Home Bakery products What to cook from chokeberry for the winter - I share useful recipes! How to cook chokeberry jam

What to cook from chokeberry for the winter - I share useful recipes! How to cook chokeberry jam

The surest way to save all the vitamins in the berry is to make jam from chokeberry

Chokeberry is a berry that is very beneficial for health. It helps reduce blood pressure, cleanse the blood and stimulate the immune system. The surest way to save all the vitamins is to make black chokeberry jam. Recipes include different ways of making this product. Initially, chokeberry was brought from Canada and used as an ornamental plant. But thanks to the efforts of Michurin, who proved healing properties berries, she became necessary ingredient on the menu of many hostesses.

The composition of the jam from this product may include different components: nuts, lemon, orange or cinnamon.

The composition of chokeberry

Berries of chokeberry or chokeberry have an extensive complex of valuable components. The plant is grown as food product and a medicinal product.

The fruits contain fructose, carotene, pectin compounds and vitamins K, C, P and E. Organic acids, dietary fiber and water are also present in the composition.

Of the mineral components, iodine, iron, fluorine and manganese are present.

Chokeberry is a champion in the content of vitamins. There is 4 times more iodine in it than in gooseberries and raspberries. Vitamin C is comparable to a lemon. And there is more vitamin P than in oranges, apples and black currants.

Beneficial features

In the middle of the 20th century, chokeberry was officially recognized as a medicinal component.

This berry is valued because of its beneficial properties:

  • It is recommended for iodine deficiency, a symptom of which is body fatigue, bleeding gums and apathy.
  • Pectins contribute to the removal of heavy metals and radioactive components from the body, as well as the normalization of the functioning of the food system and in the treatment of cholecystitis.
  • Organic ingredients help to better digest food.
  • Trace elements allow you to normalize the functions of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  • It is used as a preventive measure to normalize blood pressure.

With the addition of apples

Sweet and sour with a tart taste, apple jam with chokeberry is obtained. The recipe has an unusual aroma with apple notes.

For him you will need:

  • rowan - 1 kg;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • apples - 400 g;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg;
  • citric acid and cinnamon in a teaspoon.

Rinse the berries and then blanch them in boiling water for a few minutes. Then briefly place in cold water and let the water drain. Jam is prepared step by step:

  1. Syrup is made from water and sugar.
  2. The berries are boiled in syrup for five minutes, and then left for 4-6 hours.
  3. Apples are cut into pieces and boiled in boiling water until soft.
  4. The rest of the sugar is added to the rowan container, and boiled for half an hour.
  5. Then apple slices are poured and boiled for another 25 minutes.
  6. Poured out citric acid and cinnamon. The jam is boiled for another five minutes and laid out in a prepared container.

Advice!Do not forget about the sterilization of jars and lids. First, they must be boiled in a bowl with a laid cloth at the bottom. If additional sterilization is planned after the packaging of the product, then the jars can be doused with boiling water.

Combination with lemon

You can make a great jam with chokeberry with lemon. The crafting recipes include an unusual ingredient. This product is used in medicinal purposes. It is especially helpful for colds and vegetative dystonia.

For cooking, you need to prepare:

  • berry - kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • lemon juice- 0.5 cups;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • fruit and berry juice - 1 glass;
  • rum - 2 tbsp. l.

The berry is baked in the oven for five hours. In this case, it is better to close the dishes with a lid. The juice that comes out is drained and boiled together with water and sugar. Then berries, rum and juice are added to the resulting syrup. The mixture is cooked further. Almost at the very end, lemon juice is added and after five minutes the jam must be removed from the heat. The mixture is packaged in jars and rolled up.

Advice! Hot jars with any jam should be turned over, wrapped in a blanket and left for a day to cool.

orange flavor

Black chokeberry jam with orange has an unusual taste. Recipes can be supplemented with an ingredient such as Walnut or cinnamon.

To prepare delicious preparation you will need:

  • chokeberry fruits - 1 kg;
  • oranges -500g;
  • lemons - 300 g;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • walnuts - 200 g.

