fully ripened food products are used. Overripe fruits with clear signs of spoilage are unsuitable for dessert. But crumpled or too small products that are not suitable for jam can be safely sent to confiture. They will turn into a homogeneous mass, in which defects will become invisible.

Apricot jam is boiled in voluminous basins. The fruits are pre-washed, crushed / sent whole to the basin, and poured thick syrup for jam based on granulated sugar. The fruit and sugar mass is put on a slow fire, gradually increasing the intensity. The contents are stirred with a slotted spoon or an ordinary spoon so that the jam evenly boils and does not stick to the container. If the cook wants to achieve an integral structure of the fruit, then the mixture is not stirred, but shaken. During cooking, white foam accumulates on the surface of the pelvis, it is removed as needed.

Confiture is boiled until boiling and another 20-30 minutes after. Prolonged cooking reduces the quality of the finished product - its color becomes neutral or too dark, the smell weakens, and the taste becomes bitter.

How to check the readiness of confiture? Put 1 drop of fruit mass on a plate. If the drop thickens in a few seconds - remove the basin from the stove, if not - continue cooking.

When ready, the dense mass is packaged in glass or clay vessels of 0.5 - 2 liters. The container is corked (covered with parchment and tied with twine) only after the confiture has cooled. A dense crust forms on the surface of the cooled mass. It acts as a kind of protective barrier from the external environment. Before use, it is usually removed to get to the delicate elastic mass. The average shelf life of the product is 3-4 months. If you want to make preparations for the winter, then just roll up the jar with a can key - the shelf life will increase to 1 year.

Chemical composition

Useful properties of jam

Most of the nutrients in apricot are resistant to heat treatment. An abundance of vitamins and minerals:

  • regulates the functionality of the intestine;
  • starts detoxification to remove toxins from the body;
  • stabilizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, additionally protects the system from possible diseases;
  • strengthens the protective functions of the immune system;
  • relieves cough / colds;
  • lowers body temperature;
  • improves vision and additionally moisturizes the retina;
  • fights asthma;
  • acts as a prophylaxis of anemia and atherosclerosis.

Possible harm and contraindications for use

The product is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, diabetes and obesity. The only ingredient in jam that can harm the body is sugar.

Fact: White crystalline carbohydrate is 8 times more addictive than cocaine.

Every day, billions of people are slowly killing themselves by consuming tons of sugar. Scientists have recognized that dependence on sweets and starchy foods is a biological disorder. It is controlled by hormones and neurotransmitters that work at the expense of carbohydrates and sugar. The body is used to receiving large doses of carbohydrate and simply refuses to work without it.

How to get rid of it and how much sugar can you eat? First, understand that every food contains sugar. Even in salty or sour snacks there is. Avoid eating industrial ready-to-eat breakfasts/snacks/lunches and only eat foods that are fresh or need to be cooked. Balance your diet, eat a variety of foods, allow yourself daily fruits, bitters, quality grains and meats. Don't worry about your daily sugar requirement. You will get it from healthy foods. This glucose will not come in its pure form, it will be supplemented with vitamins and nutrients, which will improve the condition of the body.

At first, the body will resist. He is used to getting dopamine and stimulating pleasure centers effortlessly. You will have to show tremendous endurance to teach the body to enjoy ordinary food.

Is it really necessary to abandon confiture forever? No. If you cannot imagine your life without apricot jam, then do not rush to throw away all the supplies from the pantry. You can, with peace of mind, eat a few tablespoons of sweets at least daily. The main thing is that this meal should be 10-15% of the diet. The remaining 85-90% should consist only of high-quality healthy foods.

Application in cooking

Confiture performs 2 gastronomic roles at once - an independent sweetness and a component for more complex dishes. The product has proven itself in products that are subjected to heat treatment. Apricot jam added to open / closed pies, puff pastries, pancakes (as a filling) or frozen convenience foods.

Jams are considered thermostable. They do not melt and do not flow out of the dough under the influence of high temperatures. Their taste, texture and quality do not change after freezing / thawing / heating. Due to these characteristics, the ingredient is often used for desserts, glazed curds, curd masses, and ice cream.

There are many manufacturers and varieties of apricot confiture on the market. They differ in combination of flavors, structure and trade name. The most popular combination is apricot with or. Citrus zest is rich in pectin, so this variation of jam is very similar to jelly.

Confiture without sugar is also in high demand. The product is prepared on the basis of water, fruits and fruit juice. The juice is released during heating, thickens and is in no way inferior to syrup in taste or consistency.

Important: in industrial products can add preservatives, thickeners, flavors and flavor enhancers. All these achievements of the food industry can harm a person and his eating habits. Do you want to be completely sure of the quality of the products? Make jam in your own kitchen. Use one of step by step recipes, add your favorite ingredients (for example, or ) and spend 1-2 hours preparing a healthy dessert for the whole family.