Washed berries must be twisted through a meat grinder. Oranges are placed in boiling water for 10 minutes. Then lemons and oranges are scrolled through a meat grinder. First you need to remove the bones and cut into slices. Nut kernels are crushed. All components are mixed and put on fire. After the mixture boils, it must be boiled for five minutes and immediately decomposed into jars and corked.

This jam not only helps to strengthen the immune system, but also helps to treat anemia.

Advice!Even rolled and sterilized jars are best stored in a cool place. It could be a pantry or cellar.

Variant with cinnamon

Jam will get a rich taste after adding cinnamon. To prepare the workpiece, you need to collect the following components:

  • fruits of chokeberry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.7 kg;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • cinnamon - 1.5 tsp.

Before cooking, the berry should be sorted out, washed well and blanched for several minutes. Then the product is poured into a colander and doused with cold water until it cools. After that, the following steps are performed:

  1. Syrup is brewed from 1 kg of sugar.
  2. Fruits are lowered into the mixture and boiled for 4-6 minutes.
  3. Jam should be infused for 9-12 hours.
  4. Then the mixture must be boiled further. At the same time, the remaining sugar is poured.
  5. After thickening the composition, add cinnamon to it.

Advice! For the preparation of jam and marmalade with the addition of an apple, it is recommended to use late fruits with a high content of pectin. At the same time, the workpiece turns out to be especially beautiful, thanks to the gelling properties of apples.

cherry leaf

Chokeberry is an excellent ingredient for jam. Cherry leaf recipes are considered an interesting solution.

To prepare it, you need 2 kg of berries, 200 g of cherry leaves and 1.5 kg of sugar.

Leaves are only needed for syrup. Then you can get them.

Cherry leaves are boiled in water. Then the liquid is filtered, sugar is added to it and syrup is boiled. Then the berries are poured, and the mixture is boiled for five minutes. Then the jam is infused for 8-10 hours. After that, boiling and cooling is performed two more times. The hot mixture is poured into jars and sealed.

Advice! Jam can be prepared in a slow cooker. To do this, use the "cooking" or "quenching" modes.

What can be combined with?

Chokeberry jam is suitable for both festive and everyday table. It can be diluted with boiling water and drunk instead of tea. Such a drink will strengthen blood vessels, raise immunity and energize.

Also, jam and jam can be used for filling cupcakes, pies and muffins.

Lots of people love the recipe. baked apples with honey . Jam can be used instead of honey. Get an extraordinary taste.

From chokeberry you can cook not only jam. This ingredient is used to make house wine, liqueurs, marshmallows and even marmalade.

Easy recipes to help you cook healthy treat with helpful and medicinal properties. The use of additional ingredients diversifies the taste and gives a unique aroma to any workpiece.

Chokeberry favorably affects the state of human health. Regular consumption of berry-based jam strengthens the immune system, eliminates cholesterol plaques, and normalizes the activity of all internal organs. To get the most benefit, consider popular treat recipes.

Aronia jam: a classic

  • water - 230 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 1.25 kg.
  • chokeberry - 0.95-1 kg.
  1. Choose a suitable container for cooking treats. Mix granulated sugar with water in it and put on medium heat. When the mass begins to boil, reduce the burner. Cook the syrup until smooth, stirring.
  2. While the sweet mass is boiling down, take care of the mountain ash. Arm yourself with nail clippers, cut off the ponytails and remove foreign debris. Wash the fruits.
  3. Take the second heat-resistant container, add running water to it, boil. Pour in the rowan for a five-minute blanch. The syrup is ready, add hot fruits to it.
  4. Now send the future jam to the fire, setting the mark to a level between medium and minimum. Continue languishing the berries for a quarter of an hour. Get rid of the foam head with a slotted spoon.
  5. When the set time has elapsed, turn off the burner and let the treat cool down. After 5 hours, start the heat treatment again, after boiling, cook the mountain ash for 15 minutes.
  6. Then pack the composition in perfectly clean containers and immediately close with tin lids. Infuse the delicacy upside down for 12 hours, then put it in the cold.