Summer is the time for fruits and berries and, of course, the time of their preparation for the winter. There are a huge number of various recipes for conservation that you can and should try to cook in order to please yourself on a cold winter day not only sweet and delicious food, but also much-needed vitamins. This post is about the sunny apricot. Consider several options for jam from this fruit, let's talk about its benefits, as well as whether it can be consumed during breastfeeding.

There is no exact information about the origin of the apricot in the literature. There are three to six possible places of origin, with China among the most likely. Apricot came to Russia in the 17th century. It begins to bloom in March - April, and the fruit ripening time falls on June - August.

It is time to compose odes about the benefits of apricot jam. This homemade product is rich in almost all vital vitamins, minerals and fiber. Regular consumption of this dessert in winter will protect against colds, anemia and beriberi. Thanks to potassium and magnesium, which are contained in apricot jam, the work of the heart and kidneys improves. Also, this product is useful for people suffering from constipation, as intestinal function is normalized due to fiber and trace elements.

Apricot jam also has disadvantages, although it is worth noting that there are much fewer of them. So the main disadvantage of apricot jam is the high sugar content. Therefore, it should be used in moderation. It is worth completely abandoning such a dessert for diabetics and people who suffer from overweight. Also, do not forget that the abuse of apricot jam can stimulate the appearance and progression of carious changes in tooth enamel.

How to make classic apricot jam

We'll start with classic recipe apricot jam. For its preparation, we need the actual fruits and granulated sugar at a rate of one to one. If you prefer to make jam, then you should add a bag of gelatin to all of the above. First, wash and peel the apricots. After that, they should be placed in a metal bowl and, sprinkled with sugar, left overnight so that the apricots release juice. Then the next day they should be boiled and boiled for about 5 minutes, counting from the moment of boiling. Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and seal with a tin lid.

Important! Do not forget that during cooking it is necessary to remove the foam.

Jam with cognac

Consider more exotic recipe, which includes cognac and lemon juice. To implement it, we will also need apricots and sugar in a ratio of one to one, as well as 150 ml of cognac and lemon juice. Don't worry about the alcohol content - the ethanol will evaporate during the brewing process and won't be in the final product.

As in the previous recipe, let's start by rinsing and pitting the apricots. Put them in a container in which the jam will be cooked, but the fruits should not be covered with all sugar, but only with a tenth of the entire norm (100 grams of sugar per 1 kg of apricot). Add lemon juice and cognac there and leave overnight, during which time the apricots should release juice.

The next stage of preparation is simmering for a quarter of an hour. Then all the remaining sugar is added to the mixture, and they continue to cook it over low heat for about half an hour until it thickens. Now you need to quickly pour the resulting sweet mixture into sterile jars and roll up with tin lids.

Almond and orange

In order to cook apricot jam for this interesting recipe, the hostesses will have to tinker a bit, because the process will be multi-stage. First of all, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • apricots (½ kg);
  • sugar (300 g);
  • almonds (50-60 g);
  • orange (1 pc. medium size);
  • thyme (small bunch)

First of all, you need to fill the washed and pitted apricots with sugar, and then add Orange juice and zest. Tear off the leaves from a couple of sprigs of thyme and throw them to the apricots - they will serve as a decoration amber jam. The rest of the bunch of odorous grass is also sent to the dishes for the fruits and forget about them for a couple of hours. After the specified amount of time, peeled almonds should be added to the apricots.

Important! Tie a bunch of thyme with a thread so that it does not fall apart.

The resulting fragrant mass is gradually brought to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Now the jam needs to cool down, and then repeat this step 2-3 more times. This is necessary to destroy all the bacteria that may be in the sweet mass, because it is almost impossible to wash thyme as well as apricots. After this repeated boiling, you can remove a bunch of odorous grass, and pour the hot jam itself into sterile jars and seal for the winter.

Such a dessert turns out not only very tasty and fragrant, but also extremely beautiful. A photo of homemade apricot jam will be a great addition to your social media profile.

"French" recipe

Apricot jam according to this recipe is prepared with the addition of vanillin or vanilla sugar. Would need:

  • apricots (1 kg);
  • sugar (750 g);
  • water (1 glass);
  • lemon;
  • vanillin / vanilla sugar (1 sachet).

Start all the same with washing and peeling the fruit from the seeds. Then the apricots are covered with sugar, the juice of one lemon and 200 ml of water are added there. Unlike previous recipes, you don’t need to wait until the apricots release juice; after mixing the ingredients, you can immediately proceed to cooking the dessert over high heat. When the jam begins to foam, add vanilla sugar, and continue to cook until boiling. The product should boil for about 15 minutes (do not forget to remove the foam!). After that, the jam is ready.