Chokeberry and orange jam

  • large raisins (preferably pitted) - 220 gr.
  • rowan fruits - 950 gr.
  • lemon - 60 gr.
  • orange - 100 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 980 gr.
  1. Prepare the rowan by sorting and rinsing it. Get rid of ponytails with nail scissors. Dip citrus fruits in boiling water for 1 minute, then wipe and chop into half slices.
  2. Combine the listed ingredients, if desired, you can scroll through them in a blender. Next, put the composition in a saucepan for cooking treats, sprinkle with sugar. Wait about half an hour.
  3. For the allotted time, wash the raisins in warm water and soak them. Next, get rid of the liquid, dry, add to the present berries and fruits.
  4. Set heat-resistant dishes on fire, wait for the boil to begin. As soon as this happens, reduce the power. Continue to simmer the treat for another 40-45 minutes.
  5. When this time is up, pour the jam into jars and close the lids immediately. After cooling, transfer the treat to the cold, consume after a week.

Aronia and cranberry jam

  • rowan - 480-500 gr.
  • freshly squeezed apple juice - 120 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 550 gr.
  • lemon juice - 45 gr.
  • apple (pre-cut into cubes) - 150 gr.
  • cranberries - 120 gr.
  1. Free the berry from the twigs, rinse the fruits and put in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then transfer to a sieve and let the water drain.
  2. Combine lemon and apple juice, add granulated sugar. Pour this mixture into a saucepan, cook until the particles dissolve.
  3. When the syrup is ready, send apple cubes to it. Continue heat treatment for a quarter of an hour.
  4. After this time, pour the mountain ash, bring the mass to a boil and leave to cool. After about 5 hours, send the treat for cooking again.
  5. When 10 minutes have passed, turn off the burner, let the treat cool. For the final time, boil the contents and pour into jars, close.

  • sour apple - 280-300 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 1.6 kg.
  • walnut (peeled kernels) - 320 gr.
  • lemon - 70 gr.
  • rowan - 1.1 kg.
  1. Rinse the chokeberry, put in boiling water and wait 8 hours. After this period, put the fruits on a sieve, let the liquid drain. Measure out 250 ml. the resulting infusion, add sugar to it, set the dishes on fire.
  2. Start cooking the syrup on medium power, after boiling, lower the heat level. When the sand dissolves, pour in the rowan and chopped apples.
  3. After 3 minutes, add the walnut, broken into pieces. Continue simmering for 10 minutes. Then cool the mass, leaving the jam for 4 hours.
  4. Spend 2-3 more heat treatments, do not forget to cool the jam between sets. When the last languor comes to an end, put a lemon in the mass. Citrus must be washed and cut in advance.
  5. Turn off the stove, cover the mouth of the dish with gauze or a bandage. Set a flat plate on top of the container to create a pillow of air (it will soften the berry).
  6. Leave the prepared treat for 10 hours, then start packing in clean containers. Capping is carried out with nylon caps or parchment with a tourniquet.

Chokeberry and pear jam

  • walnut or almond (peeled) - 180 gr.
  • pear - 230-260 gr.
  • rowan (chokeberry) - 680 gr.
  • sugar - 700 gr.
  • drinking water - in fact
  • lemon - 65 gr.
  1. Sort out the chokeberry, eliminating all spoiled and wrinkled specimens. Rinse under the tap, put in a container and add boiling water. Hold for 10 hours, then pour 250 ml. infusion. Remove the rest of the liquid.
  2. Combine granulated sugar with a decoction in a saucepan, send it to the boil and wait for the grains to dissolve. At this time, rinse the pear, cut into cubes.
  3. Rinse the citrus fruit, cut into pieces of equal size. Remove the lemon pits, they are responsible for bitterness. Fry almonds or walnuts in a pan, then scroll through a meat grinder.
  4. By this time, the syrup has already boiled. Add pear, lemon, rowan to it. Simmer the composition until boiling, then cool for 5 hours. Repeat the steps 2 more times, add nuts at the final stage.
  5. Remove the hot composition from the stove, cover the opening of the pan with gauze or cotton cloth. Place a flat plate on top of a heat-resistant dish. After 3 hours, pour the jam and twist.

Black chokeberry and zucchini jam

  • cinnamon pods - 2 pcs.
  • chokeberry - 950 gr.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • granulated sugar - 980 gr.
  • zucchini - 970 gr.
  1. Sort the rowan, rinse and put on a towel. Leave to dry for a third of an hour. During this time, prepare the zucchini. It must be cleaned, washed and chopped into pieces of equal size.
  2. Combine the berry with zucchini, sprinkle with sugar and mix with your hand. Wait 4 hours for the liquid to come out. When this happens, stir again and wait an hour.
  3. After the allotted time, set the dishes with the contents on the fire, add cinnamon and lemon juice. Bring to the appearance of the first bubbles, then cook for another half hour.
  4. Since the jam is cooked without foam, you can stir the composition slightly and not watch it at the stove. When 30 minutes have passed, turn off the burner, leave the treat for 8 hours.
  5. Carry out the second heat treatment, pack the delicacy in a sterile container while hot. Cool, cover with parchment paper and tighten with a tourniquet. Take it to the cold.

Aronia and currant jam

  • granulated sugar - 1.1 kg.
  • red currant - 300 gr.
  • blackcurrant - 280 gr.
  • rowan - 575 gr.
  1. Sort through 2 types of currants, remove the berries from the branches. Now do the same with chokeberry. Place the fruits individually in a colander and rinse.
  2. Spread the raw materials on towels, wait until completely dry. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and mix with your hand. Refrigerate until juice is released.
  3. After that, mix the fruits and keep them for another day in the refrigerator. After a predetermined time, set a heat-resistant dish with raw materials on fire, cook until a thick consistency is obtained. Pour and twist.

  • apple (it is better to take Antonovka) - 0.45 kg.
  • powder citric acid- 5 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 1.55 kg.
  • freshly ground cinnamon - 3-4 gr.
  • filtered water - 430 ml.
  • chokeberry - 1 kg.
  1. Sort out the blackberry. Eliminate all dented, cracked, rotten elements. Place the rowan in a sieve and dip several times in a bowl of cold water. Eliminate all debris and remnants of twigs.
  2. Pour 1.6 liters into a saucepan. running water, bring to a boil and reduce power to medium. Send the chokeberry to a container with liquid, cook for 5 minutes.
  3. After blanching, leave the berries in a colander, dry. Rinse again under the tap. Now pour the drinking water according to the recipe, mix it with sugar in an enamel bowl.
  4. Start boiling the syrup by setting the pan on a slow fire. When the grains melt, send the mountain ash to the sweet base. Simmer for another 5 minutes, stirring the mass.
  5. Turn off the burner, leave the treat for 7-9 hours so that the fruits are saturated with sugar. Next, rinse the apple, do not remove the skin, but cut out the middle. Chop into cubes or half rings.
  6. Take another saucepan, mix apples and running water in it. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 4 minutes (blanching). Remove the fruits and leave in a colander.
  7. Now take care of the rowan. Warm it up for a third of an hour, stirring occasionally. After the allotted time, add apples. Boil the composition until a thick consistency is obtained, at the end add citric acid.

Aronia and plum jam

  • granulated sugar - 0.4 kg.
  • rowan-chokeberry - 270 gr.
  • freshly ground cloves - 1-2 gr.
  • plum (preferably the Hungarian variety) - 0.5 kg.
  • rowan red - 260 gr.
  • table water - 0.3 l.
  1. Wash two types of mountain ash and sort through the fruits. Divide the branches so that each has 3-5 berries. Put the raw materials in the freezer, wait an hour. During this time, bitterness will come out of the mountain ash.
  2. Rinse the plum and remove the white coating, dry. Cut each copy, remove the bone. Make syrup from water and granulated sugar. When the sweet base boils, add plum and rowan to it.
  3. Continue to thermally process the raw material for 6-8 minutes. Get rid of the foam in a timely manner. Add cloves, remove the dishes from the stove.
  4. Let the treat stand until it takes on room temperature. Then repeat cooking 2 more times. At the end of the last languor, you can add a little cinnamon.
  5. Cover the dish with the treat with a gauze cloth and wait 3 hours. After a while, pack the contents in jars, twist with tin, nylon or parchment.