Apricot jam and breastfeeding

Often nursing mothers wonder if they can eat apricot jam. Fortunately, this dessert is not prohibited at breastfeeding, but there are still some limitations. Firstly, by the amount of the product used, and secondly, by the time it was introduced into the mother's diet. To do this, follow these recommendations:

  1. Apricot jam can be introduced into the mother's diet not earlier than the child reaches the age of three months.
  2. The first use of a new product should be before lunch and after a meal. It should not be eaten on an empty stomach.
  3. The reaction to a new product in a child should be observed for at least two days, and only after making sure that there are no undesirable manifestations, you can increase the amount of the product in the diet.
  4. Daily consumption of apricot jam should not exceed 30 grams, and weekly - 100 grams.
  5. If the child often has bloating, colic and stool disorder towards diarrhea, then the introduction of apricot jam into the mother's diet should be temporarily abandoned.

Apricot jam is a great homemade product. It allows not only to replenish the supply of vitamins in the autumn-winter time, but also to enjoy the sunny taste of summer when snow lies outside the window and frost cracks.

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Apricot jam is distinguished not only by its amazing taste, but also by its beneficial properties. The composition of apricots is represented by many vitamins, one of which is vitamin A (it is called natural carotene). It has a beneficial effect on human vision, improving it. Apricot jam contains potassium, which, when ingested, prevents the failure of vital processes.

Despite the fact that even the most gentle impact leads to the destruction of some part useful substances, apricot jam contains in its composition a lot of those natural compounds that have a positive effect on the human body.

Do not forget that the calorie content of 100 grams of apricot jam is 236 kcal and its abuse can lead to significant weight gain (this is undesirable for a person of any age). Apricot jam contains a significant amount of carbohydrates, which, if used properly, will be easily absorbed by the human body.

Apricot jam is recommended not only for expectant mothers, but also for the elderly, as it has a beneficial effect on the body suffering from cardiovascular diseases. A small amount of this dessert improves the functioning of the heart.

Also, apricot jam can be called the best remedy in the fight against anemia. Those substances that are contained in apricots increase the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, which allows solving the problem in the form of a low level of hemoglobin. Among other things, apricot jam perfectly restores the digestion process.

The benefits of apricot jam are obvious in the fight against edema, as well as with psycho-emotional stress. Particular attention should be paid to this dessert for women, since carotene, which is part of apricot jam, improves the condition of the skin, making it fresher and more elastic.

Thus, we can conclude that apricot jam is really very useful, the main thing is to use it in moderation so that it does not harm the human figure. When used correctly, it will not only restore hemoglobin, improve blood circulation, metabolism, but also improve brain activity, remove excess fluid from the human body.

The use of apricot jam favorably affects the general condition of the human body. In order for apricot jam to really benefit the human body, you need to cook it correctly, otherwise it will be impossible to avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Many people like to eat apricot jam just like that, with tea, or use it as a homemade filling. lush pies, various pastries, pancakes, puff cakes. In addition, jam can be added to.

Apricot jam, the benefits and harms of which largely depend on personal taste preferences, retains all its beneficial properties after heat treatment. Another advantage of jam is that it does not spread like others when spread on bread or cake. So it’s a pleasure to have a bite to eat before work, as well as put it on the table for guests for tea.

What is useful apricot jam?

The rich taste of apricot jam is due to the ingredients.

The product contains:

  • sugar;
  • fruit pectin;
  • citric acid;
  • apricots.

Apricot jam - good or bad?

The benefits of apricot jam for the body are in its composition. The jam has the whole set beneficial vitamins(A, B, C, E, P, PP), nutrients and trace elements. It contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and iodine. Apricot jam helps digestion, especially if a person suffers from constipation. A sweet delicacy of sunny apricots is recommended for those who want to cleanse the intestines of toxins. In addition, the benefits of apricot jam or jam are that it stabilizes the cardiovascular system, strengthens the immune system, relieves arrhythmias and helps in the fight against asthma. Also, thanks to apricot jam, you can cope with colds, lower the temperature with tea with jam, get rid of cough. AT traditional medicine herbal teas are prescribed with the addition of apricot jam for anemia, to improve blood composition and to prevent atherosclerosis.

Is apricot jam good for everyone?

No. Apricot jam also has several disadvantages. The product does not pose any particular harm, but individual intolerance must be taken into account. Eating jam jars at a time is certainly not recommended. This will lead to the development of diabetes. It must be remembered that jam is a source of fast carbohydrates, so an immoderate amount of the product affects the figure. Jam can also affect the condition of the teeth. For those who have already been diagnosed with obesity or diabetes, it is better to refuse apricot jam altogether. Sometimes eating apricot jam can cause an allergic reaction. Perhaps this is due to the reaction to the composition of the fruits themselves. Apricot jam should not be eaten when there is an upset stomach, diarrhea. Jam will only enhance the "effect".

Generally, useful properties apricot jam has much more.

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