Jam based on chokeberry and other components normalizes the psycho-emotional background, fights insomnia, reduces arterial pressure, eliminates fatigue and treats migraine. It is recommended to consume at least 45 grams per day. treats, pairing it with pastries and hot drinks.

Video: chokeberry rubbed with sugar

Such a blank will be excellently stored even at room temperature. In addition, she also has useful properties: strengthens a weakened immune system, even prevents the development of many diseases and promotes fat burning. Yes, and it is very easy to cook, you just need to take everything necessary products:

  • 1 kg of black rowan;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water.
  1. It is necessary to pour cold water into the pan and pour sugar into it, move it to the stove and heat it up a little so that all the sugar crystals dissolve.
  2. The berries should be thoroughly washed, remove all the stalks from them, then put them in a saucepan with already boiling water, then blanch for 5 minutes.
  3. The syrup should be brought to a boil and add the chokeberry berries there, cook for only 15 minutes.
  4. After boiling, the berries must be cooled and boiled again for 15 minutes.
  5. The finished jam should be distributed among already high-quality sterilized jars and rolled up immediately.

Blackberry jam (video)

How to quickly cook chokeberry jam

Subject to all the rules specified in the recipe, the workpiece will be well stored and saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins. all year round. All you need to prepare is:

  • 2 kg of chokeberry;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

The cooking process includes only a few steps:

  1. The berries must be washed immediately and immediately poured into a saucepan with already boiling water, blanch in it for only 5 minutes.
  2. After a short heat treatment, the berries should be passed through a meat grinder and sprinkled with sugar, put the pan on the stove and heat until all the sugar crystals have dissolved.
  3. After that, you just need to increase the fire and continue to cook the berry mixture for exactly 5 minutes.
  4. Hot jam must be laid out in already sterilized jars and covered with lids.

Banks should be placed in a pot filled with water and sterilized for 20 minutes, after which they should be rolled up without delay.

Aronia jam with sugar: a step by step recipe

Its preparation is quite simple, but the result is pleasantly pleasing. It turns out delicious treat, ideal for filling pies, and just a pleasant tea party. You need to prepare the following products:

  • 1 kg of black rowan;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 50 gr. cherry leaves;
  • 200 gr. apples.

Preparation is carried out according to the following plan:

  1. Pour water into the pan and put cherry leaves, put on the stove and boil for 2 minutes.
  2. The resulting broth should be filtered, pour sugar into it and put it on the stove again, after boiling, cook until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Apples must be washed and thoroughly cleaned, all seeds removed from them, cut into cubes.
  4. Be sure to wash the rowan berries, remove all the branches.
  5. At this stage, you need to put already prepared products into boiling syrup, cook for only 15 minutes.
  6. After that, set aside and cool.
  7. The cooled mass must be put back on the stove and brought to a boil again.

Pour hot jam into prepared sterile jars and roll up.

How to make chokeberry jam with orange

Citrus fruits are increasingly being added to various preparations. Jam, which combines orange and chokeberry, is considered especially tasty. It acquires an amazing aroma, has a pleasant, not cloyingly sweet taste and barely noticeable sourness.

To prepare it, you need the following products:

  • 1.5 kg of chokeberry;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. First of all, the mountain ash must be sorted out, discarded sluggish and spoiled, remove all the branches and then rinse.
  2. Prepared berries should be poured into a saucepan, pour water over them and immediately put on the stove, boil for 7 minutes.
  3. Then pour into the pan and sugar, boil for about 7 more minutes.
  4. After the specified time, the pan should be rearranged for several hours in a cool place.
  5. Orange must be peeled, the pulp must be crushed in a meat grinder or in a blender.
  6. Put the pan back on the stove, pour the crushed orange into it and boil the dessert for another 6 minutes.

Pour the finished delicacy into sterile jars and immediately roll them up.

Black chokeberry and plum jam: a step by step recipe

Plum jam is well known to everyone since childhood, but when combined with black ashberry, it turns out to be even more saturated and fragrant. This delicacy contains a maximum of vitamins that do not disappear even after heat treatment.

You will need the following products:

  • 750 gr. black rowan;
  • 350 gr. drain;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 300 ml of water.

The cooking process is carried out in several stages:

  1. The berries must be carefully sorted and separated from the twigs and tails, then pour them with boiling water and insist in it for 5 minutes.
  2. Warmed mountain ash must be transferred to cold water, and then poured into a sieve.
  3. Rinse the plums, cut and remove the pits.
  4. Pour water into the pan and pour sugar, place on the stove and boil.
  5. Plums and mountain ash should be put in boiling syrup, remove the pan from the heat and insist for about 10 minutes.
  6. Bring to a boil again.
  7. After that, the pan must be set aside for 8 hours.
  8. After the time specified in the recipe, put it back on the stove and cook until fully cooked.

Arrange hot jam in sterilized jars and roll up without delay.

How to cook chokeberry and blackcurrant jam

Blackcurrant is no less useful than mountain ash, and, accordingly, the jam in which these berries are combined contains a maximum of vitamins. Jars with such blanks must be in the bins, they will certainly be in demand in winter period.

Moreover, for their preparation you need the minimum of products:

  • 500 gr. chokeberry;
  • 500 gr. blackcurrant;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

Preparation is carried out according to the following plan:

  1. The berries must be carefully sorted out and immediately cleaned of all twigs and stalks, then rinsed.
  2. Immediately transfer the prepared products to a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar, leave for two days in a cool place, during which time the juice will stand out.
  3. Only then should the pan be moved to the stove and cook the berries, stirring constantly for 20 minutes.
  4. Hot delicacy must be distributed among sterilized jars and immediately rolled up.

Candied chokeberry (video)

Black chokeberry jam has an amazing taste. If fresh berries slightly bitter, then during canning they lose this unpleasant taste, become tender, sweet. They can be combined with various fruits and berries, giving the preparations not only more original taste, but also filling them with vitamins as much as possible.

I confess, chokeberry has never been my favorite berry. Her taste is quite specific - tart, sweet and sour, often with a slight bitterness. Just don't eat it. But compotes and jelly, jams and jams with it turn out just wonderful! Today I propose to cook jam from chokeberry. The recipe is very simple, although the method of cooking is somewhat different from the usual "fill with sugar and boil." Chokeberry is a capricious berry and in order to turn it into a truly magical delicacy, it must be properly prepared. Therefore, first we boil it for several minutes in boiling water, and only then send it to sugar syrup. This way of cooking will make the tart taste of the berries softer and keep them juicy. The jam is bright, rich and thick. Ideal as a filling for pastries, as well as a simple tea party.


  • chokeberry - 700 g (1 liter jar),
  • sugar - 1 kg,
  • water - 150 ml for syrup + about 1 liter for blanching berries.

How to make chokeberry jam at home

First you need to wash the berry, sort it out and get rid of twigs and tails.

After the berries, it is necessary to blanch - i.e. subject to short heat treatment. In our case, boil it for some time in boiling water without adding sugar. This is done in order to make the hard skin of the berry softer, so that in the future it will soak faster and better. sugar syrup. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and lower the berries into it. We wait for the second boil and boil the berry for 7 minutes.

Then we drain the berry broth, throwing the chokeberry into a colander. The broth can be poured, or you can make an excellent jelly out of it.

Heat the syrup, stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved.

After that, we lower the prepared chokeberry berries into the boiling syrup. Bring the jam to a boil, switch the heat of the stove to medium and let it boil for 15 minutes. If you cook the berries longer, they will wrinkle, become dense and dry.

Then we remove the jam from the stove and leave it to stand for at least 4 hours, and preferably for 8-10 hours (I left it overnight). The berries need to be given time to absorb the syrup. Then again we send the jam to the stove and repeat the cooking: bring to a boil at the maximum, reduce the heat and boil the chokeberry for another 15 minutes. During the cooking of the jam, foam will inevitably form. While the jam is boiling, I do not remove it. And then, after the second boiling, it very successfully accumulates on the walls of the saucepan, and getting rid of it is now much easier.

The jam is ready, you can pour it into dry sterile jars. Hot jam will be watery, but when it cools, it thickens a lot.

You can store such jam anywhere, it is great both in a cool place and in a cabinet in the kitchen.

The jam is very rich and thick. The perfect winter treat!

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